Can you please convert my order for two E-Cat SKLed and add them to my E-cat SKLep orders. This will result in only one order of (4) E-cat SKLep orders. If you haven’t done this already …
Is the 1-Watt input and 100-Watt output only applicable to the SKLep? Does that 1-Watt include power consumed by the Controller? If it does not include the Controller power, how much power is consumed by the Controller?
1) Do you have a method for validating the authenticity of anyone ordering large numbers of SKLeps, just in case they are more interested in you reaching 1 million orders, rather than completing the order?
2) If a client who had ordered a large number (say, multiple 10s of thousands or larger) of SKLeps cancels before payment is due, could that impact your production fulfillment to other orders?
Hello Dr. Rossi,
I was very excited when order form for E-cat SKLep got public but then I was surprised by the price because some time ago you said that with economy of scale the price could be lower than 350 $/kwh.
Anyway I’ll hope it will be in the future and started reasoning what can be the best installation for my house.
These are my data.
North Italy
Usage: 3000 kwh/y
Energy price (excluding fixed prices that I can’t avoid anyway):
Let’s take as a reference “Fascia unica” from “Regime a maggior tutela” as regulated by Autority for energy.
So one of the most expensive for a regular home and not a cheap one from the free market options.
That’s 0,20474 €/kWh
We can then add about 0.02 €/kwh as regional tax and 10% VAT.
Grand total with taxes: ~741 €/y
To cover for medium usage I need 4 E-cat SKLep (3000kwh / 365 / 24 = 0.342 kw) so about 1000 €
Then I need batteries (let say 5 kwh) to cover for peak usage … let’s say 2500 €
Then I need an inverter and all must be installed, connected and certified by a technician … let’s say 1000 €
Ball park total: ~4500 €
Return of investment time about 6 years.
Where is the error in my calculations?
How the 1 year return of investment can come from?
By the way going for a product that’s new and not on the market and tested by many costumers for many years has some risks too.
For example if there’s a problem with E-cat SKLep you’ll return me the 1000 € (if still in business or in credit card refund period) but I’ll have no way to recover the other ~3500 € I would have spent.
Even in the best case scenario I pay 4500 € up-front and in 10 year I don’t have to pay 7410 € to the grid.
So I’ll spare 2910 € or 291 €/y that’s equivalent to less than 6.5% interest rate on the up-front investment.
For being an early adopter of a start-up that has a completely revolutionary product that will change the world and physics forever it’s not that much.
Don’t get me wrong, I think you have an incredible product that’s desperately needed to save planet and to start a golden age for humanity.
I’m reasonably convinced, even if I don’t have prof myself, that you have what you claim, too.
The problem is that with current numbers it’s very difficult for me to rationally justify this kind of investment.
Hopefully for energy providers numbers run very differently so that 2500€/kw are really cheap and are a no-brainier even with some risks associated.
This way we can have the energy revolution we desperately need and maybe in the future prices can become lower.
Will the controller (AI) unit receive either AC power or DC power (or must it be specified at the time of ordering or does it get it power from the SKLep(s))? What physical dimensions do you estimate the controller will be for controlling 3 SKLeps? Thank you.
Dear Andrea!
I didn´t understand your answer to my question, could you please explane to me:
Is it not 1W in and 100W out in every E-catSKlep and the electricity in can be formed so it suits the E-catSKlep?
Best regards
Nils Fryklund
Dear Dr.Rossi,
i have some questions:
1. what is the tolerance plus or minus for input Vcc of a SKLep ?
2. in the event of an increase in the load, is IA turn automatically down the Ecat instantaneous, or can we have a small and short supplementary power?
3. is this correct ? : I imagined one SKLep connected to give 12 Vcc to n SKLep (maxi:99)
This starts with an impulse to input from 2 battery 1,5V and a step up converter 3/12V and a push button.
Then we use a small diode and a switch on/off to connect the output to the input of this.
(the life of battery 1,5V is much longer than that of a rechargeable battery 1,2V.)
(step up converter : 1$ )
Dear Doctor, I wish you and your team a happy Christmas !
Dear Andrea!
It would be interesting to have an answer to this question:
If you connect the E-catSKleps so that they drift eachother,can you
then get infinite energy on only one flashlight battery from start?
Will it only be the price for the E-catSKleps which makes the limit?
Best regards
Nils Fryklund
Gavino Mamia:
I just corrected the numbers: it is impossible in Italy to consume that amount of electricity and spend that price.
Just read carefully what he wrote and what I answered
Warm Regards
Dott. Rossi, non capisco la tua risposta a Alfonso David Troisi Lopez
Lui dice che spende 11.000$ circa in 10 anni e tu gli proponi 45 Ecat SKLep che costano circa 11.250$ e che durano 10 anni.
Dr. Rossi, I don’t understand your answer to Alfonso David Troisi Lopez
He says he spends about $ 11,000 in 10 years and you offer him 45 Ecat SKLeps that cost about $ 11,250 and last 10 years.
Dear Mr. Rossi,
just a stupid question:
Is one ecat SKLEP with AC (230V) be able to work with a 100 Watt light bulb?
Or are there additionally equippings necessary (besides bulbholder)?
Best regards
If you are buying back used E-Cat SKLed’s, do you foresee the possibility of a future market for recharged / refurbished units to be sold at a discounted price and possibly a lesser warranty period.
Dear AR,
In your presentation, I think you demonstrated a unit with AC input and DC output.
The 12V through a 1 Ohm resistor would take just over 8 Amps to yield 100 Watts.
1. If you used a two Ohm resistor, would it be 4 Amps and 50 Watts?
2. What would happen if you used 0.5 Ohm resistor?
3. Can the SKLep operate on its side, upside down …?
Greg Leonard
It appears that the AI or Controller unit is a separate device and capable of controlling one or more SKLep units. Do you have an estimate of the size of the unit?
Alfonso David Troisi Lopez:
First of all, I apologyze for the late answer, I just missed your important comment, my fault.
Thank you for your kind words about the work made by our Team.
Let’s remake together the maths:
I have been informed that in Italy the average cost of a kWh is presently 0.3 Euro
45 Ecat SKLep cost about 11250 $ = 9900 Euro
45 Ecat generate 45 x 100 = 4500 Wh/h = 4.5 kWh/h
The expected operative lifespan of the Ecat SKLep is 100000 hours, therefore in 100000 hours the Ecat will generate 4.5 x 100000 = 450000 kWh
The price of 450000 kWh is Euro 0.3 x 450000 = 135000 Euro
Even considering the cost of the inverter and the battery, and the maintenance, the system made by 45 Ecat SKLeps pays back itself in one year, after one year it is all money saved.
Last, but not least: at the end of their life, the old Ecats are retired by us and completely recycled ( zero waste ), and we pay for them the 10% of their original price, making a discount of the 10% on the new Ecats.
Warm Regards,
Ron Stringer:
Good point, but we will give specific consultancy just before delivery, while now I just can just give summary information.
The best thing is to order the basic Ecat SKLep as described in the order form, ordering the necessary amount of units, just dividing the peak power of the consume in Watts divided by 100. All the rest can be supplied at the moment od the delivery, either by a local certified contractor in case of more complex situations, or by us, in case of simple situations like converting DC into AC and vice-versa, at the input and/or at the output.
Warm Regards,
I did not get a replay to my comment posted 2 day ago. Maybe it was too wrong to comment. I will post it again here hoping for a replay.
Best Regards,
Alfonso Troisi Lopez
Hello Mr. Rossi,
I want to congratulate you and your team for this “miracle”. It’s truly the most amazing invention.
I need to understand why with the actual price this is a good investment
If I want to make electricity for my house either I buy:
1. 45 E-cat SKLEP (11.000 $)
2. around 6 E-Cat SKLEP plus batteries and inverter. (8000 to 11.000 $). Of course batteries last maybe 7 years then they have to be replaced.
3. 10 years of electric bills it’s around 11000 $ in Italy
In the first case, maybe they last longer because you only use 4,5 kw a few moments during the day
Probably my ignorance is not making me see clearly a big difference in economic costs. Please explain to me where I’m mistaken.
Also I hope that soon the price will allow low income families to be able to use this wonderful technology. Our planet needs this invention to replace carbon, nuclear and other systems.
Thank you for your help clarifying and thank you for your resilience, courage, endeavor, patience, illumination.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
It might be to your advantage to assign one of your team to put together some basic planning information on your website, so you can refer people to that rather than answering all of these questions yourself. There are several spreadsheets on the web for determining electrical loads to determine system sizing, maybe something like that might be useful as well.
Just a thought.
Ron Stringer
Dear Dr. Rossi,
1- What is the difference between a SKLep with DC input and output and a SKLep with AC input and output?
2- I believe that in the second type input and output conversion circuits have been added, but the generator should be basically the same.
Is it right?
Thank you for your kind words.
1- the Ecat system is integrable with your system, but when you will install it you will need a professional certified electricist
2- yes
3- the SKLep generates 12 V; putting them in series the voltage sum up, putting them in parallel the Amperes sum up and making V x A you get W
4- see 3
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr. Rossi,
If the SKleps are put together serial, how big is the probability, that one unit will fall out? And if one of the units does not work, is the circuit interrupted and the whole SKleps do not deliver energy?
How is the sitution with the AC version? Are the units put together parallel?
Dear Andrea,
If you construct a production line for the SKLEP can’t you also produce the SKLED for people who would want the unique light source for a variety of reasons such as farming and exterior lighting?
Curious regards.
I strongly empathyse with you, but it is not a matter of fairness: it is a metter of numbers. After the presentation of the Ecat SKLep the orders for the Ecat SKLed have continued to decrease to a poinr that we could no more hope to reach the target necessary to sell them at an acceptable price.
Almost all the buyers of the SKLed turned their orders to the SKLep.
Warm Regards,
connected to the grid, initially without battery, connected to 11 SkLep in series (11 because the ignition voltage is 100V)
not using a storage system, and producing 1.1KWh, I would normally sell energy to the electricity supplier.
but during peak demand, in addition to using the energy produced by the SKleps, I should take the surplus demand from the grid (the inverter would do it automatically)
1) Is it feasible?
2) Do I have to buy SKlep in CC / CC configuration?
3) Can I use 10 SKLeps instead of 11 having the output adjustable up to 14 / 15V?
3) at the ends of the “SKLep series” will I have to connect a battery?
4) If so, what power?
Gregory Daigle:
1- yes
2- it depends on the numbers
Warm Regards,
Steven Nicholes Karels:
1- yes
2- n.a.
Warm Regards,
Tom Conover:
yes, just send your modified oerder to
and write “this order cancels my order dated…”
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Can you please convert my order for two E-Cat SKLed and add them to my E-cat SKLep orders. This will result in only one order of (4) E-cat SKLep orders. If you haven’t done this already …
Warm Regards,
Tom Conover
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Is the 1-Watt input and 100-Watt output only applicable to the SKLep? Does that 1-Watt include power consumed by the Controller? If it does not include the Controller power, how much power is consumed by the Controller?
Dr Rossi,
1) Do you have a method for validating the authenticity of anyone ordering large numbers of SKLeps, just in case they are more interested in you reaching 1 million orders, rather than completing the order?
2) If a client who had ordered a large number (say, multiple 10s of thousands or larger) of SKLeps cancels before payment is due, could that impact your production fulfillment to other orders?
Best regards,
Nils Fryklund:
The numbers are exactly as shown in the video presentation on
Warm Regards,
Steven Nicholes Karels:
1- must be specified
2- 8″ x 8″ x 1″
Warm Regards,
Alessandro Ferrari:
On the base of the energy bill he receives, everybody can make his calculations. I made mine.
Warm Regards,
Hello Dr. Rossi,
I was very excited when order form for E-cat SKLep got public but then I was surprised by the price because some time ago you said that with economy of scale the price could be lower than 350 $/kwh.
Anyway I’ll hope it will be in the future and started reasoning what can be the best installation for my house.
These are my data.
North Italy
Usage: 3000 kwh/y
Energy price (excluding fixed prices that I can’t avoid anyway):
Let’s take as a reference “Fascia unica” from “Regime a maggior tutela” as regulated by Autority for energy.
So one of the most expensive for a regular home and not a cheap one from the free market options.
That’s 0,20474 €/kWh
We can then add about 0.02 €/kwh as regional tax and 10% VAT.
Grand total with taxes: ~741 €/y
To cover for medium usage I need 4 E-cat SKLep (3000kwh / 365 / 24 = 0.342 kw) so about 1000 €
Then I need batteries (let say 5 kwh) to cover for peak usage … let’s say 2500 €
Then I need an inverter and all must be installed, connected and certified by a technician … let’s say 1000 €
Ball park total: ~4500 €
Return of investment time about 6 years.
Where is the error in my calculations?
How the 1 year return of investment can come from?
By the way going for a product that’s new and not on the market and tested by many costumers for many years has some risks too.
For example if there’s a problem with E-cat SKLep you’ll return me the 1000 € (if still in business or in credit card refund period) but I’ll have no way to recover the other ~3500 € I would have spent.
Even in the best case scenario I pay 4500 € up-front and in 10 year I don’t have to pay 7410 € to the grid.
So I’ll spare 2910 € or 291 €/y that’s equivalent to less than 6.5% interest rate on the up-front investment.
For being an early adopter of a start-up that has a completely revolutionary product that will change the world and physics forever it’s not that much.
Don’t get me wrong, I think you have an incredible product that’s desperately needed to save planet and to start a golden age for humanity.
I’m reasonably convinced, even if I don’t have prof myself, that you have what you claim, too.
The problem is that with current numbers it’s very difficult for me to rationally justify this kind of investment.
Hopefully for energy providers numbers run very differently so that 2500€/kw are really cheap and are a no-brainier even with some risks associated.
This way we can have the energy revolution we desperately need and maybe in the future prices can become lower.
Best luck,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Will the controller (AI) unit receive either AC power or DC power (or must it be specified at the time of ordering or does it get it power from the SKLep(s))? What physical dimensions do you estimate the controller will be for controlling 3 SKLeps? Thank you.
Dear Andrea!
I didn´t understand your answer to my question, could you please explane to me:
Is it not 1W in and 100W out in every E-catSKlep and the electricity in can be formed so it suits the E-catSKlep?
Best regards
Nils Fryklund
Fabrizio Sgorlon:
It depends on the specific situations
Warm Regards
Steven Nichole’s Karen’s:
Depends on the number of units
Warm Regards
No, we will recycle them totally
Warm Regards
Dear Dr.Rossi,
i have some questions:
1. what is the tolerance plus or minus for input Vcc of a SKLep ?
2. in the event of an increase in the load, is IA turn automatically down the Ecat instantaneous, or can we have a small and short supplementary power?
3. is this correct ? : I imagined one SKLep connected to give 12 Vcc to n SKLep (maxi:99)
This starts with an impulse to input from 2 battery 1,5V and a step up converter 3/12V and a push button.
Then we use a small diode and a switch on/off to connect the output to the input of this.
(the life of battery 1,5V is much longer than that of a rechargeable battery 1,2V.)
(step up converter : 1$ )
Dear Doctor, I wish you and your team a happy Christmas !
Depends on the voltage requested at the lighting
Warm Regards
Nils Fryklund:
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea!
It would be interesting to have an answer to this question:
If you connect the E-catSKleps so that they drift eachother,can you
then get infinite energy on only one flashlight battery from start?
Will it only be the price for the E-catSKleps which makes the limit?
Best regards
Nils Fryklund
Thank you for the link
Warm Regards
Gavino Mamia:
I just corrected the numbers: it is impossible in Italy to consume that amount of electricity and spend that price.
Just read carefully what he wrote and what I answered
Warm Regards
Dott. Rossi, non capisco la tua risposta a Alfonso David Troisi Lopez
Lui dice che spende 11.000$ circa in 10 anni e tu gli proponi 45 Ecat SKLep che costano circa 11.250$ e che durano 10 anni.
Dr. Rossi, I don’t understand your answer to Alfonso David Troisi Lopez
He says he spends about $ 11,000 in 10 years and you offer him 45 Ecat SKLeps that cost about $ 11,250 and last 10 years.
Hello DR Rossi
Another Revolutionary
Dear Mr. Rossi,
just a stupid question:
Is one ecat SKLEP with AC (230V) be able to work with a 100 Watt light bulb?
Or are there additionally equippings necessary (besides bulbholder)?
Best regards
Dear Andrea,
If you are buying back used E-Cat SKLed’s, do you foresee the possibility of a future market for recharged / refurbished units to be sold at a discounted price and possibly a lesser warranty period.
Keith Thomson.
Dear AR,
In your presentation, I think you demonstrated a unit with AC input and DC output.
The 12V through a 1 Ohm resistor would take just over 8 Amps to yield 100 Watts.
1. If you used a two Ohm resistor, would it be 4 Amps and 50 Watts?
2. What would happen if you used 0.5 Ohm resistor?
3. Can the SKLep operate on its side, upside down …?
Greg Leonard
Dear Andrea Rossi,
It appears that the AI or Controller unit is a separate device and capable of controlling one or more SKLep units. Do you have an estimate of the size of the unit?
Good Mornig DR Rossi
may I ask you please
1-if the true nature of ECAT technology is to produce heat, why not use it to heat the water in home radiators?
2-or Is it more convenient to use ECAT EP to run a heat pump (air conditioner) that heats the air in the house?
3-will there be a thermal ECAT for domestic use (20 KW of heat) in the near future? (One year)
thank you and well Done
fabrizio sgorlon Jesolo lido Italy
Alfonso David Troisi Lopez:
First of all, I apologyze for the late answer, I just missed your important comment, my fault.
Thank you for your kind words about the work made by our Team.
Let’s remake together the maths:
I have been informed that in Italy the average cost of a kWh is presently 0.3 Euro
45 Ecat SKLep cost about 11250 $ = 9900 Euro
45 Ecat generate 45 x 100 = 4500 Wh/h = 4.5 kWh/h
The expected operative lifespan of the Ecat SKLep is 100000 hours, therefore in 100000 hours the Ecat will generate 4.5 x 100000 = 450000 kWh
The price of 450000 kWh is Euro 0.3 x 450000 = 135000 Euro
Even considering the cost of the inverter and the battery, and the maintenance, the system made by 45 Ecat SKLeps pays back itself in one year, after one year it is all money saved.
Last, but not least: at the end of their life, the old Ecats are retired by us and completely recycled ( zero waste ), and we pay for them the 10% of their original price, making a discount of the 10% on the new Ecats.
Warm Regards,
Ron Stringer:
Good point, but we will give specific consultancy just before delivery, while now I just can just give summary information.
The best thing is to order the basic Ecat SKLep as described in the order form, ordering the necessary amount of units, just dividing the peak power of the consume in Watts divided by 100. All the rest can be supplied at the moment od the delivery, either by a local certified contractor in case of more complex situations, or by us, in case of simple situations like converting DC into AC and vice-versa, at the input and/or at the output.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I did not get a replay to my comment posted 2 day ago. Maybe it was too wrong to comment. I will post it again here hoping for a replay.
Best Regards,
Alfonso Troisi Lopez
Hello Mr. Rossi,
I want to congratulate you and your team for this “miracle”. It’s truly the most amazing invention.
I need to understand why with the actual price this is a good investment
If I want to make electricity for my house either I buy:
1. 45 E-cat SKLEP (11.000 $)
2. around 6 E-Cat SKLEP plus batteries and inverter. (8000 to 11.000 $). Of course batteries last maybe 7 years then they have to be replaced.
3. 10 years of electric bills it’s around 11000 $ in Italy
In the first case, maybe they last longer because you only use 4,5 kw a few moments during the day
Probably my ignorance is not making me see clearly a big difference in economic costs. Please explain to me where I’m mistaken.
Also I hope that soon the price will allow low income families to be able to use this wonderful technology. Our planet needs this invention to replace carbon, nuclear and other systems.
Thank you for your help clarifying and thank you for your resilience, courage, endeavor, patience, illumination.
Kind Regards,
Alfonso Troisi
Dear Dr. Rossi,
It might be to your advantage to assign one of your team to put together some basic planning information on your website, so you can refer people to that rather than answering all of these questions yourself. There are several spreadsheets on the web for determining electrical loads to determine system sizing, maybe something like that might be useful as well.
Just a thought.
Ron Stringer
Italo R.:
1- depends on the specific situations
2- yes
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Hello DR Rossi
This is an interesting Video
about manufacturing a new
Dear Dr. Rossi,
1- What is the difference between a SKLep with DC input and output and a SKLep with AC input and output?
2- I believe that in the second type input and output conversion circuits have been added, but the generator should be basically the same.
Is it right?
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Thank you for your kind words.
1- the Ecat system is integrable with your system, but when you will install it you will need a professional certified electricist
2- yes
3- the SKLep generates 12 V; putting them in series the voltage sum up, putting them in parallel the Amperes sum up and making V x A you get W
4- see 3
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr. Rossi,
If the SKleps are put together serial, how big is the probability, that one unit will fall out? And if one of the units does not work, is the circuit interrupted and the whole SKleps do not deliver energy?
How is the sitution with the AC version? Are the units put together parallel?
Thank you for answering – Andreas
I already answered,
Warm Regards,
Thank you !
Warm Regards,
Salvatore Boi:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
1. no
2. the A.I. turns automatically down the Ecat
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
1) Is it correct to think that the generator is currently only a prototype that still needs some tweaking and finishing?
2) What happens in the event of a short circuit? Does the SKLep break down or is there an automatic fuse built in?
With kind regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi and Team, may be that this Italian idea can be useful for Ecat SKLep’s application:
Mr Andrea Rossi,
I was one who believed you would never make the presentation you announced. I must say I was wrong.
Congratulations, great job
Dear Andrea,
If you construct a production line for the SKLEP can’t you also produce the SKLED for people who would want the unique light source for a variety of reasons such as farming and exterior lighting?
Curious regards.
I strongly empathyse with you, but it is not a matter of fairness: it is a metter of numbers. After the presentation of the Ecat SKLep the orders for the Ecat SKLed have continued to decrease to a poinr that we could no more hope to reach the target necessary to sell them at an acceptable price.
Almost all the buyers of the SKLed turned their orders to the SKLep.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi
With the presentation and announcement of the SKLep, the world can finally become greener.
My question:
The maximum power of my home system is 3 kW
the standard consumption is 400 Wh/h but with a peak consumption of 3KWh/h (washing machine or dishwasher or hairdryer etc)
my intention is to use a hybrid inverter of this type (SUN2000-3KTL-L1)
connected to the grid, initially without battery, connected to 11 SkLep in series (11 because the ignition voltage is 100V)
not using a storage system, and producing 1.1KWh, I would normally sell energy to the electricity supplier.
but during peak demand, in addition to using the energy produced by the SKleps, I should take the surplus demand from the grid (the inverter would do it automatically)
1) Is it feasible?
2) Do I have to buy SKlep in CC / CC configuration?
3) Can I use 10 SKLeps instead of 11 having the output adjustable up to 14 / 15V?
3) at the ends of the “SKLep series” will I have to connect a battery?
4) If so, what power?
best regards
Thank you for your support,
Warm Regards,
I want to gongratulate for the beautiful video of the presentation of the cat SKLed I watched on
Very impressive,