United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,197 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Albert Ellul

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    I have been following your sterling work since January 2011. The SKLed will be you first great achievement as a rollout of a product based on the Rossi ‘effect’. Big things commence from a little thing, a small step leading to a great journey. I am always hoping that one day I will have a unit providing me with electrical energy independent from any government, Big Oil or Big Grid Provider or any other Big Entity that controls me through my energy requirements. The E Cat SKL will hopefully fulfil my dream. Wil this be in 2012?

  • Andrea Rossi

    We are using it without problems.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    The SKLed is a done thing. We are just waiting for the final modifications that the certification company will impose us, but the main issues have already been assessed. The 90% of my work now is on the SKL.
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Do you continue to develop the Ecat SKLed prior to the November presentation? Or have you settled on the final design?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Andre

    Does the light intensity of 10,000 lumens concentrated in one small area pose no danger to the eye? I think one will be at least blinded for a while.
    Regards Andre

  • Brice

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    I believe that Dieter Wagner has a point: “The Led market is dominated by light colors between 2700k and 3000k because the warmth that this light emits makes us feel comfortable.”.

    But on the other hand I believe that 5000K is the best choice for the SKLed. I think the main target is the industry because of the high amount of light and the low electricity consumption. This is LED is very appealing to places where you need lots of light where cutting costs makes the most sense: workplaces, offices, warehouses, shops, construction sites, outdoor… At those places they don’t use LEDs of 2700K because warm light makes you more relaxed indeed, while cooler light makes you more awake, sharp and productive with less accidents. This is confirmed by many studies.

    Because 5455K is the most neutral white light (illuminant EE) that is possible, 5000K is even a little bit warm light. I think just perfect for most cases.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_illuminant#Illuminant_E). And at home as you’ve already mentioned one could put a filter in front of the LED.

    With kind regards,


  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your theoretical comment to
    I am more oriented toward the point zero energy than LENR as aprimary sourse, though, but I respect your opinion.
    Warm Regards,

  • Chuck Davis

    Dieter Wagner

    I agree that the energy establishment is going to be unhappy with the ecat but I believe that the political pressure to adopt the ecat due to its clean energy will overcome any resistance once the ecat is ready for commercialization. Once the ecast is reliable and ready the establishment won’t know what hit them!

    Warm regards,
    Chuck Davis

  • KeithT

    Dear Andrea,

    An interpretation of the process described within the Josef Papp patent may be; short period high voltage DC electrical pulses (possibly high dV/dt) accelerating electrons from a cathode into an ionised gas mixture, mixture consisting of a small percentage of a halogen gas mixed into noble gases and water, mixture ionised before pulses applied, the halogen gas addition leading to a narrower electron energy distribution function than that of a pure noble gas, so electron energy concentrated over a narrower eV range, this narrower range with increased uniformity, therefore an input of strong pulses of longitudinal scalar electromagnetics aligned to the axis of electron travel, (ZBW electron model), applied to a sufficiently high density cloud of electrons, leads to formation of coherent electron clusters. The consequent energy release leads to thermal heating of the gasses and rapid pressure rise. The interesting aspect being that there must be high density clouds of free electrons surrounding specific atoms in the moving ionised gas mixture, at moderate pressure and temperature, with no solid structure required.

    A cathode / anode arrangement and accelerating electrons may to be the basis of some working LENR experiments, perhaps the formation of electron clusters is the initial step for these widely varying experiments, the same initial step within a variety of multiple stage processes, leading to a variety of outcomes and a wide variety in energy outputs.

    Hopefully ongoing experiments lead to conformation of theories, new insights, and future products, wishing you and your team success in your Herculean endeavours.


    Keith Thomson.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dieter Wagner:
    Thank you for your many and interesting suggestions.
    By the way, in my house I prefer 5000 K, but maybe you are right.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We are working very hard on it.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dieter Wagner

    Dear Doctor Rossi,
    first of all, I have one more comment about SKLEd in relation to your announcement that SKLed will have a light color of 5000 Kelvin. The Led market is dominated by light colors between 2700k and 3000k because the warmth that this light emits makes us feel comfortable.
    This has led to the production of even full spectrum plant lights with a light color of 4000k, as this gives a good synthesis between comfort, available light spectrum for photosynthesis and natural appearance of the plants. 5000k is actually rarely used in the home and this is the largest market that should be considered.

    Regarding SKL:
    It is to be expected that existing energy producers will not be very happy about SKL. Any decentralized energy feed-in reduces their importance. In this respect, considerable resistance is to be expected. It might make sense to find a market access that is not controlled by the energy producers or fossil economy in order to spread quickly.
    One such access could be via electric car batteries. Bidirectional charging is already available on vehicles from various manufacturers and will soon be standard.
    Upgrading many garages and especially outdoor parking spaces with high-power charging points will require gigantic amounts of copper, driving its price to astronomical heights and additionally polluting the environment.

    The following approach could be sustainable:
    Production of a SKL in combination with a battery as a buffer for 24/7 power production and a wallbox for multiple vehicles. Why multiple vehicles? Based on 5 KW production by SKL 5x24h = 120kWh corresponds with an average of 15 kWh per 100km to a driving performance of 800km. On average, a vehicle in Germany is driven 39 km per day. So it will be a matter of loading electric capacity into several accumulators.

    One entrance through the back door into the power grid could be bidirectional charging.
    Energy charged during the day in the company parking lot could be taken home to supply the household ( via a wallbox for bidirectional charging ) or energy charged into the car battery at home can charge other batteries elsewhere.

    An interesting vehicle concept here has Sono Motors in Munich with bidirectional charging, PV on the body as well as a concept for sharing.
    By the way, this startup will be the first electric car producer to use a new battery technology that does not require cobalt or manganese.

    Kind regards
    Dieter Wagner

  • Austin

    Dr Rossi,
    How is going the test with the SKL ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rod Walton:
    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Rod Walton

    On Power Engineering of July 29 2021:
    Hot functional testing successful at Vogtle Nuclear Expansion plant
    Rod Walton

  • Prof

    @Tom Conover,
    I totally agree with you,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    Thank you for your empathy.
    Warm Regards,

  • Tom Conover

    2021-06-27 03:17 Andrea Rossi
    Salvatore Boi:
    Thank you for your choice !
    While writing this, we are working hard with the SKL,

    Dear Andrea,
    The SKL can bring mankind into a new epoch of creating electricity, allowing us to clean and restore our planet, instead of choking ourselves to death with carbon monoxide.
    Thank you restoring the priority. We need
    clean electricity, not smog.
    I fear that the skled is a distraction rather than a mission. Almost every volume of the over 4000 science fiction novels that I read in my youth pray for a future with unlimited clean power that saves mankind and allows us to bloom and prosper in many solar systems.
    Godspeed, kind sir.

    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    It has been introduced the reference to the US patent “Method and means for converting atomic energy into utilizable kinetic energy” of J. Papp in paragraph 3 of the paper you cited because an appropriate choice of the parameters related to the EEDF ( Electron Energy Distribution Function ) may favor the formation of coherent clusters and, consequently, an entropy reduction, with a consequent energy gain. Yes, we are working on this concept and the Papp patent is in the list we want to replicate.
    Warm Regards,

  • Maurice

    @Jean Pierre,
    very interesting point,
    All the best,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jean Pierre:
    Thank you for your suggestion:
    1) no
    2) yes, after your comment
    Warm Regards
    Your comment is the number 57000 of this blog

  • Jean Pierre

    Hi, Andrea. Maybe my following comments will be well off the mark, but I offer them just in case they have some relevance. Bear with me,please.
    Let us assume for the moment that the inductive load of the SKL is sending back conditions that disrupt the stability of the plasma. Let us also assume that the AI is sensing this but cannot get the necessary instructions to a site to negate this quickly enough. Graphene is the best conductor of electricity , easily beating copper ,silver and gold. It also has a number of other attributes; eg ultra thin, transparent, light weight and the strongest material of all. Even very small amounts of it has been used to solve problems.It is useful in electronics. Perhaps this material could be used to help solve the above difficulty? It is also of interest that boron nitride has some of the properties as graphene but is a good insulator. Perhaps a combination of these two materials could be used in the SKL? Molybdenum disulfide with properties midway between the other two is another ultrathin material that may be useful.

    1) Have you tried any of these with the SKL and its inductive loads?
    2) Have you even considered these in this context?

    Admittedly, this ultra thin technology is pretty new but is gaining huge worldwide interest because of the amazing properties and what they can accomplish. I have just finished reading a book on these ultrathin sheets and I am astonished. Sorry to have wasted your time if these thoughts are not applicable.

    All the best. Jean Pierre.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Salvatore Boi:
    Thank you for your choice !
    While writing this, we are working hard with the SKL,
    Warm Regards,

  • Salvatore Boi

    Dear Andrea Rossi and Ecat SKLed Team, now I’m happy to write you that I’ve ordered 20 EcatSKLed and I’ve received the confirmation mail from Leonardo Corporation.
    My personal hope is to order soon other EcatSK versions, for eletrical energy production for domestic porpuse.

    All the best, thank you.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Chuck Davis:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Daniel De Caluwé:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- yes
    2- no
    Warm Regards,

  • Chris

    Hello Mr Rossi,

    I have two questions:

    1. Did you modify the LEDs to increase PPFD (Photosynthetically Active Photon Flux Density) for agricultural specifications? If I remember correctly the early days of SKLed you said that the SKLed is not suitable or plant growing…

    2. Are you planning to release a version of the SKL(ed) which can power any LED the user wants to use?

    Best regards,


  • Daniel De Caluwé

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    As I was very busy, I didn’t follow your JNP for a month or more, but this evening, on Belgian television, I saw a documentary about Greta Thunberg, and that brought me up an idea: Why not invite her on your presentation of the E-Cat SKL in november of this year? In the documentary, she visited several companies that work on solutions (like carbon capture and so on), and therefore, if everything still is going well with the development of the E-Cat SKL, I think it would be legitimate to invite her on your presentation. The reason is simple: if everything still is going well, you really have an important solution, and therefore you deserve the publicity that would come by inviting Greta Thunberg on your presentation. It also would give her hope.

    Kind Regards,

  • Chuck Davis

    Dear Andrea, Do you or a client propose to market a small (2-5 kW) space heater for domestic use some day? They would be great for heating rooms in a house or a greenhouse. With open design homes one could be centrally located to maintain the temperature. We all hold our breath for the next positive news in the development of the ecat!

    Warm regards,
    Chuck Davis

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    It is premature.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    What a tragedy !
    Warm Regards,

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi
    Sad News from Florida.



  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Can you tell us how close you are to obtaining the 1 million pre-orders for the SKLed?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    1) yes
    2) yes
    3) yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    We’ll see which will be the best way to put this technology ar the service of all who need it.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Next week will be crucial.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Franco Pirri:
    very interesting,
    Warm Regards,

  • Franco Pirri

    The production of hydrogen by electrolysis sees a large number of companies engaged in research and production of equipment. The list of companies operating in Europe that make up the “European Clean Hydrogen Alliance” is 32 pages long.
    ref: https://ec.europa.eu/docsroom/documents/45812/attachments/1/translations/en/renditions/native
    Funding plans for research on so-called ‘green hydrogen’ see figures quantified in billions of euros or dollars.
    ref: https://e-catworld.com/2017/07/16/always-open-thread/#comment-5430253901
    An interesting thing is that some of the producers of electrolyzers for the production of hydrogen offer educational kits to illustrate the production of hydrogen which, associated with fuel cells, produces electricity. An example is’:
    Given that fuel cells do not seem interesting to me, I would like to see an ‘Ecat-SK-H tutorial Kit’ that would see the eCat power an ‘electrolyzer kit’ that produces hydrogen.
    The kit could see a small size eCat, suitably protected against reverse engineering, connected to one or more electrolytic cells. This would allow all the industries concerned to verify the producibility and, eventually, measure the COP of the system independently.
    I believe the tutorial kit may also be announced in November or shortly thereafter, to see the effect it does.
    On a funny level there is also an application sector that involves the use of hydrogen from hydrolysis for fuel saving in diesel or petrol cars. Products called ‘HHO kits’ are on sale which are installed on cars and promise significant fuel savings. These inject hydrogen into the air-gas mixture.
    An Amazon search for ‘HHO Generator’ sees several kits on sale at a cost of around 100-200 euros. However, it should be added that the validity of the application is controversial.
    However, I consider this fact to be indicative of the possibilities of diffusion of green hydrogen.
    I also believe that qualifying the eCat as ‘anti-pollution’ is useful regardless.

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    The big tech giants that WaltC cites in his comment below are well known for buying up promising new companies and adding them to their arsenal of offerings.

    I believe that once in the marketplace, the E-Cat will be extremely interesting to such companies, who are now heavily investing in clean energy tech. You may get some very attractive offers from big companies wanting to buy Leonardo Corp. and your technology.

    Can you envision any scenario in which you might sell your company along with the E-Cat technology?

    Thank you, if you are able to answer.

    Best regards

    Frank Acland

  • WaltC

    Dr. Rossi,
    Today in the Wall Street Journal there’s an article, “Amazon and Other Tech Giants Race to Buy Up Renewable Energy”, that details how Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft & other tech giants are racing to buy new production capacity of Solar and Wind. Google described it this way, “It’s almost like a stampede for clean energy.”

    Questions: In this potential target market (new production sources of clean power for technology companies), and once the Ecat-SKL is ready for production–

    1) Would you consider the Ecat-SKL to be clean, renewable and carbon neutral?

    2) Would you expect the Ecat-SKL to be cost-competitive with Solar and Wind based power plants?

    3) Once Ecat-SKL production has begun, would you expect that the overall interval to order, manufacture, install & cut-over a new 1.5 gigawatt power plant (for example) based on the Ecat-SKL would be comparable with a new Solar or Wind installation?

    4) Finally, I have to think that the “land-use footprint” of an Ecat-SKL based plant would be *vastly* smaller than Solar or Wind installations and could potentially happen on-site as opposed to half a world away. Do you happen to agree with that?

    Best wishes to you, your team and your current Ecat-SKL efforts!


  • Enginer01

    One presumes that energy storage with the SKL will be unjustified. But that depends on the cost increment for larger capacities. For example, a 5 kW ‘toaster-sized’ SKL would nicely augment most small EV power requirements, with just enough battery size to accelerate, climb hills, ignite the plasma and heat the fuel capsule. Possibly supplemented by an ultra-capacitor to facilitate dynamic braking.

    But certainly we do not expect the SKL to inexpensive enough to allow one 5 times as large as the ex-battery loads suggested above–say a 25 kW SKL in a car that requires 4 – 5 kw to cruise. [remember ICE = 21% eff, EV ~93%] *

    The same might be true of a gated community that purchases an assembly of SKLs to reduce power purchased from the Grid. Possibly it would be less expensive to run the SKLs at full rate to build up storage that would be used for daily peak requirements than to buy 25% more SKLs. But since R&D of the SKL is incomplete, cost estimates are impossible?

    [* it is often claimed that EVs are only 81% efficient “from the grid.” The SKL isn’t the grid. And during cruising no battery losses are involved]

  • Andrea Rossi

    We will deliver the Ecat SKLed only after receiving all the necessary certifications and we will supply a manual, prepared together with the certifier, with all the necessary instructions, to put in evidence the bad faith in the event you cited.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We received an order from Pierre ….., France. I suppose it is you.
    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Jenny

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    How are proceeding the certifications ?

  • Pierre

    Hi Andrea:
    Thank you for the reports on
    Very important.
    Separately, I sent to
    my order for 100 Ecat SKLed

  • Rudy

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Did you consider that your enemies could create accidents with the Ecat SKLed ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    I studied today about the RFB, but I do not think they give any advantage to the Ecat SKL, that is better suited for Li ions batteries with the interface of an A.I. system. Obviously I could be wrong. Thank you for the suggestion, anyway: suggestions are always precious, sooner or later, for one reason or the other.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I will investigate the Redox Flow Batteries.
    Warm Regards,

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