Mr. Rossi
Yes, for starters EcatSKLep is an important type of use. It would be effective to replace the D-type batteries with the same size EcatSKLep.
Warm Regards J.Š.
Whether open pit or sub-surface mining, a conversion to electricity driven machine will reduce operating costs. With the economic incentives to use electrical power-based machinery, the use of SKLep SSM technology will result in significant cost savings as power will not be needed from the grid, nor transported to the mine site. Productive mines work 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, so a combination of SKLep SSM with local batteries to meet different load requirements could be invaluable to the mining industry. The lower cost of SKLep SSM power compared with remote site grid electrical power could result in significant cost savings, as well as environmental compliance.
A 2007 study suggested that the energy savings for the Coal, Metal, and other mining could be over 600 Trillion BTU-hrs per year. This is just the saving from going from fossil fuels to electric driven machinery. Additional saving over Grid power by using SKLep SSM could be realized in addition.
Dr Rossi,
can you give us the link to the record of the radiation measurements made during the live streaming with a geiger counter in V/m both close to the Ecat SKLep SSM and and in the background ? I tried to find the link on, but didn’t find
Gavino Mamia:
There is a connection: one of my preferred food is fried eggs: this fact allows us to assume the energy from eggs yolk fueled the brain from which the patents came. Difficult to prove, but impossible to disproof !
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi
I noticed that the recent tweets have gotten a lot more exposure, no doubt due to them being promoted as advertising. I too have re-tweeted them in an effort to increase their exposure and hopefully result in a boost in orders. Keep up the good work.
Art B.
Dear Andrea and readers, the OPEC cartel has announced a production cut to “stablise” oil prices. Every blip in the world energy supply and subsequent cost rises can be seen as a new cry to bring onwards new, inexaustable and clean energy sources, with the E-Cat seeminly being the ace in the pack.
Hey, hi Andrea,
I really hope you meant designing a fabbing your own chips and not just programming stuff like FPGA’s . Leonardo would be too powerful to stop if thats the case ))))
Good luck to you amazing team!!
I remember that you used to talk about LENR and not about cold fusion. Once you even explicitly preferred the term LENR to cold fusion.
Is it correct that your idea was always that it would be low energy nuclear reactions and not an actual fusion process? Or did you actually suspect a fusion process at the very beginning?
I ask because the mental step from a low energy nuclear reaction to a low energy interaction with leptons would be much smaller than from fusion to ZPE.
How did you come up with ZPE?
Greta Thunberg – Wikipedia
Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg (IPA: [ˈgreːta ˈtʉːnˌbærj]; Stoccolma, 3 gennaio 2003) è un’attivista svedese, nota per le sue battaglie a favore dello sviluppo sostenibile e contro il cambiamento climatico. Dottor
Andrea Rossi,
Ecat SKLep SSM è ritenuta da tuoi lettori sostenitori una enorme invenzione e tutti aspettiamo con trepidazione – come scrive Claudio Varotto – che tu dica: “obiettivo raggiunto, inizia la produzione” ; tuttavia, siccome pare che questo “obiettivo” sia piuttosto difficile da raggiungere, ti chiedo: .
Personalmente, ritengo che la Signorina Thunberg, per quanto fatto contro il cambiamento climatico, meriti di essere informata direttamente dall’inventore Andrea Rossi (messo in live streaming) circa un’innovazione tecnologica che per importanza – dal punto di vista dello sviluppo sostenibile – sia direttamente proporzionale all’impegno sociale profuso dalla giovane Thunberg.
Conquistata Lei avresti conquistato gran parte delle giovani generazioni nei confronti delle quali abbiamo un enorme responsabilità per tutti i danni causati fino ad ora.
Greta Thunberg – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg (IPA: [ˈgreːta ˈtʉːnˌbærj]; born 3 January 2003) is a Swedish activist, known for her battles for sustainable development and climate change.
Dear Doctor
Andrea Rossi,
Ecat SKLep SSM is considered by your readers supporters a huge invention and we all wait with trepidation – as Claudio Varotto writes – that you say: “goal achieved, production begins”; however, since it seems that this “goal” is rather difficult to achieve, I ask you: .
Personally, I believe that Miss Thunberg, for what she has done against climate change, deserves to be informed directly by the inventor Andrea Rossi (put in live streaming) about a technological innovation that for importance – from the point of view of sustainable development – is directly proportional to the social commitment lavished by the young Thunberg.
Conquered Greta Thunberg, you would have conquered most of the younger generations to whom we have a huge responsibility for all the damage caused so far.
Best regards,
I know that you are working on or have been working on using eCat technology for jet engines.
I presume your development of the application of eCat technology is either using electric power to run electric motors to compress air and thus provide thrust OR heating air to provide thrust.
I have another suggested approach. Replace the jet fuel with water.
Thrust could be produced by either heating the water to form xuper-critical steam Or breaking the hydrogen-oxygen bond to produce hydrogen fuel to replace the jet fuel normally consumed in a conventional jet engine. This assumes a massive amount of available electrical energy, as what is theoretically available from an SKLep SSM combination of modules.
Water has a higher density than jet fuel. Therefore, more fuel mass could be carried on an existing jet aircraft.
In addition, even in conventional jet engines, injecting water into the jet engine produces additional thrust. Likewise, in such a hydrogen powered system, additional thrust (say during take-off) could be achieved by adding a small amount of water to the jet engine(s).
Jan Srajer:
The Ecat SKLep does not emit magnetic fields: we made a measurement of EMF during the live streaming showing the results to everybody who wanted to watch the measurements while our operator did them. You can watch the registration of the streaming of such measurement in a video whose link is here:
You can scroll the website until you find the video of the EMF test.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
The microchips of the Ecat SKLep SSM have been designed by Leonardo Corporation, or you use standard microchips ?
All the best,
Gregory Daigle:
No, it has been quite casual: I have chosen that watch only because it shows clearly the seconds lead to the cameras; only eventually I got aware of its “Cat” trade mark…omen nomen !
Warm Regards,
La ringrazio per la risposta. Devo dire che sono molto soddisfatto delle precisazioni che ritengo possano essere utili e di buon auspicio per quanti credono in Lei e nel suo impegno. Confesso che ogni giorno sogno di poter leggere finalmente ” OBIETTIVO RAGGIUNTO, INIZIA LA PRODUZIONE ” , e di tradurre in realtà lo schema elettrico che, tra l’altro, permette di aggirare l’handicap del blocco in caso di superamento della potenza nominale dei moduli.
Ancora grazie.
Cordiali saluti
Thank you for the reply. I must say that I am very satisfied with the clarifications which I believe may be useful and auspicious for those who believe in you and in your commitment. I confess that every day I dream of finally being able to read “GOAL ACHIEVED, PRODUCTION BEGINS”, and of translating into reality the wiring diagram which, among other things, allows to circumvent the block handicap in case of exceeding the nominal power of the modules .
Thank you again.
Best regards
Regarding that handsome Lowell clock on your streaming channel, I notied that the word “CAT” was added to its face. I am curious, why not add “E-CAT” instead?
Claudio Varotto:
1- Yes, and I agree with your suggestion
2- We have organized a wide chain of outsourcing that should be able to manufacture 100 MW/year, eventually expanding the capacity depending on the market reaction. We have also already the know how to produce the microchips necessary for our A.I. in house, without depending from external sources, since the microchips we need could become the weak point of the chain ( and an arm against us related to your question 1 ), therefore we want not to depend from others sources. All the other components would not be a problem as for the supply chain, because their sources are quite diversified and diffused in the planet.
I hope not to have been too much concise…
Warm Regards,
“The 266’×55′ Island-class ferries were built at Damen’s shipyard in Romania. Each vessel has a pair of 1,500-kW generators and an 800-kWh bank of Corvus lithium ion batteries. But getting shoreside power established is still a work in progress.”
Island-class ferries, in good weather, may run almost continuously. This is an excellent application for SKLep SSM technology. Generating 3 MW of electrical power will surely be in the class of your container sized units. Washington State (USA) has an executive order to convert all 24 island-class ferries to electrical power, replacing fossil fuel ferries. As the battery charging infrastructure is a major concern for battery-based systems, the SKLep SSM configuration offers an attractive alternative.
At times when the Ferry ship cannot be used (tied to dock), it could provide unused electrical power to the electrical grid.
Egregio Dr. Andrea Rossi, personalmente sto facendo tutto quanto è nelle mie possibilità per dare pubblicità all’Ecat Sklep e sono oltremodo fiducioso che l’obiettivo che Lei si è posto sia raggiunto entro breve. Mi pongo però alcune domande che mi inquietano non poco:
1) Sta considerando adeguatamente la possibilità che, alla sua presentazione sul mercato mondiale, la sua invenzione possa subire azioni di ” disturbo ” anche pesanti da parte di lobby con potenti interessi avversi? … Una azione efficace da parte Sua potrebbe sicuramente essere una massiccia, quasi istantanea distribuzione dei suoi moduli alle entità che ne hanno fatto richiesta; a quel punto qualsiasi azione ostile diverrebbe inutile.
2) Da feroce sostenitore delle politiche ambientaliste quale sono, e consapevolmente convinto che il tempo concesso all’umanità per porre una parvenza di rimedio ai danni che ha provocato nei decenni trascorsi Le chiedo: Una volta raggiunto il traguardo del milione di ordini quali tempi ritiene ragionevolmente reali per poter industrialmente ” inondare ” il mercato mondiale e riuscire ad influenzare la produzione di energia?
Mi spiegherò meglio: quale potrebbe essere la produzione annuale in termini di megawatt di nuovi moduli immessi sul mercato?
Vorrei inoltre ricordare a quanti suggeriscono ipotetiche applicazioni pratiche dell’Ecat Sklep che un’altro obiettivo primario è la rimozione della CO2 dall’atmosfera e, in quanto ciò richiede un forte impiego di energia, la sua invenzione, con una massiccia industrializzazione dei suoi moduli potrebbe invertire la tendenza.
Perdoni la lunghezza del post. La ringrazio per la risposta e La prego di non essere troppo conciso.
Cordiali saluti
Claudio Varotto
Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi, I am personally doing everything in my power to give publicity to the Ecat Sklep and I am extremely confident that the goal you have set for yourself will be achieved within a short time. However, I have a few questions that worry me a lot:
1) Are you adequately considering the possibility that, when presented on the world market, your invention could be subjected to even heavy “disturbance” actions by lobbies with powerful adverse interests? … An effective action on your part could surely be a massive, almost instantaneous distribution of your devices to entities that have requested them; at this point any hostile action would become useless.
2) As a fierce supporter of environmentalist policies which I am, and consciously convinced that the time allowed for humanity to put a semblance of a remedy to the damage it has caused in the past decades, I ask you: Once the milestone of one million orders has been reached, what times do you think reasonably real to be able to industrially ” flood ” the world market and be able to influence the production of energy?
I’ll explain better: what could be the annual production in terms of megawatts of new modules placed on the market?
I would also like to remind those who suggest hypothetical practical applications of the Ecat Sklep that another primary objective is the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere and as this requires a strong use of energy, your invention, with a massive industrialization of your modules could reverse the trend.
Forgive the length of the post. Thank you for your reply and please don’t be too concise.
Warm regards
Dear Mr. Rossi,
I am convinced that your devices work.
But do you think you can market the devices against the power of the energy corporations and oil industry?
Kind regards
Koen Vandewalle:
Thank you for the suggestion and let it be: the unit that will be the one that will complete the number of 1 million units pre-ordered will be delivered for free. If it will be part of a pre-order for more units, one of the units belonging to that pre-order will be delivered for free.
The former grid bound Ecat SKLep put in live streaming will be conserved in our museum. We have an idea about what to do with it, though.
Warm Regards,
Will the orderer of the one-millionth ECat-SKLep receive that clock as a bonus?
Then, to increase our chances of winning this bonus (or any other bonus), we can regularly order one extra E-Cat for a chance to win the bonus.
What has become of the previous lamp that did not yet work in SSM?
Kind regards,
Dear Andrea,
I noticed that you changed the watch of the livestreaming of the Ecat SKLep SSM: good choice, in the new one is more clear the lead of the seconds; also, the new watch has the trade mark “CAT”: is this casual or you have chosen it intentionally ?
Dr Rossi,
I watched the spare streaming
Very important; while it is impossible that an unexpected blackout happens at the same time on both the computers and/or both the channels, we will be able to check anytime the live streaming watching one channel or the other, or both, so that the infinite duration of the Ecat without any external power source gest undisputable evidence.
Dr Rossi,
The idea to launch a second channel with a separated computer and camera has been very intelligent: now we can be sure that the Ect SKLep SSM is always in operation and that you never stop it to change a battery, or a capacitance; this fact gives evidence , beyond any possible doubt, that the Ecat generates energy independently from any other power source or battery. The matter of the fact is that no battery with the weight of 40 grams can resist with the light we can see in the streaming for more than several days, while now we reached the 17th day of live streaming.
This is history, although I can’t understand why you keep a so low profile.
All the best to you and your team, and kudos to your IT guy, who made a very intelligent move.
Adolf Hofer
Jan Srajer:
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Mr. Rossi
Yes, for starters EcatSKLep is an important type of use. It would be effective to replace the D-type batteries with the same size EcatSKLep.
Warm Regards J.Š.
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Yet another application for SKLep SSM technology
Mining Equipment
Whether open pit or sub-surface mining, a conversion to electricity driven machine will reduce operating costs. With the economic incentives to use electrical power-based machinery, the use of SKLep SSM technology will result in significant cost savings as power will not be needed from the grid, nor transported to the mine site. Productive mines work 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, so a combination of SKLep SSM with local batteries to meet different load requirements could be invaluable to the mining industry. The lower cost of SKLep SSM power compared with remote site grid electrical power could result in significant cost savings, as well as environmental compliance.
A 2007 study suggested that the energy savings for the Coal, Metal, and other mining could be over 600 Trillion BTU-hrs per year. This is just the saving from going from fossil fuels to electric driven machinery. Additional saving over Grid power by using SKLep SSM could be realized in addition.
The link is among all the other links under the video of the live streaming; anyway, here it is:
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
can you give us the link to the record of the radiation measurements made during the live streaming with a geiger counter in V/m both close to the Ecat SKLep SSM and and in the background ? I tried to find the link on, but didn’t find
Gavino Mamia:
There is a connection: one of my preferred food is fried eggs: this fact allows us to assume the energy from eggs yolk fueled the brain from which the patents came. Difficult to prove, but impossible to disproof !
Warm Regards,
Dott. Rossi
Maybe the egg yolk is the secret of the Ecat ?
Gavino Mamia
Warm Regards,
Art B.:
Thank you for your kind wishes and for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi
I noticed that the recent tweets have gotten a lot more exposure, no doubt due to them being promoted as advertising. I too have re-tweeted them in an effort to increase their exposure and hopefully result in a boost in orders. Keep up the good work.
Art B.
Congratulations for your tweet advertising: did you have a pre-orders increase after it ?
Thank you for your support,
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea and readers, the OPEC cartel has announced a production cut to “stablise” oil prices. Every blip in the world energy supply and subsequent cost rises can be seen as a new cry to bring onwards new, inexaustable and clean energy sources, with the E-Cat seeminly being the ace in the pack.
Steven Nicholes Karels,
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
The theoretical evolution from LENR to ZPE has been explained in the paper
Warm Regards,
Rod Carbuncal:
Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
Hey, hi Andrea,
I really hope you meant designing a fabbing your own chips and not just programming stuff like FPGA’s . Leonardo would be too powerful to stop if thats the case ))))
Good luck to you amazing team!!
Dear Andrea,
I remember that you used to talk about LENR and not about cold fusion. Once you even explicitly preferred the term LENR to cold fusion.
Is it correct that your idea was always that it would be low energy nuclear reactions and not an actual fusion process? Or did you actually suspect a fusion process at the very beginning?
I ask because the mental step from a low energy nuclear reaction to a low energy interaction with leptons would be much smaller than from fusion to ZPE.
How did you come up with ZPE?
Best regards
Greta Thunberg – Wikipedia
Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg (IPA: [ˈgreːta ˈtʉːnˌbærj]; Stoccolma, 3 gennaio 2003) è un’attivista svedese, nota per le sue battaglie a favore dello sviluppo sostenibile e contro il cambiamento climatico. Dottor
Andrea Rossi,
Ecat SKLep SSM è ritenuta da tuoi lettori sostenitori una enorme invenzione e tutti aspettiamo con trepidazione – come scrive Claudio Varotto – che tu dica: “obiettivo raggiunto, inizia la produzione” ; tuttavia, siccome pare che questo “obiettivo” sia piuttosto difficile da raggiungere, ti chiedo: .
Personalmente, ritengo che la Signorina Thunberg, per quanto fatto contro il cambiamento climatico, meriti di essere informata direttamente dall’inventore Andrea Rossi (messo in live streaming) circa un’innovazione tecnologica che per importanza – dal punto di vista dello sviluppo sostenibile – sia direttamente proporzionale all’impegno sociale profuso dalla giovane Thunberg.
Conquistata Lei avresti conquistato gran parte delle giovani generazioni nei confronti delle quali abbiamo un enorme responsabilità per tutti i danni causati fino ad ora.
Greta Thunberg – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg (IPA: [ˈgreːta ˈtʉːnˌbærj]; born 3 January 2003) is a Swedish activist, known for her battles for sustainable development and climate change.
Dear Doctor
Andrea Rossi,
Ecat SKLep SSM is considered by your readers supporters a huge invention and we all wait with trepidation – as Claudio Varotto writes – that you say: “goal achieved, production begins”; however, since it seems that this “goal” is rather difficult to achieve, I ask you: .
Personally, I believe that Miss Thunberg, for what she has done against climate change, deserves to be informed directly by the inventor Andrea Rossi (put in live streaming) about a technological innovation that for importance – from the point of view of sustainable development – is directly proportional to the social commitment lavished by the young Thunberg.
Conquered Greta Thunberg, you would have conquered most of the younger generations to whom we have a huge responsibility for all the damage caused so far.
Best regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I know that you are working on or have been working on using eCat technology for jet engines.
I presume your development of the application of eCat technology is either using electric power to run electric motors to compress air and thus provide thrust OR heating air to provide thrust.
I have another suggested approach. Replace the jet fuel with water.
Thrust could be produced by either heating the water to form xuper-critical steam Or breaking the hydrogen-oxygen bond to produce hydrogen fuel to replace the jet fuel normally consumed in a conventional jet engine. This assumes a massive amount of available electrical energy, as what is theoretically available from an SKLep SSM combination of modules.
Water has a higher density than jet fuel. Therefore, more fuel mass could be carried on an existing jet aircraft.
In addition, even in conventional jet engines, injecting water into the jet engine produces additional thrust. Likewise, in such a hydrogen powered system, additional thrust (say during take-off) could be achieved by adding a small amount of water to the jet engine(s).
Jan Srajer:
The Ecat SKLep does not emit magnetic fields: we made a measurement of EMF during the live streaming showing the results to everybody who wanted to watch the measurements while our operator did them. You can watch the registration of the streaming of such measurement in a video whose link is here:
You can scroll the website until you find the video of the EMF test.
Warm Regards,
The microchips of the Ecat SKLep SSM are designed by Leonardo Corporation,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
The microchips of the Ecat SKLep SSM have been designed by Leonardo Corporation, or you use standard microchips ?
All the best,
Does the E-catSKLep generate a magnetic field?
Warm Regards J.Š.
Gregory Daigle:
No, it has been quite casual: I have chosen that watch only because it shows clearly the seconds lead to the cameras; only eventually I got aware of its “Cat” trade mark…omen nomen !
Warm Regards,
Claudio Varotto:
I empathyze your feeling.
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm Regards,
Rod Carbuncal:
Thank you from our great team,
Warm Regards,
Hey hey Roddy here,
So impressed you are fabbing your own AI processor, congratulations to your amazing team !!!
Good luck )))
La ringrazio per la risposta. Devo dire che sono molto soddisfatto delle precisazioni che ritengo possano essere utili e di buon auspicio per quanti credono in Lei e nel suo impegno. Confesso che ogni giorno sogno di poter leggere finalmente ” OBIETTIVO RAGGIUNTO, INIZIA LA PRODUZIONE ” , e di tradurre in realtà lo schema elettrico che, tra l’altro, permette di aggirare l’handicap del blocco in caso di superamento della potenza nominale dei moduli.
Ancora grazie.
Cordiali saluti
Thank you for the reply. I must say that I am very satisfied with the clarifications which I believe may be useful and auspicious for those who believe in you and in your commitment. I confess that every day I dream of finally being able to read “GOAL ACHIEVED, PRODUCTION BEGINS”, and of translating into reality the wiring diagram which, among other things, allows to circumvent the block handicap in case of exceeding the nominal power of the modules .
Thank you again.
Best regards
Claudio Varotto
Dr. Rossi,
Regarding that handsome Lowell clock on your streaming channel, I notied that the word “CAT” was added to its face. I am curious, why not add “E-CAT” instead?
Warm regards,
Claudio Varotto:
1- Yes, and I agree with your suggestion
2- We have organized a wide chain of outsourcing that should be able to manufacture 100 MW/year, eventually expanding the capacity depending on the market reaction. We have also already the know how to produce the microchips necessary for our A.I. in house, without depending from external sources, since the microchips we need could become the weak point of the chain ( and an arm against us related to your question 1 ), therefore we want not to depend from others sources. All the other components would not be a problem as for the supply chain, because their sources are quite diversified and diffused in the planet.
I hope not to have been too much concise…
Warm Regards,
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for your suggestions,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Yet another SKLep SSM application
Island-class Ferries
“The 266’×55′ Island-class ferries were built at Damen’s shipyard in Romania. Each vessel has a pair of 1,500-kW generators and an 800-kWh bank of Corvus lithium ion batteries. But getting shoreside power established is still a work in progress.”
Island-class ferries, in good weather, may run almost continuously. This is an excellent application for SKLep SSM technology. Generating 3 MW of electrical power will surely be in the class of your container sized units. Washington State (USA) has an executive order to convert all 24 island-class ferries to electrical power, replacing fossil fuel ferries. As the battery charging infrastructure is a major concern for battery-based systems, the SKLep SSM configuration offers an attractive alternative.
At times when the Ferry ship cannot be used (tied to dock), it could provide unused electrical power to the electrical grid.
Egregio Dr. Andrea Rossi, personalmente sto facendo tutto quanto è nelle mie possibilità per dare pubblicità all’Ecat Sklep e sono oltremodo fiducioso che l’obiettivo che Lei si è posto sia raggiunto entro breve. Mi pongo però alcune domande che mi inquietano non poco:
1) Sta considerando adeguatamente la possibilità che, alla sua presentazione sul mercato mondiale, la sua invenzione possa subire azioni di ” disturbo ” anche pesanti da parte di lobby con potenti interessi avversi? … Una azione efficace da parte Sua potrebbe sicuramente essere una massiccia, quasi istantanea distribuzione dei suoi moduli alle entità che ne hanno fatto richiesta; a quel punto qualsiasi azione ostile diverrebbe inutile.
2) Da feroce sostenitore delle politiche ambientaliste quale sono, e consapevolmente convinto che il tempo concesso all’umanità per porre una parvenza di rimedio ai danni che ha provocato nei decenni trascorsi Le chiedo: Una volta raggiunto il traguardo del milione di ordini quali tempi ritiene ragionevolmente reali per poter industrialmente ” inondare ” il mercato mondiale e riuscire ad influenzare la produzione di energia?
Mi spiegherò meglio: quale potrebbe essere la produzione annuale in termini di megawatt di nuovi moduli immessi sul mercato?
Vorrei inoltre ricordare a quanti suggeriscono ipotetiche applicazioni pratiche dell’Ecat Sklep che un’altro obiettivo primario è la rimozione della CO2 dall’atmosfera e, in quanto ciò richiede un forte impiego di energia, la sua invenzione, con una massiccia industrializzazione dei suoi moduli potrebbe invertire la tendenza.
Perdoni la lunghezza del post. La ringrazio per la risposta e La prego di non essere troppo conciso.
Cordiali saluti
Claudio Varotto
Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi, I am personally doing everything in my power to give publicity to the Ecat Sklep and I am extremely confident that the goal you have set for yourself will be achieved within a short time. However, I have a few questions that worry me a lot:
1) Are you adequately considering the possibility that, when presented on the world market, your invention could be subjected to even heavy “disturbance” actions by lobbies with powerful adverse interests? … An effective action on your part could surely be a massive, almost instantaneous distribution of your devices to entities that have requested them; at this point any hostile action would become useless.
2) As a fierce supporter of environmentalist policies which I am, and consciously convinced that the time allowed for humanity to put a semblance of a remedy to the damage it has caused in the past decades, I ask you: Once the milestone of one million orders has been reached, what times do you think reasonably real to be able to industrially ” flood ” the world market and be able to influence the production of energy?
I’ll explain better: what could be the annual production in terms of megawatts of new modules placed on the market?
I would also like to remind those who suggest hypothetical practical applications of the Ecat Sklep that another primary objective is the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere and as this requires a strong use of energy, your invention, with a massive industrialization of your modules could reverse the trend.
Forgive the length of the post. Thank you for your reply and please don’t be too concise.
Warm regards
Claudio Varotto
We’ll see,
Warm Regards,
I agree: our IT Guy did a good job,
Warm Regards,
The idea to make 2 independent streamings is very good and cancels any doubt about the continuity of the Ecat’s performance,
Dear Mr. Rossi,
I am convinced that your devices work.
But do you think you can market the devices against the power of the energy corporations and oil industry?
Kind regards
Koen Vandewalle:
Thank you for the suggestion and let it be: the unit that will be the one that will complete the number of 1 million units pre-ordered will be delivered for free. If it will be part of a pre-order for more units, one of the units belonging to that pre-order will be delivered for free.
The former grid bound Ecat SKLep put in live streaming will be conserved in our museum. We have an idea about what to do with it, though.
Warm Regards,
Horst Ludwig:
You are wrong: it is and it has been set since the beginning in European Summer time,
Warm Regards,
The new clock isn’t set correctly and the digital clock is still on winter time.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Will the orderer of the one-millionth ECat-SKLep receive that clock as a bonus?
Then, to increase our chances of winning this bonus (or any other bonus), we can regularly order one extra E-Cat for a chance to win the bonus.
What has become of the previous lamp that did not yet work in SSM?
Kind regards,
Adolf Hofer:
You are right,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
It is casual: still, good omen,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I noticed that you changed the watch of the livestreaming of the Ecat SKLep SSM: good choice, in the new one is more clear the lead of the seconds; also, the new watch has the trade mark “CAT”: is this casual or you have chosen it intentionally ?
Dr Rossi,
I watched the spare streaming
Very important; while it is impossible that an unexpected blackout happens at the same time on both the computers and/or both the channels, we will be able to check anytime the live streaming watching one channel or the other, or both, so that the infinite duration of the Ecat without any external power source gest undisputable evidence.
Dr Rossi,
The idea to launch a second channel with a separated computer and camera has been very intelligent: now we can be sure that the Ect SKLep SSM is always in operation and that you never stop it to change a battery, or a capacitance; this fact gives evidence , beyond any possible doubt, that the Ecat generates energy independently from any other power source or battery. The matter of the fact is that no battery with the weight of 40 grams can resist with the light we can see in the streaming for more than several days, while now we reached the 17th day of live streaming.
This is history, although I can’t understand why you keep a so low profile.
All the best to you and your team, and kudos to your IT guy, who made a very intelligent move.
Adolf Hofer