United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,165 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bravo, you got the point.
    Warm Regards,

  • CC

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Reading your paper
    I understood that the gain of energy is generated by the electron transition from a coherent to an incoherent state, assuming an electron distance in the coherent status that is equal to the electron Compton wavelength ( about 2.43*10^-12 m ): am I correct ?

  • Aleksei Savchenko

    Steven N. Karels and Giuseppe,
    Your comments concerning “only 5% of matter” in the Universe and “Dark Matter can decay or transform into Dark Energy?”
    To be honest, no one knows the answer to this question, especially those who came up with these concepts (traditional science) and even more so those (journalists) who populate it for money. I have always admired with the knowledge of those scientists, who invented these concepts, and also described in detail, as an eyewitness, every second of the origin and formation of the Universe 13 billion years ago.
    Really, dark matter was discovered not so long ago because it is not near us. It was “discovered” only in distant galaxies, billions of light-years from us. And then, according to indirect data, which can be interpreted in different ways.
    Consequently, they observed only the effects that were billions of years ago in the relict Universe (now everything may be different there), we do not see this. It is impossible to transfer relics of antiquity to our days, with an expanding, and therefore changing its properties of the Universe. Maybe now local astrophysicists in those distant Galaxies are looking at us, seeing our past billions of years ago, and claiming that dark matter exists in our solar system, but they do not have it.
    Maybe I’m wrong, and I like the answer “I don’t know”, but I’ll try to give my own opinion on this matter (risking losing my scientific reputation), based on simpler and less exotic concepts.
    The Universe is not empty, it expands and loses part of its energy density (ether or Physical Vacuum). In the relict Universe, where we found the accelerated circular motion of celestial bodies due to excess attraction attributed to the existence of hypothetical dark matter, due to the higher energy density of the Universe at that time, it also has completely different physical characteristics and constants, in particular, the gravitational constant. Increase its value, and the dark mass will simply not be needed.
    And analogs of this effect are easy to observe in simple physical experiments. The distribution of the magnetic field strength around a conductor with current is known (here we replace the gravitational field with a magnetic one). It naturally decreases with distance according to the hyperbolic law. However, at high currents, there is a deviation from this law and the tension is less decreases with distance as the characteristics of the environment change. That is, in more energetic environments (Universe), due to changes in the parameters of the field (and gravitational too), the force of attraction decreases weaker from distance.

    The second question about “latent energy” and the accelerated expansion of the Universe is easier to answer. In general, modern physics, unlike philosophy, incorrectly considers the subject, dividing it into parts, as in the well-known parable, when seven blind people felt different parts of an elephant, and each had his own opinion about what it was.
    Partly the Universe expansion is described in my articles, which Andrea kindly inserted in JONP.
    Physical Vacuum (PV), from which energy and matter originated, has a million times greater energy density, if only all our visible matter. And it is he who expands by simultaneously expanding each node of the PV, which has the shape of a double toroid, constituting the energy lattice of the PV. That is, there is a natural loss of its energy (vortex) due to an increase in the radius of the ring swirl of the toroid, due to the pressure difference between the PV of our Universe, and the space that surrounds our Universe and about which we do not know anything, and which from this shrinks and slows down our expansion. And this is how it happens. If you consider the increase in the circle along the radius every second by the same amount or slightly more, then you will say that the Universe is expanding uniformly or with a slight acceleration. But if you consider the expansion rate not in absolute terms, but in relative terms that characterize the essence of the Universe, that is, in relation to the previous value, and not to the original, then you will see that the expansion rate decreases.
    This process is well described in the Indian Vedas, which characterize the stages of the evolution of the Universe as breathing of Brahma, inhalation and exhalation. That is, the stage of expansion will be followed by the stage of compression, and all physical chemical processes in nature will begin to change their direction (in matter, there will be not an increase, but a decrease in entropy, and the processes of spontaneous mixing of components will be very difficult). This is a separate issue, and it is also briefly described in my articles.
    Of course I could be wrong – I like to say that, and also, that I don’t know. Less responsibility, and it is known that only a FOOL knows everything. Or rather thinks so.
    I apologize for the long passage, but maybe he will give someone new ideas.
    Best regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Chuck Davis:
    Thank you for your trust in the work of our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Chuck Davis

    Dear Franz,
    The following link shows how the price of electricity has been skyrocketing in recent years and should be factored into the decision!


    Warm regards,
    Chuck Davis

  • Chuck Davis

    Dear Andrea, Imagine the benefits of ecat to the camping community! It can provide all of the conveniences of home including air conditioning. I expect that camping activities will experience an overwhelming boom! Many may choose a nomadic life over buying or renting a home!

    Warm regards,
    Chuck Davis

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find new comments published today in other posts of this blog,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Domenico Canino:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Svein H. Vormedal

    However, it depends on how much extra you are willing to pay for your energy consumption to be environmentally friendly.
    Regards Svein H. Vormedal

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ariel Sherfield:
    Yes, you are correct.
    Warm Regards,

  • Franz

    Svein H. Vormedal:
    If this does mean the e-cat costs 1000-2000€ or more per KW then it is much too expensive for me.
    Best regards

  • Ariel Sherfield

    Dr Rossi,
    The hypothesis that a mass-transfer mechanism may be the cause of the energy gain in the Ecat QX has been disclosed also in reference 22 of
    and in the video I saw googling “Ecat QX Stockholm Presentation November 2017”: am I right ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karen’s:
    I do not know.
    Warm Regards

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Do you think Dark Matter can decay or transform into Dark Energy?

  • Svein H. Vormedal

    Rossi and his licensees are businessmen.
    They need to put the price level in line with the market and their delivery capacity.
    Svein H. Vormedal

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Salvatore Boi:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    1. We are making progress day by day
    2. yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    1. How would you characterize the reliability of the E-Cat SKL plant at the moment?

    2. Is a single E-Cat SKL more reliable than a plant made up of multiple SKLs?

    Thank you if you can answer,

    Frank Acland

  • Franz

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    do you and your licensees have already an idea of the price for an e-cat?
    Or at least could you mention a range this price could be?
    Per 5KW module or 10 KW module?
    Best regards

  • Salvatore Boi

    Dear Andrea Rossi, may be that this link can be appreciated by you:


  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you very much for this very appreciated link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Through our experiments, our Team proposed a theoretical system, but this does not mean we are sure to be right; surely our theoretical work has suscitated interest, as it is strongly corroborated from the more that 65 thousand Readers of our publication, that is the more read publication among the 16 millions of publications on Researchgate, a number we could never even think about when it has been published.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    The important is that the work we are doing is completed and reliable. All the rest will be the will of God. If it is useful, it will succeed.
    Thank you for your kind insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Daniele

    Le auguro di avere presto il successo che merita con il suo lavoro. Tuttavia il difficile per lei non sarà tanto l’esattezza della teoria, l’efficienza energetica chiaramente dimostrata e la strategia commerciale da utilizzare per la diffusione della sua “invenzione”; ma se l’umanità merita questa sua scoperta. Temo che la malvagità dell’uomo sia ancora troppo presente nel mondo per accoglierla. Le lotte di potere dell’attuale politica nel mondo ha raggiunto livelli patologici, e siccome potere ed energia sono strettamente legati, mi fa essere pessimista sul fatto di poter vedere a breve i benefici della sua invenzione. Anche se può sembrare un atteggiamento lontano dalla razionalità scientifica del suo lavoro, prego Dio affinché spinga l’umanità a decidersi per il bene di conseguenza possa godere del bene insito nel lavoro che sta conducendo. (Non mi interessa che questo venga pubblicato mi interessa però conoscere la sua opinione in proposito)

  • Giuseppe

    Dear Andrea,
    I’m not an expert in physics and maybe I’m asking you a stupid question. It is well known that we know only 4 or 5% of the matter in the universe and little or nothing is known about the rest and many theories are made; now I read
    Can the references you make on this paper on the origin of the energy of the Ecat from ‘Vacuum’ and ‘Zero Point Energy’ help to solve this dilemma?
    Best Regards, Giuseppe

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    This is a Lecture on Nikola
    Tesla by W.Bernard Carlson
    from Mary Washington


  • Andrea Rossi

    Heinz Sause:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Warm Regards,

  • Stephen

    Hi Aleksei,

    Thanks for your kind comment. Reference to Scotty is just a fun reference to Scotty from StarTrek.

    Best Regards and all the best for your continuing research which I have to say is always interesting to read here.



  • Heinz Sause

    The ether (Vacuum)

    Heinz Sause

    Hello Sir Andrea Rossi ,

    I find this description for the vacuum (ether) in th new revelation…

    [GGJ 7.72.4] But despite its apparently complete nullity, this ether is
    by no means as void as its appearance shows you; for in it all the
    innumerable substances and elements are in an even more unbound state
    than in the purest atmospheric air of this earth. But there they are
    even more free forces and are much closer and related to the primordial
    fire and primeval light and nourish the air of the earth, this then the
    water and the water weave and strive for the earth and everything that
    lives on it. But if all this is already to be found in the ether, then
    it is a very capable something and not nothing, if it occurs in the same
    way in your senses.

    [GGJ 7.72.5] But the ether is by no means pure spiritual, but it has
    more inner resemblance to the substance of the soul, but only insofar as
    it is a spatial medium through which countless primal forces from God
    meet, connect and finally act like completely together.

    Warm regards

    Heinz Sause

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Can you say how Nikola Tesla is providing you with inspiration for the E-Cat SKL presentation?

    Kind regards,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bob Belovich:
    I would say no and remain on the system proposed on
    Since it has been published, many comments about it have been received – hundreds -, but even through all of them I remain convinced of the theoretical system that has been published. I would also add the fact that the references added to the updaye made a month ago have further reinforced my convinction.
    Warm Regards,

  • Aleksei Savchenko

    Dear Stephen,
    Your comments are very interesting.
    Especially this:”Muons might be forbidden to decay to electrons in an environment where electrons are degenerate. Much like neutrons in an atomic nucleus not decaying to protons.”
    By the way, who is Scotty? You have mentioned him several times. I did not find his comments at the Forum.
    Best regard,

  • Bob Belovich

    Dear Andrea Rossi

    Is it fair to say that the ecat skl is a new development of sub-atomic energy?


    Bob Belovich

  • Andrea Rossi

    Maybe I am a bit out there…
    Warm Regards,

  • Stephen

    Maybe if I’m lucky Scotty is a reader 😉

    Thanks I know it was a bit out there..

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your elaborate insight, albeit I am not able to comment it. Maybe some of our Readers is.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    It is a work in the making. I am getting inspiration from Nikola Tesla.
    Warm Regards,

  • Stephen

    Dear Andrea

    I hope this post isn’t too out there as it is really let your mind go thinking but after some reflection I wonder if there are any useful aspects to it.

    I was wondering about Ultra Dense hydrogen how it is associated with coherent cluster formation and the energy extraction processes in the E-cat and impact if any of the vacuum fluctuation energy extraction. I wonder if other atoms than Hydrogen would work and ended up a bit StarTrek not seriously but I think it raises some interesting questions.

    First of all if I recall correctly there are two types of ultra dense Hydrogen according to Holmlids work.

    1. small UDH that has four nuclei and has no overall magnetic moment and is thought to decay into Kaons, Pions muons and electrons.

    2. UDH chains of hydrogen pairs at pico scale separation that are bound together perhaps magnetically In a way a magnetic crystal of di-Hydrogen that can apparently oscillate with its Rydberg state.

    If I understood your work and the referred to papers it is case 2 that is associated with the cluster formation and has the particular characteristics that generate and transfer energy and perhaps ultimately tapping into vacuum fluctuations when used in the way discussed in the context of the e-cat.

    I also recall you mentioning it was better with Protium than Deuterium I think due to the larger nuclear magnetic moment. Is that right?

    Other atoms might have a large nuclear magnetic moment but would on the face of it be difficult to make into similar ultra dense binary pairs structures due to the number of electrons and associated orbitals.

    To make something like ultra dense binary pairs that could themselves form chains it would have to look like Hydrogen but also allow picometer separation.

    So group 1 Alkali metals such as Lithium, magnesium, potassium etc might fit the bill if the inner electrons orbitals could be squeezed down to pico scale might fit. Of these only Lithium has a large nuclear magnetic moment. Even higher than Protium in fact.

    So how would you make lithium for example Ultra dense.

    Well maybe with muons. If the pair of inner electrons were replaced by muons. Then I suppose they would have very close orbitals. This would then make the core inner pair of muons and nucleus look like a hydrogen nucleus at beyond small pico scales. Could that muonic Lithium atom with an outer electron collapse to ultra dense state in a similar way to UDH? I.e magnetic crystals made of pairs of ultra dense lithium. Di lithium crystals 😉 there maybe a source of muons from any quad Hydrogen small UDH present so maybe not unreasonable in that regard.

    Li7 with muons in the 1s orbital would have a muonic 1s orbital radius 0.40 * 52.9 pm / 207 = 0.102 pm so within the ultra dense hydrogen separation of 1.2pm.

    Since there would be 2 cooper paired muons in the 1s orbital and they are heavier than electrons the CoM may be out side or closer to the edge of the nucleus. Making a more dynamic rotation of the nuclei.

    These kinds of Li based Ultradense structures could perhaps have an advantage over protium. Their magnetic moment adjusted and increased perhaps by exciting and de-exciting the nuclei to higher energy levels. I’m trying to remember the details but didn’t your earlier work with Norman Cook consider Li7 excited the fist excitation state 477 keV? I know you have moved on a lot from that earlier work but I wonder would that have an even higher nuclear magnetic moment than in ground state?

    But clearly muon normally decays to electrons fairly quickly and I guess the complex “nucleus structure with inner orbital muons” might lead to instability so it just a fun thought and not meant to be realistic.

    But it raises some interesting rhetorical questions:

    1. Would a Cooper pair of negative muons in an inner atomic orbitals remain more stable than is typically the case of free particles?
    2. What if those muons were coherent and relativistic? Like the electrons in the ecat clusters? Would the be stable or have a longer half life.
    3. In a neutron rich nucleus such as Li7 would muons be prevented from interaction with that nucleus and triggering a nuclear decay?
    4. If you have a larger nucleus such as Li7 could you modify the magnetic moment by exciting it with synchrotron emission for example? Perhaps resulting increasing density, coherence and or coupling in some ways? (Just needs to warp space as a consequence then maybe we’d have a di-lithium crystal based warp drive . 😉 just for fun)
    5. Even if the muon half-life remains a couple of milliseconds. Could the cluster formation and lifecycle be significantly shorter than this?
    6. If any of this was possible would it be useful and what would the consequences be?
    7. Would it bring benefits over using Protium?

    Then I wondered could Electron degeneracy play some role?

    Muons might be forbidden to decay to electrons in an environment where electrons are degenerate. Much like neutrons in an atomic nucleus not decaying to protons.

    But isn’t that exactly what we have in these clusters. the outer electron collapsed in to a coherent and degenerate state? Would not that prevent those inner muons decaying?

    Strange as it might sound i wonder if it might actually work.

    But I have to say that protium based clusters are already looking amazing enough.

    I apologize for these odd thoughts but just thought it’s curious. I guess it’s 90% flawed thinking and nonsense but maybe there are some parts that are useful in some strange way.

    But I would quite understand if you want to skip this post.

    Wish I could ask Scotty 😉

    Best Regards to you and your team.


  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Have you settled on protocols for testing that will be used in presentation of the E-Cat SKL yet?

    Kind regards,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rod Walton:
    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Rod Walton

    On Power Engineering issue of February 9 2021
    Critical feedwater chemistry for heat recovery steam generators
    Rod Walton

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    should such Scalar fields cause instability of the nuclea of the positive ions present in the plasma, a 200 kV flow of electrons would cause some visible effect on the plasma cloud, albeit I must also say that some authors claim the contrary, as you can see in ref. 28 on
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I sympathize your feeling. I don’t think the number of licensees will affect substantially the distribution.
    Warm Regards,

  • Franz

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    i asked about the licensees because i reckon, the more you have the sooner we get the e-cat.
    It is very long to wait until the fourth quarter.
    Best regards

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    It is not clear to me how an electron beam, a test you explained to Paola, could influence the nucleus dynamic. Can you explain what effect would be expected if it would influence during the test?
    Why was chosen for an electron beam?
    Thank you.
    Kind regards, Gerard

  • Joseph,
    An interesting aspect of the subluminal and superluminal argument is that the equations for superluminal velocities have limits from c(speed of light) to infinity while the limits of subluminal velocities go from c to zero in most mathematical treatments. However there is no reason that negative velocities cannot be included in these equations therefore negative movement in any physical system cannot be ruled out. So back to the future is theoretically possible.
    Strange regards.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Apparently not, as I can assume from the experiment we made putting a flow of electrons at 200 kV in parallel with the plasma.
    Warm Regards,

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