For LENR powered test bed purposes using a Nissan Leaf electric automobile, you install the required inverter and all ancillary equipment in the cargo area of the hatchback. Then you install only the compact and lightweight E-Cat X reactor bundle in a water proof heat exchanger on the roof of the vehicle in a removable roof rack arrangement. You have a thermally insulated steel plate on the bottom of the small reactor bundle so even if there is an explosion the force explodes upwards along with all the heat.
Steven Karels,
Assume the E-cat X generates 50% electricity and 40% of high quality heat (>1000 C) and 10% light, then also the 40% heat can be converted to electricity with an efficiency of 40%. That will give you about 68% Thermal to Electricity efficiency in total. The rest of the low quality heat can be used to heat the cabin but most of it must be discharged. I hope that the light can be lead via optical cables to the front and back and that it can be used to lid the road. E-cat X can be beautifully integrated in cars, planes and all kinds of vehicles. I hope I will see this happening.
BTW: I do not like to spill energy. Although it does not cost a lot to spill low cost energy, it should be forbidden. It is simply wrong and I hope that Andrea will be able to improve the electrical performance of the E-cat X, so unnecessary spilling will be avoided.
Mario Marini:
Thank you for your kind attention.
When we will start the marketing in Europe (F9) we’ ll serve Italy through our European concern.
Warm Regards
From the Nissan Website, we see that about 3.5 miles consumes 1kWhr of energy. So a car driving at 70 mph would need a 20kW electrical generation to “break even”. So a 30kW electrical generator would probably be sized. The question is for the eCat-X, what is the electrical generation efficiency?
So since Andrea Rossi is “excited” about the eCat-X we can ASSUME the generation efficiency is 40% as that is what a typical Carnot efficiency would be for a thermal electrical generation plant and why would he be excited if the efficiency was less (actually modern plants can approach about 45% but who cares about a few percent when we are loosely estimating). So assuming a 50% efficiency that means your 20kW electrical load would be discharging 20kW of thermal energy. That is enough that you can’t keep that excess energy within the interior of the car. So you have to cool the eCat unit during operation. This is doable but requires much engineering, especially if any of these loose assumptions are incorrect, which they probably are. But a nice idea.
Caro Dr Rossi:
Your US Patent is an honour for all us Italians.
When the E-Cats will be inteoduced in Europe (F9) also Italy will be served with them? Do you have any Licensee in Italy?
Buona Firtuna!
He,he,he…thank you for your concern, but I am in pretty good standing. Yes, I either jog or bike for one hour every day.
Anyway: nobody is indispensable.
Warm Regards,
D. Travchenko:
Thiis is a very complex matter and I am not able to answer. Anyway, what I have understood is that it is not a stop, but a reconsideration. The matter is critical and involves enormous problems of jobs. I do not know enough the specific matter to be able to formulate an opinion.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your kind attention. Suggestion: what you learn and the way you learn how to learn during these years of your life in the High School will remain the most important pillars of your future life. I strongly suggest you to dedicate all your efforts to learn from your Professors the maximum you can. Personally, I think that LENR are not a matter idoneous for the High School, because in this period you must learn as well as it is possible the foundamentals of Physics. Consider LENR an interesting thing to be better understood later, when you will have solid bases of Mathematic, Physics and Chemistry.
Warm Regards and Good Luck !
I just wanted to say congratulations on your achievements and research thus far. I’m really excited to see where it will go. I’m only a high school student working on an English essay about LENRs, and much of the content published here is beyond my understanding, but I want you to know that your work is inspirational and offers a lot of hope for the future. It has honestly opened my eyes to so many new possibilities.
Dr Andrea Rossi
What is your opinion about hte stop that the US Supreme Court imposed to the policy of Barak Obama to reduce the utilization of coal?
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi,
I imagine you are under a tremendous stress during these final weeks: how is your health? You still make at least one hour of exercise every day ?
Take care of yourself, you are not immortal and we need you.
Dr Rossi,
I can’t wait to see a neighborhood of a town enlightened, heated and electrified by a network of E-Cats, along your dream: that would be one of the most important days of the last 100 years. Really you think it will happen?
Theoretically speaking, if a wealthy individual donated a 2016 Nissan Leaf SV, or similar fully electric vehicle, to Leonardo Corporation, couldn’t you fairly easily connect an inverter to its 30 kWh lithium-ion battery to provide enough AC to power to a bundle of E-Cat X reactors to constantly recharge the battery, and then run the car first on a dynamometer and eventually on the street as a test bed LENR powered vehicle? The Leaf is a hatchback, so there should be plenty of room for the inverter and the E-Cat X reactors plus the essential ancillary equipment.
At 08.10 of Sunday, Feb 14th 2016
1 MW E-Cat stable
E-Cat X operative in very good standing, notwithstanding insistent extreme operation.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi
The E-Cat trade mark now is very strong and well known: yesterday I was riding a train in South Africa and several persons were talking about the E-Cat! Will you exloit your trade mark for merchandising , beyond using it for the reactors?
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Are you already in contact with the authorities of the town of the USA wherein you will make true your Eve of the New Year dream (F9) ?
Dear Andrea,
Another possible application for E-Cat X: devices like Google’s Project Loon. Project Loon is an R&D idea for using high-altitude balloons to provide internet to remote regions of the Earth. The balloons would stay up for months at a time using Helium (or Hydrogen), solar cells, batteries & electronics to power and control altitude, direction of travel & radio. (Sort of a stratosphere level satellite, or “Stratollite” 😉
The E-Cat X would be a natural for this type of application– the heat would provide additional buoyancy & the electricity could replace most (or all) of the solar cells and batteries. The E-Cat X powered device would be lighter and longer lasting than the current design.
Leonardo Corporation will manufacture in its own factories, outsourcing in part the production.
The production will be made in the uSA and in Europe.
The locations will be disclosed if F9 will be positive, in due time.
The first application has already been done, it is, as well known, in the USA in the factory of a Customer and it is a 1 MW E-Cat that produces thermal energy.
Warm Regards,
in a former post you said, that Leonardo Corp. will have a manufacturing facility in Europe, too. Just for clarification: will Leonardo Corp. do the maufacturing in Europe itself, or will they outsource the production?
Gunnar Sandstrom:
He,he,he…I think the global warming is cyclical of the Earth, independently from us…nevertheless, we better produce less carbon dioxide, that’s all we can do, independently from the effect. Anyway, since next year I want to run the Vasalppet, this is a stimulus to make faster with the E-Cats!
Warm Regards,
Margareth Reba:
Substantially the US Patent allowed to me covers also the E-Cat X, but still I am making ancillar patents to cover several particulars.
Thank you for your kind attention,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
your US Patent is a masterpiece of patentability wisdom: no paraphrenalia, no theoretical arrogance, no exotic claims; just a patent to the essential point.
Question: did you think well if this patent covers also the E-Cat X ?
Dr Andrea Rossi:
The papers of Oscar Gullstrom published on Ecatworld have been taken in consideration in the formulation of the theoretical principles you are working on together with Prof Norman Cook ?
Dr Andrea Rossi:
You know that in Southern Sweden this year we have not snow ? That’s too bad, we need your E-Cats to limit the global warming effect!
Mr Rossi,
I am very sceptic about your ecat X: you continue to talk about it, but still no serious data have been published; this is typical when things do not exist.
Sceptic Regards,
Gore 1952:
If everything will go the way I hope with the tests on course ( all right also today at 08.47 a.m.) Leonardo Corporation will have initially two manufacturing facilities: one in the USA and one in Europe.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Congratulations for your US Patent !
You wrote two days ago that a factory is in preparation in the USA to make the E-Cat X. Does this mean that all the products of Leonardo Corporation will be produced in the USA? (F9, of course).
Christopher Calder:
Thank you for your suggestions,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Why the Future Looks So Promising for Utilities in a Distributed World.
** is LENR poised to become the Utility of the Future? **
Steven N. Karels,
For LENR powered test bed purposes using a Nissan Leaf electric automobile, you install the required inverter and all ancillary equipment in the cargo area of the hatchback. Then you install only the compact and lightweight E-Cat X reactor bundle in a water proof heat exchanger on the roof of the vehicle in a removable roof rack arrangement. You have a thermally insulated steel plate on the bottom of the small reactor bundle so even if there is an explosion the force explodes upwards along with all the heat.
Christopher Calder
Gerard McEk:
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Cybele Warrington:
Thank you for the interesting link from Peter Gluck.
Warm Regards,
Ing. Michelangelo De Meo:
Thank you for the translation of the article published on “La Tribune”.
Warm Regards,
Hello Dr. Rossi,
I am attaching a link to read the translated very interesting French article “Fusion froide, les espoirs du nucléaire ‘vert'”
Our Friend Peter Gluck had a particularly interesting blog yesterday.
You don’t make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering
and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas.
(Shirley Chisholm)
Steven Karels,
Assume the E-cat X generates 50% electricity and 40% of high quality heat (>1000 C) and 10% light, then also the 40% heat can be converted to electricity with an efficiency of 40%. That will give you about 68% Thermal to Electricity efficiency in total. The rest of the low quality heat can be used to heat the cabin but most of it must be discharged. I hope that the light can be lead via optical cables to the front and back and that it can be used to lid the road. E-cat X can be beautifully integrated in cars, planes and all kinds of vehicles. I hope I will see this happening.
BTW: I do not like to spill energy. Although it does not cost a lot to spill low cost energy, it should be forbidden. It is simply wrong and I hope that Andrea will be able to improve the electrical performance of the E-cat X, so unnecessary spilling will be avoided.
Steven N. Karels:
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Mario Marini:
Thank you for your kind attention.
When we will start the marketing in Europe (F9) we’ ll serve Italy through our European concern.
Warm Regards
Christopher Calder,
From the Nissan Website, we see that about 3.5 miles consumes 1kWhr of energy. So a car driving at 70 mph would need a 20kW electrical generation to “break even”. So a 30kW electrical generator would probably be sized. The question is for the eCat-X, what is the electrical generation efficiency?
So since Andrea Rossi is “excited” about the eCat-X we can ASSUME the generation efficiency is 40% as that is what a typical Carnot efficiency would be for a thermal electrical generation plant and why would he be excited if the efficiency was less (actually modern plants can approach about 45% but who cares about a few percent when we are loosely estimating). So assuming a 50% efficiency that means your 20kW electrical load would be discharging 20kW of thermal energy. That is enough that you can’t keep that excess energy within the interior of the car. So you have to cool the eCat unit during operation. This is doable but requires much engineering, especially if any of these loose assumptions are incorrect, which they probably are. But a nice idea.
Caro Dr Rossi:
Your US Patent is an honour for all us Italians.
When the E-Cats will be inteoduced in Europe (F9) also Italy will be served with them? Do you have any Licensee in Italy?
Buona Firtuna!
Warm Regards,
He,he,he…thank you for your concern, but I am in pretty good standing. Yes, I either jog or bike for one hour every day.
Anyway: nobody is indispensable.
Warm Regards,
D. Travchenko:
Thiis is a very complex matter and I am not able to answer. Anyway, what I have understood is that it is not a stop, but a reconsideration. The matter is critical and involves enormous problems of jobs. I do not know enough the specific matter to be able to formulate an opinion.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your kind attention. Suggestion: what you learn and the way you learn how to learn during these years of your life in the High School will remain the most important pillars of your future life. I strongly suggest you to dedicate all your efforts to learn from your Professors the maximum you can. Personally, I think that LENR are not a matter idoneous for the High School, because in this period you must learn as well as it is possible the foundamentals of Physics. Consider LENR an interesting thing to be better understood later, when you will have solid bases of Mathematic, Physics and Chemistry.
Warm Regards and Good Luck !
Dear Mr. Rossi,
I just wanted to say congratulations on your achievements and research thus far. I’m really excited to see where it will go. I’m only a high school student working on an English essay about LENRs, and much of the content published here is beyond my understanding, but I want you to know that your work is inspirational and offers a lot of hope for the future. It has honestly opened my eyes to so many new possibilities.
Thank you,
Dr Andrea Rossi
What is your opinion about hte stop that the US Supreme Court imposed to the policy of Barak Obama to reduce the utilization of coal?
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi,
I imagine you are under a tremendous stress during these final weeks: how is your health? You still make at least one hour of exercise every day ?
Take care of yourself, you are not immortal and we need you.
Koen Vandewalle:
This is a confidential information.
Warm Regards
Dr Rossi,
I can’t wait to see a neighborhood of a town enlightened, heated and electrified by a network of E-Cats, along your dream: that would be one of the most important days of the last 100 years. Really you think it will happen?
can you give us an indication (order of magnitude) of the money invested in R&D of E-Cat technology, until today ?
Kind regards,
Cheistopher Calder:
I am not able to answer because we are not ready for this application.
Warm Regards
Dear Mr. Rossi,
Theoretically speaking, if a wealthy individual donated a 2016 Nissan Leaf SV, or similar fully electric vehicle, to Leonardo Corporation, couldn’t you fairly easily connect an inverter to its 30 kWh lithium-ion battery to provide enough AC to power to a bundle of E-Cat X reactors to constantly recharge the battery, and then run the car first on a dynamometer and eventually on the street as a test bed LENR powered vehicle? The Leaf is a hatchback, so there should be plenty of room for the inverter and the E-Cat X reactors plus the essential ancillary equipment.
Sincerely, Christopher Calder
Thank you for your intriguing suggestion.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
We have major issues to think about in this period. Nevertheless, I am glad to know about your serendipity.
Warm Regards,
At 08.10 of Sunday, Feb 14th 2016
1 MW E-Cat stable
E-Cat X operative in very good standing, notwithstanding insistent extreme operation.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Can we have an update for today?
Thank you,
Dear Andrea Rossi
The E-Cat trade mark now is very strong and well known: yesterday I was riding a train in South Africa and several persons were talking about the E-Cat! Will you exloit your trade mark for merchandising , beyond using it for the reactors?
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Are you already in contact with the authorities of the town of the USA wherein you will make true your Eve of the New Year dream (F9) ?
Dear Andrea,
Another possible application for E-Cat X: devices like Google’s Project Loon. Project Loon is an R&D idea for using high-altitude balloons to provide internet to remote regions of the Earth. The balloons would stay up for months at a time using Helium (or Hydrogen), solar cells, batteries & electronics to power and control altitude, direction of travel & radio. (Sort of a stratosphere level satellite, or “Stratollite” 😉
The E-Cat X would be a natural for this type of application– the heat would provide additional buoyancy & the electricity could replace most (or all) of the solar cells and batteries. The E-Cat X powered device would be lighter and longer lasting than the current design.
Dear Readers:
Please find on
the comments published today on other posts.
Warm Regards,
Leonardo Corporation will manufacture in its own factories, outsourcing in part the production.
The production will be made in the uSA and in Europe.
The locations will be disclosed if F9 will be positive, in due time.
The first application has already been done, it is, as well known, in the USA in the factory of a Customer and it is a 1 MW E-Cat that produces thermal energy.
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr. Rossi,
in a former post you said, that Leonardo Corp. will have a manufacturing facility in Europe, too. Just for clarification: will Leonardo Corp. do the maufacturing in Europe itself, or will they outsource the production?
In which country will be the facility?
What will be the first application?
domestic use?
heat production?
electricity production?
As always, thank you for your answers.
Thank you for your sincere opinion.
Warm Regards,
Gunnar Sandstrom:
He,he,he…I think the global warming is cyclical of the Earth, independently from us…nevertheless, we better produce less carbon dioxide, that’s all we can do, independently from the effect. Anyway, since next year I want to run the Vasalppet, this is a stimulus to make faster with the E-Cats!
Warm Regards,
Arthur Morante:
Yes. Both the papers are precious.
Warm Regards,
Margareth Reba:
Substantially the US Patent allowed to me covers also the E-Cat X, but still I am making ancillar patents to cover several particulars.
Thank you for your kind attention,
Warm Regards,
Robert Curto:
Thank you for the link.
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi and Readers, Exploring the heart of matter.
Robert Curto
Ft. Lauderdale Florida
Dear Andrea Rossi,
your US Patent is a masterpiece of patentability wisdom: no paraphrenalia, no theoretical arrogance, no exotic claims; just a patent to the essential point.
Question: did you think well if this patent covers also the E-Cat X ?
Dr Andrea Rossi:
The papers of Oscar Gullstrom published on Ecatworld have been taken in consideration in the formulation of the theoretical principles you are working on together with Prof Norman Cook ?
Dr Andrea Rossi:
You know that in Southern Sweden this year we have not snow ? That’s too bad, we need your E-Cats to limit the global warming effect!
Mr Rossi,
I am very sceptic about your ecat X: you continue to talk about it, but still no serious data have been published; this is typical when things do not exist.
Sceptic Regards,
Gore 1952:
If everything will go the way I hope with the tests on course ( all right also today at 08.47 a.m.) Leonardo Corporation will have initially two manufacturing facilities: one in the USA and one in Europe.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Congratulations for your US Patent !
You wrote two days ago that a factory is in preparation in the USA to make the E-Cat X. Does this mean that all the products of Leonardo Corporation will be produced in the USA? (F9, of course).
1- 3
2- I prefer not to publish data in this still fluid phase
3- no
4- yes
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea Rossi
Can you tell your readers
1. How many E-Cat X units are presently in operation?
2. What is the range of sizes, in designed power output, of E-Cat X units you have thus far constructed.
3. Have you tried any superconducting circuits with an E-Cat X unit thus far?
4. Is the E-Cat X R&D work occurring entirely in the U.S.?
5. Does the recent “loophole” discovery signficantly affect the theoretical work you have undertaken with Prof. Cook?