Dear Andrea,
I am surprised how much effort you put to create such a great information about your work here and in Researchgate, notwithstanding the high pressure put on you with your job.
Thank you for this,
” Non ti curar di lor, ma guarda e passa ” ( Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia )
” While the trolls are trying to hit
the Ecat is selling heat ” ( Andrea Rossi, JoNP )
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
I read the comment of a troll that says that what appears in the video is not the spectrometry of a plasma, but of an astute light source or a laser.
This obviously is an attempt to diffuse false information, because the idiot that wrote this ignores how is the image and a spectrum of a laser, how is the real ( not theoretical ) spectrum of a black body, and also pretends to ignore the part of your presentation in which you compared the calorimetric results with the results from the Wien-Boltzmann measurements.
Not to mention the facts that a light source or a laser would consume an enormous amount of energy to produce the light of the plasma we can see in the video in real dimensions.
Mariana Heyes:
You are wrong: the full readings are not 20 000: they are 20 180 in this very moment! I just checked on Researchgate , because it seemed to me the number was unbelievable…you are right, this figure speaks clearly about the interest that the theoretical-experimental paper of Rossi has raised in the scientific echelons.
Frank Acland:
The performance is the same as at the start, but we have many problems that emerge now and again. Our constant attention is necessary. We are in a pioneeering phase.
Warm Regards,
With the good days coming, the first industrial E-Cat will no longer need to heat the industrial premises for which it is intended.
1 – Will it be stopped until the next first cold of September?
2 – Does it provide heat for another activity?
3 – Will it continue to work to store experience and possibly make corrections?
I wish you all the success in the R & D of E-Cat Electric and hope that you will soon publish on this subject
Best regards
This link is related, as you correctly said, with my thermoelectric Seebeck Effect technology I developed between 1998 and 2004, it has nothing to do with the Ecat SK-Leonardo .
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
I found this report made in 2004 from the US Army Corps of Engineers. It is a report of the good job you mde for them to evaluate your US patent related to the Seebeck effect, to make electricity by means of heat with thermoelectric devices you invented. Has this anything to do with the E-Cat SK-Leonardo ?
Here is the very interesting link:
For hydrogen-hydrogen fusion, there should be neutrinos (among other products) generated.
1. Have you tested for the presence of neutrinos in your testing?
2. If so, have you detected any?
3. If detected, does the activity rate correlate with output power?
Thank you very much for your insight and your kind attention to the work I am performing with my great Team. I am aiming to give a product that does not have troubles.
Warm Regards,
When I read of your pioneer market phase assessment of the ECat SK performance versus your one-year test started about 4 years ago, I recognize the very real change in how you, Andrea, are likely forming your opinion. First, there is the choice of the term “pioneer market phase”, a phrase suggesting you are being provided sophisticated advice, a perspective affirmed by this next point. Second, I think the 5-Sigma testing in 2017 makes an excellent demarcation point for “before” and “after”. You are is now focused upon your customers’ reasonable desire for 5-6 Sigma performance and so are very willing to say 6/10, reflecting this far more demanding customer driven yardstick.
It is my hope that your mysterious global partner has contributed technical specialists in SPC, Statistical Process Control, having the full capability of analyzing and breaking down the pioneer phase problems into the different root causes. IMO, this will put you/Leonardo Inc. years ahead of all presumed competitors.
Further, the ironing out of the production problems hindering 5-6 Sigma performance now will fundamentally and dramatically change Leonardo Inc’s ability to rapidly expand production. Expanding production of a 5-6 Sigma product leads to vastly different consequences at the production line and at the customer premises than rapidly expanding production of a 2-3 Sigma product. Of course, this directly improves financial and cash flow performance, the natural result of an expanding pool of very happy customers . . . a result that cements in the mind the Brand meaning of ECat SK (and ECat SKL) as being a superior technology (performing at 5-6 Sigma), an excellent example of building Brand Equity.
IMO, this view reflects your spirit and character that is rooted in setting the 24 hour marathon record when you were younger. One can imagine the nature of Self that is nurtured and then forged so as to be capable of such a focused effort.
Are you now aiming for 5-6 Sigma performance of the ECat SK at your customer premises.
Patrick Ellul:
I think it is normal for a revolutionary product, without a history of experience, to find problems when passes from the R&D to the commercial applications. We had many examples of technological giants that found errors made during the manufacturing of new products that generated dramatic consequences. We must be cautious.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the information you gave in
Dear Andrea,
I am surprised how much effort you put to create such a great information about your work here and in Researchgate, notwithstanding the high pressure put on you with your job.
Thank you for this,
Warm Regards,
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
We have not yet decided, it will depend on many factors.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your kind concern,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
in the video your voice is not good: did it return normal?
Do you have political connections to promote the Ecat business ?
Dear Readers,
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Rod Walton:
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
I agree,
Warm Regards,
We are working on it like beasts.
Warm Regards,
” Non ti curar di lor, ma guarda e passa ” ( Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia )
” While the trolls are trying to hit
the Ecat is selling heat ” ( Andrea Rossi, JoNP )
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
I read the comment of a troll that says that what appears in the video is not the spectrometry of a plasma, but of an astute light source or a laser.
This obviously is an attempt to diffuse false information, because the idiot that wrote this ignores how is the image and a spectrum of a laser, how is the real ( not theoretical ) spectrum of a black body, and also pretends to ignore the part of your presentation in which you compared the calorimetric results with the results from the Wien-Boltzmann measurements.
Not to mention the facts that a light source or a laser would consume an enormous amount of energy to produce the light of the plasma we can see in the video in real dimensions.
On Power Engineering issue of May 14th 2019: GTI, Kopco collaborating on supercritical carbon dioxide power cycle research
Rod Walton
Dr Rossi,
I understand why your paper on Researchgate
has got more than 20 thousand full readings all around the world, as I saw from the stats: it has a very dense theoretical intuitions surrogated by experimental results.
Mariana Heyes:
You are wrong: the full readings are not 20 000: they are 20 180 in this very moment! I just checked on Researchgate , because it seemed to me the number was unbelievable…you are right, this figure speaks clearly about the interest that the theoretical-experimental paper of Rossi has raised in the scientific echelons.
Frank Acland:
The performance is the same as at the start, but we have many problems that emerge now and again. Our constant attention is necessary. We are in a pioneeering phase.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
How is the performance of the industrial E-Cat SK these days, in comparison to when you started its operation?
Kind regards,
Frank Acland
Camilla Skeans:
Thank you for your kind sustain to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
I am incessantly thought about LENR, since the press conference of F&P: thank you for making it a reality.
Dear Readers:
Please find on
comments published today in other posts of this blog.
Warm Regards,
Mariana Heyes:
I suppose you are right.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
A.R. what a data of un-ambiguity and preserveness of valuable know-how on the topic of
unpгedicted emotions!
Dr Rossi:
over 20 000 full readings in 4 months is an unheard of before achievement that gives proof that your Ecat technology captured the attention of the scientific environment: I am obviously talking of
Chuck Davis:
Premature to answer,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi:
Can a buffer battery be useful to the Ecat SK-Leonardo?
Warm Regards,
Raffaele Bongo:
1- no
2- yes
3- yes
Warm Regards,
Hello A. Rossi
With the good days coming, the first industrial E-Cat will no longer need to heat the industrial premises for which it is intended.
1 – Will it be stopped until the next first cold of September?
2 – Does it provide heat for another activity?
3 – Will it continue to work to store experience and possibly make corrections?
I wish you all the success in the R & D of E-Cat Electric and hope that you will soon publish on this subject
Best regards
This link is related, as you correctly said, with my thermoelectric Seebeck Effect technology I developed between 1998 and 2004, it has nothing to do with the Ecat SK-Leonardo .
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
I found this report made in 2004 from the US Army Corps of Engineers. It is a report of the good job you mde for them to evaluate your US patent related to the Seebeck effect, to make electricity by means of heat with thermoelectric devices you invented. Has this anything to do with the E-Cat SK-Leonardo ?
Here is the very interesting link:
I agree: simply unbelievable. In less than 4 months.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Your paper on Researchgate has reached the stunning number of 20 000 full readings. Unbelievable!
Steven N. Karels:
1- no
2- n.a.
3- n.a.
Warm Regards,
It is not impossible.
Warm Regards,
Dear Readers,
Please go to
to find comments published in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Thank you for the information you are daily sharing with us here and congratulations for
both going viral
Do you think we will see the Ecat SK with direct production of electricity in operation within this year?
Dear Andrea Rossi,
For hydrogen-hydrogen fusion, there should be neutrinos (among other products) generated.
1. Have you tested for the presence of neutrinos in your testing?
2. If so, have you detected any?
3. If detected, does the activity rate correlate with output power?
Thank you very much for your insight and your kind attention to the work I am performing with my great Team. I am aiming to give a product that does not have troubles.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
When I read of your pioneer market phase assessment of the ECat SK performance versus your one-year test started about 4 years ago, I recognize the very real change in how you, Andrea, are likely forming your opinion. First, there is the choice of the term “pioneer market phase”, a phrase suggesting you are being provided sophisticated advice, a perspective affirmed by this next point. Second, I think the 5-Sigma testing in 2017 makes an excellent demarcation point for “before” and “after”. You are is now focused upon your customers’ reasonable desire for 5-6 Sigma performance and so are very willing to say 6/10, reflecting this far more demanding customer driven yardstick.
It is my hope that your mysterious global partner has contributed technical specialists in SPC, Statistical Process Control, having the full capability of analyzing and breaking down the pioneer phase problems into the different root causes. IMO, this will put you/Leonardo Inc. years ahead of all presumed competitors.
Further, the ironing out of the production problems hindering 5-6 Sigma performance now will fundamentally and dramatically change Leonardo Inc’s ability to rapidly expand production. Expanding production of a 5-6 Sigma product leads to vastly different consequences at the production line and at the customer premises than rapidly expanding production of a 2-3 Sigma product. Of course, this directly improves financial and cash flow performance, the natural result of an expanding pool of very happy customers . . . a result that cements in the mind the Brand meaning of ECat SK (and ECat SKL) as being a superior technology (performing at 5-6 Sigma), an excellent example of building Brand Equity.
IMO, this view reflects your spirit and character that is rooted in setting the 24 hour marathon record when you were younger. One can imagine the nature of Self that is nurtured and then forged so as to be capable of such a focused effort.
Are you now aiming for 5-6 Sigma performance of the ECat SK at your customer premises.
My best for you and your team,
Emanuel Oreilly:
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Patrick Ellul:
I think it is normal for a revolutionary product, without a history of experience, to find problems when passes from the R&D to the commercial applications. We had many examples of technological giants that found errors made during the manufacturing of new products that generated dramatic consequences. We must be cautious.
Warm Regards,
Margarita Manthei:
No, this is a confidential issue. From errors are born improvements.
Warm Regards,
Sheela Lautzenheiser:
Thank you for your attention to the paper on Researchgate,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Thank you for the enormous information you gave us in
I noticed that in your paper
the different theoretical directions ar in reality four parts of the same theory in the making.
Dr Rossi,
Can you tell us which are the main problems that emerged during these months of operation of the Ecats?