United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,104 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Jan Šrajer

    I would like to ask you if you currently have more concerns 1. technical, 2. business, 3. social

    Warm Regards J.Š

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    As the eCat NGU has no moving parts and is said to not generate heat, the projected lifetime of 100,000 hours may be an estimate on the low side.

    From the internet “On average, New York City consumes 8,000 megawatts of electricity. However, when New Yorkers switch on their air conditioners during the sweltering summer, the citywide demand can surge to 11,500 megawatts.” The surge is almost 12 GW of electrical power.

    Consider a glass cube, 20 meters on a side with 6-inch or 1-foot-thick walls. Within the cube are 340,000 3kW NGU units. In addition to the NGU units, there are triple redundant solid-state inverters and control logic, each with the capability to output up to 1 GW of electrical power to the Greater New York City area, although the output of a single cube would be limited to about 1 GW of electrical power.

    The glass cube is buried in the Hudson River (alternatively in the ocean). Triple redundant buried cables carry the power to the existing power grid. When the demand is low, the existing power grid can send the excess power to New York State and/or to other States. Alternatively, some of the NGU units can be temporarily turned off.

    A simple, triple redundant control and status system is connected to each cube. Buried beneath the water under 3 meters of soil, each Cube is secure. Being glass enclosed, it will never corrode. The power will go on forever, with some degradation in output as a few components fail over time.

    12 such cubes are geographically distributed around the Greater New York City waterways. More can be added if needed as the population changes. Being buried and made of glass, there is no environmental impact because of the Cube.

    Think BIG or go home! LOL.

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Daviid – UK,

    Thank you for the kind and encouraging words. And thanks to AR for saying “true”. My ideal position would be advocating how the NGU technology could be used to create a better, cleaner world. I will be waiting (likely for a very long time) for the call from AR. LOL.


  • Stephen

    Dear Andrea

    I came across this interesting article on the next big future site.
    It concerns efficient production of metal plasmas in do

    I thought you might find it interesting:


    Best regards

  • Helen Olstad

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    since there is complete chaos regarding the understanding of how ECATs will work with photovoltaic systems and none of the managers around me understand what You are writing, I have to ask You:

    1) Can ECATs be connected to an inverter in PV systems (and won’t it increase the power or performance of PV systems in some other way)?


    2) Can ECATs illuminate photovoltaic panels (without the need to use LED bulbs)?

    Can You give me an understandable answer please?

    Have A Nice Easter


  • Andrea Rossi

    Daviid- UK:
    Warm Regards,

  • Daviid - UK

    Dear Andrea, regular poster Steven Nicholes Karels has been a stalwart contributor of suggestions on your blog and must be a firm believer in the technology. Anyone with creative and innovative ideas, on a regular basis, could potentially be valuable members of your team.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Helen Olstad:
    We surely will do also the solar-connected demo, moreless in the same period of the one with the EV,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    The demos will be made when we will be ready,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    To All the Christian Readers of the JoNP:
    Happy Easter to you and your families from the Leonardo Corporation’s Team !
    to all the other Readers, Happy Spring Holidays,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link, and Happy Easter !
    Warm Regards,

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    An explanation of the 3 days and 3 nights.


    Have a Good Easter.

  • T.Angerer

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    please do not again wait until autumn to do the EV-test.
    Consider to make short test-videos in advance. There would be so much things to run with your already existing 3 KW ecat cube.
    Warm regards

  • Helen Olstad

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    there are thousands of companies and owners of existing photovoltaic systems who desperately need to decide which strategy to choose.

    1) Will You do the ECAT demo together with the photovoltaic system before the demo with EV?


    2) Have You abandoned the plan for the ECAT plus photovoltaic system demo?

    Have A Nice Easter


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Important information:
    We decided not to resume the streaming that has been interrupted in October.
    The reasons are:
    1- it is unavoidable and out of our control that now and again the streaming to be interrupted from other parties that do not depend on us, for reasons we did not understand. Therefore, every interruption makes the continuation meaningless, for obvious reasons. Anyway, the duration resulted from the streaming we actually did ( about 4500 hours ) is enough to proof that no existing battery with the same weight could make the same performance, even assuming a power of 1 W; all in all, the streaming we made has anyway been useful, albeit stained by the interruptions of the streaming, not of the Ecat and not for our fault.
    2- we received from our Readers many solicitations in the same direction
    3- we are focusing in the introduction of the Ecat SKLep NGU, that presently is our most important engagement
    4- we confirm that within this year we will make the point 3 and the demo with the EV using the NGUs.
    Warm Regards,
    Dr Andrea Rossi, CEO
    Leonardo Corporation

  • Andrea Rossi

    Emmanuel Cilia:
    Sorry, this isuue is confidential,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steve D:
    1- same
    2- same
    3- only electric
    4- yes
    5- the model will be disclosed just before the demo,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    These issues are confidential,
    Warm Regards,

  • Simon

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    you prepare already a second EV for the test with ecat.
    1. Are these carmakers involved in the tests?
    2. Have they already willing to order ecats if the EVs adjusted to your ecats pass the tests?
    Best regards

  • Steven Nicholes Karels


    An interesting idea and it could be implemented. Some observations.

    1. The current price of eCat NGU technology is, I understand, $2.50USD per Watt. So, 4 each 3,000 W NGU units would cost $30,000USD. That is a significant price to pay for not having to charge your vehicle. In addition, there is the cost to integrate the NGU units into the mechanical and the electrical systems of your vehicle (mounting and inverters or interface equipment).

    2. The size of the four NGU units is also a consideration. Where do you want them to be? In the cargo area? The last known size of the 100W NGU units was 7cm x 7cm x 9cm.
    If we triple the volume (3x3x3 = 27) as an approximation, then the dimensions of the 3kW NGU will be around 21cm x 21cm x 27cm. And four of these units will be required to be co-located – to minimize cable losses.

    3. EV Battery System Integration. Most EVs do not allow charging to occur during vehicle operation. The EV battery system usually has a high voltage battery with an operating voltage in the 100’s of Volts.

    If the 4 3kW batteries are outputting (in series or in parallel) 12 kW, then the Amperage would be between 12 Amps (for 1 kV voltage) and 120 Amps (for 100 V voltage). So, the cabling from the NGU units must be of the gauge and have the voltage breakdown specifications to accommodate these conditions.

    Somehow, the power from the 4 3kW NGU units must be “pushed” into the EV battery system during operation. AR has indicated in previous posts that this is not a trivial task. Some device that receives the 4 3kW NGU output power and also interfaces with the EV battery system is needed with enough “smarts” so the EV battery system is not damaged and charging operation can occur during vehicle operation.

    4. You indicate that a 12-kW source will allow the vehicle to run indefinitely at 60 km per hour. That is true if the EV efficiency is at least 0.2 kW-hr per kilometer or better. This efficiency would need to be verified with the EV manufacturer.

    5. Mass – the last specification I saw for the 100W NGU units was 250 grams. So, the 3 kW NGU might have a mass of around 7.5 kg. Four of the 3 kW NGU units will have a combined mass of 30 kg. While it is less than the weight of an adult human, it is significant in that it must be securely attached to the EV, in case of accidents, etc.

  • Steve D

    Dear Andre Rossi,

    Re Your response to Wilfred:

    “we are preparing already the EV test with another EV”

    1) Is this EV2 the same or different model than EV1?

    2) Is EV2 the same or different manufacturer than EV1?

    3) Is EV2 electric only or dual petrol/ electric?

    4) Is EV2 already street licenced and on sale, ie prior to ecat modification?

    5) Is EV2 a 2 seat passenger vehicle, 4/5 seat passenger vehicle, commercial vehicle, something else?

    Thank You

  • Emmanuel CIlia

    Dear Dr Rossi
    I am trying to understand why the output wires in the photo of the 3Kw Ecat are different sizes. I am presuming that you have wired the Ecat modules into strings of 15 units giving 180Vdc and then paralleled the two strings (total 2×15=30 units). The total current of the 3kw unit should then be 2 x 8.3A = 16.6A. The Black output cable looks like a 4mm cable which should be large enough to carry the current but the Red wire is very oversized.
    Just curious if there was a reason.
    Thank you

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for this suggestion; we are preparing already the EV test with another EV, but your idea can be eventually useful.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Some future applications

    1. Starship electrical energy

    SpaceX is developing Starship for both missions to the Earth’s Moon and to Mars and Starships as refueling transfer ships in orbit around the Earth. Both have a need for a long-duration supply of electrical power. The Moon and Mars transits for life-support and environmental control, communications, etc. The refueling ships for cryogenic temperature control of oxygen and methane, and communications and control.

    2. Unmanned space junk collectors

    Space junk is a serious problem and comes in all sizes. The concept is providing long-term electrical power to a collector vehicle using high specific impulse ion thrustors to locate, capture and de-orbit space junk and then return to orbital velocity for the next capture. As the capture vehicle is unmanned, and there is no urgency in the removal of space junk, so the missions could take years – the application ideal for NGU technology. A portion of the NGU-produced energy would be needed to maintain an acceptable environment for the NGU unit. And, perhaps cooling of the argon propellant to liquid or solid form.

  • Wilfried

    Dear Andrea,

    I would like to buy an ID Buzz GTX long version with 7 seats. This should be equipped with 4 times 3kW equal to 12kW E-Cat, which continuously charges the battery until it is full, even while driving.
    The 12kW is sufficient to drive in a kind of emergency mode even with an empty battery. I assume that the minimum speed of 60 km per hour for highways can also be achieved. This would give the ID Buzz an “infinite”, continuous range.
    It would simply be a totally awesome car and there are enough families with money around the world who would drive this car out of your hands.
    Here is the link to the ID Buzz GTX, you can also read it in English with Google: https://www.carwow.de/volkswagen/auto-news/2564/vw-id-buzz-gtx#gref
    For this configuration I estimate a surcharge of 35,000 EUR, which I would be willing to pay.

    Best Regards

  • Wilfried

    @Steven Nicholes Karels,

    you speak from my soul. Humanity finally wants to see irrefutably that the E-CAT really works.

    There is no need to spend a year preparing a presentation.

    I had already suggested the fountain idea, but unfortunately it didn’t fall on fertile ground.
    I think the idea with the drone is great and it could be implemented within a week. Just take a standard small cargo drone, attach an E-Cat as a load and recharge the battery while flying. Weight to total flight time will be irrefutable proof and it would be exciting to watch the four independent livestream cameras.

    Best Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestion; by the way, I never ignore suggestions, on the contrary, I always consider them.
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I am sure that you will ignore this suggestion, but here it goes.

    You need to have a powerful (appealing) public demonstration for the 3 kW NGU product. Lighting 230 100W LED bulbs (13 W power consumption each) is too boring, let along too bright! Same for boiling water (reference circa 2011). Boring!

    How about two 0.5 to 0.75 hp water pumps making fountains of water – two in case one pump fails, the other continues, to show it was not the NGU. Run it “forever” with no outside wires seen going to the pump(s), other than from the NGU. Add some slowly changing LED color lights illuminating the fountain to show time is advancing. Artistic, beautiful, not boring,

    How about a cargo-carrying drone copter carrying one or more 3 kW NGU units. These copters can carry loads from a few pounds to 90 kg. Use the onboard drone batteries to takeoff but keep the batteries charged using power from the NGU(s). Have it fly for a day or two – much longer than the onboard batteries could support. Have it fly a fixed pattern with satellite positioning reported every couple of minutes. Let the public follow the drone’s position, total distance covered, total time-duration, total energy used, telemetry, first person camera view… Aircraft flashing lights on the copter for daytime and nighttime operation. Interesting, not boring!

    Maybe also power the ground station using the 3 kW NGU. Real-time connect the video to the internet.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    The new ad posted with the 3 kW generator on Twitter/X and ECW (https://twitter.com/LeonardoCorpor3/status/1772982579764855277) states “no input needed”. So I assume it can operate independent of a solar system, correct?

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  • Weleda

    Dr Rossi
    the 30 modules that compose the 3 kW Ecat shown in the photo in the new ad on EW are the same of the experiment published in paragraph 6 of

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Depends on the situations,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    For the 3kW NGU unit – voltage and current limitations will affect possible output combinations.

    Most applications I can reasonably think of will handle up to a current of 25 or 30 Amperes, based on conductor size. Likewise, a DC voltage of 500 Volts or 1,000 Volts also seems to be a limitation, based on insulation requirements and safety.

    For example, a solar inverter will have a PV voltage input range of 100 VDC to 500 VDC and a maximum current input of 15 Amps to 25 Amps.

    It is certain that Power = Voltage times Amperage.

    If these bound the output regime of the 3 kW NGU unit, can we safely assume that the output of the 3 kW NGU unit will likely be within a range of 100 VDC (and 30 Amps) and 1,000 VDC (and 3 Amps)?


  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    The customized options requested by the Clients will be discussed and resolved depending on their specific situations,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    In a previous post I asked if 200VDC output was available from the 3kW NGU unit, and whether two such units could be connected serially.

    Your response was “1,2- it is possible, but must be done by certified electric installation contractors.”

    Please clarify:

    1. Does this mean the certified contractor will configure the 3kW NGU to output 200VDC; OR
    2. Does it mean that the delivered 3kW NGU will provide 200VDC output and any integration of the NGU unit must be accomplished by a certified contractor?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Helen Olstad:
    Not yet,
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    1,2- it is possible, but must be done by certified electric installation contractors.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Conceptual Proposal for eCat NGU power for Hawaii.

    Problem: Hawaii consists of several island. The islands do not share electrical power. Therefore, each island has independent power. The State of Hawaii has determined to minimize the use of fossil fuels for electrical power generation. (All fossil fuels are imported by ship as well as for environmental considerations.) Solar and Wind are alternatives but they cannot be BaseLoad electricity suppliers due to their intermittent power generation (nighttime and no wind conditions). Average cost for electricity in the State of Hawaii is about $0.40 per kW-hr.

    Proposed Solution: Integrate eCat NGO 3kW units with EG4 18kPV Solar Inverters (replacing the Solar Panel power inputs with the electrical power output of the NGU 3kW units).

    Island Electrical Power Requirements:
    Island Power Needs
    Maui 273.1 MW
    Hawaii 280.5 MW
    Oahu 1,614.5 MW

    Initial Test Demonstration Unit

    Name: Baseload Supplement NGU System


    The Baseload Supplement NGU System is for technology demonstration purposes. It will augment or supplement existing Hawaiian BaseLoad electrical power generation.
    The technology demonstrate will consist of nine EG4 18kPV (retail cost about $5,200USD each).

    Each EG4 18kPV unit will receive power from three 3kW NGU units (nominal 200VDC @ 15 Amps). Each 3kW NGU will provide power to each of the three PV inputs on the EG4 18kPV unit.

    The EG4 18kPV units will be organized into three identical groups but they will be linked serially for communication purposes.

    In each group there will be three EG4 18kPV inverters with 208VAC phase configurations as shown:

    Group #1
    Inverter 1A – L1 and L2 phases
    Inverter 1B – L3 and L1 phases
    Inverter 1C – L2 and L3 phases

    The other two inverter groups shall be designed a Group #2 and Group #3 and have identical phase assignments.

    Power Analysis
    Three 3kW NGU units, combined, will produce 9kW of electrical power. On the EG4 18kPV, the PV to Grid efficiency is specified ad 97.5% efficient. Therefore, the output electrical grid power from the nine EG4 18kPV inverters will be a total of 78.975 kW of three phase 208 VAC grid power.

    Each EG4 18kPV will be outputting 8.775 kW of grid power. Each EG4 18kPV has a specified maximum output for 208 VAC is 10.4 kW. Their warranty period is 10 years.
    Each eCat NGU 3kW unit has a retail cost of $7,500 and has a warranty period of 3 years, although its useful lifetime is estimated at 100,000 operating hours.

    Grid Control
    The Utility Company can control each group of units by disconnecting Grid power going to a Group. Alternatively, there is a Rapid Shutdown Switch on each EG4 18kPV unit.

    Cost Analysis
    The equipment component costs are:

    9 EG4 18kPV @ $5,200USD each = $46,800USD
    27 3kW NGU units @ $7,500USD each = $202,500USD
    For a total component cost of $249,300 USD.
    Assuming a 10-year lifetime, the cost per kW-hr is $0.036.

    Environmental: No fuel is consumed during operation. No emissions.

    Scaling: The architecture of the demonstration could be duplicated in parallel to supplement or replace the majority of BaseLoad generation systems.

    EG4 Battery system option: While not required, an EG4 battery system could be added to each EG4 18kPV inverter. This might be used to provide more power going to the Grid during high demand times (from 8.775kW to 10.4 kW). Cost would depend on the amount of energy storage required.

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    On the 3kW NGU units:

    1. Can the 3kW unit be configured (at least conceptually) to output 200 VDC (at 15 Amps)?
    2. If so, can two units be serially connected to (combined) produce 400 VDC (at 15 Amps)?

  • Helen Olstad

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    1 million reached?

    Have A Nice Sunday


  • Claude

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    I noticed that the paper
    is compatible with the presentation of the Ecat SKL made in Miami during the year 2019. My question is: is it compatible also with the 3 kW Ecat NGU recently photographed in http://www.ecat.com ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please visit
    to find comments published in other posts of this blog,
    Warm Regards,
    Andrea Rossi

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- no
    2- the average market price of similar inverters
    3- the price/Watt remains the same as for the 100 W module you can find in http://www.ecatorders.com
    Warm Regards,

  • Rüdiger

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    you offer a 3KW box with the ecat. In which sizes it will be available assembled in a box incl a converter?
    Also 1KW and 2KW? More sizes?
    How much will be the price for the box additionally?
    Will there be soon a price list?
    Best regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    So far is the same, but it will be higher,
    Warm Regards,

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