to support the ECat-Project and to bring around a real Energy-Transition … no CO2-Emission, DE-centralized Energy Supply, recyclable, Applications for Home-Electricity and especially – with the Gas-Prices in Germany continuing to rise – for Home-Heating in the coming winter …
A public Telegram-Q&A Group for making applications – using the Ecat SKLep – transparent and realizable.
The discussions are mostly written in German and English language.
In this group we also organizing a collective order. The actual amount of pre-ordered Ecats is: 2670 Units.
Dear Andrea, since you asked, here is a selection of the most popular influencers and youtubers dealing with energy topics and their channels. They could provide a great boost the public awareness of your invention:
Sabine Hossenfelder (Science without the gobbledyduck)
Joe Scott (Answers with Joe)
Ricky Roy (Two bit Da Vinci)
Matt Ferrell (Undecided)
Dave Borlace (Just have a think)
Jon (Cleanerwatt)
Dagogo Altraid (ColdFusion)
Paul Shillito (Curious Droid)
John Leeland (Dr.know-it-all knows it all)
Sira Ushapp (Tech for Luddites)
Jaso Fenske (Engineering Explained)
Robert Murray-Smith (Robert Murray-Smith)
Sam Evans (The electric viking)
Dear dr Andrea Rossi,
Every day, with emotion, I watch now and again the video
and every day I can watch that miracle: W, A, 10 V, and a lamp with a light enough bright to need at the least several Watts.
The whole shown with extreme semplicity and candor, the two cables well visible, a power source well known and calibrated; not to mention the links under the video, wherein are explained clearly the backstage and the calibration of the power source made by a third party that also installed the same power source in the circuit shown by the video.
Very important also the link of the rigotous theoretical explication made on Researchgate and the link to the reviewing of this paper made by the Department of Defense of the USA.
You and your team made a veritable miracle.
All the best,
I do not believe you understood what I was trying to ask. Let me clarify it better:
You posted:
Steven Nicholes Karels:
1- theoretically there are no limits, practically it depends on the specific situations – (relative to current)
2- same as in 1 – (relevant to structural loads)
3- no – (12VDC output)
4- because the A.I. researches automatically the highest efficiency – (why 10 VDC input?)
If two mini-SKLep units are stacked, then the current flowing at the output will be almost 2 Amps; If 10 units were stacked, then almost 10 Amps; if 100 units stacked, then almost 100 Amps. At some point the mini-sklep inter-conductors will fail or the Stack output wires will fail. Do you know what the maximum number of mini-SKLep units that may be stacked before an over-current condition occurs?
If a stack of mini-SKLep units was supported on a vertical plate (the stack going out horizontally), at some point the weight of the stack may bend the Stack because of gravity. Amy idea what the maximum number of stacked units would be permitted under that configuration? Is this limit greater than the current limit (above)?
If the Stack output is approximately 12 VDC, how do you control the voltage output of each mini-SKLep unit within a stack so that the overall voltage output is obtained. Recall they are operating as parallel circuits and so, one must worry that too high or too low a module output voltage, and how that will affect the other modules in the stack.
Regarding the selected input voltage of 10.000 VDC, why was that chosen? What would happen if a higher or lower input voltage was provided? Within a reasonable range of input voltages, would that affect the Stack’s output (Voltage and Current)?
Francesco Chini:
As I explained, we need pre-orders for at least 1 million units of the Ecat SKLEP, and 10 Mini-SKLEP are worth 1 SKLEP
Warm Regards
if one Ecat MiniSKLep costs $25 and the preorders required to start the production are one million, then the equivalent total amount in dollars as “value” of preorders is equivalent to $25 million. In pure hypothetical terms therefore, if a single customer put a preorder of one million Ecat MiniSKLep, then that customer would pay $25 million and that paid order alone would be sufficient to start production.
do I wrote something wrong, or is everything I wrote here correct?
Francesco Chini
Gentile Dottor Rossi,
spero che vada tutto bene. La mia domanda è la seguente:
se un Ecat MiniSKLep costa $25 dollari e i preordini richiesti per iniziare la produzione sono un milione, allora la somma totale in dollari quale “valore” (mi passi la parola) dei preordini equivale a $25 milioni. In termini puramente ipotetici pertanto, se un singolo cliente effettuasse un ordine di un milione di Ecat MiniSKLep, allora tale cliente dovrebbe pagare 25 milioni di dollari e questo singolo ordine pagato sarebbe sufficiente a fare partire la produzione (mi lasci passare questa semplificazione, visto che ovviamente il processo produttivo sarà un qualcosa su più fasi).
Scrivo qualcosa di errato, o tutto quanto ho scritto qui è corretto?
(Mi scuso per la domanda un po’, come dire, “mondana” e non so se qualcun altro avesse già posto tale quesito, una sua risposta sarebbe utile per capire quale sarebbe il grado d’impegno finanziario necessario richiesto complessivamente al fine di attivare il processo produttivo in teoria.)
Steven Nicholes Karels:
1- theoretically there are no limits, practically it depends on the specific situations
2- same as in 1
3- no
4- because the A.I. researches automatically the highest efficiency
Warm Regards,
@Lutz Scholz
25 kW, you must have a quite big house.
I heat 210m2 in Sweden and use 15000 kWh per year.
Yes, it is quite low due to my geothermal heat pump and I will be able to manage well with only a 2,4 kW system
producing 20000 kWh/year. Obviously, I also need a grid connection like for a solar system allowing booth importing(buying) and exporting (selling) due to my real-time need for peak power.
With present power costs, I actually consider going for 4,8kW right from start.
The potential profits from selling back the power made by Ecat seem very interesting.
Glad to hear the dimensions are becoming smaller on the mini-SKLep.
As I understand it, the mini-SKLep can be stacked resulting in electrical parallel circuits. The stack will produce nominal 12 VDC with the output power equal to N times 10 W.
1. Is there a limit to the number of mini-SKLeps which may be stacked due to current? Recall I = N * 10 W / 12 VDC. If so, what is N?
2. Is there a physical limit to the number of mini-SKLeps which may be stacked due to structural issues? Bending, support, alignment, etc. If so, what is N?
3. Is the output voltage always exactly 12 VDC?
4. Why is the input voltage on the demo 10 VDC?
Dear Readers:
This is the first time I write a full review of a book, but it merits it, because there is really to learn.
I am talking of “UNIFIED FIELD THEORY AND OCCAM’S RAZOR”, by Giorgio Vassallo, Andràs Kovàcs, Paul O’ Hara, Francesco Celani, recently published by World Scientific (London 2022) and available on Amazon Books.
This book mesmerized me not only for its scientific content, but also for its phylosophic implications.
In particular, it is an experimental proof of the importance of the “Epochè” , synthesized in the work of the mathematician turned philosopher Edmund Husserl “Ideen zu einer reinen phaenomenologie und phaenomenologischen philosophie” (Berlin, 1913) and of Enzo Paci, with whom I achieved my doctorate in philosophy 1n 1974 at the Università degli Studi di Milano, “Funzione delle scienze e significato dell’uomo” (Milan, 1963).
In fact the Epochè, ancient Greek work that means “suspension of the judgement”, is exactly what the authors of the book we are talking about made with the application of the Clifford Algebra to the fundamentals of physics, discovering by means of it that concepts considered consolidated by the scientific mainstream, like, for example, the puntiform dimensionless nature of electrons, are wrong.
The Electromagnetic Four Potential, the Occam’s Razor allowed by the Clifford Algebra, shows that the nature of electron cannot be puntiform in a way that makes us suspend our judgement biased by the consolidated mainstream of the cultural river that crosses the field of physics, allowing the nature of electron emerge with simplicity and without the necessity of an array of dei ex machina like exotic or virtual particles used to patch up the holes.
Paradigmatic examples of such role are neutrinos: do you have a hole because the leptons number conservation is violated ? No worries: put in the hole a neutrino and you are all set; nobody will be able to see it nor to say that it is not there, so you will be accepted by the meanstream. With good peace of Karl Popper.
It must be noticed that the Occam’s Razor helps to realize the Epochè, that in itself is not easy to be turned into a real mindset, being the minds biased by consolidated biliefs: it is not easy to put in crisis consolidated concepts; after the exercise of the Epochè the human subject crosses a desert very difficult to overcome, that creates an insecurity status that is not easy to overcome, especially in a context in which well rooted interests, also political and economic, generate a strong resistance to variations of direction. I know the feeling.
In conclusion, this book is a gold mine, not easy to read, but worth of it. I suggested to the Team of Leonardo Corporation not just to read it, but to study it.
Warm Regards to all,
@Lutz Scholz An electric hot water tank has about 80 Liter, but 2 KW is enough. And if a mini sklep with 10 W is able to work with a 55 W bulb, then the mentioned hot water tank with 2 KW will also work with 1 KW of ecat sklep. Of course it will last longer to heat up. Analogue with an electric oil-filled radiator with 2 KW to heat a room.
If you have a flow heater for hot water it would be time to change to a water heater with tank.
I think it would help you a lot if you had licenses ready with serious applicants. D-Day would be faster and the launch would be safer.
All the best J.Š.
Hello, Dr. Rossi.
I pre-ordered on 14. 07. 2013 a Home Ecat for my hot water heater. The appliances are urgently needed, the prices for heat go through the roof! I need 25kW. With the SKLEP it’s too expensive. Can we still expect the production of these devices?
With kind regards
The Mini SKLep weights about 50 grams, but I foresee that soon we will reduce substantially both dimensions and weight, due to a discovery we made during the tests on course.
Warm Regards,
Neri Accornero:
1- yes
2- in this installation the Ecat is directly plugged to the lamp, to test the direct plugging system that we will adopt in the assemblies
3- the production will start when we will reach the target of 1 million unis pre-ordered
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea finally a captivating video !! you say that the number of bookings has increased a lot, I believe it will have an exponential trend in the current month, why don’t you put a graph on the site with constant updates? It could have positive feedback (a rush to bookings), I immediately write to my friends who I keep constantly informed.
Two questions:
1: is only the power supply probably connected to earth? Does the ECAT only have two input wires as appears (10V in DC)?
2 when do you start production? Nobody can wait any longer.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
i just read the comment of Gunther.
God helps the people who shift for oneself. What about a notary (or more than one and in more than one country) who keep your documents locked. And in the case of the death of you and some colleagues they send prepared letters to e.g. the youtube-channel ‘Martin Fleischman Memorial Project’, but also governments/universities/persons in China, Cuba, DPRK, Italy, Russia, India..
So it would make no sense for a secret service to stop your invention.
Best regards
Dear Dr. Rossi,
these are just the channels i follow:
Andreas Schmitz
(maybe) Norio
(maybe) Breaking Lab
But of course other readers could mention more of their countries.
Best regards
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I wonder if it makes sense to use expensive advertisements.
It would be cheaper to invite youtube-influencers to test your product at your office. Every of them has hundreds of thousands followers, many even more, and all this followers trust their influencers and are also interested in this topic. Everything else will be a word-of-mouth recommendation for free.
Now you could go one better and add more to your live-stream: Invite all big technical youtube influencers. This costs just the travel and hotel.
Best regards
We hired a specialist that is studying the advertising strategy. You will see it as soon as we will start it. It will be made obviously also in Germany, the most important economy of Europe.
Warm Regards,
If God wants our work go, it will go. Otherwise it will not go. I take this very seriously. All we can do is work at the maximum of our capacity
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
we all have seen what has happen to the Nordstream pipelines, or the plan to build an oil pipeline from Uganda to Tansania’s coast, the exploding oil pipeline and oil tanks in Nicaragua in 1983 etc.
I am afraid that something similar will happen to you and your company if the ruling elite of a certain country we all know, will notice your invention and take it seriously.
Have you made some precautions that your invention won’t end vanished in a bottom drawer? Even if (in worst case) a secret service will kill you and your colleagues? Will some independent countries (where hostile secret services/energy monopolists have no access, like China) be able to realise your dream to give cheap energy to the world and spread the knowledge about this invention?
Please take this danger seriously. I wish you all the very best!
Best regards
I’m currently reading a really interesting book on Occams Razor by Johnnoe Mc Fadden called “life is simple” and came across this wonderful quote from Galileo Galilei:
“Please Observe, gentlemen, how facts which at first seem improbable will, even on scant explanation, drop the cloak which has hidden them and stand forth in naked and simple beauty.”
Galileo Galilei, Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (1632)
Dear Dr. Rossi, a reader asked if the E Cat would be advertised in German newspapers, and the answer was affirmative. Is it permissable to ask if this type of advertising is already booked or underway, and if not, what is the delay?., Additionally, is advertising in other worldwide newspapers a probability?. This type of advertisiong sounds like an excellent step. David, UK
1. thechnological issues
2. no
3. confidential
4. depends on the kind of installation
5. yes, always, and you will conserve your priority
6. Thank you for your support
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi. I have ordered ecats with 12V Input and 230V output. You wrote earlier, that the ecat can be powered by a 12V battery (off grid). Now I read the ecat requires power from the grid.
1. Why has that changed?
2. Is it not possible anymore to power by a battery (off grid?
3. Why is power from the grid necessary to operate the ecat?
4. Would it still be possible to power by my own solar panels (off grid) or any 12V or 230V off grid soure?.
5. Do I have to change my order (because the grid supplies 230V)?
6. I wish you all the best and thank you for changing the world.
Kind regards
Dear Mr. Rossi,
several suggestions for the usage of the ecat were already made. But the most important usage will be in agriculture. Cheap energy will made it possible for every country, even little ones like Singapur and also wasteland-countries, to provide itself with food and water. Vertical farming is still uneconomical because of high prices for energy – but this will change with the ecat.
Warm regards
Dear Dr. Rossi,
since I saw your live stream of the ecat and how it consumes nearly nothing, the COP of about 167,000 (5 W out, 0,03 mW in) and not to forget the 40 ct/kwh I have to pay to the electric company, the 1.60 €/l to the oil company – it makes all more and more difficult to wait impatient for the delivery.
Will you start the delivery this year, due to the increase of pre-orders?
Best regards
Thank you for your kind attention to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
Piero Ferreri
Thank you for the list,
Warm Regards,
Dear Blog-Readers,
here is the Re-Opened Telegram Group Link:
to support the ECat-Project and to bring around a real Energy-Transition … no CO2-Emission, DE-centralized Energy Supply, recyclable, Applications for Home-Electricity and especially – with the Gas-Prices in Germany continuing to rise – for Home-Heating in the coming winter …
A public Telegram-Q&A Group for making applications – using the Ecat SKLep – transparent and realizable.
The discussions are mostly written in German and English language.
In this group we also organizing a collective order. The actual amount of pre-ordered Ecats is: 2670 Units.
Telegram Group Link:
Dear Andrea, since you asked, here is a selection of the most popular influencers and youtubers dealing with energy topics and their channels. They could provide a great boost the public awareness of your invention:
Sabine Hossenfelder (Science without the gobbledyduck)
Joe Scott (Answers with Joe)
Ricky Roy (Two bit Da Vinci)
Matt Ferrell (Undecided)
Dave Borlace (Just have a think)
Jon (Cleanerwatt)
Dagogo Altraid (ColdFusion)
Paul Shillito (Curious Droid)
John Leeland (Dr.know-it-all knows it all)
Sira Ushapp (Tech for Luddites)
Jaso Fenske (Engineering Explained)
Robert Murray-Smith (Robert Murray-Smith)
Sam Evans (The electric viking)
Dear dr Andrea Rossi,
Every day, with emotion, I watch now and again the video
and every day I can watch that miracle: W, A, 10 V, and a lamp with a light enough bright to need at the least several Watts.
The whole shown with extreme semplicity and candor, the two cables well visible, a power source well known and calibrated; not to mention the links under the video, wherein are explained clearly the backstage and the calibration of the power source made by a third party that also installed the same power source in the circuit shown by the video.
Very important also the link of the rigotous theoretical explication made on Researchgate and the link to the reviewing of this paper made by the Department of Defense of the USA.
You and your team made a veritable miracle.
All the best,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I do not believe you understood what I was trying to ask. Let me clarify it better:
You posted:
Steven Nicholes Karels:
1- theoretically there are no limits, practically it depends on the specific situations – (relative to current)
2- same as in 1 – (relevant to structural loads)
3- no – (12VDC output)
4- because the A.I. researches automatically the highest efficiency – (why 10 VDC input?)
If two mini-SKLep units are stacked, then the current flowing at the output will be almost 2 Amps; If 10 units were stacked, then almost 10 Amps; if 100 units stacked, then almost 100 Amps. At some point the mini-sklep inter-conductors will fail or the Stack output wires will fail. Do you know what the maximum number of mini-SKLep units that may be stacked before an over-current condition occurs?
If a stack of mini-SKLep units was supported on a vertical plate (the stack going out horizontally), at some point the weight of the stack may bend the Stack because of gravity. Amy idea what the maximum number of stacked units would be permitted under that configuration? Is this limit greater than the current limit (above)?
If the Stack output is approximately 12 VDC, how do you control the voltage output of each mini-SKLep unit within a stack so that the overall voltage output is obtained. Recall they are operating as parallel circuits and so, one must worry that too high or too low a module output voltage, and how that will affect the other modules in the stack.
Regarding the selected input voltage of 10.000 VDC, why was that chosen? What would happen if a higher or lower input voltage was provided? Within a reasonable range of input voltages, would that affect the Stack’s output (Voltage and Current)?
Francesco Chini:
As I explained, we need pre-orders for at least 1 million units of the Ecat SKLEP, and 10 Mini-SKLEP are worth 1 SKLEP
Warm Regards
Dear Dottor Rossi,
hope everything is fine. My question is:
if one Ecat MiniSKLep costs $25 and the preorders required to start the production are one million, then the equivalent total amount in dollars as “value” of preorders is equivalent to $25 million. In pure hypothetical terms therefore, if a single customer put a preorder of one million Ecat MiniSKLep, then that customer would pay $25 million and that paid order alone would be sufficient to start production.
do I wrote something wrong, or is everything I wrote here correct?
Francesco Chini
Gentile Dottor Rossi,
spero che vada tutto bene. La mia domanda è la seguente:
se un Ecat MiniSKLep costa $25 dollari e i preordini richiesti per iniziare la produzione sono un milione, allora la somma totale in dollari quale “valore” (mi passi la parola) dei preordini equivale a $25 milioni. In termini puramente ipotetici pertanto, se un singolo cliente effettuasse un ordine di un milione di Ecat MiniSKLep, allora tale cliente dovrebbe pagare 25 milioni di dollari e questo singolo ordine pagato sarebbe sufficiente a fare partire la produzione (mi lasci passare questa semplificazione, visto che ovviamente il processo produttivo sarà un qualcosa su più fasi).
Scrivo qualcosa di errato, o tutto quanto ho scritto qui è corretto?
(Mi scuso per la domanda un po’, come dire, “mondana” e non so se qualcun altro avesse già posto tale quesito, una sua risposta sarebbe utile per capire quale sarebbe il grado d’impegno finanziario necessario richiesto complessivamente al fine di attivare il processo produttivo in teoria.)
Francesco Chini
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Steven Nicholes Karels:
1- theoretically there are no limits, practically it depends on the specific situations
2- same as in 1
3- no
4- because the A.I. researches automatically the highest efficiency
Warm Regards,
Donna Hubert:
Thank you for your attention,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Thank you for the review of the book “Unified Field Theory and Occam’s Razor”, very interesting,
@Lutz Scholz
25 kW, you must have a quite big house.
I heat 210m2 in Sweden and use 15000 kWh per year.
Yes, it is quite low due to my geothermal heat pump and I will be able to manage well with only a 2,4 kW system
producing 20000 kWh/year. Obviously, I also need a grid connection like for a solar system allowing booth importing(buying) and exporting (selling) due to my real-time need for peak power.
With present power costs, I actually consider going for 4,8kW right from start.
The potential profits from selling back the power made by Ecat seem very interesting.
Kind Regards
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Glad to hear the dimensions are becoming smaller on the mini-SKLep.
As I understand it, the mini-SKLep can be stacked resulting in electrical parallel circuits. The stack will produce nominal 12 VDC with the output power equal to N times 10 W.
1. Is there a limit to the number of mini-SKLeps which may be stacked due to current? Recall I = N * 10 W / 12 VDC. If so, what is N?
2. Is there a physical limit to the number of mini-SKLeps which may be stacked due to structural issues? Bending, support, alignment, etc. If so, what is N?
3. Is the output voltage always exactly 12 VDC?
4. Why is the input voltage on the demo 10 VDC?
Dear Andrea,
My two recommendations for internet influencers are:
Mark Rober – 22.7 million subscribers on YouTube
Destin Sandlin – SmarterEveryday 10 million YouTube subscribers
Best regards,
Dear Readers:
This is the first time I write a full review of a book, but it merits it, because there is really to learn.
I am talking of “UNIFIED FIELD THEORY AND OCCAM’S RAZOR”, by Giorgio Vassallo, Andràs Kovàcs, Paul O’ Hara, Francesco Celani, recently published by World Scientific (London 2022) and available on Amazon Books.
This book mesmerized me not only for its scientific content, but also for its phylosophic implications.
In particular, it is an experimental proof of the importance of the “Epochè” , synthesized in the work of the mathematician turned philosopher Edmund Husserl “Ideen zu einer reinen phaenomenologie und phaenomenologischen philosophie” (Berlin, 1913) and of Enzo Paci, with whom I achieved my doctorate in philosophy 1n 1974 at the Università degli Studi di Milano, “Funzione delle scienze e significato dell’uomo” (Milan, 1963).
In fact the Epochè, ancient Greek work that means “suspension of the judgement”, is exactly what the authors of the book we are talking about made with the application of the Clifford Algebra to the fundamentals of physics, discovering by means of it that concepts considered consolidated by the scientific mainstream, like, for example, the puntiform dimensionless nature of electrons, are wrong.
The Electromagnetic Four Potential, the Occam’s Razor allowed by the Clifford Algebra, shows that the nature of electron cannot be puntiform in a way that makes us suspend our judgement biased by the consolidated mainstream of the cultural river that crosses the field of physics, allowing the nature of electron emerge with simplicity and without the necessity of an array of dei ex machina like exotic or virtual particles used to patch up the holes.
Paradigmatic examples of such role are neutrinos: do you have a hole because the leptons number conservation is violated ? No worries: put in the hole a neutrino and you are all set; nobody will be able to see it nor to say that it is not there, so you will be accepted by the meanstream. With good peace of Karl Popper.
It must be noticed that the Occam’s Razor helps to realize the Epochè, that in itself is not easy to be turned into a real mindset, being the minds biased by consolidated biliefs: it is not easy to put in crisis consolidated concepts; after the exercise of the Epochè the human subject crosses a desert very difficult to overcome, that creates an insecurity status that is not easy to overcome, especially in a context in which well rooted interests, also political and economic, generate a strong resistance to variations of direction. I know the feeling.
In conclusion, this book is a gold mine, not easy to read, but worth of it. I suggested to the Team of Leonardo Corporation not just to read it, but to study it.
Warm Regards to all,
@Lutz Scholz An electric hot water tank has about 80 Liter, but 2 KW is enough. And if a mini sklep with 10 W is able to work with a 55 W bulb, then the mentioned hot water tank with 2 KW will also work with 1 KW of ecat sklep. Of course it will last longer to heat up. Analogue with an electric oil-filled radiator with 2 KW to heat a room.
If you have a flow heater for hot water it would be time to change to a water heater with tank.
Tom Conover:
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Lutz Schultz:
The 2013 Ecat would be much more expensive than the SKLep,
Warm Regards
Jan Srajer:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards
I think it would help you a lot if you had licenses ready with serious applicants. D-Day would be faster and the launch would be safer.
All the best J.Š.
Hello, Dr. Rossi.
I pre-ordered on 14. 07. 2013 a Home Ecat for my hot water heater. The appliances are urgently needed, the prices for heat go through the roof! I need 25kW. With the SKLEP it’s too expensive. Can we still expect the production of these devices?
With kind regards
Dear Andrea,
Top 10 influencers USA in technology.
Warm Regards,
F. Foerstar:
Thank you for the influencers names,
Warm Regards,
The Mini SKLep weights about 50 grams, but I foresee that soon we will reduce substantially both dimensions and weight, due to a discovery we made during the tests on course.
Warm Regards,
F. Foerster:
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Neri Accornero:
1- yes
2- in this installation the Ecat is directly plugged to the lamp, to test the direct plugging system that we will adopt in the assemblies
3- the production will start when we will reach the target of 1 million unis pre-ordered
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea finally a captivating video !! you say that the number of bookings has increased a lot, I believe it will have an exponential trend in the current month, why don’t you put a graph on the site with constant updates? It could have positive feedback (a rush to bookings), I immediately write to my friends who I keep constantly informed.
Two questions:
1: is only the power supply probably connected to earth? Does the ECAT only have two input wires as appears (10V in DC)?
2 when do you start production? Nobody can wait any longer.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
i just read the comment of Gunther.
God helps the people who shift for oneself. What about a notary (or more than one and in more than one country) who keep your documents locked. And in the case of the death of you and some colleagues they send prepared letters to e.g. the youtube-channel ‘Martin Fleischman Memorial Project’, but also governments/universities/persons in China, Cuba, DPRK, Italy, Russia, India..
So it would make no sense for a secret service to stop your invention.
Best regards
Dear Andrea Rossi
I understood that the miniSKLEP is now a little bit smaller than the original.
Is the weight also similarly reduced from the original? If so can you say what the current weight is?
Dear Dr. Rossi,
these are just the channels i follow:
Andreas Schmitz
(maybe) Norio
(maybe) Breaking Lab
But of course other readers could mention more of their countries.
Best regards
F. Foerster:
Do you have names to suggest ?
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I wonder if it makes sense to use expensive advertisements.
It would be cheaper to invite youtube-influencers to test your product at your office. Every of them has hundreds of thousands followers, many even more, and all this followers trust their influencers and are also interested in this topic. Everything else will be a word-of-mouth recommendation for free.
Now you could go one better and add more to your live-stream: Invite all big technical youtube influencers. This costs just the travel and hotel.
Best regards
We hired a specialist that is studying the advertising strategy. You will see it as soon as we will start it. It will be made obviously also in Germany, the most important economy of Europe.
Warm Regards,
Absolutely !
Warm Regards,
If God wants our work go, it will go. Otherwise it will not go. I take this very seriously. All we can do is work at the maximum of our capacity
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
we all have seen what has happen to the Nordstream pipelines, or the plan to build an oil pipeline from Uganda to Tansania’s coast, the exploding oil pipeline and oil tanks in Nicaragua in 1983 etc.
I am afraid that something similar will happen to you and your company if the ruling elite of a certain country we all know, will notice your invention and take it seriously.
Have you made some precautions that your invention won’t end vanished in a bottom drawer? Even if (in worst case) a secret service will kill you and your colleagues? Will some independent countries (where hostile secret services/energy monopolists have no access, like China) be able to realise your dream to give cheap energy to the world and spread the knowledge about this invention?
Please take this danger seriously. I wish you all the very best!
Best regards
Dear Andrea Rossi
I’m currently reading a really interesting book on Occams Razor by Johnnoe Mc Fadden called “life is simple” and came across this wonderful quote from Galileo Galilei:
“Please Observe, gentlemen, how facts which at first seem improbable will, even on scant explanation, drop the cloak which has hidden them and stand forth in naked and simple beauty.”
Galileo Galilei, Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (1632)
Fits pretty well I think
Best Regards
Dear Dr. Rossi, a reader asked if the E Cat would be advertised in German newspapers, and the answer was affirmative. Is it permissable to ask if this type of advertising is already booked or underway, and if not, what is the delay?., Additionally, is advertising in other worldwide newspapers a probability?. This type of advertisiong sounds like an excellent step. David, UK
Thank you for the suggestion, maybe an optional ( higher price ).
Warm Regards,
Depends on the specific situations, please read
Rick 57:
Sorry, but to answer I’d need a crystal ball,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your support,
Warm Regards,
I hope so, you are right
Warm Regards,
F. Schmidt:
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
1. thechnological issues
2. no
3. confidential
4. depends on the kind of installation
5. yes, always, and you will conserve your priority
6. Thank you for your support
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi. I have ordered ecats with 12V Input and 230V output. You wrote earlier, that the ecat can be powered by a 12V battery (off grid). Now I read the ecat requires power from the grid.
1. Why has that changed?
2. Is it not possible anymore to power by a battery (off grid?
3. Why is power from the grid necessary to operate the ecat?
4. Would it still be possible to power by my own solar panels (off grid) or any 12V or 230V off grid soure?.
5. Do I have to change my order (because the grid supplies 230V)?
6. I wish you all the best and thank you for changing the world.
Kind regards
Dear Mr. Rossi,
several suggestions for the usage of the ecat were already made. But the most important usage will be in agriculture. Cheap energy will made it possible for every country, even little ones like Singapur and also wasteland-countries, to provide itself with food and water. Vertical farming is still uneconomical because of high prices for energy – but this will change with the ecat.
Warm regards
Dear Dr. Rossi,
since I saw your live stream of the ecat and how it consumes nearly nothing, the COP of about 167,000 (5 W out, 0,03 mW in) and not to forget the 40 ct/kwh I have to pay to the electric company, the 1.60 €/l to the oil company – it makes all more and more difficult to wait impatient for the delivery.
Will you start the delivery this year, due to the increase of pre-orders?
Best regards
Dr Rossi,
The video on Youtube is simply perfect.
The COP stunning.
I wish an think that this video will strongly help the sales.