Both bought by Amazon
Warm Regards,
Erasmo Bardelli:
To obtain 3 kWh/h of electric energy at 12 V DC you need 36 units of 100 W each of power, plus the step-up and the inverter to reach 230 V AC, obviously with the help of a certified contractor,
Warm Regards,
1) consider any application that’s currently being met with single-use batteries– e.g., flashlights, trail cameras (possibly with transmitter), children’s toys, radios, weather stations, wall clocks, camping lanterns, etc.
2) Assume for sake of comparison the application is drawing 2 watts (or less– in which case break-even would take proportionately longer).
3) Then assume (again, for sake of comparison) the application is using D-cell batteries (smaller batteries would cost more per W-hr and thus break-even sooner).
* Result: After a week’s worth of usage with a 2Wh/h drain, you would have used 19 D-cell batteries at a cost of $29 (retail price). On the other hand, if you used the Ecat-SSM instead, you’d have spent $25, but only used 0.64% of it’s total capacity (based on the 3 yr. warranty period).
*** Summary: An Ecat-SSM based Mega-D-cell battery would be cost effective after just 7 days– even with just a 2W load. Obviously with a higher load it would become cost effective sooner still.
*** One additional observation: *If* it were possible to fit an Ecat-SSM into a standard battery shape and a standard voltage for that battery shape– e.g., 1.5v D-Cell or 3.7v 18650 li-ion Cell– it would broaden the applications that could immediately adopt the Ecat-SSM.
Attualmente per l’energia elrttrica nella mia abitazione, ho un contratto con il fornitore di 3kw al contatore. Il consumo medio è di 2950w. (medio). Quanti E-Cat da 100w devo mettere in parallelo prima del convertitore DC-AC 12v dc – 230v ac per essere autonomo.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
A few weeks ago you mentioned that with the start of the Ecat SSM live stream, advertising (albeit low-key) would also begin. Can you tell me where you place the ad?
Italo R.:
Thank you; tomorrow at 1 PM Miami Time we will show the measurement of the EMF; as soon as we receive the Geiger will show the measurement of the radiations; we expect to receive the Geiger Tuesday, eventually we will communicate day and time of the measurement.
In both cases will be shown the model of the instrument.
Warm Regards,
In my comment I wrote that the difference of weight between the total block ( lamp + Ecat ) and the sole lamp is 40 grams, instead of 46 grams, which is the real weight of the Ecat: sorry for the typo.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi, you wrote that “The weight of the Ecat is 40 grams, the total weight is shown in the video with the measurement of the weight: you can find the link under the video of the streaming.”
But we can see on video the weight 446 gram (or 0.446 kg)
The link to weighting is
The name of the video is “Weighing the E-Cat SKLep SSM/lamp assembly’
Please, explain the difference.
Dear Dr Rossi
Thank you for the timer, sometimes it does not matter what you do to prove something most people will only believe when it is in their hands running their house. Remember the story of doubting Thomas. Has this setup increased pre-orders?
Thank you
Dear Dt. Rossi,
The measurement of the electromagnetic field and radiation will complete the external measurements on the Ecat.
Heartfelt congratulations, with the hope that all this can quickly increase the number of pre-orders.
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Analysis of SKLep SSM if powered by Li Ion battery.
The published energy density for Li Ion batteries is 50 to 260 W-hrs/kg. (Google search)
The SKLep – SSM is reported to have a mass of 40 grams or 0.04 kg.
Assuming 100% of the SKLep SSM mass was an Li-Ion battery, the energy storage would be
50 * 0.04 = 2 W-hrs up to 260 * 0.04 = 10.4 W-hrs.
Various JONP postings have suggested the optical output of the LED Lamp was 1 to 2 Watts of optical power.
Assuming 100% electrical to optical conversion efficiency (it is likely closer to 50%), then a
1W optical output would have an illumination time of 2 to 10.4 hours before a recharge would be required.
Likewise, a 2W optical output would have an illumination time of 1 to 5.2 hours before a recharge was required.
Given that the SKLep SSM has been continuously powering the LED Lamp for over a week, it appears impossible that the SKLep SSM power source is an internal battery.
Dear Readers:
We received the EMF detector. We will measure the EMF now and again. For example watch the measurement tomorrow at 1 PM Miami Time, so you will see the instrument and the measurement. Next week we will receive a new radiations detector and we will do the same procedure.
Warm Regards,
Hello Dr Rossi
Is the SSM in the Livestream from the same batch produced for CE certify more early this year please?
Thank you if you can answer
Warm regards
The sole role of the countdown is to show that the view is not frozen; the count up of the days is written in the screen every day, while the wrist watch gives the hours, minutes and also evidence that the view is not frozen, by means of the running seconds; besides, the watch is also useful to compare at first sight the dimensions of the lamp.
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea,
By utilizing the primary electricity made by SKLep-SSM, you could produce secondary electricity by non-SSM SKLep.
It would make economic sense in case SKLep is for some reason cheaper to manufacture, per outputted kWh/h, than the SSM.
The COP of the SKLep need not necessarily be maximal in such application. The COP of the SKLep could be chosen to minimize the manufacturing cost of the whole SSm + non-SSM setup.
In any case, even if the above would be true to some extent, the first thing needed is a serial production of the 10 watt SSMs pucks.
I also wish to congratulate you once more for the milestones achieved thus far.
You wrote:” I mean the counting of the days elapsed from the day of the start.”, but it looks like the counter is in count down mode from 1000 days, not count up mode.
Please consider setting it in count up mode, and putting note on screen indicating the counter was added at X days/hours/min/sec from the true start of the test.
Thank you very much for your will to help, that I deeply appreciate; the watch you suggested does not have the days counter – not the date’s days, I mean the counting of the days elapsed from the day of the start.
We bought today the model suggested from Udi Shomer: that is perfect; we bought 2 of them, just in case…
Warm Regards,
May I suggest using an atomic clock in your Ecat SKLep SMM stream, such as this one? By doing so, you will ensure that the clock is always showing exactly the correct time down to the seconds. This one is illuminated, large, flat, shows date, hours, seconds, and even temperature:
I am an UBC Electrical Engineer 1983, I will test the 3 units (January 2022) and the 1 unit (February 2022). The Wi-Fi in my house was very poor so I extended my LAN to my 4K Sharp TV and Sony 4-K Blu-Ray player. I am connected a Dewalt 12 VDC battery to the new 150-Watt Bestek inverter. The old Bestek 200 watt failed so I will return the unit to get another one. The first test I will run on the 3 eCat SKlep will connect it to a 100 Watt Incandescent bulb, then my HP Laptop, etc. I already have a multi meter and oscilloscope to make sure the output of eCat is exactly 12 VDC. I intend to create a Youtube channel the profits will be donated to hospitals in BC. I pray that your preorders go from 800,000 to 1,000,000 by April 2023 and hopefully I will receive the units soon after. I pray for health and safety since you have many enemies and doubter who want to fail. I have following your struggles since 2010 and maybe 100’s of doubters. God Bless you!
I suggest you purchase a few time counters (clocks/watches/whatever you call it), in case it breaks down.
The cost is minimal and it would allow you to replace it immediately in case of a malfunction.
Same suggestion applies for any other equipment used for streaming the SKLep SSM.
Gavino Mamia:
The weight of the Ecat is 40 grams, the total weight is shown in the video with the measurement of the weight: you can find the link under the video of the streaming.
Warm Regards,
Tha former watch has died…what a strange coincidence, just at the eve of its sostitution ! Like for the grief…
As a provisional substitution we put a wrist watch, waiting for the new one.
Manuel Cilia:
We need a very reliable counter, well illuminated, robust and with date, hour, minutes, seconds.
All the models we saw that have also the counting of the days are of the same kind that died, or do not have the digits illuminated, which is fundamental.
If somebody finds one, we will be grateful for the link. We did not find one with the count of the days that has the characteristics I said above.
Warm Regards,
Jorge Alberto and all the Readers that sent comments with the same subject:
Yes, the watch has died: no reason for it, just died after about 6 months. We bought it from Amazon, with 2 years guarantee…
In the meantime a member of our Team put there in emergency a wrist watch, where clearly can be seen hour, minutes and the running seconds; in the meantime we wait for the next one, of a completely different manufacturer we found today, placing the order.
In the meantime, the wrist watch will do.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
The trolls are diffusing fake news that contradict each other; here is a synopsis of the main:
Fake news one: the Ecat SSM in the video has a battery inside: the contradiction is that everybody knows that the weight of that model of lamp is about 400 grams, therefore the Ecat stuff weights about 40 grams, which means that a battery would get lost im matter of hours; anyway, assuming the whole weigh of 430 grams -that we see in the video of the weight measurementis- is of the the alleged battery, such battery would last at the most several days, not hundreds of hours, let alone thousands of hours
Fake news two: the electricity is supplied by a remote EMF emitter: contradiction at the end of my laugh: I can only note that Dr Rossi wrote here that he already bought a radiations and EMF controller, after solicitation of a reader of this blog
Fake news three: the luminosity of the lamp comes from another lamp : contradiction is that watching the video it is obvious that the luminosity source comes exactly from where the led is positioned, because there is an intensity much higher than in the diffusion area
Fake news four: this is a system to collect money with something that does not exist: the contradiction is that Dr Rossi has clearly and repeatedly written that no money will be accepted by Leonardo Corporation before they will be ready to deliver, and the payments will be made with all the guarantees that gives Paypal about the rights of restitution, while the big buyers will be protected by an escrow account until all the tests will be positively performed.
As always, Rossi disregards the fake news and keeps working.
I have a question for you, Dr Rossi: after the introducing of the video of the SSM, if you can answer :
1- how many units have been preordered ?
2- how many units preorders have been cancelled from the clients ?
Keep going on with the great job done by your team,
Silent Majority Guy
Dear Dr Rossi
I am not sure if the second counter you are talking about is an accumulation meter which will show the total time the Ecat has been running as that would be very interesting I believe to all
Dr. Rossi
have you by chance weighed the dish with the led, without ecat?
or do you have another one and show us the weight of him?
I always deal with skeptics
Dr Rossi,
I am assisting to a miracle: as of today, even assuming that all the setup of the Ecat SKLep SSM is a battery, a battery that has the same weight of the whole setup ( which is impossible, because a lamp of that model has itself a weight of 400 grams ), today the battery would be exhausted !!!
By the way, when will be put also a seconds counter, to show that the image is not frozen ?
God bless you and your team,
Both bought by Amazon
Warm Regards,
The setup is in Europe, controlled in remote from the USA,
Warm Regards,
Herr Dr. Rossi
Mir ist Aufgefallen das die Uhr im Livestream des E- Cat SKLlep SSM eine Europäische Zeit anzeigt!
ist es Absicht?
herzliche Grüsse,
Dr. Rossi I noticed that the clock in the live stream of the E-Cat SKLlep SSM shows a European time! is it on purpose? best regards, KS
Dr Rossi,
can you give us the model of the EMF and Geiger detectors you are going to use in hte live streaming of the Ecat SSM ?
Erasmo Bardelli:
To obtain 3 kWh/h of electric energy at 12 V DC you need 36 units of 100 W each of power, plus the step-up and the inverter to reach 230 V AC, obviously with the help of a certified contractor,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your calculations,
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi,
Adding to the list of potential applications:
1) consider any application that’s currently being met with single-use batteries– e.g., flashlights, trail cameras (possibly with transmitter), children’s toys, radios, weather stations, wall clocks, camping lanterns, etc.
2) Assume for sake of comparison the application is drawing 2 watts (or less– in which case break-even would take proportionately longer).
3) Then assume (again, for sake of comparison) the application is using D-cell batteries (smaller batteries would cost more per W-hr and thus break-even sooner).
* Result: After a week’s worth of usage with a 2Wh/h drain, you would have used 19 D-cell batteries at a cost of $29 (retail price). On the other hand, if you used the Ecat-SSM instead, you’d have spent $25, but only used 0.64% of it’s total capacity (based on the 3 yr. warranty period).
*** Summary: An Ecat-SSM based Mega-D-cell battery would be cost effective after just 7 days– even with just a 2W load. Obviously with a higher load it would become cost effective sooner still.
*** One additional observation: *If* it were possible to fit an Ecat-SSM into a standard battery shape and a standard voltage for that battery shape– e.g., 1.5v D-Cell or 3.7v 18650 li-ion Cell– it would broaden the applications that could immediately adopt the Ecat-SSM.
Best Wishes,
Caro Dott. Rossi
Attualmente per l’energia elrttrica nella mia abitazione, ho un contratto con il fornitore di 3kw al contatore. Il consumo medio è di 2950w. (medio). Quanti E-Cat da 100w devo mettere in parallelo prima del convertitore DC-AC 12v dc – 230v ac per essere autonomo.
We are starting with Twitter and E-Catworld
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your support,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Congratulations for the impressive and convincing livestream of the Ecat SKLep SSM
Dear Dr. Rossi,
A few weeks ago you mentioned that with the start of the Ecat SSM live stream, advertising (albeit low-key) would also begin. Can you tell me where you place the ad?
Italo R.:
Thank you; tomorrow at 1 PM Miami Time we will show the measurement of the EMF; as soon as we receive the Geiger will show the measurement of the radiations; we expect to receive the Geiger Tuesday, eventually we will communicate day and time of the measurement.
In both cases will be shown the model of the instrument.
Warm Regards,
Manuel Cilia:
Warm Regards,
In my comment I wrote that the difference of weight between the total block ( lamp + Ecat ) and the sole lamp is 40 grams, instead of 46 grams, which is the real weight of the Ecat: sorry for the typo.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi, you wrote that “The weight of the Ecat is 40 grams, the total weight is shown in the video with the measurement of the weight: you can find the link under the video of the streaming.”
But we can see on video the weight 446 gram (or 0.446 kg)
The link to weighting is
The name of the video is “Weighing the E-Cat SKLep SSM/lamp assembly’
Please, explain the difference.
@Silent Majority Guy,
Great comment, I agree with you from the first to the last word of your “fake news” list.
All the best,
Dear Dr Rossi
Thank you for the timer, sometimes it does not matter what you do to prove something most people will only believe when it is in their hands running their house. Remember the story of doubting Thomas. Has this setup increased pre-orders?
Thank you
Dear Dt. Rossi,
The measurement of the electromagnetic field and radiation will complete the external measurements on the Ecat.
Heartfelt congratulations, with the hope that all this can quickly increase the number of pre-orders.
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Steven Nicholes Karels,
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Analysis of SKLep SSM if powered by Li Ion battery.
The published energy density for Li Ion batteries is 50 to 260 W-hrs/kg. (Google search)
The SKLep – SSM is reported to have a mass of 40 grams or 0.04 kg.
Assuming 100% of the SKLep SSM mass was an Li-Ion battery, the energy storage would be
50 * 0.04 = 2 W-hrs up to 260 * 0.04 = 10.4 W-hrs.
Various JONP postings have suggested the optical output of the LED Lamp was 1 to 2 Watts of optical power.
Assuming 100% electrical to optical conversion efficiency (it is likely closer to 50%), then a
1W optical output would have an illumination time of 2 to 10.4 hours before a recharge would be required.
Likewise, a 2W optical output would have an illumination time of 1 to 5.2 hours before a recharge was required.
Given that the SKLep SSM has been continuously powering the LED Lamp for over a week, it appears impossible that the SKLep SSM power source is an internal battery.
Dear Readers:
We received the EMF detector. We will measure the EMF now and again. For example watch the measurement tomorrow at 1 PM Miami Time, so you will see the instrument and the measurement. Next week we will receive a new radiations detector and we will do the same procedure.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Hello Dr Rossi
Is the SSM in the Livestream from the same batch produced for CE certify more early this year please?
Thank you if you can answer
Warm regards
The sole role of the countdown is to show that the view is not frozen; the count up of the days is written in the screen every day, while the wrist watch gives the hours, minutes and also evidence that the view is not frozen, by means of the running seconds; besides, the watch is also useful to compare at first sight the dimensions of the lamp.
Warm Regards
Pekka Janhunen, thank you for your insight and for your kind support,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
By utilizing the primary electricity made by SKLep-SSM, you could produce secondary electricity by non-SSM SKLep.
It would make economic sense in case SKLep is for some reason cheaper to manufacture, per outputted kWh/h, than the SSM.
The COP of the SKLep need not necessarily be maximal in such application. The COP of the SKLep could be chosen to minimize the manufacturing cost of the whole SSm + non-SSM setup.
In any case, even if the above would be true to some extent, the first thing needed is a serial production of the 10 watt SSMs pucks.
I also wish to congratulate you once more for the milestones achieved thus far.
Best regards, /pekka
Dear Dr Rossi
You wrote:” I mean the counting of the days elapsed from the day of the start.”, but it looks like the counter is in count down mode from 1000 days, not count up mode.
Please consider setting it in count up mode, and putting note on screen indicating the counter was added at X days/hours/min/sec from the true start of the test.
Thank you very much for your will to help, that I deeply appreciate; the watch you suggested does not have the days counter – not the date’s days, I mean the counting of the days elapsed from the day of the start.
We bought today the model suggested from Udi Shomer: that is perfect; we bought 2 of them, just in case…
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
May I suggest using an atomic clock in your Ecat SKLep SMM stream, such as this one? By doing so, you will ensure that the clock is always showing exactly the correct time down to the seconds. This one is illuminated, large, flat, shows date, hours, seconds, and even temperature:
All the best,
Udi Somer:
I agree,
Warm Regards,
Udi Shomer:
Thank you very much; this can do.
Warm Regards,
Gene Quong,
Thank you for your kind support to our Team.
We will talk of your proposal when we will be ready to deliver,
Warm Regards,
@Silent Majority Guy, kudos to your magnificent comment I totally agree with !
I am an UBC Electrical Engineer 1983, I will test the 3 units (January 2022) and the 1 unit (February 2022). The Wi-Fi in my house was very poor so I extended my LAN to my 4K Sharp TV and Sony 4-K Blu-Ray player. I am connected a Dewalt 12 VDC battery to the new 150-Watt Bestek inverter. The old Bestek 200 watt failed so I will return the unit to get another one. The first test I will run on the 3 eCat SKlep will connect it to a 100 Watt Incandescent bulb, then my HP Laptop, etc. I already have a multi meter and oscilloscope to make sure the output of eCat is exactly 12 VDC. I intend to create a Youtube channel the profits will be donated to hospitals in BC. I pray that your preorders go from 800,000 to 1,000,000 by April 2023 and hopefully I will receive the units soon after. I pray for health and safety since you have many enemies and doubter who want to fail. I have following your struggles since 2010 and maybe 100’s of doubters. God Bless you!
Dr. Rossi,
Here is a counter that might be suitable for your needs (days, hours, minutes, seconds. Well illuminated)
The only problem is that its limited to 1,000 days.
Best regards,
Udi Shomer
Dr Rossi,
I suggest you purchase a few time counters (clocks/watches/whatever you call it), in case it breaks down.
The cost is minimal and it would allow you to replace it immediately in case of a malfunction.
Same suggestion applies for any other equipment used for streaming the SKLep SSM.
Best Regards,
Gavino Mamia:
The weight of the Ecat is 40 grams, the total weight is shown in the video with the measurement of the weight: you can find the link under the video of the streaming.
Warm Regards,
Tha former watch has died…what a strange coincidence, just at the eve of its sostitution ! Like for the grief…
As a provisional substitution we put a wrist watch, waiting for the new one.
Manuel Cilia:
We need a very reliable counter, well illuminated, robust and with date, hour, minutes, seconds.
All the models we saw that have also the counting of the days are of the same kind that died, or do not have the digits illuminated, which is fundamental.
If somebody finds one, we will be grateful for the link. We did not find one with the count of the days that has the characteristics I said above.
Warm Regards,
Silent Majority Guy:
Thank you for your insight: I agree.
1- thousands
2- one
Warm Regards,
Jorge Alberto and all the Readers that sent comments with the same subject:
Yes, the watch has died: no reason for it, just died after about 6 months. We bought it from Amazon, with 2 years guarantee…
In the meantime a member of our Team put there in emergency a wrist watch, where clearly can be seen hour, minutes and the running seconds; in the meantime we wait for the next one, of a completely different manufacturer we found today, placing the order.
In the meantime, the wrist watch will do.
Warm Regards,
The clock appears to be off.
Dr Rossi,
The trolls are diffusing fake news that contradict each other; here is a synopsis of the main:
Fake news one: the Ecat SSM in the video has a battery inside: the contradiction is that everybody knows that the weight of that model of lamp is about 400 grams, therefore the Ecat stuff weights about 40 grams, which means that a battery would get lost im matter of hours; anyway, assuming the whole weigh of 430 grams -that we see in the video of the weight measurementis- is of the the alleged battery, such battery would last at the most several days, not hundreds of hours, let alone thousands of hours
Fake news two: the electricity is supplied by a remote EMF emitter: contradiction at the end of my laugh: I can only note that Dr Rossi wrote here that he already bought a radiations and EMF controller, after solicitation of a reader of this blog
Fake news three: the luminosity of the lamp comes from another lamp : contradiction is that watching the video it is obvious that the luminosity source comes exactly from where the led is positioned, because there is an intensity much higher than in the diffusion area
Fake news four: this is a system to collect money with something that does not exist: the contradiction is that Dr Rossi has clearly and repeatedly written that no money will be accepted by Leonardo Corporation before they will be ready to deliver, and the payments will be made with all the guarantees that gives Paypal about the rights of restitution, while the big buyers will be protected by an escrow account until all the tests will be positively performed.
As always, Rossi disregards the fake news and keeps working.
I have a question for you, Dr Rossi: after the introducing of the video of the SSM, if you can answer :
1- how many units have been preordered ?
2- how many units preorders have been cancelled from the clients ?
Keep going on with the great job done by your team,
Silent Majority Guy
Dear Dr Rossi
I am not sure if the second counter you are talking about is an accumulation meter which will show the total time the Ecat has been running as that would be very interesting I believe to all
Dr. Rossi
have you by chance weighed the dish with the led, without ecat?
or do you have another one and show us the weight of him?
I always deal with skeptics
You are right.
The seconds counter will be installed tomorrow, as soon as it arrives,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
I am assisting to a miracle: as of today, even assuming that all the setup of the Ecat SKLep SSM is a battery, a battery that has the same weight of the whole setup ( which is impossible, because a lamp of that model has itself a weight of 400 grams ), today the battery would be exhausted !!!
By the way, when will be put also a seconds counter, to show that the image is not frozen ?
God bless you and your team,
Yury Evdokimov:
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Are the control electronics also powered by the ECat SSM?
With best regards, Yury
Good idea, we are buying it, will install asap,
Warm Regards,