United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,165 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Peter Forsberg

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for the clarification.



  • LookMoo

    Dear Rossi,

    I fully buy your concept that when the trial is over the COP figures needs to be checked and the double checked and then re-checked again before any information is released into the public.

    However, I don’t think the customers can care less. “He” will just go in to his accountant and ask.. “how much did we pay in 2014 and how much did we pay in 2015 for our power ????”.. the account needs like 5 min do give him a firm number. Even with the falling oil prices LENR should be competitive.

    Makes sense ??

  • Andrea Rossi

    Carrol Delmon:
    Much work remains to be done before we can publish a substantiated theory.
    Warm Regards,

  • Carrol Delmon

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    It is out of question that the interpretation of Feynman of the QED and the QD can sustain your theoretical hypothesys. Will be crucial the data concerning the radiations and the mathematical structure: I totally agree with you.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Oeystein Lande:
    1- I cannot answer
    2- yes
    Warm Regards

  • Øystein Lande

    Dear Mr Rossi,

    You said the Customer may lease or buy the plant If successful test.

    1. Have such commercial discussions allready started, since there are short time left of testperiod?

    2. Will you need a period after end of test to analyse the testperiod, to conclude on final Success?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Our new website now can also be reached from the following URL:
    Resuming, the new website can be reached from:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Not now, surely after enough testing.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dmitry Sutyagin:
    1- the situation is not mature to give these data
    2- same as above
    3- the output electricity will be ready for the AC plug, or DC plug if available. Always F9!
    4- can
    5- no. We do have scooters, just in case.
    Thank you for your kind attention; you have surely noticed that I have edited your comment eliminating the names of our Competitors you compared to us: this is because I never comment anything about our Competitors.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Giusy Francesconi:
    It is a courtesy of NASA, from the collection of the impressive photos of the Universe taken from the space. I followed the suggestion of a Reader, who emailed to me that the former cover, showing the part of emisphere of the Earth where Europe is, could offend the Readers of the other parts of the world: to offend nobody I asked the special website Team to put galaxies instead. This photo has been chosen being the biggest known “fusion” (albeit not quite cold): a fusion between two galaxies. I am glad you liked it.
    Warm Regards,

  • fyodor

    Mr. Rossi

    I hope that you are well.

    Is there any chance you could show us a picture of the E-Cat X?


  • Dmitry Sutyagin

    Hello Sir Andrea,

    I have been following the development of multiple new energy systems for several years. Your system looks like one of the most promising and ready at the same time. I am a true fan of clean energy, an ex Greenpeace employee, and I ride an electric scooter. One of my dreams is to have everyone use exhaust-free transport. I also dream of building a flying house. Both dreams seem to be possible with the use of your work. I am very interested in the possibility of integration of E-Cat X in an electric vehicle. I have several questions:
    1. What is the maximum electricity to heat ratio that a E-cat X module scaled to ~15KW can produce currently?
    2. What will be the electrical COP with such ratio?
    3. Is output electricity close to standard DC or AC in a usable Voltage range, is it an amplified copy of the electrical input, or is chaotic and requires a use of a filtering / rectification circuitry?
    4. Can variable load be applied directly to the output electricity circuit (if any) or this electricity can only be collected with a constant or very specific variable resistance to keep E-Cat X stable?
    5. Will you be interested in a prototype of an E-Cat X powered 10-15KW electric scooter? If so, how could I contact you further regarding this topic?

  • Giusy Francesconi

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    I saw the new cover of the website http://www.ecat.com, just updated today.
    It is stellar: two galaxies colliding one against the other: a magnificence. Where did you find it?

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- not yet
    2- no
    Warm Regards,

  • Rosenbur

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    1- are you testing an improved model of the 250 kW units?
    2- is there any development/ testing of a 1 MW reactor, as opposed to 4 x 250 kW ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- yes
    2- I hope so
    3- not possible so far
    4- not so far
    5- not so far
    Warm Regards

  • Stephen

    Many thanks to you and Norman Cook for sharing the presentation and also for your considered response to Pekka Janhunen’s very interesting question. I think what ever the result is the results of your current test looks to be becoming more and more interesting.

    I have a few small questions regarding the possibility to experimentally evaluate these ideas, if I may.

    1. Are you already able to probe the internal environment of your e-cats to detect and record the low level energy gamma spectrum?
    2. If so would this be able to give you sufficient frequency resolution and other information to evaluate this theory?
    3. If not would it be possible to develop a device that includes a probe of this kind of gamma spectrum information from the wafer with out disrupting to much the process. Or would the heat and environment prohibit this.
    4. Could a e-cat or e-cat X device allow small well characterised samples to be easily included and extracted from the wafer so that samples with different materials, and specific elements and isotopes as well as with materials with different nano structures or surface configurations?
    5. If not could such a device be developed, or would such an addition disrupt the process to the extent that it would not provide useful information.

    All the best for your continued success.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Pietro F.:
    The factory of Leonardo Corporation will not be the one in Cary. Leonardo Corporation will manufacture all its products in its factory, provided the results of the tests on course will be positive.
    The policy of our Licensee IH in their factory does not depend on us.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dr Peter Forsberg:
    No, no, I did not say so!
    Please read carefully !!!
    Feynman ( a Nobel Price laureate) did not violate the first and second thermodynamic laws !!!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Martyn Aubrey:
    Thank you for your attention: yes, the visitors of our website
    and the linked
    are increasing in number exponentially in the last days.
    We trade with you our symmetric wishes!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Manuel Cilia:
    No, it does not work like that. Please see my US Patent.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- yes
    2- if the results will be positive we will make more plants
    3- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention. The paper we are working upon will be published only if with the experimental data and an advanced mathematical structure we will be able to make a theoretical model that can reconciliate all the experimental data. Until we will be able to do that, observations like the one in the comment of Pekka Janhunen, a very serious person, will have to be considered correct. This is a dialectic dynamic between actuality and potentiality.
    Warm Regards,

  • Crystal

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    I really appreciated the response of you and Prof. Cook to the serious comment of Pekka Janhunen regarding the publication of Norman Cook on Ecatworld.
    The paper you and Prof. Cook are writing will be very important, I understand.

  • Lande

    Dear Mr. Rossi,

    Since the test period is soon over….

    1. Have the Customer indicated a wish to extend the lease if test is a success (or buy the plant) ?

    2. If not extended lease, what is your further plans for the test plant?

    3. Have you identified changes in the design that will be implemented when / if you start manufacturing on a broad scale…?

  • Dear Dr Rossi
    Does the new X-Cat still need hydrogen to function and if so can we produce small volumes via electroysis using the energy from the Xcat to keep the system running indefinitly. The hydrogen could be stored in metal hydrides

  • Martyn Aubrey

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    You seem to have many new readers commenting over recent months, which hopefully indicates that your story is becoming more widely known.

    Can you tell us all if your IT guys have noticed a rise in visits to the site?

    Wishing you Andrea, your excellent team and the many readers of the JoNP a very Happy and Successful 2016 and beyond.

    All the Best,
    Martyn Aubrey

  • Peter Forsberg

    Dear Andrea,

    Do I understand what you just said to Pekka Janhunen correctly? Did you just say that the ECat perhaps violates the first law of thermodynamics?

    Best Regards


  • Pietro F.

    é sempre prevista la costruzione di uno stabilimento industriale per la produzione di reattori per l’ecat da 1 MW a Cary?
    L”ecat x sarà prodotto per nello stesso stabilimento?
    Good morning, is it always planned to build a factory for the production of reactors for the ECAT 1MW in Cary ? Will the “ECAT X be produced in the same factory?

    Grazie e buon lavoro

  • Andrea Rossi

    Pekka Janhunen:
    This answers to your comment arrived today at 2.51 a.m.
    Sorry for the late, but I wanted to discuss with Prof. Cook the answer and he is in Japan, so we had a fuse to wait for.
    Your argument is possibly right and it respects the common sense of classical physics.
    This is why we ( Prof. Norman Cook and me) have to sustain our theory on the base of the data of the experiments and a rigorous system of advanced mathematical models.
    Before we reach that level, you maybe correct and we wrong. Nevertheless, the quantum mechanical view of Feynman opens different perspectives. Feynman argument with regard to atomic (electron) physics is that all virtual states have a brief reality because of the uncertainty principle. Classically, all the excited states should not be real unless the necessary excitation energy is received from somewhere. Especially for nucleons, excitation energies of several MeV should be too high to allow the excited states to occur. But Feynman and the other developers of the QED have shown that “impossibly high energy ” excited states for electrons need to be included in the calculation of the probabilities of atomic states. The more virtual states that are included, the more accurate is the model result ( and that is why the QED is so accurate, but so hard to understand).
    Classically, that is crazy and in his books Feynman has made a point of saying that their QED results “erode common sense” (e.g. p. 119, QED: The strange theory of light and matter, 1985).
    That is to say, although the common sense conservation of energy tells us that the higher energy excited states should not affect the lower energy electron ( or nucleon) transitions, the quantum mechanical view that Feynman defends is that all of the virtual states are briefly “real” within the time constraints of the uncertainty principle.
    Generally, that means for nucleons that many higher energy states do exist simultaneously for a few femtoseconds ( lower energy nuclear excited states can exist for picoseconds or nanoseconds or even for milliseconds, but the principle is the same).
    Is Feynman correct to say that “nobody understands QM” (p.9)? Maybe not, but if the uncertainty principle can be used in that way, then brief violation of the conservation of energy is possible. The “expanded Mossbauer Effect” Prof. Norman Cook and I are working upon and is the base of the theory we are trying to complete, starts from the idea that, during the brief reality of the nuclear excited states, high energy gamma resonance can occur and can make the virtual state become real leading to real de-excitation.
    That might be said to be the occurrence of the violation of the conservation of energy via “virtual state excitation”.
    The inevitable prediction from the “expanded Mossbauer” hypothesys is that, during de-excitation, real gamma rays will be emitted from excited nuclear states and those rel gamma rays should match the gamma ray energies that are known from the conventional nuclear physics experiments.
    Low energy gamma ray datafrom inside the E-Cat should, therefore, tell us if the hypothesys is right or wrong.
    We need to go through a process of measurements and formulation of a mathematical structure that allows the integration of the effect in the principles of the QED and the QM.
    This having been said, we ( Prof. Norman Cook and me) are conscious of the fact that you could be right ( or, if you prefer, that you “probably” are right).
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Besides: in these days we are continuing to update the website as a follow up of the corrections suggested to our Readers, so everyday, for at least a couple of weeks, the website will continue to be updated by the special team working on it that is receiving from me all your suggestions, most of which are correct.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Joseph Ballmer:
    I am delighted to read this. That’s the reason we worked for.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ing. Michelangelo De Meo:
    Very interesting, thank you.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- you are right
    2- good idea
    3- I pass it on to the JoNP’s IT guy
    Thank you for your permanent help.
    Warmest Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ballpark numbers: like a 20 cigarette packet, while the weight could be 300-400 grams, plus the apparatus to use the energy, that is different depending on the use, the fluid, etc.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Svein Henrik:
    Thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Oeystein Lande:
    With the Customer I meet daily; about the ERV, visits are made with no pre-advice to check instrumentation and measures registration, and also to check the camera registrations of the videocameras put by the ERV inside the plant. The measurements made by the ERV are substantially coherent with the measurements made by us, so far.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Joseph J:
    1- yes
    2- no
    Same wishes to you!
    Warm Regards,

  • Joseph j

    Dear Andrea Rossi

    1- Is the heat source described in your patent already part of the safety certification test?
    2- Is the production facility of the wafers already part of the test?

    I wish that you can bring this enormous task to a good end in 2016.
    Warm regards.
    Joseph J

  • Øystein Lande

    Dear mr. Rossi,

    Do you have fixed Weekly or monthly meetings with the customer and referee, or only when required for discussions?

    Have your own measurements of power and COP been in agreement with the Customers and the referee’s so far?

  • Svein Henrik

    Dear Pekka, Mats and Andrea.
    Andrea, thank You. You show yourselves like a true gentleman.
    The E-cat-x technology may be a life saver for the el-car industry since before or later will even European politicians understand that changing the energy source of a car from a petrol tank on the road to å coal powerplant besides the road is not a big achievement. When changing from a energy source to another, of environmental reasons, the environmental pollution is to be monitored on a marginal basis.
    The dynamic lows for cars, trucks and buses are the same. Thereof will all road traffic be of interest for E-Cat-X technology. The benefits of selleing energy to the grid when not in traffic will be different but still of interest.
    Best regards, Svein Henrik.

  • Hergen

    Dear Mr Rossi,

    what would be the weight and the volume (perhaps liters) of a 20 kw e-cat x reactor?

    Thank you.

  • orsobubu

    Andrea, I like the new revamped site http://ecat.com/ very much!

    Some personal notes just to push your endurance to the limits…

    1- Just my 2-cent opinion about the image of Earth on landing page: it is nice and colourful and I know you like it, but I think it is too much unrealistic; the obviously exaggerated heights of mountains, united to the unreal colorization, transmit a sense of fakeness distracting me from the authoritativeness I’m expecting from the serious and scientifical content of the site: it would be ok for a site on comics, movies or, at least, geographical maps. What about some image of the planet taken from the space station??

    2- It would be important if you set up a method to alert readers when new content is added to pages; it can be done easily with automated newsletters: usually a message is automatically sent to subscribers whenever new or modified content is added to a page, very useful

    3- (this is for JONP site) Since people today usually have 1600 pixel wide screens, you could update the header image in JONP to that size, to fit it from left to right border

  • Ing. Michelangelo De Meo

    Dear Dr. Rossi, I send you an article on the future incandescent bulbs . The Ecat will be more competitive ?
    The return of the incandescent bulb

  • Joseph Ballmer

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    Thank you for the website http://www.ecat.com, better than a movie; it must be read together with http://www.andrea-rossi.com and it becomes possible to understand where you are from and where you are going. Very beautiful how the US Patent has been presented.
    Great navigation, pure fun.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for this very interesting information related to an important achievement of the Swedish engineering in the field of the sustainable energy sources.
    Warm Regards,

  • Gunnar

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    In Sweden has been started the installation of the world biggest electric power generator that uses waves energy to produce electricity. It is being installed in the western coast of Sweden; manufactured by Seabased AB and operated by Sotenas Wave Energy, it works my means of the pull-push force made by the up-down movement of the waves, such force being exploited by means of a buoys system.
    I think this can be of interest for the readers of this blog.

  • Robert Curto

    Dr. Rossi, I was glad to hear that everything that happens inside the plant is video recorded, 24/7.
    You sure have all the bases covered !
    P.S. Dr. Rossi, I am sure your readers know what all the bases covered means.
    However, I have never done this before, so good luck to me.
    Click on:
    Robert Curto
    Ft. Lauderdale Florida

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention: complete and light is an oxymoron. We wanted to make a website that is able to make a complete presentation of the E-Cat, with an exhaustive description of our origins, of our present and of our strategy for the future; it was necessary to enrich it with photographies, drawings and give a complete information, within the limits of the field of non confidential information. All this would have not been possible by means of a “lighter” website. I understand that it is heavy for them who have not a fast connection, but I think that with patience also they will be able to have the proper information, better than a fast incomplete information.
    Good is better than fast.
    Warm Regards,

  • Guy

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    The new website http://www.ecat.com is very well done, but it is very heavy and it has taken several hours to me to read all of it. Isn’t it possible to make a lighter version?

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