When do you envision E-Cat technology will enter mainstream consciousness including mainstream media(akin to being a verb like Google – far from its early days being a R&D project). When will start affecting real lives and world energy markets? 3 years? 5 years? More?
Because we now are not selling plants, but only energy to industries and we are not yet making domestic Ecats.
Please go to http://www.ecatskdemo.com
and listen carefully the presentation we made for the Ecat SK and the service we offer, that is also advertised on http://www.e-catworld.com.
Warm Regards,
Giannino Lodovico Ferro Casagrande:
I must be conservative, until the presentation day. I am very optimist, but we have not completed the R&D yet.
Warm Regards,
Caro Andrea leggo di rado , massimamente dopo 10 anni di appoggio incondizionato e dopo aver ordinato decine di E-CAT . Ora leggo la Tua risposta a FRANK ACLAND cosi concepita : ” SE E-CAT SKL FUNZIONERA’ ” Ma insomma oggidi’ nelle prove del tuo laboratorio , questi E-CAT funzionano o non funzionano ? Chiamami se ai bisogno di aiuto !!! giannino. di. Udin …..3397995245…….
ENGLISH ( synopsis ):
You answered to Frank Acland “…if the Ecat SKL will work”: so, please, explain: does it work or does it not ?
Frank Acland:
Thank you for the information. yes, if the Ecat SKL will work, it will be a power source for anything, like any power source, independently from what is the load.
Warm Regards,
Using far UV light to kill coronavirus is currently being seriously discussed as a way to protect people in public places. For example here is a link to report on work at Columbia University in New York.
Special UV lamps are needed, which are powered by a normal electricity source. If the E-Cat SKL can produce reliable electricity, it could naturally help.
Sorry, I do not understand the innuendo: can you kindly rephrase to allow this poor dummy that I am to understand exactly what you mean ?
Thanks and
Warm Regards,
John Dempsey:
Physics: “Maxwell-Dirac Theory and Occam’s Razor:Unified Field, Elementary Particles, and Nuclear Interactions”
by Andras Kovacs, Giorgio Vassallo, Antonino Di Tommaso, Francesco Celani, Dawei Wang ( Amazon 2019 )
Non Physics: Moby Dick ( Melville )
Warm Regards,
Drew G.:
I do not think that the Ecat is useful, because, independently from the Ecat, should the UV have been useful for this task, the specialist scientists would already have utilized them. I prefer not to mess in a field I am totally ignorant of. By the way: assuming the UV are useful ( and there is not evidence of it published anywhere, as I am aware if) there are many more specific sources of UV, specialized on thhe purpose. The Ecat SKL has been designed to make electric and thermal energy, not to make UVs.
Watrm Regards,
Since you have been in Skype communication with the independent testing agency, and have probably agreed on testing parameters, why not utilize a certified and insured delivery service (air, land or sea) to deliver one of your E-CAT SKLs to the test agency rather than waiting to deliver in person. I’m in my mid seventies with other medical issues so I’d hate to die of Covid-19 before your testing begins after patiently waiting 9 years. I’ll settle for any performance device dimensions and performance parameters so I won’t enter a guess. Also 222 nm Far UV-C illumination is the best solution to rid the world of pathogens. Continued success but time is passing so get on with the tests while quarantines are in effect.
Thank you for your reply. Please allow me to clarify the question you answered. Realizing that modules can be connected, I was wondering if there is a theoretical limit to the power that could be generated regardless of module size. My question is really oriented towards large power demands such as jet aircraft or large ship engines. Would it be practical to ‘stack’ 1,000 modules if it were possible to develop modules that could develop 1000X the power of the current SKL?
Replacement of streetlights in the USA.
There are an estimated 50 million streetlights in the USA.
Some are sodium based and they each consume about 100W of electricity. Newer ones are LED based and consume 50W or less. Larger LED streetlight arrays might approach 300W and provide greater area illumination, albeit fewer streetlights are required for the same area.
Given operation of about 1/2 the time (i.e., nighttime only) results in about 4,400 operational hours per year.
Assume streetlights only powered by a built-in eCat SKL. Assume an SKL generating about 100W with an operational lifetime of about 2 years. If cost-effective, up to four spare eCat SKLs could be enclosed within the same streetlight and sequentially activated as the previous SKL consumes its fuel resulting in a maintenance change of only once every 10 years.
So assuming a 4,400 hr/year operation and 100W/streetlight, the saved electricity is about 440 kWhrs (based on older sodium streetlights). At $0.1/kWhr, this saves $44/year. So if the maintenance replacement time is 10 years (5 SKLs each with a 1 year continuous operation time but operating about 1/2 the time – only at nighttime), the savings of $440 might equal the cost of the SKL units, when the SKL production quantity is about 100 to 500 million units.
The greater savings would be in not having to run power lines for new streetlight installations. But my analysis addressed retrofitting existing streetlights.
Koen Vandewalle:
Good point.
It depends from the delta price.
The corona virus issue will fade in few months, after that the situation will substantially return as before. Remain untouched the environmantal considerations.
Warm Regards,
With the economy slowing down during these corona times, news reports show that oil prices have turned negative, in the US anyway. Elsewhere, people pay about $ 20 per barrel of 159 liters. These are prices from before 9/11. Prices for electricity are also currently negative in Europe. Shortly before, wholesale electricity prices had also fallen to € 16 per megawatt hour.
It is still surprising how cheap energy still is. A number of countries that export fuel are already worried about their income.
Is it not unfavorable to launch the E-Cat SKL on the market now?
To all the Readers of this blog,
The quest on the characteristics of the eCat-SKL is a lot of fun. We will know the winner shortly before the presentation of the eCat-SKL, where we will also have the official eCat-SKL data sheet. Many people and companies will have product ideas that could profitably contain one or more eCats inside.
In the electronics sector, many manufacturers, called Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), build their own product by incorporating an industrially available CPU, selling it with their own brand, also indicating the primary manufacturer. The most famous example is the ‘Intel Inside’ logo found on many electronic products.
The logo is granted at the end of a collaboration process in which the primary manufacturer verifies the quality of the OEM production process and the purpose of the product sold to the end user.
Often the primary manufacturer issues a System development Kit (SDK) to the OEM which helps him to prototype his system. In our case Andrea could supply the external container of the eCat, possibly accompanied by a power supply and a controller capable of supplying an energy equivalent to that of a real eCat. This ‘eCat simulator’ will be used by the OEM for the prototypes it will build in its own laboratory.
I propose a quest for potential eCat OEMs.
Candidate companies should send Andrea a two-part memorandum.
The first part should be a detailed presentation of the final product that would like to exploit the eCat, with sufficient manufacturing details for a first comparison with all the others. Quantitative forecasts for the first two to three years of production should also be present.
This part should not contain data that can directly identify the candidate and will be made immediately public.
The second part should contain other technical details not intended for advertising and sufficient economic data to start a possible bilateral negotiation. In the negotiation, probably under NDA, quantities, eCat prices, economic advances and so on will be established. In this phase the OEM will be able to test its prototypes with a ‘real’ eCat in Andrea’s laboratory, possibly under NDA.
The candidate will be able to receive the authorization to display the ‘eCat Inside’ trademark upon reaching a pre-established production level.
The lack, or inadequacy, of this second part should invalidate participation in the competition.
All of this would provide the following opportunities:
– for OEMs, a simple and inexpensive way to approach a revolutionary product;
– for Andrea, to speed up entry on the market by using external companies interested in the success of the eCat product;
– for all of us followers, who will have many things to comment and the possibility of providing useful advice to Andrea and the OEMs
I really think it can be very interesting!
Franco Pirri
Thanks for posting my comment. I appreciate it was a bit on a tangent from the topic here. Hopefully it’s helpful to someone though. There are interesting Readers here.
I know you are not thinking of space applications yet. But this post might be Interesting to you or to people you know.
I was recently talking about turning disadvantages into advantages and turning a divide into a construction. And this post is a bit on that theme.
I understand Tom Conover petty well in his last post here sometimes you see a connection and some instinct says to follow it up. I have no affiliation with MIT but I wonder if he or someone knows someone who can build the bridges connections with them. If needed.
I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to bring up here but I had similar feeling about another company and product too.
I’m also not affiliated with them in anyway either but I have heard that the way they work and build satellites is very very impressive both in the satellite construction optimization itself and in bringing mass production techniques to this once bespoke technology. I have had for a while a very strong feeling that the e-cat SKL type device is a perfect match for that technology. And was thinking perhaps the OneWeb 2 one day would be powered by e-cats. It’s sad to see them go under.
I recently heard the sad news though that they are currently going bankrupt and looking for potential buyers.
But maybe it’s not a coincidence I see this and there is an opportunity there that needs to be spoken. I’m aware in Sweden that there are several very high profile strong companies in the Telecoms sector several of the best in the world are based there in fact. I’m not sure that any of them have a satellite business though. I’m not going to ask you if you are affiliated with any of them or any company that works with them but if you “know people”. It might be something for them to consider. In the longer term (perhaps already) it might be an opportunity for E-Cat SKL too. It would certainly bring some advantages to the satellite. My feeling just thinks it might be an opportunity to turn a something disadvantaged, broken and divided into a construction that is even better than it was before.
In other ways perhaps there are lessons to be learnt from one web that can be learnt and applied to the e-cat SKL. Manufacturing, construction technologies, Especially where tuning and testing large quantities are appropriate. The facilities could perhaps validate e-cat in diverse environments. The product a telecom net work might help facilitate some aspects of e-cat SKL operation around the world.
Any way I think they build these in France and Florida somewhere. Perhaps after Cv-19 it would be worth visiting this f they take visitors. It could be interesting.
About the M-cubes I wonder if MIT have considered using that technology for satellite debris capture, recovery and retrieval.
Ok a long post a bit off topic but perhaps it’s interesting.
Aside from the current Ecat SKL, is there any theoretical or practical maximum size or capacity limit to the SKL technology? i.e. could a single unit configuration conceivably be made with a capacity of 10 KW? 100 KW? 1,000 KW? etc.
Here is a new and very interesting interview discussing the E-cat. Zach Vorhies, the person being interviewed, was the Google engineer that fixed the hack on E-catworld.com a few years ago. The hack had caused E-catworld.com to be removed from Google searches for a couple weeks.
And when will You be able to deliver that domestic E-Cat?
Dear Dr. Rossi,
When do you envision E-Cat technology will enter mainstream consciousness including mainstream media(akin to being a verb like Google – far from its early days being a R&D project). When will start affecting real lives and world energy markets? 3 years? 5 years? More?
Joya Del Sol
Because we now are not selling plants, but only energy to industries and we are not yet making domestic Ecats.
Please go to
and listen carefully the presentation we made for the Ecat SK and the service we offer, that is also advertised on
Warm Regards,
Thanks a lot for Your quick reply.
So, if the other E-Cats are not in R&D anymore, You surely can finally deliver the product which I ordered 3 years ago.
Can’t You ? If not, why not ?
Warm Regards,
Hi, Mr. Rossi.
You said, You are still in an R&D phase.
What about the previous E-Cats ?
Are they also in an R&D phase ?
Giannino Lodovico Ferro Casagrande:
I must be conservative, until the presentation day. I am very optimist, but we have not completed the R&D yet.
Warm Regards,
Caro Andrea leggo di rado , massimamente dopo 10 anni di appoggio incondizionato e dopo aver ordinato decine di E-CAT . Ora leggo la Tua risposta a FRANK ACLAND cosi concepita : ” SE E-CAT SKL FUNZIONERA’ ” Ma insomma oggidi’ nelle prove del tuo laboratorio , questi E-CAT funzionano o non funzionano ? Chiamami se ai bisogno di aiuto !!! giannino. di. Udin …..3397995245…….
ENGLISH ( synopsis ):
You answered to Frank Acland “…if the Ecat SKL will work”: so, please, explain: does it work or does it not ?
Frank Acland:
Thank you for the information. yes, if the Ecat SKL will work, it will be a power source for anything, like any power source, independently from what is the load.
Warm Regards,
Very difficult to answer: col sennò di poi…
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
if there had not been the COVID pandemic, the presentation of the SKL E-Cat would have already taken place?
Best Regards, Giuseppe
Dear Andrea,
Using far UV light to kill coronavirus is currently being seriously discussed as a way to protect people in public places. For example here is a link to report on work at Columbia University in New York.
Special UV lamps are needed, which are powered by a normal electricity source. If the E-Cat SKL can produce reliable electricity, it could naturally help.
Kind regards,
Frank Acland
Sorry, I do not understand the innuendo: can you kindly rephrase to allow this poor dummy that I am to understand exactly what you mean ?
Thanks and
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
when do You think,
the monkey will jump in the water?
Is the monkey infected?
I am full of expectation.
Robert Vienna
John Dempsey:
Physics: “Maxwell-Dirac Theory and Occam’s Razor:Unified Field, Elementary Particles, and Nuclear Interactions”
by Andras Kovacs, Giorgio Vassallo, Antonino Di Tommaso, Francesco Celani, Dawei Wang ( Amazon 2019 )
Non Physics: Moby Dick ( Melville )
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
today is the “Book Day”: which book, if any, would you suggest to the readers of tis blog ?
Steven N. Karels:
Thank you for the suggestions,
Warm Regards,
Michael C:
Theoretically yes. Practically this possibility has to be experimented.
Warm Regards,
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Drew G.:
I do not think that the Ecat is useful, because, independently from the Ecat, should the UV have been useful for this task, the specialist scientists would already have utilized them. I prefer not to mess in a field I am totally ignorant of. By the way: assuming the UV are useful ( and there is not evidence of it published anywhere, as I am aware if) there are many more specific sources of UV, specialized on thhe purpose. The Ecat SKL has been designed to make electric and thermal energy, not to make UVs.
Watrm Regards,
Dr. Rossi:
Since you have been in Skype communication with the independent testing agency, and have probably agreed on testing parameters, why not utilize a certified and insured delivery service (air, land or sea) to deliver one of your E-CAT SKLs to the test agency rather than waiting to deliver in person. I’m in my mid seventies with other medical issues so I’d hate to die of Covid-19 before your testing begins after patiently waiting 9 years. I’ll settle for any performance device dimensions and performance parameters so I won’t enter a guess. Also 222 nm Far UV-C illumination is the best solution to rid the world of pathogens. Continued success but time is passing so get on with the tests while quarantines are in effect.
Dear Andrea,
Thank you for your reply. Please allow me to clarify the question you answered. Realizing that modules can be connected, I was wondering if there is a theoretical limit to the power that could be generated regardless of module size. My question is really oriented towards large power demands such as jet aircraft or large ship engines. Would it be practical to ‘stack’ 1,000 modules if it were possible to develop modules that could develop 1000X the power of the current SKL?
Andrea Rossi,
Another possible application for eCat SKL units.
Replacement of streetlights in the USA.
There are an estimated 50 million streetlights in the USA.
Some are sodium based and they each consume about 100W of electricity. Newer ones are LED based and consume 50W or less. Larger LED streetlight arrays might approach 300W and provide greater area illumination, albeit fewer streetlights are required for the same area.
Given operation of about 1/2 the time (i.e., nighttime only) results in about 4,400 operational hours per year.
Assume streetlights only powered by a built-in eCat SKL. Assume an SKL generating about 100W with an operational lifetime of about 2 years. If cost-effective, up to four spare eCat SKLs could be enclosed within the same streetlight and sequentially activated as the previous SKL consumes its fuel resulting in a maintenance change of only once every 10 years.
So assuming a 4,400 hr/year operation and 100W/streetlight, the saved electricity is about 440 kWhrs (based on older sodium streetlights). At $0.1/kWhr, this saves $44/year. So if the maintenance replacement time is 10 years (5 SKLs each with a 1 year continuous operation time but operating about 1/2 the time – only at nighttime), the savings of $440 might equal the cost of the SKL units, when the SKL production quantity is about 100 to 500 million units.
The greater savings would be in not having to run power lines for new streetlight installations. But my analysis addressed retrofitting existing streetlights.
Koen Vandewalle:
Good point.
It depends from the delta price.
The corona virus issue will fade in few months, after that the situation will substantially return as before. Remain untouched the environmantal considerations.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
With the economy slowing down during these corona times, news reports show that oil prices have turned negative, in the US anyway. Elsewhere, people pay about $ 20 per barrel of 159 liters. These are prices from before 9/11. Prices for electricity are also currently negative in Europe. Shortly before, wholesale electricity prices had also fallen to € 16 per megawatt hour.
It is still surprising how cheap energy still is. A number of countries that export fuel are already worried about their income.
Is it not unfavorable to launch the E-Cat SKL on the market now?
Best Regards,
No problem,
Warm Regards,
Possibly we will make some update, but the core is already there.
Warm Regards,
Franco Pirri:
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
To all the Readers of this blog,
The quest on the characteristics of the eCat-SKL is a lot of fun. We will know the winner shortly before the presentation of the eCat-SKL, where we will also have the official eCat-SKL data sheet. Many people and companies will have product ideas that could profitably contain one or more eCats inside.
In the electronics sector, many manufacturers, called Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), build their own product by incorporating an industrially available CPU, selling it with their own brand, also indicating the primary manufacturer. The most famous example is the ‘Intel Inside’ logo found on many electronic products.
The logo is granted at the end of a collaboration process in which the primary manufacturer verifies the quality of the OEM production process and the purpose of the product sold to the end user.
Often the primary manufacturer issues a System development Kit (SDK) to the OEM which helps him to prototype his system. In our case Andrea could supply the external container of the eCat, possibly accompanied by a power supply and a controller capable of supplying an energy equivalent to that of a real eCat. This ‘eCat simulator’ will be used by the OEM for the prototypes it will build in its own laboratory.
I propose a quest for potential eCat OEMs.
Candidate companies should send Andrea a two-part memorandum.
The first part should be a detailed presentation of the final product that would like to exploit the eCat, with sufficient manufacturing details for a first comparison with all the others. Quantitative forecasts for the first two to three years of production should also be present.
This part should not contain data that can directly identify the candidate and will be made immediately public.
The second part should contain other technical details not intended for advertising and sufficient economic data to start a possible bilateral negotiation. In the negotiation, probably under NDA, quantities, eCat prices, economic advances and so on will be established. In this phase the OEM will be able to test its prototypes with a ‘real’ eCat in Andrea’s laboratory, possibly under NDA.
The candidate will be able to receive the authorization to display the ‘eCat Inside’ trademark upon reaching a pre-established production level.
The lack, or inadequacy, of this second part should invalidate participation in the competition.
All of this would provide the following opportunities:
– for OEMs, a simple and inexpensive way to approach a revolutionary product;
– for Andrea, to speed up entry on the market by using external companies interested in the success of the eCat product;
– for all of us followers, who will have many things to comment and the possibility of providing useful advice to Andrea and the OEMs
I really think it can be very interesting!
Franco Pirri
Dear Andrea,
Is there an update of your paper
http://www.researchgate.net/publication/330601653_E-Cat_SK_and_long_range_particle_interactions prepared ready for launch on the day of the E-Cat SKL presentation?
Keith Thomson.
Thanks for posting my comment. I appreciate it was a bit on a tangent from the topic here. Hopefully it’s helpful to someone though. There are interesting Readers here.
I do not know the matter, but maybe some of our Readers does.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea.
I know you are not thinking of space applications yet. But this post might be Interesting to you or to people you know.
I was recently talking about turning disadvantages into advantages and turning a divide into a construction. And this post is a bit on that theme.
I understand Tom Conover petty well in his last post here sometimes you see a connection and some instinct says to follow it up. I have no affiliation with MIT but I wonder if he or someone knows someone who can build the bridges connections with them. If needed.
I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to bring up here but I had similar feeling about another company and product too.
Have you ever heard of the company One Web?
I’m also not affiliated with them in anyway either but I have heard that the way they work and build satellites is very very impressive both in the satellite construction optimization itself and in bringing mass production techniques to this once bespoke technology. I have had for a while a very strong feeling that the e-cat SKL type device is a perfect match for that technology. And was thinking perhaps the OneWeb 2 one day would be powered by e-cats. It’s sad to see them go under.
I recently heard the sad news though that they are currently going bankrupt and looking for potential buyers.
But maybe it’s not a coincidence I see this and there is an opportunity there that needs to be spoken. I’m aware in Sweden that there are several very high profile strong companies in the Telecoms sector several of the best in the world are based there in fact. I’m not sure that any of them have a satellite business though. I’m not going to ask you if you are affiliated with any of them or any company that works with them but if you “know people”. It might be something for them to consider. In the longer term (perhaps already) it might be an opportunity for E-Cat SKL too. It would certainly bring some advantages to the satellite. My feeling just thinks it might be an opportunity to turn a something disadvantaged, broken and divided into a construction that is even better than it was before.
In other ways perhaps there are lessons to be learnt from one web that can be learnt and applied to the e-cat SKL. Manufacturing, construction technologies, Especially where tuning and testing large quantities are appropriate. The facilities could perhaps validate e-cat in diverse environments. The product a telecom net work might help facilitate some aspects of e-cat SKL operation around the world.
Any way I think they build these in France and Florida somewhere. Perhaps after Cv-19 it would be worth visiting this f they take visitors. It could be interesting.
About the M-cubes I wonder if MIT have considered using that technology for satellite debris capture, recovery and retrieval.
Ok a long post a bit off topic but perhaps it’s interesting.
Thanks and Best Regards
Thank you, data received,
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis:
This datum is confidential.
Warm Regards,
Michael C:
I am not able to answer now, but the actual modules can be combined without theoretical limits,
Warm Regards,
Mike Shaw:
Thank you for reminding us that today is the Earth Day !
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Today is Earth Day: the Ecat SKL could make this the Earth Year.
All the best,
Mike Shaw
Dear Andrea,
Aside from the current Ecat SKL, is there any theoretical or practical maximum size or capacity limit to the SKL technology? i.e. could a single unit configuration conceivably be made with a capacity of 10 KW? 100 KW? 1,000 KW? etc.
Dear Andrea, What is the weight of the charge in the ecat SKL?
Warm regards,
Chuck Davis
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I believe that the E-CatSKL has:
Size: 101 x 101 x 101
Output 802,19 W
Best regards
Robert Vienna
Salvatore Boi:
Thank you,
Data received,
Warm Regards,
Sture Andreasson:
Thank you,
Data received,
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Thank you, data received,
Warm Regards,
Rod Walton:
Thank you for the update,
Warm Regards,
Mike Phalen:
Thank you for the information.
Warm Regards,
Hi Dr. Rossi,
Here is a new and very interesting interview discussing the E-cat. Zach Vorhies, the person being interviewed, was the Google engineer that fixed the hack on E-catworld.com a few years ago. The hack had caused E-catworld.com to be removed from Google searches for a couple weeks.
The Rossi discussion starts around minute 7:00.
On Power Engineering issue of April 21 2020:
Vogtle 3 and 4 nuclear expansion workforce reduced by 20% to Covid 19 impact
Rod Walton
Dr Rossi,
Dimensions 80 x 27 x 100 mm
Weight 0.75 kg
efficiency 88%
power 870 W
A big hug and all the best,