United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,165 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your opinion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Jan Šrajer

    Just for fun. That Elon Musk is the driving force behind progress. True, those battery pack are a big brake, but if Rossi gets involved, the change in the world will be incredible. Tesla3 shows how electric cars are in rapid development and basically ready for a revolution in the automotive industry if the batteries are replaced by a plasma generator.
    Tesla 3 – 330kW / 450 HP top power. Two engines. One at the front – induction, the other at the rear – BLDC motor (brushless DC with a rotor with neodymium magnets). During normal driving, the rear axle driven with BLDC motor is active. It is most effective.
    The front axle with the engine engages during rapid acceleration. Range in summer on a single charge about 400km in winter 300km. Average consumption 20kWh / 100km. In the future, the second BLDC motor with a neodymium rotor will also be replaced by an electronically controlled induction motor.
    The only shortcoming today (apart from the fact that the car is too expensive, for the snobs, and with a short range) is that it probably doesn’t have a spare wheel that can’t be put anywhere due to battery pack. In any case, the direction to the future is lucid and it depends on when the terrible batteries are replaced.
    All the best

  • Gavino Mamia

    Dott. Rossi, l’Europa non è unita per le sanzioni contro la Russia, molti paesi dipendono dal gas e petrolio russo, soprattutto quelli che non hanno risorse rinnovabili come il sole e il vento.
    E’ urgente una dimostrazione del suo Ecat, una dimostrazione semplice ed efficace in modo che questi paesi si rendano conto che in futuro si può dire no alla Russia.
    Altrimenti lei non sarà ricordato come l’uomo che ha salvato la terra dallo scempio umano ma sarà ricordato come quello che aveva lo strumento per salvarla e non lo ha fatto.
    E nessuno capirà il motivo.
    E’ da molto tempo che io e tanti altri chiediamo una demo semplice da capire per tutti, un ecat funzionante trasmesso via webcam 24 ore su 24.
    Lei continua a rispondere “grazie per il consiglio” ma il mondo intanto non capisce e continua a restare scettico.
    Spero per tutti che non sarà troppo tardi altrimenti il mondo avrà tanti rimpianti e nessuno la perdonerà.
    5 ecat collegati ad una batteria da 5 watt che mantiene acceso un elettrodomestico che ne consuma 500, qualsiasi capo di stato, senza neanche consultarsi con dei tecnici, capirebbe… è questa la semplice demo che tutti noi chiediamo e non capiamo il motivo per cui non è stata ancora fatta.
    Noi che la seguiamo da più di 11 anni lo meritiamo oltretutto.
    p.s. questo è il riassunto del messaggio perso nello spam tempo fa
    Dr. Rossi, Europe is not united for sanctions against Russia, many countries depend on Russian gas and oil, especially those that do not have renewable resources such as sun and wind.
    A demonstration of its Ecat is urgently needed, a simple and effective demonstration so that these countries realize that in the future they can say no to Russia.
    Otherwise you will not be remembered as the man who saved the earth from human destruction but will be remembered as the one who had the tool to save it and did not.
    And no one will understand why.
    It has been a long time since I and many others have been asking for a demo that is easy for everyone to understand, a working ecat broadcast via webcam 24 hours a day.
    She continues to answer “thanks for the advice” but in the meantime the world does not understand and continues to remain skeptical.
    I hope for everyone that it will not be too late otherwise the world will have many regrets and no one will forgive her.
    5 ecat connected to a 5 watt battery that keeps an appliance running that consumes 500, any head of state, without even consulting with technicians, would understand … this is the simple demo that we all ask and we do not understand why we do not has still been done.
    We who have been following it for more than 11 years deserve it.
    p.s. this is the summary of the message lost in spam long ago

  • Veli

    Mr. Rossi will never produce
    E-Cat_SK because it doesn’t work

  • Bedy

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Congratulations for the 100,000 + readings of
    The algorythm of Researchgate registers all the readings, not accounting for repeated readings from the same source or the readings made by the author, so the number of 100000 readings is even more stunning, because absolutely genuine. It gives evidence of the increase of interest from the scientific echelons for the work of your team.
    May God bless the work of your team,

  • Andrea Rossi

    DrLG and MR SENPAI !
    Congratulations to DrLG for his brilliant idea of the “lottery” that has been quite funny, and to SENPAI for his clairvoyant comment of April 24th.
    MR Sanpai: please send us to this email address your address to send you an Ecat SKLep when we will start the deliveries:
    We need your name, address and telephone number.
    Warm Regards,
    Obviously we will respect the privacy of any information you give us, and you will be free to make them public or not

  • DrLG


    The reads blew through 100,000 readings first half of May 6, 2022, racking up well over 200 reads in 12 hours, and stand at 100,201 at 12:34 “noon”, today, May 6,2022.

    senpai is the winner with the post :

    April 24, 2022 at 12:32 PM
    My 100K #lottery read date guess is May 06, 2022.

    Congratulations to Dr. Rossi, and to senpai.

    Now we all anxiously wait for the pre-orders to get through the current vetting process and climb to the 1,000,000 target.

    Best Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dieter Wagner:
    The issue was different. Obviously whoever buys few Ecat SKLeps is totally free to buy eventually as many as he wants.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jeff Smathers:
    The thousands of Clients who pre-ordered small quantities are not the issue. The issue are big buyers that do not give the necessary guarantees,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your kind attention,
    Warm Regards,

  • CC

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Congratulations for the 100000 readings of

  • Andrea Rossi

    Nils Fryklund:
    We are working,
    Warm Regards,

  • Nils Fryklund

    Dear Andrea!
    Don´t you have any news to tell us fans, it was same time ago since last?
    Best regards
    Nils Fryklund

  • Jeff Smathers

    Hello Andrea,
    I am so very anxious for this project to finally get ‘over the hump’ of the 1000K customer order node.

    As a simple mathematic question …. How many of your existing small customers would have to increase their order by what individual ,fractional percentage to move the current amount to the 1000k value.?

    I am sure most of us small but stubborn supporters would do this for you and ourselves. Please sir…. Let us see your project become whole and real.

    Continued blessings….

  • Julia

    Dear DrLG
    Today the paper
    reached 100000 readings !
    So the lottery is over, who won ?

  • Dieter Wagner

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    I would like to refer to a reply you gave to Pavel on 04/20/22.
    Pavel inquired if it is possible to place an additional order that is due only after receiving delivery of a previously placed order. This would mean that the customer would receive an ordered quantity first, be able to test it, and only then would additional ecats be delivered in order.
    Your answer to this request was “no”. I would like to explain this answer in its external effect from the view of a salesman (in it I have 40 years experience). This answer caused me to postpone further orders that I wanted to make for the time being. I can understand their concern that perhaps they suspect the customer will start copying and reorder their equipment. But for customers, the idea of security always plays a paramount role. Their answer translates as: I am not convinced that my product is satisfactory enough for you to keep your order. This may also be an explanation for the fact that cancellations and new orders are more or less balanced at the moment, but the total number is not going up in big steps (as it was the case in the first weeks after the presentation of the Ecat SKL). Just as I considered ordering up to 100 additional units after their response and postponed after their response, it may have been the same for others. For me, even 45 units ordered is a financial challenge, but one that I have weighed well and am able to afford. I cannot risk having ordered and paid for several times that amount in the end. The devices could stop serving after a few months and no startup would be able to compensate customers by the dozen. My recommendation would be to weigh whether the devices will work reliably and for a long time. If they are confident that they will, it would be a manageable risk to allow customers to place staggered orders. With the previous answer, you have actually answered: I am not convinced that my product works reliably. I think that is a pity, because it is at least ambiguous in its external effect, if not negative. I am convinced that a clear answer to us customers, who have been following the project with interest for years, will immediately lead to an increase in orders.
    I very much hope that you will not take this article as criticism but as a challenge to look at the order specifications from the point of view of a customer who is not yet convinced. And I also very much wish that you will respond to this post with more than
    – Thank you for your opinion etc
    Best regards and in joyful expectation of your answer

  • Jack

    Dr Rossi,
    Are you still working to reach 1 kW of power for the module of the SKLep ?

  • DrLG

    LOTTERY UPDATE May 5, 2022, 11:59PM, read count is 99,968


    DR. ROSSI:

    What minimum amperage at 12volts will
    kickstart the SKLEP?
    A.+2OC Ambient
    B.-20C Ambient

    We anxiously await production.

  • DrLG

    dear @camilloUrbani

    Dr. Rossi already had a 1MW heat plant running (2015, 2016 time frame) while he was trying to work with IH who reneged on the deal. This plant showed no measurable radiation emission. IH failed to prove in a court of law that the 1MW plant did not work and had to settle the law suit.

    Not the same implementation as a 1MW plant of SKLep’s, but I assume the core technology energy source is the same, just controlled differently.

    Best Regards

  • DrLG

    Lottery########## 99,942 Reads at 1:07 PM, 5/5/2022 East Coast Time

    Thanks, @Prof. I check it twice a day.

    Today might be the day!

    Best Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Ruedi

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    i am sorry, i do not understand your business policy. If you have already 800,000 orders then just start the production and deliver it. The second wave of orders will come as soon as the customers see your product working – doesn’t matter if it is working in their home or by friends or they see it at youtube. Also the news reports will bring you the needed publicity.

    Ya, you are worried about reproduction: But this needs time and if your mass production had started you have a headstart and therefore an advance. Of course it will reach not just 1 million, but many times this amount.
    And if you offer licences to a reasonable price you and your investors profits maximise much faster.
    So just talk with your investors and start finally the revolution in energy production! There is no sense to wait, every human lifetime is limited.
    Best regards

  • Prof

    Dear DrLG,
    stay alert, because today the paper
    reached already 99800 readings, and counting…you should be close to proclain within a week the winner of the “lottery” !

  • @LarryG
    Rossi can be in an exploratory phase of the market. By increasing power, unavailable secondary effects may occur. In the interviews Luigi Ighina warned me of dangers when operating with energies of unknown origin. Ighina shielded each apparatus by wrapping it from a metal network surrounded by subsequent layers of organic (polystyrene) and inorganic (plaster or bricks). https://gradientitemporali.wordpress.com/2017/03/03/incontro-con-ighina/

  • DrLG

    @Camillo Urbani:

    please note that a 1MW plant is available for pre-order
    so at least 1MW.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Camillo Urbani:
    Warm Regards

  • Dr. Rossi can say what is the maximum power that has experienced concretely so far by assembling together more groups from 100W each?
    a) 1 kW
    b) 10 kW
    c) more than 100 kW

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer:
    All those issues depend on the specific situations, that will be discussed with the Clients before the delivery,
    Warm Regards,

  • Jan Šrajer

    I thought about the requirements that E-catSKLep should meet.
    1. Resistance to falling from a height of 1m
    2. Resistance to polarity reversal of the output serial-parallel configuration several E-catSKLep
    3. Resistance to asymmetric serial-parallel interconnection of several E-catSKLep
    4. Moisture resistance
    5. Resistant to input and output switching
    6. Resistance to the introduction of foreign energy into outputs E-catSKLep
    All the best J.Š

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for yur attention to our work,
    Warm Regards,

  • Giovanna

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    I think that one of the most important parts of the paper
    is the selection made to write the bibliography, and probably it is one of the reasons of its unbelievable success,
    all the best to your team,

  • DrLG

    100K READ LOTTERY ..

    To clarify, the time zone used for the 100K read date will be Florida time zone.

    Best Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jean Pierre:
    Thank you for your thoughts,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    If it were possible to have self-sustaining in the Ecat-SKLep, it would be very interesting to create a power supply disconnected from the grid to be used at home (instead of the grid) or outside where there is no grid.
    An ideal power could be 3kW – 220 V-50 Hz, made up with 30 single SKLep units of 100 watts / each.
    The whole could be contained already wired in a suitable little container together with a rechargeable battery and the auxiliary control circuits.
    The maximum total cost could be around $ 8,000.
    If this device were made and put up for sale, it would surely have incredible sales success. I could be the first to buy one.
    To Dr. Rossi I ask a question: is it a utopian dream or could it happen?

    Best Regards,
    Italo R.

  • Jean Pierre

    Dear Andrea.
    Some thoughts for you and perhaps others too.

    Heating is a priority in my house. I have a 7kW ,wall-mounted, gas-fired boiler that feeds 11 water-filled radiators, plus a hot water tank. There are ,literally,millions of homes similar to my own.

    The powers-that-be have wisely concluded that it is better to change the fuel than to cause a disruptive and expensive change in infrastructure throughout these homes.

    Hydrogen is seen as the answer. Fortunately, there are three major companies that I know of that are very close to being able to sell hydrogen boiler replacements. Trials are currently in operation in peoples’ houses.

    So, concerning myself with heat pumps powered by E-Cats seems inappropriate. I shall simply replace my boiler in the future with the new type and keep all my radiators. Eco friendly in due course.

    However, hydrogen production is still expensive at this time. Possibly, the price for this commodity may well come down if the new process announced in Australia comes on stream, and if the 1MW units of SKLeps can augment this by using electrolysis of water to get the hydrogen. This will help me indirectly with cheaper running costs.

    I also have a 3kW fan heater for the fast warm-up of my kitchen on frosty mornings. If it were possible to squeeze one SKLep,plus its controller,plus its inverter into the small area of my fan heater, then I would only get 100W of heating rather than 3000W. The cost of this minimum situation would be $250 plus tax. The cost of the fan heater is only a fraction of this.

    Also, If I wanted to emulate the performance of the fan heater, I would need a minimum number of 30 SKLeps, plus an unknown (to me ) number of of controllers and inverters, plus leads. It would be like having a baby elephant in my kitchen. Not sensible.

    No doubt, people will point to the running costs in households as important; but for me,in my years of life left, the inconvenience and difficulty of trying to fathom the maximum power that each appliance needs plus

    1) the huge initial cost outlay

    2) the space needed to house all the SKLeps

    3) the effort and cost to get a qualified electrician to reproduce your suggested circuit diagram(s)

    makes it a non-starter for me personally.

    This is not to say that other people cannot usefully employ SKLeps in their lives. May they be happy to make use of your invention, and be successful too.

    Ending on a positive, final note, I can definitely see the very useful idea of homes having SKLep chargers for their electric vehicles.

    I would suggest that that you should plug this and cheaper hydrogen production in your main advertisements when the time comes.

    All the best. Jean Pierre

  • Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    Here are your stats I got today from
    Total Readings: 108000 ( of which 99590 only of “Ecat SK and long range particle interactions” )
    Recommendations: 7291
    Citations + Mentions: 53
    Research Interest index: 1866
    And counting…

  • DrLG

    Monday, 5/2/2022 at 12:51PM Eastern time, reads are at 99,520, more than 100 reads “overnight”. at this rate, reads will hit 100K this week.

    Please make sure I didn’t miss your entry and that your entry is correctly tabulated.
    Prize is a signed SKLep delivered after start of 1000000 deliveries.

    Article is at:

    Updated Date List:

    04/28/2022___Greg Leonard_____2022-04-23 10:30
    05/01/2022___Gavino Mamia____2022-04-27 06:44
    05/02/2022___Gerard McEk_____2022-04-25 08:01
    05/03/2022___Rodney__________2022-04-22 16:01
    05/04/2022___WaltC___________2022-04-24 07:43
    05/05/2022___Heinz Sause______2022-04-23 05:32
    05/06/2022___senpai___________2022-04-24 12:32
    05/07/2022___SvenB____________2022-04-26 00:51
    05/08/2022___Jean Dehoubert____2022-04-25 15:34
    05/09/2022___Xavier Pitz________2022-04-23 02:18
    05/10/2022___Rick 57___________2022-04-25 11:21
    05/11/2022___Adam Ludwig_____2022-04-29 19:31
    05/12/2022___achab12345______2022-04-23 12:47
    05/13/2022___MUZARD François___2022-04-29 05:42
    05/14/2022___P________________2022-04-25 05:33
    05/15/2022___RL_______________2022-04-29 12:17
    05/16/2022___gary ludwig_______2022-04-24 15:34
    05/17/2022___Svein H Vormedal___2022-04-30 01:39
    05/18/2022___Brokeeper________2022-04-26 08:54
    05/19/2022___Mark Saker_______2022-04-28 05:39
    05/20/2022___Erik_____________2022-04-25 05:43
    05/21/2022___Frits_____________2022-05-01 10:25
    05/22/2022___paula____________2022-05-01 09:54
    05/23/2022___Enea Romagnoli___2022-04-27 12:12
    05/25/2022___Stephen__________2022-04-24 03:59
    05/27/2022___Maico___________2022-04-29 09:15
    05/28/2022___Richard Wells_____2022-04-29 16:37
    05/29/2022___Joseph Fine_______2022-04-28 17:43
    05/30/2022___Horst Dieter Preschel___2022-05-01 15:34
    05/31/2022___James Becker_____2022-04-30 22:54
    06/01/2022___Dominik__________2022-05-01 15:32
    06/02/2022___SERGIO__________2022-04-23 08:55
    06/05/2022___Jitse_____________2022-04-27 06:04
    07/01/2022___Piero Frreri_______2022-05-01 02:31
    07/14/2022___Franco___________2022-05-01 13:13
    07/31/2022___Salvatore Boi_____2022-04-26 01:10

  • My 100K #lottery read date guess is 5/24/2022

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • DrLG

    Sudday., 5/1/2022 at 10:43PM Eastern time, reads are at 99,400, only 600 reads to go.

    Prize is a signed SKLep delivered after start of 1000000 deliveries.

    Article is at:

    Last day of entry is Sunday, May 1, 2022.

    You can use a pseudonym for your name…Dr. Rossi will have your email address.

    Please make sure I didn’t miss your entry and that your entry is correctly tabulated.

    Because the posts are not updated real time, there has been some duplicates. Sorry about that, please make another guess if your choice got bumped.

    Please make sure I have tabulated your guess correctly, especially if there was duplicates.

    Updated Date List:

    04/28/2022___Greg Leonard_____2022-04-23 10:30
    05/01/2022___Gavino Mamia____2022-04-27 06:44
    05/02/2022___Gerard McEk_____2022-04-25 08:01
    05/03/2022___Rodney__________2022-04-22 16:01
    05/04/2022___WaltC___________2022-04-24 07:43
    05/05/2022___Heinz Sause______2022-04-23 05:32
    05/06/2022___senpai___________2022-04-24 12:32
    05/07/2022___SvenB____________2022-04-26 00:51
    05/08/2022___Jean Dehoubert____2022-04-25 15:34
    05/09/2022___Xavier Pitz________2022-04-23 02:18
    05/10/2022___Rick 57___________2022-04-25 11:21
    05/11/2022___Adam Ludwig_____2022-04-29 19:31
    05/12/2022___achab12345______2022-04-23 12:47
    05/13/2022___MUZARD François___2022-04-29 05:42
    05/14/2022___P________________2022-04-25 05:33
    05/15/2022___RL_______________2022-04-29 12:17
    05/16/2022___gary ludwig_______2022-04-24 15:34
    05/17/2022___Svein H Vormedal___2022-04-30 01:39
    05/18/2022___Brokeeper________2022-04-26 08:54
    05/19/2022___Mark Saker_______2022-04-28 05:39
    05/20/2022___Erik_____________2022-04-25 05:43
    05/21/2022___Frits_____________2022-05-01 10:25
    05/22/2022___paula____________2022-05-01 09:54
    05/23/2022___Enea Romagnoli___2022-04-27 12:12
    05/25/2022___Stephen__________2022-04-24 03:59
    05/27/2022___Maico___________2022-04-29 09:15
    05/28/2022___Richard Wells_____2022-04-29 16:37
    05/29/2022___Joseph Fine_______2022-04-28 17:43
    05/31/2022___James Becker_____2022-04-30 22:54
    06/02/2022___SERGIO__________2022-04-23 08:55
    06/05/2022___Jitse_____________2022-04-27 06:04
    07/01/2022___Piero Frreri_______2022-05-01 02:31
    07/14/2022___Franco___________2022-05-01 13:13
    07/31/2022___Salvatore Boi_____2022-04-26 01:10

  • Horst Dieter Preschel

    My 100K #lottery read date guess is May 30, 2022

  • Dominik

    My 100K #lottery read date guess is June 1, 2022

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer:
    Which publication are you referring to ?
    Warm Regards,

  • Franco

    My 100K #lottery read date guess is 14/july/2022

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