United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,197 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    Thank you for your opinion.
    My expectations are good, otherwise I woudn’t proceed.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1. I am not yet able to answer this question, we are studying the issue
    2. very low
    3. confidential, but not enough, yet
    Warm Regards,

  • Tom Conover

    Dear Andrea,

    1) Will this ECAT SKL from 2020-07-31 (detailed notes from you below) be presented this year?
    2) If not this exact prototype, will it comprise substantially the same specifications?

    Thank you for your continued exchanges with your blog readers, we all appreciate your comments very much.

    Warm Regards,
    2020-07-31 12:49 Andrea Rossi
    Aleksei Savchenko and All Readres of the JoNP:
    Just finished now my job of today, started early this morning at 5.30 A.M.
    In September, Covid 19 permitting, we will have an important third party nominated by a Partner that will control the measurements remaking them.
    Therefore for now you are just taking my word, right or wrong as it might be, albeit I think I am right.
    The new Ecat SKL is the masterpiece of my life. It works in closed loop and generates the electric energy to fuel itself, plus generates 4 kWh/h of electric energy. I consumed only 130 Wh/h to flow away the thermal energy that is irradiated from the Ecat ( about 1 kWh/h of thermal energy is in total emitted ).
    The volume of the Ecat reactor is in total 100 cubic cm, while the whole is contained in a heat dissipator box whose dimensions are cm 20 x 20 x 20, plus we have outside it the control box, which is extremely complex and does not dissipate heat thanks to passive cooling systems that are very efficient.

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    The 9th of december is approaching quickly. I hope all preparations are done and that there is nothing to worry about.
    Lately, your answers to questions are short and hardly clarifying with regards to the Ecat and the SKLed, due to your self imposed NDA. But to me your replies gives the feeling that things might not be as good as wished. If I’m wrong I apologize.
    I hope you can answer only this question: What are your expectations of the 9th of December event?
    Thanks if you can answer!
    Kind regards, Gerard

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    The luminous flux of the Ecat SKLed is continuous,
    Warm Regards,

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Hi Andrea,
    thank you for the confirmation.

    I have one more question regarding the Ecat SKLed:

    In the photo in this link:
    I can clearly see that conventional LED lighting (filament LED) flashes permanently (at 100 Hz) thereby depicting the falling raindrops in a photo (at very low shutter speed) as dashed lines.

    Does the SKLed provide continuous light, or does it also follow the frequency of the mains, and/or is the light continuous when the SKLed is powered by a battery?

    Illuminated greetings,

  • BH

    Dear Andrea,

    1. Is the SKLed a full spectrum LED, suitable for greenhouse applications?
    2. What is the heat emission from the SKLed at nominal power?
    3. How many units has been pre-ordered until today?

    All the best!

  • Rudy

    Dr Rossi:
    10 days to December 9th: still confirmed the presentation ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Calle H:
    I cannot give this kind of information.
    Warm Regards,

  • Calle H

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    I have fabricated a dummy of the SKLed by 3-D-printing in a lightweight (1.04 g/cm3) plastic material. To my surprise the weight of the dummy including the mounting bracket but without any lens and interior components was 224 grams. This is more than the 200 grams given in the SKLed ordering specification which would then include a glass lens and the interior components. For some on-going application design work it would be very useful if you could confirm that the SKLed interior components are very light weight. Thank you if you can answer.
    Kind regards,
    Calle H

  • François Muzard

    Cher Jaroslaw Bem,
    bien sur, si en plus nous pouvons rendre service à nos amis du blog de ce cher Andrea.
    Branché simplement à la place de la batterie, l’assemblage que j’ai constitué est moins volumineux qu’elle.
    C’est 6 barrettes vendues avec les composants de protection inclus; que j’ai assemblées en parallèle . Chaque barrette contient 6 super condensateurs en série , chacun 100 Farads, donc capacité équivalente 100 Farads.
    Pour rappel on a Delta U=I*t/C (Démarreur en rotation 150 A avec pic départ 220 A mémorisé à l’oscilloscope).
    Cela permet 6 à 7 démarrages normaux , sans recharge jusqu’à 7 V.
    Rechargé par l’alternateur, attention il faut régulateur de tension (Umaxi condensateur : 16,2V ).
    Voila, cher ami.
    Warm regard,

  • Jaroslaw Bem

    Dear François MUZARD,

    Pourriez-vous me dire quel type de supercondensateur vous avez appliqué à votre tracteur ?
    Quelle capacité ?
    Et quel type de connexion le supercondensateur as-tu appliqué ?
    La connexion parallèle à la batterie ?

    Best regards,
    Jaroslaw Bem

  • Andrea Rossi

    Sure ! The video of the presentation will remain online forever.
    Warm Regards,

  • Jitse

    Dear Andrea,
    unfortunately I cannot attend the demonstration, will this demonstration be available the same day on the mentioned website?
    Sincerely, Jitse

  • François MUZARD

    Bonjour Koen Vandewalle,
    après la présentation de Andrea du 9 December, nous devrons ensuite, dès la réception de nos SKLed, nous servir de ceux-ci comme vitrine pour promouvoir le SKLEP.
    Parce que nous allons rester dans un silence assourdissant, aucun décideur politique ne va oser bouger tant que la vente des SKLEP sera marginale.
    De même pour les Scientifiques qui observent tous l’incroyable travail de Andrea, mais sans commentaires…
    Pour le développement d’un produit révolutionnaire, j’ai un brillant exemple
    J’ai équipé mon tracteur (qui tond mon green) d’un super condensateur en remplacement de la batterie de démarrage du moteur thermique.
    J’ai beau expliquer, après deux saisons, à beaucoup de monde que c’est une super solution presque éternelle, ils n’y croient pas, les gens sont incrédules, car ils ne voient pas mon tracteur démarrer!
    Autrement dit, il va falloir que nous mettions en valeur nos SKLed dès leur réception.
    Par exemple, je vais en équiper mon aérodrome afin que les pilotes de l’aéroclub se demandent comment cela fonctionne…
    J’approuve totalement la stratégie commerciale de Andrea qui me parait être la meilleure approche pour déclencher cet immense bouleversement de l’énergie sur notre si belle Terre !
    Sincères salutations.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for reading,
    Warm Regards,

  • CC

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    I too have been enlightened by your answer upon Entropy as a scientific evidence of the fact that atheism violates the second principle of thermodynamics: so clear, so elegant, so simple…so genial.
    When I read it I got stunned.
    Thank you,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Eugenio Meli,
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    Your orders have been received.
    I take the chance to invite all our Readers that did not receive their order confirmation to send a request of confirmation to
    About the other issue: I think the public reaction will increase with the diffusion of the product.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving Holidays to you and all our Readers of the USA !
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    All is confirmed.
    It will start at 9 A.M. Miami Time.
    The link to it will be published on
    There will be also the link to participate to the Q&A session, where anybody can expose questions.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your articulate insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • KeithT

    Dear Andrea,

    Within your ResearchGate paper you refer to Zitterbewegung type electron models of different authors, of particular interest is the Zitterbewegung model of G. Vassallo et. al. referenced in your paper; [8] [9] [16] & [32], this particular electron model is very interesting and worthwhile exploring in depth, I think it will take a new perspective to understand the basic principles underlying the energy release from your E-Cat’s, the G. Vassallo et. al. Zitterbewegung electron model with its three-dimensional structure and properties may provide answers to many mysteries.

    From your paper, reference [16]: A. O. Di Tommaso and G. Vassallo. “Electron Structure, Ultra-Dense Hydrogen and Low Energy Nuclear Reactions”. In: Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science 29 (2019), pp. 525-547.

    Within this paper, section: 4. Geometric Interpretation of Relativistic Electron Mass and De Broglie Wavelength

    For an electron at rest, i.e. no movement along the z-axis, the electron charge is a sphere that has the radius of the classical electron radius, this sphere moves in a circular orbit at the speed of light, the circumference of one circular orbit equals the Compton wavelength, the radius of this circular orbit is the Zitterbewegung (ZBW) radius, as all points on the charge sphere surface travel at exactly the speed of light, the charge sphere counter rotates once for each ZBW circular orbit.

    For an electron with a constant velocity along its axis of rotation, the z-axis, the circular orbit transitions to follow a helical pathway, the electron charge helical pathway tangential velocity is still the speed of light. This helical pathway ZBW radius = the ZBW orbit radius at rest divided by the Lorentz factor based on the z-axis velocity, the longitudinal z-axis distance travelled is constant for each movement around a turn of the helical pathway, i.e. a constant pitch helix. As energy has been added to move the electron to the velocity, the electron mass increases, this increased mass is equal to the electron rest mass multiplied by the Lorentz factor based on the z-axis velocity.

    Lorentz factor = (1-(v/c)^2)^-0.5 = ratio of a velocity to the speed of light.

    Now taking this electron model and considering the acceleration of the electron along its longitudinal z-axis towards the speed of light.

    From the Zitterbewegung electron model the fine structure constant = electron charge radius divided by the electron ZBW radius.

    If the fine structure constant is a fixed ratio, as the electron moves in a longitudinal z-axis direction, as the ZBW radius reduces due to division by the Lorentz factor so does the electron charge radius reduce due to division by the Lorentz factor, (electron charge is constant), the fine structure constant is maintained.

    For an electron accelerated along its axis of rotation, the z-axis, the charge helical pathway now becomes a parabolically reducing conical spiral, the electron charge pathway tangential velocity is still the speed of light. This pathway ZBW radius is reducing due to division by the constantly changing Lorentz factor as the longitudinal z-axis velocity increases. The longitudinal z-axis distance travelled increases for each movement around a turn of the helical pathway up to 70.71% of the speed of light (v = 2^-0.5*c), above this velocity the longitudinal distance travelled reduces for each turn. As energy is added to accelerate the electron, the electron mass is increasing due to multiplication by the constantly changing Lorentz factor as the velocity increases.

    As an electron is accelerated the charge travels in a reducing conical spiral pathway, the charge tangential velocity and hence all points on the charge sphere surface must travel at exactly the speed of light, with the charge ZBW radius of the reducing conical spiral pathway and the charge surface radius both reducing radially inwards as the charge is in motion, as the electron charge longitudinal z-axis motion approaches the speed of light, the charge surface will also be moving radially inwards at a velocity approaching the speed of light, but the charge surface velocity cannot deviate from exactly the speed of light, the charge cannot travel in two axis’s both at the speed of light, if distance travelled does not change, time taken to travel the distance must, to an observer at rest in relation to the universe, the electron longitudinal z-axis motion will appear to slow, i.e. the origin of relativistic time dilation. At all electron longitudinal z-axis velocities, the local time period for the electron charge to travel around one turn of the helix = the time taken for the charge to traverse one orbit of an electron at rest divided by the Lorentz factor based on the z-axis velocity.

    Time dilation can be directly related to the Zitterbewegung electron model.

    Now again taking this electron model and considering the acceleration of the electron along its longitudinal z-axis towards the speed of light.

    As the electron longitudinal z-axis velocity accelerates towards the speed of light, due to the changing Lorentz factor, the ZBW radius will tend towards zero and the electron mass will tend towards infinity. At some limiting velocity the reducing electron ZBW radius will reach the Schwarzschild radius for the increasing electron mass.

    The Schwarzschild radius = rs = 2*G*M/c^2, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass and c is the speed of light.

    If the ZBW radius at rest divided by the Lorentz factor for the limiting velocity now equals the Schwarzschild radius, and the electron mass multiplied by this Lorentz factor is used in the Schwarzschild radius equation, and then solving for this Lorentz factor the particular limiting velocity Lorentz factor can be found where the reduced ZBW radius equals the Schwarzschild radius.

    Therefore; limiting velocity Lorentz factor = (re*c^2/2*G*Me)^0.5, re is the ZBW radius for an electron at rest, G is the gravitational constant, Me is the electron mass at rest and c is the speed of light.

    From this Lorentz factor the reduced ZBW radius = Schwarzschild radius can be determined = 2.28573 x 10^-35 m, this dimension is equal to the Planck length multiplied by the square root of two.

    Also, from this Lorentz factor the increased electron mass at the Schwarzschild radius can be determined = 1.53897 x 10^-8 kg, this mass is equal to the Planck mass divided by the square root of two.

    Planck constants can be directly related to the Zitterbewegung electron model.

    If the Schwarzschild electron shape is now considered, it forms a swept cylinder shape, the radius is the Schwarzschild radius, the length is the longitudinal z-axis distance travelled by the electron charge following one turn of the helical pathway, i.e. the longitudinal z-axis distance travelled at the speed of light for the local time period, from this Schwarzschild electron shape the gravitational constant can now be obtained = G = Pi*rs^2*L/(Mes*T^2), rs is the Schwarzschild radius, L is the cylinder length, Mes is the electron Schwarzschild mass and T is the local time period for one orbit.

    The gravitational constant can be directly related to the Zitterbewegung electron model.


    Keith Thomson.

  • David

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    It takes just 13 days to the 9th of December: is the date of the presentation of the Ecat SKL for electricity production still confirmed ?
    If yes, at what time ?
    Can you also anticipate where will we find the link to it ?
    Will you also communicate the price of it ?
    Will be possible to make questions to you about it ?
    Thank you if you can answer,

  • Brokeeper

    Dear Andrea,

    After reading the following article, I have determined you are one of the happiest individuals on the planet:
    3 Things That Will Make You Happier Than Winning the Lottery According to a Harvard Professor Inc.com

    Wish you, your team, and everyone following this remarkable E-Cat progress a Very Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Hi Andrea, what is most surprising at the moment is that governments and intelligence services of countries that survive from oil exports and gas exports seem to leave you relatively alone.

    Would we then have almost entered a new era?

    Now a practical question: first by e-mail, and then via an order form, I ordered some ECatSKLed devices.
    Now I notice that I have not really received an order confirmation. In the meantime, the ordering procedure seems to have been further automated, so I fear that my order has been lost somewhere.

    I would also like to order ECat SKLEP devices. When will the order documents be available? I’m afraid that after your presentation there will be an overwhelming demand and it would be a shame if the good people who have been observing your pulse all this time were placed at the back of the queue.

    Always supportive greetings,

  • Eugenio Mieli

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    obviously, like everyone else, I don’t know anything about your new eCat SKLep device and its features; However, I make a hypothesis for a future presentation of the SKLep and its potential: have you thought of a demonstration of pairing the device with an electrically powered single-seat drone?
    These vehicles have many prototypes that are currently being tested, all very beautiful, but all with the same drawback: the autonomy of operation that fluctuates between 15 and 30 minutes at best.
    If the output characteristics of the SKLep were suitable for powering the batteries of the different rotors of one of these aircraft (for example, one SKLep per rotor), you could elegantly demonstrate the power of your apparatus by holding the drone in flight for, say, a couple of hours, that no one is able to do today.
    It would be the “queen test” of the energy density produced by the device, since no existing battery is able to store enough energy to keep such a drone in flight for a long time.
    And if you even wanted to make a presentation with a slightly more Hollywood-like effect like Elon Musk, you could yourself give a presentation of the apparatus speaking in midair from a flying drone platform through, for example, six electric motors powered by as many SKLep for a couple of hours. As long as you don’t suffer from air sickness. . .
    At that point, the residual doubts about the effectiveness of the device would go to the cellar.
    Cordial greetings,
    Eugenio Mieli

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for generously defining “enlightening” my reference to Entropy.
    Warm Regards,

  • sgm0369

    “differently intelligent wishes”: Dr. Rossi you made my day!
    Best wishes for Dec 9th presentation, can’t wait to see an SKLEP recharging my PHEV for infinite (or at least undefined) driving range.

  • Giuseppe

    Dear Andrea,
    your reference to Entropy is ”illuminante”, i don’t know how to translate it.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards

  • eernie1

    Dear Andrea,
    Energy goes from high temp to lower temp in any system thereby decreasing Entropy. When a system (our universe) attains a situation where everything is at a consistent temp no energy can be transmitted and we cannot any longer exist. It is predicted that this is the way we and the present universe will no longer function. One other consideration not taken in most theories is that there is a function called infinite time which means that given any assumed probability for an event that event will eventually occur no matter how improbable. 100^100 no matter how many 0s +1 is a good possible number. Mathematically this means that any event that occurred (human life) no matter how remote will reoccur sometime in the future along with an exact duplicate of our universe. We may be in the 100^100 duplication. Argue with the math if you wish.
    Weird regards.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Barry Mead:
    Thank you for your differently intelligent wishes. Fortunately, the vaccine saves life, doesn’t threaten it.
    Warm Regards,

  • Barry Mead

    Dear Andrea: I have been excitedly waiting for the demonstration. I was wondering if you should get sick or die from the vaccine do you have people lined up who can continue your work and go ahead with the Dec 9th presentation in your absence?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Alessandro Ferrari:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Calle H:
    The Big Bang is beyond the Entropy issue and it is more speculative. Let’s remain in the space-time we are familiar with.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jaroslaw Bem:
    Thank you for reading,
    Warm Regards,

  • Jaroslaw Bem

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Thank you for the lecture. It sounds convincingly.

    Best regards,
    Jaroslaw Bem

  • Calle H

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    Thank you for sharing thoughts about atheism, entropy and 2nd law of thermodynamics. Is the Big Bang then the upper limit of entropy? created by God?
    Kind regards,
    Calle H

  • Alessandro Ferrari

    Dear Andrea,
    I’m following you from Bologna presentation more than 10 years ago.
    I daily check for news about ups, downs and new discoveries and every day I wish all the best to you and your team with the wonderful device you’re developing.
    Today I’m writing about a more abstract issue you come up with.
    I disagree on your statement that atheism violates the second principle of thermodynamic.
    The fact that disorder must increase overall doesn’t mean that it must increase everywhere.
    There are so many natural phenomenons that decrease local disorder while increasing global disorder.
    Crystal formation is just a simple example, evolution in a more complex one but there are too many to count them. Order can naturally arise from chaos … just with some side-effects elsewhere.
    And that’s without debating about arrow of time or time as an emergent property that would reframe the entropy issue completely.
    I wish you and your team best luck!
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jaroslaw Bem:
    Answer for laymen, simple and short: Entropy is the measure of the disorder, which means that the higher is Entropy, the higher is the disorder, in any system, Universe included. By the second principle of thermodynamic, Entropy increases constantly in every spontaneous process.
    Example: if thou drop a bottle of ink on the floor, it is impossible that the ink organizes spontaneously itself composing a poem, as well as in the Universe it is impossible a spontaneous organization of elementary particles, like Bosons, Fermions etc. to form the organism of an animal, let alone a human being.
    In short: Atheism violates the second principle of thermodynamic.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,

  • DrD

    Well said Andrea:

  • Jaroslaw Bem

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Why do you think, that Entropy is scientifically proof of the existence of God ?
    According to the physics, Entropy is only property of space, mass and time.
    I suppose that needs long lecture, but in short, what do you think ?

    Best regards,
    Jaroslaw Bem

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    here are the statistics of your papers I found today on
    Readings: 78000
    Reccomendations: 6189
    Citations: 28
    Total Research Interest index: 1610
    And counting…

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hermes Atar Trismegistus:
    All the Ecats do not contain any radioactive material, as shown in all the thousands of measurements made in the last 10 years.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

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