Dear Dr. Rossi,
Is it true that the Ecat-SKLed lamp (no more proposed) worked with batteries, without the need for an earth connection?
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Dear Dr. Rossi
If the ECAT need so low power to amplify it with a 25000 COP, you should use the “ground” energy (discovered by A. Volta) and amplify this source instead the grid power.
Does the ECAT need always a ground connection because it use the ground energy ?
Steven Nicholes Karels:
1. yes
2. yes, sauf requests to modufy for special applications
3. yes
4. yes
5. yes
6. yes
7. depends on the kind of installation: you can choose if swithch on/off them either separately or centralized
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
I have been stunned by the evidence of the 25000 COP of the Ecat. Miraculous.
I also appreciated the links under the video of the calibration of the power source and its connection “in loco” by the third party that installed it in your laboratory.
This demo is perfect.
I sent an order for 1000 units of the Mini-SKLep after watching this fantastic video that, I am sure, will become history.
All the best,
You posted:
“You will receive stacks of 10 MiniSKLeps already connected and the volume of 10 Mini stacked will be the same of e 100 W Sklep” and
“We are reducing the volume of the Mini-SKLep to 44 cm^3 sharp”
1. So, instead of one SKLep 100W unit with dimensions of 7cm x 7cm x 9cm (volume of 449 cm^3), I will receive a vertical stack of 10 miniSKLep devices approximately 5cm in diameter and stacked vertically to a height of 30cm (volume of 440 cm*3)?
2. May I assume these will be in parallel connections so that the output of the stacked units is approximately 12 VDC and 100 W in power?
3. Will I be able to divide the stack into two, (to meet space requirements)?
4. So, I would have two “Towers”, each outputting 12 VDC at 50 W per Tower?
5. Then, each stack would be 15cm high?
6. And, I would have access to make electrical connections between these two smaller stacks?
7. How would I control each stack – turn on/off input power, controller access? Please clarify.
Dr Rossi,
Here are the stats of your papers on Researchgate I found today on
Total Readings: 117000 ( of which 107529 only of “Ecat SK and long range particle interactions” )
Reccomendations: 7959
Research Interest Score: 2068 ( higher than the 99% of all the 15 millions of publications )
Citations+Mentions: 53
Most Readers Cathegories: A.I. Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Physics
Most Seniority: Professors, Post Doc, PhD Students, Seniors
And counting…
Gavino Mamia:
Good question.
We will do it automatically: not necessary conversion orders if the total power remains the same. Obviously we will respect the voltage differences for input and output.
Warm Regards,
It is totally useless. No lamp would light up with 0.0002 W, whatever the kind of lamp: led, halogen, Xenon, incandescence, you name it, you got it.
Anybody can do this test at home. We must focus on the product and maintain the policy we have chosen: cleaness, semplicity, easiness to understand the schematic even for “dummies”, and for as long as 100000 hours, non stop.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
your announcement to produce only Mini SKL has convinced me. It is always good to use the effects of large quantities of a product. I would even suggest you to focus on a version 12V supply voltage and 12 volts output voltage.
And then offer optional power supplies and inverters. At the time of delivery, you will be grateful if there is a clear supply quantity. x MiniSKL, x power supplies, x inverter. Would it then be possible to provide the MiniSKL with 5 pin connectors at the top and bottom that would allow the Mini’s to simply be stacked on top of each other and automatically loop the supply voltage from the first MiniSKL through the output voltage to the last MiniSKL in the stack. This would greatly simplify the combination into larger installations.
Best regards
Dieter Wagner
Great job with the latest live demo. Have you thought about adding a comparison setup using the same PSU and lamp without the mini SKLep? A side by side comparison I think would be helpful if it’s not too expensive to do. Maybe run it until the 1 million orders are complete.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
In the last two years, the price of electricity for households went up by 136 percent in Italy and by 115 percent in Spain. Are you going to help people in those countries by selling them your devices?
Best regards,
The specs on the SKLep (100W) unit are a size of 7cm x 7cm x 9cm. The specs on the miniSKLep (10W) are a diameter of 6cm and a height of 3cm.
I understood you to say that there are 10 miniSKLep units within one SKLep unit. Are you talking about a common component(s) between the miniSKLep and the SKLep? Please clarify.
I ordered SKLep (100W) units. Will the external dimensions be as specified, or will I need to stack and interconnect 10 miniSKLep (10W) units where each SKLep (100W) unit would go?
Dear Dr Rossi,
I ordered on July 25 100 Ecat SKLep, 12 V input and 12 V output.
After watching the video on Youtube I decided to raise my order to 500 units: I understand that every unit is composed by 10 MiniSKLeps in series.
Dr Rossi,
Congratulations for the test we can see in the video of Youtube. There is no diubt: the light is there, the cousume of energy from the power source is 0.0002 W at the most, there is no doubt: the COP is enormous, with 0,0002 W of power is impossible to make any light, whatever the lamp.
All the best,
Jean Paul Renoir
I watched the video on Youtube with the 100000 hours endurance test of the Ecat, and also read the backstage and the power source calibration by the link under the video; I am very impressed. It is fantastic to watch that light and at the same time watch the displays of the power source, wherein we can find continuously that the energy consumed by the Ecat is practically almost zero !!!
All the best,
Svein H. Vormedal:
The energy not consumed should not exist: you turn on the Ecat when you need its power and I assume you buy an Ecat system with the power you need.
When you do not need the whole power you can either store it in a battery, or sell it to the grid, provided you ontain all the necessary authorizations: for this issue, you need the help of an expert certified contractor.
There is nothing else we can do about this issue, so far.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea
I refer to your answer regarding whether ECat could deliver excess energy to the grid.
The question was not about what individual countries’ authorities allow, but whether this is technically possible to implement.
1. Has this possibility been tested by you?
2. Do you plan to carry out such a test?
3. When can a result be available?
Kind regards: Svein H. Vormedal.
Thank you for your support.
100, 1000, 10000, 10^6 W are just assembyes of MiniSKLeps plugged in series and/or par
We will surely publish them when we will manufactire them.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I am pleased to read your answers, especially since the start of the livecam.
Please consider to offer not just 10 Watt, 100 Watt and 1 MW ecat skl. There should also ready installed 500 Watt, 1 KW, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 10 KW ecat skl. All pickable with pictures, dimensions and prices at your homepage.
Warm regards
My congratulations on the video presentation of the mini SKLep.
Will your answer to ITALO R mean:
1. The SKLep 100 Watt will not produced anymore?
2. SKLep’s can order in multiples of Mini SKLep?
3. A SKLep 1000 W (1 kW) consist of 100 Mini SKLep?
4. The Mini SKLep could easy mounted together?
5. They are mounted with magnets?
6. They are mounted with screws?
7. They are mounted with bolts?
I wish you a lot of success to reach the amount of preorders necessary to supply the orders!
Svein H. Vormedal:
I am not able to answer, because the legal and bourocratic steps are complicated and different in every Country.
You should ask this to your local energy provider.
Warm Regards,
Mats Hejkenskjold:
You are right, that would be impossible ( without the Ecat ), but the Ecat does not know that it is impossible. Why ? That’s confidential.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea
It is reassuring that you can now deliver several ECats mounted in frames and internal connected to the effect that everyone wants.
I guess 99% of all sales will be like this.
You should present pictures of such frames with different sizes.
This could generate further interest and orders.
Anyone who buys solar cells today can connect them to their network and deliver their surplus power and get paid for it.
This effect will also, to a very large extent, be decisive for the spread of ECat.
I therefore ask you to explain in detail how ECat will be able to operate within this opportunity.
If this is excluded, it must be made absolutely clear.
Kind regards, Svein H. Vormedal.
Dear Readers:
COP 25000
This is Leonardo Corporation’s Ecat masterpiece. I also suggest to read the link to the calibration of the power source made by a third party: find the link under the videoclicking on the word “more”
This is a game changer
Dear Dr. Rossi,
i reckon your invention is welcomed in the current situation, especially by germany, and since USA/Poland blown up both the nordstream-pipelines. And what belongs to the claims and threats of Blinken to Turkstream and Balkanstream there are more countries as customers to come.
1) Are you already in talks and in contact with representatives of some governments?
2) Have you already an increase of pre-orders because of the livestream?
Best regards
Brian Epstein
Dr Rossi, dear Andrea,
Thank you for your achievement I found in the youtube video linked to
The 25000 COP is a miracle, as others said.
All the pre-orders can be changed anytime before the delivery, conserving their prioryty number. I add that any pre-order does not request any payment and that any pre-order can be cancelled without any expense.
Warm Regards,
The backup, obviously, will restart the same Ecat, obviously, otherwise we’d have to cancel from the lifespan accertained all the time elapsed from the start to the moment of the black out.
Warm Regards,
regarding the question of Mr. Belovich and your answer that a backup would be needed in case of a blackout. I believe that point would be interesting to many, but you have been vague about how a back up could look like.
Do you mean a backup that would replace the whole Ecat output or that a backup could power the Ecat?
Dear Dr. Rossi,
because of your lifestream and a few of the last questions/answers i want to increase my order from 1 to 10 AND incl installed in a box. But in the pre-order schedule at there is no place for remarks?
Should i pre-order therefore via email? Or how i have to do it?
Best regards
Such a combination is possible and would cost the 10% of the price of all the units to be put in series and/or in parallel,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Is it true that the Ecat-SKLed lamp (no more proposed) worked with batteries, without the need for an earth connection?
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Paul Dianno:
Sorry, I cannot answer your question in positive or in negative,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi
If the ECAT need so low power to amplify it with a 25000 COP, you should use the “ground” energy (discovered by A. Volta) and amplify this source instead the grid power.
Does the ECAT need always a ground connection because it use the ground energy ?
best wishes
Steven Nicholes Karels:
1. yes
2. yes, sauf requests to modufy for special applications
3. yes
4. yes
5. yes
6. yes
7. depends on the kind of installation: you can choose if swithch on/off them either separately or centralized
Warm Regards,
Ruby Pennrose:
Thank you for your kind attention to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
I have been stunned by the evidence of the 25000 COP of the Ecat. Miraculous.
I also appreciated the links under the video of the calibration of the power source and its connection “in loco” by the third party that installed it in your laboratory.
This demo is perfect.
I sent an order for 1000 units of the Mini-SKLep after watching this fantastic video that, I am sure, will become history.
All the best,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
You posted:
“You will receive stacks of 10 MiniSKLeps already connected and the volume of 10 Mini stacked will be the same of e 100 W Sklep” and
“We are reducing the volume of the Mini-SKLep to 44 cm^3 sharp”
1. So, instead of one SKLep 100W unit with dimensions of 7cm x 7cm x 9cm (volume of 449 cm^3), I will receive a vertical stack of 10 miniSKLep devices approximately 5cm in diameter and stacked vertically to a height of 30cm (volume of 440 cm*3)?
2. May I assume these will be in parallel connections so that the output of the stacked units is approximately 12 VDC and 100 W in power?
3. Will I be able to divide the stack into two, (to meet space requirements)?
4. So, I would have two “Towers”, each outputting 12 VDC at 50 W per Tower?
5. Then, each stack would be 15cm high?
6. And, I would have access to make electrical connections between these two smaller stacks?
7. How would I control each stack – turn on/off input power, controller access? Please clarify.
Dr Rossi,
Here are the stats of your papers on Researchgate I found today on
Total Readings: 117000 ( of which 107529 only of “Ecat SK and long range particle interactions” )
Reccomendations: 7959
Research Interest Score: 2068 ( higher than the 99% of all the 15 millions of publications )
Citations+Mentions: 53
Most Readers Cathegories: A.I. Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Physics
Most Seniority: Professors, Post Doc, PhD Students, Seniors
And counting…
The Ecats will be distributed in the whole world, contingent with the achievement of orders for moreless 1 million units,
Warm Regards,
Gavino Mamia:
Good question.
We will do it automatically: not necessary conversion orders if the total power remains the same. Obviously we will respect the voltage differences for input and output.
Warm Regards,
It is totally useless. No lamp would light up with 0.0002 W, whatever the kind of lamp: led, halogen, Xenon, incandescence, you name it, you got it.
Anybody can do this test at home. We must focus on the product and maintain the policy we have chosen: cleaness, semplicity, easiness to understand the schematic even for “dummies”, and for as long as 100000 hours, non stop.
Warm Regards,
Dieter Wagner:
Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team.
The answer to your question is yes.
Warm Regards
Dear Dr. Rossi,
your announcement to produce only Mini SKL has convinced me. It is always good to use the effects of large quantities of a product. I would even suggest you to focus on a version 12V supply voltage and 12 volts output voltage.
And then offer optional power supplies and inverters. At the time of delivery, you will be grateful if there is a clear supply quantity. x MiniSKL, x power supplies, x inverter. Would it then be possible to provide the MiniSKL with 5 pin connectors at the top and bottom that would allow the Mini’s to simply be stacked on top of each other and automatically loop the supply voltage from the first MiniSKL through the output voltage to the last MiniSKL in the stack. This would greatly simplify the combination into larger installations.
Best regards
Dieter Wagner
Dr Rossi
Great job with the latest live demo. Have you thought about adding a comparison setup using the same PSU and lamp without the mini SKLep? A side by side comparison I think would be helpful if it’s not too expensive to do. Maybe run it until the 1 million orders are complete.
Best regards,
Dott. Rossi Will you do the SKLep to MiniSKLep conversion of the orders or do we have to take care of it?
Dear Dr. Rossi,
In the last two years, the price of electricity for households went up by 136 percent in Italy and by 115 percent in Spain. Are you going to help people in those countries by selling them your devices?
Best regards,
You will receive stacks of 10 MiniSKLeps already connected and the volume of 10 Mini stacked will be the same of e 100 W Sklep,
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
We are reducing the volume of the Mini-SKLep to 44 cm^3 sharp
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
The specs on the SKLep (100W) unit are a size of 7cm x 7cm x 9cm. The specs on the miniSKLep (10W) are a diameter of 6cm and a height of 3cm.
I understood you to say that there are 10 miniSKLep units within one SKLep unit. Are you talking about a common component(s) between the miniSKLep and the SKLep? Please clarify.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I ordered SKLep (100W) units. Will the external dimensions be as specified, or will I need to stack and interconnect 10 miniSKLep (10W) units where each SKLep (100W) unit would go?
Thank you for your support to our Team,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your support to our Team,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the upgrade,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
I ordered on July 25 100 Ecat SKLep, 12 V input and 12 V output.
After watching the video on Youtube I decided to raise my order to 500 units: I understand that every unit is composed by 10 MiniSKLeps in series.
Dr Rossi,
Congratulations for the test we can see in the video of Youtube. There is no diubt: the light is there, the cousume of energy from the power source is 0.0002 W at the most, there is no doubt: the COP is enormous, with 0,0002 W of power is impossible to make any light, whatever the lamp.
All the best,
Jean Paul Renoir
I watched the video on Youtube with the 100000 hours endurance test of the Ecat, and also read the backstage and the power source calibration by the link under the video; I am very impressed. It is fantastic to watch that light and at the same time watch the displays of the power source, wherein we can find continuously that the energy consumed by the Ecat is practically almost zero !!!
All the best,
Svein H. Vormedal:
The energy not consumed should not exist: you turn on the Ecat when you need its power and I assume you buy an Ecat system with the power you need.
When you do not need the whole power you can either store it in a battery, or sell it to the grid, provided you ontain all the necessary authorizations: for this issue, you need the help of an expert certified contractor.
There is nothing else we can do about this issue, so far.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea
I refer to your answer regarding whether ECat could deliver excess energy to the grid.
The question was not about what individual countries’ authorities allow, but whether this is technically possible to implement.
1. Has this possibility been tested by you?
2. Do you plan to carry out such a test?
3. When can a result be available?
Kind regards: Svein H. Vormedal.
Thank you for your support.
100, 1000, 10000, 10^6 W are just assembyes of MiniSKLeps plugged in series and/or par
We will surely publish them when we will manufactire them.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I am pleased to read your answers, especially since the start of the livecam.
Please consider to offer not just 10 Watt, 100 Watt and 1 MW ecat skl. There should also ready installed 500 Watt, 1 KW, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 10 KW ecat skl. All pickable with pictures, dimensions and prices at your homepage.
Warm regards
Ulrich Kranz:
1. It will be made by 10 Mini-SKLep
2- yes
3- yes
4- yes
5- no
6- yes
7- no
Thank you for your support,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
My congratulations on the video presentation of the mini SKLep.
Will your answer to ITALO R mean:
1. The SKLep 100 Watt will not produced anymore?
2. SKLep’s can order in multiples of Mini SKLep?
3. A SKLep 1000 W (1 kW) consist of 100 Mini SKLep?
4. The Mini SKLep could easy mounted together?
5. They are mounted with magnets?
6. They are mounted with screws?
7. They are mounted with bolts?
I wish you a lot of success to reach the amount of preorders necessary to supply the orders!
Warmest regards,
Svein H. Vormedal:
I am not able to answer, because the legal and bourocratic steps are complicated and different in every Country.
You should ask this to your local energy provider.
Warm Regards,
1- No
2- Yes: strong
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your kind support,
Warm Regards,
Mats Hejkenskjold:
You are right, that would be impossible ( without the Ecat ), but the Ecat does not know that it is impossible. Why ? That’s confidential.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea
It is reassuring that you can now deliver several ECats mounted in frames and internal connected to the effect that everyone wants.
I guess 99% of all sales will be like this.
You should present pictures of such frames with different sizes.
This could generate further interest and orders.
Anyone who buys solar cells today can connect them to their network and deliver their surplus power and get paid for it.
This effect will also, to a very large extent, be decisive for the spread of ECat.
I therefore ask you to explain in detail how ECat will be able to operate within this opportunity.
If this is excluded, it must be made absolutely clear.
Kind regards, Svein H. Vormedal.
Dear Readers:
COP 25000
This is Leonardo Corporation’s Ecat masterpiece. I also suggest to read the link to the calibration of the power source made by a third party: find the link under the videoclicking on the word “more”
This is a game changer
Dear Dr. Rossi,
i reckon your invention is welcomed in the current situation, especially by germany, and since USA/Poland blown up both the nordstream-pipelines. And what belongs to the claims and threats of Blinken to Turkstream and Balkanstream there are more countries as customers to come.
1) Are you already in talks and in contact with representatives of some governments?
2) Have you already an increase of pre-orders because of the livestream?
Best regards
Brian Epstein
Hello dr Andrea Rossi,
It is not possible to drive an H4 55 W lamp with only 10 W, as in your video!
If you got 10 V supply it means 1 A current, and the lamp will not light at all.
Your answer it is an H4 55 W is not plausible.
Could you please explain!
Best regards,
Mats Heijkenskjold
Dr Rossi, dear Andrea,
Thank you for your achievement I found in the youtube video linked to
The 25000 COP is a miracle, as others said.
All the pre-orders can be changed anytime before the delivery, conserving their prioryty number. I add that any pre-order does not request any payment and that any pre-order can be cancelled without any expense.
Warm Regards,
The backup, obviously, will restart the same Ecat, obviously, otherwise we’d have to cancel from the lifespan accertained all the time elapsed from the start to the moment of the black out.
Warm Regards,
Filippo Giuseppetti:
God bless you too for your support,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
COP 25000…God bless you and your team,
Ad Majora,
Filippo Giuseppetti
Dear Dr. Rossi,
regarding the question of Mr. Belovich and your answer that a backup would be needed in case of a blackout. I believe that point would be interesting to many, but you have been vague about how a back up could look like.
Do you mean a backup that would replace the whole Ecat output or that a backup could power the Ecat?
Dear Dr. Rossi,
because of your lifestream and a few of the last questions/answers i want to increase my order from 1 to 10 AND incl installed in a box. But in the pre-order schedule at there is no place for remarks?
Should i pre-order therefore via email? Or how i have to do it?
Best regards
Thank you, really nice. I recommend it to our Readers,
Warm Regards,
Hello DR Rossi
Some entertainment.
Such a combination is possible and would cost the 10% of the price of all the units to be put in series and/or in parallel,
Warm Regards,