Are you informed that the US has reopened the Idaho Test Reactor ( TREAT ) to improve the testing of nuclear fuels to make them disaster proof, to avoid catastrophic events?
In this facility, built inside an area of 2300 sq km, about 80 km far from Idaho Falls, they are making experiments to spur the nuclear power industry, because they say it is the sole way to reduce the global warming. What is your opinion?
Steven N. Karels:
Our Team is using sophisticated softwares and simulation systems, but I thank you for your suggestions, as always.
I can see you are quite skilled in the matter!
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
On Power Engineering May 21 2019:
US wind energy capacity in 2019 should rise the most in six years as the federal production tax credit phases out…
Best Regards,
Rod Walton
My previous posts was not an attempt to gather design information, although any scraps from the Master’s table will be quickly devoured. When I did prototype development, I used Expresspcb. It provided free, easy to use pcb layout software including stand component patterns and they could turnaround a few pcbs in as little as one day. They were also reasonably priced.
My other comment dealt with microcontrollers or microprocessors. I used the TI MSP430 as it had a wealth of built-in hardware (timers, D/A, A/D, etc.) and was easy to use. They also have inexpensive test boards to help learning their micro.
When you are doing rapid prototyping and have a design pretty well set but are adjusting parameters, such as event timing or control logic, a micro can facilitate the ease of changes.
Dear Andrea,
on the website we find the following estimates, referring to versions of ECat prior to QX / SK
ECAT Energy Density> 100 000 x oil
ECAT Power Density> 100 kW / kg
ECAT Fuel Reserves> 10 billion years
ECAT Fuel Cost <1/1000 x Oil
Can you update them?
I suppose that right now the processing costs are still significantly higher than the costs of the raw material.
Don't you think that instead of talking about infinite COP would it be better to give a real estimate of energy purchase costs from future customers? Can you already promise a saving of at least 50% or is it premature?
Frank Acland:
We are still in an R&D phase, therefore I am still making by hand ( solder, board and components at hand ) the control box, correcting on the paper the schematic when errors pop up. It will be manufactured by robots when and if the system will work.
I am very optimistic about the fact that it could work, but so far it is premature. The fact that making a board by hand is not accurate is not true. It is slower, of course, but, you know, robots are fast, but they do not invent. They make things faster after things have been invented. Fortunately, otherwise I’d be jobless, albeit I have a plan B: could play drums with you at the piano and Thomas Florek at the guitar. “The A.I. Fused”
Warm Regards,
I am glad to hear you are still positive about the Electric E-Cat. I remember at one point you said you were making control boards by hand, which I would expect is not the most accurate way to make them. Are you still doing this, or have you found a better way?
Are you using microcomputers/microcontrollers in your control board? Once the board is designed, built and tested, many minor changes in timing, logic, etc. can be accommodated by reprogramming the micro. Or is the control timing so critical that discrete component implementation is required?
Frank Acland:
We are working like dogs. The theory id sound, the reactor is OK, now it’s all in the electronics. The boards I made so far have not been so good, but we are progressing and I believe we are getting closer and closer to success. If we succeed, the COP becomes infinite.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
I can understand thet the hottest part of the plasma inside the Ecat SK is at the center top, right?
Best regards,
the core of the black body in the plasma reaches 24 000 K, that we measured in collaboration with experts of the matter related to plasma and spectrometry.
Warm Regards,
Think to Boeing: isn’t it strange that the problem of the instrumentation didn’t show up during the 5 sigma reliability surely they did ?
It is normal that when you pass from a prototype in the R&D lab to industrial applications many shortcomings show up due to specific situations that in a lab you do not have.
And it is normal that the problems are resolved. Our Clients know it and signed a disclaimer related to the probability of initial malfunctions. For this reason it is necessary a back up.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
It depends on the control system that the Client wants. To stop the heat exchange immediately a by-pass of the secondary is necessary.
Warm Regards,
When the eCat (whatever variant) is in a self-sustaining mode (SSM) of operation, and you command an immediate shut-down, what is the average time before thermal power generations ceases?
Dear Mr Rossi, It is strange the current problems didn’t show up during the very long testing process you carried out to demonstrate 5 sigma reliability.
Dr Rossi,
If you really will show an Ecat self sustaining without any external source, this will be the most important invention of the last thousand years.
Thank you also for the sincerity to tell us you are having problems in this pioneers period of the industrial launch of the heat sales.
God bless you,
Frank Acland:
The more we go on, the less problems pop up. But I must be extremely rigorous and prudent. As Napoleon said: ” Between the sublime and the ridiculous there is a blink “.
Warm Regards,
Are the problems with the E-Cat SK that you are dealing with getting fewer and farther between already? Or are they occurring at the same rate as before?
Dear Andrea,
I consider it wise to give precedence to the problems that inevitably arise in all the first uses of prototypes.
a) Do these problems have stable solutions?
b) Your first-aid measures become less burdensome over time?
c) During this phase do other possible customers require new contracts?
d) Even in this difficult phase, is the financial balance sheet of your initiative positive?
I follow you with ever-lively interest and sympathy, wishing you all the best.
May God help you and bless your efforts.
Dear Andrea,
Regarding “we have many problems emerging now and then”, would you consider pausing the roll out of the SK until problems become “few and far in between”? Or are you still actively selling it making clients aware of intermittent issues?
Best regards.
Dear John:
My apologies for the late answer.
I think that in this research line there is a substantial continuity, demonstrated by the evolutionary experimental process in the role of interactive atom boundary, in particular in the H atom: this thread could be classified as follows: crystal lattice and materials with static and dynamic interactions; oscillating electromagnetic fieldsinteracting by resonance; Coulombian and prohibitive electrostatic barriers; magnetic fields: border of the interactions and plasmas.
My opinion is that Rossi’s innovation consists in havinf exploited the effects listed above to an experimental and technological level.
Prof Christos Stremmenos
Dear Freed Bernard:
Sorry to answer your comment so late.
First of all, thank you for your kindness and your reference to my youth…
I simply made my duty fighting the barbarian fascist regime in Greece: I have been always a believer of what real democracy would be…a time that might come when we all will be freed from fossil fuels.
Best Regards,
Prof Christos Stremmenos
Our Customers have a pay back immediate, since they pay energy at a lower price. They have nothing to pay back, we use the structure they already have or that they should have whatever other energy source they’d choose.
Warm Regards
Are you informed that the US has reopened the Idaho Test Reactor ( TREAT ) to improve the testing of nuclear fuels to make them disaster proof, to avoid catastrophic events?
In this facility, built inside an area of 2300 sq km, about 80 km far from Idaho Falls, they are making experiments to spur the nuclear power industry, because they say it is the sole way to reduce the global warming. What is your opinion?
Angelo V.:
Data change depending on the specific situations of Clients.
Warm regards,
Steven N. Karels:
Our Team is using sophisticated softwares and simulation systems, but I thank you for your suggestions, as always.
I can see you are quite skilled in the matter!
Warm Regards,
Rod Walton:
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
On Power Engineering May 21 2019:
US wind energy capacity in 2019 should rise the most in six years as the federal production tax credit phases out…
Best Regards,
Rod Walton
Dear Andrea Rossi,
My previous posts was not an attempt to gather design information, although any scraps from the Master’s table will be quickly devoured. When I did prototype development, I used Expresspcb. It provided free, easy to use pcb layout software including stand component patterns and they could turnaround a few pcbs in as little as one day. They were also reasonably priced.
My other comment dealt with microcontrollers or microprocessors. I used the TI MSP430 as it had a wealth of built-in hardware (timers, D/A, A/D, etc.) and was easy to use. They also have inexpensive test boards to help learning their micro.
When you are doing rapid prototyping and have a design pretty well set but are adjusting parameters, such as event timing or control logic, a micro can facilitate the ease of changes.
Dear Andrea,
on the website we find the following estimates, referring to versions of ECat prior to QX / SK
ECAT Energy Density> 100 000 x oil
ECAT Power Density> 100 kW / kg
ECAT Fuel Reserves> 10 billion years
ECAT Fuel Cost <1/1000 x Oil
Can you update them?
I suppose that right now the processing costs are still significantly higher than the costs of the raw material.
Don't you think that instead of talking about infinite COP would it be better to give a real estimate of energy purchase costs from future customers? Can you already promise a saving of at least 50% or is it premature?
Steven N. Karels:
Sorry, field mined by confidentiality.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
We are still in an R&D phase, therefore I am still making by hand ( solder, board and components at hand ) the control box, correcting on the paper the schematic when errors pop up. It will be manufactured by robots when and if the system will work.
I am very optimistic about the fact that it could work, but so far it is premature. The fact that making a board by hand is not accurate is not true. It is slower, of course, but, you know, robots are fast, but they do not invent. They make things faster after things have been invented. Fortunately, otherwise I’d be jobless, albeit I have a plan B: could play drums with you at the piano and Thomas Florek at the guitar. “The A.I. Fused”
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I am glad to hear you are still positive about the Electric E-Cat. I remember at one point you said you were making control boards by hand, which I would expect is not the most accurate way to make them. Are you still doing this, or have you found a better way?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Are you using microcomputers/microcontrollers in your control board? Once the board is designed, built and tested, many minor changes in timing, logic, etc. can be accommodated by reprogramming the micro. Or is the control timing so critical that discrete component implementation is required?
Frank Acland:
We are working like dogs. The theory id sound, the reactor is OK, now it’s all in the electronics. The boards I made so far have not been so good, but we are progressing and I believe we are getting closer and closer to success. If we succeed, the COP becomes infinite.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
How is work progressing with direct electricity generation from the E-Cat SK?
Best wishes,
Frank Acland
Dear readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards
Yes, Dr Parkhomov is making years since an excellent work.
Warm Regards,
Caro Andrea,
Did you read the last work of Alexander Parkhomov cited on ? What do you think ?
Dr Rossi,
I can understand thet the hottest part of the plasma inside the Ecat SK is at the center top, right?
Best regards,
Absolutely yes !
Warm Regards,
the core of the black body in the plasma reaches 24 000 K, that we measured in collaboration with experts of the matter related to plasma and spectrometry.
Warm Regards,
Peter and Chuck Davis:
the E-Cat is just a very useful invention.
Warm Regards,
@Chuck Davis:
I just referred to a range of time: during the last 1000 years the inventions have been infinite.
Best Regards
Dr Rossi
Which is the highest temperature you reach in the highest density point of the plasma inside the Ecat SK?
Dear Andrea
Is it still “An impossible invention” of Mats Lewan a book that is worth its price?
What has been discovered 1000 years ago that could be possibly compared with even the current Ecat design?
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis
Think to Boeing: isn’t it strange that the problem of the instrumentation didn’t show up during the 5 sigma reliability surely they did ?
It is normal that when you pass from a prototype in the R&D lab to industrial applications many shortcomings show up due to specific situations that in a lab you do not have.
And it is normal that the problems are resolved. Our Clients know it and signed a disclaimer related to the probability of initial malfunctions. For this reason it is necessary a back up.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
It depends on the control system that the Client wants. To stop the heat exchange immediately a by-pass of the secondary is necessary.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
When the eCat (whatever variant) is in a self-sustaining mode (SSM) of operation, and you command an immediate shut-down, what is the average time before thermal power generations ceases?
Dear Mr Rossi, It is strange the current problems didn’t show up during the very long testing process you carried out to demonstrate 5 sigma reliability.
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today on other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your kind attention to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your kind attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
conjugated with
will pass to the history.
Thank you and take some rest!
Dr Rossi,
If you really will show an Ecat self sustaining without any external source, this will be the most important invention of the last thousand years.
Thank you also for the sincerity to tell us you are having problems in this pioneers period of the industrial launch of the heat sales.
God bless you,
a) we are working in that direction
b) yes
c) yes
d) we have the money to work
God bless you likewise,
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
The more we go on, the less problems pop up. But I must be extremely rigorous and prudent. As Napoleon said: ” Between the sublime and the ridiculous there is a blink “.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Are the problems with the E-Cat SK that you are dealing with getting fewer and farther between already? Or are they occurring at the same rate as before?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea,
I consider it wise to give precedence to the problems that inevitably arise in all the first uses of prototypes.
a) Do these problems have stable solutions?
b) Your first-aid measures become less burdensome over time?
c) During this phase do other possible customers require new contracts?
d) Even in this difficult phase, is the financial balance sheet of your initiative positive?
I follow you with ever-lively interest and sympathy, wishing you all the best.
May God help you and bless your efforts.
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Is the zitterbewegung effect the base of your theory in the making?
I never tals or comment the work of our competitors. This has always been my policy.
Warm Regards,
Patrick Ellul:
We are pausing the roll out, waiting the problems become “few and far in between”, as you correctly write.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Regarding “we have many problems emerging now and then”, would you consider pausing the roll out of the SK until problems become “few and far in between”? Or are you still actively selling it making clients aware of intermittent issues?
Best regards.
Dear John:
My apologies for the late answer.
I think that in this research line there is a substantial continuity, demonstrated by the evolutionary experimental process in the role of interactive atom boundary, in particular in the H atom: this thread could be classified as follows: crystal lattice and materials with static and dynamic interactions; oscillating electromagnetic fieldsinteracting by resonance; Coulombian and prohibitive electrostatic barriers; magnetic fields: border of the interactions and plasmas.
My opinion is that Rossi’s innovation consists in havinf exploited the effects listed above to an experimental and technological level.
Prof Christos Stremmenos
Dear Freed Bernard:
Sorry to answer your comment so late.
First of all, thank you for your kindness and your reference to my youth…
I simply made my duty fighting the barbarian fascist regime in Greece: I have been always a believer of what real democracy would be…a time that might come when we all will be freed from fossil fuels.
Best Regards,
Prof Christos Stremmenos
It is more what I learn than what I teach in this blog.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Our Customers have a pay back immediate, since they pay energy at a lower price. They have nothing to pay back, we use the structure they already have or that they should have whatever other energy source they’d choose.
Warm Regards
Dr Rossi,
How long is the average pay-back time for your clients?