United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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42,813 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Calle H:
    It is a Swedish company,
    Warm Regards,A.R.

  • Calle H

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    May I ask if you can answer. As the presentation is to be held at a customers premises in Sweden, is the customer a sole Swedish company or a multinational company with an office in Sweden or not a Swedish company?
    Calle H

  • Stephen

    Hi Andrea,
    I have another question too if I may.

    Will it be possible for the bulb to use Pulse Wave Modulation (PWM) or something similar as done with other dimmable lights so that it can be dimmed to lower out put?

    If so I wonder if phosphorescence with 100us recovery times could help smooth any power spikes or PWM high frequency strobing? Making a smooth intensity light of adjustable intensity. Just a thought not a question. I guess light manufacturers already consider these things.



  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    In regards to aviation and specifically to jet engine technology, there are two possible forms of thrust generation (known to me): burning jet fuel (heating and expanding the incoming air) to produce thrust and electric turbine fane (uses onboard electric energy) to produce thrust. My questions:

    a. Are you investigating using eCat technology to power a jet engine using the direct heat generated?
    b. Are you using the eCat generated electrical power to power a jet engine?
    c. or, both?

    d. Regarding experimental testing conducted to date, have you (or your partner/other) actually produced any measured amount of thrust, by either of the above methods?

  • Stephen

    Hi Andrea,

    I know it might be late to suggest this. I recall someone earlier suggested you have a a usb type power out let that could be used to change external devices. I think that sounds great if possible.

    But I wonder if instead of or addition to a normal power charging cable you could use the usb for this as well as done on some notebook pc’s

    In fact with this 1 simple usb c connector you could ;

    connect different power sources.
    Supply power to external devices.
    Update SW if needed.
    Download diagnostic data in case of failure.
    Download usage data etc.
    Use optimum net work configurations that work together etc
    With two usb C you could do s couple of these at the same time and have a backup port.

    I wonder if induction powering and charging like is now possible with phones would be possible?

    Then blue tooth for the coms diagnostics.

    Then you could have sealed box with no external ports.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    1. no
    2. he is interested also in the next items
    3. the number will be necessarily very limited, we are inside a company, not in a theater or a public facility, but the whole presentation will be broadcast in direct streaming
    Warm Regards,

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    Good to read that the outlines of the presentation on 30 November take shape.
    You said that it will be at the premises of one of your ‘customers’.
    1. Is that customer also your Partner in business?
    2. Is the focus of that customer just on lighting or is he also interested in other Ecat products if they come available?
    3. Nice you invited Frank Ackland. Will the presentation also be accessible by others e.g. ‘non-directors’
    Thank you, kind regards, Gerard

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    We resolved problems.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Calle H:
    Maybe, but we should also consider that Tesla could not make a worlwide live streaming in internet.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ron Stringer:
    I think so,
    Warm Regards,

  • Aleksei Savchenko

    Dear Andrea,
    In your answer to Frank Acland from March 18 you mentioned that ‘improvements are still possible’.
    And it is natural that the creative process cannot be stopped.
    At the same time, as far as I have managed to study your creative nature, work on improvements can no longer fully satisfy you. With such a great Team and sufficient funding, in my opinion, you can take on the following breakthrough tasks.
    I apologize for my courage and some lack of tact, but I would like to advise you to think about solving problems in the following directions:

    1. The direction of the first research lies on the surface – it is the TRANSMUTATION OF ELEMENTS. It often accompanies LENR processes and, most likely, is a secondary factor. However, it is chaotic and does not yet obey certain patterns when receiving excess energy. At the same time, experiments on the transmutation of elements with the use of special bacteria show that this process can be regulated. In replies to comments, You repeatedly indicated that created in E-Cat “scalar fields cause instability of the nuclea and could influence the nucleus dynamic”. It is only necessary to find the quantized energy levels and rhythms of the transmuted atomic nucleus in conditions of the imposition of a specially created energy field on it and control these processes.
    The importance of solving this problem is undoubted – it is, first of all, the elimination of radioactive waste, the continuous growth of which threatens the existence of our planet. And an easier way to get rare chemical elements. You can also, following the paradigm of the ancient alchemists, start turning lead into gold, but this is an immoral path, as it will lead to the collapse of the world financial system.

    2. THE USE OF ENTROPY AND UNTI-ENTROPY FLOWS. In your comments you have repeatedly pointed out that in experiments with E-Cat, an anti-entropic stream is generated.
    This flow can be associated with the timeflow of Nikolai Kozyrev and the flow that I had on the cavitation stand (publications on the website of your Journal).
    They cause processes in the environment that lead to a decrease in the entropy of mixing, which, in particular, can be used for spontaneous purification of solutions from impurities and for the production of high-purity metals.
    In the opposite process – the generation of an entropic flow – the creation of an environment with densified Physical Vacuum (PV) or ether, it is possible to shift the Debye temperature in metals to the left, to make them melt at lower temperatures (as in eutectics).
    It is also possible to use the response of materials to these flows in accordance with Lenz’s rule – when an energetic effect on matter, forces arise in it that prevent this effect.

    3. ANTI-GRAVITY EFFECTS. As shown by preliminary studies, they often accompany changes in the energy density of PV in the local volume (they are partially described in publications on the website of your Journal). Since there is an identity of gravitational and inertial masses, they can be further used to reduce the inertial forces of bodies, which is of great importance. An analogue can be the instantaneous changes in the speed and direction of movement of flying saucers (UFO), which, possibly, use these methods.

    4. There are a number of OTHER IDEAS – the use of an unknown COMPONENT OF LAZER RADIATION, the speed of which may exceed the speed of light, experiments with TELEPORTATION (not much is required to move in a local volume of energy) and many other ideas that your Readers can suggest and, I think, you and your Team also have ideas for where to move forward.
    At the first stage, you can try to move in all directions at once, in order to then choose the main directions of investigations.

    Best regards,

    P.S. Usually a person in life has to go through three trials – fire, water and copper pipes. The last one is the most difficult. I think it did not spoil you and you will continue to respect your Readers. Even if our scientific advice and recommendations are far from practical use, our desire to help on a subtle astral level creates the necessary energy that helps you and your Team to overcome difficulties.
    In this regard, I would like to remind you of your promise to send me an invitation to your Presentation in Sweden.
    I believe that you will also be lenient with those Readers who asked you not very “comfortable” scientific questions, if they were sincere without a backward meaning, and you will not discriminate against them with the access to your presentation at least in video format.

  • Ron Stringer

    This all sounds very exciting! You must be thrilled to take the next big step – getting products made and shipped en masse. Will any of your partners have products to introduce at the same time?

  • Calle H

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    Very exiting times ahead. Congratulations and Thank You. You had earlier said that you were inspired by Tesla. Tesla did his “presentation” by lighting a World Fair. You will do the presentation on the premises of a customer. Does this mean that your presentation will be less sensational than the Tesla presentation?
    Calle H

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    It appears that previous versions of eCat technology had a limited operational lifetime of 6 months to a year, while the eCat lamp claims many years as its lifetime. Can you explain why the change?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    1. yes
    2. both
    3. there will be others of my Team and Customers too. Probably, if he will accept, also the director of E-Catworld
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for sharing the date and place of the presentation. I look forward to it very much!

    1. Will the presentation take place on the premises of a customer?
    2. Will you have a live audience there, or will it just be a video stream?
    3. Will others of your team and/or customers be presenting, or just yourself?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your opinion, but we are not working to be the first, we are working to be the best.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Andrea,
    I am a bit surprised that you have scheduled your presentation so far into the future. I think that anyone who wants to be inoculated against the virus can receive the shot by June. If there are rivals lurking in the bush it gives them more time to prepare their presentations. There seems to be more information about possible working systems coming to the general public. If there are or are not these systems I think they should be taken as real possibilities. The example of the rivalry between Westinghouse and GE is an example of what can happen.
    Careful regards.

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- Sweden, November 30 2021. By then we all will have been vaccinated against the Covid.
    2- yes
    3- yes
    4- about 10 days, I am waiting the last design of the body to make an updated photo. All the rest is ready.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Dorr:
    Sorry, this is confidential, but thank you for your kind sustain,
    Warm Regards,

  • Ruby

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    1- can you say now where the presentation of the Ecat SKLed will be made and when ?
    2- can you say if the Ecat SKLed will be shown while operating in the concern of a customer that will participate to the presentation ?
    3- can you say if the presentation will be made with the certification of a third independent party made ?
    4- can you say when all the clients that have sent you a request of the order form will receive it ?
    Thank you if you can answer,

  • Robert Dorr

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    I read your comments here studiously but I don’t recall see any information about the number of leds that the SKLed will use.
    Is the number,

    A) 10
    C) >100

    As always, I wish you great success with the launch of this new revolutionary device and what is to come from your fertile mind.


    Robert Dorr

  • Andrea Rossi

    Franco Pirri:
    Warm Regards,

  • Franco Pirri

    An eCat-SKLed with an electrical output, even of very small power, would be extremely useful. Some questions:
    1- no electric current is available because the LED is not excited with a current of electrons;
    2- At present, the controller of the eCat-SKLed is not able to supply an additional electric current;
    3- 2 is true, but we are working to obtain the eCat-SKLedPlus which will have a current output;
    4- 3 is true, but the output power will be less than that needed to run the eCat.
    Thanks for what you want to answer.

    Best wishes,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    Thank you for your suggestions and your sustain,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We are continuing the development also of those applications.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Prof Hanno Essen in reference 18 emphasizes the importance of long-range magnetic interactions in systems wherin a large number of charged particles are involved.
    Warm Regards,

  • Erich

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    it is nice that your first product is soon available.
    But we need more, like electric heating/radiator, boiler for heating water, electric kettle, electric hob, oven, deep fat fryer… all of them need just restrictiv loads.
    Maybe you could outsource some of these products, get more licensees or else to offer these products simultaneously and earlier?
    Best regards

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    Congratulations with this very positive response from the market.
    The giant number ‘-ten thousands-’ of potential customers must give you great confidence of your first consumer ‘energy’ product. I hope you do not have to deal with that all yourself, because that could delay the promised sending of order forms dramatically.
    It will give you, on the other hand, also a high responsibility to get everything on the rails for production, sales and what have you. I am sure it will be busy times and also expensive times, because you need to pre-invest a lot before the revenues start to come.
    Great succes to you and your team!
    Kind regards, Gerard

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    1- no
    2- yes
    3- yes
    4- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    We have had fun sparing with each other over the years but now for more serious questions…

    1. You appear to be ready to market a light source that consumes very little power. A fine idea. Do you think your device will facilitate “light pollution”?

    2. Are you still continuing to work on and develop electrical power generation? I see this as an important area in reducing greenhouse emissions?

    3. Are you looking at coupling e-Cat technology with energy storage (e.g. batteries)? Ecat technology, as I understand it, produces constant, long-term energy output or power. Yet demand fluctuates over the day. May be charge at night when demand is low and supplement during the day when demand is high. Similar to solar but without some issues (i.e., snow, clouds, physical space limitations) or wind power generation issues (intermittent supply, kills birds. and units freeze).

    4. Are you still looking at transportation applications (commercial trucking, passenger cars, aerospace — jet engines, marine propulsion)?

    Any thoughts, goals, or insights you might wish to share would be greatly appreciated.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    Thank you for the insight, the link, and the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Tom Conover

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for discussing your progress in research on your blog. May i ask if your ECATSkl cause photons to merge (and transform) as described in the link below:

    Warm Regards,

    Inside CERN’s accelerator complex, protons are accelerated close to the speed of light. Their normally rounded forms squish along the direction of motion as special relativity supersedes the classical laws of motion for processes taking place at the LHC. The two incoming protons see each other as compressed pancakes accompanied by an equally squeezed electromagnetic field (protons are charged, and all charged particles have an electromagnetic field). The energy of the LHC combined with the length contraction boosts the strength of the protons’ electromagnetic fields by a factor of 7500.

    When two protons graze each other, their squished electromagnetic fields intersect. These fields skip the classical “amplify” etiquette that applies at low energies and instead follow the rules outlined by quantum electrodynamics. Through these new laws, the two fields can merge and become the “E” in E=mc².

    “If you read the equation E=mc² from right to left, you’ll see that a small amount of mass produces a huge amount of energy because of the c² constant, which is the speed of light squared,” says Alessandro Tricoli, a researcher at Brookhaven National Laboratory—the US headquarters for the ATLAS experiment, which receives funding from DOE’s Office of Science. “But if you look at the formula the other way around, you’ll see that you need to start with a huge amount of energy to produce even a tiny amount of mass.”

    The LHC is one of the few places on Earth that can produce and collide energetic photons, and it’s the only place where scientists have seen two energetic photons merging and transforming into massive W bosons.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Important question.
    Answer: We are collecting all the requests that have been sent. We are talking of tens of thousands and we are not answering. I want all the persons that sent the request be absolutely sure that all of them will receive the order forms as soon as we will be ready. If somebody did not receive the forms within one month from now, please write a complaint to the same address, or also here to this blog.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Heinz Sause:
    I do not give information about the internal part of the Ecat SKLed.
    Warm Regards,

  • Heinz Sause

    Hello and congratulations from Germany to you.
    In an earlier post 10 years ago they said that 1472 components belong to the e-cat SK.
    Is that still the case?
    Best wishes again,
    Heinz Sause

  • Roberto

    Dr Rossi:
    I sent to
    my request to receive the order form to buy an Ecat SKLed, but I did not receive a confirmation. Is that normal ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Wilfried Babelotzky:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Wilfried Babelotzky

    Dear Andrea,

    If you would not connect the SKLed via mains but via USB PD, the lamp could be used even more universally. If you only have mains voltage available, you could use a USB PD mains adapter. USB PD can deliver up to 100W. The trick would be that you could loop the USB PD port through to the lamp and connect the supply of the SKLed to the USB PD port of the lamp. This allows all possible devices to be charged at the USB port of the lamp, up to 5A at 5V to 20V, without the required energy coming from the external supply.

    Best regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    The reference 6 on
    is in agreement to the fact that in a highly ordered, low entropy, hypothetical structure the Coulomb repulsion is balanced by the magnetic force Fl: see paragraph 2.2
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I cannot answer this question in positive or in negative,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Your Honour, the counterpart is making a process to the intentions: my intention was not to be hostile, but to underline the status of Attorney Karels

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Attorney and Esq. in the same title is redundant.

    A hostile witness!, Your Honor (to the Judge) LOL

  • PlasmaFan

    Dear Andrea,

    If you utilize Chlorine in your reactor, have you ever tested SF6 which would be potentially even more electronegative, produce more negative ions, and have a high dielectric constant?

    A study on plasma parameters in Ar/SF6 inductively coupled plasma


  • Plasmafan

    Dear Andrea,

    In your popular paper on Research Gate, you provide a reference to a paper discussing Cl2 additions to an argon plasma (reference number six). I’ve found additional papers which discuss the impact of utilizing electronegative gases. Here is such a paper anyone can find with a Google search that discusses how Cl can be used to form negative ions.

    “Perspective on the Role of Negative Ions and Ion-Ion Plasmas in Heavy Ion Fusion Science, Magnetic Fusion Energy,
    and Related Fields.”

    The reference in your paper combined with other materials available bring the following questions to mind:

    1) From your testing, does the addition of Cl to your gas mixture help form plasma balls or double layers?

    2) Does the E-Cat SK, SKL, or SKLed utilize Cl?

    3) According to the following paper, pure nitrogen plasma has a Maxwellian EEDF (electron energy distribution function) but the addition of argon makes it non-maxwellian. Does this mean that nitrogen would be a more favorable gas due to the more narrow EEDF that could allow electrons to form a coherent state?


    Thank you.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dan Galburt:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    I think improvements are still possible.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dan Galburt

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    For many years I have followed the secretive development of radical unproven energy technology trying to keep an open mind about the possibility of success. I believe that the most likely way a new energy technology that does not conform to accepted science can gain acceptance is when multiple independent tests of the technology confirm its success. This is not to say that science will accept any unproven theories about the new technology, but it will be no longer be ignored.

    Soon initial E-Cat SKLed units should be sold and available to multiple independent testers. Hopefully they will confirm both luminous efficiency and energy gain performance of your product.

    If this occurs, I believe you and your team will be the first to achieve this milestone.

    I eagerly await the publishing of E-Cat SKLed specifications, the delivery of initial E-Cat SKLed units, and the results of multiple independent tests of the product.

    If the E-Cat SKLed meets expectations for energy gain then an energy revolution will begin.

    Best Regards,

    Dan Galburt

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Do you expect to make improvements to the E-Cat SKLed between now and the time of the November presentation? Or will you stick with what you have achieved so far?

    Kind regards,

    Frank Acland

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