United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,104 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Enzo

    Andrea, frankly, I don’t understand the idea of one million units to be ordered before production/delivery.

    If you sold NOW let’s say 5000 units to selected customers, the world woud rapidly see that the device works really and in no time you would have several millions orders.
    Large technology companies and not would order so many of those SKLeps to cause months or years of delay for deliveries.

    In my humble opinion the path you are choosing is wrong. The about 100.000 orders you have received are from the “four cats” that have been following you with interest for years. You need 10 times that orders: it’s difficult or impossible.
    I have ordered an SKLep too even though I have my doubts about how it works.

    Rossi: simply “save the mankind” from energy catastrophe. Throw quickly a few hundreds or thousands SKLep on the market and you will see that the million orders will be reached in no time.

  • Dear Andrea,

    “… but still the Ecat SKLep pays back itself in 1 year”.

    Assuming 0.3 eur electricity cost per kWh. That is important to add, because in some countries like Finland electricity may have costed only in the range 0.02-0.1 eur/kWh, depending on the type of contract and other circumstances. Excluding the presently ongoing peak price period.

    Best regards, /pekka

  • Andrea Rossi

    I agree
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight and suggestion, but still the Ecat SKLep pays back itself in 1 year
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your kind words for our Team.
    1) yes
    2) yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Marc Battez:
    Thank you for the link, and for your kind support.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    1. As you can see watching the video in http://www.ecat.com the consume of electricity of the p.s. is exactly equal to the total consume ( p.s. plus Ecat ) when also the Ecat SKLep is connected
    2. yes: if I remember well, it is also written in the report of the Institute of Physics and Astrophysics of the University of Bologna
    3. yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    I have 3 questions:
    1. In Q&A on ECW on this question: ‘when goes the SKLep into SSM?’ You replied to this question “After I disconnect the Ecat SKLep.” I have been watching that part, but do not understand how one can see that it goes into SSM at that moment. Because of no load the SKLep goes into idle mode, obviously. But while the input power supply is still connected, why do you think it goes into SSM? Can you explain that please?
    2. Can you confirm that some time before the 6 hour duration test, done by the University of Bologna, took place, the exact value of the 1 ohm load resistance was verified with the Fluke multimeter that measured the voltage over this resistor later on?
    3. Can one 12V power supply unit (PSU) be used for driving multiple SKLep’s?
    Thanks if you can answer.
    Kind regards, Gerard

  • WaltC

    Dr. Andrea Rossi,

    I’d like to add my vote to those suggesting a full-time, 24/7 webcast of a simple Ecat-SKLep setup. Here’s why:

    In talking about your Ecat devices to my science-minded friends, the response is often something along the lines of of the “Sagan Standard” (“extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”) or more simply put, “A one hour demo is interesting but insufficient to *prove* extraordinary claims.”

    Now granted, your “ideal customer” is not individuals like my friends, but companies like EV (Electric Vehicle) manufacturers. One EV company, all by itself, could probably put you over the 1 Million mark– at 100 to 200 SKLep’s per car (10KW to 20KW), replacing some of the lithium batteries, they could easily utilize those in 5K to 10K vehicles.

    My point is that EV manufacturers, like my science-minded friends, would probably be more likely to be persuaded by a long-duration demo, than a shorter one.

    Best wishes,

  • Marc Battez

    Thank you for all these years of research, thank you to you and your team.

    A French zinc producer can no longer operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week because the price of electricity in normal hours means that it produces at a loss therefore it suspends its production outside the hours at reduced electricity cost.


    If you want to contact him here are these coordinates:


  • Maico

    Dear Dr. Rossi

    I still think that the SLKLep with its ability to multiply the energy input by 100 (1W in input, 100w in output)is the greatest discovery of the last century !!!

    At the same time, I and many others who have followed it for more than 10 years, wish to have one or more SKlep in our hands. To “personally enjoy” of this “Technological Singularity”.

    To ensure that this happens quickly, the hope is that the quantity of pre-orders will reach a million pieces as soon as possible.

    I am convinced that the demand for SKlep will increase exponentially when we try the first SKlep, making available on the internet the results of our functional tests. Evidence that will surely confirm the published data.

    Indeed knowing his “way of acting” (conservative) I am sure that the “real performance” will be higher than the published data ….

    I understand that economies of scale require reaching one million pre-orders but do not underestimate the help we can give you, supporters of its technology, in the commercial diffusion of the SLKlep. So, the sooner SKLep will be testable, the easier it will be “invade” and “spread” the / on the market (as I believe it will)

    If I may ask:

    1) Are pre-orders growing fast?
    2) is there the possibility that the first deliveries can start from June 2022?

    Best regards


  • Jitse

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    A car, for example a KIA e-niro 64 Kvh, costs about & €40,000, private leasing the same car for 5 years costs about €450 per month.
    Private Leasing a 40 (or any other) number of ecatSKLep for 10 years may make it financially viable for 90% of a country’s population to purchase.
    Buying 40 ecatSKLed yourself is impossible for the same 90% of residents.
    I understand that you do not want to organize this, but perhaps Leonardo Corporation can arrange this through its international companies and relations.
    Regards Jitse

  • Darko

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    When the first customers receive the SKLeps, they will show them to their friends and relatives. A new wave of orders will follow. The more SKLeps you deliver, the more new orders you will receive.
    Best regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    The Ecat SKLep is a universal tool, can be applied wherever you need electric energy for anything, and any power level is theoretically reachable by an intelligent assembly in series of parallels and vice-versa.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Prof

    Dear Dr Rossi
    here are your new stats on Researchgate I found today on
    Total Readings: 82000
    Recommendations: 6415
    Citations: 28
    Total Research Interest index: 1664
    And counting…

  • Urs

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    so the ecat SKLed is out of the “game”.
    Wouldn’t it be useful to work on an additional product to the ecat SKLEP to reach the 1 million goal faster?
    I think about an ecat for heating, an SKLHP (heat production) to heat rooms with a wattage of 1-2 KW. I could need many thereof.
    Would it be labour- and time-intensive to develop this product?
    Best regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Powering a Mars Colony by eCat technology

    The SpaceX Starship reportedly has a cargo capacity of 100 tons (200,000 lbs).

    An eCat SKLep weighs 0.55 lbs and can produce around 100W at 12VDC.

    An eCat SKLep Controller is about 8” x 8” x 1” – other specifications are undefined.

    Assuming the density of aluminum, (0.1 lbs/cubic inch) yield a Controller module weight of 6.8 lbs per Controller.

    Assuming a subsystem configuration of 10 SKLeps with one Controller yields a subsystem weight of 12.3 lbs. This SKLep modules would be wired in series, produce 1 kW of electrical power at 120VDC. A convenient voltage level to handle.

    Assume a robotic crew aboard a Starship of a dozen autonomous robots, each weighing 500 lbs. for a total crew weight of 6,000 lbs or 3 tons.
    Allow ½ of the Starship capacity for other equipment, such as a fusing system to convert Mars soil into building brick to construct shelters, etc., leaves 47 tons for other items.

    Initially, the Starship would house the eCat SKLep system plus battery storage to start or restart the SKLep system.
    Assume 40 tons is left for SKLep subsystems or 80,000 lbs. This results in about 6,500 subsystems remaining on the Starship until the ground structure are constructed using the fused Mars soil.

    The amount of peak power generate would be 6.5 MW. Using triple redundancy (3:1) reduction suggests that about 2.1MW of power would be continuously available for the 10-year life of the SKLep modules, with triple redundancy, with a possibility of approaching 6 MW for unusual situations.

    Eventually, the ground structures would be fabricated and the SKLep components transferred to the ground facility from the Starship. With triple redundancy, one full 2 MW system could be moved to the ground facility while maintaining double redundancy aboard the Starship. Then, double redundancy maintained while transferring the next 1/3 capacity from the Starship to the ground facility. Then, the last 1/3 capacity would be transferred. The Starship would then return to Earth.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Be sure that we are not remaining here combing the puppets of my friend Thomas Florek.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Art B:
    1. it is possible
    2. it is possible too, or, also, the Client can choose to go 100% Ecat maintaining the grid as a backup.
    Warm Regards,

  • Art B

    Dear Andrea
    You keep talking about peak power.
    1. To my way of thinking this assumes the SKlep will be supplying all our electrical need? (Could go off the grid)
    2. But if we stay connected to the grid and the SKLep is connected to our house main, then the grid should supply the difference between our peak power and SKLep power contribution?


    Art B

  • eernie1

    Dear Andrea,
    Can you tell us what your next step will be besides waiting for the 1M order? Will you attempt to obtain another 3rd party confirmation if you do not achieve the goal?
    Hopeful regards.

  • Andrea Rossi

    We will give to our Clients all the necessary consultancy not here, but when we will call them for the delivery.
    What you have to do now is calculate what is your peak power in W, divide by 100 and you will have the number of Ecat SKLep you will need. At that point, if youwant, you can go to
    All the rest will be defined at the delivery, based on your specific situation.
    Warm Regards,

  • JSP

    Hi Andrea,straight to the point: my oil boiler has a power of 17kw with a 220v / 6 kw electric heater. My intention is to use an electric heater to compensate for oil consumption. What would be the simplest connection model Ecat sklep
    in use.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    1. yes
    2. it is necessary
    3. no
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for this very interesting link about UNIBO.
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Permit me to ask more general questions, that are not a function of the user application:

    1. When a single SKLep is running at full power, is there a need for a connection to a Controller (AI) unit?
    2. Is it recommended, when operating one (or more) SKLep(s), that it/they be controlled by a Controller (AI) unit?
    3. Can a single SKLep, running at reduced power, not require a connection to a Controller (AI) unit?

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    The University of Bologna.
    The Mother of all University’s .



  • Prof

    Dr Rossi:
    I checked now the stats of the paper
    Toyal Readings: 75000
    And counting…

  • Alessandro Ferrari

    @Maurizio Sporchia,
    I’ll try to answer you.
    1) there’s no reference to wind or photovoltaic in what I wrote and e-cat sklep working 24/24 7/7 full power is already accounted in my calculations
    2) I agree that e-cat should be encouraged like wind and photovoltaic but for now it isn’t. And as far as I know Rossi has other priorities. I too agree that now there are things much more important than start bureaucratic battles all over the world to have this king of incentives. I just take the world as it is rather that as I think is should be. Then I try to improve it as I can.
    2b) again no reference to wind or photovoltaic in what I wrote so their prices has no impact in my calculations
    3) maybe, maybe not. And even if they increase how much they increase makes a big difference. 2%/y should make no difference, 15%/y should make some difference but with no substantial change in results. More than that and I think world economy would have a very hard time and there would be much bigger troubles. Anyway I’ve just done simple calculations on what I know without reasoning about future changes I can’t account for.

    Last but not least, as I wrote, I think e-cat is a great technology and probably for energy providers numbers are very different.
    Maybe for people that already have photovoltaic with batteries, inverter and so on numbers are very different too.
    I hope everyone that have good numbers just buy e-cats right now so we can have the energy revolution we need and with further economy of scale the prices can become closer to the 350$/kw Rossi envisioned.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Maurizio Sporchia:
    Thank you for your support to our team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    It should,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mats Heijkenskjold:
    Depends on the specific situations
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    We will give the necessary consultancy to the Clients just before the delivery when we will start the deliveries.
    In this pre-order period, the Client has just to control its pick power demand in Watts, divide it by 100 to know how many Ecat SKLeps he has to order.
    We cannot answer here to thousands of clients who preorder all the consultancy they need: it is premature. We will supply all the necessary information and consultancy to our Clients after they will confirm the order when we will inform that we are delivering and in that moment we will also decide the voltage of input/output, based on the specific situations
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Thank you for the link and its suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    I thought this article, sent today from a reader on ECW, might be interesting to you:


    Best regards,

    Frank Acland

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Confirmations please on your response to my previous postings:

    1. The Input power consumption for one SKLep outputting 100 Watts of electrical power is 1 Watt electrical (or less)?
    2. A Controller (AI) is always required to operate one or more SKLeps?
    3. The input electrical power (AC vs. DC) to the Controller (AI) may be different from the controlled SKLeps (AC vs. DC)?
    4. Different configurations of Controller (AI) are required for different numbers of controlled SKLeps? (e.g., one configuration might control 1 – 3 SKLeps; while a different Controller (AI) configuration is required for controlling 10 – 20 SKLeps).
    5. Depending on the Controller (AI) configuration, the input power for the Controller may vary (e.g., fewer SKLeps controlled might require a lower input power than many SKLeps being controlled)?
    6. Is there a maximum number of SKLeps that can be controlled by a single Controller (AI)? If so, what is that limit?
    7. When multiple SKLeps are controlled by a single Controller (AI); all such controlled SKLeps must have the same input power source (i.e., AC or DC)?
    8: Are you planning on developing a smaller, less input power consuming Controller (AI) unit?

  • Rupert

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    Thank you for the magnificent and convincing video presentation on
    I am sure this historic page will certainly reach the million units ordered target,

  • Mats Heijkenskjold

    Dear Andrea,

    If you connect many SKLep:s in serie are there any trouble with the increased voltage or endurance?


    Mats Heijkenskjold

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    Almost launch time for
    the amazing James Webb technology.
    Almost beyond belief.




  • Claudio

    Congratulazioni per l’immensità dell’invenzione presentata nel video che ho visitato su E-Catworld

  • Maurizio Sporchia

    @Ferrari Alessandro (and Buongiorno Ingegner Andrea Rossi,complimenti per il suo lavoro ,che onora l’Italia ed è un passo importante per fermare i cambiamenti climatici dovuti all’immisione in atmosfera di CO2 . Prendo l’occasione per far notare al signor Ferrari Alessandro che ha scritto che secondo lui non sarebbe cosi conveniente sostituire con l’ECAT SkLEP per l’alimentazione elettrica di casa sua, queste tre cose che secondo me lui non ha valutato attentamente :
    1) l’ecat sklep funziona sempre , di notte di giorno quando piove ecc. e non come per l’eolico e il fotovoltaico che non funzionano di notte e quando non c’è vento
    2)questa fonte di energia pulita al pari del fotovoltaico, eolico dovrebbe essere incentivata al 50% come lo sono queste energie rinnovabili !!!Voglio sperare che al piu’ presto questa forma di energia ecologica e rinnovabile sia considerata allo stesso modo dai legislatori. Voglio inoltre farvi notare che il costo di un impianto fotovoltaico da 3kw con scambio sul sito in Italia costa mediamente 7.500,00 EURO 8500,00 EURO e senza batterie di accumulo!!!
    3) i prezzi dell’energia sono destinati a salire in futuro a causa dell’ecotassa europea sulla CO2 quindi i costi teorizzati saranno da valutare in seguito !!
    Auguri MaurizioGood morning Engineer Andrea Rossi, congratulations for his work , which honors Italy and is an important step to stop climate change due to the introduction into the atmosphere of CO2 . I will take this opportunity to point out to Mr Ferrari Alessandro that he wrote that in his opinion it would not be so convenient to replace with the ECAT Sklep for the power supply of his home, these three things that in my opinion he did not carefully evaluate :
    1) the sklep ecat always works , day night when it rains etc. and not as for wind and photovoltaic that do not work at night and when there is no wind
    2)this source of clean energy like photovoltaic, wind should be encouraged to 50% as are these renewable energies !!! I hope that this form of ecological and renewable energy will be treated in the same way by the legislators as soon as possible. I also want to point out that the cost of a photovoltaic system from 3kw with exchange on the site in Italy costs on average 7.500,00 EURO 8500,00 EURO and without storage batteries!!!
    3) energy prices are set to rise in the future due to the European CO2 ecotax, so the costs will be assessed later !!
    Congratulations Maurizio

  • Franz

    yet, no answer:

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    just a stupid question:
    Is one ecat SKLEP with AC (230V) be able to work with a 100 Watt light bulb?
    Or are there additionally equippings necessary (besides bulbholder)?
    Best regards

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