Dr Rossi,
Did you make calorimetric measurements as you did in the demo of thre Presentation of the Ecat QX on November 24 2017 in Stockholm also for the SK shown in http://www.ecatskdemo.com ?
Dear Andrea, I have in past posts dealt with the interacting energies of the E Cat but there are some important aspects other than these issues, although these issues are most important. What you have on a micro scale is, it appears, a system that replicates the macro system. The macro system as previously described by myself in my post of ‘the mechanism’ that describes ‘the static and mobile mechanics of energy interaction’. Your E Cat relies upon ‘the static and mobile mechanics of energy interaction’. You load into the reactor static material/energy together with hydrogen ( a type of 5th dimension) and produce a mobile field of active energy. What you are doing is transitioning energy from one state to another in the presence of a gravitational field. In the macro system four apexes of the pyramids/triangles sit around a point of gravity, one pyramid represents a system, four pyramids represent a systemic system of the macro. Each pyramid contains four identifiable structures, one of course is fuzzy being at one end of the spectrum and one solid and defined at the other. The two between are coming from and going towards in an evolutionary procession from creation to eventual destruction that are themselves two states of absolute (what I have just described is one system of the macro. In the macro, four static positives of positivity surround the gravity). The emphasis of this activity is transition. Transition is something that all structures go through because of evolution and their progression towards the apex of their pyramid due to the pull of gravity. Thereby the positive solid size aspect of the structure must gain/transition i.e. compact become more defined so as to get into a higher dimension, otherwise there is insufficient room to get in. When something compacts it warms up and becomes more dense giving off its vapour that then surrounds the structure as a halo because the structure contains gravity. This activity is important to understand, especially when it involves human evolution and the transfiguring of the structure. What I am attempting to explain is to try and put this subject into a more meaningful understanding that will overcome a problematic issue that always arrises at specific times in evolution. Clean energy provides a brighter world. It’s the understanding behind the technology/methodology and all that goes with it that is of vital importance to the overall project and its success. It is the original catch 22 situation involving a demarcation zone between intelligence and consciousness or you could say two cubes of six dimensions each. What one must ask themselves is, is this subject empirical or is based on pure logic?. The answer is, it involves both because it involves a situation that requires the understanding of binary interactions. There are four levels of intelligence that are always present at any one time from that of a fuzzy degree to that of a more defined. The more defined is able to communicate internally and thereby externally with a similar vibration/resonance or we say ‘on the same wave length’. Why is it important to segregate groups into specific departments?. Because the project, required to obtain a clean environment involves an alternative purpose, that relates to a type of important missionary work aimed at producing a more conducive climate with regards climate change. Am I straying off the subject, no but I am aware that some people will think so. Therefore to recap, every unified field that demonstrates in a physical way and by physical means ‘the static and mobile mechanics of energy interaction’ being fields of energy requires a source of energy to maintain its manufactured field. The source of this energy, dependent upon its purpose, will not only be clean but can be of a magnitude capable of producing structure/virtual particles that are capable of providing the static structure with a means of mobility outside of an atmosphere. Thereby this subject regarding energy has various levels of understanding and this is what makes the subject difficult to broadcast ‘willy nilly’ if you can understand that you do not ‘cast pearls before swine’ which is self evident when you understand the entire subject.
Regards Eric Ashworth
Dr Rossi,
I watched on Youtube “Ecat QX demo in Stockholm November 24 2017”.
The QX was obviously much smaller than the SK, but that demo made at the IVA has been very precise and stunning, with a calorimetry absolutely rigorous.
Very interesting also the lecture of Carl Oscar Gullstrom.
All the best,
Dear Andrea, I found it most interesting the post by Frank Ackland Sept 11th. Apparently an anonymous reader of E Cat World required Frank to forward a question to yourself with regards the Safire Project (Sapphire). An interesting project that even they state can open doors within the scientific community. It seems that certain entities and people (in the scientific community) have utilized the negative resistance regime in their plasma discharges to produce anomalies and excess energy. The question being ‘does the E Cat SK utilize the negative resistance regime. I do not believe you do because your door is always open for comments and suggestions unlike other doors that are tightly shut. Regards, Eric Ashworth.
I am glad it sounds like E-Cat SK/Leonardo could become a reality not too far
from now.
If so, will you also combine it with a turbine to create the E-Cat SK/Leonardo-IP
(Independent Power) a grid-independent generator for typical situations/locations
lacking power.
Premature to answer; probably initially it will give just permanent ssm to the Ecat, eventually increasing the electricity generation, but it is premature to say.
Warm Regards,
Will the Ecat SK leonardo be able to produce electricity only enough to provide permanent ssm to the Ecat producing heat, or will it be able also to generate electricity for sale?
Thanks if you can answer,
Dear Andrea,
It is very exiting to read that the the theory led to a new design of the E-cad SK Leonardo and it proved to work as the theory predicted. That means that your theory is maturing and your understanding of the E-cat process has significantly improved. Congratulations to you and your team!
Just a few questions about this important step in progress, if I may:
1. Did the dimensions of the Ecat SK change much due to the new design?
2. Can you still operate the E-cat during a year without a refill?
3. Has the COP changed, which was calculated to be 56 in your ResearchGate paper?
4. Has SSM of the total assembly (reactor+controller) been accomplished?
Thank you for keeping us up to date!
Kind regards, Gerard
Regarding the device you are experimenting with to extract electricity from the E-Cat SK charge, can this be used in reverse to induce the long running charge input electrical trigger signal, the cathode / anode connections being initially used to establish the start-up plasma then switched to allow the charge raw electrical output to be connected to a capacitor / battery / electrical conditioning system for a stabilised output.
May or may not be worth looking at, but worth a mention.
Thank you for notice.
The paper authored Norman D.Cook-Andrea Rossi is this:
“On the Nuclear Mechanisms Underlying the heat Production by the E-Cat” http://arxiv.org/abs/1504.01261
published on April 10th 2015
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
I noticed that on http://www.Researchgate.net the paper ” On the Nuclear Mechanisms Underlying the Heat Production by the E-Cat “, co-authored by Prof Norman Cook and you is the most read of your publications, with exception of the hit “ecat SK and long range particle interactions”, that is the most read paper of Researchgate ever.
Yesterday we made an important step forward and substantial modifications have been made to the Ecat SK Leonardo. These modifications derived not from experimental phases, but directly from theoretical considerations and this fact not only improved the system, but reinforced the theoretical bases.
Warm Regards,
DearAnonymous Sept 8th. Is it wrong to make the hypothesis that the effect is born from the formation of antimatter. Andrea is correct but I would say first you must define antimatter to make a judgement. What you must consider is:- there are only two states of existence i.e. energy. Negative and positive being the states of matter. What other state can there be?. Not difficult to understand unless you ignore gravity i.e. a trinity of energy, positive size, negative volume being a cause and neutral the effect being a degree of at-one-ment/gravity i.e. in its various degrees with regards that of which produces the effect dependent upon the magnitude. The effect being a measurable degree of energy that relates to its source and the trigger of release.
A reader of E-Cat World has forwarded this question to me, for me to ask you:
“SAFIRE, Brilliant Light Power, Alexander Chernetsky, Paulo Correa, and other inventors are alleged to have utilized the negative resistance regime in their plasma discharges to produce anomalies and excess energy. Does the E-Cat SK utilize the negative resistance regime?”
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I think that the technical problems you are encountering in the functioning of the E-Cat are not so important, and overall they are not the real cause that prevents their expansion.
I suspect there are other and important external causes, independent of your will or technical problems, which force you to keep a so low profile.
But I understand if you cannot explain better, perhaps I am only wrongly thinking about conspirations.
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Dear Andrea!
I have some questions regarding the (since 19 nov 2018) outsourced 22 KW blue box.
1. Is the thermostat controlling the outgoing watertempertur by the plasma turned off short periods or by reducing the plasmatemperatur after the customers needs?
2. Has the pioneer problems that occured, been abled to correct in place, or has the whole blue box been taken back to the Miami-factory?
Best wishes to that the serielmanufacturing can start soon.
Rossi effect student:
I am thinking that they all can be integrated in one theoretical system, with the zitterbewegung of the electrons as the common denominator.
Warm Regards,
Yes, as you can see clearly in
in the last part of it.
We also made same measurements using water.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Did you make calorimetric measurements as you did in the demo of thre Presentation of the Ecat QX on November 24 2017 in Stockholm also for the SK shown in
http://www.ecatskdemo.com ?
What do you think of the presentation of the last R&D made by Dr Alexander Parkomov at the ICCF in Assisi last week?
Dear Andrea, I have in past posts dealt with the interacting energies of the E Cat but there are some important aspects other than these issues, although these issues are most important. What you have on a micro scale is, it appears, a system that replicates the macro system. The macro system as previously described by myself in my post of ‘the mechanism’ that describes ‘the static and mobile mechanics of energy interaction’. Your E Cat relies upon ‘the static and mobile mechanics of energy interaction’. You load into the reactor static material/energy together with hydrogen ( a type of 5th dimension) and produce a mobile field of active energy. What you are doing is transitioning energy from one state to another in the presence of a gravitational field. In the macro system four apexes of the pyramids/triangles sit around a point of gravity, one pyramid represents a system, four pyramids represent a systemic system of the macro. Each pyramid contains four identifiable structures, one of course is fuzzy being at one end of the spectrum and one solid and defined at the other. The two between are coming from and going towards in an evolutionary procession from creation to eventual destruction that are themselves two states of absolute (what I have just described is one system of the macro. In the macro, four static positives of positivity surround the gravity). The emphasis of this activity is transition. Transition is something that all structures go through because of evolution and their progression towards the apex of their pyramid due to the pull of gravity. Thereby the positive solid size aspect of the structure must gain/transition i.e. compact become more defined so as to get into a higher dimension, otherwise there is insufficient room to get in. When something compacts it warms up and becomes more dense giving off its vapour that then surrounds the structure as a halo because the structure contains gravity. This activity is important to understand, especially when it involves human evolution and the transfiguring of the structure. What I am attempting to explain is to try and put this subject into a more meaningful understanding that will overcome a problematic issue that always arrises at specific times in evolution. Clean energy provides a brighter world. It’s the understanding behind the technology/methodology and all that goes with it that is of vital importance to the overall project and its success. It is the original catch 22 situation involving a demarcation zone between intelligence and consciousness or you could say two cubes of six dimensions each. What one must ask themselves is, is this subject empirical or is based on pure logic?. The answer is, it involves both because it involves a situation that requires the understanding of binary interactions. There are four levels of intelligence that are always present at any one time from that of a fuzzy degree to that of a more defined. The more defined is able to communicate internally and thereby externally with a similar vibration/resonance or we say ‘on the same wave length’. Why is it important to segregate groups into specific departments?. Because the project, required to obtain a clean environment involves an alternative purpose, that relates to a type of important missionary work aimed at producing a more conducive climate with regards climate change. Am I straying off the subject, no but I am aware that some people will think so. Therefore to recap, every unified field that demonstrates in a physical way and by physical means ‘the static and mobile mechanics of energy interaction’ being fields of energy requires a source of energy to maintain its manufactured field. The source of this energy, dependent upon its purpose, will not only be clean but can be of a magnitude capable of producing structure/virtual particles that are capable of providing the static structure with a means of mobility outside of an atmosphere. Thereby this subject regarding energy has various levels of understanding and this is what makes the subject difficult to broadcast ‘willy nilly’ if you can understand that you do not ‘cast pearls before swine’ which is self evident when you understand the entire subject.
Regards Eric Ashworth
Resonances are important. Prof Focardi and I have been aware from the beginning that resonances are a key of this effect.
Warm Regards,
Thank you ! So, the time we dedicate to it is not wasted.
Warm Regards,
Thanks to you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for having published on
the test of the Ecat SK
Best Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
Is it correct to assume that the highest density of your IP about the Ecat SK Leonardo is in the control of the resonances?
Eric Ashworth:
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
I aree with you. Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
I watched on Youtube “Ecat QX demo in Stockholm November 24 2017”.
The QX was obviously much smaller than the SK, but that demo made at the IVA has been very precise and stunning, with a calorimetry absolutely rigorous.
Very interesting also the lecture of Carl Oscar Gullstrom.
All the best,
Dear Andrea, I found it most interesting the post by Frank Ackland Sept 11th. Apparently an anonymous reader of E Cat World required Frank to forward a question to yourself with regards the Safire Project (Sapphire). An interesting project that even they state can open doors within the scientific community. It seems that certain entities and people (in the scientific community) have utilized the negative resistance regime in their plasma discharges to produce anomalies and excess energy. The question being ‘does the E Cat SK utilize the negative resistance regime. I do not believe you do because your door is always open for comments and suggestions unlike other doors that are tightly shut. Regards, Eric Ashworth.
Sven B.:
That is a hypothesis.
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
We are still working very hard, and I am still very optimist.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
How is proceeding the effort to make directly electricity from the plasma and obtain a permanent ssm?
All the best,
Your paper
continues its stunning viral diffusion: now it is the most read of the 15 millions publications on Researchgate. The revolutionary theoretical plant you put there, combined with the experimental setup also shown in
has triggered a worldwide interest in all the continents.
Ad majora!
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I am glad it sounds like E-Cat SK/Leonardo could become a reality not too far
from now.
If so, will you also combine it with a turbine to create the E-Cat SK/Leonardo-IP
(Independent Power) a grid-independent generator for typical situations/locations
lacking power.
Kind regards
Sven B
Premature to answer; probably initially it will give just permanent ssm to the Ecat, eventually increasing the electricity generation, but it is premature to say.
Warm Regards,
Yes, in particular in relation to the long distance interactions.
Warm Regards,
Yes, I agree.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Your paper
looks like a corpus of integrated theories that together explain the so called Rossi effect.
Do you agree?
Will the Ecat SK leonardo be able to produce electricity only enough to provide permanent ssm to the Ecat producing heat, or will it be able also to generate electricity for sale?
Thanks if you can answer,
It does not work that way.
Warm Regards,
Gerard McEk:
1- enough
2- yes
3- premature
4- that is the key point of our R&D
Thank you for your kind attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis:
That’s what the Ecat has been born for.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Do you tink the Ecat will be useful for towns like Krakow, that has problems with air pollution?
Dear Andrea,
It is very exiting to read that the the theory led to a new design of the E-cad SK Leonardo and it proved to work as the theory predicted. That means that your theory is maturing and your understanding of the E-cat process has significantly improved. Congratulations to you and your team!
Just a few questions about this important step in progress, if I may:
1. Did the dimensions of the Ecat SK change much due to the new design?
2. Can you still operate the E-cat during a year without a refill?
3. Has the COP changed, which was calculated to be 56 in your ResearchGate paper?
4. Has SSM of the total assembly (reactor+controller) been accomplished?
Thank you for keeping us up to date!
Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Andrea,
Regarding the device you are experimenting with to extract electricity from the E-Cat SK charge, can this be used in reverse to induce the long running charge input electrical trigger signal, the cathode / anode connections being initially used to establish the start-up plasma then switched to allow the charge raw electrical output to be connected to a capacitor / battery / electrical conditioning system for a stabilised output.
May or may not be worth looking at, but worth a mention.
Keith Thomson
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Hello Dr Rossi
This is a link to research on the size
of a proton.
Thank you for notice.
The paper authored Norman D.Cook-Andrea Rossi is this:
“On the Nuclear Mechanisms Underlying the heat Production by the E-Cat”
published on April 10th 2015
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
I noticed that on http://www.Researchgate.net the paper ” On the Nuclear Mechanisms Underlying the Heat Production by the E-Cat “, co-authored by Prof Norman Cook and you is the most read of your publications, with exception of the hit “ecat SK and long range particle interactions”, that is the most read paper of Researchgate ever.
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find other comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Yesterday we made an important step forward and substantial modifications have been made to the Ecat SK Leonardo. These modifications derived not from experimental phases, but directly from theoretical considerations and this fact not only improved the system, but reinforced the theoretical bases.
Warm Regards,
Any update about the R&D on course with the Ecat SK Leonardo?
DearAnonymous Sept 8th. Is it wrong to make the hypothesis that the effect is born from the formation of antimatter. Andrea is correct but I would say first you must define antimatter to make a judgement. What you must consider is:- there are only two states of existence i.e. energy. Negative and positive being the states of matter. What other state can there be?. Not difficult to understand unless you ignore gravity i.e. a trinity of energy, positive size, negative volume being a cause and neutral the effect being a degree of at-one-ment/gravity i.e. in its various degrees with regards that of which produces the effect dependent upon the magnitude. The effect being a measurable degree of energy that relates to its source and the trigger of release.
Frank Acland:
I never answer in positive or in negative to issues related to to the plasma of the Ecat. All the available information has been given on
and on
I can only say that everything you can make with a plasma I did in thousands of experiments.
I am well aware of the work and the experiments of all our competitors.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
A reader of E-Cat World has forwarded this question to me, for me to ask you:
“SAFIRE, Brilliant Light Power, Alexander Chernetsky, Paulo Correa, and other inventors are alleged to have utilized the negative resistance regime in their plasma discharges to produce anomalies and excess energy. Does the E-Cat SK utilize the negative resistance regime?”
Kind regards,
Frank Acland
Nils Fryklund:
1- the control system functions are confidential
2- on site
Thank you for your kind wishes,
Warm Regards,
Italo R.:
Thank you for your insight: my situation is this: I cannot make errors.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I think that the technical problems you are encountering in the functioning of the E-Cat are not so important, and overall they are not the real cause that prevents their expansion.
I suspect there are other and important external causes, independent of your will or technical problems, which force you to keep a so low profile.
But I understand if you cannot explain better, perhaps I am only wrongly thinking about conspirations.
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Dear Andrea!
I have some questions regarding the (since 19 nov 2018) outsourced 22 KW blue box.
1. Is the thermostat controlling the outgoing watertempertur by the plasma turned off short periods or by reducing the plasmatemperatur after the customers needs?
2. Has the pioneer problems that occured, been abled to correct in place, or has the whole blue box been taken back to the Miami-factory?
Best wishes to that the serielmanufacturing can start soon.
Best regards
Nils Fryklund
Sven B:
1- yes
2- not yet
Warm Regards,
Rossi effect student:
I am thinking that they all can be integrated in one theoretical system, with the zitterbewegung of the electrons as the common denominator.
Warm Regards,
I read your theoretical paper
and my question is: you introduce different threads of theoretical ideas, respectively in par 1,2,3,4. Do you think one of these threads will prevail or you think all of them canj be considered integrated factors of the Rossi effect?
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Recently you also confirmed that deliveries are still
restricted waiting for some problems to be fully resolved.
1. Am I right that you still only make installations within the USA?
2.Can you give us a scheduling about deliveries out of the USA?
Kind Regards
Sven B