United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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40,497 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ivan Samec:
    Thank you for yur opinion. My opinion is that bitcoins are very dangerous.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Wilfried Babelotzky:
    Caveat investor !
    Warm Regards,

  • Wilfried Babelotzky

    Dear Andrea,

    about Bitcoin: You can start here:


    But please do your own research, before you decide anything!

    Kind regards

  • Ivan Samec

    Dear Dr. Rossi and some non-government currency enthusiasts,

    please allow me a short explanation of Bitcoin:

    In the 70s and 80s, world-famous economist Milton Friedman (who received the 1976 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences) promoted idea of “non-government private money creation”.

    However, Mr. Friedman missed one important word: “transparent (creation of money)”.

    Such transparent creation is important, because a lot of governments (exactly: central banks) are making fun of the people.

    They told to the Congress they will create and giveaway 700 Billion dollars (because some financial crisis amongst commercial banks) and in the end it is 14,000 Billion dollars giveaway.

    So transparency is important attribute.

    In 90s a number of cryptologists and IT inventors created non-government digital money (for example: Dr. Chaum created eCash/DigiCash, others created e-Gold etc.).

    These systems had one strategical flaw: These did not run on 1000 servers worldwide, they did not run on 1000 servers worldwide, so one day the government came, confiscated one server and it was over.

    Around year 2008 some anonymous person or small group of network specialists and cryptologists under pseudonym “Satoshi Nakamoto” invented and deployed a non-government TRANSPARENT digital currency, where some components of system are encrypted and HASHed. Whole network which is supervising and mirroring all transactions is spreaded (mirrored) worldwide on thousands of servers. So no one government may destroy this network. Shortly: Every server has complete list of all transactions, who is cheating, is kicked out of network.

    This non-government transparent cryptocurrency was named Bitcoin.

    Young enthusiasts who do not understand monetary history loves this very slow and low-performance Bitcoin.

    Real world performance is 2.7 TPS which mean Bitcoin is capable serviced one small town with 130,000 citizens, who 2 times per day pay for something. Young ignorant enthusiasts do not understand this detail. Bitcoin is also slow, one transaction need 1 hour for completion.

    Now exists a hundreds new cryptocurrency systems running on similar principles, but with performance over 4,000 TPS and transaction time 3-10 seconds, for example EOS, Stellar, Tron etc.

    Why companies around the world do not jump on this fantastic wagon?

    There is another flaw for companies viewpoint:

    Transparency of creation is good, but transparency of transactions is no-no for companies.

    Companies don’t want competitors to see who the company pays for for component deliveries.

    FIAT thinks it’s a secret and competitors must not know that FIAT is buying tires from Pirelli. With transparent transactions – publicly visible, it is possible to analyze who pays to whom, even as the accounts on the network are pseudonymous.

    Conclusion: Non-government currencies with transparent creation and transaction time 3 seconds are fantastic, but transparent transactions are indigestible for business sector.

  • Chuck Davis

    Dear Andrea, The only thing this plane needs now is an SKL! https://www.yahoo.com/news/first-certified-electric-plane-takes-174901784.html

    Warm regards,
    Chuck Davis

  • Andrea Rossi

    Wilfried Babelotzky:
    I do not know what does mean “bitcoin mining” and I don’t even know exactly what bitcoins are.
    Warm Regards,

  • Wilfried Babelotzky

    Dear Andrea,

    you could buy new or second hand Bitcoin mining devices and run them with electric power for free (SKL).
    I hope you are aware about Bitcoin mining. It is the way to “calculate” new Bitcoins.

    Kind regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Wilfried Babelotzky:
    Thank you for yhe link.
    About the “mining pool”: what do you mean ?
    Warm Regards,

  • Wilfried Babelotzky

    Dear Andrea,

    please have a look to the global electric power prices.
    Germany needs SKL most, please install one in my house next year!


    Further, if you charge me 25% to your win, instead of 25% to my win, I am sure I will be able to comepete with china in mining cryptos 🙂

    Jokin aside, you should contemplate to found a mining pool to get your investmens back and ensure development in the long run.

    Kind regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    No comment.
    I don’t care the trolls, paid or differently intelligent as they might be. But you made a point to which I want to answer: one of our most important Clients told me that he had been convinced that we have something good in our hands from the disparaging against me; he said: ” If they really thought you have nothing , they would not waste their time for something that does not exist ”
    I have a suspect: to pay them is Andrea Rossi.
    Warm Regards,

  • Prof

    Dear Andrea:
    There are a couple of trolls that in several blogs made more than 30000 (thirty thousand) comments to say that your technology does not exist. They answer in real time to comments that sustain you, which gives evidence that they work full time on this job. Consequently, they are obviously paid. Now, my question is: how can be somebody so stupid not to understand that to disparage for years and full time your work gives evidence of the fact that they fear your work ? How could somebody make all that work spending so many time, if really should think your technology does not exist? The more they disparage you, the more they give evidence of the fact that they are brutally afraid your work to be real.
    How do you comment this rock and troll ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Eric Ashworth:
    Thank you for your insight. The JoNP hosts all opinions, if politely proposed.
    Warm Regards,

  • Eric Ashworth

    Dear Andrea, Thank you for your comment. The subject is without doubt complicated when introduced. Your technology was criticized upon the premise that the Coulomb barrier could not be overcome. As you and I know there is no problem in overcoming the Coulomb Barrier when in a binary situation i.e. creating an EVO which is a gravity value. All you need is hydrogen to be drawn in and ejected out. This understanding can open up lots and lots of doors with regards structure i.e. cellular structure also. But it is still a secret and difficult to get all the information out with regards interested people fully understanding it. As you know perseverance overcomes all obstacles.
    Regards Eric Ashworth.
    P.S. I once again appreciate you JONP for allowing publication.

  • Ulrich Kranz

    Dear Andrea,
    I found an interesting article on the Futurism newsletter.
    A scientist at the wuhan university claims he has developed a plasma driven thruster which runs only with electricity.


    best regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    No, very important members of the Team are not only in the USA, but also in Sweden, Italy and Japan.
    Warm Regards,

  • Anna

    About your team: are all your team- partners in the USA ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to our work,
    Warm Regards,

  • Ron

    Dr Rossi,
    I had to read 6 times your paper
    After the sixth reading I have understood in full the importance of it, with the discovery of an energy coming from the electrons’ entropy. Now I understand why it is the most read paper of nuclear physics of the last year.
    Thank you for this momentous publication.
    All the best,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Our collaborators are all under NDA.
    Warm Regards,

  • Anonymous

    Can you tell us the names of your collaborators ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- confidential
    2- not true
    3- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rod Walton:
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    All the members of our Team are enthusiast of what they are doing and we all believe that we will get the target. They are chosen also on the base of their reaction when I propose a collaboration.
    Warm Regards,

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    When you bring in a new specialist
    to your team how do you explain and
    and how long does it take for them
    to understand your ECat-SKL technology?
    What reactions do you get from a new
    member of your team when they first
    learn of your technology?
    How confident is your team that
    you will be successful with the SKL?


  • Rod Walton

    On Power Engineering issue of June 30 2020:
    DOOSAN deploying first Korean-made gas turbine to CHP plant
    Rod Walton

  • Marco

    Dear Andrea,

    it seems that the heating Ecat has an output greater than the Electric ECat. Some questions and considerations.

    1) Once you said (if i remember well) that the charge is the same. I assume that this means that at least the active charge chemicals are the same mass.
    2) If the electrical power is less than the heat power, this means that the charge should last proportionally longer… Because if not, this means that the efficiency in extracting energy from the charge of the electrical Ecat would be lower…
    3) So, have you compared charge duration also with respect to power output of the two ecats?


  • Andrea Rossi

    Electrinoc Engineering, Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Specialized Workers.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Donald G Chandler:
    Thank you for the link. It is interesting. I am not able to answer, because the information is not sufficient to find links to my
    theoretical system.
    Warm Regards,

  • Donald G Chandler

    Headline: “Physicists see surprisingly strong light, high heat from nanogaps between plasmonic electrodes”

    Do you think this might be related to The Rossi Effect?


  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    Can you say what skill the
    seven team members you
    work closest with have?


  • Andrea Rossi

    1- yes
    2- I agree.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    During the morning of the USA we are in the early afternoon in Europe, so we have 8 hours to work together.
    7 persons are the ones I make the most important things with in the USA.
    Warm Regards,

  • KeithT

    Dear Andrea,

    From what has been published so far it would appear that the E-Cat SK has a higher power heat output than the electrical output of the SKL.

    Is it thought that the E-Cat SKL with its electrical output is likely to be more acceptable in efforts to promote the E-Cat technology to the general public than a more powerful E-Cat SK that is limited to producing only heat?

    For a public launch, the E-Cat SKL technology will likely be seen as having more utility, the ability to heat a house in a Swedish winter or cool an apartment in a Miami summer.

    All efforts and resources now directed to improving only the E-Cat SKL.


    Keith Thomson.

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    What time is it where you
    are in Europe when you work
    with the team in the USA?
    How many do you actually work
    with doing the real Research in the USA?


  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your delighting empathy.
    The SK should become obsolete when the SKL will be available.
    I am working well with the US Team in the USA using Skype.
    We are making very important progress.
    Warm Regards,

  • Caro Andrea,
    tutti coloro che ti seguono su queste pagine soffrono con te l’ansia dovuta al ritardo per la presentazione del SKL imposta dalla pandemia che stiamo subendo.
    Noi ci sentiamo umanamente stretti intorno a te.
    La situazione in Italia ed in Europa sono in costante, ma lento miglioramento, ma gli USA e la Svezia non consentono facili ottimismi.

    Abbiamo grandemente apprezzato il fatto che tu sia riuscito a lavorare lontano dal tuo team migliorando ulteriormente la prestazioni del tuo SKL.
    BRAVO!… Meriti le nostre congratulazioni.

    I sistemi SK privati della tua personale assistenza hanno avuto sufficiente supporto dal tuo team negli USA?

    Tu consideri ora l’SK tecnicamente obsoleto, o lo ritieni ancora tecnicamente valido e, apportati i recenti miglioramenti utilizzati sul SKL, pensi sia a proponibile per l’industrializzazione e la vendita?
    Calorosamente ti saluta

    Dear Andrea,
    all those who follow you on these pages suffer with you the anxiety due to the delay for the presentation of the SKL imposed by the pandemic that we are suffering.
    We feel humanly close to you.
    The situation in Italy and Europe are constantly, but slowly improving, but the USA and Sweden do not allow easy optimisms.
    We greatly appreciated the fact that you managed to work away from your team, further improving the performance of your SKL.
    BRAVO! … You deserve our congratulations.

    Have the SK systems deprived of your personal assistance had sufficient support from your team in the USA?

    Do you now consider the SK technically obsolete, or do you still consider it technically valid and, having made the recent improvements used on the SKL, do you think it is available for industrialization and sale?
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Eric Ashworth:
    Thank you for your contribution,
    Warm Regards,

  • Eric Ashworth


    The Unifying of Gravity with Energy:

    This paper is about energy as understood from the perspective of understanding gravity. Gravity is energy and energy is gravity. There is nothing other except that which it constructs. This no doubt you could find difficult to believe but the statements to be made can be substantiated by geometry, maths and an embodied mechanical mechanism referred to as a ‘Bipolar Unifying Field Oscillator’ (B.U.F.O.) that is able to demonstrate the understanding in a practical way. To understand energy you need to understand the complete cycle that involves understanding the conservation of energy. This paper will not deal with the atomic structures as they are well understood as being involved with the permutations of the hydrogen atom i.e. complex mathematical formulae. What it will explain is hydrogen and its direct relationship to the basic format of gravity. In other words, the format of the hydrogen atom is a micro image of the Cosmos with regards its geometry, maths and states i.e. active and static. Also this paper will deal with the Exotic Vacuum Object (E.V.O.) and the part they play in the geometric manipulation of the hydrogen atom whereby the curvature forces transition to linear forces and the linear forces transition back to curvature forces. This two stage transition provides an understanding of the Conservation of Energy with regards potential energy and kinetic energy and has a direct involvement with the recent new source of energy obtained from Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (L.E.N.Rs) as that demonstrated by Andrea


    Rossi. Also it will in tandem explain how an Electro Magnetic drive (E.M. drive) generates propulsion in outer space for interplanetary commuting. These technologies when fully understood will open up new frontiers in the understanding of energy of which there is nothing other than and therefore this paper will be incomplete to those wishing full disclosure on every level i.e. I will make a statement without in-depth elaboration even though such statements can be elaborated upon because the subject can become too intense and overwhelming. Therefore this paper has had Occam’s Razor applied to it and can be considered to be in skeletal format but nevertheless informative.

    1 (a) The hydrogen atom is a single micro unit of gravity. Gravity is nothing other than one unit comprised of an integral volume containing an integral size. The base structure is that of a cubic neutral. Hydrogen represents a mobile unit of gravity with regards its mobile components. The hydrogen atom is a micro image of the overriding gravitational field within which the hydrogen atom exists. There is no single unit of gravity less than that of hydrogen and there is no single unit of gravity greater than that of one Cosmos. The macro unit of gravity is the static state i.e. the Cosmos. The micro unit of gravity is the mobile state. These two extremes represent ‘the static and mobile mechanics of energy interaction’. The hydrogen atom can never lose its two charges because it can never lose the value of its gravity. The hydrogen atom represents a cubic


    neutral of energy. The only activity a cubic neutral can do is contract or expand i.e. become a cubic neutral of a size dimension or that of a volume dimension. When a cubic neutral contracts it becomes a dimension of size and becomes a charge of positive gravity and when it expands it becomes a charge of negative gravity.

    Dark matter is negative gravity which is expanded hydrogen of a curvature force. The opposite to dark matter is Light matter being contracted hydrogen of a linear force. A cubic neutral of gravity i.e. hydrogen, transitions itself with regards position within its gravitational field and its proximity to either that of an EVO within the gravitational field or an artificial manufactured EVO. This transition of the cubic neutral of hydrogen from being of a curvature force to that of a linear force and back to its original curvature force provides for the conservation of energy.

    1 (b) Hydrogen represents curvature force energy i.e. potential energy at normal temperature and pressure (NTP). To transform it into linear force energy i.e. kinetic energy you have to compress it but the only way to compress hydrogen so as to achieve a substantial linear force is by using gravity. The greater the gravity value the more linear the cubic neutral will be and the more force will be achieved. Therefore to construct an EVO upon the geometry and maths of the hydrogen atom, maximum transitions from curvature forces to linear forces of the hydrogen atom can be achieved.


    Any hydrogen exterior to an EVO will be gravitated into the gravitational field of the EVO. When two hydrogen atoms of curvature forces are compressed together, the curves of their forces interact, transforming the curvature forces of the cubic neutrals into linear forces of identical potentials and as is well known like poles/potentials repel and unlike poles/potentials attract thereby the linear forces repel and there is only one direction these linear forces can go and that’s out of the EVO into the exterior environment as projectiles composed of linear force gravity. A cubit neutral of hydrogen when transformed into a linear force is able to penetrate solid matter comprised of hydrogen whereupon it expands due to becoming static, creating compression within the solid host that relates directly to a degree of heat created by a degree of atomic friction within the structure . The hydrogen cubic neutral dissipates out and resumes its original curvature force value of gravity. Consequently, the conservation of energy requires two transitions of one unit of gravity involving two gravitational fields separated by a space involving time and distance.

    1 (c) What exactly is the hydrogen atom composed of?. Basically two integral units, comprised of components. The two integral units are the proton and the electron and both are comprised of the same structural components but occupy two opposite positions. Thereby one is a size dimension, central position and one a volume dimension of a peripheral position and consequently one is the positive


    charge and one is the negative charge that constitutes one unit of gravity because gravity is one cubic neutral of energy. What are the two cubes that make gravity a cubic neutral?. Answer, two pivots. The two pivots, one of the proton and one of the electron are comprised of integral components. There are four components in each pivot. One static and three mobile. What is each component comprised of?. Answer gravity in its two states i.e. static and mobile. The mobile gravities are the quarks, the static gravity is the central position around which the quarks circumnavigate. What are quarks comprised of?. Four static linear gravity values. To visualize, one vertical is surrounded by four separate horizontals and the pivot of the quark is the collective force of the four static horizontals.

    The three quarks of the proton circumnavigate an inner gravity value of the proton on a helical trajectory involving four loops, each loop corresponds to the eight outer corners of the cube and the eight inner pole dimensions i.e. the four static linear dimensions of the pivot which is the inner pole of diametrical dimension of the inner cube. Each quark occupies in time and space three positions. Positive pole position, negative pole position and circumferential/radial being neutral. Each quark is transitioning because it’s the mobile energy of the loop that circumnavigates the proton cube four times, corresponding to the eight outer extremities.

    Three quarks of the electron circumnavigate the inner proton on a helical trajectory involving four loops, each loop


    correspond to the eight outer corners of the outer cube and the eight inner pole dimensions i.e. the four static linear dimensions of the pivot which is the outer pole of the volume dimension of the outer cube. Each quark occupies in time and space three positions. Positive pole of the positive position, negative pole of the negative position and circumferential radial being neutral. Each quark is transitioning because it is the mobile energy of the loop that circumnavigates the outer electrons gravity value. The two cubes synchronize to form one cubic neutral of gravity. Thereby the neutral cube of hydrogen is one stable unit of gravity with its four inner pivots and its four outer pivots.

    1 (d) The hydrogen atom can be considered of a mechanical activity that has been duplicated and labeled a ‘Bipolar Unifying Field Oscillator’ that has more than one practical use but was originally designed for propulsion purposes by structuring fluids into interacting structural densities involving two circuits. But when these dynamics are applied to electro magnetic dimensions they are able to construct an Exotic Vacuum Object (E.V.O.) that contains potentials of the EVO in mobile time dimensional frames i.e. active potential E.V.Os within the overriding Power E.V.O. (a time dimension phenomena). This structuring of electro gravitational forces will provide propulsion in the exterior spacial environment. Thereby what this technology allows for is one vehicle to be able to fly within the Earths atmosphere as an aircraft and outside of the Earths atmosphere as a space craft when fitted


    with an electro magnetic (EM) drive. This type of vehicle would require a super fuel to power the required mechanisms and fortunately Andrea Rossi has the required technology of his L.E.N.Rs that need the required EVO to maintain a sustained reaction so as to provide an almost limitless amount of electrical energy. EVOs can be constructed by using the electricity supplied by the grid but these EVOs are inferior for LENRs because they are only potentials of Power not a Power potential comprised of four mobile potentials.

    (e) To generate EVOs of a Power potential you have to adopt a systemic sequence of events based upon maths and geometry. To achieve an Absolute state (which is not advisable) you would need sixteen electric generators of a two pole D.C. design but to be practical and ere on the side of caution twelve is the recommended number i.e. only what could be termed twelve stones are required. Four for the negatives, eight for the neutrals and twelve for the positives. Therefore using maths and geometry:-

    Circumference divided by 3.14159 equals Time negative structure of a field i.e. the energy of a diameter.

    3.14159 equals the sum total of structure of a field in dimensions of four structural densities
    Energy of no structure equals the wave energy of volume.

    3.14159 equals the four neutrals within a field. Therefore, .85841 equals the none structure energy of the two static states or the expanded hydrogen of the proton and electron state i.e. the active mobile particles/Soma in wave formation of a cubic neutral.


    .85841 divided by 2 equals .429205 of diametrical proton force and .429205 of circumferential electron force. These figures therefore represent the two Absolute Time zones of energy. Being less than 1. i.e. .85841 the extra force required for the construction of the fourth energy structure of field identity must be external and of a higher order.
    429205 of proton size energy plus .429205 of electron volume energy plus .14159 of structuring force energy plus 1. negative structure plus 1. neutral structure plus 1. positive structure equals 4 as apposed to 3.14159.

    .429205 divide by .14159 equals 3.0313228 a threesome of energy i.e. negative, positive and neutral plus .0313228 of encapsulated force. And .85841 divide by .14159 equals 6.0626456 a sextet neutral of a field plus .0626456 of encapsulated force.

    Conclusion: .062645 not .0626456 being seven digits and not sextet or neutral i.e. 3. and 3. this being the subject in review, must represent an exterior influential force of .062646 magnitude more than the value of a sextet neutral field. Consequently, 1. neutral field of energy must be part of a greater structure that is 95.777795 times greater. And that a proton and electron must always be a part of a systemic system of a field. 95.777795 x .062645 = 5.9999999

    95.777795:- Mathematics describes energy because it originates
    from the understanding of energy.

    ______________Field Identity/ One Solar System_____________

    – 77 95 7777 95 95 7777 95 95 7777 95 95 7777 95+
    Alpha >direction> Omega

    9 = completion. 5 = half. 7 = mobility/transmutation
    9 and 5 are interchangeable digits

    Completion refers to the completion of a field system of identity.
    10. refers to the whole systemic system of which the field system is a part. Therefore, 95.777795. 9 and 5 represent the sum total of the neutral i.e. neg. pos. potential with regards the transition.

    95.777795 divided by 6 equals 15.962965. 16 i.e. four energy fields in four states of neutrality. Therefore, 16 minus 15.962965 equals .037035. .037035 divide by 3 i.e. the negative, the neutral and the positive equals .012345. This figure represents the progressive state of systemic energy i.e. energy of structure spanning Time Zones/Synapses/interregnums.

    Zero to 1. represents one quarter of a pivot being a transitioning mechanism. The pivot is static gravity into which curvature force energy transitions to a degree of a linear force. Zero to 1. represents 90 degrees of centrifugal force positive and 90 degrees of centrifugal force negative – 1. to 2. represents 180 degrees of centrifugal force positive and 180 degrees of centrifugal force negative – 2. to 3. represents 270 degrees of centrifugal force positive and 270 degrees of centrifugal force negative – 3. to 4. represents 360 degrees of centrifugal force positive and 360 degrees of centrifugal force negative – 4. to 5 represents an applied Absolute force of 450 degrees, thereby an Absolute force of a degree of fusion that is able to achieve fission by transmutation of the curvature force into that of a linear force of a cubic neutral of energy and thereby this 5th action creates the identity i.e. the power of a field charge.

    When four fields of a systemic nature are required sixteen D.C. electric generators of a basic two pole design are required to be coupled together in a continual systemic sequence of generating. The first 90 degree of generated current is fed into the second

    generator, the second 90 degree of the second generator increases the potential of the generated current, the third does the same and so to does the fourth. This represents a pivot of a negative power. As the sequence continues into the next four generators the pivot

    becomes a neutral power and as the sequence continues into the next four generators of twelve the pivot becomes a positive power. What the positive power represents is an EVO containing mobile potentials of the power. No need to use sixteen generators unless you want to use such equipment as a Electro Magnetic drive for interplanetary commuting.

    As I previously stated this paper is in skeletal format and requires investigation so as to validate or disprove the contents by conventional practical means. For people with a curious mind it should provide a much needed new angle of investigation and one in which new discoveries could be made in every avenue of research.


    The basis of this paper is two fold, one to put forward a theory that explains gravity as not just a force but a creator of creations that respond to its force. Geometry and maths are the abstractive understandings. There is no such thing as gravity i.e. a singularity but only gravities i.e. spaces of a space and spaces within spaces. Spaces within spaces bring about positivity and negativity. The basis of one unit of gravity requires four dimensions, each dimension is a neutral. Thereby one neutral cube equals one unit of gravity. One flat of the four i.e. of a cube equals a neutral. One loop equals a neutral of a 90 degree angle and four make the cube. (Field identity of one Solar system represents one neutral. Four of which equal one Galaxy but the macro system will not be dealt with here).

    Because each dimension of the cube has an inner and an outer. The 90 degree angle referred to is one dimension that reaches out and reaches in and to complete the dimension requires space and time.

    Thereby four spaces and eight time zones to one gravity value. This basic format is reflected throughout the energy unit being a charge. Let’s see if I can convey this!. A pivot of gravity is comprised of four linear gravity values. one vertical line is supported by four horizontals, each horizontal is a pivot and four horizontals are the
    constituents of the vertical. The static linear gravity is the neutrinos within the quark.

    Neutrino equals 1. linear gravity value. — 4. Neutrinos equal 1. Pivot of a gravity value. 1. Pivot equals 1. Quark. — 3. Quarks plus one central gravity value equal one Charge. — 2. Charges equal a Cubic Neutral of gravitational Energy. Gravitational energy of size dimension equals positivity (proton position). Gravitational energy of volume dimension equals negativity (electron position). The mobile quarks of the proton circumnavigate the inner gravity value. The mobile quarks of the electron circumnavigate the inner proton on a helical trajectory around the inner proton by completing four outer loops to that of the proton. These loops of the outer quarks construct the potentials of a cube i.e. four outer positives of the extremities of a cube, transitioning to four inner positives that transition to four inner negatives and transition out to four outer negatives completing the cubic dimensions. One of the four outer regions of the cube correspond to a value of the pole position and one of the four outer regions of the cube correspond to the value of the opposite pole. The neutral position of the poles is the gravity value of the cubic neutral i.e. central position of the cube within the proton. The two flats top and bottom surrounded by four flats equal the two poles thereby four plus two equal six i.e. a cubic neutral of energy/gravity. This information can be mechanically demonstrated by constructing a ‘bipolar unifying field oscillator’. This mechanism has many practical uses but because of planetary evolution within the Solar systemic system its major purpose is transportation between planets. What this type of propulsion system needs when incorporated into that of a transportation vehicle is the Electro
    Magnetic drive system (E.M. drive) which is a Power EVO containing potential EVOs as they transition within the Power. However, such a vehicle requires a fuel source and this is where Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENRs) are required to provide the fuel. The fuel being the hydrogen atom extracted from atomic substance that transitions from Curvature force energy into a Linear force energy and back to its Curvature force because it exists within the mobile curvature system being the Solar which exists within the Cosmos and which likewise exists within the two static Absolutes of the overriding system. Therefore it becomes obvious that these apparent separate subjects are of the same understanding with regards the understanding that energy is gravity and therefore to understand gravity is to understand energy

    To help explain this relationship between volume and size being negative and positive. I shall list the macro gravity to the micro gravity:-

    One Absolute overriding static state is a static cubic neutral that contains within it, between its central position and its outer periphery the Cosmos, within the cosmos are four Cosmic systems, within each Cosmic system are the galaxies, within each Galaxy are four Solar systems, within each solar system are four Sets, each Set is comprised of four planets transitioning along a Solar helical trajectory. Each planet is comprised of atomic substance. Atomic substance is comprised of the hydrogen atom that contains two charges one of a volume dimension and one of a size dimension, it is the image of the macro system constructed of gravity. *Something interesting to think about. The neutron in the nuclei of the atom. Could it be a mono pole magnet in space and time i.e. an image of the seat of gravity at the centre of a Galaxy where four Solar systems converge?. In other words an image of the Power, being a potential of. Both mono poles are the product of spin and position i.e. between four gravity values in a positive negative environment i.e. within a cubic neutral. The neutron of the atomic nucleus is a transformed proton because of

    position between four protons within a specific position of the nucleus. What the neutron does is prevent gravitational collapse of the nucleus by acting as a buffer agent. To do this the neutron spins in two directions at once creating eight negative poles out with spin and eight positive poles in with no spin i.e. when the spin ceases (This has and is able to be demonstrated). What a mono pole demonstrates is a time dimensional phenomena regarding the creation of a system and the destruction of the system. Centrifugal force is a huge subject in itself. When electricity is generated centrifugal force is present but when the gravity values cease so too does the centrifugal force because separation ceases. Is centrifugal force a component of the hydrogen atom?. Yes, it’s a component of the electron and proton.

    Another interesting observation with regards the B.U.F.O. Two flows of the same fluid medium can when in contact i.e. one vertical flow and one horizontal flow can cross paths without losing identity. Gravity is a conservational force. Every phenomena involving gravity is a huge subject that requires extensive investigation within all branches of physics.

    For Andrea Rossi to achieve a self sustaining L.E.N. Reaction he needs to generate a Power EVO. What the grid supplies is a potential unit of energy that can only produce a potential EVO. The L.E.N. Reactor has to power a turbine that achieves the necessary systemic system of generating as previously described. The turbine should be designed upon an integral set up to achieve maximum efficiency, unlike conventional turbines. Has this information got more applications than those mentioned?. Yes lots but this paper for obvious reasons has to finish but not without anticipated expectations.

    This paper was written by Eric Ashworth an independent researcher and inventor.
    B.U.F.O mechanism see: Propulsion Linearizing Mechanism Ashworth Eric.
    This technology is highly sensitive, very often I am unable to communicate
    See E Cat world.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Chuck Davis:
    Warm Regards,

  • Chuck Davis

    Dear Andrea, Does switching the ecat on and off cause some kind of degradation?

    Warm regards,
    Chuck Davis

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- yes
    2- we’ll see
    Warm Regards,

  • Patrick

    Dear Andrea,
    Given that you’re thinking of batteries for electric vehicles, does that mean the ecat can be switched on/off multiple times while not being connected to the grid?
    And is this how you plan to demonstrate it in your presentation?
    Best regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the information !
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    Scientists gain more insight
    about the makeup of Sun.



  • Patrick

    Dear Andrea and readers,

    About battery parameters, the Tesla Power Wall, which is same technology as Tesla car batteries:

    Usable Capacity: 13.5 kWh
    Depth of Discharge: 100%
    Efficiency: 90% round-trip
    Power: 7kW peak / 5kW continuous

    Scalable: Up to 10 Powerwalls

    Operating Temperature: -4°F to 122°F / -20°C to 50°C

    Dimensions: L x W x D: 45.3″ x 29.6″ x 5.75″
    (1150 mm x 753 mm x 147 mm)

    Weight: 114 kg

    Installation: Floor or wall mounted, Indoor or outdoor

    Certification: North American and International Standards
    Grid code compliant

    From: https://www.tesla.com/en_AU/powerwall


  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the information and the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I’ll see what I can do.
    Warm Regards,

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