United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,197 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Chuck Davis

    Dear Andrea, Read this report before you become too complacent about being safe because you have been vaccinated!

    Warm regards,
    Chuck Davis

  • Heinz Sause

    Hello dr Rossi,
    Using the e-cat SK for the desalination of seawater would be beneficial for mankind and also for its reputation.
    In any case, I think that’s more urgent than testing it in commercial plants.
    What do you think of it ?
    Best regards,
    Heinz Sause

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mark U:
    This Sunday morning the Ecat SKL prototype made extremely well: how do you know ?
    By the way: yes, after winning the European soccer championship Italy is doing very well also in Tokyo.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Also today has been very positive. We are making progress.
    Warm Regards,

  • Anonymous

    Dear Andrea,
    How is proceeding the R&D on the SKL ?

  • Mark U

    Dear Andrea,
    Congratulations on Gianmarco Tamberi of Italy just now winning a gold in the mens’s high jump, and Lamont Marcell Jacobs also just now handily winning gold for Italy in the 100 metre sprint. Nothing unusual here. I’m glad the Ecat appears to be working well this Sunday morning.

    Bemused and Olympian regards,
    Mark in Toronto

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your kind attention to our work,
    Warm Regards,

  • Germana

    Dear Andrea,
    Congratulations for the record breaking number of readings and recommendations of your paper

  • Andrea Rossi

    Not at all: we all have been vaccinated with the due two doses,
    Warm Regards,

  • Jacob

    Dr Rossi,
    Is this further Covid 19 variant affecting someway the R&D of your team ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    1. premature
    2. we are, but independently from point 1 above
    3. there are other issues involved. Anyway: great step forward today !
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ulrich Kranz:
    1. no
    2. no
    3. confidential
    Warm Regards,

  • Ulrich Kranz

    Dear Andrea,

    Here are some questions about the E-Cat SKled:

    1. Does a LED chip with 100 watts used in the SKled, which is powered by electricity from
    a small E-Cat SKL in the SKled?
    2. That would, however, result in a great deal of heat development, which is not the case?
    3. Is a small E-CAT built into the SKled, which directly generates the light with the plasma?

    Many greetings


  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    We know that the SKL works quite reliably at small power, because the SKLed contains one and the operational reliability of the SKLed will be guaranteed for a considerable period. A few questions:
    1. Do also more powerful Ecat SKL’s work reliably if being externally powered and generating electricity at a higher power level?
    2. If so, does it mean that you are now focused on product development of the SKL?
    3. If not, is just increasing the power level a major issue or are other factors involved?
    Thank you for keeping us informed.
    Kind regards, Gerard

  • Bedy

    Great comment,
    Thank you

  • Roberto Ridolfi

    Yes, and the electron model suggested in
    following the Dirac intuition in reference 17 has the potential to start a revolution in theoretical Physics, and I think this is the main reason of the more than 67000 readings

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight. My Theoretical view about the electron is limited, so far, to what I wrote on
    Warm Regards,

  • KeithT

    Dear Andrea,

    I am an engineer not a physicist, I have no preconceived views on physics models, what may be obvious to many is not to me, I have to find time (not retired) to search out theory papers, papers with experimental evidence, patents, definitive sources and then read up, understand what electron physical constants are derived from what, what is supported by experimental evidence, what is calculated from theory, somethings I find difficulty getting to the source off, somethings I have to ask why.

    What if 4 x Pi x 10^-7 is an approximation.

    When looking at the history of the magnetic permeability of vacuum constant μ0, it is difficult to find how this became defined early last century as exactly 4 x Pi x 10^-7, and how this pure number could have units of measure, the magnetic vacuum permeability constant μ0 has units of measure = V.s.A^-1.m^-1, neither 4, Pi, or 10^-7 have any units, 10^-7 is often described as a metrication artefact, but this would still leave 4 x Pi as having units of measure, when equating electron properties in calculations it is the 10^-7 that shows up with the units of measure, also why would the magnetic permeability be associated with two rotations of something, maybe 4 x Pi x 10^-7 is just a very close approximation, maybe just a best fit for the evidence of the time, the real magnetic permeability value being close and having the known units of measure.

    If 4 x Pi x 10^-7 is divided by the square of 1.00115965218128 (half of the electron g factor, Codata 2018), this gives a value close to the historically used value, however as other electron properties are calculated from this historical value, if this value is changed they in turn are changed, the electron charge value is one that will change, with a consequent impact on the calculation of the electron magnetic moment, a revised electron magnetic moment calculation using the adjusted electron charge value leads to a value very close to the value derived from experiments, maybe there is no “anomalous magnetic moment”, it can be viewed that it is the magnetic permeability of vacuum value that requires correction not the electron magnetic moment value.


    Keith Thomson.

  • Norma

    @Tom Conover
    I like your comment, because it reminds us the importance of the Supreme Entity even in our scientific activity. Very interesting, about this issue, the theory of Andrea Rossi about the Entropy as a scientific proof of the existence of a Supreme Entity, without which evolution could not exist out of specific limitations

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover,
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    Thank you for your inspiring comment,
    Warm Regards,

  • Tom Conover

    Dear Andrea,

    I have been using geothermal power in my home for the last 20 years. Nevertheless, the energy savings while significant is only about 25-30% of my heating and cooling costs. Like everybody else I know, I’m getting older everyday, and after reading science fiction for 55 years I fear that the only thing that separates mankind from our ancestors (evolution) is our “abuse of the environment” and “an incredably intence need for deep spirituality”. God himself will soon bless those that survive these last days, but it would be discouraging if all we can produce is polution, war, and sickness including covid 19 during our appointed time to follow His will and commandments.

    After studying the Bible for some 25 years I find myself praying more and more for the times described as “The Last Days” to conclude and God Almighty to bring this planet and the heavens into the creation that it was meant to be from the time is was meant to be before mankind through Adam and Eve discarded His Love and followed the demons rather than God himself who actually walked on the earth with Adam before sin was found in mankind.

    1 Corinthians 4:5
    5 Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God.


    I find that He helps me find the way when I ask him in prayer. I know you pray too. Let’s both hope for the upcoming miracles to happen.

    Warm Regards,


  • Tom Conover

    Dear Andrea

    I found the video on youtube (link is below) to “Electrons Do Not Spin” and find the presentation to be personally inspiring regarding potential applications using this theory.

    If you would be kind enough to comment with any of your thoughts about this video I would appreciate your insight and comments very much. The video seems to describe how manipulation of this theory could help us to understand the work you are doing currently with the SKL that produces heat and electricity. It seems to explain the output from some experiments I performed a few years ago.

    Even a negative or a positive review of the link would have value to me, and hopefully for the other blog readers too.

    Thank you for your blog comments and your contributions to alternative energy solutions of the last several years.

    Warm Regards,
    Tom Conover

    Electrons Do Not Spin

  • Andrea Rossi

    I suggest you to buy an existing and immediately available technology that eventually can become your backup.
    I am not able now to guarantee a date.
    Warm Regards

  • Paul

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    I’m following you for more than 10 years. I even made a reservation for serveral Ecats, i believe in 2012.
    I recently preordered 4 SKleds.

    Meanwhile i delayed to invest in clean energy (for personal use) waiting for your ecats.

    But i am now arrived on a point that waiting another few years becomes difficult.

    Honestly, is it worth waiting your invention and for how long? Or is it better to invest now in solarpanels with battery.

    Kind regards.

  • Norma

    Thank you for this magnificent link. I like this blog also for the many interesting contributions sent by readers like you,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We have partners,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link; about your question: ideas come from experimentsand experiments come from ideas, and this is the dialectic of inventions, as far as I know.
    Warm Regards,

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi
    A new Discovery in Physics or
    better yet. How do the Scientists
    Figure out this and other discoveries?



  • WaltC

    Dr. Rossi,
    In terms of your current efforts with the SKL– Are you doing that work jointly with a business partner, or solely with Leonardo personnel?

    Best regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I agree: “Magnetic energy, superconductivity, and dark matter” is an important paper.
    Warm Regards,

  • Lawrence

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    I read in the comment of Prof that your paper on Researchgate has reached the record of 67000 readings, which is a stunning record for a paper on this matter. As a matter of fact I think it is very important the correspondence between the text of
    and the references, among which I strongly appreciated the Ref. 18.
    All the best,

  • Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    Your paper
    has reached the new record of 67000 full readings ( and counting )

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the links: I still think that the third principle of thermodynamics is crucial on this issue,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you, really magnificent gift to our Readers,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Calle H:
    Thank you for your suggestion: we will consider it.
    Warm Regards,

  • Calle H

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    May I ask if you will release some SKLed engineering notes prior to the November 25 presentation? It is understood from a previous question that the lens may be replaced without violating guarantee or functionality. As the SKLed luminous flux is quite intensive (10,000 lm) it may be assumed that the lamp consist of an array of LED elements. If so, what is the element dimensions and the spacing in the array? The reason for asking is that there are companies supplying lenses for LED arrays. There are also companies that supply remote phosphor lenses for changing the spectral distribution. A guide on this subject is found here https://docs.rs-online.com/ba74/0900766b815201eb.pdf . I would believe a release of information on this subject prior to November 25 may significantly increase the one million pre-order target.
    Kind regards,
    Calle H

  • Sam

    Departed to investigate the
    most important question.



  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link to this titan departure,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, of course.
    Warm Regards,

  • Rose

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Did all the members of your team get already both doses of the anti-Covid vaccination ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    “Do not answer to the fool, not to look like him” ( The Bible, Proverbs, 26-4 ).
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rod Walton:
    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Anonymous

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    I noticed you never respond to the disparaging comments of the trolls: why ?

  • Rod Walton

    On Power Engineering issue of July 27:
    Utah Power Coop Cuts Next-Gen Nuclear project By Half
    Rod Walton

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ulrich Kranz:
    Thank you for the suggestions. We so far sell just energy for industrial plants, but your commercial path is in our future.
    Warm Regards,

  • Ulrich Kranz

    Dear Andrea,

    The German federal government is under great pressure when it comes to climate policy.
    A big issue is building heating.

    There are two levels there:

    1. The buildings of the federal administration which are administered by the BImA.

    The Federal Agency for Real Estate Tasks (BImA)

    In the German Bundestag, the BImA is constantly under pressure to heat the buildings of the federal government CO2-free.

    BImA is one of the most important players on the German real estate market. It looks after and administers more than 18,000 federal properties.
    This leads to a high consumption of heating energy and CO2 emissions.

    2. The privately owned industrial, commercial and residential buildings have a high proportion of CO2 emissions when heated.
    The climate policy brought about by national and European legislation forces us to act. One measure is the regulation of a CO2 fee per, which must surely be increased in the coming years in order to reduce CO2 emissions.

    It would make sense to invite various players in Germany into the business with heating systems with the E-CAT.

    There are two main storylines here:

    1. Upgrading district heating networks with the E-CAT SK
    There are great opportunities here to equip new and existing residential projects with local district heating right from the start, without this district heating having to be generated with CO2-related energy. The presence of a district heating operator is not required.

    2. Contracts with the main heating manufacturers, with which new CO2-free heating systems can be sold and installed with the SK.

    Some companies to do this:

    Bosch Junkers
    Wolf GmbH
    August Brötje GmbH

    What do you think about?

    Many greetings


  • Prof

    Very interesting link, in line with the revolutionary theoretical system proposed in

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