United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,197 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you, now I am no more afraid. Honestly, I was afraid.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ron Howard:
    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Curto:
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard Mc Ek:
    I am recovering very fast. Thank you for your concern,
    Warm Regards,

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    Please let us know when your weight is starting to increase again.
    I dare say that if that happens, F9>1
    It is higher physics you know, because you are entangled to the E-cat. 😉
    Good health!
    Kind regards, Gerard

  • Robert Curto

    Dr. Rossi, Google:
    Turning Windows into Solar Panels
    Click on:
    Turning Windows into Solar Panels
    Robert Curto
    Ft. Lauderdale Florida

  • Ron Howard

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    I appreciated a lot your answer to Mr Blake.

  • Kathe

    Dear Andrea,
    I am so glad to read that your health is intact and you can continue your work. I think that you are still necessary to make the E-Cat a reality and not just a show.

  • Anonymous

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Great answer to Erik Tegnersson!

  • Giorgio

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    I have watched the video suggested by Salvatore in this blog on 2016/03/08 10,43 a.m.
    It is very beautiful and interesting. The life of Nikolas Tesla is narrated with great intelligence and documentation.
    Congratulations to the author, the director, the actor that gives the voice to Tesla with a really sympathetic interpretation.

  • James

    Dr Rossi:
    Thank you for your clear and sound answer to Erik Tegnersson.

  • Taylor Weisiger

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    You did not report the score of your return tennis match with your wife last Sunday and I did not find it on the newspapers: as usually, you have been boycotted.

  • Madge

    Dr Rossi Andrea:
    Can you update us about your work with the E-Cat quark-X?

  • Vince Westergaard

    Dear Andrea,
    Thank you for having informed us about the determination of Leonardo Corp.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please find on
    the comments published today on other posts of this blog.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Blake Woge:
    The E-Cats are safe and I have not been a Guinea pig.
    Since the beginning of the collaboration with Prof. Sergio Focardi, he taught me how to work safe with this matter, and I never exposed myself, let alone my teams, to any risk. Not a single person of my teams in all these years had any problem to his health due to our work. All the measurements made to our plants have always confirmed that we do not have ionizing radiations outside the E-Cats and in the environment around above the background; we made hundreds of measurement campaigns on the E-Cats.
    The problems to my health turned out to be due by the tremendous stress I passed through, working day and night and now I am rapidly recovering my normal status.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Erik Tegnersson:
    I received many other comments and emails of the same tenor and with this comment I answer to all, spamming all the other comments and emails on the matter, not to lose precious time.
    While, as you correctly say, many people are now speculating that Industrial Heat has expanded their licensed Territory and/or acquired the license for the United Kingdom, such speculation is without merit.
    At this time, there has been no change to the Territory licensed to Industrial Heat, LLC or any of its affiliated companies.
    Leonardo Corporation remains the owner of ALL the E- Cat related intellectual property and continues to work with multiple licenses, including the great Swedish Team of Hydrofusion ( one of our pillars ) throughout Europe and the rest of the world.
    Warm Regards,
    Dr Andrea Rossi, CEO of Leonardo Corporation.

  • Blake Woge

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    So, you, the Guinea pig, have survived the plant !
    I don’t know if it is good or bad.

  • Erik Tegnersson

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi !
    In the blogs is circulating the voice that the incorporation of Industrial Heat UK means that now Industrial Heat has acquired from Leonardo Corporation the license also for UK and probably other areas of the world, so that Leonardo is destined to become a poor thing, while the powerful and rich Industrial Heat will develope your intellectual property also by means of a team of competitors of yours that IH is financing ( Brillouin, La Gatta for example). Is it true that you have sold your IP for UK and Europe to IH, as many are speculating in the blogs ? What about all your other licensees, for example Hydrofusion in Sweden and UK ?
    Thank you if you can answer,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dorthey Kasky:
    I am very happy to answer, because today arrived all the results of the analysis and I made two very important visits to see carefully through the critical issues: the results are totally good. I have nothing SERIOUS. As I was convinced of, I am perfectly healthy and now that I work normally I will recover my weight too.
    I was worried, so today has been a good day, thanks to God.
    Tomorrow last visit, a routinely check of the teeth (never had any problem to my teeth), then I will have finished all the clinic things and will be ready for the next fight ( and tennis match too). The Cat will not remain orphan.
    Thank you for your concern,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Absolutely yes.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Isobel Kushin:
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link. Anything related to Nikolas Tesla has to be sustained and diffused, because he is probably the most important inventor of the last two centuries and has been underestimated to the advantage of others that basically have stolen his inventions.
    Warm Regards

  • Salvatore

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    Perhaps the Readers of this blog are interested to watch this interesting transmission about Nikola Tesla:

  • Dorthey Kasky

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    How is going your health ?
    We are worried about it.

  • Isobel Kushin

    Dear Andrea,
    Congratulations for your US Patent. Are you extending it to the whole world?
    Isobel Kushin

  • George

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Is your R&D with the E-Cat quarkX teaching to you theoretical issues?
    Thank you,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rhett Dyreson:
    No, because we will consume not huge amounts of these metals.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Margit Lingerfeld,
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Obviously X rays need less shielding than gamma, but these experiments must be conducted with the assistance of experts of the matter to be safe.

    Warm Regards
    p.s.: the most focused Readers surely have noticed that I corrected the typo of this comment: I had written “rats” insread of “rays”: clearly a Freudian error of the Cat.

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    You may have seen that Mats Lewan has published an article in which he proposes a possible mechanism behind the Rossi Effect — article is here: https://animpossibleinvention.com/2016/03/07/finally-this-is-possibly-how-the-e-cat-works/

    He thinks that the reaction produces low energy X-rays. If people are trying to replicate, can you say if it is safe to do so without lead or some other kind of shielding?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Margit Lingerfelt

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Are you still working with Prof Norman Cook on the theory?

  • Rhett Dyreson

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Do you think the price of Li and Ni will raise after the diffusion of the Ecats?

  • Andrea Rossi

    I am sorry to make you again Pop-CornFused, but I can’t answer in positive or in negative.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bedy Normann:
    Much better. I stayed 2 full days without working and without alarm clock, first time in 3 years.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Too complicated for me.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Absolutely not.
    Warm Regards,

  • CornFused

    I seem to remember some years back, you were asked about other reactants such as potassium or sodium as a reactant. I’m sure you’ve went through hundreds of compound iterations. Have you every tried Magnesium as a secondary reactant with the lithium or would that dampen the reaction? If you can’t answer because of your IP, I totally understand.

  • Bedy Normann

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    How is going your health, after open mom&pop tennis tournament?

  • orsobubu

    Dear Andrea,

    if (F8 =0 or <0) and (F9 =0 or 0), could be F8 + F9 = F10?

  • Casey

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Any news about when the Report will be delivered ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you.
    Warm Regards,

  • Roberta

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    I am still laughing about your comment to answer to Gregory McElvenny.
    Remarkable that you tried to do that with a language that is not mother language to you: the “supercazzola style” from Amici Miei is custom made for Italian language, but you tried to find out the way to do it in English. I hope for English speaking persons is maintained the ironical flavour of the comment.
    Cari saluti,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    I will make further comments only after the preliminary tests will have been completed ( = F8 ).
    I think these tests will last in several months. ( F9 ).
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Can you comment on the preliminary tests of the E-Cat X consist of, and how long you expect these tests to last?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • George

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    F9 = “the final results of the tests on course could be either negative or positive”
    F8 = “I cannot give information about the E-Cat in any version until the preliminar tests on course will have been completed”

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Curto:
    Yes, it always does.
    Warm Regards,

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