United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,104 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Aleksei Savchenko:
    Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team.
    You are making a very interesting job.
    Good luck!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Very limited compared to before
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- when we saw the load work while the Ecat SK leonardo was unplugged.
    2- just a tremendous work, convinced of getting the results, but everytime with a failure for some reason
    3- too many to explain. Th Ecat is a very complicated system
    4- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Richard Stettler:
    I sure do not expect a bed of roses from everybody, but I never had, I’m relatively ready.
    Thank you for your sustain,
    Warm Regards,

  • Richard Stettler

    Dear Mr Rossi,
    Since many years I am following your work on this blog.
    Now it’s time for my first comment.
    Thank you for your life time you needed for this work.
    Hopefully the power guys will allow you to diffuse the Ecat in the market.
    Take care.
    All the best,

  • Sam

    Hello Dr Rossi

    Was the test done in closed loop?


  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    This is a comment from Bob Grenyer
    MFMP.Can you comment on it?


  • Stephen

    I’m sure you are getting hundreds already but May I add a few more questions?

    1. What was the most exciting or ground breaking moment during your testing on Saturday?

    2.. Could you share additional moments from the days before?

    3. What was kinds of testing are you continuing with in the current time frame before the verification start?

    4. Is there already more than one device under test?



  • Giuseppe

    Dear Andrea,
    Does the E-Cat SKL need continuous cooling, or yes but in a limited way compared to before?
    Regards, Giuseppe

  • Aleksei Savchenko

    Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi,
    First of all my congratulations. I am impressed very much not only of your final achievement, but for your hard work and confidence in success.
    My name is Aleksei Savchenko and in April you read two of my papers: “Dear Alexey
    Thank you for your papers, very interesting, in particular the part of the antimatter, that I think the most interesting. Warm Regards, Andrea”.
    They are not directly depicted to LENR effects but based on the novel structure of matter and partly probable energetic effects that appear at fast changes in Physical Vacuum density are analyzed (partly confirmed experimentally on my cavitation stand). The similar effects could be in your Ecat as well as in Stars. But it was only hypothesis at that time.
    I was confused a little by your novel achievement, because at first I thought that you just closed the Carnot cycle as in thermal power plants, as there was enough excess heat and corresponding high temperature for it. If I clearly understood 70-80% of energy produced by electricity and remained by heat. In sum it should be the same quantity as you have received earlier only by heat. The matter is that if you manage to get electricity on your ampoule with a powder through which electric current passes, immediately, then this does not happen instantly, but it takes dozens of experiments, a lot of time and information leakage, by which we would know and would be ready for your breakthrough. But you succeeded instantly.
    But then I remembered that in my model the LENR excess heat happens at the account of the chaotic pulse movement of electrons. Then just by applying a magnetic field to it, you can order the movement of electrons and get a current. Only now, thanks to you, I guessed about this, although I understood the mechanism of excessive heat release for a long time (although I can bend and completely different mechanisms work there).
    Once again, congratulations on your success.
    Best regards,

  • Martin Himpe

    Dear Andrea,
    Congratulations for your achievement.
    1- will the price be affordable for everybody ?
    2- cost of the 12 mo charge?

  • Stefano G.

    Congratulazioni Dr. Rossi!
    As they say, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence… my humble proposal for a demonstration would be to get a Tesla car on rollers, remove the battery and plug in a SKL-based electricity generator and operate the car in front of an audience of your choice (YouTube, even). The apparatus should be big enough to deliver enough electricity to feed the car, yet small enough to demonstrate that its energy density cannot be explained by the current knowledge of chemical and/or physical laws. Viable?

  • Stefano G.

    Congratulazioni Dr. Rossi!
    As they say, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence… my humble proposal for a demonstration would be to get a Tesla car on rollers, remove the battery and plug in a SKL-based electricity generator: big enough to push the car, small enough to demonstrate the energy density of the apparatus. Viable?

  • arjen

    I didnt read this request before so although likely you have thought about it, I still ask…

    6 months is not really a long time to replace the charges,

    Did you consider a automatic change of the charge need in the ECAT?
    So to speak a single bullet ecat versus a 12 bullet ECAT ?
    Rotating and using all 12 charges , till you have completed all charges?
    I think this will be a huge benefit as changing charges in remote areas will be a serious issue.

    Kind regards Arjen

    Thanks to you and your team and your family for all your sacrifices.

  • Stephen

    Hi Andrea,

    I think all your responses here to everyone are more than enough for me. I’m amazed that such an incredible thing has happened after all the hard work but you still have time to remember us to listen to and consider each response and reply each day. Even on you day off I think you kept us in touch!

    This is really good news. And I can imagine that you are working hard now to get it trough the next phases.

    My heart felt best Regards and good luck with these next important phases.

    Sometimes the hardest things are achieved by the most resilient and focused people. Deep faith and the mind of a marathon runner has been the core of that in you I believe. It wonderful to see

    Thanks and looking forward to the coming weeks.


  • Rick57

    Dear Andrea,

    this was my original message, previously spammed:


    Congratulations: I saved your message to show to my grandchildren in the future !!!

    When you say: “…generating more excess of electricity than of heat…” do you mean the heat conversion efficiency into electric energy can be greater than 50% ?

    This would be beyond the most optimistic expectations !!!

    Again, thanks a lot to You and Your Team for giving us such a great emotion and the possibility to live these moments together !!!

    God bless you,


    Now, since you already answered to the above, I have one more question for you:

    are you planning to build devices with different size, let’s say 5, 20, 100 KW, or just rely on module composition ? I understand this approach is easier from a manufacturing point of view but can be complex and less reliable if the power requirement is huge.

    Thanks a lot if you can respond,

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    I have some additional questions if you allow me:
    1. Is the ECat SKL you put in closed loop operation on 11/23 still running, disconnected from external supplies?
    2. Is one of the test to see how long it can run?
    3. How do you measure its electrical output?
    4. How do you measure its heat output?
    I hope it runs for ever!
    Thank you, kind regards, Gerard

  • Sven B

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    Now I understand why you preferred to pass earlier on my questions about DC voltage and electric power.
    So the electric power share can come up to 70-80%.
    a) at what range of DC voltage?

    In the stream of comments after your announcement, I note some followers worrying that US might declare
    E-Cat a matter of national safety/importance to take control of the patent and its realization.
    b) Can you confirm that the necessary steps to prevent such a situation are already taken?

    Kind Regards
    Sven B

    Kind Regards
    Sven B

  • John B

    Dear Andrea,

    Congratulations for your achievements. Was the Ecat SK Leonardo operating in a closed loop fashion in the latest tests on Saturday?

  • Jeff Smathers

    And the public…in awe says…..Wow!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Yes, the Ecat SK Leonardo works in closed loop, producing enough electric energy to sustain itself, plus electric energy to power for example an engine, or whatever you want, reaching any power just assembling ,ore modules to put in series and parallels. Here stays the revolution.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mike Aston:
    OK, shoot the engineer, bang !
    Warm Regards,

  • Mike Aston

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    time is to “shoot the engineer” ( who seeks perfectionism ) and hit the market.
    I am following your work since more than 10 years.
    Blessing and Godspeed,
    M.S. Aston (ret. engineer)

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Since I am working now on the issue how to make it diffused in the world, I still am under strong working pressure. Notwithstanding this I tried to answer to all these wonderful messages, that are fuel for me and my team. Maybe I forgot to answer to some of them, or that some has gone spammed for error: if so, please resend your unanswered comments or your unpublished comments: I will be delighted to repair.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    I think that the Ecat SK Leonardo can fuel any battery car with practically infinite autonomy.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Good question.
    I am studying which can be the best solution. Could be another surprise.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Sasha Luedi:
    Thank you !
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Joseph A. Rocco:
    I hope so.
    Thank you for your trust in our work,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Szymon Blachuta:
    1- no
    2- no
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Andrea Seghizzi:
    Wonderful words.
    Thank you
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Daniel G. Zavela:
    Thank you for your kind words.
    When we will make the presentation you will have it all.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Dr. Rossi:

    My congratulations to you and your excellent team.
    Your dedication, perseverance, persistence and great effort are matched by no one else!
    Can you share some photos and a video of your device sometime soon?

    Best of Luck with commercializing your product.

    Best Regards,

    Daniel G. Zavela

  • Andrea Seghizzi

    Dear Andrea,
    I am following this wonderful adventure more that 10 years since…and the news about this experimental achievement arrives like a comet that shines in the dark of the night !
    I think to the fatigue, to the infinite problems, with the detractors always so much vociferous around you working men and women of your team, always trying to distract everybody’s glance at something that seems impossible, but is now so real to draw all your energies.
    I am crazy happy for this success and I thank you for having turned a dream into a reality.
    With strong esteem for your Team,
    Andrea Seghizzi

  • Szymon Blachuta

    1- does the SKL stabilize the plasma of the SK?
    2- will you integrate the SKL with the SK in operation?
    Szymon Blachuta

  • Joseph A. Rocco

    Dear Andrea,
    Thanks to God, your invention will save lives
    Joseph A. Rocco

  • Sasha Luedi

    Thank you for this invention that can change the world.
    I wish you all the strength necessary to put this invention at the service of everybody in the world,
    thank you so much for your work and power,
    Sasha Luedi

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    I suppose the new Leonardo reactor needs yet to be improved (Research & Development never stop).
    However I believe you will have already designed a future strategy suitable for this new type of reactor.

    I think that in the future each of us will be able to buy a Leonardo E-Cat for using it as a generator of electricity and heat for his own house.
    The power of the single module could be, I suppose, at least 10 kW electric and it will be possible to get more power (based on the needs) by combining more modules.

    And besides domestic use (anyway billions of possible users), there are immense other fields of application (industries, automotive, aviation, space, etc.).
    The subject is too large and complex, infinite.

    A question instead regarding us individual users: how soon do you think will it be possible to see / buy a reactor ready for the market?

    Kind Regards,
    Italo R.

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Regarding the eCat SK Leonardo, for application with a Tesla car, the car’s battery capacity is in the range of 75 kWhr with a corresponding range of 270 miles. Assuming a maximum speed of 80 mph, then the discharge time would be 3.375 hours. To continually charge the battery pack you would need to output about 20kW of electrical energy. With a 70% efficiency, the amount of heat that would need to be removed would be about 10kW. Perhaps you should consider Tesla as a possible partner? If you could make this happen, then one might have a car with near unlimited range, stopping for human needs only. The onboard Tesla battery would be needed for peak energy consumption, acceleration, hills, etc.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dr Joseph Fine:
    1 yes
    2 yes, but I do not use MHD
    3 6 months
    Thank you for your kind attention
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Much as Gracias !
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Alex Burachynsky:
    Thank you for your sustain
    Warm Regards

  • Joseph Fine

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    My congratulations again to you and your team for this monumental achievement.

    1) Does the E-Cat SKL produce electricity directly from plasma?

    It seems your ‘generator’ does not use a Carnot Cycle/Heat Transfer Fluid (other than plasma) since you can obtain as much or more electricity than heat as output.

    (That is, to get such high efficiency, you would not use a mechanical turbine or other moving parts other than electrons or ions.) I imagine you are are using some type of MHD generator.


    2) Is that a good guess?

    Plus, if the system can self-sustain without external power, its actual ‘efficiency’ has to be referenced back to the energy content of the charge. Which is substantial.

    3) How long could a charge actually last at full power?
    a) 6 mos.
    b) 1 year
    c) 2 years
    d) Don’t know yet

    Est satis difficilis erat, nunc ad astra.

    It was difficult enough, but now the stars.

    Joseph Fine

  • Andrea Rossi

    I see what I can do…
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bernie Morrissey:
    Thank you,
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    I am doing my best to answer to all.
    Every comment merits an answer, I just need time.
    1 yes
    2 yes
    3 yes
    4 yes
    5 yes
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Donald G.Chandler:
    No noise at all
    Warm Regards

  • Donald G Chandler

    Dear Dr Rossi

    Congratulations on your announced success with electricity generating SSM ecat.
    Can you tell us how quiet or noisy this device is?
    1. Fan noise?
    2. Relay noise?
    3. Inverter/magnetic hum?
    4. Other?
    5. What decibel measurement? Or comparison. E.g. like a desktop computer?


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