United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,104 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi

    Yet another NGU application – dedicated power to AI servers.

    “The agency says current data center energy usage stands at around 460 terawatt hours in 2022 and could increase to between 620 and 1,050 TWh in 2026 — equivalent to the energy demands of Sweden or Germany, respectively.”

    A typical single server might require 3 kW or less of electrical power.

    AI servers would be continuously in use and they will draw constant power. NGU technology would replace Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS) and they would generate their own power. They would pay for themselves in avoiding grid power costs.

    Many data centers have raised floors where the cable runs are found. A 3 kW NGU unit, since it generates little or no power, could be located under a server rack. Or. they could generate all the power for all the servers in a data center.


  • KeithT

    Within your ResearchGate paper;


    You refer to [8] the 2017 paper: F. Celani, A.O. Di Tommaso and G. Vassallo – The Electron and Occam’s Razor;


    Within this paper the magnetic flux density (B field) produced by a non-point like electron is deduced, equation (30), a value is obtained of 4.414004 x 10^9 V s m^-2 = Tesla. Although not stated in the paper this value is also the Schwinger limit for a magnetic field before nonlinearity. (Also for an electron the E field = B field x speed of light, the resulting value is also a Schwinger limit);



    Keith Thomson.

  • Ruby

    @Donald Chandler,
    Thank you for this interesting publication; an important feature of this blog is its richness in scientific contributions updates made by the readers,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Donald Chandler:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Donald Chandler

    Interesting article here describing a chain reaction production of photons, electrons and positrons.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    Today the paper
    reached 130 000 (onehundredthirtythousand) total readings, more than 1.5 million papers published on Researchgate,
    and counting…
    All the best,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, you are correct,
    Warm Regards,

  • Weleda

    From your answer to Anonymous yesterday I understand that the control system of the Ecat will be able to run it in parallel with the solar system connected to the grid, avoiding all the complications related to a new grid connection: did I understand correctly ? This way any solar system will keep generating electricity also if the panels will be in the dark or under the snow, correct ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • gicquel

    Good morning,
    Also a considerable area: controlled mechanical ventilation of buildings, whether individual or collective housing. Very often at fixed speed via an asynchronous motor, and flow timing via belt pulley, we have a simple box on the roof, and “fine” regulation is done via variable flow vents in sensitive rooms (bathroom). bath, kitchen). So 8560h/year of operation between 3/4 and 4/4 load if it was calculated correctly..

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes. Probably we will be able to make the connection very easy. Our Team is working very well on this issue and I am very optimistic.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Good question; the issue is already explained in the paper you cited; I will send a photo to EW to show the issue.
    Warm Regards,

  • Jorge

    Dr Rossi
    Does the plasma of the Ecat described in
    ,that is the source of the zero point energy, have a polarity bias ? I mean: do the electrons composing it have a polarity ?
    Thank you if you can answer,

  • Anonymous

    Maybe your point with the solar systems is that they could be something like a troyan horse to make the Ecats to produce their energy immediately in parallel, allowing the solar systems in the whole world able to make energy 24 hours per day, 365 days per year even if it snows, rains, night and day, just exploiting a grid connection just ready immediately ?
    This could be a revolution !

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Yet another NGU application – Traffic Control Lights

    “The LED traffic signal bulb uses approximately 15 watts of power, compared to the average of 100 watts of power used by the traditional incandescent halogen bulb.”

    “There are approximately 272,000 traffic signals in the United States, each playing a crucial role in managing traffic flow and safety at intersections.:

    The traffic control lights (“Stop Lights”) commonly use an AC to 24VDC converter. Therefore, two 10W NGU units could autonomously power a traffic control unit.

    Even when grid power was lost, the traffic control lights would continue working.

    The mean time between failure for an LED traffic control light is 50,000 hours. The NGU lifetime is estimated at 100,000 hours.

    Over the 50,000 hours of operating lifetime (on the average), assuming an average consumption of 15W, 750 kW-hrs would be consumed. At $0.20 USD per kH-hr the cost savings would be $150 USD. The cost of the two 10W NGU is estimated to be $50 USD.


  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Yet another NGU Application – Cell Phone Towers

    “There are about five million cell phone towers worldwide, 640,000 of which aren’t connected to an electrical grid and largely run on diesel power. One study estimated that 75,000 new off-grid towers would be established in 2012 alone.”

    “The average cellular base station, which comprises the tower and the radio equipment attached to it, can use anywhere from about one to five kilowatts (kW).”

    Cell Phone towers require energy 24 hours per day. This would make cell phone communications possible even in the event of electrical grid failures. 

    1 kW to 5 kW equals approximately 10 to 50 100W NGU units.

    Powering only the diesel power units would require between 6.4 million 100W units and 32 million units. Powering all Cell phone towers would require between 50 million and 250 million units.


  • Andrea Rossi

    We may only publish images that do not unveil particulars we deem restricted; notwithstanding this, we will publish some more images,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    USA and Europe,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Russian and Ukranian ( in alphabetical order ):
    I am responding to both of you in a peaceful context.
    In Russia and Ukraine both I have friends and I hope soon, very soon, to meet them all together when we will be ready to deliver the Ecats they all have pre-ordered; obviously, I also hope to continue to serve all the Clients we will reach in both these Countries.
    Warm Regards,
    Andrea Rossi

  • Russian

    You are responsible for the problems you have now: should you have been more intelligent two years ago this special operation could end much before
    @Mr Rossi: will you serve your Ecats also in Russia ?

  • Anonymous

    Dr Rossi,
    The demo you will make with the Ecat NGU will be in SSM mode on the base of the theoretical principles explained in

  • Ukrainian

    In Ukraine, more than 50% of electricity generation was destroyed. In Ukraine, emergency shutdown schedules have put into effect. Consumers receive electricity every 2 hours (2 hours on / 2 hours off , or even worse). Can you make efforts or negotiate to supply the eCat to Ukraine?

  • Anthony

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Can you tell us where are manufactured now the Ecats ?

  • Last month you have shown high vacuum system in a lab of Leonardo Corporation which is used to make the E-Cat SKLep NGU.It would be appreciated if you could show other parts of the lab and the workshop with the many prototypes you have built till now. A photo of some of your coworkers would be a delight.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Paul Dodgshun:
    Thank you for your action.
    Strongly appreciated.
    Warm Regards,

  • Paul Dodgshun

    Below is my submission about SKLeps to the United Kingdom Parliament. Because there is to be a parliamentary election in July there is no guarantee that my submission will be further considered but it will remain in the record. Re-reading my submission, I should have inserted ‘when run at full power’. There are 652 other submissions :-

    Written evidence submitted by Paul Dodgshun (GRI0001)

    My current price for grid electricity is 30p/kwh. The running cost of the SKLep is zero but the capital cost is £2000 per kw. Depreciation over the predicted lifetime of 100,000 hours is 2 p/kwh. Therefore, SKLep electricity costs 15 times less than grid electricity or 5 times less than mains gas when used for heating.

    At these prices all other generation or capital expenditure on the grid will be massively uncompetitive. It should be kept in mind that expenditure that further increases the cost of grid electricity will accelerate the rate at which consumers abandon the grid and generate all their own electricity.

    Detail regarding SKLeps can be read at the URL:


    July 2023

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Maybe, yes,
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Roberto Ridolfi:
    About the ZBW rationale in the Ecat mechanism, I confirm the point of view explained in the paragraph 2.2 of
    You will find there also important references along the text.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We didn’t yet schedule the dates, but it should be around the third quarter of this year, as well as the test with the EV,
    Warm Regards,

  • Simon

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    could you already tell us the date of
    1) the demonstration of the ecat work with PV
    2) the demonstration of the ecat work with an electric heater

    If not, maybe the month or season?

    Best regards

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    In response to a question on the solar panel integration, you posted
    “As I already answered, we will explain the details of the integration of the Ecat with solar systems when we will be ready to deliver the Ecats.”

    Do you plan on a demonstration of the solar panel supplementation this year?

  • Andrea Rossi

    John Whitney:
    As I already answered, we will explain the details of the integration of the Ecat with solar systems when we will be ready to deliver the Ecats.
    Warm Regards,

  • John Whitney

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    that’s very nice that integration is possible.

    However, 4 million owners of photovoltaic power plants are more interested in this question:

    Is any Ecat model capable of directly lighting (without using LED) onto photovoltaic panels?

    If yes, which version of the Ecat?

    Best Regards

    John Whitney

  • Roberto Ridolfi

    Dr Rossi:
    Are you still convinced that the Zitterbewegung phase coherence plays a role in the rationale of the Ecat mechanism ?
    All the best,

  • Andrea Rossi

    John Whitney:
    The integration of the Ecat with solar systems will be possible with any Ecat assembling,
    Warm Regards,

  • John Whitney

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    have your technicians managed to find out which particular version of Ecat (10W, 100W) will be able to shine directly (without LED) on the PV panels?

    Best Regards
    John Whitney

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels,
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    “Puerto Rico has no coal reserves and produces no coal. The Commonwealth has one coal-fired electricity generating plant, located at Guayama. The 454-megawatt plant began operations in 2001. Puerto Rico consumed 1.4 million tons of coal in 2021, the lowest amount since 2018. Almost all of it was bituminous coal to fuel the power plant. Puerto Rico plans to phase out coal-fired electricity generation by 2028.”

    This single plant, if converted to NGU technology, would require about 4.6 million 100W NGU units.


  • Rodrigo

    Dr Rossi,
    Reading the paper
    I understood that a key point is the “long range interactions”.
    Can you suggest references related to this issue ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels,
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Yet another eCat NGU Application – American Samoa

    “Because it is an isolated island group, American Samoa must produce all the electricity it consumes. The territory has almost 50 megawatts of total electricity generating capacity. Diesel generators supply more than nine-tenths of American Samoa’s electricity, nearly all of it on the main island, Tutuila. The American Samoa Power Authority (ASPA), a government corporation, owns and operates two generating plants on Tutuila that have about 45 megawatts of combined diesel-fueled capacity. Captured waste heat emitted by diesel generators at ASPA’s power plants on Tutuila also produces electricity. In 2021, American Samoa also had more than 5 megawatts of grid-connected solar powered capacity. In addition to electricity, ASPA provides drinking water, solid waste removal, and wastewater treatment. Pumping, treating, distributing, and collecting water uses a significant share of the electricity ASPA generates.”

    The 5 MW of grid-connected solar power could be converted to NGU-supplemented units for 24/7 electricity production.

    The remaining 45 MW of capacity could use NGU units to replace the diesel generators. Shipping and handling the diesel, which must be shipped to the island, is expensive. In addition, the carbon emissions would be reduced.

    Using 100W NGU units for 50 MW of electricity generation would require 500,000 units. This is 1/2 of your published target. Maybe a target program by the US Government could be developed?


  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank yu for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your kind wishes,
    Warm Regards,

  • Renato

    Dear Andrea,
    I wish you an Happy Birthday !
    And add my best wishes for your ECAT, and for all the JoNP readers,
    to see your invention soon available on the market.
    Buon Compleanno !

  • WaltC

    Dr. Rossi,
    I’ve been on the preorder list for Ecat devices for a long time, and the one, main hesitation I’ve had, from the very start, was that the devices come in a form that is a partial kit rather than as a turnkey solution– that is, a device that’s usable immediately out of the box.

    If you were to offer a turnkey option for the Ecat-120v that looked and functioned similar to this: ( http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CQLX82NQ ) and, conceptually, was not much more complex than the current non-turnkey option, I’d definitely increase the size of my preorder (and be willing to pay more than the $2.50/W).

    Question: Would you ever consider offering a Turnkey Option, like the one mentioned above, to your preorder list?

    Best Wishes,

    P.S.- As a “figure of merit”, Power Station listed above (as an example) costs $0.68 per watt-hour of capacity. An Ecat-based solution would be more than 1000 times cheaper than that.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Electricity generation for any purpose,
    Warm Regards,

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