United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,165 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We are continuing to reduce the dimensions.
    Warm Regards,

  • Darko

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    It is obvious that the dimensions of the blue object are not 7×7×9 cm as the height is much greater than the length.
    Best regards,

  • Anonymous

    Dr Rossi,
    I was very skeptical about the Ecat, but I must admit what follows.
    I watched the video on Youtube from the Twitter address
    I must say that like it, because all the components are clearly connected and we can watch perfectly a light clearly much higher that the light of a 1 W lamp, in a live perpetual streaming, with a PSU clearly measuring 10 V, 0.000A and 0.0 W. It is obvious that even if we assume that the fourth decimal of the A is 9, we should obtain a consume of 10 V x 0.0009 A = 0.009 W, from which derives an electric COP of 1/ 0.009 = COP 111.1, even assuming that the lamp has only a 1 W of power. Ihis is a revolution.
    Very “Unexpected”

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  • DrLG

    Dear Iggy Dalrymple

    Building ECAT directly into an electric “module” such as a hot water heater is probably not a good idea unless the “module” is expected to have a very long lifetime. You don’t want to have to through away the ECAT before it has reached its end of life, and there are a lot of items that will not last as long as the ECAT, eg hot water heaters.

    So I think the best configuration remains the ECAT being a general power supplier to which “modules” are connected.

    Best Regards

  • Julia

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    Thank you for the convincing video I saw on

  • WaltC

    Dr Rossi,

    When you pass the 1 million SKLep order threshold and begin ramping up shipments, is your plan to–

    1) Ship as many units as you can, and as quickly as you can, without concern for design, component or production flaws that could be discovered in the field and require large-scale warranty replacement? Or,

    2) Ramp up shipments somewhat cautiously, and in batches, so that problems that show up with early batches, can be addressed before later batches are shipped? Or,

    3) Have a staged release program where a small number of select customers perform the initial shake-down (or beta) testing before large-scale shipment begins? Or,

    4) Something completely different that you think will work better?

    Best Wishes,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bernie Morrissey:
    We are striving to get the target,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ron Stringer:
    1- confidential
    2- reverse engineering is still possible even for solid state devices
    Warm Regards,

  • Ron Stringer

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    Fascinating to watch all of this play out. I have two questions, if you don’t mind.
    1) Why have you chosen a disk as the form factor? A circle seems much less space efficient that a rectangle or hexagon.
    2) Will the new, smaller mini-SKLep be harder to reverse engineer, do you think? It seems like you must be approaching a solid-state device!
    Thanks, ad majora!
    Ron Stringer

  • Jan Šrajer

    Mr. Rossi
    I believe that the necessity of grounding the E-catSklep input could be solved by an internal symmetrical excitation with a continuous point center source and its connection to the E-catSklep box.
    All the best J.Š.

  • Bernie Morrissey

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    There are so many great ideas for the use use of the Ecat SKLep I hope you reach the one million orders soon. Can you give us a hint about how close you are.
    Bernie Morrissey

  • Andrea Rossi

    Silent Majority Guy:
    We have several Ecat SKLep in operation in our labs and we collected thousands of data so far, so I can guarantee the following conservative data to compute the electric COP of the Ecat Mini-SKLep:
    Current consumed by the Ecat: max 0.0008 A
    Voltage average: 10 V
    Wh/h of energy consumed by the Ecat: 10 V x 0.0008 A = 0.008 Wh/h
    Power of the load ( Led lamp ) >1 W
    COP : min 1 W out/0.008 W in > 125 ( electric COP )
    This is the very conservative COP we are able to guarantee at this point, after thousands of hours of experiments on the benches of our labs.
    Warm Regards,

  • Silent Majority Guy

    Dr Rossi,
    Can you tell us which is the maximum peak of current consumed by the Ecat Mini Sklep we can watch in the video published in

  • Andrea Rossi

    Iggy Dalrymple:
    Thank you for the suggestion, you are right,
    Warm Regards,

  • Iggy Dalrymple

    Would it be difficult for Leonardo Corporation to manufacture a combined E-Cat/heating element for household water heater tanks? This would seem a no-brainer simple but extremely cost effective product.

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- good idea
    2- since the Ecat needs to be connected with the grid, the sole way to conserve the energy that you don’t use is to accumulate it in a capacitor, or in a battery. Obviously, if you use all the energy from the Ecat, this issue is over,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- yes
    2. yes, if you like to do so
    3. see 2
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Luisa Majorana:
    Thank you for your kind attentin to the work of our Team. What you wrote is absolutely true, on my honour word.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- actually the SKLep will be an assembly of 10 Mini-SKLeps
    2- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Guido

    Dear Dr. Rossi
    1. After my heating consumes the most energy in my house, I am planning on running it by your ecats.
    1a) good idea
    1b) better wait for heating ecats
    1b1) timeline for heating ecats?
    2. Further I am interested why you suggest buying batteries for peaks instead of just enough ecats. A 5kw battery cost about USD 5’000 and also pollutes the environment. 5kw ecat cost USD 12’500. If you feed the grid with not needed electricity, you will receive remuneration that amortizes the costs for the ecat in less than 2 years. So it is way more interesting. What is your take on this?
    Thank you
    Kind regards

  • WaltC

    Dr. Rossi,
    What is your current thinking with respect to the physical makeup of the Ecat SKLep (100w)–

    1) Will I receive an assembly of 10 MiniSKLeps (10w)?

    If so:

    2) Can that assembly be disassembled into 10 standalone MiniSKLeps that can operate just as if I had bought 10 actual MiniSKLeps?

    3) Or will the assembly I receive not be usefully disassembled into subcomponent parts?

    The analogous example I’m thinking of is a 9v battery– it is comprised of 6 individual 1.5v cells, but in a practical sense they are not individually useful because they are not separately encased.

    Best Wishes,

  • Luisa Majorana

    Dr Rossi,
    Your live streaming video I found in
    is impressive: a brilliant led light of at least 1 W ( minimum at eye sight ), with 10 V, 0.000 A.
    Even assuming that the fourth decimal is a 9, the Watts input can be at the most W = 10V x 0.0009A = 0.009 W
    Then the COP is at the least 1/0.009 = COP 111.1
    And this is an electric COP, not a thermal COP, so it is worth minimum 3 times a thermal COP.
    Unbelievable, but true beyond any possible doubt; the circuit this time is absolutely clear and totally flawless. Not to mention the fact that the power source and the connections have been supplied by an independent third party.
    Ad majora, your team merits it,
    Luisa Majorana

  • Maico

    Dear Dr. Rossi
    you said the Mini SkLep will soon get much smaller.

    1) Once the goal of one million pre-orders has been reached, will production be done with the Super-Mini Sklep? 😉

    2) Are you still hoping that you will soon reach the million pre-orders and that production will be able to start by 2022?

    Regards Maico

  • Andrea Rossi

    I hope so,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm regards,

  • Kay

    dear Dr.Rossi,
    Elon M. is disassembling right now. Best opportunity for a win-win situation! best regards Kay

  • Guido

    Dear Mr. Rossi
    Do you expect running the ecat off grid one day?
    Thanks and kind regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Horst Dieter Preschel:
    Thank you for your important comment; I also get advantage to remind our Readers that to find all the comments published in other posts of this blog they can go to
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Silent Majority Guy:
    Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Silent Majority Guy

    Dr Rossi,
    Congratulations for the outstanding statistics of your publications I found on the profile of the paper

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    The new updated address of ecat.com is the following:

  • Horst Dieter Preschel

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    as I wrote already some time ago, as long as there is no translate function for the http://www.rossilivecat.com you can use the following link to start the rossilivecat:


    The rossilivecat will be started in English and you get an addional title line where you can select the language you want.

    If you change tl=en and hl=en to tl=it and hl=it everything will be translated to Italien from the start, e.g.:


    There are other country codes like fr French, de German, es Spanish, nl Dutch, sv Sweden. More country codes can be found at e.g.:


    If you save the link as a bookmark for your browser you always can start the rossilivecat in the language you want.

    Kind regards

    Horst Dieter Preschel

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    The Client has to put the voltage at 12, the A.I. makes the rest.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I confirm 9
    Warm Regards,

  • Darko

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    It seems to me that the height of the 100 W Ecat SKLep is not 9 cm as specified, but about 11 cm.
    Best regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I had previously asked about the input voltage on the online demonstration unit. You replied “The voltage is regulated by the A.I. to obtain the highest possible efficiency.”

    My question was not regarding the internal operation of the Mini-SKLep but whether the user must adjust the applied input voltage to 10 VDC or is any input voltage within the operating specifications acceptable?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dan Galburt:
    1- I confirm the answer given to SNK, the rest is confidential
    2- same as in 1
    Warm Regards,

  • Dan Galburt

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    Recently you were asked the following question

    2022-11-09 21:42 Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    On your Mini-SKLep ongoing demonstration, the applied voltage is approximately 10 VDC. Is there a reason why it is not 12 VDC, which I understand is the nominal input voltage for SKLep operation?

    2022-11-10 06:21 Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    The voltage is regulated by the A.I. to obtain the highest possible efficiency.

    Warm Regards,

    As I understand it, the input voltage is manually set on the DC power supply which is running in constant voltage (CV) mode.

    The question 1 remains.
    Why is the DC power supply manually set to 10VDC rather than 12VDC?

    Question number 2
    What is the power supply current limit set to and does the power supply switch to constant current (CC) mode at any time during startup or normal operation?

    Warm Regards,
    Dan Galburt

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Moderator of
    Can you apply the translator we applied to our blog ?
    Thank you for your help
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Pekka Janhunen:
    Thank you for the suggestions
    Warm Regards

  • Dear Andrea,

    In short, the new website feels good enough to spread the link. The previous one wasn’t.

    A couple of small suggestions for improvements:

    1/ In the last FAQ, in “It is explained in the inventor’s paper here”, the word “here” should be a link, but it isn’t.

    2/ Please add the year (maybe it is 2017 (?)) to the title of the Youtube video “LENR ColdFusion Demo – E-Cat QX – Stockholm Nov. 24th” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KkYMPp4c68 ). Reason: The video is outdated because it still talks about LENR and not zero-point energy. To avoid confusing the viewers, it is important to make it clear that it is a historical video.

    regards, /pekka

  • Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    Here are the stats I found today in
    Total Readings: 120000 ( of which 110146 only of “Ecat SK and long range particle interactions” )
    Recommendations: 8199
    Citations + Mentions: 55
    Research Interest Score: 2138 ( highest than the 99% of the Researchgate’s 15 million papers )
    Most readers by discipline: electronic engineers, chemistry engineers, materials engineers, physicists
    Most reading seniority: Post-Doc, Professors, PhD students, Seniors
    Countries of most readings: Europe, USA, UK, Canada

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    The voltage is regulated by the A.I. to obtain the highest possible efficiency.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    is not managed by us, but the moderator of it is reading your comment.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    a. about 50 cm
    b. yes
    Warm Regards,

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