United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,104 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • PlasmaFan

    Dear Andrea,

    Since the evidence seems to indicate that the reactor core and the part of the device that produces light are one and the same, would this device better be called the E-Cat SKLEPD? (Light Emitting Plasma Diode).

    I also think a good acronym could be….


    Light Emitting Organized Plasma Activity Research Device


  • Brokeeper

    Dear Andrea,

    Two lights have been given to us for this resurrection day. One spiritual, the other from the depths of creation itself – a new light source formed without phonons. This, even LEDs or any other device cannot produce, is described in ‘Spectrum of a LED – Electrical Engineering Stack’: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/19897/spectrum-of-a-led.

    Thank you for your great work. Happy Easter to you and your team!

  • LilyLover

    Let’s shed some light on what the light can illuminate and a path to —
    1M Customers
    * About 50k SLRPI readers * 2, 100k
    * About 100k ECW readers * 5, 500k
    * ~1% of 10M YT content creators * 2, 200k
    * One airport, maintenance division, 100k
    * The “charity” organisations helping poor countries, 100k
    * All traffic lights, 10M+
    * Coffee tables with lighted designs, 1M
    * Apartment complexes with low budgets
    * Modern day (to be built) lighthouses, 10k
    * Illuminated pools, 20M
    * Vacation lighting systems, 1M
    * Fibre optic lighted Christmas trees, 10M
    * Forever clear, forever running headlights, 1B+??
    * Bright background light behind computers, corporate health, 20M
    * Look good on zoom calls, 200M??
    * Artistic globes in gardens, 10M??
    * Security camera accessory, on when needed, 100M+??
    * Other World governments, just to spite the potential suppressors of E-Cats, #as necessary
    * Hire the Magic bullet guy to sell the “Magic Light” + “MagiCat SKiLLed” + “Magic Skylight” … no home should be without!!! Billions plus Worldwide!
    * Once they see and trust the thinking E-Cat logo, SKL electric cats will find homes or yards or bases of the street lamps, readily. Local grid!

  • Silent Majority Follower

    Dr Rossi,
    That magnificent prototype we can see in the marvellous photo, is the N0. 1 , right ?
    It has a historic value. What will you do with it ? Will you keep it for yourself ? That would be understandable.

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi


    Hope you hade a good Easter.


  • ken kocher

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    When,where and how are we supposed to pay for our order? Cash? Check? Credit card?
    When is payment due? Is there a website I can place an order?


  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    Sorry, I prefer not to answer,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I gave all the data I can give so far.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    I gave all the information I could before the presentation.
    Warm Regards,

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    I understand that the specification should be a bit wider than shown on the order sheet. Unless these come with a higher price tag, would you be willing to add these additional items on the order sheet?
    The details are:
    1. Light angle 60 degrees
    2. Dimmable sophisticated
    3. 2 m white 3 wire power cord with plug and earthing arrangements
    4. IP65 for outdoor usage
    5. Quantity reduction steps $ 30 (1-5) $ 25 (>5)

    Maybe you are willing to add the following with an additional price tag:
    6. Manual adjustable lensing to change the light angle e.g. 2-120 degrees
    7. Light color other than standard 5000K
    8. Multi lamp controller options
    I look forward for laying my hands on you unbelievable lamps!
    Thanks and kind regards, Gerard

    There are some not answered comments here on JoNP of this morning, one of which is mine. Maybe you do not want to answer them, or have forgotten them. Please let us know.

  • Brice

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    You’ve stated that “All the energy goes to make photons, not phonons”. If we could take this literally then this would mean that your 5000K-LED produces 450 lumen per watt, a world record! You can find this number on the CIE-chromaticity diagram of a standard 2°-observer from 1931, which represents all colours a human can see: https://www.ecse.rpi.edu/~schubert/Light-Emitting-Diodes-dot-org/chap16/F16-08%20Max%20efficacies%20&%20chromaticity.jpg .

    The highest efficacy as already told by many people is 683 lm/W for monochromatic green (555 nm), while it is about 450 lm/W in case the 5000 K-LED is exactly on the Planckian locus with a similar spectral power distribution (SPD). I suppose that your 5000K-LED has a different SPD, so the number can be a bit different but close to 450 lm/W, maybe higher. More background information: https://tmurphy.physics.ucsd.edu/papers/lumens-per-watt.pdf

    So, your LED is normally supposed to consume 22.22 W (10000/450 lm) while the real consumption is 3.9 W only. The consequence is that the COP of your reactor must be 5.7 (supposed that the electronics have no consumption…!). Can you confirm that the very minimum calculated COP must be about 6? While this COP would be still spectacular, it is much lower than the COP of your thermal reactor during the demo in Stockholm 2019 which was 550. Did the E-Cat QX have a much higher COP than the SKLed?

    I’m looking forward to the deliveries!

    Kind regards,


  • Andrea Rossi

    Can you explain clearly what you mean ?
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Svein H. Vormedal:
    The supposed lifespan of 100000 hours, considering the hours per day average use of a lamp, means that a lamp can endure most of the life of its owner and every lamp will pay for itself hundreds of times.
    Warm Regards
    A. R.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steve Swatman:
    We’ll see for specific solutions in specific situations. I prefer not to give generic answers.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight
    Warm Regards

  • Steve swatman

    Dear Dr Rossi, I very much appreciate your reply to my last question.

    Could you confirm that:

    A, Is it yes that they could be daisy chained, by adding a socket and a little rewiring and the mains will drive the next inline?

    B, Is it Yes, that they can be daisy chained and the excess power from the SK module & controller could drive the next inline?

    C, I believe one controller can control up to 120 SKL’s, would the same be possible with the SKLed?

    many thanks for any reply

  • Svein H. Vormedal

    Dear Andrea.
    With “the world’s best LED-lamp”, the COP in the E-Cat SK becomes 12.
    By using 100 units with the size you now produce, the performance will be 5kWh/h.
    The price will be $ 3000.
    It will then provide this effect for 100,000 hours. INCREDIBLE!
    Best regards
    Svein H. Vormedal

  • Andrea Rossi

    The Quite Wine Guy:
    Very difficult to answer, but this device derived from the theorization made on
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    You forgot that the 4 Wh/h come from the grid…just redo the math !
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your kind attention to the work of our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Chris Beall:
    This will be explained at the presentation,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Horst Ludwig:
    It is THE prototype, made by Leonardo Corporation’s Team.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steve Swatman:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Susan

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    I noticed in
    that in the references 39 and 40 Prof Giuliano Preparata defines the Vacuum “the template of physical reality that does not precede creation, but is, actually, a fundamental piece of it”: do you agree ?

  • brett

    for zero point energy,
    about all of those radio frenquencies and the related metals:
    14.749650 mHz, lithium?
    17.75 ghz, elment No. 666?
    1.2Ghz, element No.140?
    110Mhz, silver?
    137.72926MHz,gold ?
    516.812Ghz, element No. 9999?

  • Steve swatman

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    Could these (or another design) SKLed’s be daisy chained together?
    and if so
    would the 1st e-cat SKLed be able to drive the next inline?

  • Horst Ludwig

    Dear Andrea,
    I would like to ask if the lamp shown on the picture is a prototype, a finished product or maybe a pre production model. Was it built by Leonardo, some manufacturer or someone else? Thank you.

  • Chris Beall

    Dr. Rossi,

    Very impressive specifications, with light output in the streetlight range (perhaps a coincidence from your long-ago Christmas dream.)

    You have said that the Ecat SKLed intensity may be controlled “with a system integrated in the A.I.” How does a human being interact with this system? Example: a rotary knob on the device, USB port to a computer, cellphone app (via bluetooth or wifi), voice command, or ???

    Chris Beall

  • LilyLover

    Dear Dr. Rossi

    On this day you made clear that — “Let there be light!” is more truer today than in the history of the Earth!!! To me, you are the harbinger of the age of Aquarius. The default state of this Earth is darkness and ignorance, thereby needing the light. As politely as you’ll decline any saintly similitude, you are bringing the Earth to a perpetually illuminated state, in a literal manner and thereby metaphorically, too! I know this is a reverse analogy — typically people strive for token appreciation of metaphorical success when the reality is too brash or unattainable.

    Your New Light is going to bring a lot of joy to a lot of people. This light is not an ordinary light, it is ‘hope renewed’, manifested in an obscure way for all and in a non-threatening way for the controllers.

    Beautiful units form, looking outwardly, seeking truth, like a Galileo’s telescope, this light has brightened my dreams for the humanity.

    Just wanted to say thank you so much.


  • MarsForever

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    If the consumption is about 4Wh/h, does it mean that the total energy generated by the SKLed is approximately 400kWh (i.e. 100,000h x ~4Wh/h)?

    If correct, this would be an ‘alien’ performance, considering that the largest Tesla battery stores 100kWh and cost tens of thousand of dollars.

    Best regards

  • Plasmafan

    Dear Andrea,

    First of all, Happy Easter!

    Secondly, I’m a little confused by the revelations that…

    A) All the input power goes into making light and none is wasted and transformed into heat.

    B) The light emitted from the unit is polarized.

    The absolute best LEDs (most efficient) produce some waste heat and light coming from ordinary LEDs are not polarized.

    So here are my questions.

    1) Does this mean that the light emerging from the device to be used by customers comes from the plasma reactor core itself?

    2) Does this mean there are NOT two main components (a reactor core producing electricity that’s output is then carried to a separate light emitting diode) but instead there is only a plasma reactor core?

    3) If the light is coming from the plasma core, is it filtered or conditioned before leaving the unit?

    I think that a device producing usable light directly from a plasma core would be even MORE exciting than one with a traditional light emitting diode.

  • The Quiet Wine Guy

    Dear Andrea,

    Your publication of the SKLed image and order form is a great thing, especially for those who have followed you and the ECat for a long long time. Forgive the arrogance, but you have given me the greatest birthday present of my lifetime just a day early. Thank you.

    On a different note. You shared with Frank Acland “All the energy goes to make photons, not phonons.” Given the current best white light LED technology appears to have a maximum of ~200Lumens/Watt with a large amount of waste heat, this suggests your +2500Lumens/Watt is a vast change in LED technology or that, for the SKLed, LED actually is an acronym for “Light Emitting Device” rather than “Light Emitting Diode”. Is there some truth to this different meaning of LED?

    Sincerely and Respectfully,
    The Quiet Wine Guy

  • Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi,

    Sunlight at noon in summer corresponds approximately to an illuminance of 100,000 lux (1 lux = 1 lumen/m²).

    10 SKLed lamps per m² and you have the energy irradiation of sunlight at noon in summer without clouds.

    This means that with 10 SKLed lamps with a total of 40 watts, solar modules would generate significantly more electricity than the 10 SKLed lamps require.

    Warm regards

    Michael Ernst Müller

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    Just for my understanding: Is the light emitting element of the SKLed really an semiconductor LED or is it something different?
    Thank you if you can answer!
    Kind regards, Gerard

  • Stephen

    Dear Andrea

    I really like your light and still trying to get mg head around the specs. Wow.

    I wonder if you have considered the possibility of using your lamp as a light source for movie projectors. If I understood right 10000 Lumens would be a good match for such an application. It might be a good way to market it. Everyone who goes to the cinema might see it. Atoms Sound by Dolby… Light by E-cat.

    Then there is lighting for filming too. If I understood right it’s very good quality light close to natural daylight. That would be amazing for that industry. Perhaps a good source of funding and also publicity.

    Museums and art galleries too could show off the quality of the light cool non damaging light that shows the items as they are supposed to be seen.



  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- 3 wires
    2- with a plug
    3- 2 m ( 6’8″)
    4- it’s more techy
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Custom duties are included in the price.
    Warm regards,

  • artefact

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    will orders for the EU be sent from the EU?
    Or do customs duties have to be taken into account?

    Thank you, artefact

  • WaltC

    Dr. Rossi,
    The specifications and price on the Ecat-SKLed are truly amazing. Congratulations on a huge advancement to you, your team and your industrial partner!

    I have some clarification/verification questions:
    1) The power cord is 2-wire or 3-wire (grounded)?
    2) Is the power cord terminated with a plug, or bare wires?
    3) How long is the power cord?
    4) The light can be dimmed with a standard LED/Incandescent style light dimmer?

    Thanks, Walt C.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Kurt Salm:
    You can receive it sending the request to
    or going here:
    Warm Regards,

  • Brokeeper

    Dear Andrea,

    Congratulations on the release of SKLed product order form. You mentioned it was dimmable. I think a blue tooth interface with a remote phone app for distant control could be very attractive option.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    No, the lamp remains at room temperature. All the energy goes to make photons, not phonons.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Iggy Dalrymple:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland and Readers:
    Excellent job.
    Now our readers can also make the order also through E-Catworld, to speed up the ordering process.
    Warmest Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Here is a link to a PDF version of your order form which I created and posted on E-Cat World. Might be useful for people who want to download and send to you:


    Best regards,

    Frank Acland

  • Iggy Dalrymple

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    Here is example of a “diffuser globe”. The globe’s male lip would fit into the lamp’s female groove and secured with a set-screw.https://www.1000bulbs.com/product/7534/PLAS-12NW4.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwpKCDBhBPEiwAFgBzj_9T0lXRM_oaPSiO0qvR36CvELdCaM_BVMXfZy44SpiPCuz0fqPqQRoC6OwQAvD_BwE
    Best Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    10000 lumens is a lot of light — doesn’t this lamp get very hot?

    Kind regards,

    Frank Acland

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