United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,197 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Roberto

    Dr Rossi,
    How is going on the preparation of the Ecat powered vehicle ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    1- yes
    2- by heat
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Are you still conducting research into using your technology on jet engines?

    If so, is the jet engine power by heat or by electricity?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    Garret Moddel unlocking
    Zero Point Energy.



  • WaltC

    Dr. Rossi,
    This may have been suggested before & I missed it, but another EV demonstration that would be interesting to see (and probably easier to live-stream) is to show how much the Ecat.com powered EV can “self-recharge” during an overnight (8,10 or 12hr) interval.

    For instance, if you’re camping off-road somewhere, or staying at a motel (without even level-1 charger access), how close to fully charged can you get?

    Best wishes, WaltC

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    A simplified and low risk approach to demonstrate SKLep SSM technology in an Electric Vehicle (EV).


    1. An SKLep SSM unit can be fabricated to generate about 14 kW @ 48VDC.
    2. The inherent limitation of providing power to the EV charging connector can be overcome under driving conditions (software or procedural change?)
    3. Use the Lardo Ring – no traffic or elevation changes. Higher speed options mean short demonstration times.


    A Tesla Model 3 (other than a Standard Range version) has an onboard charge capable of outputting 11.5 kW-hrs/hr of power from an AC input.
    The Tesla Model 3 Long Range specification for range is 333 miles. (Assume this to be independent of speed).
    The Tesla efficiency is specified at 0.23 kW-hrs/mile.

    This computes to a useable battery system capacity of approximately 76 kW-hrs.

    Place an SKLep SSM unit capable of generating 14 kW continuously within the Tesla Model 3 LR, connected to an inverter (professional grade) that can continuously output 12 kW of 240VAC power (cost is around $4,000 and is off-the-shelf).
    With proper control logic and line, feed the 12 kW of AC power to the external charging port of the Tesla Model 3 LR.
    Control whether power is applied to the EV.


    Drive at the Lardo Ring (in Italy).

    Run the Tesla Model 3 from full charge to no charge and record the total millage at the selected speed.

    Recharge the Tesla Model 3 to 100%.

    Activate the Inverter.
    Drive the Tesla Model 3 from full charge to no charge and record the distance.
    De-Activate the Inverter.

    Recharge the Tesla Model 3 to 100%.

    Drive the Tesla Model 3 from full charge to no charge and record the distance.

    The following is a table of expected driving times and ranges with and without the SKLep SSM

    Lardo Lane # Speed (mph) Time w/o SKLep (hrs) Range w/o SKLep (mi) Time w/ SKLep (hrs) Range w/SKLep (mi)
    1 62 5.37 333 27.75 1720
    2 87 3.83 333 9.00 783
    3 118 2.82 333 4.90 578
    4 149 2.23 333 3.36 501

    Lane 2 speed (87 mph) looks most attractive as it is closer to the speed at which that most people drive. Almost a 3 to 1 ratio in time and distance. Lower accident risk. Would likely require a pit stop to change drivers during the 9-hour run.

    Lane 3 (118 mph) is another attractive option. Almost a 2 to 1 ratio in time and distance. Moderate accident risk. Could be accomplished by a single driver (drivers could be changed, if needed, between the sequential runs while the EV is being fast charged).

    You have the option of speed control and lane control by the Tesla EV – to reduce driver fatigue.

    This approach is the simplest way to go. Lower power SKLep SSM – as compared to direct DC charging. Moderate speeds. Reasonably short test time.

    The second no SKLep SSM test (run #3) should show similar results as the first test (run #1), showing the vehicle was not appreciably modified or degraded.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Impossible to answer now,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jon Darrell:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Jan Šrajer

    To Steven Nicholes Karels
    In a little more detail. Electric cars have an average consumption of 10kWh/100km to 20kWh/100km, depending on battery capacity and driving speed, hence the dynamic driving mode together with E-catSKLep connected with the battery. For that reason, the E-catSKLep should have a capacity of 10 – 20kWh and be used in dynamic endurance driving mode. Excellent advertisement, together with journalists who would drive the electric car in the 24-hour endurance race Electric Boom Car. At the end of the race, the battery capacity would then be 80 – 100%
    Warm Regards J.Š

  • Jon Darrell

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    when the discussion is about Direct Streaming (LiveStreaming):

    This is very, very important, in addition to recording and YouTube+Twitch LiveStreaming, you also have professional grade Direct Streaming on your own website. That way, no foolish sabotage will destroy your long-term efforts.

    Software for this purpose started from free through 15 dollars to an affordable prices.

    Best streaming software:

    And of course have computers with Linux OS (not forever updating/restarting Windows).

    Have A Nice Sunday

    J. Darrell

  • Wilfried

    Dear Andrea,

    can you give a hint if the further miniaturisation of the E-Cat is a “simple” downsizing or if new technology could actually lead to an increase in power density?

    Best regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Maxwell:
    Thank you for the blessings !
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your opinion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We have still to decide; the direct streaming is very dangerous, because if something wrong would unexpectedly happen, the situation would be very negative.
    Warm Regards,

  • Anonymous

    Dr Rossi,
    Will the demo of the EV powered by the Ecat be in direct streaming or will it be recorded ?

  • F.

    Mr Rossi,
    I am sure the test with the EV will never be done

  • Steven Nicholes Karels


    At a current cost of $2.50 USD per Watt, would you want to spend an additional $250,000 USD for a 100 kW SKLep SSM battery supplement. Especially, when most cars spend the majority of their time in parking garages or parking lots.

    If you have a 60 – 75 kW-Hr battery system in the Electric Vehicle and its range is sufficient to drive to and from work each day, why not a 3 kW output SKLep SSM unit that would supply most of your needs. A Home charge would do the same but the SKLep SSM would be cheaper over the 100,000 hours of operation compared to grid power. A 3 kW output unit would cost $7,500 USD.

    For long distance traveling, as in vacations, a 3 kW SKLep SSM would provide an additional 12 kW-Hrs of energy during a 4-hour trip. This would make possible a stop every 5 hours. Then a Supercharger would replenish the EV while the driver (and passengers) are eating, etc. Or, alternatively, spending the night at a Motel or Hotel would likely give 24 – 18 kW-Hrs of energy during driver sleeping.

    Cost is a consideration.

  • Robert Maxwell

    HI, Dr Rossi
    Are you and your team still working on the miniaturization of E-Cat SKLep SSM 10 Watt?

    Blessings to you and your team.

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Jan Šrajer

    It is not clear what you are proposing. I assume the following:

    1. Start with a fully charges EV (100% charge level)
    2. With the SKLep SSM not engaged, drive at a certain speed until the EV battery system reaches 80%.
    3. Stop the EV and measure the total distance traveled?

    4. Recharge the EV to 100% charge.
    5. Activate the SKLep SSM at 10 kW electrical output power and feed it in real time to the EV battery system.
    6. Drive at the same speed as before until the battery system is at 80%.
    7. Stop the EV and measure the total distance traveled.

    I do not understand how varying the EV speed will charge the battery – unless you are talking of regenerative braking. In this scenario, you will lose a net amount of energy by accelerating back to the speed before applying the regenerative braking.

    In addition, at 10 kW of output power, you are looking at maybe 50 mph average speed to get the battery system charge slowly down to 80% charge. If we assume a full EV battery only range of 300 miles, then the battery only range to reach 80% charge is about 60 miles. At 50 mph driving speed, this test would about 1.2 hours to do. Driving with the SKLep SSM engaged at 10 kW output power would extend the driving time until the 80% battery system level is reached. Would this be sufficient to impress the world audience?

    In addition, since the battery system charge is normally display in whole percent values (100, 99, 98…) you can only repeat this procedure to a precision of 5% (20 steps of 1% each). This would add some imprecision to the testing.

    I suggest being able to drive continuously for 24 hours (less crew stops) and setting a new world 24-hour distance record for an EV would be far more interesting and newsworthy. But this might would require an SKLep SSM capable of 75 kW of electrical power and direct DC to the battery system.

  • Wilfried

    Dear Andrea,

    In the volume of a Tesla Model S Performance battery (2.05×1.34×0.15 meters), 110 E-Cat SKL 100W units can fit, which corresponds to a power output of 110 kW. My suggestion would be to reduce it by 10% to 100 kW. The remaining volume would accommodate a battery with 10% of the original capacity. This battery is solely used for acceleration assistance and energy recovery through regenerative braking. With this combination, which would likely be similar for other EVs, you could fully transition vehicles to E-Cat power and maintain a constant speed of approximately 200 km/h. The E-Cat is already suitable as the sole propulsion system for cars.

    Best Regards,

  • Jan Šrajer

    To Steven Nicholes Karels
    And how about the other way around. E-catSKLep around 10kW in an electric car and for endurance. A group of journalists as drivers on a test track. Endurance driving with a change in speed so that the battery in the car can be charged. At the end of the ride, the result is an 80% charged battery.
    Warm Regards J.Š

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for the suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gene Quong:
    Sorry, not yet,
    Warm Regards,

  • Gene Quong

    I was wondering how many preorders have you received as this time. Are we close to the 1,000,000 goal?

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Suggested rules for your EV – SKLep SSM demonstration:

    1. No changes or minimum changes to an EV that is already produced in quantity. No changes in internal EV components. Interconnections only.
    2. Either test the EV – SKLep SSM car against another unmodified car of the same type, same model, same options, or run one car on the same route or track exactly in the same manner both without SLKep SSM engages and with SKLep SSM engaged.
    3. Provide instrumentation (or use instrumentation within the EV vehicle) that shows initial and final battery state.
    4. Minimize test duration yet exhaust all internal battery on the non-SKLep SSM equipped EV vehicle, then demonstrate for at least a factor of 4 beyond what the unmodified EV was able to perform. Operate at a safe speed.
    5. Externally measure car speed and distance outside of the vehicle’s organic measurement equipment – For Example, an externally mounted GPS data collection systems, continuously recording distance, direction, and speed.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    I agree,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Pekka Janhunen:
    Thank you for your suggestion.
    Warm Regards
    Your comment is the # 65000 of this blog

  • Dear Andrea,

    A company https://evwest.com seems to be specialized in retail-selling EV batteries, motors, and other components. After your EV demo is done, maybe they could act as a distribution channel for your EV-related Ecat product(s). For example, make a plug-in replacement of a Tesla battery which has Ecat inside and sell it through them, similarly as they now sell ordinary Tesla batteries. Just a thought.

    Best regards, /pekka

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    To All JONP Users,

    There are a couple of charging strategies in use for Electric Vehicles (EVs), AC and DC charging.

    The AC charging is typically used with home chargers or lower power rated commercial charges. The AC power flows to the EV where a On-Board Charger within the EV converts the AC power to a High Voltage DC power that charges the EV battery. Typical On-Board chargers are in the 12 to 25 kW range. The rate of charging is limited by the lowest power of either the external EV charging unit (e.g., the home charger output, or the commercial charger output) or is limited by the power rating of the On-Board Charger.

    The DC charging uses high voltage DC, typically 500 VDC or 1,000 VDC. In the DC charging case, the On-Board Charger is bypassed and the applied voltage from the external DC charger is applied to the EV battery system. In this case, the amount of power being applied can be quite high, up to 250 kW of available power (or more) coming from the external DC power. There are obviously internal controls within the EV to manage the external DC charging to prevent damage to the EV battery system.

    To estimate the required continuous power generation for a self-powered EV, two factors (as a minimum) are to be considered. The efficiency of the EV and the driving speed of the EV.

    For example, for a Tesla Model 3, the specified power efficiency is 0.23 kW-Hrs per mile. Assume a speed of 100 mph. Multiply the power efficiency by the speed and we see we need a continuous power charging rate of 23 kW. Additional factors can include speed induced aerodynamic drag, wind, changes in elevation, environmental power consumption (air conditioning or heater usage).

    Typical current EVs have nominal battery power ranges of 200 miles to 400 miles. To estimate the battery capacity, multiply the power efficiency by the nominal battery range. For example, if we assume a power efficiency of 0.23 kW-Hrs per mile and we assume a battery range of 300 miles, we can estimate the battery system a has a capacity of about 70 kW-Hrs of usable energy. The actual battery system will have a greater energy capacity because the EV designer limits the maximum charge level and the minimum discharge level of the battery system – for example, the battery system will operate between 20% and 80% of its full capacity.

    To estimate the time it would take to deplete a fully charged battery system driving at a certain speed, divide the nominal battery power range by the speed. Assuming a 300 miles range and a speed of 100 mph, we compute a driving time of 3 hours.

    To do a good demonstration of SKLep SSM technology, I would suggest demonstrating continuous driving for at least four times the nominal driving time based on the fully charged battery system. The higher the average speed, the shorter the necessary driving time.


  • Jack

    Today is the 80th day of direct streaming of the lamp turned on without any kind of power source but the Ecat, link here:

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Thomas:
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • peter thomas

    ABT – Well regarded German vehicle tuner may be helpful regarding integration

    NAWA technologies https://www.nawatechnologies.com/ may be of interest regarding supercapacitors and own design of an electric motorcycle to illustrate effectivemess may be of interest

    Warm regards to your good self and Team

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Are you certain that you will do an E-Cat EV demo in 2023?

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    The EV Ecat project is in progress and our Team is resolving problems.
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers,
    Please go to
    to find comments published in other posts of this blog,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Lukashevich

    You just need 2 accumulators in EV. One for charging , and another for discharge.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Italo R.

    An interesting link:

    Generic Air-Gen Effect in Nanoporous Materials for Sustainable Energy Harvesting from Air Humidity


  • Andrea Rossi

    Interesting link, but not related to the paper
    Warm Regards,

  • Monti

    Hello Andrea,

    I watched this video about ZPE


    The guy who is speaking seems to me well educated and the topic intriguing. Questions

    – do you think this video agrees with your paper?
    – if it does, do you think the video is a good starting point to understand your paper?

    Thank you,


    Non-italian friends: the clip is italian spoken, dunno if you can see subtitles in your language. However there must be many similar videos in your language…

  • CC

    Today is the 74th day of live streaming on Youtube and Twitch of the SKLep SSM turned on 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, without any kind of power source
    Live streaming here:

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your kind support.
    I thank you also for the suggestion and for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Jürgen

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    if you want to get some knowledge in charging an ev during driving, you could get in touch with Sono Motors. They are selling there almost ready Solar EV. They didn’t get the money to do the final steps. It could be a perfect fit. https://sonomotors.com/de/sion-sell-off/
    I can’t await the delivery of your E-CAT!!
    Thanks for your effort!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Same, so far,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Electric Car World Record:


    On 18 August 2019, a pre-series model of the electric Porsche Taycan covered the distance of 3425 km in 24 hours (Wikipedia).

    Because the car required frequent pit stops for recharging, the average speed was about 90 mph or 143 kph.

    Consider an EV equipped with SKLep SSM technology that could do the 149 mph or 240 kph neutral speed for lane 4 of the Nardo track. Possibly up to 200 mph with the possibility of tire changes during pit stops to rotate drivers. Ignoring lost time due to pit stops, such an EV could achieve a total distance of about 5,700 kilometers.

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