Greg Leonard:
1. the Ecat SKLep gives 12 V, therefore ten in series will give 120 V
2. in this case DC
3. if you put 10 SKLeps in series you will have 120 V, then you will need a step down to fit a battery; after that you will need an inverter to obtain AC.
If the Ecats are in series you need only 1 battery at the end of the series.
Warm Regards,
Dear AR
Firstly, a big thank you for developing the SKLep; it is a revolution.
I am considering a household system with a hybrid battery which can normally be connected to solar PV panels (or wind turbines etc).You can also incorporate a unit which allows the system to run off-line in the case of power cuts.
The input specification suggests it will operate from 100V to 750V DC on the input.
My questions to you
1. Would nine or ten units connected in series be reliably in the voltage range above?
2. Which input should I select for SKLep input AC/DC?
3. If DC input,will I need nine or ten separate 12V batteries to power the SKLep
Greg Leonard
Horst Lorenz Jesti-Pogatschnigg:
The grey energy is irrelevant vs the production of energy during the lifespan of thr Ecat SKLep.
We do not have problems with the rare elements.
Warm Regards,
I am aware the big advantage of EcatSKLEP is zero CO2 emission. Contrary to oil or gasoline. And no danger of radiation or radioactive waste like nuclear energy. And a COP coeffience of performance of 100 – for 1 Watt input I get 100 Watt ouput.
But I have a question concerning manufacturing of an EcatSKLEP. How much of rare earth metals will be needed and what about CO2 emission in the stage of production?
Anyway – I wonder why mainstream-media didn’t pick up the story of EcatSKLEP and the potential to minimise CO2 emissions.
Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi, it is wonderful to see your technology moving forward so fast, after many years and decades of following the story. Our world is reportedly facing a large energy crisis and the technology you have developed has the potential to end this problem. In the past week or so I have emailed several national and international news papers and magazines,and also green and ecology organisations, suggesting that they take an independent look at your technology and its potential benefits for their countries and the world generally. There have been no responses, even though their attention was drawn to your US and European patents, which indicate this technology is real and genuine. Do their editors think this is a scam or are national governments well aware of this technology and its incredible potential, and secretly racing to investigate, replicate or acquire it, for the profound advantages it will bestow in many areas? Is it likely that many newspaper editors are scientific philistines, or more probable that a general official supression on news reports of this breakthough technology has been imposed?. Thank you for the wonderful and inspiring work, faithfully, David Heritage (UK).
Dear Mr. Rossi,
I am in the process of building a house off the grid. So I would like to setup a system with 5kw/h.
My idea is to buy 50 units SKLEP DC imput AC output to run a inverter. A battery to start to run the system which get charged by the inverter.
Can you recommend such a system or should I use the SKLEP in a different way to power a of the grid house?
Dear Andrea Rossi
I would like use the SKLEP to provide electricity to my home. I currently use 48kWh per day winter average. I need to provide 220 vac to power my well, range, water heater, air conditioning as well 110vac for the rest of the house. I use natural gas for heat but i could convert to electric in the future. Please advise what equipment I need.
Thank you
Bernie Morrissey
I am hoping for using the SKLEP (electricity) to eventually provide heat and air conditioning for my home. I would need 2KW/H electricity on the average, not taking into accout peaks and troughs. My guess would be 2000/100 = 20 SKLEP units. My estimation is based on a consultation with EXCEL, my current provider.
I want to congratulate you and your team for this “miracle”. It’s truly the most amazing invention.
I need to understand why with the actual price this is a good investment
If I want to make electricity for my house either I buy:
1. 45 E-cat SKLEP (11.000 $)
2. around 6 E-Cat SKLEP plus batteries and inverter. (8000 to 11.000 $). Of course batteries last maybe 7 years then they have to be replaced.
3. 10 years of electric bills it’s around 11000 $ in Italy
In the first case, maybe they last longer because you only use 4,5 kw a few moments during the day
Probably my ignorance is not making me see clearly a big difference in economic costs. Please explain to me where I’m mistaken.
Also I hope that soon the price will allow low income families to be able to use this wonderful technology. Our planet needs this invention to replace carbon, nuclear and other systems.
Thank you for your help clarifying and thank you for your resilience, courage, endeavor, patience, illumination.
Dear Andrea Rossi
Help I don’t understand. The SKLEP can come with different inputs and different outputs. You say that every application is different. So my question is how do i know what to order?
Bernie Morrissey
I have been noticing some comments asking about inductive loads. I cannot understand why, let’s take the example of a single phase 220V electric motor, this motor will not operate if powered by a single phase 50 Hz 220v supply from a properly sized E-Cat SKLep except for the starting current which would be high until the motor’s speed reaches its operating speed. If this is so, the problem can easily be solved by having a soft starter between the power source and the motor.
I understood that the SKLep would support resistive and inductive loads, but to Iggy Dalrymple you replied ‘yes’ to his question: ‘As I recall from discussions months ago, the SKLep would need a battery buffer to power electric motors?’.
This would mean that motors and transformers can’t be used with the SKLEP? So if I would like to equipe my home with SKLeps it would cost me +/- $25,000 (a huge cost), while I can’t use it for a washing machine, inductive cooker, most electronic appliances…, unless I buy an additional expensive Tesla powerwall? is that correct?
You said: “no, but we are making experiments to extract the available light by means of optic fibers”.
If the problem is that the light source is too bright to look at directly, there are standard solutions which are in use with lamps, including normal incandescent light bulbs. One is to use opal glass (milk glass), the other is to reflect the light by a white diffuse reflector.
If the problem is that the light color is too much blue or in the UV, one can use fluorescent glass to re-emit photons at longer wavelength. If you type “fluorescent glass” into Google image search, you see many beautiful examples. This solution is in use in normal fluorescent light tubes.
I do not know exactly, but optical fiber sounds like expensive solution to me. Not very expensive, but relatively more expensive than old widespread techniques.
Steven N. Karels:
It depends on the specific situation.
If we have clear description of your needs, we can give you the project before the delivery.
Warm Regards,
Diego Lapalma:
1- no, but we are making experiments to extract the available light by means of optic fibers
2- it will depend on the situation
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Why do you have to collect such a large number of pre-orders before you start the mass production and delivery of the SKLeps? Are you really afraid that there could be low demand for the most amazing product ever invented?
Best regards,
1- The plasma inside the SKLep emmits light. Is it possible to use this light for room illumination by making the enclosure transparent via an adjustable lcd screen?
2 – When I need to increase the power of the SKLep I will have to modify the control unit. Can I do this myself following your instructions or do I have to send you everything for modification?
Thanks In advance
And best wishes for your great work
If I wanted to build ten systems and each system contained three SKLeps, would I need to order a total of 30 SKLeps and 10 control units? Do I need to order 3 SKLeps in 10 different orders?
Reinaldo Nunez:
It is not true that he has ever been a member of our Team.
I can remember him, though: he has been presented to me by a common friend and both told me he was a person very well introduced in the highest echelons of the Swedish industrial community; he asked to collaborate with us. I passed the information he gave to me to our investigative office and, after a short due diligence, we decided to turn down his proposal.
Obviously, he is free to express his opinion wherever he wants.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
A person whose name is Peter Lundqvist is writing in the blogs that he has been part of your team: is it true ? I am curious, because so far no one of your team has made public comments. By the way, he is disparaging you.
Reinaldo Nunez
The SKLep should definitely be produced and marketed so that people can experience the technology. If necessary, you should continue to advertise so that the orders increase faster.
Aside from the fact that this little device is the most groundbreaking technical invention of the last 100 or more years, your ingenuity should not rest on it now. Now the time has come when I hope that you make an effort to miniaturize by orders of magnitude and not get personally involved in the challenges of scaling. There are many professionals who have already proven their skills when it comes to scaling.
Greetings and continue the best possible success,
We will start the deliveries after reaching thetarget of 1 million pcs ordered.
About your request, unfortunately the IP protection does not work that way. Anyway, the SKLed didn’t work in SSM.
Warm Regards,
Calle H:
A- Correct
B- Correct
I cannot answer, because I do not know the situatio, anyway we will give consulting to our Clients when we will deliver.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
There is a comment on the ECW about ordering that need some clarification:
A) One E-Cat module = 1 control box (i.e. AI)
B) when you ordered 5 E-Cat modules, you get 1 control box
Is this correct?
The price is
A) $249
B) 5 x 249 = $1245
Is this correct?
I will need two systems for my two houses. Shall I then place two separate orders?
Kind regards,
Calle H
Dear Andrea,
You now have the equivalent dollar value (250x 100000 ) of orders for the SKLEP. Does this mean that you will now start the production process? Tell me how much you want and I will buy one of the SKLEDs from you just to see the unit operate in almost SSM mode. I assure you I will not reverse engineer the product and have no desire to manufacture them.
Anxious regards
Thank you for the update; I noticed a tremendous increase of numbers after the presentation of the Ecat SKLep here:
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi, based on how fast the sales are coming in, do you have a guess as to how long it will take for one million orders of the SKLEP to be reached?
Dr Rossi,
Do you think it has been fair for us who ordered an Ecat SKLed to put it out of market ?
Greg Leonard:
1. the Ecat SKLep gives 12 V, therefore ten in series will give 120 V
2. in this case DC
3. if you put 10 SKLeps in series you will have 120 V, then you will need a step down to fit a battery; after that you will need an inverter to obtain AC.
If the Ecats are in series you need only 1 battery at the end of the series.
Warm Regards,
Dear AR
Firstly, a big thank you for developing the SKLep; it is a revolution.
I am considering a household system with a hybrid battery which can normally be connected to solar PV panels (or wind turbines etc).You can also incorporate a unit which allows the system to run off-line in the case of power cuts.
The input specification suggests it will operate from 100V to 750V DC on the input.
My questions to you
1. Would nine or ten units connected in series be reliably in the voltage range above?
2. Which input should I select for SKLep input AC/DC?
3. If DC input,will I need nine or ten separate 12V batteries to power the SKLep
Greg Leonard
Tom Conover:
It is correct, but we must know the minimum peak power you need,
Warm Regards,
Bernie Morrissey:
In how many hours per day the 48 kWh are distributed ? Which is your peak power in kW ?
Warm Regards,
Richard Stettler:
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your kind support and your insight.
Warm Regards,
Horst Lorenz Jesti-Pogatschnigg:
The grey energy is irrelevant vs the production of energy during the lifespan of thr Ecat SKLep.
We do not have problems with the rare elements.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I am aware the big advantage of EcatSKLEP is zero CO2 emission. Contrary to oil or gasoline. And no danger of radiation or radioactive waste like nuclear energy. And a COP coeffience of performance of 100 – for 1 Watt input I get 100 Watt ouput.
But I have a question concerning manufacturing of an EcatSKLEP. How much of rare earth metals will be needed and what about CO2 emission in the stage of production?
Anyway – I wonder why mainstream-media didn’t pick up the story of EcatSKLEP and the potential to minimise CO2 emissions.
Thank you and good luck
Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi, it is wonderful to see your technology moving forward so fast, after many years and decades of following the story. Our world is reportedly facing a large energy crisis and the technology you have developed has the potential to end this problem. In the past week or so I have emailed several national and international news papers and magazines,and also green and ecology organisations, suggesting that they take an independent look at your technology and its potential benefits for their countries and the world generally. There have been no responses, even though their attention was drawn to your US and European patents, which indicate this technology is real and genuine. Do their editors think this is a scam or are national governments well aware of this technology and its incredible potential, and secretly racing to investigate, replicate or acquire it, for the profound advantages it will bestow in many areas? Is it likely that many newspaper editors are scientific philistines, or more probable that a general official supression on news reports of this breakthough technology has been imposed?. Thank you for the wonderful and inspiring work, faithfully, David Heritage (UK).
Dear Mr. Rossi,
I am in the process of building a house off the grid. So I would like to setup a system with 5kw/h.
My idea is to buy 50 units SKLEP DC imput AC output to run a inverter. A battery to start to run the system which get charged by the inverter.
Can you recommend such a system or should I use the SKLEP in a different way to power a of the grid house?
Dear Andrea Rossi
I would like use the SKLEP to provide electricity to my home. I currently use 48kWh per day winter average. I need to provide 220 vac to power my well, range, water heater, air conditioning as well 110vac for the rest of the house. I use natural gas for heat but i could convert to electric in the future. Please advise what equipment I need.
Thank you
Bernie Morrissey
Dear Andrea,
I am hoping for using the SKLEP (electricity) to eventually provide heat and air conditioning for my home. I would need 2KW/H electricity on the average, not taking into accout peaks and troughs. My guess would be 2000/100 = 20 SKLEP units. My estimation is based on a consultation with EXCEL, my current provider.
Warm regards,
Bernie Morrissey:
Please tell me what you need to do with the Ecat SKLep and I will answer you how to do it.
Warm Regards,
Hello Mr. Rossi,
I want to congratulate you and your team for this “miracle”. It’s truly the most amazing invention.
I need to understand why with the actual price this is a good investment
If I want to make electricity for my house either I buy:
1. 45 E-cat SKLEP (11.000 $)
2. around 6 E-Cat SKLEP plus batteries and inverter. (8000 to 11.000 $). Of course batteries last maybe 7 years then they have to be replaced.
3. 10 years of electric bills it’s around 11000 $ in Italy
In the first case, maybe they last longer because you only use 4,5 kw a few moments during the day
Probably my ignorance is not making me see clearly a big difference in economic costs. Please explain to me where I’m mistaken.
Also I hope that soon the price will allow low income families to be able to use this wonderful technology. Our planet needs this invention to replace carbon, nuclear and other systems.
Thank you for your help clarifying and thank you for your resilience, courage, endeavor, patience, illumination.
Kind Regards,
Alfonso Troisi
Dear Andrea Rossi
Help I don’t understand. The SKLEP can come with different inputs and different outputs. You say that every application is different. So my question is how do i know what to order?
Bernie Morrissey
Albert Ellul:
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Mats Heijkenskjold:
Of course yes,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
You said that you will give specific instructions just before the delivery, after knowing the specific situations. That is OK.
However is it possible to stop the delivery if something in the instructions are unclear or false?
Mats Heijkenskjold
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I have been noticing some comments asking about inductive loads. I cannot understand why, let’s take the example of a single phase 220V electric motor, this motor will not operate if powered by a single phase 50 Hz 220v supply from a properly sized E-Cat SKLep except for the starting current which would be high until the motor’s speed reaches its operating speed. If this is so, the problem can easily be solved by having a soft starter between the power source and the motor.
Pekka Janhunen:
We are just making experiments about the use og O.F.
Warm Regards,
We will give specific instructions just before the delivery, after knowing the specific situations,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I understood that the SKLep would support resistive and inductive loads, but to Iggy Dalrymple you replied ‘yes’ to his question: ‘As I recall from discussions months ago, the SKLep would need a battery buffer to power electric motors?’.
This would mean that motors and transformers can’t be used with the SKLEP? So if I would like to equipe my home with SKLeps it would cost me +/- $25,000 (a huge cost), while I can’t use it for a washing machine, inductive cooker, most electronic appliances…, unless I buy an additional expensive Tesla powerwall? is that correct?
With kind regards,
Dear Andrea,
You said: “no, but we are making experiments to extract the available light by means of optic fibers”.
If the problem is that the light source is too bright to look at directly, there are standard solutions which are in use with lamps, including normal incandescent light bulbs. One is to use opal glass (milk glass), the other is to reflect the light by a white diffuse reflector.
If the problem is that the light color is too much blue or in the UV, one can use fluorescent glass to re-emit photons at longer wavelength. If you type “fluorescent glass” into Google image search, you see many beautiful examples. This solution is in use in normal fluorescent light tubes.
I do not know exactly, but optical fiber sounds like expensive solution to me. Not very expensive, but relatively more expensive than old widespread techniques.
Best regards, /pekka
Steven N. Karels:
It depends on the specific situation.
If we have clear description of your needs, we can give you the project before the delivery.
Warm Regards,
Diego Lapalma:
1- no, but we are making experiments to extract the available light by means of optic fibers
2- it will depend on the situation
Warm Regards,
To reach the economy scale necessary to maintain that price,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your kind support,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
I am enchanted after watching your historic presentation video of the Ecat SKLed.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Why do you have to collect such a large number of pre-orders before you start the mass production and delivery of the SKLeps? Are you really afraid that there could be low demand for the most amazing product ever invented?
Best regards,
Dear Doc. Rossi
1- The plasma inside the SKLep emmits light. Is it possible to use this light for room illumination by making the enclosure transparent via an adjustable lcd screen?
2 – When I need to increase the power of the SKLep I will have to modify the control unit. Can I do this myself following your instructions or do I have to send you everything for modification?
Thanks In advance
And best wishes for your great work
Dear Andrea Rossi,
If I wanted to build ten systems and each system contained three SKLeps, would I need to order a total of 30 SKLeps and 10 control units? Do I need to order 3 SKLeps in 10 different orders?
Reinaldo Nunez:
It is not true that he has ever been a member of our Team.
I can remember him, though: he has been presented to me by a common friend and both told me he was a person very well introduced in the highest echelons of the Swedish industrial community; he asked to collaborate with us. I passed the information he gave to me to our investigative office and, after a short due diligence, we decided to turn down his proposal.
Obviously, he is free to express his opinion wherever he wants.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
A person whose name is Peter Lundqvist is writing in the blogs that he has been part of your team: is it true ? I am curious, because so far no one of your team has made public comments. By the way, he is disparaging you.
Reinaldo Nunez
Wilfried Babelotzky:
Thank you for the suggestion.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
The SKLep should definitely be produced and marketed so that people can experience the technology. If necessary, you should continue to advertise so that the orders increase faster.
Aside from the fact that this little device is the most groundbreaking technical invention of the last 100 or more years, your ingenuity should not rest on it now. Now the time has come when I hope that you make an effort to miniaturize by orders of magnitude and not get personally involved in the challenges of scaling. There are many professionals who have already proven their skills when it comes to scaling.
Greetings and continue the best possible success,
Thank you for yor attention to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
I add my vote to the silent majority that reputes excellent and historical presentation of the Ecat SKLep on December 9th,
All the best
We will start the deliveries after reaching thetarget of 1 million pcs ordered.
About your request, unfortunately the IP protection does not work that way. Anyway, the SKLed didn’t work in SSM.
Warm Regards,
Calle H:
A- Correct
B- Correct
I cannot answer, because I do not know the situatio, anyway we will give consulting to our Clients when we will deliver.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your kind support,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
Congratulations for the video presentation of the Ecat SKLed I watched today on E-Catworld.
I am not surprised that the readings of
have skyrocketed after December 9th
Ad Majora,
Dr Rossi,
I am enthusiast of your presentation and the numbers of the orders are well merited,
Dear Dr Rossi,
There is a comment on the ECW about ordering that need some clarification:
A) One E-Cat module = 1 control box (i.e. AI)
B) when you ordered 5 E-Cat modules, you get 1 control box
Is this correct?
The price is
A) $249
B) 5 x 249 = $1245
Is this correct?
I will need two systems for my two houses. Shall I then place two separate orders?
Kind regards,
Calle H
Dear Andrea,
You now have the equivalent dollar value (250x 100000 ) of orders for the SKLEP. Does this mean that you will now start the production process? Tell me how much you want and I will buy one of the SKLEDs from you just to see the unit operate in almost SSM mode. I assure you I will not reverse engineer the product and have no desire to manufacture them.
Anxious regards
Thank you for the update; I noticed a tremendous increase of numbers after the presentation of the Ecat SKLep here:
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
here are the stats of your papers on Researchgate I found today watching
Readings 81100
Reccomendations 6366
Citations 28
Total Research Interest index 1651
And counting…
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi, based on how fast the sales are coming in, do you have a guess as to how long it will take for one million orders of the SKLEP to be reached?