My heartfelt condolences to Nicos and to Stremmenos family.
Christos has been an hero for his Country,
unforgettable example of honesty for everybody.
Ciao Christos, rest in peace.
Stremmenos un grande innovatore che ha affiancato Rossi quando molti erano scettici. Ho avuto la fortuna di conoscerlo di persona. Condoglianze alla famiglia.
English: Stremmenos, a big innovators who sustained Rossi when many were scepticists. I had the opportunity to know him personally. Condolences to the family,
Warm Regards,
Dear Readers:
Today Nicos Stremmenos, son of Cristos Stremmenos, has informed me of the fact that his father has passed away today.
I want to say that Cristos is one of the most honest, genial, sincere persons I ever met in my life.
A hero of the Greek resistance, a great Professor of Physics of the University of Bologna, Ambassador of Grece in Rome, I had the honour to make with him many very important experiments, in collaboration with Prof Sergio Focardi, who was his Dean and also a friend of him.
I am very sorry, I can’t deny my emotion in this moment.
I present to his wonderful family my deepest condolences,
Andrea Rossi
Dear Vergilio Perrill, My Own thoughts. Regards vaping, In contrast to smoking, to be brief. Smoke contains huge particles in contrast to a vapour. Consequently a vapour will penetrate a barrier more readily than a particle of smoke that suffocates rather than penetrates. Not difficult to understand. My advice same as Andrea.. Regards Eric Ashworth.
Dear Readers:
I want to recommend the following publication:
“Mechanical Spectroscopy Observation of LiAlH4 Decomposition”, on Journal of Alloys and Compounds, September 2019,
Giuseppe Levi, Enrico Gianfranco Campari, Ennio Bonetti, Loris Ferrari, of the Dept. of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Bologna, and Angelo Casagrande of the Dept. of Industrial Engineering of the University of Bologna.
Warm Regards,
Virgilio Perrill:
I am not an expert, and I am not a smoker, but I think that the less anomalous things we inhale, except atmospheric air, the better.
Warm Regards,
Surely it is the most peer reviewed scientific publication in the world: all the other magazines are peer reviewed from 1 or maximum 2 scientists, while a publication on Researchgate is peer reviewed by thousands of scientists and when a scientist makes a recommendation, automatically he makes a positive peer reviewing; another big difference, is that when a scientist makes a recommendation of a publication he puts voluntarily his face on it, because he has to put his name in the recommendation, while in all the other magazines the peer reviewer remains anonymous, so if he – as many times happens- makes mistakes because does not have sufficient knowledge of the matter, his face is saved.
See the comments of the New York Times about Researchgate.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
Can you give us a glimpse about how the R&D on the Ecat SK Leonardo is proceeding?
You still think you will be able to present a permanent ssm of electricity generation directly from the “ballerina” we saw on ?
All the best,
Thank you for the link, but I know well the matter and I experienced that until you work upon prototypes in a laboratory, without costs limitations, this kind of alloys work perfectly, but when you have to industrialise the efficiency falls down. We’ll see. If they are rose, they will blossom.
Warm Regards,
Buongiorno: vorrei complimentarmi per il lavoro del suo team e sottoporle questo video che ho trovato ultimamente:
English: I want to send you this link that I discovered recently:
A proposito, l’immagine della ballerina di plasma in
English: By the way I think the plasma ballerina in
penso che sia l’OmKara della religione Indù, il Verbo, il Suono Primordiale.
Come diceva PierLuigi Ighina: “Esiste un cuore pulsante all’ interno del sole che pulsa alla stessa pulsazione del nostro cuore”.
English: is the OmKara of the Induist religion. Like saif PierLuigi ighina “Exists in the sun a pulsing heart that pulses at the same frequency of our heart”.
Cordiali saluti,
Fabrizio Andreoletti
Do not worry: you are not alone … most of our Readers are shielded by nicks. What counts is what is written, whatever the real name of the Reader might be.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
As you correctly said, I prefer not to expose myself, because I risk to have problems in the university I am a teacher of making a sort of “outing” in your favour. I am deeply convinced you are marching toward a glemorous success, but I prefer to sustain you through a nickname.
Viktor Shopachev:
I cannot disclose which are the real names under the nicknames. Obviously, who uses a nick wants not to expose himself and I must respect this confidentiality.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your insight.
I publish your insight as I publish all of them, but, honestly, for me it is very difficult to understand what you say, especially about chlorophyll aether extraction.
Maybe some Reader can understand what you say. I can’t.
this is to thank you for your response on the 18th.
If I understand your meaning, then you described truly remarkable improvements. I can only wonder whether and, if “yes”, when others including yourself drew parallels to how chlorophyll extracts energy from the aether, from the quantum of energy we call photons rather than your EVOs, doing so without damaging the relatively fragile mechanism of the molecule itself. Channeling the energy from photon receptors to specialized harvest points leading to the transformation of the photon into chemical bonds without burning out the molecule, without bringing about unhealthy epiphenomena.
Certainly, it is vastly different to your Stable Long Range Particle Interactions, yet in a manner the same. And a process tested across ~2.3 billion years on earth.
With these improvements, it is no wonder that you are very optimistic on launching the Ecat SK Leonardo by year’s end.
Dear Andrea
You are fond of Leonardo Da Vinci: the Louvre Museum devotes an exceptional retrospective from October 2 2019 through February 24 2020.
Thank you for your attention to the publication. You are right, it is rigorous and consequently to read it is necessary to have a solid background.
I still have yet to receive a serious criticism, besides the usual stupidities bag coming from persons that do not have the necessary skill to read and understand what I wrote, like “…how can an electron, that is a Fermion, travel at the speed of light…”, or “…how can Van Der Waals force and Casimir force have a role in nuclear interactions with their so small entity…” as if I did not know that a Fermion cannot travel at the speed c and that Casimir and Van Der Waals forces, in standard situations, cannot determine long range particle interactions. These observations mean only one thing: who writes so did not read the paper.
Warm Regards,
To understand the theoretical scheme it is also necessary to integrate the Aharonov- Bohm effect.
Dear Andrea:
In your paper
is absolutely genial the way you found that the Casimir effect and the Van Der Waals force can have in your process, notwithstanding the obvious fact that their energy is very low, but, notwithstanding this, you discovered the particular situatons in which they can compensate the Coulombian forces.
Very interesting also the analysis of the zitterbewegung effect of the electrons motion, wherein, as Dirac wrote in his Nobel prize lecture, electrons have vibration ( “tremors” ) at the speed of light even if, being Fermions, they move at a speed lower than c; it is remarkable that all these facts, connected with the Lorentz force and the neutral pico-metric aggregates, converge in the theoretical explication of your effect.
This can also explain the unbelievable success of your paper, that even if very difficult to unferstand, is the most read of the 15 millions of publications on Researchgate after the appearence of your paper and the coherent video in
All the best,
Karl Poehlmann:
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
I think this lonk can be usefulabout higher temperature in metallic array substrates:
Best Wishes,
Karl Poehlmann
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
Can you update about your R&D for the Ecat SK Leonardo in permanent ssm ?
Dear Andrea,
If you succed with the ssm without a need of external energy source, how will you proceed with that to the market?
I totally share your comment about Prof Christos Stremmenos.
Warm Regards,
My heartfelt condolences to Nicos and to Stremmenos family.
Christos has been an hero for his Country,
unforgettable example of honesty for everybody.
Ciao Christos, rest in peace.
Vivi Bertin:
Thank you for your kind comment,
Warm Regards,
Stremmenos un grande innovatore che ha affiancato Rossi quando molti erano scettici. Ho avuto la fortuna di conoscerlo di persona. Condoglianze alla famiglia.
English: Stremmenos, a big innovators who sustained Rossi when many were scepticists. I had the opportunity to know him personally. Condolences to the family,
Warm Regards,
Dear Readers:
Today Nicos Stremmenos, son of Cristos Stremmenos, has informed me of the fact that his father has passed away today.
I want to say that Cristos is one of the most honest, genial, sincere persons I ever met in my life.
A hero of the Greek resistance, a great Professor of Physics of the University of Bologna, Ambassador of Grece in Rome, I had the honour to make with him many very important experiments, in collaboration with Prof Sergio Focardi, who was his Dean and also a friend of him.
I am very sorry, I can’t deny my emotion in this moment.
I present to his wonderful family my deepest condolences,
Andrea Rossi
Frank Acland:
We are very close to success, but not yet cigar,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Can you explain more about what the ‘crucial point’ that you have reached is?
Best wishes,
Frank Acland
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog.
Warm Regards,
Ruben heick:
Yes. We arrived at a crucial point.
Warm Regards,
Garrett Fulmore:
I am spiritually with them,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
What do you think of today’s strike of the students in all the world to defend the environment?
Is still going well the experiment to produce directly electricity from the plasma?
Dear Vergilio Perrill, My Own thoughts. Regards vaping, In contrast to smoking, to be brief. Smoke contains huge particles in contrast to a vapour. Consequently a vapour will penetrate a barrier more readily than a particle of smoke that suffocates rather than penetrates. Not difficult to understand. My advice same as Andrea.. Regards Eric Ashworth.
Here is the link:
Warm Regards,
Mario Marini:
Thank you for the interesting link,
Warm Regards,
Here is an interesting paper published on the blog of Vessela Nikolova:
Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi.
Please provide a link to “Mechanical Spectroscopy Observation of LiAlH4 Decomposition”.
Yuri Isaev
Tyumen, Russia.
Dear Readers:
I want to recommend the following publication:
“Mechanical Spectroscopy Observation of LiAlH4 Decomposition”, on Journal of Alloys and Compounds, September 2019,
Giuseppe Levi, Enrico Gianfranco Campari, Ennio Bonetti, Loris Ferrari, of the Dept. of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Bologna, and Angelo Casagrande of the Dept. of Industrial Engineering of the University of Bologna.
Warm Regards,
No, on the contrary, nuclear interactions are fundamental, as you can read on
wherein particles infolved are not only electrons,
Warm Regards
We are working very wel and I am very optimistic ( Andrea, be humble )…pardon, and I hope in a positive result
Warm Regards,
Virgilio Perrill:
I am not an expert, and I am not a smoker, but I think that the less anomalous things we inhale, except atmospheric air, the better.
Warm Regards,
Surely it is the most peer reviewed scientific publication in the world: all the other magazines are peer reviewed from 1 or maximum 2 scientists, while a publication on Researchgate is peer reviewed by thousands of scientists and when a scientist makes a recommendation, automatically he makes a positive peer reviewing; another big difference, is that when a scientist makes a recommendation of a publication he puts voluntarily his face on it, because he has to put his name in the recommendation, while in all the other magazines the peer reviewer remains anonymous, so if he – as many times happens- makes mistakes because does not have sufficient knowledge of the matter, his face is saved.
See the comments of the New York Times about Researchgate.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi: there is not only the pollution of the atmosphere, there is also the pollution od the lungs: vaping is deadly
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
Can you give us a glimpse about how the R&D on the Ecat SK Leonardo is proceeding?
You still think you will be able to present a permanent ssm of electricity generation directly from the “ballerina” we saw on ?
All the best,
Dr Rossi,
Is Researchgate a peer reviewed magazine ?
Dear Andrea,
The fact that you excluded from your effect any form of cold fusion does imply that you exclude as well nuclear interactions?
Fabrizio Andreoletti:
Thank you for the link and for your kind approach to the work of our team,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the link, but I know well the matter and I experienced that until you work upon prototypes in a laboratory, without costs limitations, this kind of alloys work perfectly, but when you have to industrialise the efficiency falls down. We’ll see. If they are rose, they will blossom.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
This new trove in the field of the Seebeck effect could be of interest:
Buongiorno: vorrei complimentarmi per il lavoro del suo team e sottoporle questo video che ho trovato ultimamente:
English: I want to send you this link that I discovered recently:
A proposito, l’immagine della ballerina di plasma in
English: By the way I think the plasma ballerina in
penso che sia l’OmKara della religione Indù, il Verbo, il Suono Primordiale.
Come diceva PierLuigi Ighina: “Esiste un cuore pulsante all’ interno del sole che pulsa alla stessa pulsazione del nostro cuore”.
English: is the OmKara of the Induist religion. Like saif PierLuigi ighina “Exists in the sun a pulsing heart that pulses at the same frequency of our heart”.
Cordiali saluti,
Fabrizio Andreoletti
Anne Rindels:
Yes, you are correct.
Warm Regards,
Do not worry: you are not alone … most of our Readers are shielded by nicks. What counts is what is written, whatever the real name of the Reader might be.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
As you correctly said, I prefer not to expose myself, because I risk to have problems in the university I am a teacher of making a sort of “outing” in your favour. I am deeply convinced you are marching toward a glemorous success, but I prefer to sustain you through a nickname.
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
On your fantastic paper particle_interactions
I found the connections between your theoretical scheme and the Dirac equations: am I correct?
Thanks if you can answer,
Rod Walton:
Thank you for the update,
Warm Regards,
News on the issue of Power Engineering dated September 24th 2019:
EPA ACEs out the Clean Power Act: impact and projections.
Rod Walton
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Viktor Shopachev:
I cannot disclose which are the real names under the nicknames. Obviously, who uses a nick wants not to expose himself and I must respect this confidentiality.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Many are interested in the name, position and university of the professor under the nickname Prof
Best regards
Viktor Shipachev
Hello DR Rossi
This a link to a Ruby Carat interview
with Frank Acland of E-Cat World.
Christian Scholl:
Thank you for the information, I surely will go to visit it.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your insight.
I publish your insight as I publish all of them, but, honestly, for me it is very difficult to understand what you say, especially about chlorophyll aether extraction.
Maybe some Reader can understand what you say. I can’t.
Dear Andrea,
this is to thank you for your response on the 18th.
If I understand your meaning, then you described truly remarkable improvements. I can only wonder whether and, if “yes”, when others including yourself drew parallels to how chlorophyll extracts energy from the aether, from the quantum of energy we call photons rather than your EVOs, doing so without damaging the relatively fragile mechanism of the molecule itself. Channeling the energy from photon receptors to specialized harvest points leading to the transformation of the photon into chemical bonds without burning out the molecule, without bringing about unhealthy epiphenomena.
Certainly, it is vastly different to your Stable Long Range Particle Interactions, yet in a manner the same. And a process tested across ~2.3 billion years on earth.
With these improvements, it is no wonder that you are very optimistic on launching the Ecat SK Leonardo by year’s end.
My best,
Dear Andrea
You are fond of Leonardo Da Vinci: the Louvre Museum devotes an exceptional retrospective from October 2 2019 through February 24 2020.
Thank you for your attention to the publication. You are right, it is rigorous and consequently to read it is necessary to have a solid background.
I still have yet to receive a serious criticism, besides the usual stupidities bag coming from persons that do not have the necessary skill to read and understand what I wrote, like “…how can an electron, that is a Fermion, travel at the speed of light…”, or “…how can Van Der Waals force and Casimir force have a role in nuclear interactions with their so small entity…” as if I did not know that a Fermion cannot travel at the speed c and that Casimir and Van Der Waals forces, in standard situations, cannot determine long range particle interactions. These observations mean only one thing: who writes so did not read the paper.
Warm Regards,
To understand the theoretical scheme it is also necessary to integrate the Aharonov- Bohm effect.
Dear Andrea:
In your paper
is absolutely genial the way you found that the Casimir effect and the Van Der Waals force can have in your process, notwithstanding the obvious fact that their energy is very low, but, notwithstanding this, you discovered the particular situatons in which they can compensate the Coulombian forces.
Very interesting also the analysis of the zitterbewegung effect of the electrons motion, wherein, as Dirac wrote in his Nobel prize lecture, electrons have vibration ( “tremors” ) at the speed of light even if, being Fermions, they move at a speed lower than c; it is remarkable that all these facts, connected with the Lorentz force and the neutral pico-metric aggregates, converge in the theoretical explication of your effect.
This can also explain the unbelievable success of your paper, that even if very difficult to unferstand, is the most read of the 15 millions of publications on Researchgate after the appearence of your paper and the coherent video in
All the best,