Yes, you are correct. All started from that prototype, dubbed “Marie Curie”, eventually evolved into the QX, presented in Stockholm on Nov 24 2017 and then in the SK, introduced in the market by the streaming in http://www.ecatskdemo.com
Now, with the SK Leonardo we are arriving, but not yet arrived to the full ssm, by which the Ecat generates electricity to power at least itself, and I am very optimist. The long way has been came through also thanks to important progress under the theoretical point of view.
Thank you for your kind attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Mr Rossi,
Will you tell us, when possible, what you are doing with your technology in Sweden, the home Country of Greta Thunberg ?
All my blessing to your Team.
Juerg Breitenstein
I just wanted to give a reminder. It was four years ago, to this very day, that you shared in two posts, first with Hugh DeVries then Frank Acland, about the advent of a new evolution for your evolving ECat. You called it Marie Curie.
If I understand correctly, this was a dramatic improvement. Marie Curie opened the door to your plasma based reactors including the Quark, then the ECat SK, and now the ECat SK-Leonardo.
You and your team have come a long way.
Ted Szeredy:
In Stockholm we presented a QX measured with calorimetry, while on January 31st 2019 we introduced the heat sale service and made a spectrometric measurement corroborated by a calorimetry. Honestly, we are proud of both.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
do you think it is more important the demonstration I found googling “November 24 2017 Ecat QX Stockholm demonstration” or the demo made on January 31st 2019 here: http://www.ecatskdemo.com
Thanks if you can answer,
if, after working very hard for moreless one year on direct electricity generation, you still did not reach continuous SSM (that requires a conversion efficiency of about 5%), it seems to me very difficult to reach direct conversion efficiencies of 50% or higher (at least in the short-mid terms), to not consider the adoption of existing electric generation devices such as Stirling engines or PV cells.
I hope I am wrong, but a comment on your side on the above would be very appreciated.
Dear Readers:
today has been published on the Journal of Nuclear Physics the second part of the paper of Prof Christos Stremmenos “Toward the exit from the Middle Age”
Warm Regards,
Raffaele Bongo:
This is not an easy job…as a matter of fact many deem it “impossible”…
1- we are resolving all the problems
2- yes
Thank you for your kind wishes
Warm Regards,
Jag Keruah:
Our service is improving and we are resolving all the problems that have been popped up during this pioneers phase.
Thank you for your kind attention to the work of our Team and good luck for your interesting research with the algae, surely an important sustainable asset from the planet.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Can you update us about the heat sales?
I wish your Ecats will be diffused in the whole planet.
Maybe the Readers can also be interested to this: http://www.algaeinternational.biz
You posted that you do not have the gift of being ubiquitous
1. present, appearing, or found everywhere.
“his ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family”
synonyms: omnipresent, ever-present, present everywhere, everywhere, all-over, all over the place, pervasive, all-pervasive, universal, worldwide, global;
rife, prevalent, predominant, very common, popular, extensive, wide-ranging, far-reaching, inescapable
“tracking stray dogs may soon be easier thanks to the ubiquitous microchip”
I believe your loyal fans were asking that there be a single, public accessible place that loyal fans might attend. Perhaps a vacant classroom at a Miami university or a public hall.
you stated that the ECat do produce a magnetic field.
1) Is it constant or variable?
2) If it is variable, have you tried to extract energy and if this impair the ssm and/or the normal operation?
3) If it is variable, do you extract electrical energy mainly or exclusively from this magnetic field?
4) Since i suggested you some time ago to send RF pulses to the charge, is it acting as an energy amplifier, returning the rf pulse amplificated?
Dear Mr. Andrea Rossi,
About the sale of heat, I indiscreetly am curious to know if more and more companies are turning to your company for their heat needs.
Thank you in advance for your reply and my best wishes to you and your staff
Bernie Morrissey:
Your request is analogous to many others around the world, but I do not have the gift to be ubiquitous. The sole way to be ubiquitous for a not so much gifted person like me will be with a direct streaming.
Thank you for your kind attention to the work of our team,
Warm Regards,
I have a special request. You say it is possible to
unveil the E-Cat SK Leonardo maybe yet this year. WOW that would be a great moment in history! I humbly ask that you consider presenting it where your loyal followers can be present during the presentation. I know that I would love to be there during such a great event.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bernie Morrissey
A) It is proportionally less
B) See A
C) See A
B) and C) must respect the thermodynamic principles
Thank you for your kind attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Hi Andrea,
If I can ask (and if someone hasn’t already asked)
in the last self sustaining mode experiments, did you see if the device spontaneously generates a magnetic field around itself? Or does it generate no magnetic field?
Best wishes
Giuliano Bettini.
It’s amazing following how this is developing. This could really be s game changer if it all works out.
I’m not sure if this has been asked before but I wonder:
A) if the thermal output ion the E-Cat SK Leonardo when producing its own electricity is the same or similar to that if the E-Cat SK?
Even if less thermal power is produced but positive this self sustaining aspect makes it still substantially improved practically.
B) If less out put power could you indicate a rough percentage?
C) I wonder if there is s configuration trade off. I.e less over all thermal power for increased electrical power generation? Or if these processes are independent.
I wish you and your team continued success with the development of the technology towards an optimum product.
Dear AR and Steven Karels.
It is worth remembering that the e-cat delivers high temperatures, which is much more useful than the low temperature used in thermo-electric conversion. E-cat heat is very low entropy.
Steven N. Karels:
Sorry, I forgot to answer this question.
The efficiency of these systems is not worth the heat they consume. They are usable, but not convenient.
Warm Regards,
You did not address the second question of my posting:
2. Can you explain why other, more standard, thermal-to-electricity conversion methods were not pursued? such as:
a. Photovoltaic cells converting the light produced by the eCat-SK?
b. Thermoelectric generation using the thermal energy produced by the eCat?
Note: if the average COP is very high, then even low efficiency conversions should work?
Dear Andrea,
Considering your answer to Giuseppe: Do you expect that if the E-cat Leonardo can run without the need to connect to the grid, it will be easier to sell it also for domestic and mobile applications because there will be less governmental rules and guidelines in laws that applies?
Thanks and all the wisdom to you and your team to accomplish your baby. Gerard McEk
I agree with the comment by Jody below — a demonstration of infinite COP/permanent ssm E-Cat with no external input power would be an irrefutable testament of the reality of the E-Cat.
My question is, where and when do you plan to do this demonstration?
Good comments. However, it should be remembered that conversion efficiency must also be high enough. For example, it the eCat produces 60kW of electricity – enough to run a full size automobile – but generates 3 MW in doing so, the heat produced would cause cooling problems and this would be significant. So sufficient efficiency is an assumption. If the efficiency consideration was met, then the onboard battery would need to be of sufficient size to handle high power demands (accelerating, going up a hill) or driving to a repair shop if the eCat should fail. A good engineer would size the eCat electrical output to meet the AVERAGE car power requirements, plus a little reserve. This would minimize cooling requirements, and costs. Another assumption is that the eCat system would not cost more than the battery components it is replacing.
If an eCat option added $10,000 to the sales price, it would have an impact on the option being ordered. Even assuming Andrea Rossi can make this technology commercially available, there are many considerations that will need to be addressed.
Martyn Aubrey:
1- yes, but attention: infinite COP to supply heat is very close, about electricity generation i excess more time will be necessary.
2- moreless the same.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
How is going on the R&D of the Ecat SK Leonardo? When do you think you could able to present it?
Yes, you are correct. All started from that prototype, dubbed “Marie Curie”, eventually evolved into the QX, presented in Stockholm on Nov 24 2017 and then in the SK, introduced in the market by the streaming in http://www.ecatskdemo.com
Now, with the SK Leonardo we are arriving, but not yet arrived to the full ssm, by which the Ecat generates electricity to power at least itself, and I am very optimist. The long way has been came through also thanks to important progress under the theoretical point of view.
Thank you for your kind attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Juerg Breitenstein:
Of course.
Warm Regards,
Mr Rossi,
Will you tell us, when possible, what you are doing with your technology in Sweden, the home Country of Greta Thunberg ?
All my blessing to your Team.
Juerg Breitenstein
Good Day Andrea:
I just wanted to give a reminder. It was four years ago, to this very day, that you shared in two posts, first with Hugh DeVries then Frank Acland, about the advent of a new evolution for your evolving ECat. You called it Marie Curie.
If I understand correctly, this was a dramatic improvement. Marie Curie opened the door to your plasma based reactors including the Quark, then the ECat SK, and now the ECat SK-Leonardo.
You and your team have come a long way.
My best to you, your team, and your wife.
Ted Szeredy:
In Stockholm we presented a QX measured with calorimetry, while on January 31st 2019 we introduced the heat sale service and made a spectrometric measurement corroborated by a calorimetry. Honestly, we are proud of both.
Warm Regards,
Sharla Knezovich:
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
do you think it is more important the demonstration I found googling “November 24 2017 Ecat QX Stockholm demonstration” or the demo made on January 31st 2019 here:
Thanks if you can answer,
Rick 57:
I am convinced we are going toward the right direction, with better results than Sterling and PV adoption.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
in your paper
it is very interesting your interpretation of the applicability to LENR od the Casimir Force, based on the Compton wavelength.
Dear Andrea,
if, after working very hard for moreless one year on direct electricity generation, you still did not reach continuous SSM (that requires a conversion efficiency of about 5%), it seems to me very difficult to reach direct conversion efficiencies of 50% or higher (at least in the short-mid terms), to not consider the adoption of existing electric generation devices such as Stirling engines or PV cells.
I hope I am wrong, but a comment on your side on the above would be very appreciated.
Best Regards,
Dear Readers:
today has been published on the Journal of Nuclear Physics the second part of the paper of Prof Christos Stremmenos “Toward the exit from the Middle Age”
Warm Regards,
Raffaele Bongo:
This is not an easy job…as a matter of fact many deem it “impossible”…
1- we are resolving all the problems
2- yes
Thank you for your kind wishes
Warm Regards,
Hello A. Rossi
It often happens that when you solve the problems of a new product other problems arise.
1 – Have you solved all the problems you had at the beginning of the year with industrial boilers, or did other problems occur?
2 – Is the deployment of boilers consistent with your business plan?
All the best for Leonardo E-Cat R & D
Best regards
Jag Keruah:
Our service is improving and we are resolving all the problems that have been popped up during this pioneers phase.
Thank you for your kind attention to the work of our Team and good luck for your interesting research with the algae, surely an important sustainable asset from the planet.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Can you update us about the heat sales?
I wish your Ecats will be diffused in the whole planet.
Maybe the Readers can also be interested to this:
1- slightly variable ( see the Teslameter on http://www.ecatskdemo.com )
2- too weak
3- n.a.
4- no
Warm Regards,
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
You are right, I solicited the peer reviewers, but they work for free…I cannot push.
Warm Regards,
Steven N.Karels:
I understand. I see what I can do, obviously assuming success of the R&D, about which I am optimist.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
You posted that you do not have the gift of being ubiquitous
1. present, appearing, or found everywhere.
“his ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family”
synonyms: omnipresent, ever-present, present everywhere, everywhere, all-over, all over the place, pervasive, all-pervasive, universal, worldwide, global;
rife, prevalent, predominant, very common, popular, extensive, wide-ranging, far-reaching, inescapable
“tracking stray dogs may soon be easier thanks to the ubiquitous microchip”
I believe your loyal fans were asking that there be a single, public accessible place that loyal fans might attend. Perhaps a vacant classroom at a Miami university or a public hall.
The last paper on the JoNP has been published in April: when will be published the next?
Dear Andrea,
you stated that the ECat do produce a magnetic field.
1) Is it constant or variable?
2) If it is variable, have you tried to extract energy and if this impair the ssm and/or the normal operation?
3) If it is variable, do you extract electrical energy mainly or exclusively from this magnetic field?
4) Since i suggested you some time ago to send RF pulses to the charge, is it acting as an energy amplifier, returning the rf pulse amplificated?
Magnetic regards,
Brittani Georgopoulos:
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Hello, I enjoy reading through your post and strongly appreciated
http://www.researchnet.com/publication/330601653/E-Cat_SK_and_long_range_particle_interactions. I like to write a little comment to support you.|
Dear Mr. Andrea Rossi,
About the sale of heat, I indiscreetly am curious to know if more and more companies are turning to your company for their heat needs.
Thank you in advance for your reply and my best wishes to you and your staff
Bernie Morrissey:
Your request is analogous to many others around the world, but I do not have the gift to be ubiquitous. The sole way to be ubiquitous for a not so much gifted person like me will be with a direct streaming.
Thank you for your kind attention to the work of our team,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I have a special request. You say it is possible to
unveil the E-Cat SK Leonardo maybe yet this year. WOW that would be a great moment in history! I humbly ask that you consider presenting it where your loyal followers can be present during the presentation. I know that I would love to be there during such a great event.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bernie Morrissey
Greg Leonard:
I agree.
Warm Regards,
A) It is proportionally less
B) See A
C) See A
B) and C) must respect the thermodynamic principles
Thank you for your kind attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Prof Giuliano Bettini:
It does generate a magnetic field.
Warm Regards and strong wishes for your health recovery,
Rod Walton:
Thank you for the update,
Warm Regards,
On Power Engineering July 30 2019:
gas and Diesel gen-sets powering fully islanded Mexican processing plant.
Rod Walton
Hi Andrea,
If I can ask (and if someone hasn’t already asked)
in the last self sustaining mode experiments, did you see if the device spontaneously generates a magnetic field around itself? Or does it generate no magnetic field?
Best wishes
Giuliano Bettini.
Dear Andrea
It’s amazing following how this is developing. This could really be s game changer if it all works out.
I’m not sure if this has been asked before but I wonder:
A) if the thermal output ion the E-Cat SK Leonardo when producing its own electricity is the same or similar to that if the E-Cat SK?
Even if less thermal power is produced but positive this self sustaining aspect makes it still substantially improved practically.
B) If less out put power could you indicate a rough percentage?
C) I wonder if there is s configuration trade off. I.e less over all thermal power for increased electrical power generation? Or if these processes are independent.
I wish you and your team continued success with the development of the technology towards an optimum product.
Best Regards
Dear AR and Steven Karels.
It is worth remembering that the e-cat delivers high temperatures, which is much more useful than the low temperature used in thermo-electric conversion. E-cat heat is very low entropy.
Steven N. Karels:
Sorry, I forgot to answer this question.
The efficiency of these systems is not worth the heat they consume. They are usable, but not convenient.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
You did not address the second question of my posting:
2. Can you explain why other, more standard, thermal-to-electricity conversion methods were not pursued? such as:
a. Photovoltaic cells converting the light produced by the eCat-SK?
b. Thermoelectric generation using the thermal energy produced by the eCat?
Note: if the average COP is very high, then even low efficiency conversions should work?
Gerard McEk:
Thank you for your kind sustain,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Considering your answer to Giuseppe: Do you expect that if the E-cat Leonardo can run without the need to connect to the grid, it will be easier to sell it also for domestic and mobile applications because there will be less governmental rules and guidelines in laws that applies?
Thanks and all the wisdom to you and your team to accomplish your baby. Gerard McEk
Frank Acland:
I hope this year.
Warm Regards,
Guido Galeotti:
Because without an intellectual property nobody would have incentive to make investments
Warm Regards,
Why don’t you publish your secrets for the sake of mankind ?
Dear Andrea,
I agree with the comment by Jody below — a demonstration of infinite COP/permanent ssm E-Cat with no external input power would be an irrefutable testament of the reality of the E-Cat.
My question is, where and when do you plan to do this demonstration?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Bernie Morrissey:
We can do both.
Warm Regards,
Hi Steven,
Yes, you are probably right, but it is good to dream.
Perhaps the answer would be to replace all internal combustion engines with steam engines driven directly from the heat output of the Ecats.
You never know, we could be heading straight into the Age of “Steam Punk”.
I’ll just have to buy a very long coat, a tall top-hat and a pair of brass-framed goggles!!
Jules Verne Rocks!!
Spiffing Regards
P.S. I already own a very, very, small share in an Airship, which has actually flown test flights, but sadly also crashed twice.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Is the electrical current produced by the E-Cat SK Leonardo a dc current or ac current.
Bernie Morrissey
Martyn Aubrey,
Good comments. However, it should be remembered that conversion efficiency must also be high enough. For example, it the eCat produces 60kW of electricity – enough to run a full size automobile – but generates 3 MW in doing so, the heat produced would cause cooling problems and this would be significant. So sufficient efficiency is an assumption. If the efficiency consideration was met, then the onboard battery would need to be of sufficient size to handle high power demands (accelerating, going up a hill) or driving to a repair shop if the eCat should fail. A good engineer would size the eCat electrical output to meet the AVERAGE car power requirements, plus a little reserve. This would minimize cooling requirements, and costs. Another assumption is that the eCat system would not cost more than the battery components it is replacing.
If an eCat option added $10,000 to the sales price, it would have an impact on the option being ordered. Even assuming Andrea Rossi can make this technology commercially available, there are many considerations that will need to be addressed.
Martyn Aubrey:
1- yes, but attention: infinite COP to supply heat is very close, about electricity generation i excess more time will be necessary.
2- moreless the same.
Warm Regards,