United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,197 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Mark Saker

    Dear Andrea,

    Massive congratulations! I look forward to 2020 hoping this is the year your technology is revealed to the world (on a grand scale).

    Thank you for your continued perseverence.

    Did you video record during your tests? It will make for interesting viewing in the future when they make a documentary about you. I hope there’s some pictures.

    Please can you give us a timeline for the next few months?

    Many Thanks

    Mark Saker

  • Gian Luca

    The rest of the warrior……
    Have a good sleep and dreams.

    PS: stappato Prosecco Valdobbiadene millesimato. Salute!

  • Andrea Rossi


  • Mattias Andersson

    Dear Andrea,
    Congratulations to you and your Team for your victorious achievement! This marks a day for the history books.

    Kind regards,

  • Vincenzo Bonomo

    Caro Dr. Rossi finalmente il gran giorno è arrivato, così avrai modo di far rimangiare le accuse ai tuoi calunniatori che ti hanno perseguitato in questi anni e ristabilire la verità.
    Ancora congratulazioni e affettuosi saluti dall’Italia.

  • Tamal

    Dear dr. Andrea Rossi, congratulations to you, your team and your dearest who supported you all along.
    We pray for this day to be one of the brightest in history of our world. A day that brings joy, prosperity, peace and love to all souls.

    Kind regards, wishing you and your dearest all the God’s blessings.

  • Peter Thomas

    So many years of almost daily reading of Your Struggle and courage has been indeed inspirational;when apparent success had been changed to dust and ridicule and only self belief and Trust in Him are left. God bless you,your family and clearly Your Team – without which the Struggle may have no doubt continued deep into the Future – we all need the help of others. Simply, Thank you all. In His Name – and may you please take very good care now of yourself and the ones who have cared for you.

    Peter.- A new Future and Hope for All begins today!

  • Martyn Aubrey

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    Greatest Congratulations to yourself and to your outstanding team on your wonderful achievement of electrical SSM for the Ecat SK Leonardo.

    The World changed this morning, even though only a lucky few are aware so far!

    Attaining Infinity COP is groundbreaking, and lays the foundation for a new era of clean cheap power generation for the benefit of all of Humanity.

    The public presentation of the Ecat SK Leonardo will be amazingly important.

    “Thank You!” to both yourself and your Team for all your hard work.

    Respectful Regards,
    Martyn Aubrey

  • KeithT

    Dear Andrea,

    Congratulations to you and your team on achieving permanent Self-Sustaining Mode for your E-Cat Leonardo, and a thank you for all the hard work you have put into this over the years to get to this point, you may have had occasional help and ideas from others, but it was you who drove this forward, you who had the dream and pursued it to this point.

    I would also like to give large thanks your wife, for supporting you in your endeavours, the last few years have likely been stressful for both her and you.

    You have been running a marathon and have completed a stage, there is further road to travel to the finish, time for a refresh, maybe over the Christmas period you can take a holiday and treat your wife, clear your head, take time to consolidate your thoughts, formulate your plans for the way forward.

    I look forward to the future, one where after many years of doom and gloom in the world there is now finally more than just a glimmer of hope, not just for my generation but for generations to come.

    Best regards,

    Keith Thomson.

  • Harvey

    A hearty CONGRATULATIONS to you and your team. I don’t have any Dom Perignon to toast your amazing achievement, but I do have a 30 yr. old single malt that I raise in praise to you. Please take a lesson from Genesis 2:2 and rest. You certainly deserve it.
    Warmest regards,

  • Rémi André

    Dear M.Rossi
    I suddenly remember the time when I informed my pupils about your work. It was in 2011. Since then I spoke of you from time to time and honestly it was difficult to keep faith after all these years. But now is another day, and what a day ! I thank you M. Rossi for what you did and all the children of the world thank you too !

    Very warm regards
    Remi André (France)

  • PieroF

    Man, i’ve been following this project daily since 2011. It has been an incredible story. It looks like the patience and trust of all of those who kept hoping for a real breakthrough has been rewarded. Time to get out of the cave Andrea. Great job. Heartfelt congratulations and Godspeed. Piero

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    Congratulations with this historic event. Fantastic that you and your team were able to do this.
    You are the singular point of a new paradigma change!
    Obviously you had great help of your team and I congratulate them too.
    Please take rest, although we know that is hard for you, but tough days are ahead.
    I hope the Leonardo will hit the market soon and that you will license production to allow for ultra fast market penetration, because that’s what the world and humanity needs.
    Well done!

  • Xavier Pitz

    Dear Andrea & e-cat team,

    Congratulations about your latest achievement !
    I am so happy for you and share this happiness with all the readers of the JoNP.

    I can’t wait to learn more about the results of your experiment, especially how strong the excess of electricity compared to the heat is.
    If you achieved a high electricity/heat ratio this would mean that the use of the Carnot cycle would not be necessary anymore to get the very useful electricity out.
    I can still only dream about the 90% elec / 10% heat ratio that you referenced to, some months ago and again a few days ago…
    I think this ratio is the key to the portability of your device, and still dream about the possibility of seeing e-cat powered ground/sea/air vehicles in the future.
    Please tell us more about the ratio that your last iteration of the e-cat achieved as soon as you feel comfortable to.

    I think this date will remain in history, the world may never be the same !

    Best Regards

    Xavier Pitz

  • toussaint françois

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Congratulations on this huge achievement !!

    Now is the start of a new age for our civilization, and your name will be remembered for posterity.

    Warm Regards,

    Toussaint François

  • Stephen

    Dear Andrea.

    You did it !!!

    I’m so happy to hear this! Absolutely brilliant!
    Well done to you and all your team..
    This is beyond words. The world changed yesterday and last night.

    This is legendary.



  • P

    Fantastic Andrea!
    I was overjoyed when I read your message.
    I think your energy is the only hope to reach the climate goal of +2 degrees Celsius.
    Now I hope you team up with Bill Gates (who is not looking to fool anyone) and put up a plan on how the launch should be implemented to save the world without creating financial chaos.

    Congratulations from Stockholm

  • Rick 57

    Dear Andrea,

    congratulations: I saved your message to show to my grandchildren in the future !!!

    When you say: “…generating more excess of electricity than of heat…” do you mean the heat conversion efficiency into electric energy can be greater than 50% ?

    This would be beyond the most optimistic expectations !!!

    Again, thanks a lot to You and Your Team for giving us such a great emotion and the possibility to live these moments together !!!

    God bless you,

  • Yrka

    I really hope that the “Neogarsky Falls” announced by you will wash off numerous and strong opponents of progress who are concerned about their wallet.
    Yury isaev

  • Elias Duntarn

    Dear Dr Rossi.
    It’s been many years that i follow your work.
    Merci !
    Thank you for your dedication and the work of your team.
    At least an immense good news for the future…

  • Giuliano Bettini

    It seems that
    once again
    the Italian navigator has landed in the new world.
    Hope so.
    Giuliano Bettini

  • Yrka

    Dear Andrea Rossi!

    My sincere, tremendous congratulations from the heart!

    We are all those who understand the depth of your accomplishments (unlike fools, trolls and simply not curious people) for the last weeks (and recent years), holding their breath, waiting for the results of your hard work.
    And so it happened!
    You deserve to win with your uncompromising attitude and hard work.
    My respect for your spouse, for her help and participation! And for tennis!
    Now we are waiting for information on the presentation and perspective of industrial production.
    Please remember us waiting for a generator version for the home.

    Yuri Isaev
    Tyumen, Russia

  • Marco


    This was the day I was waiting for.

    Now think to a beautiful and professional presentation. I follow some debunkers and I were very angry to the way they mocked you for the last presentation, as if the form of the presentation was more important that the content.

    This time they must shut the mouth out…

  • Giuseppe

    Dear Andrea,
    G R A Z I E

  • what can I say
    hooray, when will you disclose some more information

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    There are no words to describe how great your invention is to humanity.
    For you and your team the emotion must have been incredibly immense, aware of how much it represents for all of us and the future of the Earth.
    Now your work must continue, because there is still a lot to do.

    1) – This is easy: it is essential making a public and independent functioning test that undoubtedly shows that the new reactor is real and working.

    2) – This is very difficult: to ensure that the powerful and hostile international echelons of energy and politics accept the total breakdown of a status quo that has been consolidated for millennia and has brought us so much progress but also endless losses and tragedies. The new world balances will take many decades and there will certainly be traumas.

    Italo R.

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Congrads on your achievement. Now get some sleep, then replicate, replicate, and more replicate. Please let us know the performance parameters.

  • Renato

    Dear Andrea,
    congratulations for these stunning results !
    Take this day to rest and celebrate the huge achievement got by your perseverance.
    I will make a ‘brindisi’ for you and for a future improved !

  • Steve Swatman

    This is fantastic news!!

    My congratulations to you and your team for a phenomenal achievement.

    I look forward to the demonstration of the prototype, the working model, the retail model and your partners coming out in your support.

    Still lots of work ahead, lots of refinements, lots of design implementation, However, I enjoy the thought of your work and invention becoming available to the world.

  • Eugenio Mieli

    And, in the end, the years of work and waiting have paid off. I knew it.

  • Bruno Angius

    Caro Andrea,
    Sei stato “immenso”. Ti ringrazio di cuore !
    Tu e il tuo Team avete improvvisamente cambiato il destino di questo mondo. Da questa mattina, l’Umanità ha una solida speranza di futuro !
    Non sarà facile ….., ma sono sicuro che, ora, tu sappia cosa fare affinché tutti possano beneficiare della Tua Scoperta.
    Ti auguro una strameritata gloria e tanta serenità

    Dear Andrea,
    You have been “immense”. Thank you with all my heart !
    You and your great Team have suddenly changed the destiny of the World. Now, Humanity has a solid hope for the future.
    It won’t be easy ….., but I am sure that you know what to do, now, so that everyone can benefit fot Your Discovery.
    I wish you a deserver glory and a lot of serenity.

  • Bob Belovich

    Dear Andrea Rossi

    Congratulations to you and your team. Your achievement today gives hope to all people. My deepest appreciation.

  • Ron Stringer

    Thank you, Prometheus!

  • Irina and Vitaly Uzikov

    Dear Andrea!

    Today we have one of the happiest days in life! Creating a clean source of energy that you have successfully done is an absolute science fiction turned into reality. My daughter and I, as representatives of the nuclear industry, would seem to be anxious about technologies, after which nuclear power is doomed. But we see not only the pros, but also the disadvantages of our industry in the form of radioactive waste, so we are happy that mankind has a fundamentally new, clean and unlimited source of energy. It is obvious that only such a fantastic person like you could carry out such a fantastic work without any state and other support, in an extremely unfriendly atmosphere of the media! We are happy that all these years we had the great honor of being your friends and, knowing more deeply than others about your work, did not doubt for a minute your complete success. We wish you good health, happiness and the speedy implementation of your fantastic energy source in the global energy system!

    With the deepest respect and reverence,

    Irina and Vitaly Uzikov

  • LilyLover

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    A very very heartfelt congratulations to you.
    Thank you. Did you and your team just save the planet?
    Well, we expected nothing less.
    Please do not abandon/sell the tiny 20W QX version. It could fetch almost as big profits as E-Cat SK Leonardo.
    Happy Saturday, dear Andrea!
    With much respect and love,

  • Pjautr

    H O O R A Y !!!

    I am throwing myself away !!!

    Today is Champagne – Day!

    Here in Austria it is 04:15 in the Morning, I waited this long and was about to go to bed.

    And now this !!!

    THANK YOU Andrea Rossi and your team. Thank you thank you thank you!

    The New World is reality …

  • Claud

    Dear Andrea, notwithstanding the time (in Italy it’s four in the morning) I ‘m here to celebrating this goal. Seven years after first wishing you for your endeavour I think that eventually I can congratulate for your full success.
    Claudio Rossi

  • Joseph Fine

    Congratulations and Best Wishes to you and your team for your Great Work and a Great Result. Now comes the future.

    God Bless you and Happy Thanksgiving! Don’t drink too much Dom Perignon tonight. Get some sleep.

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for your latest comment reporting on your success. Congratulations to you and your team!

    I hope you can get some rest now and continue your important work.

    Do you expect to make a presentation in the next few months?

    Best wishes,

    Frank Aclad

  • WaltC

    Dr Rossi,
    Congratulations on achieving another groundbreaking milestone! Thanks so very much for the timely news.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers of the JoNP:
    We did it.
    Obtained permanent self sustaining mode with production of strong excess of electricity, generating more excess of electricity than of heat.
    It is a revolution.
    We did not violate unity, we just discovered an energy that had not been exploited before.
    I am very tired.
    Independent parties tests will follow, eventually we will make a presentation.
    I think we made something that will make a revolution.
    My team colleagues are saying to me ” Andrea, stay calm, be humble”. They are right. Now I am tired, must reorganize the ideas. The work in these last 2 weeks has been very hard, but we did it. This morning, late, we got more electric energy that the electric energy necessary to make the Cat work. The increase is strong.
    Too big to be true, but it is true.
    If you are reading this message, means I am not dreaming: our Readers are independent parties that can convince me I am not sleeping and I am really writing this.
    The merit is of my fantastic Team, without them this could not have been done.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your kind words.
    I am close to release an important statement.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rodney Nicholson:
    Thank you for your “sitting on the edge of your seat”…I think it is worth,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Some news arriving,
    Thank you for your sustain,
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    In few minutes we are going to give an important information.
    I think you are sleeping, but consider that we are 6-7 hours behind Europe,
    Warm Regards,

  • Karl

    Hallo Andrea Rossi i’m from Europe and i am quite as old as you are but i’m not from the robust conditions that you have to wait for the time when you come with your results and i ask you is there plan for any kind of a big coming out tonight or can i go
    To sleep because i’m tired

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Dear dr Andrea Rossi, and dreamteam,

    I can’t remember a single moment of the past eight years, where you sounded as convinced and happy as now.

    It seems like this time you just know that the circle is closed.

    Above all, I am grateful. Thankfully that all of the necessary insights over the past decade continued to come through your mind step by step.
    A theoretical model is one thing, making a sustainable machine that uses the model efficiently is many times more difficult. It remains a miracle.

    Gratefull Regards,

  • “In about 12 hours we will know if we have arrived at the finish line, or if we still will have to perspirate.”

    Very good!

    But without your inspirations (and those of SK and a certain Leonardo) the perspiration would not have been required, or even considered!

    I look forward to excellent news later today. ‘Sitting on the edge of my seat’ !


  • Pjautr

    Dear Andrea Rossi!
    This was about 10 years ago and the bottle for celebrating 911-truth is still in my refrigerator.

    Since then I followed with awe your struggle. Endless, it seemed so.

    Within days you might succeed in his struggle. If so, your name will be known even to people in the most remote places on earth (for obvious reasons especially there), for centuries to come.

    I am more than ready and happy to sacrifice that very bottle to celebrate the dawn of a new world you are about to “fire up”.

    A NEW WORLD indeed will it be. It is not so much because of ecological benefits, but because of the enormous changes in the socio-economical realm so much needed, world-wide. No society, no business, ho household, no human being will be untouched. Simple men will be empowered, where ever they live. Existing power structures (politically, militarily, economically) will be turned upside-down, inside-out.

    Welcome New World !

    Andrea, please “stay humble”!

    PS: Do you remember that the mayan calendar “endet” 2012? Some people interpreted this as the “end of the world” in an apocalyptical way. But the mayans calendar was not about the end of the world, but about the shift from the time of the “Pisces” to the new time of “Aquarius”. Astrology says this: “The Age of Aquarius is causing great turmoil in order to make room for the new values of love, brotherhood, unity and integrity. Everything with Piscean values is being exposed and taken down.”
    Go Andrea, go !!!

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