United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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42,335 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    To overcome the problem of the blackouts that sometimes can happen, our IT Guy has made a second channel that is independent from Youtube, and it is managed by a computer that is different from the one now streaming: since it is impossible that both channels are interrupted at the same time, at least either one or the other will be streaming.
    The new channel is here:
    Normally boyh channels will be streaming, but, just in case, you can switch channel and you will get evidence that the Ecat SKLep SSM is permanently on.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I said that the product is ready for the market technologically, not that it is ready for delivery.
    To know when we will be able to start manufacturing and deliveries, please go to
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Claudio Varotto:
    Great question, very important issue.
    We already has discussions about it with consultants expert of the matter to make the Ecat be inserted in the list of the energy sources that merit the benefits provided to systems that save energy, pollution an carbon dioxyde increase,
    Warm Regards,

  • Claudio Varotto

    Egregio Dr. Rossi vorrei sottoporle una questione finora mai trattata nel blog. I prodotti del settore fotovoltaico, eolico e solare termico usufruiscono in Italia di una agevolazione tariffaria relativamente all’IVA in base alla quale pagano il 10% in luogo del 22%. Le molte persone a cui ho pubblicizzato i suoi moduli si chiedono a quale regime fiscale sarebbero sottoposti i prodotti derivanti dalla sua invenzione. Le chiedo quindi quale tipo di azione intenderebbe intraprendere a livello di mercato per poter fare equiparare i suoi prodotti ai prodotti legati al settore delle energie rinnovabili. Le chiedo inoltre, dal momento che nessun installatore saprebbe come comportarsi di fronte ad una fonte di energia praticamente sconosciuta, come dovrebbero agire i primi destinatari dei suoi moduli in assenza di particolari competenze elettrotecniche. Il quesito è di fondamentale importanza perchè un impianto fotovoltaico eseguito da installatore autorizzato può ottenere oltre all’IVA 10% un bonus fiscale del 50% rimborsabile in 10 anni. Temo che come me molte persone che hanno ordinato i suoi moduli non potranno usufruire di alcuna agevolazione fiscale dal momento che dovranno arrangiarsi autonomamente per la loro installazione. Essere costretti a pagare per i suoi moduli una tariffa IVA piena ( 22% ) e senza alcuna ulteriore agevolazione fiscale sarebbe una grave beffa per quanti si espongono in primis in veste di apripista dopo aver riservato una enorme fiducia nella sua persona e nel suo lavoro. La ringrazio per la risposta.
    Cordiali saluti.

    Claudio Varotto


    Dear Dr. Rossi, I would like to ask you a question that has never been raised before in the blog. In Italy, products in the photovoltaic, wind and solar thermal sectors benefit from a reduced rate of VAT on the basis of which they pay 10% instead of 22%. The many people to whom I have advertised your modules wonder what tax regime the products derived from your invention would be subject to. I therefore ask you what type of action you would intend to undertake at the market level in order to be able to equate your products to products linked to the renewable energy sector. I also ask you, since no installer would know how to behave in the face of a practically unknown energy source, how the first recipients of your modules should act in the absence of particular electrotechnical skills. The question is of fundamental importance because a photovoltaic system performed by an authorized installer can obtain, in addition to the 10% VAT, a tax bonus of 50% repayable in 10 years. I fear that like me many people who have ordered your modules will not be able to take advantage of any tax relief since they will have to arrange for their installation independently. Being forced to pay a full VAT rate (22%) for your modules and without any further tax relief would be a serious insult to those who expose themselves first and foremost as a trailblazer after having placed enormous trust in your person and in your work. Thank you for the reply.
    Warm regards

    Claudio Varotto

  • albo70

    Dear Andrea,

    in the answer to Richard you say that the product is ready for the market, were ia can buy it ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    The problems are related to the evolution, the product is ready for the market,
    Warm Regards,

  • Richard

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    Thank you for your answer.
    Do you think the e-cat is ready to sale if you face problems now and again from few hundred builds?
    Best regards, Richard

  • Andrea Rossi

    Sergio Germani:
    COP = x/0, wherein x>0
    x= power of the led in W ( or luminescence in Lumens )
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, the IT Guy resolved the problem !
    Probably we will not have more interruptions.
    Warmest Regards,

  • Kelly

    DR Rossi:
    The Youtube streaming of the Ecat SKLep SSM is a historic event, contingent with the fact that it will not be interrupted, otherwise your enemies will say that the interruption will be a pretext to change a battery hidden in the lamp. It is true that a battery wouldn’t last more that several days, but an interruption of the streaming could raise the mumbojumbo of the trolls. You wrote here your IT guy was going to resolve the problem, did he ?
    All the best,

  • Claudio Varotto

    to TOUSSAINT François
    Una automobile in modalità elettrica per percorrere 100 chilometri richiede mediamente circa 14000 watt. Con 2 moduli Ecat ssm da 10 watt cadauno , puoi ricaricare le batterie in sole 700 ore che equivalgono a circa 29 giorni. Personalmente ho lo stesso obiettivo e per alimentare consumi dell’abitazione e ricarica batterie auto ho ordinato 400 moduli da 10 watt.
    An electric car needs about 14,000 watts to travel 100 kilometers on average. With 2 Ecat ssm modules of 10 watt each, you can recharge the batteries in just 700 hours which is equivalent to about 29 days. Personally, I have the same goal and to power consumption for the home and recharge car batteries, I ordered 400 x 10-watt modules.
    All the best.
    Claudio Varotto

  • Sergio Germani

    Dr Rossi,
    Which is the COP of the Ecat SKLep SSM ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    several hundreds, resolving problems now and again,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Toussaint François:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Wilfried

    Dear Andrea,

    I have worked out the following text together with ChatGPT. It seems to me the simplest way to explain the functioning of the E-CAT.
    Best Regards


    Zero-Point Energy Harvesting via Aharonov-Bohm Effect

    1. Zero-point fluctuations are minimal particle fluctuations that occur even at absolute zero temperature due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
    2. Quantum fluctuations and zero-point energy are closely related and play an important role in generating electron condensates using the Aharonov-Bohm effect.
    3. An approach to generating electron condensates is to produce a variation in the electron’s jitter motion to enhance the Aharonov-Bohm effect.
    4. The resulting phase coherence of electrons forms electron condensates, which have lower entropy and thus lead to a higher order state.
    5. Electron condensates can be effectively utilized as electrons are synchronized in a macroscopic quantum state and can transfer energy when interacting with other electrons.
    6. Condensed electrons can absorb energy from an applied electric field and be ejected from their state when hit by non-condensed electrons, causing them to lose coherence and synchronization and allowing them to move freely, resulting in an electric current.

    Zero-point energy is an important aspect of quantum mechanics as it has an impact on the properties of matter and radiation. For example, it leads to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and influences the motion of particles near obstacles or barriers. In some cases, zero-point energy can also contribute to the formation of coherence and the emergence of quantum phenomena such as electron condensate.
    In quantum mechanics, even if a system is in a state of minimum energy (called the ground state), it cannot be completely at rest. Due to the uncertainty principle, there is always some uncertainty in the position and velocity of a particle. This uncertainty leads to particle fluctuations that cannot be reduced to zero, even if the temperature of the system is lowered to absolute zero (0 Kelvin or -273.15°C). These minimal particle fluctuations are called zero-point fluctuations and have a minimum energy known as zero-point energy.
    Quantum fluctuations are spontaneous fluctuations of physical quantities that occur on the quantum level and cannot be completely eliminated due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Quantum fluctuations and zero-point energy are closely related since zero-point energy is an important aspect of quantum mechanics that results from quantum fluctuations.
    Quantum fluctuations play an important role in generating electron condensates using the Aharonov-Bohm effect. The Aharonov-Bohm effect describes the behavior of electrons in a region where the magnetic field is zero, but the magnetic vector potential is not. When electrons are moved through such a region, their phase relationship is influenced, and interference arises that can lead to the formation of electron condensates.
    Quantum fluctuations can serve as a source of variation in the jitter motion of electrons. Due to their spontaneous nature, quantum fluctuations continuously generate variations in the properties of electrons, including their jitter motion. If the system is properly tuned, this variation in jitter motion can be amplified by the Aharonov-Bohm effect to generate electron condensates.
    One approach to generating electron condensates is to create a variation in the jitter motion of electrons. Jitter motion describes the rapid, chaotic motion of electrons around their equilibrium position. Variation in this motion leads to a change in the phase relationship of electrons, which in turn amplifies the Aharonov-Bohm effect and leads to the formation of electron condensates.
    To create such a variation in jitter motion, a voltage pulse with an appropriate rise time is applied to the electrons. The rise time of the voltage pulse must be fast enough to provide effective control over the jitter motion of the electrons.
    The resulting phase coherence of the electrons leads to lower entropy and a decrease in degrees of freedom. Lower entropy means that the electrons are organized in a higher-order state, which leads to greater coherence and thus the formation of electron condensates.
    By transferring energy to electrons that are not in phase, an electric current can be generated. This is an important aspect of the approach as it offers the possibility of effectively utilizing electron condensates.
    When electrons in a material are in phase in an electron condensate, they move collectively and synchronized. This means that their wave functions are in agreement and they behave as a type of macroscopic quantum state. Now, if electrons not in this condensed state interact with the electrons in the condensate, energy transfer between them can occur.
    For example, if an electric field is applied, electrons not in the condensed state can be accelerated to higher energies, leading to an energy transfer between them and the electrons in the condensate. This can result in the generation of an electric current that can be used for practical applications.

  • TOUSSAINT François

    Dear Anrea Rossi

    I have ordered 2 SKL SSM 10w, one question please, can the SKL SSM recharge my car battery in my garage ?

    Kind regards

    Toussaint françois

  • Richard

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    How many ssm units you have build so far? Are this units all working fine or may you have also faulty ones?
    Best regards, Richard

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your calculations,
    Warm Regards,

  • WaltC

    Dr Rossi,

    Adding to my earlier post comparing the cost of Ecat-SSM-10w v.s. single use batteries:

    ** First– Recap of the analysis from my earlier post:

    After a week of running with a constant 2 watt load, the cost of the total number of D-cell Alkaline batteries required to sustain the load exceeds the cost of the $25 purchase price of a single Ecat-SSM-10w.

    ** Second– Additional comparisons:

    A) For larger loads or longer durations, what is the cost, per kWh, of single-use alkaline batteries vs. the Ecat-SSM-10w?:

    – The Ecat-SSM-10w cost is $0.095 per kWh
    – An Alkaline AAA-Cell cost is $167 per kWh
    – An Alkaline AA-Cell cost is $67 per kWh
    – An Alkaline C-Cell cost is $83 per kWh
    – An Alkaline D-Cell cost is $56 per kWh

    B) So what about Lithium rechargeable cells? Conservatively, assume the batteries are free (prorated to zero over the course of many recharge cycles) & just look at the cost of charging the cells. Average US kWh grid price is currently $0.168 per kWh. The charge-efficiency of a Lithium Cell is 78%. Therefore:

    – The net price of electricity from a Lithium cell is 0.22 per kWh. (v.s. $0.095 for the Ecat).

    *** Analysis:
    1) The Ecat-SSM has a *huge* price advantage if used in single-use battery applications. It becomes a kilowatt battery (or a 1/4 megawatt battery).
    2a) The Ecat-SSM has a modest price advantage and a *huge* range advantage is used in EV applications.
    2b) *Also*, with Ecat-SSMs in the car, or in the garage, the Electric Vehicle owner could save thousands v.s. the cost of a Level 2 charger home installation.

    Best Wishes,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for the suggestion: I think we will have to to be contingent with the specific requirements of the specific Countries,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rod Carbuncal:
    Thank you for your trust in our work,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I believe some form of securing the SKLep SSM to a surface is a general requirement. The SKLep SSM is the equivalent of a power supply. Local electrical codes would likely require physically securing the module to a structure. I would suggest M3 brass inserts designed for insertion into plastic. These are relatively inexpensive and the M3 screw is widely accepted throughout the world as a standard thread size.

  • Rod Carbuncal

    Hey Roddy here,
    Your reply to Srajer, ‘thats a dream’. I hope its not and the ecat is real !!!!! I’m looking forward to charging my EV with a bunch of SSM’s )))))
    Thanky, Rod

  • Andrea Rossi

    Surely I did not expect such a result,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for the explication.
    Presently the Ecat is designed to be settled upon a surface, or a rack, but it is possible to add standard mounting holes.
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    You asked “What do you mean exactly with “mounting configurations” ?”.

    The SKLep SSM 100W unit needs to be secured to a surface, so it doesn’t become loose when transported, etc. Typical applications might include a set of dimensionally defined threaded screw holes to accept a machine screw to mate the unit to a plane surface. Think of OEM power supplies that have mounting holes.

    As you transition into full scale production, you need to address this issue so engineers can design fixtures to mount the SKLep SSM 100W unit safely and securely.

    An example might be four M3x5mm machine screw threaded holes or inserts in a 5 x 7 cm rectangular pattern on the SKLep SSM 100W unit.

  • Quinto

    Dr Rossi,
    I think that the statistics of the paper
    mean a relevant attention to your technology from the highest echelons of the scientific world: compare its 117221 total readings as of today with the
    1435 readings of
    the important research dealing by which the author Alain Aspect has been granted the Nobel Prize, and still one of the most read of Researchgate !
    I wish you all the best,

  • Andrea Rossi

    he,he,he…why not ?
    Warm Regards,

  • Sergio

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Could the Ecat SKLep SSM be used also to activate robots ? For example these:
    All the best,
    Sergio Alvarez

  • Andrea Rossi

    It started 2 days ago and runs every week from Monday through Friday; we skip Saturdays and Sundays for the low efficiency during these days for our cathegory, as our expert explained to us,
    Warm Regards,

  • Anonymous

    Dr Rossi,
    When will start the advertising on Twitter you talked about ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer:
    That’s a dream,
    Warm Regards,

  • Jan Šrajer

    Mr. Rossi
    Do you think that in the near future it will be possible to fulfill the slogan: this electric car does not charge, it charges itself.
    Warm Regards J.Š.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    What do you mean exactly with “mounting configurations” ?
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    On the SKLep SSM 100W units, have you finalized a design on the mounting configuration, electrical connections, and status indication (on/off)?

    If so, can you describe each configuration?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Our IT guy is resolving the problem,
    Warm regards,

  • Jeff

    Dr Rossi,

    With the blackouts you mention I suggest you use your invention to keep your computer(s)/office on.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    Here are the stats of your publications on Researchgate I got today from
    Total Readings: 128000 (more than the 99% of 15 millions publications on Researchgate)
    Research Interest Score: 2322 (more than the 99% of 15 millions of publications on Researchgate)
    Citations+Mentions: 72
    Recommendations: 8964 ( more than the 99% of 15 millions of publications on Researchgate)
    Most readings by disciplines: Electronic Engineering, Algorythms, Theoretical Physics, Chemical Engineering
    Most readings by seniority: Professors, Post-Doc, PhD students, Seniors
    Most readings by geographic areas: America, Europe
    And counting…

  • Rick 57

    Dear Andrea,
    one of the main advantages of your technology is undoubtedly the efficiency of the electricity generation process (low heat dissipation).
    On the other hand, Competitors (if any) are claiming to have single units with outputs in the range of tens of KW or more.
    So my question is: are you planning in the future to demonstrate an E-Cat assembly with a power of at least 1 KW ?
    Thanks for your attention.
    Best Regards,

  • Klas

    To Yury Evdokimov:

    If you read carefully the Datasheet you find the procedure for How to switch on the SSM described
    in point 1 under REMARKS.


  • Wilfried


    Imagine you make a tiny little hole in the bottom of a bucket and water just drips out of it. The water is supposed to be the energy. If you now switch to the idea that if you stick a needle into the hole, the surface tension of the water disappears and the water then emerges at the speed of light. Then you still have the same small hole, but an extremely large amount of ‘energy’.
    That is my idea of quantum energy in a point of space. The tapped energy flows back at the speed of light. The question is how to cleverly construct a corresponding ‘needle’.

    Kind regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    About the blackouts we have been subjected to during the former livestream: now we have set up a system that records and stores the livestreaming of the Ecat SKLep SSM.
    This will mean that we will have a video record of black out periods if the lifestream cuts out, which we will upload to our YouTube channel.
    One Caveat: if the computer shuts down for reasons not dependent from us, we will not be able to recover the video in that case. We will do all we can to avoid this happen.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Andrea Magnusson:
    Thank you for your attention to the work done by our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Todd Burkett:
    You can produce high temperatures up to any power you want connecting in circuit the Ecat SKLep SSM with an electric resistance as a load.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Curious Guy:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yury Evdokimov:
    The Ecat SKLep SSM does not need an external power source to be started up,
    Warm Regards,

  • Yury Evdokimov

    Dear Andrea Rossy,
    How is the initial start-up of Ecat SSM carried out? If you need an external power supply to start, what are its specifications?
    My best regards,

  • Jacqueline

    Dr Rossi,
    The duration of the Ecat SKLep live streaming is fundamental to exclude the possibility that there is some sort of battery.
    Now that the measurements of radiations have given evidence that there are not EMF sources, if the duration is longer than the lifespan of a battery with the same weight, the self sustaining mode has given itself strong evidence.
    Now we are seeing that the duration has reached about ten days without interruptions, which is already good and enough to proof that the Ecat SKLep SSM is self sustaining itself, which makes it a true infinite energy source, whatever the power.
    Probably your team has resolved the problems of the many black out we observed with the former streaming.
    Now every additional day of live streaming will add credibility to this technology.
    Bravo, to all your team.

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