United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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41,193 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Paul di Anno:
    Warm Regards,

  • Paul di Anno

    how long it takes your machine to generate electricity since it is turned on. seconds, some minutes, hours? need a “warm up” period or is it almost instantaneous? Warm regards.

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    The E-Cat SK with heat output has been running for about 1 year so far.

    Can you tell if its reliability till now is:

    1 – poor
    2 – sufficient
    3 – good
    4 – excellent

    And how can the current reliability of E-Cat SKL be defined?

    Thank you for your efforts.

    Italo R.

  • Andrea Rossi

    I have a precise strategy and it will be disclosed at the presentation.
    I do appreciate your insight.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Lundin:
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Peter Lundin

    Hello Andrea !
    Tis company hereunder licenses a software to program processors and components in a safe way: maybe it is useful to your team:
    Congratulations for your achievement with the SSM of the Ecat SKL
    Good luck,
    Peter Lundin

  • Buck

    Dear Andrea:

    My intuition, along with all others at EcatWorld, is painting a picture in response to your many thoughts shared since 11/24/2019 including your stated goal that the Ecat SKL will be presented for global impact so as to help with a rapid and broad deployment. All of this against the backdrop where, to my understanding, the SKL provides energy in a quantity and manner that is impossible to hide from Big Oil.

    At the heart of your sharing is an expression of goals and values. Things to keep at the forefront so as to orient and guide ones actions in response to the circumstances at hand. To orient your sense of “balance” so as to see the next step that maintains balance in action.

    If questions can paint the picture of the energies, forces, and conditions at play, then do the following do a fair job of painting the picture as you know it?

    As a starting point: How do you strengthen your goals & values through your actions? What is the impact upon the details of the presentation, the actions leading up to the presentation, and any follow through actions after the presentation?
    I start of with the first question that IMO has a strong affinity with your expressed goal of global impact and rapid broad deployment. Please know this, I am not asking you for your plans. I am only asking if my intuited picture is sound.

    Do you set your goal to maximize profit under an unlimited time frame, or do you specifically limit the initial milestone for maximizing market penetration, then profit to 12/31/2030?
    Do you hook into global political movements that align with your interests, inviting Greta Thunberg?
    Do you even talk about the Green New Deal as it is argued for in the US and EU?
    Do you offer untold competitive advantages to the small oil refining company willing to come over to your side?
    Do you offer specific limited but very generous benefits to the existing customers of the SK to be open and present at the presentation?
    Do you spread the IP further as a safety valve for undesirable happenings?
    Do you highlight the powerful economic boost as the globe undergoes a massive reconstruction of the infrastructure? Possibly highlighting the US version of the GND.
    Do you define it as a product or a service?
    Do you price your product/service, currently at 80% of existing costs, to 50%, or even 25%?
    Do you focus initially strictly upon those market segments that are strongly sensitive to cost savings, i.e., commodities?
    Do you select specific markets (nations) that show an openness to implementation AND protection of the IP?
    Do you highlight specific pricing for 2nd and 3rd world nations where poverty is a very real impediment?
    Do you move beyond validation by market acceptance to open technology incubators at specific Universities?
    Do you have a response to the governments that quietly bully you into giving over the IP or openly look to appropriate the IP?
    Do you temper the expectation of your audience by sharing a realistic picture of the growth path for Leonardo Inc.?
    Do you include a revised Ragone plot to present a simple pictorial message of this power source?
    Do you describe the difference between fuel and catalysis?
    Do you inflame people’s imagination?
    How clear do you present the facts that this technology does and will replace fossil fuels?
    Do you actually state this message or do you let your audience come to that realization on their own?

    I deeply appreciate your generosity in answering so many questions. It is my hope that this question about an “intuited picture” does not go too far.

    My best to you, your team, your mysterious partner, and your wife during this holiday season.

    Sincerely and respectfully,

    Mason Ainsworth

  • Andrea Rossi

    1 yes
    2 no
    Warm Regards

  • giancarlo

    1 egregious andrea, is the list of buyers booked still valid?
    2 airships as a possible field of application?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rick 57:
    We are continuing to work on them and with them, hoping to be mature for a presentation in January or February. We are finding out the weak points related to the reliability in the long term.
    I am satisfied and optimist, while we are working on them, not just looking at.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Because it is too soon for that application, therefore I am not focusing on it. I did not answer “never”…
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bernie Morrissey:
    It will depend on the orderand on the situation that will form
    Warm Regards,

  • Bernie Morrissey

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    After the presentation and orders start coming in how long do you anticipate it will take from an order to delivery?

    Bernie Morrissey

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    In an earlier question, someone asked if the E-Cat SKL could be a fit for electric airplanes. You answered “no”. Can you explain why it would not be suitable for aircraft?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Rick 57

    Dear Andrea,

    are the 3 Ecat SKL still running since Nov 23 in electrical SSM without any manual intervention / stop to fix or prevent potential problems ?

    Thanks a lot for what you are doing for the planet !

    Warmest Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Eric Schlinger
    I think so.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dr Rossi,
    After your presentation of January/February you will be inundated by requasts of the Ecat: are you ready to sustain this situation?
    Eric Schlinger

  • KeithT

    Dear Andrea,

    For your forthcoming presentation will you also publish a new paper.


    Keith Thomson.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find comments published today on other posts of this blog,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the suggestions
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Donald G Chambler:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Donald G Chandler

    Dear Dr Rossi

    I don’t know what sort of public demo you have planned. I’m guessing that ecat skl has a suitable power to weight ratio to act as the electric power source for a small quadcopter drone. If so, an amazing demo would be to put the drone up and have it hover for days, far exceeding battery duration, and impossible for anyone to say it’s attached to anything. Is this possible?

    Donald Chandler

  • Giovanni

    Dear Andrea

    Some suggestions to avoid or minimize criticism and suspicions from skeptics after your future demo/presentation of SKL:
    1 – Go only electric, no calorimetry. Set up a panel with n 100W bulbs, their lights will be self explaining..
    2 – Put the SKL assembly on a transparent plexiglas table, avoiding any idea of hidden cables
    3 – Put the table away from any wall
    4 – No cables going out from the table
    5 – Avoid control instruments, they need cables connected to the grid…. lights on are enough…
    6 – Include the assembly in a Faraday cage

    Have a great success!!

    My best regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Noting happened, I am working like a dog.
    Thank you for your kind words vs the work of our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Salvatore Boi:
    Good ideas, thank you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Toussaint Francois:
    Thank you, likewise !
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your opinion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    No, I did not receive it. Probably lost in the spam. Please resend it.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bernie Morrissey:
    This topic is confidential.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your intelligent comment. I agree.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Saju Abraham:
    No, so far it is impossible to reduce the dimensions of the basuc cube. Obviously in future everything could happen or could not.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    1- the R&D on the Ecat SK Leonardo
    2- yes
    3- no
    4- not necessarily
    Warm Regards,

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    Sorry to read you are still extremely occupied. Take care of your health!
    I hope you will find some time for a few simple questions:
    1. What takes most of your time these days?
    2. Have you already contracted the company for verifying the SKL?
    3. Is it/has it been difficult to find a company willing to do this?
    4. Does applying for a certification of a domestic SKL require a test by companies like UL also?
    Thanks and kind regards, Gerard

  • Saju Abraham

    Dear Andrea,
    Is it possible to reduce the Ecat SLK dimensions dramatically, to the point to serve in heart surgery ?
    Saju Abraham

  • Buck

    Good Day Andrea:

    one year ago, I shared with you my understanding of how most at EcatWorld view your work. Now that you have stated that the Ecat SKL will be presented for global impact so as to help with a rapid and broad deployment, it only seems right to post it again with a little editing.


    Dear Andrea:
    The day of your presentation of the SKL is drawing close. It is fitting that your sharing this news is part of the holiday season and a harbinger of a new year’s future harvest.

    For years, I have watched and read at E-CatWorld how the promise inherent in the Ecat has become a bit mysterious, taking on the hopes as pieces of clothing of the many who follow and share their views of the real life drama of you and your team’s efforts. I think you, your team, and your mysterious global partner should be reminded of this. I ask you to share this with them.

    I believe a speech by Charlie Chaplin from 1940 expresses this mysterious inspiration some feel regarding the Ecat. Though his brilliant deeply emotional speech was focused upon the very different topic of global politics in 1940, it is easy to say that at E-CatWorld many feel a similarity, a likeness between the two. They express the belief that the Ecat will bring a great benefit equivalent to Charlie Chaplin’s deeply felt thoughts. You may feel and see it as being an overblown comparison, but people will believe what they will.

    Happy Holidays to you, your team, and your wife.

    Sincerely & respectfully,

    Mason Ainsworth

    Charlie Chaplin’s message for all humanity:
    Link>> https://youtu.be/CsgaFKwUA6g

  • Bernie Morrissey

    Dear Andrea Rossi

    Considering your great achievements are you in negotiations with any military, banking or government officials concerning the E-cat SKL.

    Bernie Morrissey

  • Giovanni

    Dear Andrea

    have you discarded or missed my last post with suggestions for your demo/presentation?

    Best regards

  • eernie1

    Dear Andrea,
    I would rather call the residue from nuclear fission reactors nuclear biproducts. It would be easy to safely dispose of the biproducts if needed to. The total volume of biproduct created up to today would fit into a football size area. If you want to dispose of it just return it to the mines where it came from.
    The reason this is not done and is stored is because of the high value of the isotopes created. They can be recycled into more fuel or used for medical and satellite programs. No adverse effects have been reported as far as I know so their value(billions) remain available.
    Valued regards.

  • toussaint françois

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I would like to address you my best wishes of good health!

    Exciting times ahead!

    Warm Regards,

    Toussaint François

  • Salvatore Boi

    Thank you for your kind answer about my small idea when I wrote:

    “Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi and all his great Team, just one question:
    In order to get the most reliability of the system, my simple idea is to have two E-Cat SK, one on and the other in off/standby operative state. If I have to change the “fuel” I can do it in the off/standby unit safely. In it way I get the double of time in swich on operative state, in terms of time of the whole system, with automatic change of off/standby and on/operative betwin the two E-Cat SK, drived by AI control system.
    The same idea is for motorcycles, cars, TIR, boats, airplanes, ships etc.”

    But now I have to add some other reason:

    1) If the active of two E-Cat SK could have a foult, then the AI control unit could automatic switch the operative state of the E-Cat SK couple.

    2) If one of two E-Cat SK finish the own charge, then like in point 1), and the owner have more time in order to order the new tiny cartrige of fresh “fuel”.

    3) In the end, with the operative/standby couple of two E-Cat SK, you can have a more chance to not interrupt the correct energy service.

    One other time thank you for your kind reading of this.

    My best regards to you and also to your great Team.

  • PlasmaFan

    Dear Andrea,

    Some of the posts being made on the JONP and elsewhere indicate that you’ve had some sort of health related issue. If this is the case, can you tell us what has happened? You are one of the most important people on the planet right now due to your years of research and hands on experience with the E-Cat. Humanity CANNOT afford to lose you!


  • Andrea Rossi

    Ulrich F. Sackstedt:
    The question is: how much less dangerous?
    What about the nuclear wastes?
    Warm Regards

  • Ulrich F. Sackstedt

    Dear Mr Rossi
    Dual Fluid Reactors are considered less harmful than the normal nuclear fission reactors.
    What do you think?
    Ulrico F. Sackstedt

  • Andrea Rossi

    Here I am!
    Sorry, I have been under strong pressure, sorry for my late answers.
    Thank you for your concern
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards

  • DML

    Did you fix in the Ecat SKL the issues emerged with the SK during 2019 ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    John Maccini:
    1 no
    2 no
    Warm Regards

  • Yrka

    Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi. Very concerned about your health. Please put health first! This is important, your good team will help. Take care of your heart. Your many years of supporter,

    Yuri Isaev
    Tyumen, Russia

  • John Maccini

    Have you considered to modulate the plasma?
    Do you use magnetic couplings?
    Best Regards
    John Maccini

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