United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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42,335 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Martin Himpe

    When will the Ecat for households enter the market ?
    Will it be at a reasonable price, affordable for all ?
    Martin Himpe

  • Willie

    dr Rossi,
    will the body of the Ecat SK Leonardo the same we saw in

  • Matt

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    1-Are you also continuing to replicate the processes published by your competitors ?
    2-You do them yourself ?
    3-Did you find some of them working enough to compete with your technology ?
    Thanks if you can answer,

  • eernie1

    Steven Karels,
    My experience with nuclear energy production goes back as far as 1954,when I was employed by a company called Inland Testing Corp. My first task was to chemically analyze fuel rods used in the swimming pool reactor at the U of Michigan to assure compliance with required Uranium content. At this company I was put in charge of the worlds largest Co60 testing facility where we tested the effects of gamma radiation on a variety of products. Among these products were hydraulic systems to be used on the proposed Aircorp nuclear bomber. After our gamma ray tests, we transported the systems to the reactor at the U of Michigan to test for possible neutron effects. This first view of a working reactor was an experience I will never forget.
    Here I was not 20 feet away from a working nuclear core submerged in 20 feet of water where I could see the fuel rods moving in and out as they adjusted the power output of the unit. Also viewable was the blue Cherenkov radiation. Our only protection was a radiation monitor worn by all personnel. The only fear stated by the university personnel was that their funding would not be adequate to continue their research for improving the operation and safety of nuclear devices.
    Their predictions were mostly optimistic for the development of this source as the main generator of world power needs if enough funding was available for research into the required operation and safety methods. Of course that never occurred and most efforts were impeded by regulations imposed by agencies created by the ignorance of people in power. The Navy ignoring many of the restrictions, developed perhaps the best usable device for their ships and showed that relatively small and safe units were possible. This fact was completely ignored by the power industry that relied on fossil fuel for their power. One personal coincidence that amuses me is that one of my college friends went on to become a naval captain in charge of a nuclear submarine.
    My point is that if we could have gotten around the ignorance and selfish interests of powerful groups, we would not be looking as intensely for another source of usable cheap power. Even now with enough effort nuclear power could supply all we need economically and safely. My 90 years of life has convinced me of this.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, I am.
    Thank you for your kind sustain,
    Warm Regards,

  • Buck

    Dear Andrea,

    I deeply appreciate your meaningful exchange with Pekka Janhunen on 9/2.

    It paints a fuller picture if one recognizes the story of Bellerophon taming Pegasus, the white winged horse born of the blood of the beheaded Medusa and under the protection of Athena, goddess of war and wisdom.

    Are you happy with your progress with Pegasus?

    my best to you, your team, and your wife.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    We made experiments related to this issue in 2011 also in collaboration with Prof Sergio Focardi, but they have been unsuccessful.A good work on this field has been made by Dr Vitaly Uzikov and Dr Irina Uzikov ( see his article on the JoNP ).
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Saju Abraham:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Saju Abraham

    Dr Andrea Rossi.
    the importance of your invention can be found also in this article on Times of India, the major newspaper of India:

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I see from Rod Walton’s comment that nuclear power capacity continues to rise. A good carbon-free energy source if only the radioactive wastes was easier to deal with. Can you technology transmute or otherwise reduce the radioactive wastes?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Max Ponzi:
    I thank you for your attention to our work,
    Warm Regards,

  • Max Ponzi

    Dr Rossi
    is the most important paper I read in the last ten years.
    Thank you for sharing that mine of information.

  • Nick

    Dr Rossi:
    Your answer to Max is very funny !
    Good joke to the trolls,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rod Walton:
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Rod Walton

    On Power Engineering September 3 2019:
    Global nuclear energy capacity rises for the sixth straight year
    Rod Walton

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    This is a link to an interesting
    video on the History of Physics.



  • Andrea Rossi

    Pekka Janhunen:
    Black Horse: we already got the electricity from the plasma!
    White Horse: maybe, but attention, we do not yet have a premanent reliable self sustaining mode…
    Black Horse: when a horse is as calm as you normally is buried
    White Horse: when a horse is as frenzy as you normally buries himself with a broken leg
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, this:
    “Ultradense protium (P0) and Deuterium (D0) and their relation to ordinary Rydberg matter: a review ”
    by Leif Holmid and Sindre Zeiner-Gundersen, 2019 ( Physica Scripta 94-075005 ).
    Warm Regards,

  • Can you suggest a recent publication of nuclear physics worth to be read ?

  • Andrea,
    What are the white and black horse commenting to each other these days? Just curious…
    regards, pekka

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Jim

    Dr Rossi,
    Your answer to Max: Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha !!!

  • Andrea Rossi

    I do !
    Now and again I get some fun answering by a nickname to the trolls that they are damn right ! And to give evidence of the fact that they are right, I write tremendous stupidities, to see what they answer and if they understand my comment is a joke, but…they always bite it ! They always answer to my comment that I am right and Rossi is a moron or something. It’s very funny, our Team made a lot of laughters and also it is a paradigmatic example of their poor scientific background ( if any ).
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find comments published in other posts of this blog,
    Warm Regards,

  • Max

    Dr Rossi:
    Why don’t you answer to the idiots that write nonsense comments against you in what you have dubbed “the house organ forum”?

  • Andrea Rossi

    I agree.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dan C.:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    The hurricane Dorin eskewed the Miami area, we have not been hit from it.
    Thank you for your kind concern,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    With the fact that we are still in an R&D and pioneering phase.
    Our Client are not yet massive because our product is not yet mature for a massive distribution.
    Warm Regards,

  • Steve_saves_the_climate

    @ Eric Ashworth

    WHAT are You trying to say and do ???

    @ Andrea: What Do You mean by “enough” ? Is there a limit at all ? If we want to save the world, there can be only one meaning to enough, and this means, literally EVERY person and company uses ONLY YOUR DEVICES.
    Since this is not the case, NEITHER “enough” devices can have been produces, NOR “enough” customers are equipped with them.

    So, how do You explain your “enough” ?

  • Alfonso

    Dr Rossi:
    Are you safe from the hurricane Dorin ?

  • Dan C.

    Dear Andrea

    I’m still here watching you. He he..

    I’m curious. Is the current test in process being conducted where the previous test was done where the necessary equipment was available.

    Warm regards to you and your team.

    Dan C.

  • Rupert

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    your paper
    has unleashed an enormous wave of R&D ! That’s what ecplains the stunning, world record, number of full readings.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Eric Ashworth:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- enough
    2- yes
    3- no
    Warm Regards,

  • WaltC

    Dr Rossi,
    If you can say:
    1) How many companies are now customers for your commercialized E-Cat SK product?
    2) Are there any companies currently working with you and the E-Cat on a Research basis– e.g., new products, new capabilities, …?
    2b) If so, are there more than one?


  • Eric Ashworth

    Dear Andrea, I feel most fortunate to be able to use your JONP to inform readers of my understanding as I perceive structure from a none academic view point. I say this from personal experience, being that the first question people ask me when this subject is brought up, is when and which university did you go to, well I never went to one. The next question is where did the information come from. My reply has always been ‘from the same place all information comes from before it is put into a book. What I have become aware of is that it is the source of the information that appears to be of importance as much as the information itself when in the presence of or communication with certain people and therefore, for me this subject has been a learning curve in more than one way. Am I going to relay past personal experiences?. No, it will serve no purpose whatsoever and this is not the time or place. I simply take this opportunity to express my thoughts and activities with regards structure and related subjects I consider, important to the understanding. Understanding of what you may ask. The understanding of structure which represents a unit of energy. Can this understanding be put to good use?. My own thoughts are yes, otherwise I would not consider sharing this information.

    The only tools I have needed with regards theory is geometry and maths. There are only three symbols to a unit of energy :- square – circle – triangle or cube – sphere – pyramid. Basically two of the symbols are contradictory or you could say in competition. In the structural unit the cube represents the exterior which is the volume dimension i.e. the negative force of the exterior gravity from which structure comes into being. The pyramid represents the interior positive force of the interior gravity being the force of penetration that resides at the point, to be correct (not the central position, central position lies between point and periphery). The circle represents any position between the point and periphery being between the apex of the triangles and the square. Thereby the circle represents a value of a neutral, dependent upon its position between these two fixed potentials of force (the circle represents the mobile unit that travels over a distance from periphery to point in a given time and that has to transition in order to occupy each specific zone, each zone being a potential of neutrality. What you have is a structure comprised of three symbols two fixed being the positive and negative and one that represents any central position between the point and periphery i.e. a mobile dimension upon which a transitional neutral will travers from periphery to point. It is this varying neutral that experiences time as distance travelled between two locations. Negative location/beginning being of a volume dimension and positive location/end being of a size dimension. Both dimensions represent absolutes of the structure and both these dimensions operate within ‘what could be termed’ a none structured zone comprised of four paths of none structured material that forms helical trajectory loops of communication. This I do not believe is difficult to understand as a geometric pattern. What you have is a square containing four triangles and a circle containing a cross being the sides of the triangles which almost meet at the point position of the structure. Almost because it is empty being a value of gravity. This integral unit represents an overriding structure/plasm or the macro system comprised of systemic systems of independent life supporting structures within each pyramid.

    Now I am going to develop this pattern into a more meaningful unit which will help explain its purpose. Only one of the four pyramids/triangles applies to a system of evolution because you cannot occupy more than one pyramid with regards the systemic system of evolution within the plasm. This you should be able to understand.

    The structure can be viewed as a six sided cube with four side flats and two flats on either side that contains four pyramids and one sphere of an indeterminate size being a mobile dimension that navigates between periphery and point. The four flats are four gates of the four evolving neutrals. Within leading to the point via the centre comprised of six divisions within each pyramid (The top is no structure, the bottom is no structure, the first set of the base is fuzzy i.e. no structure. The path being binary is a helical trajectory comprised of none structure and of structure that requires four ninety degree turns i.e. orthogonal/perpendicular angles to navigate each division within/without each pyramid Thereby four gates, twenty four divisions, twenty four turns within each pyramid. Each four divisions represents a set between which is an interregnum/synapse and thereby the neutral that enters a set is considered the last being the last in line, the neutral that entered before is obviously the first being before the last and because there are six sets it can be realized that the last becomes first and the first becomes last as progression and development occurs within the cube i.e. from periphery to eventual point. This can be related to a negative, positive position or an age difference in development. Consequently, there has to be six positives and six negatives to a cube. Each 90 degree represents two potentials, thereby six flats/cube contain six negatives and six positives with the gravity value being the major positive that induces the penetrating factor i.e. not the major one that is at the point of the four pyramids but the minor one that is always at the centre of a pyramid upon the path of evolution (centre anywhere upon the path between the absolutes). The four neutrals between are of no consequence as they are only able to respond to that which appeals to them i.e. being of the negative potential or that of the positive potential. So what we have is one structure containing four zones/pyramids. Each zone contains time dimensions of a specific evolutionary system. Is it necessary to understand four zones?. Absolutely, if you wish to become technologically advanced. Is it necessary to become technologically advanced?. Absolutely because it is an absolute necessity when you understand the evolutionary pattern from creation to destruction. What this is referring to is planetary evolutions within the macro environment or micro cubes within the macro cube, which is the same as spheres within a sphere. This subject is about structure because structure represents energy. There are four divisions within each pyramid between two i.e. absolutes. The exterior division is unstructured, thereby three divisions/sets of structure within each pyramid, 3×4 thereby twelve gates because each set has a gate. Four pyramids North, South, East, West of the macro structure. Each gate is an entry into a dimension of density, think of a stone, thereby 12 stones, each of which has three densities, positive, neutral, negative of a structure being a charge which could be looked upon as solid, liquid, gas if referring to densities. To have a dimension of density requires a degree of gravity hence 3 gates to a pyramid not four and 12 gates all together. This is the macro unit of energy, Can it be projected into a mechanical construction that provides a unified field with a purpose?. Yes but not at the complex state of twelve stones when manipulating physical structure. i.e. not three in each pyramid but two which is all that is needed when manipulating air. Why two? because physical structure contains gravity of a size dimension whereas virtual particles contain gravity of a volume dimension. This subject is complex but not unable to be understood. My next information will be how to embody this understanding into a useful mechanical device. This will explain the static and mobile mechanics of energy interaction as it cycles through two dimensions of its four pyramids.
    Regards, Eric Ashworth

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rafael Regis:
    Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team.
    It is premature, for now, to give these statistics.
    I’d say: “…enough…”
    Warm Regards,

  • Rafael Regis

    Dr Rossi:
    Can you tell us how many Ecat SK have been manufactured so far?
    I follow the work of your Team with great interest!
    Best Regards,
    Rafael Regis

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find comments published today on other posts of this blog.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to our work,
    Warm Regards,
    Your comment is the N. 48 000 of this blog

  • Gabriele

    Thank you for your monumental paper
    and for the corroborating video
    I thing Long Range Particle Interactions is proper.
    All the best for your revolutionary work.

  • Gberra

    Dear Andrea,

    There’s an article in the “Journal of Aeronautic & aerospace engineering vol 8 iss 2 no 216 “ That describes work on using a magnetohydrodynamic power cycle to convert heat energy from plasma into electricity. Theoretically up to 99% efficiency is claimed. The article can be found at –


    It may be of interest to you.

    All the best.
    Kind Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Domenico Canino:
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Intelligent insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Buck

    Dear Andrea,

    thank you for your compliment on the merits of my question yesterday.

    If your response is to say that my intuition is pointed in the correct direction, then I have a clearer understanding of why you hold SSM as such a worthy goal, a goal of relatively greater importance than extraction of electricity. If my intuition is again pointing in the correct direction, then your attainment of SSM to a 5-6 Sigma level based upon a fuller understanding of your (2-5-10?) control parameters suggests that the door is opened wider for bringing deeper clarity to your Long-Range Particle Interaction paper. This Alpha configuration acts as a control point.

    First, the door is opened for looking for new/additional control parameters capable of impacting your 5-6Sigma SSM. Further, intuition says that knowing and manipulating these (2-5-10?) control parameters, as well as any newly discovered factors, enables one to “map” the defined, and as yet possibly undefined energies/forces/conditions you described in your paper, weighing their relative importance to attaining/maintaining or improving the SSM mode. In addition, each control parameter may show a “greater alignment/affinity” for some of the energies/forces/conditions described in your paper, again helping to “map” the phenomena.

    If my understanding is fair, then I wish your and your “best team in the world” all the best. Your path seems intelligent . . . 😉

    Sincerely & respectfully,


  • LC

    In your opinion, it is more probable that one of the firms producing heat by your Ecat reveals it:
    A) by the end of this year
    B) by the end of next year
    C) never

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