United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,197 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Gavino Mamia

    in fact the kers of modern cars is nothing more than energy recovered during braking that recharges the batteries, there are no charging problems so

  • LilyLover

    Dear JONP Readers, especially the ones that are confused by Steven Nicholes Karels,

    Using E-Cat SKLEP to run electric vehicles is a relatively simple and obvious task.

    First of all, more than one technologies have been developed over 15 years ago, by more than LG Chem or alike for charging vehicles while in motion to the tunes of charging rate of 50 to 100 MWh/h.

    The joke of a standards need replaced for such an important of an invention. I’ll ensure to make that happen. Old st-up-id “standards” are routinely replaced by the new pioneering ones.

    A standard does not have authority or power or ability or intent to bend reality; conventions do not dictate reality; but rather, new conventions are deployed for synchronized adoption of new reality for the maximum benefits at the cheapest costs. Connection from AC electrical power to DC battery can happen without any permission from any “standard”. “EV charging unit charges battery” is a meaningless tautology, which will remain true even if E-Cat SKLEP charges the battery, if one is needed or used at all.

    When we are creating a reality in which complete disconnection from the AC supplier is a primary point, any “communication” with the “AC supplier” is meaningless distraction; even if it were not a distraction, the problem is already solved. Trickle charging is better than fast charging and the very benefit of on-board charger which also helps prolong the charging time as well as the battery life.

    This ERADICATES any need for meaningless “complicated ‘handshake’ (head-shake)” which does not need to occur between “EV charger and the AC supply system”, which anyways is far too trivial and far too easy to worry about.

    Moreover, one can just hook up any number of SKLEPs and avail as much power for Le Mans style racing as and when needed, and also turn off the unneeded SKLEPs except the few that would suffice to top-off the battery. Dumping energy is st-up-id, even if it becomes totally free, not just virtually free.

    Bottom-line: A lot of detailed engineering that is required to enable an SKLEP array to power an EV is ‘college grade problem’ as of now, since, it has already been solved for automotive applications over a couple of decades ago and for power engineering heavy industrial operations for over several decades ago, if not a century ago.

    Takeaway: Things will happen. Rejoice!!!

  • Ron

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Congratulations for the video in
    I can’t wait to receive that beauty.
    Happy Summer holidays,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Iggy Dalrymple:
    Yes, the Ecat SKLep can power a resistance,
    see the video in
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jeff Smathers,
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear JONP Readers,

    Using Ecat SKLep to run Electric Vehicles (EVs) is not a simple task.

    First of all, most EVs do not allow charging of their battery packs while the vehicle is in motion.

    The J1772 standard is most common in North America. It is used for Level 1 and Level 2 charging. Charging rates are between 1 and about 7 kW.

    This standard allows AC electrical power to be connected to the DC EV car battery. The EV has a charging unit which charges the EV battery.

    Communications with the AC supplier is required so the EV charger does not demand more power than the AC side can provide.

    There is a complicated handshake communication that occurs between the EV charger and the AC supply system.

    Likewise, one can’t just hook up a number of SKLep units and dump energy into the EV battery system.

    Bottomline: A lot of detailed engineering is required before a SKLep array could power an EV during driving.

  • Jeff Smathers


    are you familiar with the research of Dr. Randall Mills and the electron ‘hydrino’ theory? … His work and research can validate your work as well…
    Here is a recent article on peer reviewed work.

  • Iggy Dalrymple

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    Wouldn’t a simple SKLep DC powered resistance space heater (combined SKLep & heater) be almost as simple to manufacture as the SKLep itself? I would think that with the disrupted energy market in Europe there would be an immense demand for SKLep heaters. Couldn’t a SKLep radiant heater with no fan operate without need for a battery or inverter (except for a small control battery)?
    Best regards,
    Iggy Dalrymple

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- premature
    2- premature
    3- thank you for the suggestion
    4- we already explained when we will deliver and why
    Warm Regards,

  • Jan Šrajer

    Has anyone already tried to connect E-catSKLep100W, in a certain quantity, to the battery box of an electric car?
    All the best J.Š.

  • Heinrich

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    1)could you please estimate when you will start the advertisement in germany?
    2)Do you already know in which newspapers or professional journals you will advertise?
    3)Would it be not cheaper to involve internet influencers and journalists, to invite them for tests to your production line/office? The coverage could be even better compared to advertisements.

    Please do all in your power to start production and delivery in this year. Please do not delay 1)-3) or other, even better actions.
    Warm regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Svein H. Vormedal:
    We have many contacts, not this one, so far.
    Warm Regards,

  • Svein H Vormedal

    Dear Andrea
    Do you have any direct contact with Electrolux AB or similar large manufacturers?
    Kind regards, Svein H. Vormedal

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Darko

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    There are reports that the Germans have bought a large number of portable electric heating devices. Are you going to start an advertising campaign in Germany?
    Best regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    At the moment can the Ecat SKLep charge a lithium ion battery?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,


    1. Local power companies that independently power small groups of homes with buried electrical cables that all run from Ecat SKLep units, costing the residents cents on the kW-hr. No more storm damage outages, continuous power, modules replaced on a scheduled basis. Increased in capacity as demand grows – AC, heating.

    2. Ocean going cargo ship moving much faster than current cargo shiping, because of low cost Ecal SKLep modules powering massive electrical propulsion units within the cargo ship. Replaced every 10 years when the cargo ship goes in for routine dry dock repairs and updates.

    3. Airlines taking off and landing, using only Ecat SKLep power and battery combinations, with flight duration only limited by crew and passenger needs.

    4. Cars, and trucking all powered by Ecat SKlep units, essentially free of recharging needs, all powered by Ecat SKLep technology

    5. Aluminum plants operating using electrical power from Ecat SKlep power units.

    6. Commercial manufacturing plants each with their own independent Ecat SKLep power generation stations – no electrical power outages.

    7. Farms operated using Ecat SKLep technology, indoor lamps to grow vegetables, not subject to weather variations.

    8. A Lunar and Mars population centers, all powered by Ecat SKLep units, no reliance on Earth resources or transportation issues, or power interruptions.

    ALL WITHOUT CARBON EMISSIONS! What a wonderful vision of a possible future! Now, make it happen!

  • Heinrich

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    what do you do to acquire more pre-orders to reach at least one million. I am sure you don’t just twiddle one’s thumbs.
    Inviting technicians of companies/governments, youtube influencers, journalists to your production line so that they can see, write about and test your product under ward would be a cheap method.

    Best regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dieter Zoeller:
    Presently I cannot guarantee a date of delivery, therefore you should proceed with your regular power sources, that anyway would be necessary as a back-up-
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Drew G.:
    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Svein H. Vormedal:
    Thank you for your suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

  • Svein H Vormedal

    Dear Andrea
    If you now really have a market-ready product where orders are missing, you must increase your marketing.
    The product must be made understandable to as many people as possible.
    Denoting the Ecat as a 12 V battery with a 10-year lifetime with the steady and maximum instantaneous performance of 400 Watts per Kilo is a possibility.

    That several units, easily, can be connected together to provide 120 or 240 Volts which is transformed into normal alternating current must appear.

    A good electric car battery provides approx. 600 Wh per kilo battery. It would then, with a steady load of 400W, be discharged within 1.5 hours. The contrast to 10 years is great.

    “No one” will believe this. You must therefore put together several individual demo products that can be delivered to a number of credible laboratories.
    They must be able to plug the device into the network, measure the absorbed power and emitted power, for example from an attached heating element.

    After 24 hours of operation, they would be able to report that the Ecat delivers 10 to 15 times what one of today’s best car batteries would manage.
    After one week, 100 times effectiveness would already be proven.
    After 2.5 months, approx. 1000 times efficiency will be clarified.

    The results of such reliable laboratories will be far more effectively disseminated, via the press, than what Leonardo corp. would manage.

    The laboratories had to continue their testing until product interruptions occurred.

    Otherwise, I think the Ecat must be ideal for submarines.
    However, marketing must be intensified.

    Kind regards, Svein H. vormedal.

  • Drew G.

    Dr. Rossi:

    Sundays Catholic Mass readings: Eccl1:2: 2-21-2 (The Folly of Vanity) and Lk12: 13-21 (True Wealth in God) How foolish and vain are those who put all their trust in their own devices. I hope you are rich in what matters to God.

    Continued success.

  • dieter zöller

    Hello Mr. Rossi,
    Energy security in Germany is not certain for the coming winter.
    Do I still have to try to have PV modules installed on the roof or can I wait for delivery of the pre-ordered “energy cubes” with hoped delivery in 2022, as a Christmas present?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    Thank you for your insight.
    Nobody has to pay a single cent until we deliver the pre-ordered Ecats.
    Warm Regards,

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Dear Andrea Rossi and collaborators,
    I’m really concerned.

    There is no evidence that financial investors attach any importance to the material problems in the world that are already there and the much bigger problems that will soon be faced by humanity.

    We see the land around us wither, while in other places, people’s houses and roads wash away in mudslides.

    This will inevitably lead to migrations of many hundreds of millions of people, who will all have to look for a new living environment.

    But still…. “investments must above all bring in money”. However, money is no more and no less than a religion: An agreement or promise among people to obtain other, future goods or services in exchange for money.

    If the world is damaged too much, and nature comes to claim its due, then all the money in the world will not be enough to fix the planet.

    I agree that many of us must first follow the path of frugality and efficiency, but my feeling is that the time is really starting to run out for real material solutions.

    After the First World War, there were far fewer mouths to feed. After that, it seemed to have been not enough. In my region we have huge monuments in remembrance of these major events. War seems to have been a good means to correct the behaviour of the common people for a couple of decades. I offer my apologies to the people who are affected.

    I’m worried, not at least because of why there is no government in the world that immediately advances all the necessary funds for the distribution of the E-Cat.
    There was a time when the available volume of money was tied to an amount of gold. That system was abolished in the early 1970s. Since then, the central banks have determined monetary policy. This is done in consultation with all policy makers in the world, and responds to the real needs of the world I believe(d).
    When the need is very high, governments – and not least the so-called deep-state – are able to provide revolutionary solutions.

    Many years ago, I’m talking about 2011, there were already people in governments who were interested in the E-Cat project, be it, of course, on condition or on pretext – I’ll leave it up to the truth of either – that it’s about mature technology, with ready-to-use products. Those people I Knew are already retired now.

    Browsing the world wide web will reveal several technical solutions, ranging from hydrogen – and syngas – that can be produced from renewable energy sources, to far more sophisticated technologies. Even when it comes to concepts, their presentations of their products sometimes seem to be more professional and credible to a layman than the presentation of the E-Cat. A lot of them may be frauds or may have other problems. We can not know for sure. So credibility is a huge problem nowadays. The media are overcrowded with hoaxes and infotainment these days. People do not know who to believe.

    Two hundred and fifty million euros or dollars: Even a developing country should be able to allocate a sufficient budget for this.
    Last week at the lottery “euromillions” there was even someone who won 230 million euros.
    The region where I live – Flanders – imports about 80 billion worth of goods every quarter.
    The combined value of all new-build apartments in one year in one small city exceeds the price of one million E-Cats.
    I can go on for some time like this….

    I’m really concerned.
    Something is not right with this story of the E-Cat.
    It all seems so unfair to me.

    I ordered 22 units, and I can afford to order another 20 units immediately, but I have no idea what to do with 4000 kWh/h 24/24 7/7. I buy on average every month 100€ natural gas and 150€ electricity. To cook my food I use five bottles of propane (10.5 kg) per year at €30 per bottle on a gas stove which costed me €400. I’m not going to buy some 11kW Ecats to cook steak and chips anyway. I know of a lot of small businesses that are stopping, e.g. local bakeries, because of the high prices for commodities and energy. After they stopped, those local businesses won’t buy the solutions anymore. What I mean is that if we – the people of the world – loose our networks of local activities and businesses, it is very unlikely that this network can be rebuilt soon.

    Once it works as a finished product, I can start realizing the household E-Cat installation for many customers, but I can’t ask today that those people all deposit money into my account as an advance? They would take me to court.

    Concerned greetings,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your suggestions.
    Answer: no, they are not requiring that,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jean Pierre:
    Thank you for your opinion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    R. Zimmermann:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your empathy,
    Warm Regards,

  • Ronaldo

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    I understand you: to offer the Ecat at the price of 250 $ you need to sell enough units to have a proper economy scale and, at the same time, you cannot sell fewer units at a higher price, because no acceptable price could refund you and your investors of the damages generated by the unavoidable reverse engineering.
    You are perfectly right,

  • R.Zimmermann

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    why not sell licences to the people republic of china and others, so that they and other do not need to replicate?
    As we already know the USA/Nasa already patented inventions which they stole from you. I would trust the USA not a single millimeter if there is an invention from which the military can profit.
    So spread the licences so far it is possible, but therefor you have to contact governments in certain countries, like china.
    Best regards

  • Jean Pierre

    Hi Andrea.
    Naturally, people are getting very impatient with the waiting for a useful product that they can get their hands on. Perhaps the following ideas should be considered by yourself?

    Since you have stated recently that the orders are in a roller coaster situation—ie you lose some and gain some, this seems to indicate a stalemate condition around the 800k mark. This being the case, I would suggest that you implement plan B with all speed in order to try to reach the one million target as soon as possible. Surely your investors cannot object to this procedure?

    I suggest this action for two reasons;
    1) plan A seems to be failing and
    2) it will allow you freedom and time to devise plan C should plan B also fail.

    With regard to Plan B, I feel that it is unlikely that people with scientific/engineering training and years of experience in these fields will not accept or be impressed with an E-Cat that is run for a year while being permanently connected to the mains supply. Only a battery input would be acceptable along with the output doing real and useful work which can very easily be seen and appreciated immediately.

    In addition, people will want to be assured by obvious action that there is no possibility that the system can be supplied with energy from any other external, non-connected source. Glass table/legs and a Faraday style cage come to mind. There may be even better solutions that I am unaware of.

    I hope that you will take my suggestions seriously because I detect that some people, who have been following your story for many years, are close to dropping away. Their patience is almost at an end and they may be inclined to cancel their current orders and start a snowball effect, like a run on the banks situation.

    With best wishes for the future. Jean Pierre

  • WaltC

    Dr. Rossi,

    In my opinion:
    A) The current “Highest and Best Use” for the SKLep is for EVs (Electric Cars) because they can provide EVs with a feature that no other solution can– unlimited range without the need to recharge.
    B) Once EV manufacturers begin to understand the inherent Energy Density of the SKLep, those manufacturers who become Early Adopters of the technology will gain a huge competitive advantage over their peers. Specifically, competitors of Tesla could surge to a leadership position, or Tesla could cement their lead even further. Either way, once EV manufacturers finally catch on, demand for SKLep devices will skyrocket well past your 1 million sales goal.
    C) I think the missing element in all of this– that is, the current impediment that’s holding it back– is that Leonardo has not demonstrated sustained kWh power delivery beyond a few minutes.
    D) I really do believe that a long-term demonstration is needed ASAP, in early August, to gain EV manufacturer’s attention. It doesn’t need to be a full Plan-B; it doesn’t need to be at a customer’s site; it could be considered a simple tweak of Plan-A.

    You mentioned earlier today (7/31) that your investors would not accept shipping units before you have 1 million confirmed orders– I agree that that makes good business sense.
    1) Are your investors also requiring that you not demonstrate anything further until it can be shown from a customer’s location?

    Best Wishes,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Barry Mead:
    Thank you for your opinion and for your suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    To make reverse engineering difficult is impossible, if to make it are guys senior of the matter,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    1. 1 week
    2. there would be a progression: an integral, not a number
    3. 12-18 months
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    As we begin a new month (August 2022), perhaps it is a good time to ask a few questions, which you may choose to reveal the answers…

    1. If today, you had 1 million confirmed orders, how long before the first production unit would be shipped?
    2. Same conditions … What would you initial monthly production rate be?
    3. When would the last of the first 1M units be shipped?

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    You mentioned that the evolution of the SKLep continues. Does this evolution include making reverse engineering more difficult?

    Kind regards,

    Frank Acland

  • Barry Mead

    Dear Dr. Rossi: I know that your goal is 1 million units, but have you considered the rate of economic decline in the U.S. and the other first world countries around the globe? If the SK-LEP isn’t released soon then there may not be any economy left to buy it! Even if you sell 1-million units, do you think countries like China will respect your intellectual property or refrain from stealing your technology faster than the roll out delay for production that you have planned? I suspect that you won’t get half way through your 1-million units built before China steals and clone your technology and cranks them out faster than your factory can. If you want to preserve your dominant position in the market you will probably need a stronger partner like the U.S. Government or a really big industrial player to help you. In my humble opinion the world desperately needs this technology NOW and will probably find a way to get it faster than your plans predict.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Willi Meinders:
    As I already explained, to reach orders for at least one million units id necessary for the economy scale and to avoid a reverse engineering without the necessary compensation. To sell few units, even for a price 100 times higher, would give away technology and know how.
    Obviously our investors cannot accept this.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Dr. Rossi, we are all urgently waiting for the Ecat-SKLep. One of my readers now asks whether it would not be possible to increase the price of the device by, for example, 20% if this would allow production to start immediately. A circular letter to the existing customers would certainly clarify this quickly.
    Kind regards
    W. Meinders, coldreaction.net

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    My Tesla Model 3 front trunk, aka Frunk, can support a rectangular box of dimensions 24″ wide, by 16″ deep and 8″ high. Allowing some room for mechanical support and connectors, I believe that I could get a total of 80 SKLep 100W units in the Frunk. Assuming adequate interface electronics would fit and connection to the main battery was possible, I could have about 8 kW of power available to the car.

    My Tesla Wall Mount in my garage provides almost 8 kW of charging power and I can fully charge my Model 3 in several hours. I typically run at about 250 W/miles so driving at, say 72 mph, requires about 18 kW of power at that speed. Given that speed, I would normally have sufficient energy, when fully charged, for about 3 hours of operation. During those 3 hours, the SKlep units could provide an additional 24 kW-hr of energy. This would extend the driving time by over an hour. Given the additional hour of driving time and the additional 8 kW-hr of energy, I could likely drive, at that speed, for 5 hours. That would increase my driving range from about 216 miles to 360 miles. Note: I have the lowest cost Model 3 with a more limited battery capacity. A Model with a larger battery capacity would increase the maximum operating range and time proportionately.

    If I were to go on an extended trip, say a 1,000 mile trip, I could use Tesla supercharges along the way, but fewer of them. When staying overnight at a motel (for 8 hours), the Electric Vehicle could be fully charged, ready for me in the morning when I continued my journey without a necessary of a stop at a Tesla supercharger before resuming my trip.

    If you can develop the 1KW version of the SKLep, with an increased power density, then the SKLep 1kW might be able to provide sufficient continuous power.

    Some thoughts.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Albert Ellul

    @Red Monkey,

    2022-07-30 03:15 Red Monkey+
    1 : Can 1, 2 or 3 SKLeps with Output 230V.-AC be connected directly to the mains via a socket ? ( Europe )

    If you mean connecting the SKLeps’ output (220V 50Hz) to the mains or generator (220V 50Hz) then you need a synchronising interface which synchronises the SKLeps’ sinewave output with the mains’ sinewave. Basically this is what a true on-line uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) does, synchronising the UPS’s inverter frequency with the main’s supply to the load, such as a computer or server.

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