@Giuseppe & Alessandro Coppi,
I think there is another reason about the importance for Dr Rossi of the permanent ssm: it will put a tombstone upon any scepticism about the measurements: whatever the energy output, the COP will be beyond any doubt infinite, with momentous historical consequences in the scientific and technological world.
1. Is your primary goal(s) for the E-Cat SK Leonardo (electricity producing eCat) to:
a. Produce sufficient electricity to sustain the eCat reaction without external grid power being supplied?
b. Produce electricity to provide electrical power to the grid?
c. Use “excess” thermal power to provide thermal energy for other applications?
2. Can you explain why other, more standard thermal-to-electricity conversion methods were not pursued? such as:
a. Photovoltaic cells converting the light produced by the eCat-SK?
b. Thermoelectric generation using the thermal energy produced by the eCat?
Note: if the average COP is very high, then even low efficiency conversions should work?
You said to Giuseppe that the Ecat SK Leonardo would be “completely independent from the grid”.
1. Please can you confirm that once you have achieved “COP infinite”, that the Ecat will be a completely portable device capable of being moved to any geographic location to provide both heat and electricity?
You will then be able to supply heat and power to anywhere on The Planet, or indeed away from it!
Practical electric transport now becomes a realistic probability in our lifetimes with the Ecat as the primary energy source.
Electric vehicles would become much lighter and cheaper to manufacture.
There would be no need for large batteries to store the main electromotive power, only a standard small battery would be required to start the Ecat system and maybe to smooth the flow of power to the drive train.
2. Can you please also tell us how the Ecat SK Leonardo compares in physical size to your existing 22kW Ecat SK which you are currently using to supply “Heat As A Service”?
We are truly living in Wondrous Times, thanks to yourself and your great team!
It is important because it makes the Ecat completely independent from the grid, and in most of the world there are not laws that oblige to be connected to the grid to make heat.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
Is the electroc current to power the Ecat SK Leonardo the same as being thermalized in the Ecat SK we watched in http://www.ecatskdemo.com ?
Tyhanks for what you are doing,
Rafael Regis
Dear Andrea,
why is so important for you to reach a self sustaining mode if the energy to do it is so low. Infinite COP or almost infinite COP for me is the same. We have to consider also that laws obliges the connection to the grid, like photovoltaics in my home; so it will be redundant.
Regards, Giuseppe
Hi Andrea, with regard to the electric energy generation to allow a permanent ssm to the e cat, if it is true that the energy needed is very low, worth the big effort to obtain this goal?
Dr Rossi
What is very fashinating in your paper on Researchgate is the correspondence of the theory to the video http://www.ecatskdemo.com and the correspondence between the spectral measurements and the colorimetric calculations made also in the demo of the Ecat QX in Stockholm on November 24 2017
Steven N. Karels:
Premature to answer, but I can say that my optimism is growing.
The problems are many and, obviously, confidential. I still hope to reach the permanent ssm by this year, wherein permanent ssm means no necessity of external power source for ever and, consequently, a COP with zero at the denominator, obvopusly referred to the external sources of electricity or heat, therefore not in violation of the thermodynamic principles.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your attention to our work. As a matter of fact, we already have introduced in the market our products, selling energy: pease go to http://www.ecatskdemo.com
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
I have been following your innovation saga since May 2012 and I sincerely hope your name will be the one that stays in History as the first to have introduced to the world an undoutedly proven and marketable LENR reactor.
Best wishes
Dr Rossi
The video “November 24 2017 Ecat SK presentation in Stockholm” on youtube is still interesting indeed, because containd information that is not on http://www.ecatskdemo.com, in particular the calorimetric measure.
I want to congratulate you and your team on all the great progress you are making on the E-cat SK Leonardo. When you achieve your goals with the E-cat SK Leonardo do you think you will be able to shift more energy towards production and a little less research.
Rick 57:
The Ecat SK-Leonardo is designed to be easily industrialized. The big problem of the Seebeck Effect is the directional fusion of the semiconductors impossible to be performed with massive quantities and consequently very expensive ( I had to work for a month to make several grams to reach a 20% of efficiency and this made a kW of power cost thousands of dollars- the failure came when we tried to industrialize the directional fusion, at which point the efficiency lost an order of magnitude ), nothing to do with the Ecat.
Warm Regards,
Absolutely NOT !
Electron capture needs 750 keV ( = 9375 billions of Celsius degrees – I repeat: ninethousand three hundred seventyfive billions of Celsius degrees. Compare: the temperature of the corona of the sun is between one million and 1.3 million Celsius degrees…. ). I hope this is enough to allow everybody to understand that “electron capture” in Low Energy Nuclear Reactions is a boffoonate, as elegantly as it might be presented by imbeciles. Note: “imbecile” is not an insult, it is a definition from ancient Latin language that means “without club” ( in Latin: “imbacula” ), a figurative way to describe somebody that lacks any tool necessary to fight, even a simple club.
Electron capture happens only in radioactive isotopes that are characterized by an excess of protons, like, for example, the radioactive isotopes 7Be, 41Ca, 44Ti, 67Ga, 72Se etc.
Warm Regards
Is it possible that the Ecat SK Leonardo with total self sustaining mode and, as a consequence of it, an infinite COP, will be ready within the current year ?
Dear Andrea,
in the past you told us you were able to reach good efficiencies with thermoelectric cells based on Seebek effect but only in the laboratory due to the precision required and therefore the high costs associated.
Is this also the case with the E-CAT SK Leonardo or you identified a technology that can be easily scaled up to production level at a reasonable cost ?
Thanks a lot for what you are doing.
Best Regards,
Chuck Davis,
Without the use of fossilized fuel the industrialized revolution would not have occurred and we would be still in the middle age of society. In my almost ninety years of existence on.this planet I have noted one aspect of the environment that has been consistent. That is,I did not notice any inconsistent variation in temperature.It is not more hot or cold than the normal swings that I was exposed to. This observation of course is strictly empirical but it is the only evidence for me that the dire consequences predicted for climate change will not ensue. In fact, during the 1970’s, predictions for a little ice age to occur within a few decades had been made by a number of environmentalists.
I will not question anybody’s thoughts about climate change but l would caution against raising fears that would cost society funds that could be used to solve other human problems that are obvious and should be addressed.
Senior regards.
I think also the vegetable and anumals of the former eons, now fossilized, contributed to the global warming we pay for today. Anyway, whatever we can do to help is useful.
Chuck Davis
Dear Andrea,
Your last remark (to Judy), seems to exhibit high confidence the SK-Leonardo may actually work as hoped for.
Are you actually testing it already using electricity generated in the reactor now?
I hope with you for great success!
Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Andrea,
In my. opinion, if your device can produce what you claim (low cost portable heat and electricity your contribution to society will be much bigger than CO2 emission decrease. Decoupling from the grid and making these energy sources available to everyone in society is the most important aspect of your efforts. All other effects will be far behind in importance.
Principle regards.
The QX is the father of the SK and the grandfather of the SK-Leonardo, that will be the first thing in the history to make energy without consuming energy from the grid or from any known energy source, obviously respecting the first principle of thermodynamic. Now, from today, I am convinced we are getting very close to it. We will get it.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
a. and c. are very close, b should come eventually.
Warm Regards,
@Giuseppe & Alessandro Coppi,
I think there is another reason about the importance for Dr Rossi of the permanent ssm: it will put a tombstone upon any scepticism about the measurements: whatever the energy output, the COP will be beyond any doubt infinite, with momentous historical consequences in the scientific and technological world.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
1. Is your primary goal(s) for the E-Cat SK Leonardo (electricity producing eCat) to:
a. Produce sufficient electricity to sustain the eCat reaction without external grid power being supplied?
b. Produce electricity to provide electrical power to the grid?
c. Use “excess” thermal power to provide thermal energy for other applications?
2. Can you explain why other, more standard thermal-to-electricity conversion methods were not pursued? such as:
a. Photovoltaic cells converting the light produced by the eCat-SK?
b. Thermoelectric generation using the thermal energy produced by the eCat?
Note: if the average COP is very high, then even low efficiency conversions should work?
Dear Dr Rossi,
You said to Giuseppe that the Ecat SK Leonardo would be “completely independent from the grid”.
1. Please can you confirm that once you have achieved “COP infinite”, that the Ecat will be a completely portable device capable of being moved to any geographic location to provide both heat and electricity?
You will then be able to supply heat and power to anywhere on The Planet, or indeed away from it!
Practical electric transport now becomes a realistic probability in our lifetimes with the Ecat as the primary energy source.
Electric vehicles would become much lighter and cheaper to manufacture.
There would be no need for large batteries to store the main electromotive power, only a standard small battery would be required to start the Ecat system and maybe to smooth the flow of power to the drive train.
2. Can you please also tell us how the Ecat SK Leonardo compares in physical size to your existing 22kW Ecat SK which you are currently using to supply “Heat As A Service”?
We are truly living in Wondrous Times, thanks to yourself and your great team!
Amazed Regards,
Martyn Aubrey
Alessandro Coppi:
COP infinite > COP x
for any value of x.
Warm Regards,
It is important because it makes the Ecat completely independent from the grid, and in most of the world there are not laws that oblige to be connected to the grid to make heat.
Warm Regards,
Rafael Regis:
No, there are two stages.
Thank you for your kind attention to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
Is the electroc current to power the Ecat SK Leonardo the same as being thermalized in the Ecat SK we watched in http://www.ecatskdemo.com ?
Tyhanks for what you are doing,
Rafael Regis
Dear Andrea,
why is so important for you to reach a self sustaining mode if the energy to do it is so low. Infinite COP or almost infinite COP for me is the same. We have to consider also that laws obliges the connection to the grid, like photovoltaics in my home; so it will be redundant.
Regards, Giuseppe
Hi Andrea, with regard to the electric energy generation to allow a permanent ssm to the e cat, if it is true that the energy needed is very low, worth the big effort to obtain this goal?
Warm Regards
Thank you for your attention
Warm Regards
Warm Regards
Dr Rossi
Still optimist to be able to present a self sustaining Ecat this year?
Dr Rossi
What is very fashinating in your paper on Researchgate is the correspondence of the theory to the video http://www.ecatskdemo.com and the correspondence between the spectral measurements and the colorimetric calculations made also in the demo of the Ecat QX in Stockholm on November 24 2017
Did I understand correctly that the next Ecat Leonardo will be a fluid heater that will also generate enough electricity to self sustain itself?
Trenton Lofrate:
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Thanks for sharing with us the wonderful video of the plasma
What a beautiful “ballerina”!
Steven N. Karels:
Premature to answer, but I can say that my optimism is growing.
The problems are many and, obviously, confidential. I still hope to reach the permanent ssm by this year, wherein permanent ssm means no necessity of external power source for ever and, consequently, a COP with zero at the denominator, obvopusly referred to the external sources of electricity or heat, therefore not in violation of the thermodynamic principles.
Warm Regards,
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Lanita Wilmoth:
Surely updates will be done soon, based on the experimentation on course.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
is this text final, or you foresee updates?
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Can you tell us, at this time, whether the issues you are having with the eCat Electric is:
1. Achieving desired efficiency?
2. Intermittent results?
3. Or both?
4. Some other problem – if so, please describe.
Thank you for your attention to our work. As a matter of fact, we already have introduced in the market our products, selling energy: pease go to
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
I have been following your innovation saga since May 2012 and I sincerely hope your name will be the one that stays in History as the first to have introduced to the world an undoutedly proven and marketable LENR reactor.
Best wishes
I agree,
Warm Regards,
Roberto Nelton:
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi
The video “November 24 2017 Ecat SK presentation in Stockholm” on youtube is still interesting indeed, because containd information that is not on http://www.ecatskdemo.com, in particular the calorimetric measure.
What a magnificent demo in http://www.ecatskdemo.com !
Bernie Morrissey:
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I want to congratulate you and your team on all the great progress you are making on the E-cat SK Leonardo. When you achieve your goals with the E-cat SK Leonardo do you think you will be able to shift more energy towards production and a little less research.
Bernie Morrissey
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Rick 57:
The Ecat SK-Leonardo is designed to be easily industrialized. The big problem of the Seebeck Effect is the directional fusion of the semiconductors impossible to be performed with massive quantities and consequently very expensive ( I had to work for a month to make several grams to reach a 20% of efficiency and this made a kW of power cost thousands of dollars- the failure came when we tried to industrialize the directional fusion, at which point the efficiency lost an order of magnitude ), nothing to do with the Ecat.
Warm Regards,
It is not impossible, albeit it is not sure.
Warm Regards,
Absolutely NOT !
Electron capture needs 750 keV ( = 9375 billions of Celsius degrees – I repeat: ninethousand three hundred seventyfive billions of Celsius degrees. Compare: the temperature of the corona of the sun is between one million and 1.3 million Celsius degrees…. ). I hope this is enough to allow everybody to understand that “electron capture” in Low Energy Nuclear Reactions is a boffoonate, as elegantly as it might be presented by imbeciles. Note: “imbecile” is not an insult, it is a definition from ancient Latin language that means “without club” ( in Latin: “imbacula” ), a figurative way to describe somebody that lacks any tool necessary to fight, even a simple club.
Electron capture happens only in radioactive isotopes that are characterized by an excess of protons, like, for example, the radioactive isotopes 7Be, 41Ca, 44Ti, 67Ga, 72Se etc.
Warm Regards
Dr Rossi,
about your paper on
Does the zitterbewegung of the electrons explain someway the electron capture ?
Is it possible that the Ecat SK Leonardo with total self sustaining mode and, as a consequence of it, an infinite COP, will be ready within the current year ?
Dear Andrea,
in the past you told us you were able to reach good efficiencies with thermoelectric cells based on Seebek effect but only in the laboratory due to the precision required and therefore the high costs associated.
Is this also the case with the E-CAT SK Leonardo or you identified a technology that can be easily scaled up to production level at a reasonable cost ?
Thanks a lot for what you are doing.
Best Regards,
Also today a step forward. We are one step closer to the success.
Warm Regards,
Hello DR Rossi
Are you satisfied with the
E-Cat SK Leonardo Concerto
Chuck Davis,
Without the use of fossilized fuel the industrialized revolution would not have occurred and we would be still in the middle age of society. In my almost ninety years of existence on.this planet I have noted one aspect of the environment that has been consistent. That is,I did not notice any inconsistent variation in temperature.It is not more hot or cold than the normal swings that I was exposed to. This observation of course is strictly empirical but it is the only evidence for me that the dire consequences predicted for climate change will not ensue. In fact, during the 1970’s, predictions for a little ice age to occur within a few decades had been made by a number of environmentalists.
I will not question anybody’s thoughts about climate change but l would caution against raising fears that would cost society funds that could be used to solve other human problems that are obvious and should be addressed.
Senior regards.
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
Based on experimental and theoretical progress.
Warm Regards,
True. If we succeed.
Warm Regards,
Gerard McEk:
We are working very hard, but it is soon to answer your question. I am optimist, though.
Warm Regards,
I think also the vegetable and anumals of the former eons, now fossilized, contributed to the global warming we pay for today. Anyway, whatever we can do to help is useful.
Chuck Davis
Dear Andrea,
Your last remark (to Judy), seems to exhibit high confidence the SK-Leonardo may actually work as hoped for.
Are you actually testing it already using electricity generated in the reactor now?
I hope with you for great success!
Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Andrea,
In my. opinion, if your device can produce what you claim (low cost portable heat and electricity your contribution to society will be much bigger than CO2 emission decrease. Decoupling from the grid and making these energy sources available to everyone in society is the most important aspect of your efforts. All other effects will be far behind in importance.
Principle regards.
Dear Andrea,
Can you explain more about why today you are more confident of achieving your goal of no-grid E-Cat energy production?
Thank you,
Frank Acland
The QX is the father of the SK and the grandfather of the SK-Leonardo, that will be the first thing in the history to make energy without consuming energy from the grid or from any known energy source, obviously respecting the first principle of thermodynamic. Now, from today, I am convinced we are getting very close to it. We will get it.
Warm Regards,