Dear Dr Rossi,
Now that you have perfected the Invention Of The Ages,
may I suggest your first speciality variant, the
E-Cat SKL FFSM (Fog Free Shaving Mirror)?
Hello A. Rossi
The E-Cat SKL has half the autonomy of the thermal SK, six months against twelve months.
1- Can we deduce that the SKL has twice the power of the SK?
2- If not can you explain why the E-Cat SKL consumes twice as much combustible?
Happy Christmas celebrations to the whole team and your family.
Best regards
Caro Andrea
Sperando di alleviare il peso della preparazione della tua teoria LRPI, ti propongo quel che mi è successo diversi anni fa.
Come gli Elettroni prevedono il futuro
Enea Romagnoli
Fin da quando nel 1989 fu presentato un possibile fenomeno di fusione nucleare a temperatura ambiente, molti ricercatori furono spinti dalla visione di trovare la maniera di produrre energia a bassi costi e con macchine semplici da realizzare. Con il passare degli anni la possibilità di spiegare il fenomeno con le leggi della fisica nucleare conosciuta è andata disattesa. Negli ultimi anni il pensiero dei ricercatori si è spostato da fenomeni legati alle peculiarità di certi nuclei atomici alle caratteristiche di una sola particella: l’Elettrone. Tutto intorno a noi è dovuto agli Elettroni, la Vita stessa ed i nostri Pensieri ne sono l’esempio più vicino a noi. Non tutto è ancora conosciuto sul comportamento degli Elettroni. Anni fa ho avuto la possibilità di intravedere che possiedono anche una capacità divinatoria. Avevo la necessità di magnetizzare alcune barrette di metallo, così realizzai un piccolo circuito di prova, con un oscilloscopio controllavo i picchi di corrente elettrica e l’entità della magnetizzazione apportata alla barretta. Notai un fenomeno inaspettato, e credendo che fossero problemi di assemblaggio del mio circuito provai a modificalo, ma senza successo. Non avendo la possibilità di fare ulteriori prove pensai che fosse una delle tante caratteristiche attribuite all’Elettrone. Quello che vidi e non mi seppi spiegare è che la traccia dell’oscilloscopio che misurava la corrente nella bobina di magnetizzazione mostrava l’inizio di un passaggio di corrente già un attimo prima che la corrente cominciasse a fluire, come se gli elettroni si predisponessero a gestire il forte impulso di corrente in arrivo. Ho cambiato il circuito in diverse maniere ma il fenomeno era sempre presente.
Ma gli Elettroni sanno davvero prevedere il futuro?
Dear Andrea
Hoping to ease the burden of preparing your LRPI theory, I propose to you what happened to me several years ago.
How the Electrons predict the future
Enea Romagnoli
Since a possible phenomenon of nuclear fusion at room temperature was presented in 1989, many researchers were driven by the vision of finding ways to produce energy at low costs and with machines that were simple to make. Over the years, the possibility of explaining the phenomenon with the laws of known nuclear physics has been lost. In recent years, researchers’ thinking has shifted from phenomena linked to the peculiarities of certain atomic nuclei to the characteristics of a single particle: the Electron. Everything around us is due to the Electrons, Life itself and our Thoughts are the closest example to us. Not everything is known about the behavior of the Electrons. Years ago I had the chance to see that they also have a divinatory capacity. I needed to magnetize some metal bars, so I made a small test circuit, I checked the peaks of electric current and the magnitude of the magnetization applied to the bar with an oscilloscope. I noticed an unexpected phenomenon, and believing that they were problems of assembly of my circuit I tried to modify it, but without success. Not having the possibility to do further tests I thought it was one of the many characteristics attributed to the Electron. What I saw and didn’t understand was that the oscilloscope trace that measured the current in the magnetization coil showed the beginning of a current flow just before the current began to flow, as if the electrons were predisposed to manage the strong current impulse on arrival. I changed the circuit in different ways but the phenomenon was always present.
But do Electrons really know how to predict the future?
Over the years since 2011 you have indicated that all the E-Cat’s are an evolution from one to the next.
My understanding is that you have an underlying artificial nanoscale environment that has evolved slightly but is basically the same, that over the years through investigation of the underlying physics you have evolved step by step different methods of activating the contents of this environment, each step in turn producing radically different outputs and massively improved results.
It is likely that some basic physics has been overlooked and remained hidden, and your step by step test results and investigations have forced you to re-evaluate what was known, leading you to an understanding of this deeper hidden physics, possibly as you gradually came to this understanding different and better methods of inducing nuclear interactions have become apparent, with each activation method leading to a different nuclear outcome, the present E-Cat SKL now being radically different from where you started from.
Gerard McEk:
1 As I already said clearly, I have arrived to the conclusion that my effect has nothing to do with cold fusion.
2 yes
3 no
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I was a bit surprised you said that the phenomenon that Pons and Fleischmann discovered is different from the ‘Rossi’ effect.
1. Do you believe they are two totally different phenomenon?
2. Is that also the case comparing the Ecat,/Hot Cat and the plasma based ECats (Quark, SK, SKL)?
You earlier said the proces driving the ECat SK Leonardo isn’t nuclear and from your paper one might conclude that electrons (and electron clusters) drive some mechanism that generate energy. You know that Mills of Brilliant light Power has developed a theory that assumes that the electron around the hydrogen atom under certain conditions might drop into lower than Bohr orbits around the nucleus, then generating a lot of (chemical) energy. The hydrogen atom will then be a Hydrino and the difficult to detect Hydrino may actually be the long sought Dark Matter.
3. Do you believe your SK (L) process may have an relation with that assumed mechanism?
Dear Andrea,
Is the COP of the Ecat SKL given by the ratio between electricity generated and electricity consumed ?
Which is also the ratio between the weight of the SKL and its power ?
Best regards,
Wilfried Babelotzky
If the unit previously was putting out 20 kW of heat, and now about 80% of that heat is converted directly into electricity, How many kilowatts of electricity is that? Potentially?
Is the unit putting out about the same amount of energy with both systems? Can the new devices pick whether or not to put out just heat and then switchTo producing mostly electricity on command?
For installation of large groups of E-Cat SK Leonardo’s, it may be practicable to use the components of existing infrastructure. Currently data centres consume large quantities of conditioned electricity and require disposing or recovery of a lot of heat. This means data centre and infrastructure designs exist for managing both electricity and heat, in the case of your E-Cat SK Leonardo what was electricity distribution becomes collection with the addition of inverters, heat recovery will likely increase.
These data centres often use 19 inch rack systems, these racks could lend themselves to plug in modules, with each 19″ rack module containing small numbers of SKL’s, there is existing components on the market for connectivity of cabling and cooling.
Also available on the market is a multitude of passive and active cooling products for CPU microprocessors and GPU’s on graphics cards; heatsinks, fans, “heat pipes”, water cooled blocks and pumps suitable for electronic control, sensors and software etc. that may be suitable for adopting for use with the E-Cat SK Leonardo.
Data centres may also be a good customer for conditioned electrical supplies.
Mike Phalen:
A no
B no
C yes
But Pons and Fleishmann in 1989 have make the spark that started my R&D on the field. This is their merit, even if, after my unsuccessful attempts to replicate their results, I have completely changed technology and eventually theoretical direction.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
I am following your progress since the year 2011.
I do not know if you are updated, but here are the numbers as of today of your publications on Researchgate ( you have 6 publications ) during the year 2019:
Total Full Readings ( all traceable ) 40 000 ( average for Researchgate Authors: 100 )
Recommendations ( all traceable ): 1 600 ( average for Researchgate Authors: 20 )
Total Research Interest Index: 522 ( average for Researchgate Authors: 10 )
Citations 15 ( average for Researchgate Authors: 2 )
About the full readings, it is surprising their diffusion in the whole world: most of them are from America and Europe, but they are from every Country of the world.
All the best,
As you are preparing your business plan, please consider how you will protect your revenue stream from government leveraged energy consumer distribution taxes which they will from you by every way they can.
Dear Dr Rossi,
Many have wondered why you don’t show long term enthusiasm
for powering autos, trucks, and aircraft with your E-Cat SKL?
Could this because the SKL must have a groundwire?
If so, maybe train rails will serve as ground.
Mancini J.:
1 I cannot give this information
2 confidential ( this is not the T at the walls of the reactor, it is the max T in the core of the plasma )
Warm regards,
Iggy Dalrymple:
1- have you thought of turning the direct current from the plasma into alternate current by an oscillator ?
2- how do you sustain 10000 °C without melting all ?
Dear Dr Rossi,
You replied to Ulrich Kranz that the maximum temperature of the SKL is 10,000°C.
Is that
A) the maximum internal temp
B) the maximum temp that can be extracted?
1) Will you show the world a “naked” reactor core of the E-Cat SKL (as in a similar manner to the photos taken by Mats Lewan of the E-Cat QX) so the world can better understand the basic configuration of the device?
2) Have you considered sending one of your units to space in a “cubesat” configuration so as to stun the world by having a satellite that is not reliant on solar power?
3) In the E-Cat SK, did the ballerina spin on at least one axis?
I strongly suggest
” Maxwell-Dirac Theory and Occam’s Razor: Unified Field, Elementary Perticles, and Nuclear Interactions”
by Giorgio Vassallo, Andras Kovacs, Antonino Di Tommaso, Francesco Celani, Dawei Wang
Amazon (USA) 2019
It containd the papers by Prof Giorgio vassallo that are at the base of the theory derived after the experiments I made with the Ecat SK and SK Leonardo published here:
The experiment cited in par 5 of this publication is shown here:
Warm Regards,
In order to have a presentation of a working E-Cat in Stockholm, are you required to have that E-Cat certified as safe by an independent third party inspectorate / authority.
Hi Andrea, our half-hour Holiday radio special is being broadcast on some FM-stations this week. It features a character named Andrea that sounds suspiciously like you. It’s nice to see that you have a career to fall back on if this e-cat thing doesn’t work out for you. 🙂
1 can the SKL produce only heat ?
2 which is the max temperature of it ?
3 is the temperature controllable ?
4 can be assembled enough mosules to make 1 MW of power ?
Dear Dr Rossi,
Now that you have perfected the Invention Of The Ages,
may I suggest your first speciality variant, the
E-Cat SKL FFSM (Fog Free Shaving Mirror)?
Best regards,
Hello A. Rossi
The E-Cat SKL has half the autonomy of the thermal SK, six months against twelve months.
1- Can we deduce that the SKL has twice the power of the SK?
2- If not can you explain why the E-Cat SKL consumes twice as much combustible?
Happy Christmas celebrations to the whole team and your family.
Best regards
Caro Andrea
Sperando di alleviare il peso della preparazione della tua teoria LRPI, ti propongo quel che mi è successo diversi anni fa.
Come gli Elettroni prevedono il futuro
Enea Romagnoli
Fin da quando nel 1989 fu presentato un possibile fenomeno di fusione nucleare a temperatura ambiente, molti ricercatori furono spinti dalla visione di trovare la maniera di produrre energia a bassi costi e con macchine semplici da realizzare. Con il passare degli anni la possibilità di spiegare il fenomeno con le leggi della fisica nucleare conosciuta è andata disattesa. Negli ultimi anni il pensiero dei ricercatori si è spostato da fenomeni legati alle peculiarità di certi nuclei atomici alle caratteristiche di una sola particella: l’Elettrone. Tutto intorno a noi è dovuto agli Elettroni, la Vita stessa ed i nostri Pensieri ne sono l’esempio più vicino a noi. Non tutto è ancora conosciuto sul comportamento degli Elettroni. Anni fa ho avuto la possibilità di intravedere che possiedono anche una capacità divinatoria. Avevo la necessità di magnetizzare alcune barrette di metallo, così realizzai un piccolo circuito di prova, con un oscilloscopio controllavo i picchi di corrente elettrica e l’entità della magnetizzazione apportata alla barretta. Notai un fenomeno inaspettato, e credendo che fossero problemi di assemblaggio del mio circuito provai a modificalo, ma senza successo. Non avendo la possibilità di fare ulteriori prove pensai che fosse una delle tante caratteristiche attribuite all’Elettrone. Quello che vidi e non mi seppi spiegare è che la traccia dell’oscilloscopio che misurava la corrente nella bobina di magnetizzazione mostrava l’inizio di un passaggio di corrente già un attimo prima che la corrente cominciasse a fluire, come se gli elettroni si predisponessero a gestire il forte impulso di corrente in arrivo. Ho cambiato il circuito in diverse maniere ma il fenomeno era sempre presente.
Ma gli Elettroni sanno davvero prevedere il futuro?
Dear Andrea
Hoping to ease the burden of preparing your LRPI theory, I propose to you what happened to me several years ago.
How the Electrons predict the future
Enea Romagnoli
Since a possible phenomenon of nuclear fusion at room temperature was presented in 1989, many researchers were driven by the vision of finding ways to produce energy at low costs and with machines that were simple to make. Over the years, the possibility of explaining the phenomenon with the laws of known nuclear physics has been lost. In recent years, researchers’ thinking has shifted from phenomena linked to the peculiarities of certain atomic nuclei to the characteristics of a single particle: the Electron. Everything around us is due to the Electrons, Life itself and our Thoughts are the closest example to us. Not everything is known about the behavior of the Electrons. Years ago I had the chance to see that they also have a divinatory capacity. I needed to magnetize some metal bars, so I made a small test circuit, I checked the peaks of electric current and the magnitude of the magnetization applied to the bar with an oscilloscope. I noticed an unexpected phenomenon, and believing that they were problems of assembly of my circuit I tried to modify it, but without success. Not having the possibility to do further tests I thought it was one of the many characteristics attributed to the Electron. What I saw and didn’t understand was that the oscilloscope trace that measured the current in the magnetization coil showed the beginning of a current flow just before the current began to flow, as if the electrons were predisposed to manage the strong current impulse on arrival. I changed the circuit in different ways but the phenomenon was always present.
But do Electrons really know how to predict the future?
Dear Andrea,
Over the years since 2011 you have indicated that all the E-Cat’s are an evolution from one to the next.
My understanding is that you have an underlying artificial nanoscale environment that has evolved slightly but is basically the same, that over the years through investigation of the underlying physics you have evolved step by step different methods of activating the contents of this environment, each step in turn producing radically different outputs and massively improved results.
It is likely that some basic physics has been overlooked and remained hidden, and your step by step test results and investigations have forced you to re-evaluate what was known, leading you to an understanding of this deeper hidden physics, possibly as you gradually came to this understanding different and better methods of inducing nuclear interactions have become apparent, with each activation method leading to a different nuclear outcome, the present E-Cat SKL now being radically different from where you started from.
Keith Thomson.
Gerard McEk:
1 As I already said clearly, I have arrived to the conclusion that my effect has nothing to do with cold fusion.
2 yes
3 no
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I was a bit surprised you said that the phenomenon that Pons and Fleischmann discovered is different from the ‘Rossi’ effect.
1. Do you believe they are two totally different phenomenon?
2. Is that also the case comparing the Ecat,/Hot Cat and the plasma based ECats (Quark, SK, SKL)?
You earlier said the proces driving the ECat SK Leonardo isn’t nuclear and from your paper one might conclude that electrons (and electron clusters) drive some mechanism that generate energy. You know that Mills of Brilliant light Power has developed a theory that assumes that the electron around the hydrogen atom under certain conditions might drop into lower than Bohr orbits around the nucleus, then generating a lot of (chemical) energy. The hydrogen atom will then be a Hydrino and the difficult to detect Hydrino may actually be the long sought Dark Matter.
3. Do you believe your SK (L) process may have an relation with that assumed mechanism?
Frank Acland:
I think so,
Warm Regards,
Wilfried Babelotzky:
This information will be given during the presentation,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Is the COP of the Ecat SKL given by the ratio between electricity generated and electricity consumed ?
Which is also the ratio between the weight of the SKL and its power ?
Best regards,
Wilfried Babelotzky
Todd Burkett:
This information will be given during the presentation,
Warm Regards,
If the unit previously was putting out 20 kW of heat, and now about 80% of that heat is converted directly into electricity, How many kilowatts of electricity is that? Potentially?
Is the unit putting out about the same amount of energy with both systems? Can the new devices pick whether or not to put out just heat and then switchTo producing mostly electricity on command?
Dear Andrea,
Following the Stockholm presentation, do you anticipate presenting the E-Cat SKL in other places?
Kind regards,
Frank Acland
Kay Thone:
Warm Regards,
Keith T.:
Thank you for your sugestions,
Warm Regards,
Rod Walton:
Thanks for the update,
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
you said that the testers must verify the COP of the E-Cat. Does this mean that during test the E-cat will be powered by an external source?
Thank you, Bruno
On Power Engineering December 17th 2019:
Will the Midwest take advantage of the emerging Hydrogen economy ?
Rod Walton
Dear Andreas,
after so many years of development, will this be the last presentation?
Keith T.:
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
For installation of large groups of E-Cat SK Leonardo’s, it may be practicable to use the components of existing infrastructure. Currently data centres consume large quantities of conditioned electricity and require disposing or recovery of a lot of heat. This means data centre and infrastructure designs exist for managing both electricity and heat, in the case of your E-Cat SK Leonardo what was electricity distribution becomes collection with the addition of inverters, heat recovery will likely increase.
These data centres often use 19 inch rack systems, these racks could lend themselves to plug in modules, with each 19″ rack module containing small numbers of SKL’s, there is existing components on the market for connectivity of cabling and cooling.
Also available on the market is a multitude of passive and active cooling products for CPU microprocessors and GPU’s on graphics cards; heatsinks, fans, “heat pipes”, water cooled blocks and pumps suitable for electronic control, sensors and software etc. that may be suitable for adopting for use with the E-Cat SK Leonardo.
Data centres may also be a good customer for conditioned electrical supplies.
Keith Thomson.
Mike Phalen:
A no
B no
C yes
But Pons and Fleishmann in 1989 have make the spark that started my R&D on the field. This is their merit, even if, after my unsuccessful attempts to replicate their results, I have completely changed technology and eventually theoretical direction.
Warm Regards,
Iggy Dalrymple:
You sure?
Warm Regards,
Jeff Smathers:
The amount of taxes is also an index of the success of the operation,
Warm Regards,
Jamal Verdino:
Thank you for the update. The numbers are unbelievable also for me, in particular for the las publication, that holds the lion part:
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
I am following your progress since the year 2011.
I do not know if you are updated, but here are the numbers as of today of your publications on Researchgate ( you have 6 publications ) during the year 2019:
Total Full Readings ( all traceable ) 40 000 ( average for Researchgate Authors: 100 )
Recommendations ( all traceable ): 1 600 ( average for Researchgate Authors: 20 )
Total Research Interest Index: 522 ( average for Researchgate Authors: 10 )
Citations 15 ( average for Researchgate Authors: 2 )
About the full readings, it is surprising their diffusion in the whole world: most of them are from America and Europe, but they are from every Country of the world.
All the best,
As you are preparing your business plan, please consider how you will protect your revenue stream from government leveraged energy consumer distribution taxes which they will from you by every way they can.
Dear Dr Rossi,
Many have wondered why you don’t show long term enthusiasm
for powering autos, trucks, and aircraft with your E-Cat SKL?
Could this because the SKL must have a groundwire?
If so, maybe train rails will serve as ground.
Best regards,
Hi Dr. Rossi,
In your opinion: Is the effect observed by Pons and Fleischmann in 1989
A Closely related to the Rossi Effect
B Somewhat related to the Rossi Effect
C Not at all related to the Rossi Effect
Mancini J.:
1 I cannot give this information
2 confidential ( this is not the T at the walls of the reactor, it is the max T in the core of the plasma )
Warm regards,
Iggy Dalrymple:
Warm Regards,
Iggy Dalrymple:
1- have you thought of turning the direct current from the plasma into alternate current by an oscillator ?
2- how do you sustain 10000 °C without melting all ?
Dear Dr Rossi,
You replied to Ulrich Kranz that the maximum temperature of the SKL is 10,000°C.
Is that
A) the maximum internal temp
B) the maximum temp that can be extracted?
Best regards,
Ulrich W.A. Kranz:
Mainly electricity,
Warm Regards,
Is the SKL made to make mainly electricity or heat ?
Ulrich W.A. Kranz
Gerard McEk:
The COP, the safety.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Can you tell what your main claim is that the testers must verify?
Thanks, kind regards Gerard
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
1- no
2- no, but thanks for the suggestion
3- I do not understand exactly the question. Please rephrase,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
1) Will you show the world a “naked” reactor core of the E-Cat SKL (as in a similar manner to the photos taken by Mats Lewan of the E-Cat QX) so the world can better understand the basic configuration of the device?
2) Have you considered sending one of your units to space in a “cubesat” configuration so as to stun the world by having a satellite that is not reliant on solar power?
3) In the E-Cat SK, did the ballerina spin on at least one axis?
Thank you.
Ulrigh W.A. Kranz:
1 no
2 10 000 °C
3 yes
4 yes
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
1 yes
2 I do not know
3 yes
Warm regards,
Thomas Florek:
He, he, he…
Thank you, very nice,
Warm Regards,
I strongly suggest
” Maxwell-Dirac Theory and Occam’s Razor: Unified Field, Elementary Perticles, and Nuclear Interactions”
by Giorgio Vassallo, Andras Kovacs, Antonino Di Tommaso, Francesco Celani, Dawei Wang
Amazon (USA) 2019
It containd the papers by Prof Giorgio vassallo that are at the base of the theory derived after the experiments I made with the Ecat SK and SK Leonardo published here:
The experiment cited in par 5 of this publication is shown here:
Warm Regards,
We must comply with the safety certifications requirements.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
In order to have a presentation of a working E-Cat in Stockholm, are you required to have that E-Cat certified as safe by an independent third party inspectorate / authority.
Dear Andrea:
Which book would you suggest to a Physicist to read during the incoming Christmas Holidays ?
Hi Andrea, our half-hour Holiday radio special is being broadcast on some FM-stations this week. It features a character named Andrea that sounds suspiciously like you. It’s nice to see that you have a career to fall back on if this e-cat thing doesn’t work out for you. 🙂
Here is a link to the show:
Dear Andrea,
Regarding the validation tests:
1. Will the entity performing the E-Cat SKL validation tests provide a report regardless of whether the performance is positive or negative?
2. Will the results of the test be published before the Stockholm presentation, or will they be released at the presentation?
3. Will the testers be able to open up the E-Cat SKL and examine all its inner components?
Kind regards,
Frank Acland
1 can the SKL produce only heat ?
2 which is the max temperature of it ?
3 is the temperature controllable ?
4 can be assembled enough mosules to make 1 MW of power ?