Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
Thank you for the indormation you continue to exchange with us and for the information you gave with your paper on Researchgate.
Do you think a hydrogen plasma ion jet striking a surface of molten lithium acting as the anode would produce alpha particles? If the hydrogen gas was in a near vacuum and the lithium heated to its melting point with the voltage potential of around 4,000 V, the “1932 experiment” demonstrated production of energetic alpha particles. I looks to me that there is a sufficient energy in the alpha particles to be much, much greater than the heating and ionization power requirements. If a window was included in the experiment and a spectrometer was added, the spectrometer should show the characteristic spectra of hydrogen only. As the experiment proceeded, eventually one would expect to see the presence of helium appear (from the alpha particles) but after a long time.
Frank Acland:
An extremely important test is on course.
At the end of next week I will have a clear idea of the level we reached.
Thank you for your attention to the work of our team,
Warm Regards,
A few weeks ago you gave a personal satisfaction level with the E-Cat SK as 6/10, and today you give it the same score. Does this mean you haven not made much progress recently?
A) Yes, and you are right: the problems are normal for a pioneer phase of a revolutionary product
B) Yes
C) most of them
Personal satisfaction rating: 6/10
Thank you for your kind support !
Warm Regards,
No, we accept only requests that we receive directly from industries that have real need of heat industrial supply. We do not have time for brokers, intermediates or persons interested to test the Ecat, whatever the fashion. In this period we are exclusively focused on requests that come directly from industries that have a real need of industrial supply of heat.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I wonder if the frequency of your interventions to solve the problems that arise in the plants you recently installed is gradually decreasing.
I believe that these problems can be defined as diseases of youth and as such are inevitable in creations that have just emerged from the first phase of research and development.
On a scale of 1 to 10, what value can you currently attribute to the reliability achieved so far?
I ask you
A) if already today you are satisfied with the economic budget of your initiative, despite the assistance work in the part that you alone can do.
B) If you can entrust some of your service to some members of your team.
C) What percentage of assistance interventions can be carried out by the Team without you having to intervene.
For years I have been following you every day and I wish you, your family, your team every good thing.
With my esteem and my affection.
I must correct what I wrote in past, because I read a report Pieter Tans, senior scientist of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA ), and the last stats related to the energy production in the USA. Coal plants are continuing to be closed, due to the high costs of the anti-pollution systems, fossil fuels plants are no more competitive with solar energy, even without green certificate. The world of alternative energies has changed substantially in the last 10 years.
Warm Regards,
Jaroslaw Bem:
1- we have the safety certifications ( see ): they describe the conditions at which the Ecat safety is certified. Obviously such conditions do not include the use of radioactive materials or the emission of ionizing radiations. Should we make such use or emissions, the certifications would be not valid
2- such certifications do not exist. They who use radioactive materials or emit ionizing radiations have to obtain specific permissions for these issues. We do not use any radioactive material and we do not have emission of ionizing radiations and we give to our Clients a guarantee related to this issue.
Thank you for your wishes,
Warm Regards,
News on Power Engineering June 4th 2019:
nuclear energy era has been terminated in Massachusetts with the permanent shut down of the Pilgrim nuclear plant. The focus now turns to the daunting task of cleaning up and dismantling the plant; at the same time Rocky Mountain Power taps B&V to lead solar-storage effort in Utah.
Rod Walton
Steven N. Karels
I believe that Rossi is on the correct safest path toward developing a market for his E-Cat. Selling heat/energy protects his intellectual property. This slow methodical rollout enables Rossi to work out the bugs in his product.
Sure the establishment in certain countries may succeed in temporarily derailing the rollout of the E-Cat but I seriously doubt that fossil fuel poor nations like Japan and Sweden will take that approach.
Once Rossi has sufficient mass robotic production, he can then begin to sell the hardware.
Important questions for many potential clients of Leonardo Corporation:
1. Has Leonardo Corporation any certification that say, E-Cat SK reactor don’t use radioactive fuel, don’t emit ionizing radiations and don’t produce radioactive waste?
2. Has Leonardo Corporation any certification that say, E-Cat SK reactor not subordinate to any Nuclear Agency?
3. Is possible to public that important documents on ?
Those safety certifications you public, not concern E-Cat SK and not say exactly about lack of radiations, and lack of radioactive fuel or lack of radioactive waste.
Happy Birthday, and successful year on the market.
Happy birthday Andrea,
Here is a short video how to make a plasma by placing two grapes in a microwave oven. The explanation is interesting.
Reminds a little of the ballerina.
Maybe it can give you some new ideas.
Best Regards,
Dear Andrea!
Could a chemistry student mix the fuel powder to the E-cat if he had the prescription and access to a normal university chemistry lab ?
Best regards and also congratulations from me on your birthday.
Nils Fryklund
Raffaele Bongo:
The theoretical work is proceeding in parallel with the R&D on the direct production of electricity. Both are not done, yet.
Thank you for your supports ( both of them, he he he )
Warm regards,
Dr Rossi:
Your paper on Researchgate is important: Researchgate is the sole scientific publication whose peer reviewing is made democratically, in open source and this is the reason why the New York Times considers it one of the most important scientific carriers. As a matter of fact, a publication on Reseachgate is peer reviewed from all the scientists, professors, researchers that read it and they express their opinion on the publication freely. Your publication is very difficult to understand and it is restricted to nuclear physicists, so a full reading is very heavy. The statistics are rigidly controlled from the moderators, so that the result of the peer reviewing is there, clear and undisputable. Hundreds of full readings for one nuclear physics publication in one year are considered a successful peer reviewing. You got 22 300 and counting in less than 5 months.
Congratulations, this is not a success, this is a revolution in the making.
All the best,
Hello A. Rossi
Your publication is likely to mark the history of nuclear physics.
Have you done the most comprehensive publication on the subject or have you kept some things that are still confidential to you?
PS: Right now this is the Roland Garros tennis tournament and your wife has passed the round of 16. I wish him good luck for the rest … ..Hi, hi, hi.
All my support for your work and your tennis
Best regards
Raffaele Bongo
…and you have no idea of the emails I am receiving from researchers and teachers from universities and independent laboratories og all the Continents. I am really stunned. When I sent the publication I was hoping to have at least 200 readings, to be in the average…
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I am a Researchgateholic, because it is a gold mine for the research in general. Your incredible numbers, after 4 months and 10 days are as of right now these:
Full readings 22375, Research interest index 342.5, Recommendations 935 and they come from all the world, mainly universities.
And counting.
These are not numbers that an average professor achieves in a career lifespan, these are numbers that few professors achieve in all the world.
This speaks loud about your recognition. Your paper is one of the most interesting papers of nuclear physics published in the world in the last year. This is the fact.
I cannot speak for what Andrea Rossi thinks. I suspect you cannot read his mind either. The suggestion was not to satisfy or disprove his skeptics. They are what they are and they are unlikely to change their minds. The battle is for the minds of the general public and the business community.
Would you, as a private citizen, buy a “nuclear” powered automobile, paying $40,000 or more of your own money, if you merely had the promise that you would only have to refuel it once a year without anyone understanding of how the engine works? May be Yes, if you were aware of the benefits and it was certified?
The “first adapters” that are moving forward with eCat technology are a small portion of his target community. Andrea’s approach is not a sure methodology to achieve financial success. He does take tis approach with some risk of failure. But that is his choice and he should be commended for having the courage in doing so. But we, his friends, need to point to alternative approaches for his consideration, which he can accept or reject. Unlike the Trolls, we wish him success and joy in his work and his life. And maybe, just maybe,an improvement in his tennis game too!
LENR, more specifically “Cold Fusion” has negative connotations associated with the name. When I discuss Andrea’s work and they say “Well, that is Cold Fusion and that doesn’t work”, it stops the discussion. If Andrea Rossi has actually developed a successful LENR methodology, we remain skeptics until we see it or it is scientifically verified by independent qualified researchers, it will not be widely accepted until the general public (specifically business people) believe it to be true and an accepted technology. There is a saying in the software business “No one ever got fired for buying Microsoft.” The person in a corporate world risks his position when he takes a chance.
Eventually, if Andrea Rossi is successful in selling “heat”, government personnel will want certifications that this “nuclear” technology is safe, secure, etc. What happens when the average person learns the business next door is running a “nuclear reactor” in their plant? Running a business includes managing expectations and other people’s perceptions.
Notice, I did not say that Andrea Rossi had to reveal his technology. But a year long, self-sustaining (no external input) operation producing a significant output would go a long way in introducing the general public and the business community to LENR, and specifically, the eCat technology.
Imaging if the “New Green Deal” were to embrace eCat. Maybe they wouldn’t need to get rid of airplanes, cars and cows?
Best wishes for a very happy birthday and for a happy and healthy every day.
Even if you are not successful in Tennis, do you think it is possible to increase fuel charge operating time beyond 12 months or are there operational reasons why this may not be desirable? (e.g. safety, refuel/recharging complexity etc.)
Alonzo Losardo:
We are in the making phase of it, it is premature to express opinions. We are working very hard on it.
Warm Regards,
Dear Readers:
Please go to to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Jonie Medlar:
Thank you for your attention to the work of our team,
Warm regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
Thank you for the indormation you continue to exchange with us and for the information you gave with your paper on Researchgate.
Dr Rossi,
How is going on the test with the direct production of electricity by plasma in the Ecat SK-Leonardo ?
Dear Andrea Rossi.
Do you think a hydrogen plasma ion jet striking a surface of molten lithium acting as the anode would produce alpha particles? If the hydrogen gas was in a near vacuum and the lithium heated to its melting point with the voltage potential of around 4,000 V, the “1932 experiment” demonstrated production of energetic alpha particles. I looks to me that there is a sufficient energy in the alpha particles to be much, much greater than the heating and ionization power requirements. If a window was included in the experiment and a spectrometer was added, the spectrometer should show the characteristic spectra of hydrogen only. As the experiment proceeded, eventually one would expect to see the presence of helium appear (from the alpha particles) but after a long time.
Frank Acland:
An extremely important test is on course.
At the end of next week I will have a clear idea of the level we reached.
Thank you for your attention to the work of our team,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
A few weeks ago you gave a personal satisfaction level with the E-Cat SK as 6/10, and today you give it the same score. Does this mean you haven not made much progress recently?
Thank you very much,
Frank Acland
A) Yes, and you are right: the problems are normal for a pioneer phase of a revolutionary product
B) Yes
C) most of them
Personal satisfaction rating: 6/10
Thank you for your kind support !
Warm Regards,
Mirian Chasser:
Thank you!
Warm Regards,
No, we accept only requests that we receive directly from industries that have real need of heat industrial supply. We do not have time for brokers, intermediates or persons interested to test the Ecat, whatever the fashion. In this period we are exclusively focused on requests that come directly from industries that have a real need of industrial supply of heat.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I wonder if the frequency of your interventions to solve the problems that arise in the plants you recently installed is gradually decreasing.
I believe that these problems can be defined as diseases of youth and as such are inevitable in creations that have just emerged from the first phase of research and development.
On a scale of 1 to 10, what value can you currently attribute to the reliability achieved so far?
I ask you
A) if already today you are satisfied with the economic budget of your initiative, despite the assistance work in the part that you alone can do.
B) If you can entrust some of your service to some members of your team.
C) What percentage of assistance interventions can be carried out by the Team without you having to intervene.
For years I have been following you every day and I wish you, your family, your team every good thing.
With my esteem and my affection.
Dear readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
…and 370.1 of Research Interest index from universities and labs all around the world !
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the publication of this magnificent patent
Dr Rossi,
Just to inform you that your paper
has reached over 23 thousand full readings and over 1000 recommendations.
Ad majora,
Are you accepting all the requests after the advertising you are making on ?
Thanks to you for your attention to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
The test is on the making. I will have more precise ideas after the 15th of June.
Warm Regards,
I must correct what I wrote in past, because I read a report Pieter Tans, senior scientist of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA ), and the last stats related to the energy production in the USA. Coal plants are continuing to be closed, due to the high costs of the anti-pollution systems, fossil fuels plants are no more competitive with solar energy, even without green certificate. The world of alternative energies has changed substantially in the last 10 years.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
You confirm that in June an important test will be made with the Ecat that makes electricity directly from plasma?
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Thank you for the paper on Researchgate
Iggy Dalrymple,
I agree with your assessment.
Jaroslaw Bem:
1- we have the safety certifications ( see ): they describe the conditions at which the Ecat safety is certified. Obviously such conditions do not include the use of radioactive materials or the emission of ionizing radiations. Should we make such use or emissions, the certifications would be not valid
2- such certifications do not exist. They who use radioactive materials or emit ionizing radiations have to obtain specific permissions for these issues. We do not use any radioactive material and we do not have emission of ionizing radiations and we give to our Clients a guarantee related to this issue.
Thank you for your wishes,
Warm Regards,
Dear readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Rod Walton:
Thank you for the update, very interesting.
Warm Regards,
News on Power Engineering June 4th 2019:
nuclear energy era has been terminated in Massachusetts with the permanent shut down of the Pilgrim nuclear plant. The focus now turns to the daunting task of cleaning up and dismantling the plant; at the same time Rocky Mountain Power taps B&V to lead solar-storage effort in Utah.
Rod Walton
Steven N. Karels
I believe that Rossi is on the correct safest path toward developing a market for his E-Cat. Selling heat/energy protects his intellectual property. This slow methodical rollout enables Rossi to work out the bugs in his product.
Sure the establishment in certain countries may succeed in temporarily derailing the rollout of the E-Cat but I seriously doubt that fossil fuel poor nations like Japan and Sweden will take that approach.
Once Rossi has sufficient mass robotic production, he can then begin to sell the hardware.
Dear Andrea,
Important questions for many potential clients of Leonardo Corporation:
1. Has Leonardo Corporation any certification that say, E-Cat SK reactor don’t use radioactive fuel, don’t emit ionizing radiations and don’t produce radioactive waste?
2. Has Leonardo Corporation any certification that say, E-Cat SK reactor not subordinate to any Nuclear Agency?
3. Is possible to public that important documents on ?
Those safety certifications you public, not concern E-Cat SK and not say exactly about lack of radiations, and lack of radioactive fuel or lack of radioactive waste.
Happy Birthday, and successful year on the market.
Best regards,
Jaroslaw Bem
Karl-Henrik Malmqvist:
Thank you for the nice link,
Warm regards,
Happy birthday Andrea,
Here is a short video how to make a plasma by placing two grapes in a microwave oven. The explanation is interesting.
Reminds a little of the ballerina.
Maybe it can give you some new ideas.
Best Regards,
Nils Fryklund:
Yes, but must be an expert of the art.
Thank you for the congratulations,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea!
Could a chemistry student mix the fuel powder to the E-cat if he had the prescription and access to a normal university chemistry lab ?
Best regards and also congratulations from me on your birthday.
Nils Fryklund
Warm Regards,
Thank you!
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your attention to the work of our team,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the spectacular
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
Happy Birthday!
Dr Rossi
About your experiments: do you usually carry on more experiments at a time?
Raffaele Bongo:
The theoretical work is proceeding in parallel with the R&D on the direct production of electricity. Both are not done, yet.
Thank you for your supports ( both of them, he he he )
Warm regards,
Thank you!
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
Your paper on Researchgate is important: Researchgate is the sole scientific publication whose peer reviewing is made democratically, in open source and this is the reason why the New York Times considers it one of the most important scientific carriers. As a matter of fact, a publication on Reseachgate is peer reviewed from all the scientists, professors, researchers that read it and they express their opinion on the publication freely. Your publication is very difficult to understand and it is restricted to nuclear physicists, so a full reading is very heavy. The statistics are rigidly controlled from the moderators, so that the result of the peer reviewing is there, clear and undisputable. Hundreds of full readings for one nuclear physics publication in one year are considered a successful peer reviewing. You got 22 300 and counting in less than 5 months.
Congratulations, this is not a success, this is a revolution in the making.
All the best,
Hello A. Rossi
Your publication is likely to mark the history of nuclear physics.
Have you done the most comprehensive publication on the subject or have you kept some things that are still confidential to you?
PS: Right now this is the Roland Garros tennis tournament and your wife has passed the round of 16. I wish him good luck for the rest … ..Hi, hi, hi.
All my support for your work and your tennis
Best regards
Raffaele Bongo
…and you have no idea of the emails I am receiving from researchers and teachers from universities and independent laboratories og all the Continents. I am really stunned. When I sent the publication I was hoping to have at least 200 readings, to be in the average…
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I am a Researchgateholic, because it is a gold mine for the research in general. Your incredible numbers, after 4 months and 10 days are as of right now these:
Full readings 22375, Research interest index 342.5, Recommendations 935 and they come from all the world, mainly universities.
And counting.
These are not numbers that an average professor achieves in a career lifespan, these are numbers that few professors achieve in all the world.
This speaks loud about your recognition. Your paper is one of the most interesting papers of nuclear physics published in the world in the last year. This is the fact.
Antonio Martucci,
I cannot speak for what Andrea Rossi thinks. I suspect you cannot read his mind either. The suggestion was not to satisfy or disprove his skeptics. They are what they are and they are unlikely to change their minds. The battle is for the minds of the general public and the business community.
Would you, as a private citizen, buy a “nuclear” powered automobile, paying $40,000 or more of your own money, if you merely had the promise that you would only have to refuel it once a year without anyone understanding of how the engine works? May be Yes, if you were aware of the benefits and it was certified?
The “first adapters” that are moving forward with eCat technology are a small portion of his target community. Andrea’s approach is not a sure methodology to achieve financial success. He does take tis approach with some risk of failure. But that is his choice and he should be commended for having the courage in doing so. But we, his friends, need to point to alternative approaches for his consideration, which he can accept or reject. Unlike the Trolls, we wish him success and joy in his work and his life. And maybe, just maybe,an improvement in his tennis game too!
Iggy Dalrymple,
LENR, more specifically “Cold Fusion” has negative connotations associated with the name. When I discuss Andrea’s work and they say “Well, that is Cold Fusion and that doesn’t work”, it stops the discussion. If Andrea Rossi has actually developed a successful LENR methodology, we remain skeptics until we see it or it is scientifically verified by independent qualified researchers, it will not be widely accepted until the general public (specifically business people) believe it to be true and an accepted technology. There is a saying in the software business “No one ever got fired for buying Microsoft.” The person in a corporate world risks his position when he takes a chance.
Eventually, if Andrea Rossi is successful in selling “heat”, government personnel will want certifications that this “nuclear” technology is safe, secure, etc. What happens when the average person learns the business next door is running a “nuclear reactor” in their plant? Running a business includes managing expectations and other people’s perceptions.
Notice, I did not say that Andrea Rossi had to reveal his technology. But a year long, self-sustaining (no external input) operation producing a significant output would go a long way in introducing the general public and the business community to LENR, and specifically, the eCat technology.
Imaging if the “New Green Deal” were to embrace eCat. Maybe they wouldn’t need to get rid of airplanes, cars and cows?
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Dr Joseph Fine:
Thank you very much for your kind wishes !
Yes, I think we are reaching the 1 year lifespan of the charge.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Best wishes for a very happy birthday and for a happy and healthy every day.
Even if you are not successful in Tennis, do you think it is possible to increase fuel charge operating time beyond 12 months or are there operational reasons why this may not be desirable? (e.g. safety, refuel/recharging complexity etc.)
Birthday Regards,
Joseph Fine