E’ una buona cosa che da delle consulenze ai clienti per le loro situazioni specifiche appena prima della consegna.
Ma secondo me dovrebbe pubblicare dei kit, con le opportune specifiche e spiegazioni, per le diverse situazioni più comuni degli utenti, solo così uno saprebbe quale ordine effettuare.
Ora come ora è difficile capire cosa ordinare
It is a good thing that he advises clients on their specific situations just before delivery.
But in my opinion it should publish kits, with the appropriate specifications and explanations, for the different most common situations of users, only in this way one would know which order to place.
Right now it is difficult to understand what to order
1 – Are SKLeps built and supplied, as a construction standard, only with 12 volt DC input and output?
2 – If the customer wants the AC input and / or output, does he have to supply the appropriate converters himself?
3 – Is the 12 V DC output pure or does it have some residual harmonic?
As I said, we will give consultancy to our Clients for their specific situations just before the deliveries.
Thank you for your kind support,
Warm Regards,
I think like manyI’m thinking to use the SKLEP iin combination with batteries. And maybe later as I can afford more to power my home appliances through inverters etc.
I have a few questions about this kind of use if I may.
1. Will it be possible to reconfigure the supplied devices:
A) to add units in the future after the initial purchase.
B) reconfigure from DC output to AC output
C) same as 1B but for input?
2. Is a designated controller AI needed for each use or can it be reconfigured
3. Will it be possible to purchase additional controllers for a more distributed approach? (Eg 1 for heating, one for kitchen appliances, one for office equipment etc)
4. I’m sure you have tested the SKLEP with many kinds of loads including lights and resistors.
4A Have you also tested already charging a battery?
4B Did it charge as expected in the normal time?
4C Does it require a Charge controller to correctly manage the charging?
4D or can it charge the battery directly?
5. Have you also successfully used with other appliances both DC and AC such as kitchen appliances, computers etc?
Sorry a lot of questions there. Feel free to descope any if necessary I appreciate you are busy at this time.
It’s absolutely amazing what you have achieved with the orders. On top of everything else. Really Well done with that I think things are getting busy there.
Sometimes I see those numbers and wish I was was a millionaire. It great that serious buyers are getting behind this . I’m
also very happy that I and other smaller purchasers have been able to order what we want too.
Best Regards to you and your team and good luck with the busy year ahead.
Re home use of the #SKLep, follow-up to Steven Nicholes Karels’ post.
There has been many posts discussing home use of the SKLep. Rossi’s team says in the Q&A “we believe that there will be a synergy between all sustainable energy sources”, and I strongly believe this applies to almost all power applications including the home, at least in the short term of the next decade or so. IMO the synergistic system will use SKLep, battery, plus grid power.
The ratio of the power supplied by the three elements will depend on economics and politics. A typical installation could be “exactly” as solar panel home power system currently are designed, just replace the solar cells with SKLep. Short term add the SKLep to an installed solar panel if economics allow you to use the panel until it expirary date.
Economics will dictate how many SKLep’s you install. When you install above the average power consumption of your home, you start having excess power some of the time which can reduce the return on investment. My calculations suggest that to go all the way to handle the absolute maximum peak power your home needs only makes sense if you can sell your excess power back to the grid at a price about equal to what they sell it to you. That’s where politics comes in, the power companies will have to continue to be forced to buy your excess power.
The optimum ratio of power supplied by each source is not trivial as Steven has said. Please be aware of this complexity so that you are not disappointed when you get your SKLep supply, and get help when you need it.
I would be extremely surprised if many of the “large” SKLep orders Andrea mentions do notl come from current solar power system manufacturers who are looking to replace the solar panel. This gives them increase in average power and 24/7 hour supply.
Adding a battery may make economic sense…SKLep to provide average consumption with margin battery to get charged during low power consumption times and provide most of peak demand, and grid to supply super peak demand periods. This is Tesla’s PowerWall+ concept (obviously with solar panel for now, not SKLep). One reason I like this idea is that your home battery can quick charge your EV vehicle.
Short term, selling power back the grid could end up as a profit after the installation costs are recovered. Long term I can envision major power plants slowly disappearing being replaced by smaller installations closer to the power consumption, ie eventually get rid of the power grid HV power lines that crisscross our land.
could you please tell us more about the maintenance costs?
1) for an ecat SKLEP which is 24h/365d charging a battery
2) for an ecat SKLEP which is used just for heating in the cold half year, like an electric fire.
Are specialists necessary to do it or can it handle every user by himself?
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Dear Blog Participants!
I wish everyone here a blessed year 2022!
In recent times, I have repeatedly read the questions about the design of SKLep for different households and also repeatedly wondered whether SKLep can be used economically at all. I myself will use it as follows:
Here in Germany, the electricity costs are currently
are about 0,30€ per kWh.
Our household with 2 persons needs about 1.500 kWh per year, not including the energy costs for heating, which we cannot influence, because we live in a multi-family house.
So we need 4.1 kWh per day, of which about 150W is base load and the rest is for dishwashing, washing and cooking. If we would design the SKLep for the peak load, we would need about 5 kW, so 50 SKLep. With an investment of about 12,500€ including an inverter for 3 phases and electricity cost savings of 450€, this would be neither a good deal nor a clear benefit for the environment. However, the situation is quite different if we only cover the base load, for which 2 SKLep plus a small micro inverter for 120€ would be enough. Then we cover 100% at a load up to 200W and the rest we get from the grid. We will save about 300€ of our electricity costs with an investment of 560€ and the investment will pay off after less than 2 years. This is at least 3 times faster than the investment in photovoltaic systems and everyone will understand that it is worth it. And we still don’t have the perfect constellation, in fact, as Andrea Rossi writes, payback times close to one year are possible. I have calculated all the alternatives, but neither the design for peak load nor the acquisition of a home storage are economically interesting (for us). For me it makes much more sense to equip soon all households of my family and friends with 2-4 SKLep, depending on their base load.
This makes it clear that it is a question of reasoning, so that people understand where the great advantage of these devices lies.
If we would cover the base load of all households with SKLep as soon as possible, sending our not self-used energy to the general power grid, we would quickly achieve a great environmental as well as financial relief. Germany, for example, has 41 million households. With an average of 3 SKLep, this alone would mean a market of 120 million SKLep. Here in Germany and throughout the EU, every household is allowed to send up to 600W of electricity to its own household grid, and microinverters that are ready to plug in are now available for this purpose. With SKLep with 12 V output voltage, which are simply connected to the micro inverter and a micro inverter ready to plug in, no specialist is then needed for the connection. This saves substantial costs.
So there is no need to oversize systems. This rather leads to the misunderstanding that such plants cannot be economical.
I look forward to discussions here on the blog.
Best regards and good luck to you and your team,
dear Dr. Rossi!
Greg Leonard:
Thank you for your enthusiasm.
When we’ll deliver we will give to our Clients the directions related to their specific needs,
Warm Regards,
1. Would Solar Flares have an effect on the SKLEP-unit(s) when they are operational?
With the 500k units now pre-ordered, I can imagine that there must be persons of international well known alure who actually did order ECATSKLEP units.
2. So do you think that any of these international well known persons dare to step out of anonymity and explain why they have ordered?
It is easy to say that it would be a great promotion for the SKLEP if any of them would explain why, so the 1 million goal will be reached sooner and with more confidence.
Dear AR,
I am really excited that production will start soon – two weeks if the rate of new orders continue.
I will want to demonstrate your system to the Physics class at the school where two of my grandsons are in their last years before Univarsity.
I understand there might be a significant power requirement from a 12V battery during the few seconds of start-up, before it settles to a steady 1Watt. That will constrain the minimum size of the battery – would a Duracell MN21 be good enough?
I thought an array of car headlight bulbs might be a suitable load.
Set it going at the start of a Physics lesson and let it run for an hour.
What do you think?
Greg Leonard
Dear AR,
Am I right in believing your US 9,115,913 B1 patent does not cover the new SKLep?
How many patents have you applied for since 2015?
How many cover SKLep?
With much gratitude for your inspiration and perspiration to bring us SKLep
Greg Leonard
There are different ways or designs in powering one’s residence. It depends on what your objectives are. For instance, are you:
1. trying to be totally independent from the electrical grid (no electrical grid available)?
2. Trying to reduce or eliminate your electric bill?
3. Trying to be totally independent of the electric grid but have the capability to tie into that grid if need be?
Peak demand is difficult to measure or compute. To compute it, you must look at the “worst case” of everything coming on at once, including surge requirements for motors. This would be required for a totally independent solution – or you control the initiation of your components (air conditioning, furnace, etc.)
Average (daily) demand can be obtained from your electric bill. This is useful in sizing your system to, on average, minimize your electric utilization from the grid. Keep in mind, that selling back your excess electric power to the electric company will be at a lower price than taking the same amount of electricity from that supplier.
There are also issues with tying into the grid for legal issues. Your interface must turn off when grid power is absent – so you don’t harm grid personnel working on the grid when they would believe that voltage is zero.
Barry Mead:
The peak power is the power necessary durnig the hour in which you have the max consume. For example: if you consume 24 kWh/day, but for one hour you consume 20 kWh, while during the remaining 23 hours you consume 4 kWh, you need a power of 20 kW, otherwise you will not be able to have the power necessary during the peak hour. You should verify which is the max power you use in the period of time when you have the max consume.
Warm Regards,
Hi Andrea,
I was thinking about the physical design of the E-Cat and have a suggestion. In newer electrical installations a DIN-rail (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DIN_rail) is often used. Why don’t you design your E-Cat to fit into this enclosure? Then it would be really easy to install it in existing installations.
Dear Dr. Rossi: I am sure that you are aware that many home solar systems utilize inverters that know how to synchronize with the AC of the power company so that both systems can be connected to your house at the same time. This kind of system allows for selling power back to the power company during non-peak loads and drawing power from the power company when demand is above normal. I have questions.
1. Are the AC inverters that you equip with the AC output version of the SKLep systems of this type?
2. Is the SKLep capable of being used with these types of inverters.
3. If the SKLep is NOT COMPATIBLE with these types of inverters why isn’t it, and can it be compatible in the future?
Dear Dr. Rossi:
My electric bill does not show any value labeled “Peak”. During the hottest months of the year my air conditioner is running more often and a whole month consumes about 1800 kw hours. During the cooler winter months the average is about 670 kw hours for the whole month. Is this information sufficient to calculate the number of SKLep units I would need to power my house? Thanks for any insight you can share.
I found a previous post from several years ago that said the person made many attempts to try to get the blatantly false statements corrected ended up being banned from making Wikipedia changes. Looks like the moderators are worse than the Patent Office. I am sure there will be “scientists” who will refuse to believe the SKLep works even if it is sitting in front of them with there own instruments showing 1W in, 100W out continuously.
Revised “Join the team” posting, changes are:
1. Fixed link to the paper
2. I added some quotes from Prof’s postings on the extraordinary interest in Andrea’s Research Gate
3. Changed the order of the talking points to bring the science part first
4. Added reference to LinkedIn as good social media platform for sharing
5. “Polished” some of the wording”
6. Added hashtags
Also a disclaimer: I am only an #ECAT enthusiast and have no association with Andrea and his team. My only motive for this post is to try to help the success of the #SKLep product launch target since the world is in such desperate need of a breakthrough #greenenergy source.
Dear Rossi/SKL supporters:
Corrections and constructive criticism regarding this post are welcome.
This post is long, but I hope fellow ECAT enthusiasts will take the time to read it and take action as they feel comfortable in doing.
The ECAT website has a “Join Us” tab with the headline “Be part of the team”. See https://ecat..com/join-us
The final paragraph appeals to us that we “become a member of the team together with your community, spreading the word and helping to reach one million preorders to make the lamp and the power source as affordable as possible. It will allow us all to light up and power the world in a sustainable way.” I am writing this post to encourage you to do so, and to give some suggestions on your approach.
Why is it important to “spread the word”? Rossi needs to hit the one million piece order for economy of scale to start up his production lines. While the hitting 400K in less than a month is extremely encouraging, it is not a guarantee that the rate of pre-orders will not drop off. Let me use a Pandemic analogy…the #D921 event was like a super spreader yielding a huge spike in orders, but if the R value is not high enough the launch will drizzle out. We, as supporters, can help keep the R value up to keep the orders coming in at a fast rate by spreading the word. (In this analogy, R value is how many customers pass on the information so that new people “get infected” and place orders, R has to be greater than one to ensure a fast ramp to the one million target).) Even if the R value is greater than one right now, the higher it is the faster we get to a production launch, and the faster the world can stop wasting billions of dollars on things like fusion R&D, and stop the surging trend toward fission power reactors, reducing fossil fuel consumption, etc.
You might be reluctant to “join the team” since ground breaking technology like the ECAT always gets bashed by the scientific community since it goes against how they currently think the world of science works. This has been the case for millennia, events like “the world is not the center of the universe” comes to mind. The fact that the SKLep superficially looks like a perpetual motion machine does not help. It has been a popular belief that ZPE is not accessible as Garret Moddel, Professor Emeritus, Photonics & Quantum Engineering, UofColorado discusses in his presentation at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGRhTXKh8A about his ZPE research journey. But please take the risk of receiving some knee jerk skeptical feed back and pass on this historic information.
You will need “talking points”. Here is a start, corrections and constructive criticism are welcome.
1. After more than a decade of research and development, Andrea Rossi has published a paper on Research Gate (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330601653_E-Cat_SK_and_long-range_particle_interactions) which has theoretical proposal on regarding the physics of how the ECAT new breakthrough green energy power source may work. There has more than 100 times more than normal interest in the paper with Research Gates statistics of: Readings: 84,000 (the average of RG is 200)- of which 77,000 only for “Ecat SK and long range particle interactions”, Recommendations: 6529 (the average of RG is 20), Citations: 28 (the average of RG is 3). Total Research Interest index: 1690 (the average of RG is 15).
a. For further reading, Wikipedia has a heavy technical discussion of zero point energy. For less technical discussion on “Unlocking Zero-Point Energy” see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGRhTXKh8A. An extremely simple explanation is that there is a plasma discharge of special design that promotes an electron phase change of clusters of electrons which allows energy extraction from the zero point energy which exists everywhere.
2. Andrea Rossi and team have worked through the technical challenges always associated with bringing a research demonstration to production readiness and are taking pre-production orders for a 100W, 12V power source: https://ecat.com/ecat-sklep and https://ecatorders.com. Pre-orders are cancelable at any time, no credit card info needed to place an order, payable only when ready to ship. Plus complete refund within 60 days if it does not meet the specifications, and a three year warranty.
3. The product has been CE certified.
4. The device is patented United States Patent no. US 9,115,913 B1
5. The device has been independently tested by Giuseppe Levi, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna, see Measurement of SK-Ecat performance in a series of sessions from October 20 to November 19 2021, and Performance of SK-Ecat prototype on asix hours period.
Andrea has shared that the bulk of the orders to get to the first 300K was “larger orders”. Orders such as my own of 0.0002% of the target quantity will not have any real impact on reaching the goal, the order quantities that will reach the goal have to be in the hundreds, if not thousands each. So please indeed share this exciting technology within your personal social sphere, after all this is a world changing event that we can participate in, at least a low level. But more important try to network with persons you encounter that could eventually lead to larger orders. LinkedIn networking would probably be a good way of spreading the word. An example of an opportunistic sharing would be you have a tech rep show up at work for, say, Keithly instruments, discuss this over coffee break. If the Rep’s interest is peaked enough, you can email them the links/info above, and they might take it to their boss who might recognize this product as a way to enhance their higher power rated power supply product line, converting them from AC main power source to SKLep power source with similar price point but vastly reduced power consumption. The list of applications is as long as the list of power sources, instruments, devices and appliances that need hundreds of watts DC.
Revised “Join the team” posting, changes are:
1. Fixed link to the paper
2. I added some quotes from Prof’s postings on the extraordinary interest in Andrea’s Research Gate
3. Changed the order of the talking points to bring the science part first
4. Added reference to LinkedIn as good social media platform for sharing
5. “Polished” some of the wording”
6. Added hashtags
Also a disclaimer: I am only an #ECAT enthusiast and have no association with Andrea and his team. My only motive for this post is to try to help the success of the #SKLep product launch target since the world is in such desperate need of a breakthrough #greenenergy source.
Dear Rossi/SKL supporters:
Corrections and constructive criticism regarding this post are welcome.
This post is long, but I hope fellow ECAT enthusiasts will take the time to read it and take action as they feel comfortable in doing.
The ECAT website has a “Join Us” tab with the headline “Be part of the team”. See https://ecat..com/join-us
The final paragraph appeals to us that we “become a member of the team together with your community, spreading the word and helping to reach one million preorders to make the lamp and the power source as affordable as possible. It will allow us all to light up and power the world in a sustainable way.” I am writing this post to encourage you to do so, and to give some suggestions on your approach.
Why is it important to “spread the word”? Rossi needs to hit the one million piece order for economy of scale to start up his production lines. While the hitting 400K in less than a month is extremely encouraging, it is not a guarantee that the rate of pre-orders will not drop off. Let me use a Pandemic analogy…the #D921 event was like a super spreader yielding a huge spike in orders, but if the R value is not high enough the launch will drizzle out. We, as supporters, can help keep the R value up to keep the orders coming in at a fast rate by spreading the word. (In this analogy, R value is how many customers pass on the information so that new people “get infected” and place orders, R has to be greater than one to ensure a fast ramp to the one million target).) Even if the R value is greater than one right now, the higher it is the faster we get to a production launch, and the faster the world can stop wasting billions of dollars on things like fusion R&D, and stop the surging trend toward fission power reactors, reducing fossil fuel consumption, etc.
You might be reluctant to “join the team” since ground breaking technology like the ECAT always gets bashed by the scientific community since it goes against how they currently think the world of science works. This has been the case for millennia, events like “the world is not the center of the universe” comes to mind. The fact that the SKLep superficially looks like a perpetual motion machine does not help. It has been a popular belief that ZPE is not accessible as Garret Moddel, Professor Emeritus, Photonics & Quantum Engineering, UofColorado discusses in his presentation at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGRhTXKh8A about his ZPE research journey. But please take the risk of receiving some knee jerk skeptical feed back and pass on this historic information.
You will need “talking points”. Here is a start, corrections and constructive criticism are welcome.
1. After more than a decade of research and development, Andrea Rossi has published a paper on Research Gate (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330601653_E-Cat_SK_and_long-range_particle_interactions) which has theoretical proposal on regarding the physics of how the ECAT new breakthrough green energy power source may work. There has more than 100 times more than normal interest in the paper with Research Gates statistics of: Readings: 84,000 (the average of RG is 200)- of which 77,000 only for “Ecat SK and long range particle interactions”, Recommendations: 6529 (the average of RG is 20), Citations: 28 (the average of RG is 3). Total Research Interest index: 1690 (the average of RG is 15).
a. For further reading, Wikipedia has a heavy technical discussion of zero point energy. For less technical discussion on “Unlocking Zero-Point Energy” see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGRhTXKh8A. An extremely simple explanation is that there is a plasma discharge of special design that promotes an electron phase change of clusters of electrons which allows energy extraction from the zero point energy which exists everywhere.
2. Andrea Rossi and team have worked through the technical challenges always associated with bringing a research demonstration to production readiness and are taking pre-production orders for a 100W, 12V power source: https://ecat.com/ecat-sklep and https://ecatorders.com. Pre-orders are cancelable at any time, no credit card info needed to place an order, payable only when ready to ship. Plus complete refund within 60 days if it does not meet the specifications, and a three year warranty.
3. The product has been CE certified.
4. The device is patented United States Patent no. US 9,115,913 B1
5. The device has been independently tested by Giuseppe Levi, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna, see Measurement of SK-Ecat performance in a series of sessions from October 20 to November 19 2021, and Performance of SK-Ecat prototype on asix hours period.
Andrea has shared that the bulk of the orders to get to the first 300K was “larger orders”. Orders such as my own of 0.0002% of the target quantity will not have any real impact on reaching the goal, the order quantities that will reach the goal have to be in the hundreds, if not thousands each. So please indeed share this exciting technology within your personal social sphere, after all this is a world changing event that we can participate in, at least a low level. But more important try to network with persons you encounter that could eventually lead to larger orders. LinkedIn networking would probably be a good way of spreading the word. An example of an opportunistic sharing would be you have a tech rep show up at work for, say, Keithly instruments, discuss this over coffee break. If the Rep’s interest is peaked enough, you can email them the links/info above, and they might take it to their boss who might recognize this product as a way to enhance their higher power rated power supply product line, converting them from AC main power source to SKLep power source with similar price point but vastly reduced power consumption. The list of applications is as long as the list of power sources, instruments, devices and appliances that need hundreds of watts DC.
Dear Rossi/SKL supporters:
Corrections and constructive criticism regarding this post are welcome.
This post is long, but I hope fellow Ecat enthusiasts will take the time to read it and take action as they feel comfortable in doing.
The ECAT website has a “Join Us” tab with the headline: “Be part of the team”. See https://.com/join-us
The final paragraph appeals to us that we “become a member of the team together with your community, spreading the word and helping to reach one million preorders to make the lamp and the power source as affordable as possible. It will allow us all to light up and power the world in a sustainable way.” I am writing this post to encourage you to do so, and to give some suggestions on how this might happen.
Why is it important to “spread the word”? Rossi needs to hit the one million piece order for economy of scale to start up his production lines. While the hitting 400K in less than a month is extremely encouraging, it is not a guarantee that the rate of pre-orders will not drop off. Let me use a Pandemic analogy…the #D921 event was like a superspreader yielding a huge spike in orders, but if the R value is not high enough the launch will drizzle out. We, as supporters, can help keep the R value up to keep the orders coming in at a fast rate by spreading the word. (In this analogy, R value is how many customers pass on the information so that new people “get infected” and place orders, R has to be greater than one to ensure a fast ramp to the one million target).) Even if the R value is greater than one right now, the higher it is the faster we get to a production launch, and the faster the world can stop wasting billions of dollars on things like fusion R&D, and stop the surging trend toward fission power reactors, reducing fossil fuel consumption, etc.
You might be reluctant to “join the team” since ground breaking technology like the SKLep always gets bashed by the scientific community since it goes against how they currently think the world of science works. This has been the case for millennia, events like “the world is not the center of the universe” comes to mind. The fact that the SKLep superficially looks like a perpetual motion machine does not help. It has been a popular belief that ZPE is not accessible as Garret Moddel, Professor Emeritus, Photonics & Quantum Engineering, UofColorado discusses in his presentation at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGRhTXKh8A about his ZPE research journey. But please take the risk of some knee jerk skeptical feed back and pass on. The Ecat website also references the WiKipedia ZPE article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-point_energy#External_links which is much more technical and exhaustive discussion of ZPE.
You will need “talking points”. Here is a start, corrections and constructive criticism are welcome.
1) Andrea Rossi and team have been working on this new technology for over a decade, and finally are taking pre-production orders for a 100W, 12V power source https://ecat.com/ecat-sklep. It comes with a pre-orders, cancelable at any time, order payable only when shipped, and no credit card info needed to place an order. Complete refund within 60 days if it does not meet the specifications, and a three year warranty.
2) The product has been CE certified.
3) The device is patented United States Patent no. US 9,115,913 B1
4) Rossi has publication (PDF) E-Cat SK and long-range particle interactions (researchgate.net) which discusses the physics that may properly explain the energy production of the SKLep. For less technical discussion of zero point energy see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGRhTXKh8A . An extremely simple explanation is that there is a plasma discharge of special design that promotes an electron phase change of clusters of electrons that allows energy extraction from the zero point energy which exists everywhere.
5) The device has been independently tested by Giuseppe Levi, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna, see Measurement of SK-Ecat performance in a series of sessions from October 20 to November 19 2021, and Performance of SK-Ecat prototype on asix hours period.
Andrea has shared that the bulk of the orders to get to the first 300K was “larger orders”. Orders such as my own of 0.0002% of the target quantity will not have any real impact on reaching the goal, the order quantities that will reach the goal have to be in the hundreds, if not thousands each. So please indeed share this exciting technology within your personal social sphere, after all this is a world changing event that we can participate in, at least a low level. But more important try to network with persons you encounter that could eventually lead to larger orders. As an example, if you have a tech rep show up at work for Keithly instruments, discuss this over coffee break. If the Rep’s interest is peaked enough, you can email them the links/info above, and they might take it to their boss who might recognize this product as a way to enhance their higher power rated power supply product line, converting them from AC main power source to SKLep power source with similar price point but vastly reduced power consumption. The list of applications is as long as the list of power sources, instruments, devices and appliances that need hundreds of watts DC.
To Prof and David and anyone else interested: You all seem to be late to the game, with all due respect. Wikipedia has been, for years, taken over by activists on a number of different issues, and those activists are able to keep Wikipedia pages to their liking. In this case, the activists who most dislike Rossi and The E-Cat are the activists of the pseudoskeptic movement. They can’t stand anyone who believes in out-of-the-ordinary claims, like claims that The E-Cat works and is based on new physics, so they try to harm anyone who is a proponent of such beliefs. One of the ways that these people try to do this is by editing Wikipedia to try to make certain claims (in this case, claims involving The E-Cat) look bad.
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
Thank you for your comment about the “fil rouge” between the Ecat SKLep and the Atlantic Codex of Leonardo da Vinci. Now i understand the photo on http://www.ecat.com
Yes, there is.
In Vol. 14, Folio 778 r and 778 v, there is a drawing that is not directly connected, of course to the Ecat ( the drawing has been made around the year 1510 ), but I observed carefully all his drawing of the Atlantic Codex, because there is hidden in the hyperdrawing substantial intellectual property that comes out of particulars, if you observe them abstracting them from their specific context. In particular, it have been the folios I cited above to inspire me an important particular of the SKLep.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
I noticed on http://www.ecat.com
that you published the photo of the Ecat SKLed with the Atlantic Codex of Leonardo Da Vinci as a background. Is there a fil rouge between the Ecat and the Leonardo’s Codex ?
You are right. I tried to correct the text of Wikipedia sending them the database of the USPTO, but my correction has been deleted after seconds.
There is something wrong with Wikipedia: they have published a blatantly false information about the patent US 9,115,913 B1 and refuse to publish an obvious and evident correction; I wonder why ? I repeatedly sent them the correction, asked how I could succeed correcting, they sent to me always the same instructions that I always respected, but when my correction was published, after several seconds it was cancelled and the former false information reinstated.
Looks like mafia.
1/1/20202 15.14 Larry G – reference the Wikipdeia entry on E Cat. The current Wikipedia entry is untrue and misleading. It states that a Patent was refused several years ago but does not mention the subsequent Patents that have been granted. It also states that the E Cat is a “claimed cold fusion device”, again, an untrue and misleading statement. I have edited this Wikipdea entry, describing the Patents that have been gained, but the edits were removed again. This happened on two occasions. Wikipedia asks readers for donations, to help its survival, but I am not willing to donate when it contains a lack of true facts, and would suggest that other potential donars also think twice. If any readers understand the mechanisms involved in editing the Wikipedia site, it would be of great help to laymen, wherever they are in ther world, who may have a passing interest in the E Cat and its incredible new technology, and look to a popular site like Wikipdeia for basic information.
Hi Andrea,
considered the growing up of the orders, in my opinion you should start now the production, being sure that whatever will be the capability of the factories involved, as soon the ecats will show that they are effective, the production capability will be saturated for the next tens of years.
The only trouble that must be considered is the reliability, it would be a big issue to deal with any problem during the warranty time, with millions of ecats sold.
Nivel E. Ruini:
price of 1 kWh: 0.4 cents of Euro = 1.2 E/3 kWh
1,2 E x 24 hours x 365 days = 10 512 E/year: as we said, the Ecat SKLep pays itself back in one year.
This said, if you spend only 50 Euro/month for your energy consume, you do not need an Ecat SKLep assembly of 30 units.
Warm Regards,
Dear Ing. Rossi,
forgive my total incompetence.
If a module Ecat SKLep costs 249 $, about 219 euros and develops 100 W, to produce 3 Kw would require 30 modules for a total cost of $ 7,470, about 6,570 euros.
Considering that the annual cost of 3 Kw for an average family is around 600/700 euros to amortize the investment would take about 10 years.
Where is it that I am wrong?
Regardless, for the confidence I have always had in you for your indomitable resourcefulness and challenge for human progress (Memento audere semper), I have immediately made a small pre-order.
Best regards.
Modena, Italy)
What will happen when you reach the order for a million SKLep?
1. Your factory in the US will immediately start mass production of them.
2. You must first supplement your factory for mass production.
3. A pre-contracted partner manufactures the first million SKLep.
Warm Regards
To you and your team
Sture Andreasson
I think a good application for the SKLep would be in streetlights. Modern LED streetlights require an input power of between 100W and 450W of AC electrical power. Assuming an average of 12 hours per day, 365 days per year, that’s an average of 4,380 hours of operation per year. Likewise, assuming a typical $0.20USD per kiloWatt-Hr, the saving would be between about $80 and $400 per year.
Thank you for the update.
I noticed that the numbers increased after the publication of the presentation of the Ecat SKLep on http://www.e-catworld.com
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Your stats on http://www.researchgate.net/publication/330601653_E-Cat_SK_and_long_range_particle_interactions
are continuing to skyrocket after the 9th December presentation: the paper is breaking any possible record:
Total Readings 84000 (the average of RG is 200)- of which 77000 only for “Ecat SK and long range particle interactions”
Reccomendations 6529 (the average of RG is 20)
Citations 28 (the average of RG is 3)
Total Research Interest index 1690 (the average of RG is 15)
And counting…
E’ una buona cosa che da delle consulenze ai clienti per le loro situazioni specifiche appena prima della consegna.
Ma secondo me dovrebbe pubblicare dei kit, con le opportune specifiche e spiegazioni, per le diverse situazioni più comuni degli utenti, solo così uno saprebbe quale ordine effettuare.
Ora come ora è difficile capire cosa ordinare
It is a good thing that he advises clients on their specific situations just before delivery.
But in my opinion it should publish kits, with the appropriate specifications and explanations, for the different most common situations of users, only in this way one would know which order to place.
Right now it is difficult to understand what to order
Dear Dr. Rossi,
please some questions to clarify:
1 – Are SKLeps built and supplied, as a construction standard, only with 12 volt DC input and output?
2 – If the customer wants the AC input and / or output, does he have to supply the appropriate converters himself?
3 – Is the 12 V DC output pure or does it have some residual harmonic?
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
On Power Engineering issue of January 4th 2022:
EIA says coal’s rebound unlikely to extend to 2022
Kevin Clark
As I said, we will give consultancy to our Clients for their specific situations just before the deliveries.
Thank you for your kind support,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi.
I think like manyI’m thinking to use the SKLEP iin combination with batteries. And maybe later as I can afford more to power my home appliances through inverters etc.
I have a few questions about this kind of use if I may.
1. Will it be possible to reconfigure the supplied devices:
A) to add units in the future after the initial purchase.
B) reconfigure from DC output to AC output
C) same as 1B but for input?
2. Is a designated controller AI needed for each use or can it be reconfigured
3. Will it be possible to purchase additional controllers for a more distributed approach? (Eg 1 for heating, one for kitchen appliances, one for office equipment etc)
4. I’m sure you have tested the SKLEP with many kinds of loads including lights and resistors.
4A Have you also tested already charging a battery?
4B Did it charge as expected in the normal time?
4C Does it require a Charge controller to correctly manage the charging?
4D or can it charge the battery directly?
5. Have you also successfully used with other appliances both DC and AC such as kitchen appliances, computers etc?
Sorry a lot of questions there. Feel free to descope any if necessary I appreciate you are busy at this time.
It’s absolutely amazing what you have achieved with the orders. On top of everything else. Really Well done with that I think things are getting busy there.
Sometimes I see those numbers and wish I was was a millionaire. It great that serious buyers are getting behind this . I’m
also very happy that I and other smaller purchasers have been able to order what we want too.
Best Regards to you and your team and good luck with the busy year ahead.
Re home use of the #SKLep, follow-up to Steven Nicholes Karels’ post.
There has been many posts discussing home use of the SKLep. Rossi’s team says in the Q&A “we believe that there will be a synergy between all sustainable energy sources”, and I strongly believe this applies to almost all power applications including the home, at least in the short term of the next decade or so. IMO the synergistic system will use SKLep, battery, plus grid power.
The ratio of the power supplied by the three elements will depend on economics and politics. A typical installation could be “exactly” as solar panel home power system currently are designed, just replace the solar cells with SKLep. Short term add the SKLep to an installed solar panel if economics allow you to use the panel until it expirary date.
Economics will dictate how many SKLep’s you install. When you install above the average power consumption of your home, you start having excess power some of the time which can reduce the return on investment. My calculations suggest that to go all the way to handle the absolute maximum peak power your home needs only makes sense if you can sell your excess power back to the grid at a price about equal to what they sell it to you. That’s where politics comes in, the power companies will have to continue to be forced to buy your excess power.
The optimum ratio of power supplied by each source is not trivial as Steven has said. Please be aware of this complexity so that you are not disappointed when you get your SKLep supply, and get help when you need it.
I would be extremely surprised if many of the “large” SKLep orders Andrea mentions do notl come from current solar power system manufacturers who are looking to replace the solar panel. This gives them increase in average power and 24/7 hour supply.
Adding a battery may make economic sense…SKLep to provide average consumption with margin battery to get charged during low power consumption times and provide most of peak demand, and grid to supply super peak demand periods. This is Tesla’s PowerWall+ concept (obviously with solar panel for now, not SKLep). One reason I like this idea is that your home battery can quick charge your EV vehicle.
Short term, selling power back the grid could end up as a profit after the installation costs are recovered. Long term I can envision major power plants slowly disappearing being replaced by smaller installations closer to the power consumption, ie eventually get rid of the power grid HV power lines that crisscross our land.
Dieter Wagner,
Thank you for your insight and best wishes also to you and your family !
Warm Regards,
1- yes
2- yes
Warm Regards,
1. irrelevant
2. irrelevant
3. you can use it without help
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr. Rossi,
could you please tell us more about the maintenance costs?
1) for an ecat SKLEP which is 24h/365d charging a battery
2) for an ecat SKLEP which is used just for heating in the cold half year, like an electric fire.
Are specialists necessary to do it or can it handle every user by himself?
Best regards
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
1- Is the light at the bottom of the Ecat SKLep we watch on the video of the December 9th presentation ( http://www.ecat.com ) the light of a plasma ?
2- If yes, does it come from the zero point energy hypothesized in http://www.researchgate.net/publication/330601653_E-Cat_SK_and_long_range_particle_interactions
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Dear Blog Participants!
I wish everyone here a blessed year 2022!
In recent times, I have repeatedly read the questions about the design of SKLep for different households and also repeatedly wondered whether SKLep can be used economically at all. I myself will use it as follows:
Here in Germany, the electricity costs are currently
are about 0,30€ per kWh.
Our household with 2 persons needs about 1.500 kWh per year, not including the energy costs for heating, which we cannot influence, because we live in a multi-family house.
So we need 4.1 kWh per day, of which about 150W is base load and the rest is for dishwashing, washing and cooking. If we would design the SKLep for the peak load, we would need about 5 kW, so 50 SKLep. With an investment of about 12,500€ including an inverter for 3 phases and electricity cost savings of 450€, this would be neither a good deal nor a clear benefit for the environment. However, the situation is quite different if we only cover the base load, for which 2 SKLep plus a small micro inverter for 120€ would be enough. Then we cover 100% at a load up to 200W and the rest we get from the grid. We will save about 300€ of our electricity costs with an investment of 560€ and the investment will pay off after less than 2 years. This is at least 3 times faster than the investment in photovoltaic systems and everyone will understand that it is worth it. And we still don’t have the perfect constellation, in fact, as Andrea Rossi writes, payback times close to one year are possible. I have calculated all the alternatives, but neither the design for peak load nor the acquisition of a home storage are economically interesting (for us). For me it makes much more sense to equip soon all households of my family and friends with 2-4 SKLep, depending on their base load.
This makes it clear that it is a question of reasoning, so that people understand where the great advantage of these devices lies.
If we would cover the base load of all households with SKLep as soon as possible, sending our not self-used energy to the general power grid, we would quickly achieve a great environmental as well as financial relief. Germany, for example, has 41 million households. With an average of 3 SKLep, this alone would mean a market of 120 million SKLep. Here in Germany and throughout the EU, every household is allowed to send up to 600W of electricity to its own household grid, and microinverters that are ready to plug in are now available for this purpose. With SKLep with 12 V output voltage, which are simply connected to the micro inverter and a micro inverter ready to plug in, no specialist is then needed for the connection. This saves substantial costs.
So there is no need to oversize systems. This rather leads to the misunderstanding that such plants cannot be economical.
I look forward to discussions here on the blog.
Best regards and good luck to you and your team,
dear Dr. Rossi!
Greg Leonard:
Thank you for your enthusiasm.
When we’ll deliver we will give to our Clients the directions related to their specific needs,
Warm Regards,
1. no
2. it does not depend on me,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Two in a sense totally different questions.
1. Would Solar Flares have an effect on the SKLEP-unit(s) when they are operational?
With the 500k units now pre-ordered, I can imagine that there must be persons of international well known alure who actually did order ECATSKLEP units.
2. So do you think that any of these international well known persons dare to step out of anonymity and explain why they have ordered?
It is easy to say that it would be a great promotion for the SKLEP if any of them would explain why, so the 1 million goal will be reached sooner and with more confidence.
Kind regards,
Dear AR,
I am really excited that production will start soon – two weeks if the rate of new orders continue.
I will want to demonstrate your system to the Physics class at the school where two of my grandsons are in their last years before Univarsity.
I understand there might be a significant power requirement from a 12V battery during the few seconds of start-up, before it settles to a steady 1Watt. That will constrain the minimum size of the battery – would a Duracell MN21 be good enough?
I thought an array of car headlight bulbs might be a suitable load.
Set it going at the start of a Physics lesson and let it run for an hour.
What do you think?
Greg Leonard
Dear AR,
Am I right in believing your US 9,115,913 B1 patent does not cover the new SKLep?
How many patents have you applied for since 2015?
How many cover SKLep?
With much gratitude for your inspiration and perspiration to bring us SKLep
Greg Leonard
Barry Mead,
There are different ways or designs in powering one’s residence. It depends on what your objectives are. For instance, are you:
1. trying to be totally independent from the electrical grid (no electrical grid available)?
2. Trying to reduce or eliminate your electric bill?
3. Trying to be totally independent of the electric grid but have the capability to tie into that grid if need be?
Peak demand is difficult to measure or compute. To compute it, you must look at the “worst case” of everything coming on at once, including surge requirements for motors. This would be required for a totally independent solution – or you control the initiation of your components (air conditioning, furnace, etc.)
Average (daily) demand can be obtained from your electric bill. This is useful in sizing your system to, on average, minimize your electric utilization from the grid. Keep in mind, that selling back your excess electric power to the electric company will be at a lower price than taking the same amount of electricity from that supplier.
There are also issues with tying into the grid for legal issues. Your interface must turn off when grid power is absent – so you don’t harm grid personnel working on the grid when they would believe that voltage is zero.
Some thoughts…
Thank you for your attention,
Warm Regards,
Steven Nicholes Karels,
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Barry Mead:
The peak power is the power necessary durnig the hour in which you have the max consume. For example: if you consume 24 kWh/day, but for one hour you consume 20 kWh, while during the remaining 23 hours you consume 4 kWh, you need a power of 20 kW, otherwise you will not be able to have the power necessary during the peak hour. You should verify which is the max power you use in the period of time when you have the max consume.
Warm Regards,
Hi Andrea,
I was thinking about the physical design of the E-Cat and have a suggestion. In newer electrical installations a DIN-rail (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DIN_rail) is often used. Why don’t you design your E-Cat to fit into this enclosure? Then it would be really easy to install it in existing installations.
Best regards,
Barry Mead:
1. the Clients will be able to buy the inverters they want
2. yes
3. no
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi: I am sure that you are aware that many home solar systems utilize inverters that know how to synchronize with the AC of the power company so that both systems can be connected to your house at the same time. This kind of system allows for selling power back to the power company during non-peak loads and drawing power from the power company when demand is above normal. I have questions.
1. Are the AC inverters that you equip with the AC output version of the SKLep systems of this type?
2. Is the SKLep capable of being used with these types of inverters.
3. If the SKLep is NOT COMPATIBLE with these types of inverters why isn’t it, and can it be compatible in the future?
Dear Dr. Rossi:
My electric bill does not show any value labeled “Peak”. During the hottest months of the year my air conditioner is running more often and a whole month consumes about 1800 kw hours. During the cooler winter months the average is about 670 kw hours for the whole month. Is this information sufficient to calculate the number of SKLep units I would need to power my house? Thanks for any insight you can share.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
My calculations on the cast of an SKLep, 100We output, 10-year continuous operation, $249.00 each.
Total energy produced = 100W * 24 hr/day * 365 days/year * 10 years = 8,760 kW-hrs
Cost per kW-hr = $249.00 / 8,760 kW-hrs = 2.84 cents/kW-hr = $0.0284 USD per kW-hr
Typical US residential cost: $0.20 USD / kW-hr
Typical Commercial cost: $0.05 USD / kW-hr (large electrical usage)
Typical Aluminum (Primary) cost: $0.029 USD/ kW-hr (subsidized cost)
One would assume for orders of 250 million units, the unit cost would substantially decrease.
Prof, David, thanks for the replies re Wikipedia.
I found a previous post from several years ago that said the person made many attempts to try to get the blatantly false statements corrected ended up being banned from making Wikipedia changes. Looks like the moderators are worse than the Patent Office. I am sure there will be “scientists” who will refuse to believe the SKLep works even if it is sitting in front of them with there own instruments showing 1W in, 100W out continuously.
Corrected version here.
Revised “Join the team” posting, changes are:
1. Fixed link to the paper
2. I added some quotes from Prof’s postings on the extraordinary interest in Andrea’s Research Gate
3. Changed the order of the talking points to bring the science part first
4. Added reference to LinkedIn as good social media platform for sharing
5. “Polished” some of the wording”
6. Added hashtags
Also a disclaimer: I am only an #ECAT enthusiast and have no association with Andrea and his team. My only motive for this post is to try to help the success of the #SKLep product launch target since the world is in such desperate need of a breakthrough #greenenergy source.
Dear Rossi/SKL supporters:
Corrections and constructive criticism regarding this post are welcome.
This post is long, but I hope fellow ECAT enthusiasts will take the time to read it and take action as they feel comfortable in doing.
The ECAT website has a “Join Us” tab with the headline “Be part of the team”. See https://ecat..com/join-us
The final paragraph appeals to us that we “become a member of the team together with your community, spreading the word and helping to reach one million preorders to make the lamp and the power source as affordable as possible. It will allow us all to light up and power the world in a sustainable way.” I am writing this post to encourage you to do so, and to give some suggestions on your approach.
Why is it important to “spread the word”? Rossi needs to hit the one million piece order for economy of scale to start up his production lines. While the hitting 400K in less than a month is extremely encouraging, it is not a guarantee that the rate of pre-orders will not drop off. Let me use a Pandemic analogy…the #D921 event was like a super spreader yielding a huge spike in orders, but if the R value is not high enough the launch will drizzle out. We, as supporters, can help keep the R value up to keep the orders coming in at a fast rate by spreading the word. (In this analogy, R value is how many customers pass on the information so that new people “get infected” and place orders, R has to be greater than one to ensure a fast ramp to the one million target).) Even if the R value is greater than one right now, the higher it is the faster we get to a production launch, and the faster the world can stop wasting billions of dollars on things like fusion R&D, and stop the surging trend toward fission power reactors, reducing fossil fuel consumption, etc.
You might be reluctant to “join the team” since ground breaking technology like the ECAT always gets bashed by the scientific community since it goes against how they currently think the world of science works. This has been the case for millennia, events like “the world is not the center of the universe” comes to mind. The fact that the SKLep superficially looks like a perpetual motion machine does not help. It has been a popular belief that ZPE is not accessible as Garret Moddel, Professor Emeritus, Photonics & Quantum Engineering, UofColorado discusses in his presentation at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGRhTXKh8A about his ZPE research journey. But please take the risk of receiving some knee jerk skeptical feed back and pass on this historic information.
You will need “talking points”. Here is a start, corrections and constructive criticism are welcome.
1. After more than a decade of research and development, Andrea Rossi has published a paper on Research Gate (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330601653_E-Cat_SK_and_long-range_particle_interactions) which has theoretical proposal on regarding the physics of how the ECAT new breakthrough green energy power source may work. There has more than 100 times more than normal interest in the paper with Research Gates statistics of: Readings: 84,000 (the average of RG is 200)- of which 77,000 only for “Ecat SK and long range particle interactions”, Recommendations: 6529 (the average of RG is 20), Citations: 28 (the average of RG is 3). Total Research Interest index: 1690 (the average of RG is 15).
a. For further reading, Wikipedia has a heavy technical discussion of zero point energy. For less technical discussion on “Unlocking Zero-Point Energy” see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGRhTXKh8A. An extremely simple explanation is that there is a plasma discharge of special design that promotes an electron phase change of clusters of electrons which allows energy extraction from the zero point energy which exists everywhere.
2. Andrea Rossi and team have worked through the technical challenges always associated with bringing a research demonstration to production readiness and are taking pre-production orders for a 100W, 12V power source: https://ecat.com/ecat-sklep and https://ecatorders.com. Pre-orders are cancelable at any time, no credit card info needed to place an order, payable only when ready to ship. Plus complete refund within 60 days if it does not meet the specifications, and a three year warranty.
3. The product has been CE certified.
4. The device is patented United States Patent no. US 9,115,913 B1
5. The device has been independently tested by Giuseppe Levi, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna, see Measurement of SK-Ecat performance in a series of sessions from October 20 to November 19 2021, and Performance of SK-Ecat prototype on asix hours period.
Andrea has shared that the bulk of the orders to get to the first 300K was “larger orders”. Orders such as my own of 0.0002% of the target quantity will not have any real impact on reaching the goal, the order quantities that will reach the goal have to be in the hundreds, if not thousands each. So please indeed share this exciting technology within your personal social sphere, after all this is a world changing event that we can participate in, at least a low level. But more important try to network with persons you encounter that could eventually lead to larger orders. LinkedIn networking would probably be a good way of spreading the word. An example of an opportunistic sharing would be you have a tech rep show up at work for, say, Keithly instruments, discuss this over coffee break. If the Rep’s interest is peaked enough, you can email them the links/info above, and they might take it to their boss who might recognize this product as a way to enhance their higher power rated power supply product line, converting them from AC main power source to SKLep power source with similar price point but vastly reduced power consumption. The list of applications is as long as the list of power sources, instruments, devices and appliances that need hundreds of watts DC.
Revised “Join the team” posting, changes are:
1. Fixed link to the paper
2. I added some quotes from Prof’s postings on the extraordinary interest in Andrea’s Research Gate
3. Changed the order of the talking points to bring the science part first
4. Added reference to LinkedIn as good social media platform for sharing
5. “Polished” some of the wording”
6. Added hashtags
Also a disclaimer: I am only an #ECAT enthusiast and have no association with Andrea and his team. My only motive for this post is to try to help the success of the #SKLep product launch target since the world is in such desperate need of a breakthrough #greenenergy source.
Dear Rossi/SKL supporters:
Corrections and constructive criticism regarding this post are welcome.
This post is long, but I hope fellow ECAT enthusiasts will take the time to read it and take action as they feel comfortable in doing.
The ECAT website has a “Join Us” tab with the headline “Be part of the team”. See https://ecat..com/join-us
The final paragraph appeals to us that we “become a member of the team together with your community, spreading the word and helping to reach one million preorders to make the lamp and the power source as affordable as possible. It will allow us all to light up and power the world in a sustainable way.” I am writing this post to encourage you to do so, and to give some suggestions on your approach.
Why is it important to “spread the word”? Rossi needs to hit the one million piece order for economy of scale to start up his production lines. While the hitting 400K in less than a month is extremely encouraging, it is not a guarantee that the rate of pre-orders will not drop off. Let me use a Pandemic analogy…the #D921 event was like a super spreader yielding a huge spike in orders, but if the R value is not high enough the launch will drizzle out. We, as supporters, can help keep the R value up to keep the orders coming in at a fast rate by spreading the word. (In this analogy, R value is how many customers pass on the information so that new people “get infected” and place orders, R has to be greater than one to ensure a fast ramp to the one million target).) Even if the R value is greater than one right now, the higher it is the faster we get to a production launch, and the faster the world can stop wasting billions of dollars on things like fusion R&D, and stop the surging trend toward fission power reactors, reducing fossil fuel consumption, etc.
You might be reluctant to “join the team” since ground breaking technology like the ECAT always gets bashed by the scientific community since it goes against how they currently think the world of science works. This has been the case for millennia, events like “the world is not the center of the universe” comes to mind. The fact that the SKLep superficially looks like a perpetual motion machine does not help. It has been a popular belief that ZPE is not accessible as Garret Moddel, Professor Emeritus, Photonics & Quantum Engineering, UofColorado discusses in his presentation at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGRhTXKh8A about his ZPE research journey. But please take the risk of receiving some knee jerk skeptical feed back and pass on this historic information.
You will need “talking points”. Here is a start, corrections and constructive criticism are welcome.
1. After more than a decade of research and development, Andrea Rossi has published a paper on Research Gate (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330601653_E-Cat_SK_and_long-range_particle_interactions) which has theoretical proposal on regarding the physics of how the ECAT new breakthrough green energy power source may work. There has more than 100 times more than normal interest in the paper with Research Gates statistics of: Readings: 84,000 (the average of RG is 200)- of which 77,000 only for “Ecat SK and long range particle interactions”, Recommendations: 6529 (the average of RG is 20), Citations: 28 (the average of RG is 3). Total Research Interest index: 1690 (the average of RG is 15).
a. For further reading, Wikipedia has a heavy technical discussion of zero point energy. For less technical discussion on “Unlocking Zero-Point Energy” see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGRhTXKh8A. An extremely simple explanation is that there is a plasma discharge of special design that promotes an electron phase change of clusters of electrons which allows energy extraction from the zero point energy which exists everywhere.
2. Andrea Rossi and team have worked through the technical challenges always associated with bringing a research demonstration to production readiness and are taking pre-production orders for a 100W, 12V power source: https://ecat.com/ecat-sklep and https://ecatorders.com. Pre-orders are cancelable at any time, no credit card info needed to place an order, payable only when ready to ship. Plus complete refund within 60 days if it does not meet the specifications, and a three year warranty.
3. The product has been CE certified.
4. The device is patented United States Patent no. US 9,115,913 B1
5. The device has been independently tested by Giuseppe Levi, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna, see Measurement of SK-Ecat performance in a series of sessions from October 20 to November 19 2021, and Performance of SK-Ecat prototype on asix hours period.
Andrea has shared that the bulk of the orders to get to the first 300K was “larger orders”. Orders such as my own of 0.0002% of the target quantity will not have any real impact on reaching the goal, the order quantities that will reach the goal have to be in the hundreds, if not thousands each. So please indeed share this exciting technology within your personal social sphere, after all this is a world changing event that we can participate in, at least a low level. But more important try to network with persons you encounter that could eventually lead to larger orders. LinkedIn networking would probably be a good way of spreading the word. An example of an opportunistic sharing would be you have a tech rep show up at work for, say, Keithly instruments, discuss this over coffee break. If the Rep’s interest is peaked enough, you can email them the links/info above, and they might take it to their boss who might recognize this product as a way to enhance their higher power rated power supply product line, converting them from AC main power source to SKLep power source with similar price point but vastly reduced power consumption. The list of applications is as long as the list of power sources, instruments, devices and appliances that need hundreds of watts DC.
Dear Rossi/SKL supporters:
Corrections and constructive criticism regarding this post are welcome.
This post is long, but I hope fellow Ecat enthusiasts will take the time to read it and take action as they feel comfortable in doing.
The ECAT website has a “Join Us” tab with the headline: “Be part of the team”. See https://.com/join-us
The final paragraph appeals to us that we “become a member of the team together with your community, spreading the word and helping to reach one million preorders to make the lamp and the power source as affordable as possible. It will allow us all to light up and power the world in a sustainable way.” I am writing this post to encourage you to do so, and to give some suggestions on how this might happen.
Why is it important to “spread the word”? Rossi needs to hit the one million piece order for economy of scale to start up his production lines. While the hitting 400K in less than a month is extremely encouraging, it is not a guarantee that the rate of pre-orders will not drop off. Let me use a Pandemic analogy…the #D921 event was like a superspreader yielding a huge spike in orders, but if the R value is not high enough the launch will drizzle out. We, as supporters, can help keep the R value up to keep the orders coming in at a fast rate by spreading the word. (In this analogy, R value is how many customers pass on the information so that new people “get infected” and place orders, R has to be greater than one to ensure a fast ramp to the one million target).) Even if the R value is greater than one right now, the higher it is the faster we get to a production launch, and the faster the world can stop wasting billions of dollars on things like fusion R&D, and stop the surging trend toward fission power reactors, reducing fossil fuel consumption, etc.
You might be reluctant to “join the team” since ground breaking technology like the SKLep always gets bashed by the scientific community since it goes against how they currently think the world of science works. This has been the case for millennia, events like “the world is not the center of the universe” comes to mind. The fact that the SKLep superficially looks like a perpetual motion machine does not help. It has been a popular belief that ZPE is not accessible as Garret Moddel, Professor Emeritus, Photonics & Quantum Engineering, UofColorado discusses in his presentation at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGRhTXKh8A about his ZPE research journey. But please take the risk of some knee jerk skeptical feed back and pass on. The Ecat website also references the WiKipedia ZPE article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-point_energy#External_links which is much more technical and exhaustive discussion of ZPE.
You will need “talking points”. Here is a start, corrections and constructive criticism are welcome.
1) Andrea Rossi and team have been working on this new technology for over a decade, and finally are taking pre-production orders for a 100W, 12V power source https://ecat.com/ecat-sklep. It comes with a pre-orders, cancelable at any time, order payable only when shipped, and no credit card info needed to place an order. Complete refund within 60 days if it does not meet the specifications, and a three year warranty.
2) The product has been CE certified.
3) The device is patented United States Patent no. US 9,115,913 B1
4) Rossi has publication (PDF) E-Cat SK and long-range particle interactions (researchgate.net) which discusses the physics that may properly explain the energy production of the SKLep. For less technical discussion of zero point energy see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGRhTXKh8A . An extremely simple explanation is that there is a plasma discharge of special design that promotes an electron phase change of clusters of electrons that allows energy extraction from the zero point energy which exists everywhere.
5) The device has been independently tested by Giuseppe Levi, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna, see Measurement of SK-Ecat performance in a series of sessions from October 20 to November 19 2021, and Performance of SK-Ecat prototype on asix hours period.
Andrea has shared that the bulk of the orders to get to the first 300K was “larger orders”. Orders such as my own of 0.0002% of the target quantity will not have any real impact on reaching the goal, the order quantities that will reach the goal have to be in the hundreds, if not thousands each. So please indeed share this exciting technology within your personal social sphere, after all this is a world changing event that we can participate in, at least a low level. But more important try to network with persons you encounter that could eventually lead to larger orders. As an example, if you have a tech rep show up at work for Keithly instruments, discuss this over coffee break. If the Rep’s interest is peaked enough, you can email them the links/info above, and they might take it to their boss who might recognize this product as a way to enhance their higher power rated power supply product line, converting them from AC main power source to SKLep power source with similar price point but vastly reduced power consumption. The list of applications is as long as the list of power sources, instruments, devices and appliances that need hundreds of watts DC.
are continuing to skyrocket after the 9th December presentation: the paper is breaking any possible record:
Total Readings 84000 (the average of RG is 200)- of which 77000 only for “Ecat SK and long range particle interactions”
Reccomendations 6529 (the average of RG is 20)
Citations 28 (the average of RG is 3)
Total Research Interest index 1690 (the average of RG is 15)
To Prof and David and anyone else interested: You all seem to be late to the game, with all due respect. Wikipedia has been, for years, taken over by activists on a number of different issues, and those activists are able to keep Wikipedia pages to their liking. In this case, the activists who most dislike Rossi and The E-Cat are the activists of the pseudoskeptic movement. They can’t stand anyone who believes in out-of-the-ordinary claims, like claims that The E-Cat works and is based on new physics, so they try to harm anyone who is a proponent of such beliefs. One of the ways that these people try to do this is by editing Wikipedia to try to make certain claims (in this case, claims involving The E-Cat) look bad.
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
Thank you for your comment about the “fil rouge” between the Ecat SKLep and the Atlantic Codex of Leonardo da Vinci. Now i understand the photo on
Yes, there is.
In Vol. 14, Folio 778 r and 778 v, there is a drawing that is not directly connected, of course to the Ecat ( the drawing has been made around the year 1510 ), but I observed carefully all his drawing of the Atlantic Codex, because there is hidden in the hyperdrawing substantial intellectual property that comes out of particulars, if you observe them abstracting them from their specific context. In particular, it have been the folios I cited above to inspire me an important particular of the SKLep.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
I noticed on
that you published the photo of the Ecat SKLed with the Atlantic Codex of Leonardo Da Vinci as a background. Is there a fil rouge between the Ecat and the Leonardo’s Codex ?
You are right. I tried to correct the text of Wikipedia sending them the database of the USPTO, but my correction has been deleted after seconds.
There is something wrong with Wikipedia: they have published a blatantly false information about the patent US 9,115,913 B1 and refuse to publish an obvious and evident correction; I wonder why ? I repeatedly sent them the correction, asked how I could succeed correcting, they sent to me always the same instructions that I always respected, but when my correction was published, after several seconds it was cancelled and the former false information reinstated.
Looks like mafia.
1/1/20202 15.14 Larry G – reference the Wikipdeia entry on E Cat. The current Wikipedia entry is untrue and misleading. It states that a Patent was refused several years ago but does not mention the subsequent Patents that have been granted. It also states that the E Cat is a “claimed cold fusion device”, again, an untrue and misleading statement. I have edited this Wikipdea entry, describing the Patents that have been gained, but the edits were removed again. This happened on two occasions. Wikipedia asks readers for donations, to help its survival, but I am not willing to donate when it contains a lack of true facts, and would suggest that other potential donars also think twice. If any readers understand the mechanisms involved in editing the Wikipedia site, it would be of great help to laymen, wherever they are in ther world, who may have a passing interest in the E Cat and its incredible new technology, and look to a popular site like Wikipdeia for basic information.
Bob Belovich:
Which is your peak power ?
Warm Regards,
Alessandro Coppi,
Thank you for your suggestions,
Warm Regards,
Hi Andrea,
considered the growing up of the orders, in my opinion you should start now the production, being sure that whatever will be the capability of the factories involved, as soon the ecats will show that they are effective, the production capability will be saturated for the next tens of years.
The only trouble that must be considered is the reliability, it would be a big issue to deal with any problem during the warranty time, with millions of ecats sold.
waiting for my two kittens
Alessandro Coppi
Dear Andrea Rossi
My residence in Northeast Ohio uses 450 to 1300 kwh per month. How many Ecat SKLep should I order to meet this demand?
Bob Belovich
Nivel E. Ruini:
price of 1 kWh: 0.4 cents of Euro = 1.2 E/3 kWh
1,2 E x 24 hours x 365 days = 10 512 E/year: as we said, the Ecat SKLep pays itself back in one year.
This said, if you spend only 50 Euro/month for your energy consume, you do not need an Ecat SKLep assembly of 30 units.
Warm Regards,
Dear Ing. Rossi,
forgive my total incompetence.
If a module Ecat SKLep costs 249 $, about 219 euros and develops 100 W, to produce 3 Kw would require 30 modules for a total cost of $ 7,470, about 6,570 euros.
Considering that the annual cost of 3 Kw for an average family is around 600/700 euros to amortize the investment would take about 10 years.
Where is it that I am wrong?
Regardless, for the confidence I have always had in you for your indomitable resourcefulness and challenge for human progress (Memento audere semper), I have immediately made a small pre-order.
Best regards.
Modena, Italy)
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Sture Andreasson:
An already organized internal and outsourcing system will start immediately the production,
Warm Regards,
Dear Readers:
Today we reached 500000 ( fivehunderethousand ) units ordered of the Ecat SKLep.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
What will happen when you reach the order for a million SKLep?
1. Your factory in the US will immediately start mass production of them.
2. You must first supplement your factory for mass production.
3. A pre-contracted partner manufactures the first million SKLep.
Warm Regards
To you and your team
Sture Andreasson
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I think a good application for the SKLep would be in streetlights. Modern LED streetlights require an input power of between 100W and 450W of AC electrical power. Assuming an average of 12 hours per day, 365 days per year, that’s an average of 4,380 hours of operation per year. Likewise, assuming a typical $0.20USD per kiloWatt-Hr, the saving would be between about $80 and $400 per year.
You can go here to find the order form:
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
How can I order an Ecat Sklep ?
Thank you for the update.
I noticed that the numbers increased after the publication of the presentation of the Ecat SKLep on http://www.e-catworld.com
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Your stats on
are continuing to skyrocket after the 9th December presentation: the paper is breaking any possible record:
Total Readings 84000 (the average of RG is 200)- of which 77000 only for “Ecat SK and long range particle interactions”
Reccomendations 6529 (the average of RG is 20)
Citations 28 (the average of RG is 3)
Total Research Interest index 1690 (the average of RG is 15)
And counting…