United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,104 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Gennady

    Dear Andrea,

    Are we expecting a 500 w, 1 kW, 2 kw SKLep in the next 12 months?

    Kind Regards,


  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    I have pre-ordered 20 SKLep’s (under my real name) with the intention to build a combined unit that constantly feeds 2 kWe into the grid. For this purpose I ordered AC input and AC output for the SKLep’s, but I expect the AC output comes from a standard on-grid solar panel inverter that will take care of the direct separation between the input and output. In fact, the individual SKLep’s should have an AC input and a DC output. These outputs are put in series giving ~ 240Vdc that feeds the solar inverter.
    I added a description of the above in the comment section of the order.
    My questions:
    1. Do you believe that suggested approach is feasible?
    2. Do I need to change the order in AC in DC out for individual SKLep’s?
    3. Like many other customers, I have canceled my 2 SKLed’s (also tin the comment section of the SKLep pre-order) but did not get a conformation for that. Do I need to do that in another way?

    It is good to read that the number of orders are rising.
    4. Is there a real interest by industrial customers that wand the SKLep in their product?
    5. Will your industrial partner also put a product with the SKLep on the market when you start production?
    Thank you, kind regards, Gerard

  • Mario

    Hi Andrea:
    NASA wants a nuclear power plant on the moon
    The boundary conditions set by NASA and INL say that the system should consist of a uranium-filled core, a system for converting energy into a usable form, cooling systems, and energy distribution. The whole is to provide 40 KW of power continuously and work on the moon for 10 years. In addition, the reactor should work without human supervision, be able to turn on and off by itself, it must be able to work from the deck of a lunar lander, but at the same time it must be on a mobile platform that can be set up anywhere. Additional requirements are related to its weight and dimensions. When launched from Earth, the reactor should fit into a casing 4 meters in diameter and 6 meters long. It cannot weigh more than 6,000 kilograms.

    Initial proposals for the construction of such a system should be submitted by February 19 next year.

    Maybe you’ll be interested, your system would be perfect.

  • Michele

    dear mr Rossi, about the words: “I am afraid the SKLed will not reach an amount of unit ordered that will consent an industrial production. We are thinking about that.”
    I fully agree with mr. Monti
    and say also not everyone has 250$ to invest, but the led may be the only choice accessible, it is not fair to whom ordered the led previously,
    now I suppose my order is vanisced? 🙁

  • Gavino Mamia

    I forgot to write that to obtain 10000 Lumens we must spend 250 $

  • Gavino Mamia

    SKLed = 10.000 lumen, consumo 4W
    SKLep produce 100W
    Led 10.000 lumen tradizionale consumo 100W
    SKLep 250$
    SKled 25$
    SKLed = 10,000 lumens, consumption 4W
    SKLep produces 100W
    Led 10,000 lumens traditional consumption 100W
    SKLep $ 250
    SKled $ 25

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I am moved, but numbers are numbers.
    The idea to sell the units made by me with my hands …I really don’t know, it is bizarre, he,he,he…
    You can turn your order to a SKLep, though, that, basically, can do all the SKLed does: you can connect to it what you want, even a lamp.
    Warm Regards,
    Your comment is the N. 59000 of this blog

  • Monti

    “I am afraid the SKLed will not reach an amount of unit ordered that will consent an industrial production. We are thinking about that.”

    Sad to read this.

    Rightly, you are an entrepreneur and you see a product in the SKLed. But we don’t see that. We have no courtyard to illuminate with 10000 Lumens, nor a greenhouse to grow salad at midnight. What we see it’s some kind of miraculous historical event.

    What we want is to be active witnesses of this event. And while we’re at it, owning a museum piece for just $ 25 (tax / shipping excl.). Collectors would pay us that as a stamp with a wrong letter in a few years .

    Because: either it will become the equivalent of the first light bulbs produced by Thomas Alva; or it will be the testimony of the most enduring, intricate, stubborn, absurd, scam in history. 10 years involving university professors who first say yes – then they disappear but don’t say no; journalists who first say yes – then they don’t say no – but that you are a wooden-head; customers playing hide and seek, financiers, military and even the Israeli intelligence. Fantastic. Tolstoy would get us a 600-page book.

    Do you understand why I don’t cancel my order? I see from the video that you have dozens of SKLeds on the shelves. Put them up for auction! I think I have 800 Euros in the bank, I could invest half there, to hell the bitcoins! 🙂

  • Norma

    Dr Rossi,
    After watching the fantastic video of the presentation , I read your paper
    You are making a revolution also in the theoretical field

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Prof

    Dr Rossi:
    Your stats of the paper
    after the video presentation are exploding: I am reading that today arrived to 74114 and counting !

  • Andrea Rossi

    Retire (he,he,he…)
    Warm Regards,

  • R0bert

    Dear Dr.Rossi,
    what will be Your next Gift for the world?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Judy Dowell-Bundschuh:
    I am very sorry to hear from you about the passing away of Bobby Curto. Please extend my most sincere condolences to his family.
    He was a so kind, sincere and honest person.
    Warmest Regards,
    Andrea Rossi and all the Team of Leonardo Corporation

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the question,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thanks also to big buyers, we are approaching 100000 units ordered ( almost all SKLeps )
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Neri Accornero:
    Thank you for the suggestion. It is correct.
    By the way, can you better specify the errors to correct ? I did not understand.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    You made a point: most of the clients that had ordered the SKLed are turning the orders to buy the SKLep.
    I am afraid the SKLed will not reach an amount of unit ordered that will consent an industrial production. We are thinking about that.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Silent Majority Guy:
    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    The light of the plasma
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    God knows,
    Warm Regards,

  • Robert

    Dear Dr.Rossi,
    what kind of project is the next?

  • Bedy

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Bravo ! You and your team made a masterpiece. Now few understood, but your 9th December presentation video will remain a page of history. I read many comments of persons that did not understand what they watched to.
    Ad majora,

  • Mark

    Dear Mr. Rossi. What is the light visible under the ecat in the film and UNIBO report? Thank you.

  • Silent Majority Guy

    Dear Andrea:
    Your presentation has been very convincing: we assisted to a historic event, that’s what I think, as well as the many friends I spoken about it.

  • Monti

    @Claudio Varotto (& Gavino)

    “… credo che la discrezione nella presentazione della tua invenzione celi qualcosa che ai più può sfuggire ma credo di intuire…”

    “… even if I believe that the discretion in the presentation of your invention hides something that most can escape but I think I guess…”

    I agree with you.

  • George

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Congratulations for your stunning presentation: the Ecat Sklep is a masterpiece. I doubt, though, that the SKLed stil has a function: the SKLep makes it useless indeed.

  • Dear Andrea some considerations: given the relative low power of the LEP (100 W) it will be necessary to use many of them to obtain the desired power and voltage and you propose the connection in series / parallel, but I believe that it is not the case to connect in series a significant number of LEPs because if a unit is blocked, the chain is interrupted or if one is short-circuited the voltage decreases anyway. Considering the current huge availability of step-up DC-DC and DC-AC converters, it is advisable to connect only in parallel all the LEP necessary for the desired amperage, and define the voltage and type, with the chosen converter. Furthermore, you define the duration of operation of the LEP as 100 K hours, I think you are referring to the “core” certainly not to the control electronics. What happens with current led lamps is precisely this, the led can last 30-50 K hours, but what breaks down much earlier is always the electronic control. Since you said that a controller can drive a certain number of LEPs (maybe 10?), Wouldn’t it be worthwhile to sell controllers and LEPs separately? with some savings for the buyer and less risk for you?
    Lastly as I have already told you, please correct the errors in the description of the LEP (five…. and three…) on the site, this give a bad feeling and…. put a new video “as it should be!”
    Best wishes.,

  • Tom Conover

    Dear Andrea,

    I ordered 2 of the electricty generators, but I still don’t really have a grasp of connections and proper expectations based on your presentation. For example, please publish the instructions of how to “supplement the ecat output to a home circuit breaker system please.” I have more funds available, but I may have to wait a long time before you inform us how to use the ecatpower? Tell us more, so we can increase our orders with understanding. Use this time wisely, and multiply the coin you have been blessed with to multiply the understanding with instructions. As you noted, the electric generator ecat is far ahead of the LED lighting system. It is very likely that if you give us the installation information – even as little as ‘how to reduce your electricity bill’ would greatly improve your marketing success. And again-we all have international understanding with the world. Start the E-Cat fire for us, and we can celebrate as we embrace the flames.

    Warm regards,

  • Judy dowell-bundschuh

    Dear A. R.
    Bobby Curto kept me informed of your work and advances. After he passed away, I’ve often wondered how you were progressing.
    Judy Dowell-Bundschuh (in Ohio)

  • Barbierir

    Thanks for the answer mr Rossi!

    @Greg Leonard

    yes my mistake, of course I meant the SKLep!

  • Marina

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Can you tell us how many units of SKLep have been sold so far ?
    Thank you if you can,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    Can you kindly translate in English ?
    Otherwise you lose the 90% of our Readers.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ron Stringer:
    1. possible
    2. possible, but to be experimented
    3. possible, to be experimented
    Warm Regards,

  • Ron Stringer

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    A couple of questions so that people can plan their SKLep systems before they order. These are general in nature, I hope you can take a minute to answer.
    There would seem to be several different ways to arrange a system in which SKLep units are used to charge batteries for off-grid use. Each method requires different numbers of SKLep and batteries.

    1. Input from a small rechargeable battery (B1), 1 watt. B1 is recharged from totally independent system, such as a solar panel. This powers SKLep units, which output 12v to rechargeable batteries to cover peak useage. Battery to inverter, then to house.
    In this case, B1 has to be large enough to power the SKLep for several days.

    2. Input from small rechargeable battery (B1), 1 watt, to SKLep. Output 12v to main battery (B2), then to inverter, then to house. However, in this scenario, the small battery (B1) is recharged from output from battery (B2).
    In this case B1 only needs to be large enough to power the SKLep for a short time, until B2 recharges it.

    3. Input from B1, to SKL1. SKL1 charges B2. B2 powers SKL2, which charges B1.
    In this case, B1 and B2 can both be large enough to split the peak demand.

    Are each of these scenarios possible? I understand that the SKLep must be powered by an independent source. Scenario 1 is totally independent, the other 2 less so. Each requires different equipment


  • Gavino Mamia

    Dott. Rossi, sono contento per lei se sta ottenendo un buon risultato ma i suoi detrattori a noi non ci lasciano in pace, giustamente dicono che se una cosa funziona non bisogna essere maghi del marketing per mostrarla funzionante, se non lo si fa è ovvio che non funziona.
    Non capisco perchè non li faccia zittire e ci accontenti tutti con una webcam da 4 soldi.
    Per noi che la seguiamo da tanto sarebbe una grande soddisfazione che i media ne parlassero

  • Greg Leonard

    You say you have ordered ‘a good number of SKLEDs’, but the sense from your post is that you want the electric generator. Please check you have ordered the one you want.
    Greg Leonard

  • Andrea Rossi

    Art B:
    Do not mess with a plug, ask always the intervention of a certified professional.
    We will enclose in the instructions manual what you can do and what you cannot do. If you want connect differently, you will need the control of a certified professional.
    Warm Regards,

  • Claudio Varotto

    Carissimo Dottor Andrea Rossi, ho letto attentamente la sezione F and Q prima di formulare la mia domanda e non ho trovato alcuna indicazione in merito. Ho ordinato n. 4 ecat sklep e quindi suppongo che il controller AI sia programmato per gestire le 4 unità che spero arrivino secondo i tuoi piani. Se in un futuro molto probabile volessi affiancare a queste 4 unità altre di modo che sia possibile aumentare la potenza erogata come mi dovrò comportare? Lo stesso controller potrà essere riprogrammato o sarà necessario ordinarne un altro in sostituzione. Ti seguo assiduamente e con molta ansia da ormai 10 anni, ho condiviso le difficoltà e le speranze manifestate in questo blog non nascondendomi a volte la sensazione che purtroppo non fosse possibile portare a compimento una simile impresa. Non ho sufficientemente considerato la caparbietà che ti contraddistingue, probabilmente alimentata dalle pesanti esperienze che hai dovuto affrontare nella vita di studioso e ricercatore. E’ da molto tempo che desideravo scriverti e devo porgerti i miei più sinceri complimenti per il traguardo raggiunto. Ti auguro e mi auguro, credo assieme a moti altri, di raggiungere nel più breve tempo possibile il traguardo che hai posto per avviare la produzione di massa del tuo dispositivo. Solo un appunto, anche se credo che la discrezione nella presentazione della tua invenzione celi qualcosa che ai più può sfuggire ma credo di intuire, io mirerei ad ottenere una maggiore visibilità; dopo tutto ciò che stai facendo è per il bene dell’umanità e non devi assolutamente nascondere nulla.
    Cordialissimi saluti.
    Claudio Varotto

    Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi, I have carefully read section Q and A before formulating my question and I have not found any indication in this regard. I ordered n. 4 ecat sklep and so I assume the AI ​​controller is programmed to handle the 4 units which I hope will arrive according to your plans. If in a very probable future I wanted to add to these 4 units other units so that it is possible to increase the power delivered, what should I do? The same controller may be reprogrammed or another one will need to be ordered as a replacement. I have been following you assiduously and with a lot of anxiety for the past 10 years, I shared the difficulties and hopes expressed in this blog, sometimes not hiding the feeling that unfortunately it was not possible to complete such a feat. I have not sufficiently considered the stubbornness that distinguishes you, probably fueled by the heavy experiences you have had to face in the life of a scholar and researcher. I have wanted to write to you for a long time and I have to extend my sincere congratulations on the achievement. I wish you and I hope, along with many others, I believe, to reach the goal you have set to start the mass production of your device as soon as possible. Just a note, even if I believe that the discretion in the presentation of your invention hides something that most can escape but I think I guess, I would aim to obtain greater visibility; after all, everything you are doing is for the good of humanity and you absolutely must not hide anything.
    Best regards.
    Claudio Varotto

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    I empathyse with you and your friends, but I do not agree. I appreciate your opinion, even if negative, because sincere, and I know many among our Readers share your opinion, but I assure you that the presentation has hit our target. Evidence of it is in the amount of orders we received and in the stunning increase we got in
    We are meking very important agreements that will facilitate the diffusion of the Ecat SKLep. Actually the Ecat SKLep is obscuring the Ecat SKLed, because the SKLep can do all the SKLed does, while the SKLed does not do what the SKLep does. This is a first important answer we get from the market.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    It is included,
    Warm Regards,

  • Barbierir

    dear mr Rossi, thank you for the presentation and especially for the papers by prof. Levi. I have preordered a good number of SKLEDs but I have a question, does each 100 watt module include its own controller unit? Or is the controller in a separate box? My regards

  • Gavino Mamia

    nelle FAQ c’è questa domanda:
    Ho sentito che c’era una sicurezza che impediva a un’auto elettrica di guidare quando era collegata a una stazione di ricarica. Sarà quindi possibile collegare lo SKLep per alimentare un’auto elettrica quando è in movimento?
    Non abbiamo mai sperimentato questo problema, ma vale la pena fare un esperimento. Grazie per il suggerimento

    Io ho esperienza con i monopattini elettrici!
    Si può caricare la batteria principale con una esterna (oppure alimentatore) anche quando il monopattino è in movimento

  • Gavino Mamia

    Tutti noi in questo gruppo siamo dei suoi seguaci, parliamo e pubblicizziamo l’ecat con colleghi, amici, conoscenti, discutiamo tutti i giorni nei vari gruppi social, siamo esposti all’attacco di troll.
    Negli ultimi mesi la mia risposta è sempre stata la stessa: il 9 dicembre vedremo tutti un ecat funzionante e certificato CE, speravo in una presentazione convincente che convincesse tutti.
    Ci aveva parlato di una presentazione solo commerciale e tutti ci aspettavamo di vedere una stanza piena di SKLed accesi ed alcuni SKLep in funzione, che alimentassero lampadine, pompe di calore, stufe.
    Sognavamo di stupire il mondo e che il milione di prenotazioni si raggiungesse nell’arco di un paio di giorni.
    Invece la presentazione è stata deludente, poco chiara e non ha convinto gli scettici, anzi…
    Dicono che non era una presentazione in diretta ma un video precedentemente preparato ad arte, con un tavolo pieno di cavi e strumenti in modo che non si capisse dove fossero realmente attaccati.
    Non è andato in onda alle 15 come promesso ma solamente molto dopo come registrazione, che la scusa dei problemi dovuti al traffico sono bugie altrimenti non si spiegano le sole 9000 visualizzazioni in 5 giorni.
    Capisco che non voglia distribuire dei campioni ai vari giornalisti o youtuber, ma basterebbe un banale streaming 24/24 ore nel suo portale che faccia vedere, tramite una banale webcam , un SKLep funzionante, che dimostri che all’interno non ci sia una semplice batteria che si esaurirebbe in meno di un’ora.
    Lo deve al mondo intero e soprattutto a noi seguaci che abbiamo creduto in lei e che la difendiamo in ogni occasione.
    Ci dia uno strumento semplice ed efficace che dimostri che SKLep esiste e funziona, fino ad ora avevamo a disposizione solo dati e dichiarazioni lette nel suo blog, non possiamo combattere gli scettici con un video che è stato poco convincente.
    Non voglio sentirmi un prete che implora Cristo di dare un segno della sua esistenza perchè i suoi fedeli vorrebbero qualcosa in più dei racconti di miracoli o visioni di Madonne, io non sono così devoto e illuminato da una fede, ho bisogno di certezze altrimenti anche io alla fine smetto di credere.
    P.S. non risponda con il solito: “grazie della tua opinione” perché così perderà solo consensi
    All of us in this group are his followers, we talk and advertise the ecat with colleagues, friends, acquaintances, we discuss every day in the various social groups, we are exposed to troll attacks.
    In recent months my answer has always been the same: on December 9th we will all see a functioning and CE certified ecat, I was hoping for a convincing presentation that would convince everyone.
    He told us about a commercial presentation only and we all expected to see a room full of SKLed lights and some SKLeps in operation, powering light bulbs, heat pumps, stoves.
    We dreamed of surprising the world and that one million bookings would be reached within a couple of days.
    Instead, the presentation was disappointing, unclear and did not convince the skeptics, on the contrary …
    They say it was not a live presentation but a previously artfully prepared video, with a table full of cables and tools so that it was not clear where they were really attached.
    It did not air at 3pm as promised but only much later as a recording, that the excuse of the traffic problems are lies otherwise the only 9000 views in 5 days are not explained.
    I understand that he does not want to distribute samples to various journalists or youtubers, but a trivial 24/24 hour streaming on his portal would be enough to show, through a banal webcam, a working SKLep, which demonstrates that there is not a simple battery inside. which would run out in less than an hour.
    She owes it to the whole world and above all to us followers who believed in her and who defend her on every occasion.
    Give us a simple and effective tool that demonstrates that SKLep exists and works, until now we only had data and statements read in your blog available, we cannot fight the skeptics with a video that was unconvincing.
    I don’t want to feel like a priest who begs Christ to give a sign of his existence because his faithful would like something more than the tales of miracles or visions of Our Lady, I’m not so devoted and enlightened by a faith, I need certainties otherwise I too in the end I stop believing.
    P.S. do not answer with the usual: “thank you for your opinion” because in this way you will only lose consensus

  • Art B

    I am planning on ordering 5 SKLep to reduce my utilities bill. I live in Canada so I will get 110 vac input and 110 vac output.
    My plan is simple. Link the 5 SKLep in parallel then plug both input and output into a wall power socket. Question. Will that work OK?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    just go to
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    He,he,he…thnk you for the suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

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