Continuous operation for 46 days equals 1,104 hours of operation.
Estimates of the LED optical output vary between 1 and 2 Watts. Electric to optical efficiency estimates vary between 50% and 100%. Therefore, SKLep SSM is outputting between 1 and 4 Watts of electrical power.
Specified mass of the SKLep SSM is 40 grams or 0.04 kilograms
Estimate for Specific Power is between 25 and 100 W/kg.
Estimate for Specific Energy is between 27.6 to 110.4 kW-hrs/kg.
Plotting this on a Ragone Chart shows the energy source is greater than that of a chemical source.
Yet another possible application for SKLwp SSM technology
Windward Performance Perlan 2 is a high performance sailplane (glider) with a service ceiling of 90.000 feet. While it is designed for a 2-person crew, I suggest that an ensemble of these sailplanes could be unmanned and each could carry internet communications equipment. This would be similar to the Starlink satellites but at a much lower altitude.
Typical engine power for an electric powered sailplane is 75 kW or less. The maximum power is only needed during take-off and landings. Then, while cruising at minimum power, the internet communications would be powered.
Such an unmanned aircraft could take-off and cruise at above 50,000 feet altitude (above commercial airline flights) and provide continuous internet coverage with very low data latency. After 100,000 hours or so, they could be commanded to return to base where periodic maintenance, such as replacement of the SKLep SSM units, could be performed.
Such a system of high-flying aircraft would be much less expensive to build and operate, easier to retrieve and repair, and have a very long operational lifetime.
This approach would likely be much more cost-effective than a satellite-based communications internet system.
Dear Dr. Rossi
Consider a Tesla Semi truck for your demo, if available. The sleeping cab would allow a crew to run continuously for many days with no stops.
If you are able to integrate your device into an EV and charge the battery while the EV is in motion, there is no need to include circuity or software to prevent over-charging the EV’s battery. Have the driver, occasionally turn ON or OFF the SKLep SSM unit when the EV battery state indicates it needs a charge or is sufficiently charged. Having a driver onboard can significantly reduce the integration issues.
I am most interested in the use of E-catSKLep in an electric car.
I would like to ask if you are satisfied with the development and implementation in an electric car.
All the Best J.Š
Dear Dr Rossi,
The Ecat SKLep SSM has reached 43 days of streaming 24 hours per day on Youtube and Twitch, without any external power source. At this point it is obvious that there is not any energy source, because after more than 1000 hours of continuous work, there is no battery with a weight of 40 grams that could fuel that lamp for 1000 hours and counting.
Good job,
If you have to charge a series of batteries there is the problem of the different charges residual in each battery, therefore better to connect a stabilizar in the circuit,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi, I’ve read about problems and difficulties in inserting an Ecat SSM on an electric car.
I would like to re-propose a much simpler and equally effective solution for demonstration purposes.
You could use a drone similar to this (but there are many other types with different characteristics and functionalities):
which with its own battery has a flight autonomy of about half an hour (31 minutes).
It has a very interesting feature: intelligent positioning.
This would allow it to be used in flight inside a room at a fixed height and position.
By applying the Ecat instead of the battery, the drone would fly for the first half hour and then again for hours, and hours, and hours etc. without stopping.
When charging a 28v lifepo4 battery (3 x 100w SKLep SSM in series), is the output voltage stable during the charge or is it convenient to add an output converter in order to stabilize it ?
Thank you : Mario
Dott. Rossi
Ultimamente c’è la ricorsa nel costruire automobili sempre più grandi, sempre più veloci.
Città sempre più intasate di auto costantemente alla ricerca del parcheggio necessariamente adeguato come dimensione .
Mi piacerebbe che invece tu spingessi la leva al contrario, cioè che si andasse verso auto più piccole e lente.
La gente si accontenterebbe di andare più piano e più scomoda se la macchina fosse elettrica e con autonomia quasi illimitata.
Senza contare che un EV ha costi molto alti e una piccola EV sarebbe abbordabile per tutti.
Quindi un test con una piccola Ami Citroen, Twizzy Renault o simili sarebbe secondo me più adatto.
Il mercato continua a proporre automobili come questa:
Buona giornata e buon lavoro
Lately there has been a rush to build bigger and faster cars.
Cities increasingly clogged with cars constantly looking for a necessarily adequate parking space.
Instead, I would like you to push the lever in the opposite direction, i.e. towards the smaller and slower cars.
People would be content to go slower and more uncomfortable if the car were electric and with an almost unlimited range.
Not to mention that an EV has very high costs and a small EV would be within everyone’s reach.
So a test with a small Ami Citroen, Twizzy Renault or similar would be more suitable in my opinion.
The market continues to offer cars like this:
In the technical description of E-catSKLep it is written that it is allowed to reach 240V when connected in series. Is it possible to increase this voltage to 350V for an electric car?
All the Best J.Š
Dear Dr Rossi
A good EV to use is a BMW i3 with extender engine as a demo car. It is available on the market and can be purchase fairy cheaply and all you need to do is remove the small internal combustion engine and replace it with an Ecat power pack. You would need about 15to 20kw of Ecat to give it continuous use. They are are number of people who can can the programing to suit your needs in Europe.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
if it has to be a car then maybe a pre-owned vehicle like the BMW i3 with range-extender.
Instead of the combustion engine use the ecat ssm.
Best regards
Dietmar K.
Caro Andrea, ho letto la proposta di chiedere a chi ha gia’ ordini aperti di aumentare la quantita’ gia’ ordinata pur di raggiungere la soglia del milione. Io sarei piu’ che felice di farlo se sapessi quanti pezzi ti mancano. Ogni mese spendo 4000 euro solo in energia elettrica piu’ 2000 per il gas di riscaldamento, questi sono soldi a mio avviso buttati via ogni mese che passa. E che potrei destinare all’acquisto di e-cat.
The original question was interfacing SKLep SSM technology to an EV. If we expand the scope of the vehicle to an engine – to – battery car, I suggest the Chevy Volt. The vehicle is capable of delivering 100kW from the battery, and the generator is capable of delivering 40kW for extended periods without issue when the vehicle is being driven. I recall the Volt Battery voltage is 350 VDC. So, with a 40 kW SKLep SSM unit, you could drive at some speed (at least 70mph) indefinitely, as when I drove 1,300 miles using gasoline to propel the Volt from Florida to New Hampshire.
Regarding the discussions about charging the batteries of an electric car while driving, here is a hint.
There is a car that charges a battery by means of a methanol fuel cell both while stationary and while driving.
So from this car, the fuel cell would have to be removed and replaced with E-CATs. All other (electronic) components should be usable with minor
The use of regenerative braking is not a safety issue. For instance, when the EV battery is 100% charged, there can be no regenerative braking because there is no place for the go to. There will always be the mechanical braking system – the rotors and calipers, etc.
In my suggested demonstration at the Circular track, the EV would maintain a constant speed. Therefore, braking was only required when terminating the test.
Directly charging the EV battery requires a sophisticated design and consideration. Variables such as temperature, charge state, rate of charge must all be considered in implementing a direct charging system.
My suggestion was to use the regenerative path because the EV already conditions the highly variable regeneration energy and safely applies it to the EV battery system. The assumption here is that the regeneration system electronics can handle a continuous energy source.
Dott. Rossi
Ho fatto un esperimento con i miei monopattini, li ho messi su una sedia (quindi a ruota libera) e li ho fatti andare a velocità moderata, dopo ho collegato il loro caricatore.
In uno la luce del caricatore è diventata rossa e il livello di carica ha iniziato lentamente ad aumentare.
In un latro invece la luce del caricatore è rimasta verde e il livello di carica è solamente calato.
Deduco quindi che la differenza sia semplicemente nell’elettronica di controllo.
Ti consiglio dunque, se vuoi usare un EV, di provare questo esperimento se vuoi scegliere una auto elettrica che venga ricaricata da pacchetto di Ecat.
Esistono anche degli EV che vengono ricaricati in movimento da dei pannelli fotovoltaici.
Spero di essere stato utile.
I experimented with my electric scooters, put them in a chair (so freewheeled) and let them go at moderate speed, then plugged in the charger.
In one the charger light turned red and the charge level slowly started to increase.
On the other hand, the charger light remained green and the charge level only decreased.
I therefore deduce that the difference is simply in the control electronics.
So I recommend, if you want to use an electric vehicle, to try this experiment if you want to choose an electric car that is recharged by an Ecat pack.
There are also electric vehicles that are recharged on the go by photovoltaic panels.
There were several postings here how a battery in an EV could be charged by ECats while driving. I think a similar construction already exists with the hydrogen car. Here will be a battery charged with electricity from a fuel cell while driving.
All you really have to do is to replace the fuel cell with ECats.
HI, Dr Rossi
Months ago you were meeting with a potentially large customer that I think was a supplier of electricity.
Has anything new happened with prospective customer?
To Steven Nicholes Karels
Breaking the connection from the motor to the batteries is not possible for safety reasons. It is also not possible to block tracking of the charger connector. The solution could be an additional, independent connection of the E-catSKLep via some smart controller directly to the batteries. Safety must be observed.
All the Best J.Š
Dear Dr. Rossi,
to the suggestion of Marvin i would recommend to assemble a 2.5KW box with ecat ssm, not just 2KW.
Washing machines and water kettle in europe need mostly a power of about 2.3KW. Oil filled radiators have often also 2KW plus maybe 50W for the power of an integrated vent.
Electric boilers nearly similar 2KW to 2.2KW ASO.
Best regards
Dietmar K.
You missed my point. The problem you are facing is how do you charge the EV’s battery system in an EV while it is traveling? The Tesla (and many other EVs) does not allow charging from the charging port while the car is in motion. The exception is electrical energy generated by regenerative braking — the excess energy produced by the braking action of the electric motors.
This would allow an easy way to inject energy into the EV’s battery system with all the proper conditioning performed by the EV’s existing system. As this is routinely accomplished while the EV is in motion, it is a means of the SKLep SSM units to supply electrical energy to the EV battery without significant modifications to the EV software and hardware.
I am NOT suggesting that the regenerative energy from the EV’s motor(s) be supplied to the SKLep SSM units.
Interrupt the power path coming from EV’s motor(s) that goes to the EV’s battery system and instead replace it with the power coming from the SKLep SSM units. The SKLep SSM units generated electrical power would now flow into the EV’s battery system with proper signal condition performed by the existing EV system.
It has always been admirable how everything you claim – as far as I can judge – approaches the truth as closely as possible. Honesty is an important asset for a small family business. Such a company also selects the customers with whom it wants to do business, and over time, a kind of organic collaboration and relationship of trust develops.
It’s different when the company works with hired managers and a more formal, capital-oriented approach takes precedence. My experience is that honesty in such organizations is eventually punished or exploited, both masked by complicated contracts and clauses that prepare for a dispute in court from the beginning.
I think that when it comes to millions of sold E-Cat devices, there is actually no doubt which of the two principles of honesty the manufacturer – Leonardo Corporation – will rely on.
I know which principles of honesty I prefer: those with which I can spend the most time and energy on creativity and pleasant interaction with other people.
What principles of honesty will be used? Not asking for advances is only one aspect, which I think seriously complicates the pre-financing of production.
In any case, the E-Cat is something very special and revolutionary.
I still see in my memory Jeremy Clarkson (from the British TV program TopGear) mockingly handling the first generation Tesla Roadster.
From that, I learn that a product must almost have proven itself mainstream before mass production is started, unless a reputable, visionary manager with an aura the size of a small town stands behind it personally, and therefore gets unlimited credit lines from the financial world.
Ironically, the biggest scammers are those who raise huge sums of money from investors, for example, for the development of real estate projects that are copies of similar mainstream projects.
When I worked for a company, my employment contract stated that they automatically became the owner of all inventions and creativity that I produced during the term of the agreement. In my opinion, the creative person will always be shamelessly exploited.
I cannot think of any other example from history that is an exception to the small scale at which every individual inventor sells his first products. Products that immediately hit the market on a large scale are, mostly, already the intellectual property of a very large company.
So I really don’t know what to expect today from the strategy of Leonardo Corporation and Andrea Rossi. If the E-Cat has to sell itself, then a group of enthusiasts who have such a device and make their neighbors, colleagues, friends, and families curious about it seems to be the best word-of-mouth advertising you can imagine. If the device or product is new and honestly does what it promises, then such “personal marketing” is certainly a proven concept.
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for your analysis,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Ragoni Analysis of the SKLep SSM demonstration:
Continuous operation for 46 days equals 1,104 hours of operation.
Estimates of the LED optical output vary between 1 and 2 Watts. Electric to optical efficiency estimates vary between 50% and 100%. Therefore, SKLep SSM is outputting between 1 and 4 Watts of electrical power.
Specified mass of the SKLep SSM is 40 grams or 0.04 kilograms
Estimate for Specific Power is between 25 and 100 W/kg.
Estimate for Specific Energy is between 27.6 to 110.4 kW-hrs/kg.
Plotting this on a Ragone Chart shows the energy source is greater than that of a chemical source.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
You mentioned earlier you are already testing an electric car with E-Cats installed?
Can you say how long you expect the tests to last?
Will you demonstrate the car when the tests are completed?
Thanks, Regards
Art B
Jan Srajer:
Warm Regards,
Could you tell us sometime in the future that you are already testing the E-catSKLep in an electric car?
All the Best J.Š.
Dear Readers,
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Yet another possible application for SKLwp SSM technology
Windward Performance Perlan 2 is a high performance sailplane (glider) with a service ceiling of 90.000 feet. While it is designed for a 2-person crew, I suggest that an ensemble of these sailplanes could be unmanned and each could carry internet communications equipment. This would be similar to the Starlink satellites but at a much lower altitude.
Typical engine power for an electric powered sailplane is 75 kW or less. The maximum power is only needed during take-off and landings. Then, while cruising at minimum power, the internet communications would be powered.
Such an unmanned aircraft could take-off and cruise at above 50,000 feet altitude (above commercial airline flights) and provide continuous internet coverage with very low data latency. After 100,000 hours or so, they could be commanded to return to base where periodic maintenance, such as replacement of the SKLep SSM units, could be performed.
Such a system of high-flying aircraft would be much less expensive to build and operate, easier to retrieve and repair, and have a very long operational lifetime.
This approach would likely be much more cost-effective than a satellite-based communications internet system.
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi
Consider a Tesla Semi truck for your demo, if available. The sleeping cab would allow a crew to run continuously for many days with no stops.
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Regarding SKLep SSM in an electric vehicle (EV)…
If you are able to integrate your device into an EV and charge the battery while the EV is in motion, there is no need to include circuity or software to prevent over-charging the EV’s battery. Have the driver, occasionally turn ON or OFF the SKLep SSM unit when the EV battery state indicates it needs a charge or is sufficiently charged. Having a driver onboard can significantly reduce the integration issues.
Jan Srajer:
In this moment is a priority,
Warm Regards,
I am most interested in the use of E-catSKLep in an electric car.
I would like to ask if you are satisfied with the development and implementation in an electric car.
All the Best J.Š
Thank you for your attention,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
The Ecat SKLep SSM has reached 43 days of streaming 24 hours per day on Youtube and Twitch, without any external power source. At this point it is obvious that there is not any energy source, because after more than 1000 hours of continuous work, there is no battery with a weight of 40 grams that could fuel that lamp for 1000 hours and counting.
Good job,
It is one issue we are working upon,
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea,
How is the miniaturization of the E-Cat progressing? Can you report any progress?
Best regards,
Dear Readers,
Please go to
to find comments published in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
If you have to charge a series of batteries there is the problem of the different charges residual in each battery, therefore better to connect a stabilizar in the circuit,
Warm Regards,
Italo R.:
Thank you for the sugestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi, I’ve read about problems and difficulties in inserting an Ecat SSM on an electric car.
I would like to re-propose a much simpler and equally effective solution for demonstration purposes.
You could use a drone similar to this (but there are many other types with different characteristics and functionalities):
which with its own battery has a flight autonomy of about half an hour (31 minutes).
It has a very interesting feature: intelligent positioning.
This would allow it to be used in flight inside a room at a fixed height and position.
By applying the Ecat instead of the battery, the drone would fly for the first half hour and then again for hours, and hours, and hours etc. without stopping.
Best Regards,
Italo R.
When charging a 28v lifepo4 battery (3 x 100w SKLep SSM in series), is the output voltage stable during the charge or is it convenient to add an output converter in order to stabilize it ?
Thank you : Mario
Jan Srajer:
I think so: the batteries of the more powerful EVs reach 450 V connecting in series cells of 3/4 V
Warm Regards,
Gavino Mamia:
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Dott. Rossi
Ultimamente c’è la ricorsa nel costruire automobili sempre più grandi, sempre più veloci.
Città sempre più intasate di auto costantemente alla ricerca del parcheggio necessariamente adeguato come dimensione .
Mi piacerebbe che invece tu spingessi la leva al contrario, cioè che si andasse verso auto più piccole e lente.
La gente si accontenterebbe di andare più piano e più scomoda se la macchina fosse elettrica e con autonomia quasi illimitata.
Senza contare che un EV ha costi molto alti e una piccola EV sarebbe abbordabile per tutti.
Quindi un test con una piccola Ami Citroen, Twizzy Renault o simili sarebbe secondo me più adatto.
Il mercato continua a proporre automobili come questa:
Buona giornata e buon lavoro
Lately there has been a rush to build bigger and faster cars.
Cities increasingly clogged with cars constantly looking for a necessarily adequate parking space.
Instead, I would like you to push the lever in the opposite direction, i.e. towards the smaller and slower cars.
People would be content to go slower and more uncomfortable if the car were electric and with an almost unlimited range.
Not to mention that an EV has very high costs and a small EV would be within everyone’s reach.
So a test with a small Ami Citroen, Twizzy Renault or similar would be more suitable in my opinion.
The market continues to offer cars like this:
In the technical description of E-catSKLep it is written that it is allowed to reach 240V when connected in series. Is it possible to increase this voltage to 350V for an electric car?
All the Best J.Š
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dietmar K.:
Thank you for your suggetion,
Warm Regards,
Manuel Cilia:
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi
A good EV to use is a BMW i3 with extender engine as a demo car. It is available on the market and can be purchase fairy cheaply and all you need to do is remove the small internal combustion engine and replace it with an Ecat power pack. You would need about 15to 20kw of Ecat to give it continuous use. They are are number of people who can can the programing to suit your needs in Europe.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
if it has to be a car then maybe a pre-owned vehicle like the BMW i3 with range-extender.
Instead of the combustion engine use the ecat ssm.
Best regards
Dietmar K.
Caro Andrea, ho letto la proposta di chiedere a chi ha gia’ ordini aperti di aumentare la quantita’ gia’ ordinata pur di raggiungere la soglia del milione. Io sarei piu’ che felice di farlo se sapessi quanti pezzi ti mancano. Ogni mese spendo 4000 euro solo in energia elettrica piu’ 2000 per il gas di riscaldamento, questi sono soldi a mio avviso buttati via ogni mese che passa. E che potrei destinare all’acquisto di e-cat.
Hello DR Rossi
Bob Greenyer from Martin Fleischmann
Memorial Project announces passing
Of Researcher Lion.
To All JONP users
The original question was interfacing SKLep SSM technology to an EV. If we expand the scope of the vehicle to an engine – to – battery car, I suggest the Chevy Volt. The vehicle is capable of delivering 100kW from the battery, and the generator is capable of delivering 40kW for extended periods without issue when the vehicle is being driven. I recall the Volt Battery voltage is 350 VDC. So, with a 40 kW SKLep SSM unit, you could drive at some speed (at least 70mph) indefinitely, as when I drove 1,300 miles using gasoline to propel the Volt from Florida to New Hampshire.
Dear readers.
Regarding the discussions about charging the batteries of an electric car while driving, here is a hint.
There is a car that charges a battery by means of a methanol fuel cell both while stationary and while driving.
So from this car, the fuel cell would have to be removed and replaced with E-CATs. All other (electronic) components should be usable with minor
The link to the car in general:
The link to the electrical system:
Best Regards, MaBi
Jan Šrajer,
The use of regenerative braking is not a safety issue. For instance, when the EV battery is 100% charged, there can be no regenerative braking because there is no place for the go to. There will always be the mechanical braking system – the rotors and calipers, etc.
In my suggested demonstration at the Circular track, the EV would maintain a constant speed. Therefore, braking was only required when terminating the test.
Directly charging the EV battery requires a sophisticated design and consideration. Variables such as temperature, charge state, rate of charge must all be considered in implementing a direct charging system.
My suggestion was to use the regenerative path because the EV already conditions the highly variable regeneration energy and safely applies it to the EV battery system. The assumption here is that the regeneration system electronics can handle a continuous energy source.
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Gavino Mamia:
Thank you for the suggestion: actually,the electronic control is the core of the problem,
Warm Regards,
Dott. Rossi
Ho fatto un esperimento con i miei monopattini, li ho messi su una sedia (quindi a ruota libera) e li ho fatti andare a velocità moderata, dopo ho collegato il loro caricatore.
In uno la luce del caricatore è diventata rossa e il livello di carica ha iniziato lentamente ad aumentare.
In un latro invece la luce del caricatore è rimasta verde e il livello di carica è solamente calato.
Deduco quindi che la differenza sia semplicemente nell’elettronica di controllo.
Ti consiglio dunque, se vuoi usare un EV, di provare questo esperimento se vuoi scegliere una auto elettrica che venga ricaricata da pacchetto di Ecat.
Esistono anche degli EV che vengono ricaricati in movimento da dei pannelli fotovoltaici.
Spero di essere stato utile.
I experimented with my electric scooters, put them in a chair (so freewheeled) and let them go at moderate speed, then plugged in the charger.
In one the charger light turned red and the charge level slowly started to increase.
On the other hand, the charger light remained green and the charge level only decreased.
I therefore deduce that the difference is simply in the control electronics.
So I recommend, if you want to use an electric vehicle, to try this experiment if you want to choose an electric car that is recharged by an Ecat pack.
There are also electric vehicles that are recharged on the go by photovoltaic panels.
There were several postings here how a battery in an EV could be charged by ECats while driving. I think a similar construction already exists with the hydrogen car. Here will be a battery charged with electricity from a fuel cell while driving.
All you really have to do is to replace the fuel cell with ECats.
Robert Maxwell:
Thank you for your kind wishes, heartly sent you likewise.
Working in course,
Warm Regards,
HI, Dr Rossi
Months ago you were meeting with a potentially large customer that I think was a supplier of electricity.
Has anything new happened with prospective customer?
Peace and Blessing to you and your team.
To Steven Nicholes Karels
Breaking the connection from the motor to the batteries is not possible for safety reasons. It is also not possible to block tracking of the charger connector. The solution could be an additional, independent connection of the E-catSKLep via some smart controller directly to the batteries. Safety must be observed.
All the Best J.Š
Dietmar K.:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
to the suggestion of Marvin i would recommend to assemble a 2.5KW box with ecat ssm, not just 2KW.
Washing machines and water kettle in europe need mostly a power of about 2.3KW. Oil filled radiators have often also 2KW plus maybe 50W for the power of an integrated vent.
Electric boilers nearly similar 2KW to 2.2KW ASO.
Best regards
Dietmar K.
Koen Vandewalle:
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
We are working on it,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
You missed my point. The problem you are facing is how do you charge the EV’s battery system in an EV while it is traveling? The Tesla (and many other EVs) does not allow charging from the charging port while the car is in motion. The exception is electrical energy generated by regenerative braking — the excess energy produced by the braking action of the electric motors.
This would allow an easy way to inject energy into the EV’s battery system with all the proper conditioning performed by the EV’s existing system. As this is routinely accomplished while the EV is in motion, it is a means of the SKLep SSM units to supply electrical energy to the EV battery without significant modifications to the EV software and hardware.
I am NOT suggesting that the regenerative energy from the EV’s motor(s) be supplied to the SKLep SSM units.
Interrupt the power path coming from EV’s motor(s) that goes to the EV’s battery system and instead replace it with the power coming from the SKLep SSM units. The SKLep SSM units generated electrical power would now flow into the EV’s battery system with proper signal condition performed by the existing EV system.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
It has always been admirable how everything you claim – as far as I can judge – approaches the truth as closely as possible. Honesty is an important asset for a small family business. Such a company also selects the customers with whom it wants to do business, and over time, a kind of organic collaboration and relationship of trust develops.
It’s different when the company works with hired managers and a more formal, capital-oriented approach takes precedence. My experience is that honesty in such organizations is eventually punished or exploited, both masked by complicated contracts and clauses that prepare for a dispute in court from the beginning.
I think that when it comes to millions of sold E-Cat devices, there is actually no doubt which of the two principles of honesty the manufacturer – Leonardo Corporation – will rely on.
I know which principles of honesty I prefer: those with which I can spend the most time and energy on creativity and pleasant interaction with other people.
What principles of honesty will be used? Not asking for advances is only one aspect, which I think seriously complicates the pre-financing of production.
In any case, the E-Cat is something very special and revolutionary.
I still see in my memory Jeremy Clarkson (from the British TV program TopGear) mockingly handling the first generation Tesla Roadster.
From that, I learn that a product must almost have proven itself mainstream before mass production is started, unless a reputable, visionary manager with an aura the size of a small town stands behind it personally, and therefore gets unlimited credit lines from the financial world.
Ironically, the biggest scammers are those who raise huge sums of money from investors, for example, for the development of real estate projects that are copies of similar mainstream projects.
When I worked for a company, my employment contract stated that they automatically became the owner of all inventions and creativity that I produced during the term of the agreement. In my opinion, the creative person will always be shamelessly exploited.
I cannot think of any other example from history that is an exception to the small scale at which every individual inventor sells his first products. Products that immediately hit the market on a large scale are, mostly, already the intellectual property of a very large company.
So I really don’t know what to expect today from the strategy of Leonardo Corporation and Andrea Rossi. If the E-Cat has to sell itself, then a group of enthusiasts who have such a device and make their neighbors, colleagues, friends, and families curious about it seems to be the best word-of-mouth advertising you can imagine. If the device or product is new and honestly does what it promises, then such “personal marketing” is certainly a proven concept.