United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,197 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Paul Dianno:
    After 100000 hours we will change the Ecat SKLep, and the new unit will be discounted 10% in real price. We will entirely recycle the old one. No wastes will be produced.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Martyn Aubrey:
    Thank you for your kind support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    1- W remains the same
    2- we will give advice to our clients for their specific needs at the eve of the delivery
    3- same as in 2
    4- same as in 2
    The following statement is universally valid: the Ecat SKLep has a power of 100 W and the units are connectable in series and parallels theoretically without limits.
    The basic exit is 12 V DC, but assemblies can be connected with inverters, step-up and step-down systems. Besides, the Ecat SKLep can be connected with batteries.
    This said, you can design your system. Further assistance will come only when, after receiving the order, we will inform you the delivery is ready.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Calle H:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • François Muzard

    Cher Kirk Sperberg,
    j’ai également tenté de nombreuses fois d’enlever les mensonges et bêtises écrites sur WIKIPEDIA concernant Andrea, mais effectivement notre correction est enlevée rapidement.
    Cela fait 2 ans que je ne fait plus de dons à WIKIPEDIA.
    Nous devons tous les harceler, chacun peut ajouter une pierre à l’édifice !!
    Bien à vous.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Don Z.:
    1- yes
    2- no, the AI will be with you
    3- no other element: “squadra che vince non si cambia” ( team that wins must not be changed )
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Don Z:
    Number of readers 79600 ( so far )
    Views of the video: I think about 10000 so far
    Number of orders of the SKLep: over 65000 in 48 hours
    This is why when the professionality of our Team (all of it) is put in discussion I get ballistic.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Raffaele Bongo:
    1- now you can access anytime the video, we resolved all the problems in one hour on the 9th
    2- yes
    Warm Regards

  • François Muzard

    Cher Dr Rossi,
    félicitations pour votre présentation réussie et vos merveilleux produits, parfaitement adaptés à une demande initiale.
    Le choix de la puissance est ainsi très souple.
    Vos produits plaisent beaucoup puisque vous avez déjà une quantité impressionnante de commandes !
    Il y a beaucoup de commandes potentielles importantes comme moi en attente car il faut choisir le type de SKLep, surtout pour se séparer du réseau de distribution public…

    Donc, des questions :
    1. vous avez écrit “le plasma peut être allumé instantanément”, en combien de temps dispose t-on d’une puissance de sortie utilisable?
    2. Y a t-il une pointe de courant sur l’entrée de commande au départ? si oui quel % en plus ?
    3. Dans le cas d’une sortie AC, le courant AC est-il fabriqué dans la matière du SKLep, ou avez-vous ajouté un onduleur avant la sortie?
    4. Si la charge connectée est trop importante, est-ce que la tension de sortie s’écroule jusqu’à un équilibre, sans dommages pour le SKLep?
    5. Les SKLep peuvent-ils être assemblés mécaniquement comme un Légo? pour faciliter la fixation et diminuer l’encombrement…

    Cher Docteur, salutations chaleureuses avec un immense merci pour votre prouesse qui est comme un miracle!!

  • Stephen

    Dear Andrea,

    I just made an order for some SKLEP through the online form and was hoping to replace the larger of my two orders for SKLED with that one, but still keep my old small order for the SKLED. I did not see any option to add the text that it replaces my old order though. Did I miss something? Sorry if that is confusing.



  • Andrea Rossi

    Albert Ellul:
    No: this is one of our most important achievements.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dr Joseph Fine:
    Thank you for your insight and suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Daniel De Caluwé:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your opinion. I do not agree. The results we are achieving support me, but obviously your opinion is respectable, as any. I do not know the level of professionality you have, because I do not know you, but I know my team and I have full trust in their professionality, and I am deeply indebted with them for the stunning results we are collecting thanks to their professional engagement.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rick 57:
    I already answered these questions in the Q&A section. Please read them.
    I am under enormous pression in this moment and cannot repeat the same answers to repetitive questions: I simply do not have time.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Please go to
    to place your order sending us the order form, and read carefully the notes it contains.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight.
    Actually in this moment the Ecat SKLep ordered from the presentation of December 9 are over 65000.
    Congratulations to all our Team: at the end, the quantity of orders is by far the most important of all the feedback signals.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jean Pierre:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Claudio R.:
    Thank you for the suggstion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mats Heijkenskjold,
    Please read my answer to Gerard McEk,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    When we will start the deliveries, we will send to all the Clients the advice. At that moment you will ask assistance for your particular application.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Camillo Urbani:
    Please go to
    to place orders.
    Your orders will be accepted only if you send us the order form you will find on
    because there are the conditions you have to accept.
    Warm Regards,

  • If the Sklep will maintain the specifications declared, it will give a big jerk to the energy market. I book for 10 skleps for the moment, but it is clear that if everything works later I will order many others.

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    For powering all facilities in my home I would consider to order 50 SKLep’s. Clearly I would require also a 5 kW inverter like e.g. being used for solar panels and ‘in grid’ use and should be added. I’m not sure if you or your Partner in Business could deliver a complete unit with the following properties:
    Delivery of a unit in proper housing that can supply at least 4 kW to a heating element in my central heating system, a control system that controls the heat and power demand in the house (electricity is preferent, then heat and all excess energy flows to the grid). Obviously the grid can still supply the energy in case the SKLep units would fail as a backup. The heating element in a proper housing for connection to the central heating would also be part of the delivery.
    a. Would you or your partner consider taking an order like that or will you just consider just orders for the SKLep’s?
    b. You said that the controller could control 100 SKLep’s. Would that also work when they are all in series and the controller would have to work for each SKLep at a different elevated DC voltage level?
    c. Can also the required SKLep DC input/controller supply (12V?) be used for more than one SKLep? If so, for how many? Can then the SKLep’s be put in series?
    Thanks for answering our questions.
    Good luck with your order development!
    Kind regards, Gerard

  • Mats Heijkenskjold

    Dear Andrea,

    I am thinking of order about 25-30 units which will cost me roughly 8-9 kUSD. These units will pay back in about 3 years if I am possible to arrange them together with an inverter to run my Toshiba heat pump and may be some other apparatuses.

    The heat pump, which heats my house, will of course have different input power needs depending on the outside temperatures.

    The question: Is it possible to have the SKLep:s with their outputs in a direct connection with the inverter?
    If no, I think it is not possible for me to order. Probably too expensive.

    I think there are a quite a lot of people with the same, or a very similar, application with a heat pump, it is obvious in the blog.

    A connection scheme could help us quite a lot!

    Please any ideas about this?

    Mats Heijkenskjold

  • claudio R.

    you should offer your technology to the Navy, it would be interesting for submarines, in my small way I have pre-ordered only 2 for now, also because I hoped they cost a little less, however congratulations for your work because this invention could change the world for the better. Good luck, cordially Claudio R.

  • Jean Pierre

    Hi Andrea.
    If I were to order an SKLEP, would it come complete in such a way that I could immediately switch it on and it would provide self sustained mode and operate normally a 100W old -style filament bulb? If not, why would this be?

    In England it will become illegal to sell new gas appliances after 2030. Since I have a modern wall-mounted hot water boiler feeding 12 radiators,I will (like huge numbers of similar property owners) have a problem when my boiler fails and needs replacing.
    Have you thought of working with any major manufacturers of gas boilers such as Worcester-Bosch or Vaillant or American equivalents in order to provide us with a solution? This market would be very large indeed.
    Thank you for any informative answers. Jean Pierre

  • Jitse

    dear Andrea,
    In my previous blog I indicated that I could not be at the E-demo, nice that it was immediately accessible and still is.
    The blog reactions so far show that the reactions are generally very positive. Congratulations on the technical result, a 1 to 100x input and output ratio is truly a fantastic result. A result of 51000 pieces of orders in 24 hours proves the importance of your Invention.
    A short additional E-demo of about 10 minutes with commercial examples (photos etc) and the ecatSKLep with an energy yield per year per version: 3 unit yields 2628 kWH, 10 units yields 8760 kWH, of course per year and 20 units 17520 kWH (peak) makes it possible to supply a standard house with unlimited energy. connection to a public network is then no longer necessaire.
    Kind regards Jitse

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    I intend to buy two SKLep generators with the following features:

    – power supply 220 V – 50 Hz
    – output 220V – 50 Hz

    I intend to connect their output in parallel, so that I have double the power of 100 + 100 = 200 watts.
    I wonder if this parallel is feasible, since I think that the two voltages must be perfectly synchronized in value, phase and frequency.
    Kind Regards,
    Italo R.

  • Rick 57

    Dear Andrea,

    I resubmit my questions since I didn’t get any answer:

    If I understood properly, the SKLep price of 250$ includes:
    – the module itself
    – the power supply
    – the control unit (AI)
    Is this correct ?

    If so, for a package with, lets say
    10 modules sharing the same electronics the price will be less ?
    Can you give us an idea ?

    Last question: do you plan in the future to provide complete application assemblies (for instance a home power generator) ?

    Best Regards,

  • Patrick

    Hi Andrea,

    Congratulations on the presentation.
    You had mentioned that it’s just the beginning of the marketing campaign.

    The video of the presentation is of low quality and is not adequate as a marketing video for the internet.
    Now that the presentation is over and the product has been revealed, will your marketing team be releasing better videos about the product that we can share on social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok? Such videos usually show the product in operation in a real world setting and look like a professionally produced advertisement.
    When do you think such videos will be available?
    Best regards,

  • Daniel De Caluwé

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    After looking at your presentation of 9 december, the same idea that I mentioned already in the past, popped up to me: A very interesting field of application for the Ecat SKLep’s would be feeding the countless number of wallbox loaders (loading electric vehicles) that we will need in the near future, because of the quickly (and due to climate change necessary) electrification of transport. Enormous investments in loaders will be necessary, and your Ecat SKLep’s could feed these loaders without the need to expand the grid. Due to the quickly electrification of transport, we will use much more electrical energy at much more peak power, so that without Ecat SKLep’s, huge investments to expand the grid (distribution network for electrical energy) would be necessary. But by using your Ecat SKLep’s, that consume only 1% of the electrical energy they deliver (behaving like an ‘electrical energy amplifier’ so to speak), we can do this immense job without otherwise necessary expansion of the grid. So you don’t compete with electrical power companies, but you just deliver the extra electrical energy (at much more peak power), without the need for expansion of the grid. An ideal way/application for the Ecat SKLep’s to step into the world, without disturbing the power balance with other players. The electrification of transport/mobility is an enormous/immense job, but by using the Ecat SKLep’s it becomes feasible.

    Kind Regards,

  • Joseph Fine

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Prof Giuseppe Levi wrote in his ECat-SKLep report:

    “For larger applications we can imagine installing generator racks in containers, which would then become easily transportable and installable modules. A standard container has internal dimensions of 12 x 2.35 and 2.39 h meters and therefore can accommodate up to 38 racks with a possible total power of about 3MW. ….. We also note that since the power of a railway locomotive ranges from 3 to 9MW, these applications also appear possible.

    1. Assuming there are further design optimizations, would a 3+ MW application such as a freight train, or even a passenger train, be in the realm of possibility? (Longer distance, approximately constant-speed routes would probably be preferred to shorter range commuter routes.)


    From the above link, in Australia: Longest bulk freight trains

    ‘Australia is the home of the longest bulk freight trains. Common transport of BHP Billiton iron ore is done on 2.4 km long trains that have 264 cars and four locomotives. Special runs are larger, with the longest one being the run on 21 June 2001 that consisted of the eight locomotives, 682 wagons, and a single train driver. The entire train was impressive 7300 meters long!’

    In the United States, the Amtrak Autotrain can be up to 3/4 miles in length (or about 1.2 km). With a route of about 855 miles in length of approximately constant speed.


    Joseph Fine

  • Albert Ellul

    Does the 100W E-Cat SKLep produce unnecessary heat during operation, heat that will require ventilation to cool down the system?

  • Raffaele Bongo

    Hello Dr. Rossi

    Due to the inability to log in, I had to content myself with seeing your wonderful talk replayed. Your technology is the culmination of your dream and the beginning of a new history of mankind. However, it will not be a revolution but an evolution. Although apparently inexpensive, the SKLEP will only be affordable for the wealthiest population on the planet. In practice, electricity consumption is very variable, when my wife charges her car battery she needs a minimum of three kw, in the heart of winter my house reaches peak consumption of eleven kw. As a result, rational household equipment will certainly require a lot of SKLEP and the entry ticket will be very high or even too high for rapid mass distribution. All new technology does and I think your great product will slowly take hold over time.
    Question: in the event of a network failure, does SKLEP restart without intervention as soon as the voltage is restored?

    I wish you lots of orders as well as a happy Christmas


  • Ulrich Kranz

    Dear Andrea,

    Congratulations on your successful presentation of the SKLep.

    This is expressed by several numbers:

    – Number of readers for your theory
    – Views for your video
    – Number of orders for the SKLep

    That’s a great success!

    Many greetings

    Ulrich Kranz

  • Don Z

    Congratulations on the Ecat SKLep. To me it seems that your 100W Ecat SKLep would be equivalent to a 300W stationary solar panel, assuming it averages only 8 hours of usable sunlight a day.

    I am looking at an off grid cabin situation.

    1. Can you connect input power wires and output power wires to the same 12V DC battery terminals? (of course positive to positive and negative to negative)

    2. If I am not at the cabin for 3 weeks or even 3 months, will the Ecat SKLep over charge or damage the battery?

    3. Regarding the Ecat SKL (4-5)KW units, which apparently is not ready for prime time yet and I believe will be your masterpiece, to make this device idiot proof for us consumers, is it the AI that you are focusing on or some other element in the device?

    Thank you for all your hard work and inspiration.

    Best regards,
    Don Z.

  • Calle H

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    Congratulation to the great products presented yesterday. One thing I am missing is when I buy the “The most energy efficient lamp ever made” I would like to see a measure on the efficiency, e.g. an energy balance such as light + heat energy output vs. energy input, else how will I know that the SKLed is more efficient than other lamps?
    Kind regards,
    Calle H

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Hi Andrea,

    For me as an engineer, it’s not entirely clear what behavior I should and shouldn’t expect depending on the load I plan to put on the SKLep.
    I’ll be working on it anyway to make ready-to-use appliances or to create interfaces to run a standard refrigerator or a circulation pump, for example, or to keep my computer and the screen working all day long.
    In the worst case, it becomes a pure resistance load to keep our waterbeds at the right temperature or to heat or illuminate the room.

    In that context, I have a few technical questions:
    1. Suppose I make the same setup as the demonstration, but replace the resistor with a 10 Ohm resistor, what would the value of the voltmeter (over the load) be?
    2. I have a pair of resistors here of 10 ohms with a nominal power of 1000 Watts. To give the readers an idea: that costs 70€ each and it takes months to get them delivered! So to get 1000 Watts of power, I will have to use 10 SKLep devices. However, can I use one battery or 12-volt power for all 10 generators? In other words, can I feed 10 devices in parallel from the same source, but put their output in series?
    3. Can I just connect a nominal 12 volt lead acid battery to the outlet to charge it? Of course as an experiment and under permanent supervision that the battery is not overcharged! My question is, will the equivalent of 100 Watts of power flow into the lead-acid battery?
    4. Can I also connect a 12 VDC DC motor directly? I mean a DC motor with a permanent magnet field?

    The answers don’t all have to be positive. But then I, and many readers with me, know what to focus on while waiting for delivery.

    With best regards,

  • Martyn Aubrey

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    Thank you for presenting your Ecat production SKLed and prototype SKLep units to us.

    You have achieved 100w of electrical output power from the Ecat SKLep with only a 1w input.
    This COP of 100 is phenomenal, especially in such a very small unit.

    You and your team have worked very hard. Well Done Sir!

    I have amended my old order for four Ecat SKLeds to two SKLeds and two SKLeps, which you should now have by email.

    I wish you all success in reaching your target of 1,000,000 combined pre-orders for the Ecats.

    Best Regards,
    Martyn Aubrey

  • Paul Dianno

    Hello Dr. Rossi, are Skled and Sklep rechargeable ? After the 100000 hours the devices could be reused with a “fuel” reload or are to recycle ? Best wishes

  • Michael

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    i have an electric oil filled radiator (500 Watt).
    What happens if i connect it to the SKLEP?
    Will the radiator produce just 100 Watt heat or will the SKLEP just power off?
    Best regards

  • Joachim

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    i already canceled the order of ecat SKLed and made today an order of 1 ecat SKLEP (i received the confirmation). If it works how described then i will order more.

    Maybe later you offer bigger sizes of the SKLEP i have read in your answers..? (at Dec 9th Presentation Questions and Answers).
    Or from which quantity there is a discount?
    Best regards

  • Mario

    Dear Dr. Rossi:
    If I want to power my TV with a 100 watt AC module, what do I need? Please explain this to me. Is it possible to connect the TV directly without any other devices? So that you only buy this one module and be able to use it for 100,000 hours at no extra cost?
    Best regards

  • Greg Leonard

    Dear AR,
    I an delighted at the specification for the SKLEP.
    This really is New Physics, and the start of a new era.
    1. Am I correct in assuming the SKLEP has four of the inner cartridge of the SKLed (which I had estimated was about 25W power)?
    2. Will you be able to package a larger number of those cartridges (9, 16, 25 …) using the same controller to give 225, 400, 625 … watts?
    3. The order form for SKLEP allows me to select AC output. Would that be 240 50Hz or something different?
    Very many thanks to you Andrea,
    Greg Leonard

  • Andrea Rossi

    in our Team there is an engineer specialized in the specific matter. I am learning from him. By the way, we decided to consider for a comparison only the LX, because the reading of the Lux is immediate ; then, since the lux are linear with the increase of power, we decided to compare the ratio between LX and W to see the difference of efficiency.
    But what counts now is that our Clients will be satisfied with the product. The Client has the right of recess, so who will not be satisfied will be able to return the product ( so far it is integer ) and be reimbursed by Paypal. All the rest is chattering.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Daniel G. Zavela:
    Thank you for your support. I am not able to answer, I do not know that technology.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Dr. Rossi:

    I just sent a “Tweet” to Elon Musk asking if PowerWalls will be again available for separate purchase in 2022 (without the solar roof installation) to mate with the e-cat SKLep.

    It seems like a good fit for my home which consumes 8kW per day.
    PowerWall Total energy capacity 14 kWh
    Usable energy capacity 13.5 kWh
    Real power rating. 7 kW peak / 5 kW continuous (charge & discharge)

    Would a 10 e-cat SKLep configuration producing 1kW continuous AC output do job of charging the PowerWall, in your opinion?

    Take care, and thank you for early Christmas presents – e-cat SKLed & SKLep.

    Best Regards,

    Daniel G. Zavela

  • Prof

    Dr Rossi:
    Your answer to Albert is correct. Just must redce about 10% from the LM, due to the strain light.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steve Albers:
    To measure the luminous flux of a light source you have to consider the surface of the light source, and the measurements of UNIBO has indicated it. Besides, 1 LX = 1 LM/ m^2, therefore the same flux focused on 1 cm^2 is 10000 LM
    Remake the math.
    Warm Regards,

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