Dear Steven N. Karels,
Why should Andrea bother to prove his product?
“The proof of the pudding is in the taste thereof.”
If the customer likes his purchase,
then why must he quibble about its underlying science?
Do American electrical utility customers demand
to understand the science of electricity?
@Steven N. Karels
Andrea Rossi is selling energy, not plants. He has no interest at all, along his business model, to explain exactly how his technology works.
I do not think that he cares too much about the skeptics either. He never did.
All the best,
yes, our Team has set up a software to simulate the behavior of a control system that allows us to make the drawing of a schematic of all the components of a board , with all the specifications of every component, and then read in a virtual measuring system, for example an oscilloscope, the results of its operation in certain conditions. It allows us to test the boards before making them and reduces the probability of errors.
Warm Regards,
I read yesterday a very interesting article published on Nature,2019.1038/s41586-019-1241-0 (about DOIs)It is the publication of an experiment made by the Israeli scientist Jeff Steinhauer and colleagues at the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion), by which has been realized a simulation of a “black hole” creating a sonic equivalent of it: a sonic black hole produced sonic waves that can be used as models of Hawking Radiations, confirming the Hawkings theory of the radiations residual from a black hole that in time will make the same black hole dissolve. What really fascinated me is the schematic of the simulator and its parallel with the schematic of a black hole. Genial.
Warm Regards,
It seems that you are pursuing a commercial path that provides a service, the generation of heat and possibly electricity, without clearly demonstrating the technology behind the service. You have done demonstrations that show the effect but these are subject to criticisms.
Can you clearly tell us why the following could or should not be done? Using one of your mature technologies, run an eCat reactor that produces enough thermal energy to heat low efficiency electrical power converters to produce electricity, conduct the electricity to a battery, invert the battery power to AC power and use the AC power to run your controller unit. Suspend this on non-conducting cables (so it is not sitting on anything and cannot be secretly powered) and power a light and let it run for some long period of time with free inspections by independent observers – look but do not disassemble/touch. Perhaps boil water with the waste (unused) heat. If it continues a sufficiently long period of time to exclude a chemical means of energy generation, you would prove the technology to the public. The scientific community would take notice but would remain skeptical until they did replications/independent testing. But business people are not scientists.
Gerard McEk:
You are right: I had answered “yes” mistaking the number of the question. The correct answer would have been “no”.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, my fault.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
It seems we have some misunderstanding.
In question 2 I asked the following:
“You also said that one customer or your partner wants 40MW.
2: Have you reached that level of delivered power already?”
And you replied “Yes”.
Dear Andrea,
Can I ask another question on your reply on my question 2?:
You said that you delivered your partner already 40MW of Ecat SK heating installation.
Is that already in operation?
Thanks for your continuous replies to our questions.
Kind regards, Gerard
Iggy Dalrimple:
Is your innuendo aiming to disclose if there is presence of asparagus in the charge ? I cannot give such information, in positive or in negative.
Warm Regards,
Willi Meinders:
Thank you for your kind attention to the work of our Team and for your suggestions:
1- more information about Clients and Partners: I am under NDA
2- more information about safety issues: we made and published, as you surely observed, daily controls to detect emissions of ionizing radiations, but all the measurements made either by us every day or by independent specialists have never detected ionizing radiations coming out from the Ecat reactors. Safety certifications have been made by major certification companies, as you can see on
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
if one observes your work over many years, he can understand every single step and the inherent logic.
Your successful work is rewarded by rapidly decreasing contradiction and increasing scientific recognition.
I think, though, that you must give more informtion about your partners and clients and more detailed information about the safety issues.
Willi Meinders
Dear Andrea,
You have said that you are delivering heat to more than 1 customer/location.
Can you tell if the amount of heat to these customers/locations is:
1. A: Less than 1MW; B: About 1MW; C: More than 1 MW?
You also said that one customer or you partner wants 40MW.
2. Have you reached that level of delivered output power already?
On what do you spend most of your time:
3. A: Improving Ecat SK production/reliability; B: Research/development on Ecat Electric; C: Playing tennis with your wife ;)?
I hope things are improving and that the Ecat will soon comfort the world with clean affordable heat and energy. Good luck to you and your team.
Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Dr Rossi,
Asparagus was originally an Italian veggie known as “Gus”. The Roman Emperor hated veggies and sought to humiliate the humble plant by scattering it about the arena floor of the Coliseum. The brave gladiator Spartacus, a veggie lover, took pity and pleaded to the crowd, “Please, I implore you, please asparaGUS!”
L’energia di interazione gravitazionale viene pensata come originariamente energia liberata nelle reazioni di fusione nucleare che avvengono nel sole. Si tratta di una lettura energetica dell’interazione gravitazionale, che ricondurrebbe l’interazione gravitazionale alla natura elettrodinamica.
Se così è realmente capirei finalmente perché le onde gravitazionali si propagano con la stessa velocità della luce.
This link is about the concept of gravitational interactions as photons freed during nuclear reactions in the sun.
I know nothing about all this and, frankly, I have too much work to do with the E-Cat to spare any of my time for these respectable guys. Therefore I have no further comment.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I just read the Google report on cold fusion. What kind of department is MIT using for their research? 10 million dollars, two years of time and 30 so called researchers and they could not achieve .90 hydrogen loading and only conduct 400 tests. Also failed to interview the top workers in the LENR field. Google was, in my opinion taken for a scientific ride.
Questionable regards.
Nils Fryklund:
We don’t stop our work, kust adjust it now and again, treasuring the manifestation of the errors: this is normal procedure in industries.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea!
1. Is it still stop in the production of E-catSK or have you solved the problems which, so far, has occured at the customers?
2. Will E-catSK in the future be like the blue box with 22KW or has any larger part of the construction been changed?
Best regards and good luck.
Nils Fryklund
Dr Andrea Rossi:
The stunning number of full readings of
arrived today to 21827 and counting. I looked inside the stats published by Researchgate and what is interesting is that they come from hundreds of universities of the whole world. This means that the highest scientific echelons of the whole world are looking at your work.
This is great also for the LENR in general.
Very intelligent insight.
I agree with you. Besides: the consensus is biased by the financing programs.
We have a paradigma that helps us: ITER ( or Eater, as somebidy dubbed it ).
Warm Regards,
Colin Watters:
I am not aware of the work described and never had anything to do with it. By the way: 400 experiments is a ridiculous number. I alone made more than 10 thousands. I supposed that all those big guns made at least ten times the experiments I made: I am alone, albeit with a magnificent Team, they are so many and prestigious…
Warm Regards,
It seems they found no evidence it exists, no excess heat despite over 400 experiments. Perhaps you could show them how to do it? It seems your patents, videos and theory articles aren’t sufficient.
In the history of science there are several examples of theories that get abandoned in time (or that anyway are reduced scope of applicability). In other instances, edisonian attempts walk the talk of what the vast majority of their contemporary academics denied could be ever possible in theory (
Closer to our days, astonishing researches the like Professors Benveniste/Montagnier realized ( appear extremely uneasy for the gamut of implications contained and are received with a degree of aversion or apathy from the scientific community.
In brief, the train of though of my long introduction is that the scientific world seem to have lost focus to the experimental facts as the only source of data really useful to validate a (falsifiable) theory and rather appears concentrically focused on consensus, as opposed to independent research and critical thinking.
My question is perhaps more to the philosopher than to the scientist.
Do you think that the scientific world has an epistemological issue? When science creates a diversion from experimental data and focuses on consensus, is not science betraying itself and the very same method on which its foundation is based?
Greetings and best wishes to you and to your team,
(English above)
Buongiorno dott. Rossi,
nella storia della scienza ci sono diversi esempi di teorie che vengono abbandonate (o comunque limitate nel loro àmbito di validità). Altre volte tentativi ingegneristici dimostrano nei fatti, quello che la massima parte degli accademici loro contemporanei negavano potesse essere possibile nella teoria (
Più prossime ai nostri giorni, mi vengono in mente ricerche realmente sbalorditive come quelle dei proff. Benveniste/Montagnier ( che appaiono estremamente scomode per il ventaglio di implicazioni che contengono e che generano una certa avversione o un generale disinteresse da parte della comunità scientifica.
Sinteticamente, il filo generale della mia lunga introduzione alla domanda è che il mondo scientifico appare aver perduto attenzione al dato sperimentale come unico elemento utile per la validazione di una teoria (falsificabile) e che sembra concentrato maggiormente sul consenso, piuttosto che sul pensiero critico e sulla ricerca indipendente.
La mia domanda è direttamente collegata a lei e al suo lavoro, ma è forse rivolta più al filosofo che allo scienziato.
Esiste a suo parere nel mondo scientifico un problema epistemologico? Nel momento in cui la scienza si distrae dal dato sperimentale e si concentra sul consenso, non sta tradendo se stessa e il metodo su cui si basa?
Dear Andrea, I’m an entrepreneur and am very interested in the E-cat sk for large scale power production. I would like to know if you are considering selling E-cats in the near future and how much an E-cat would roughly cost.
Dear Steven N. Karels,
Why should Andrea bother to prove his product?
“The proof of the pudding is in the taste thereof.”
If the customer likes his purchase,
then why must he quibble about its underlying science?
Do American electrical utility customers demand
to understand the science of electricity?
@Steven N. Karels
Andrea Rossi is selling energy, not plants. He has no interest at all, along his business model, to explain exactly how his technology works.
I do not think that he cares too much about the skeptics either. He never did.
All the best,
yes, our Team has set up a software to simulate the behavior of a control system that allows us to make the drawing of a schematic of all the components of a board , with all the specifications of every component, and then read in a virtual measuring system, for example an oscilloscope, the results of its operation in certain conditions. It allows us to test the boards before making them and reduces the probability of errors.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Very interesting indeed the article on Nature.
Are you too using simulation systems?
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
Thank you for your opinion.
Warm Regards,
Trinity Wosher:
Warm Regards,
I read yesterday a very interesting article published on Nature,2019.1038/s41586-019-1241-0 (about DOIs)It is the publication of an experiment made by the Israeli scientist Jeff Steinhauer and colleagues at the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion), by which has been realized a simulation of a “black hole” creating a sonic equivalent of it: a sonic black hole produced sonic waves that can be used as models of Hawking Radiations, confirming the Hawkings theory of the radiations residual from a black hole that in time will make the same black hole dissolve. What really fascinated me is the schematic of the simulator and its parallel with the schematic of a black hole. Genial.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
Is there any article in scientific publications you can suggest?
Dr Rossi:
Do you think that the “impossible success” of your paper published on Researchgate
is the signal of a modified, less biased, interest of the scientific community for your effect ?
Dear Andrea Rossi,
It seems that you are pursuing a commercial path that provides a service, the generation of heat and possibly electricity, without clearly demonstrating the technology behind the service. You have done demonstrations that show the effect but these are subject to criticisms.
Can you clearly tell us why the following could or should not be done? Using one of your mature technologies, run an eCat reactor that produces enough thermal energy to heat low efficiency electrical power converters to produce electricity, conduct the electricity to a battery, invert the battery power to AC power and use the AC power to run your controller unit. Suspend this on non-conducting cables (so it is not sitting on anything and cannot be secretly powered) and power a light and let it run for some long period of time with free inspections by independent observers – look but do not disassemble/touch. Perhaps boil water with the waste (unused) heat. If it continues a sufficiently long period of time to exclude a chemical means of energy generation, you would prove the technology to the public. The scientific community would take notice but would remain skeptical until they did replications/independent testing. But business people are not scientists.
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
Yes of course, but it improved in inversally proportional mode. It has got the wrong way.
Warm Regards,
Gerard McEk:
You are right: I had answered “yes” mistaking the number of the question. The correct answer would have been “no”.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, my fault.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
It seems we have some misunderstanding.
In question 2 I asked the following:
“You also said that one customer or your partner wants 40MW.
2: Have you reached that level of delivered power already?”
And you replied “Yes”.
I guess that should have been “No”?
Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Andrea Rossi,
We all have observed you making great strides in your activities. Has your tennis game proportionately improved? Best Regards.
Dear Dr Rossi,
Back to your first asparagus response….
Innuendo,out the other.
Iggy Dalrymple:
That’s counter-intuitive !
Ask Popeye.
Warm Regards,
Gerard McEk:
I did not say that.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Can I ask another question on your reply on my question 2?:
You said that you delivered your partner already 40MW of Ecat SK heating installation.
Is that already in operation?
Thanks for your continuous replies to our questions.
Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Dr Rossi,
Ancient alchemists believed that asparagus induced the coulomb barrier to relax its vigilance.
Iggy Dalrimple:
Is your innuendo aiming to disclose if there is presence of asparagus in the charge ? I cannot give such information, in positive or in negative.
Warm Regards,
Gerard McEk:
1. A
2. yes
3. C
4. We are working like horses to deliver B
Warm Regards,
Willi Meinders:
Thank you for your kind attention to the work of our Team and for your suggestions:
1- more information about Clients and Partners: I am under NDA
2- more information about safety issues: we made and published, as you surely observed, daily controls to detect emissions of ionizing radiations, but all the measurements made either by us every day or by independent specialists have never detected ionizing radiations coming out from the Ecat reactors. Safety certifications have been made by major certification companies, as you can see on
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
if one observes your work over many years, he can understand every single step and the inherent logic.
Your successful work is rewarded by rapidly decreasing contradiction and increasing scientific recognition.
I think, though, that you must give more informtion about your partners and clients and more detailed information about the safety issues.
Willi Meinders
Dear Andrea,
You have said that you are delivering heat to more than 1 customer/location.
Can you tell if the amount of heat to these customers/locations is:
1. A: Less than 1MW; B: About 1MW; C: More than 1 MW?
You also said that one customer or you partner wants 40MW.
2. Have you reached that level of delivered output power already?
On what do you spend most of your time:
3. A: Improving Ecat SK production/reliability; B: Research/development on Ecat Electric; C: Playing tennis with your wife ;)?
I hope things are improving and that the Ecat will soon comfort the world with clean affordable heat and energy. Good luck to you and your team.
Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Dr Rossi,
Asparagus was originally an Italian veggie known as “Gus”. The Roman Emperor hated veggies and sought to humiliate the humble plant by scattering it about the arena floor of the Coliseum. The brave gladiator Spartacus, a veggie lover, took pity and pleaded to the crowd, “Please, I implore you, please asparaGUS!”
Thank you for the link. I am not an expert of the matter, therefore I cannot comment. Maybe some among our Readers can.
Warm Regards,
Egregio Dott. Rossi,
cosa pensa della seguente pubblicazione?
L’energia di interazione gravitazionale viene pensata come originariamente energia liberata nelle reazioni di fusione nucleare che avvengono nel sole. Si tratta di una lettura energetica dell’interazione gravitazionale, che ricondurrebbe l’interazione gravitazionale alla natura elettrodinamica.
Se così è realmente capirei finalmente perché le onde gravitazionali si propagano con la stessa velocità della luce.
This link is about the concept of gravitational interactions as photons freed during nuclear reactions in the sun.
Grazie e i migliori auguri all’Ecat!
I know nothing about all this and, frankly, I have too much work to do with the E-Cat to spare any of my time for these respectable guys. Therefore I have no further comment.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I just read the Google report on cold fusion. What kind of department is MIT using for their research? 10 million dollars, two years of time and 30 so called researchers and they could not achieve .90 hydrogen loading and only conduct 400 tests. Also failed to interview the top workers in the LENR field. Google was, in my opinion taken for a scientific ride.
Questionable regards.
Nils Fryklund:
We don’t stop our work, kust adjust it now and again, treasuring the manifestation of the errors: this is normal procedure in industries.
Warm Regards,
Dear readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of our blog,
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
I love your answer to Colin Watters,
Dear Andrea!
1. Is it still stop in the production of E-catSK or have you solved the problems which, so far, has occured at the customers?
2. Will E-catSK in the future be like the blue box with 22KW or has any larger part of the construction been changed?
Best regards and good luck.
Nils Fryklund
I agree.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
The stunning number of full readings of
arrived today to 21827 and counting. I looked inside the stats published by Researchgate and what is interesting is that they come from hundreds of universities of the whole world. This means that the highest scientific echelons of the whole world are looking at your work.
This is great also for the LENR in general.
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today on other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Eric A. Woudenberg:
Thank you for your help !
Warm Regards,
Hello Rossi-World:
Just a note to say we’ve moved rossilivecat,com to a new server. Let us know if you experience any difficulties.
Best wishes,
I always said that Dr Parkhomov is making an excellent work.
Warm Regards,
Very intelligent insight.
I agree with you. Besides: the consensus is biased by the financing programs.
We have a paradigma that helps us: ITER ( or Eater, as somebidy dubbed it ).
Warm Regards,
Colin Watters:
I am not aware of the work described and never had anything to do with it. By the way: 400 experiments is a ridiculous number. I alone made more than 10 thousands. I supposed that all those big guns made at least ten times the experiments I made: I am alone, albeit with a magnificent Team, they are so many and prestigious…
Warm Regards,
As I always said, Dr Parkhomov is making an excellent work.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
What do you think of the replications of your “New Fire” made by Dr Alexander Parkhomov in Moscow?
Dear Mr Rossi, I refer readers to an article in Nature that reports on a two year research program into cold fusion and LENR financed by Google…
It seems they found no evidence it exists, no excess heat despite over 400 experiments. Perhaps you could show them how to do it? It seems your patents, videos and theory articles aren’t sufficient.
(in Italiano sotto)
Good morning Dr. Rossi,
In the history of science there are several examples of theories that get abandoned in time (or that anyway are reduced scope of applicability). In other instances, edisonian attempts walk the talk of what the vast majority of their contemporary academics denied could be ever possible in theory (
Closer to our days, astonishing researches the like Professors Benveniste/Montagnier realized ( appear extremely uneasy for the gamut of implications contained and are received with a degree of aversion or apathy from the scientific community.
In brief, the train of though of my long introduction is that the scientific world seem to have lost focus to the experimental facts as the only source of data really useful to validate a (falsifiable) theory and rather appears concentrically focused on consensus, as opposed to independent research and critical thinking.
My question is perhaps more to the philosopher than to the scientist.
Do you think that the scientific world has an epistemological issue? When science creates a diversion from experimental data and focuses on consensus, is not science betraying itself and the very same method on which its foundation is based?
Greetings and best wishes to you and to your team,
(English above)
Buongiorno dott. Rossi,
nella storia della scienza ci sono diversi esempi di teorie che vengono abbandonate (o comunque limitate nel loro àmbito di validità). Altre volte tentativi ingegneristici dimostrano nei fatti, quello che la massima parte degli accademici loro contemporanei negavano potesse essere possibile nella teoria (
Più prossime ai nostri giorni, mi vengono in mente ricerche realmente sbalorditive come quelle dei proff. Benveniste/Montagnier ( che appaiono estremamente scomode per il ventaglio di implicazioni che contengono e che generano una certa avversione o un generale disinteresse da parte della comunità scientifica.
Sinteticamente, il filo generale della mia lunga introduzione alla domanda è che il mondo scientifico appare aver perduto attenzione al dato sperimentale come unico elemento utile per la validazione di una teoria (falsificabile) e che sembra concentrato maggiormente sul consenso, piuttosto che sul pensiero critico e sulla ricerca indipendente.
La mia domanda è direttamente collegata a lei e al suo lavoro, ma è forse rivolta più al filosofo che allo scienziato.
Esiste a suo parere nel mondo scientifico un problema epistemologico? Nel momento in cui la scienza si distrae dal dato sperimentale e si concentra sul consenso, non sta tradendo se stessa e il metodo su cui si basa?
Saluti e buon lavoro a lei e il suo team,
Jai Falzon:
We are selling energy, not Ecats.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea, I’m an entrepreneur and am very interested in the E-cat sk for large scale power production. I would like to know if you are considering selling E-cats in the near future and how much an E-cat would roughly cost.