Dr. Rossi,
I’m pretty sure you’re going to clear the 1M units hurdle soon with the EV car demo videos– it’s very compelling to watch. However, it wouldn’t hurt to do some quick & simple demos in parallel, just to give potential buyers additional datapoints. (A marketing expert once told me that people make purchase decisions based on multiple datapoints.)
So, my thought was that if you made a “Universal Power Widget”– that is an “Ecat->Inverter->120v” gadget, you could power all sorts of standard, everyday appliances for a demo of the week (or day) video.
For example, things that could have immediate utility:
– fan/heater (Off-grid, remote cabin)
– refrigerator (Off-grid, emergencies, cabin, camping)
– room light (Off-grid, emergencies, cabin, camping)
– Spotlight (Off-grid, emergencies, camping)
– Water Pump–discharge, or inflow (ditto)
– Fan-driven Tube Man (fun thing)
– Fan-driven Black Cat (Halloween, Ecat Mascot, fun thing)
– Lots more, I’m sure
I placed a pre-order for 30×100 W units to build a grid parallell system with a solar inverter (I am a power system engineer with 25 years experience) would it be possible to swap the order to a 1X3 kW unit instead?
Same cost?
It is unbelievable; as you know, all the reads and the recommendations of Researchgate are certified and signed by the persons that make them, as well as the readings, and I have checked randomly who are the persons who read our papers and recommend them: they are mostly researchers, Professors, scientists, even Nobel Prize laureates: for us this is an honour, a real, big honour.
Warm Regards,
Ha,ha,ha… no, we cannot sell hats, but…you gave me an idea: a hat could be give as a gift to all the Clients !
Thank you for your innuendo,
Warm Regards,
From this video I think I now understand why he didn’t open the box. If I’m right he mentioned a lighter weight for the e cat a few (or 3kg?). There was some background noise though so I could be mistaken. If So the 8kg would be for the ecat plus all the other electronics in the metal box.
The 10W devices in their plastic pucks weighed 30g as ircall
I think this might indicate that the ecat is naked in the box with out the plastic containers. in effect since it’s contained in a metal box he didn’t need it
If so then that would explain a lot as opening the box would have exposed its inner workings.
Dr Rossi,
The professionality of the 6 hours non stop video of the race between the Renault Twizy powered by the Ecat and the Renault Twizy without the Ecat has been made with impressive professionality. At last I saw a veritable top level test, certified by an expert of the Renault Twizy that piloted himself the car powered by the Ecat. Congratulations, impressive, solid, convincing job.
Ambrogio Carugati
Dr. Rossi, please allow me to express my opinion about your theory paper where there is mention of three properties of the electron clustering that may be referring to the same particle system. These three properties are Bose Einstein condensates (BEC), EV, and coherent electron clusters. It is well known in condensed matter science that BECs of electrons take the form of electron polaritons.
An “electron polariton” is a quasiparticle formed when a photon strongly couples with an electronic excitation within a material or a plasma, essentially creating a hybrid particle composed of both light and an electron-like excitation, like an exciton in a semiconductor; it arises from the strong interaction between the electromagnetic field of light and the oscillating electric dipole moment of the electron excitation within the material or plasma.
Key points about electron polaritons:
They form when the energy of a photon closely matches the energy of an electron excitation in a material, leading to a strong coupling between the two and the creation of a new, mixed entity. This formation takes place in an optical resonator that likely forms inside a fast rising spark.
Exciton polaritons:
There have been 70 types of these quasiparticles currently under study. But the particle most likely active in your reaction is an “exciton polariton,” where the electron excitation is an electron-hole pair bound together by Coulomb attraction.
Polaritons behave like bosons and exhibit unique properties like a modified dispersion relation compared to free photons, meaning their propagation speed can be significantly altered depending on the material and frequency.
The Exciton polariton does not have any charge. It was recently discovered that this particle has negative mass due to its dispersion characteristics.
Hybrid particles surprise with negative mass
Monday 8 May 2023https://physics.anu.edu.au/news_events/?NewsID=328
It is likely that this quasiparticle is being formed in the Ecat system since the amount of light produced in the Ecat plasma system is significant.
The exciton polariton does have spin of 1 which makes the electron cluster of polaritons highly magnetic when a trillion trillion of these particles are packed into a volume of just a few cubic microns.
This polariton BEC has huge magnetic power and the negative mass of the condensate leads to the formation of a bubble around the condensate called a domain wall where a vacuum state forms that is different from that of the anbient vacuum. It is this aberrant vacuum state that gives the Rossi reaction its ability to extract energy from the vacuum.
Dear Dr. Rossi
Gavino Mamia’s excellent reasoning leads me to the following conclusion: You would win the Nobel Prize for Physics, both if the ECAT was actually inside the safe, and if the safe was just a new type of battery you designed, with such exceptional performance. !!!! 🙂 🙂
Upon reading the Ecat power paper, it dawned on me that the warranties on the Ecat might not be keeping up with technological advances. In the demo presser, Dr. Rossi said that he wanted to use an aggregation of NGU 10 watt cores to form his compound product such as the 100watt unit and the 3kW unit because these units are arranged in a way that allows any number of these 10 watt cores to fail without affecting the operation of the compound units.
In this situation, availability of the compound unit is greatly improved. But if a number of 10 watt cores fail which would affect this availability level, the power production of these units will decrease over time as more and more 10 watt cores fail. To cover this case, Dr. Rossi could specify a schedule of reduction of power output similar to the way solar cells are warrantied. The current warranty is predicated on the 10 watt core which is inadequate to handle the compound unit availability, since these units will seldom if ever completely fail.
As a solid state device, the behavior of the availability for solar cells is similar for the 3kW unit. For example, solar cells are typically protected against power reduction over time through a “performance warranty” which guarantees that the panel will maintain a certain percentage of its original power output over a specified period, usually spanning 25 years, with most manufacturers guaranteeing at least 80% power output after that timeframe; if the panel falls below this level, the manufacturer may provide compensation or replacement depending on the warranty terms.
Solar panels generally come with two warranties: The product warranty covers the equipment and typically guarantees at least 10-12 years without fail, and the power or performance warranty often guarantees at least 90% production at 10 years and 80% at 25 years.
Key points about solar panel warranties:
Two types of warranties:
Most solar panels come with two warranties: a product warranty covering manufacturing defects for a shorter period (usually 10-12 years) and a performance warranty guaranteeing power output over a longer period.
Degradation rate:
The performance warranty specifies a maximum degradation rate, which is the percentage of power reduction allowed per year.
Linear degradation:
Most performance warranties use a linear degradation rate, meaning the power output decreases steadily throughout the warranty period.
Important factors to consider:
When comparing warranties among compound NGU units, attention should be paid to the guaranteed power output percentage, warranty duration, and any conditions that might void the warranty ( improper installation, or environmental damage).
Dr Rossi,
I continue to update the stats of Researchgate, since the increase is really exponential !
Today the stats found on http://www.researchgate.net/publication/330601653_E-Cat_SK_and_long_range_particle_interactions
Total Readings 158473, +1653 more than yesterday, of which 145233 (+1665 more than yesterday) only for “Ecat SK and Long Range Particle Interactions)
And counting !
Dott. Rossi
1) una macchina, con motore termico, col serbatoio pieno fa meno km/Litro di una col serbatoio quasi vuoto, perché alleggerendosi aumenta il rendimento.
2) in una EV succede il contrario perché le batterie scariche pesano uguale a quelle cariche ma sono diminuiti i Kw di potenza.
Facciamo finta che il punto 2 non sia vero e che una batteria carica abbia la stessa potenza di una quasi scarica.
Nel Test di Latina la Twizy Orginale ha percorso 73,54 Km con una carica del 98,6%, quindi ha percorso 740 metri ogni 1% di batteria.
la Twizy con E-Cat, partita con una carica del 62,18% (facendo riferimento 0,74 per 1%), si sarebbe fermata dopo 46,01 Km.
Invece (quando è stata fermata) ha percorso altri 154,61 Km (totale 200,62 km meno i 46,01 Km fatti dalla batteria in dotazione).
E siccome si è fermata col 82,42% di batteria (avrebbe fatto ulteriori 60,99 Km) in totale sarebbero stati 215,60 Km.
Quindi, caro Dott. Rossi, la sua batteria nascosta nella cassaforte di sicurezza ha avuto un rendimento triplo di quella standard pur avendo un peso ed un ingombro molto inferiore.
La smetta allora di accettare i preordini dell’E-Cat e di mostrare teorie fisiche incomprensibili alle persone normali.
Venda questa fantastica batteria e così la gente sarà contenta.
Scherzo ovviamente
Scrivo il commento in italiano e anche tradotto da Google Translator perché non ho idea che sia una traduzione fatta bene.
Buon lavoro
1) a car, with a combustion engine, with a full tank does less km/liter than one with an almost empty tank, because the lightening increases performance.
2) in an EV the opposite happens because the discharged batteries weigh as much as the charged ones but the kW of power decrease.
Let’s pretend that point 2 is not true and that a charged battery has the same power as an almost discharged one.
In the Latina Test, the Original Twizy traveled 73.54 km with a 98.6% charge, so it traveled 740 meters for every 1% of battery.
the Twizy with E-Cat, which started with a 62.18% charge (referred to 0.74 for 1%), would have stopped after 46.01 km.
Instead (when it stopped) it traveled another 154.61 km (total 200.62 km minus the 46.01 km done by the supplied battery). And since it stopped with 82.42% of the battery (it would have traveled another 60.99 km) in total it would have been 215.60 km.
So, dear Dr. Rossi, your battery hidden in the safety deposit box had three times the performance of the standard one despite having a much smaller weight and size.
So stop accepting pre-orders of the E-Cat and showing physics theories that are incomprehensible to normal people.
Sell this fantastic battery and then people will be happy.
I’m joking of course
Dear Andrea Rossi,
To get back to your answer to my last post, I hope that the ECAT heating demo does the same thing with Count Dracula as happens to him at his birthday party in “Minions”!
I am simply convinced that such a clearly visible separation of the entire unit would rule out a lot of speculation from the start.
There are still a lot of people who are very skeptical about something that, in their opinion, is too good to be true!
Good luck !
mi ha colpito il resoconto del PROF. circa la crescita”esponenziale” delle letture del documento su cui si basa la Sua invenzione e, di conseguenza l’ottima DEMO del 27 settembre, il cui filamto pare inizi a circolare in alcuni ambiti diciamo … interessanti?
Così ho deciso di inviare il suddetto resoconto ai maggiore quotidiani italiani – a cui avevo già inviato il Doc, di CAMILLO, sperando che qualche giornalista nostrano desideri documentarsi!
Obviously it was not malitious; I just joked, ut you mus understand that we simply do not take in account conspirators, trolls, … you name them, we ignore them.
Warm Regards,
Maico Marzocchi has mentioned that he did not see the contents of the explosion-proof box during the Latina demonstration, but can you tell us if you revealed the contents of that box to any of the potential business partners in attendance that day?
“The world’s largest all-electric ferry yet has gone into service in Norway on a route across the Oslo Fjord. Bastø Electric is the first of three battery-powered ferries operated by the shipping company Bastø Fosen to enter Norwegian waters with more in the making in Turkey.
The Bastø Electric is 139.2-metre-long and 21-metre-wide and was built by the Turkish Sefine Shipyard and has room for 600 passengers and 200 cars or 24 trucks. The battery and fast-charging systems for all three ferries are supplied by Siemens Energy from the battery factory in Trondheim. Bastø Electric uses batteries with a capacity of 4.3 MWh. The fast-charging system has a capacity of 9 MW, according to the shipping company. When docking, the ferry is always “charged at lightning speed”.
The approximately ten-kilometre-long ferry route between Moss and Horten is Norway’s busiest ferry connection, according to Bastø Fosen. Annually, 3.8 million passengers and 1.8 million vehicles are transported on this route. “During 2022, emissions on this ferry route will be reduced by 75 per cent,” the shipping company says. Two other ferries are also to be converted from diesel to electric operation shortly. According to the company, each ferry docks and departs 20 to 24 times a day. The crossing takes around 30 minutes.”
Consider 2 each 9MW land-based NGU systems, one at each port. About 24 ship transits per day. Charging takes about an hour (or less). Each system would have the equivalent of 90,000 100W NGU units. This would relieve the electrical grid of providing that power. And at a much lower cost (over time).
Dr. Rossi,
I anticipate that the upcoming demonstration of the E-Cat powering a stove will be equally groundbreaking, and I am eager to see it.
I understand you are already working on the setup, but I would like to propose the following:
E-Cat Specifications: Utilize an E-Cat similar to the one employed in the Renault Twizy (approximately 3 kW), but without the safety enclosure.
Inverter Configuration: The two wires emerging from the E-Cat will connect directly to a standard DC/AC inverter, which will be left exposed, without its external casing.
Power Distribution: The output from the inverter (either 110 VAC or 220 VAC) should be routed to a series of traditional electrical outlets.
Device Demonstrations: Various devices can be connected to these outlets, including:
Fan: To illustrate its ability to power an AC motor, with paper strips placed in front to visibly demonstrate airflow.
Lighting: Both incandescent and LED bulbs can be used.
Stove: A conventional stove featuring visible incandescent filaments.
There will be no requirement for measuring instruments.
My suggestions may seem redundant since you likely have everything covered; however, they could easily be integrated into your existing plans.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
what belongs to the question of Mr. Lautner i reckon he meant it not malicous.
But it would be enough to use a simple 50 Euro electric heater which is available in every DIY market and maybe to show that under the ecat is no connection, so just move the ecat 20 cm so that conspiracists have nothing to complain.
Have you already a date for the test of the ecat with an electric heater? It will be the most important test for many people.
Warm regards
Suggerisco, a riguardo il prossimo collaudo, che gli osservatori presenti abbiano a disposizione anche speciali occhiali per poter veder ciò che gli altri non vedono. Inoltre suggerirei che l’ECAT fosse vesso all’interno di un super magnete (del tipo ITER) e fosse circondato da M1 Abrams.
A.R. il Sommo Poeta diceva……….”Non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa (Inf. III, 51)”. Così faremo tutti noi.
Dr Rossi,
Now the stats of your papers on http://www.researchgate.net/publication/330601653_E-Cat_SK_and_long_range_particle_interactions
2200 total readings only in the last 24 hours: the increase is getting exponential, never seen anything like that on Researchgate !
Here are the stats:
Total readings: 156820, 2200 more than yesterday an more of any paper published on Researchgate ever, of which 143618 only for “Ecat SK and Long Range Particle Interactions”, 2200 more than yesterday
Research Interest Score: 3076, higher than all the papers of Researchgate ever
Recommendations: 11915, more that all the papers of Researchgate ever
And counting….
Herwig Lautner:
What about a chest of garlic and a system of crucifixes all around the Ecat, to be sure that the box under the Ecat is not the tomb of some descendent of Dracula the vampire, that hides very strong batteries in his tomb, connected with the Ecat ? When it turns to Andrea Rossi and the Ecat you can’t give nothing for sure. NOTHING !
Warm Regards
For the upcoming next demonstration of an ECAT-electric heating unit combination, I would suggest placing it in a “free-floating” manner, so to speak, using strong opposite-pole neodymium magnets in order to make it clear to every observer that there is no physical connection to the device combination.
Raffaele Bongo:
The earth connection depends on the power and the system. For normal applications the earth can be a mass inside the Ecat’s body; for high power systems it is necessary a regular earth connection.
Anyway, in the houses the plugs are already earthed, so the plug of the Ecat will automatically get a regular earth connection.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
It’s not just me to support you: please read this important publication:
Good luck !
Ambrogio Carugati
Thank you for your suggestions,
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi,
I’m pretty sure you’re going to clear the 1M units hurdle soon with the EV car demo videos– it’s very compelling to watch. However, it wouldn’t hurt to do some quick & simple demos in parallel, just to give potential buyers additional datapoints. (A marketing expert once told me that people make purchase decisions based on multiple datapoints.)
So, my thought was that if you made a “Universal Power Widget”– that is an “Ecat->Inverter->120v” gadget, you could power all sorts of standard, everyday appliances for a demo of the week (or day) video.
For example, things that could have immediate utility:
– fan/heater (Off-grid, remote cabin)
– refrigerator (Off-grid, emergencies, cabin, camping)
– room light (Off-grid, emergencies, cabin, camping)
– Spotlight (Off-grid, emergencies, camping)
– Water Pump–discharge, or inflow (ditto)
– Fan-driven Tube Man (fun thing)
– Fan-driven Black Cat (Halloween, Ecat Mascot, fun thing)
– Lots more, I’m sure
Best Wishes,
Please send a request of receipt confirmation to this address:
to the attention of
Jim McElvenny
please go to
to file an updated pre-order
The price is the same and the priority date also.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Italo R.:
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi,
a new (positive) article about Latina
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Dear Andrea,
For German readers here is a link to a page on the LENR.wiki website that translates your white paper into German:
Kind regards,
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea,
I placed a pre-order for 30×100 W units to build a grid parallell system with a solar inverter (I am a power system engineer with 25 years experience) would it be possible to swap the order to a 1X3 kW unit instead?
Same cost?
Dear Andrea ,
I placed a pre order on 04/10/2024 for 5 x 100 W. = 500 W. !
I didn’t receive a confirmation for my pre-order on my e-mail !
Why not ?
Is that normal ?
Thanks for an answer.
It is unbelievable; as you know, all the reads and the recommendations of Researchgate are certified and signed by the persons that make them, as well as the readings, and I have checked randomly who are the persons who read our papers and recommend them: they are mostly researchers, Professors, scientists, even Nobel Prize laureates: for us this is an honour, a real, big honour.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Ernesto Seligardi:
Very good point !
Warm Regards,
Ha,ha,ha… no, we cannot sell hats, but…you gave me an idea: a hat could be give as a gift to all the Clients !
Thank you for your innuendo,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Ambrogio Carugati:
Thank you for your support,
Warm Regards,
Hello DR Rossi
Is this comment from ECat World
From this video I think I now understand why he didn’t open the box. If I’m right he mentioned a lighter weight for the e cat a few (or 3kg?). There was some background noise though so I could be mistaken. If So the 8kg would be for the ecat plus all the other electronics in the metal box.
The 10W devices in their plastic pucks weighed 30g as ircall
I think this might indicate that the ecat is naked in the box with out the plastic containers. in effect since it’s contained in a metal box he didn’t need it
If so then that would explain a lot as opening the box would have exposed its inner workings.
Dr Rossi,
The professionality of the 6 hours non stop video of the race between the Renault Twizy powered by the Ecat and the Renault Twizy without the Ecat has been made with impressive professionality. At last I saw a veritable top level test, certified by an expert of the Renault Twizy that piloted himself the car powered by the Ecat. Congratulations, impressive, solid, convincing job.
Ambrogio Carugati
Dr. Rossi, please allow me to express my opinion about your theory paper where there is mention of three properties of the electron clustering that may be referring to the same particle system. These three properties are Bose Einstein condensates (BEC), EV, and coherent electron clusters. It is well known in condensed matter science that BECs of electrons take the form of electron polaritons.
An “electron polariton” is a quasiparticle formed when a photon strongly couples with an electronic excitation within a material or a plasma, essentially creating a hybrid particle composed of both light and an electron-like excitation, like an exciton in a semiconductor; it arises from the strong interaction between the electromagnetic field of light and the oscillating electric dipole moment of the electron excitation within the material or plasma.
Key points about electron polaritons:
They form when the energy of a photon closely matches the energy of an electron excitation in a material, leading to a strong coupling between the two and the creation of a new, mixed entity. This formation takes place in an optical resonator that likely forms inside a fast rising spark.
Exciton polaritons:
There have been 70 types of these quasiparticles currently under study. But the particle most likely active in your reaction is an “exciton polariton,” where the electron excitation is an electron-hole pair bound together by Coulomb attraction.
Polaritons behave like bosons and exhibit unique properties like a modified dispersion relation compared to free photons, meaning their propagation speed can be significantly altered depending on the material and frequency.
The Exciton polariton does not have any charge. It was recently discovered that this particle has negative mass due to its dispersion characteristics.
Hybrid particles surprise with negative mass
Monday 8 May 2023https://physics.anu.edu.au/news_events/?NewsID=328
It is likely that this quasiparticle is being formed in the Ecat system since the amount of light produced in the Ecat plasma system is significant.
The exciton polariton does have spin of 1 which makes the electron cluster of polaritons highly magnetic when a trillion trillion of these particles are packed into a volume of just a few cubic microns.
This polariton BEC has huge magnetic power and the negative mass of the condensate leads to the formation of a bubble around the condensate called a domain wall where a vacuum state forms that is different from that of the anbient vacuum. It is this aberrant vacuum state that gives the Rossi reaction its ability to extract energy from the vacuum.
dear AR, my marginal question: is the gadget hat you wear in the video for sale? and where? may be a good idea to advertise your product.
@Gavino Mamia:
I agree with your intelligent comment,
Ambrogio Carugati
Dear Dr. Rossi
Gavino Mamia’s excellent reasoning leads me to the following conclusion: You would win the Nobel Prize for Physics, both if the ECAT was actually inside the safe, and if the safe was just a new type of battery you designed, with such exceptional performance. !!!! 🙂 🙂
Upon reading the Ecat power paper, it dawned on me that the warranties on the Ecat might not be keeping up with technological advances. In the demo presser, Dr. Rossi said that he wanted to use an aggregation of NGU 10 watt cores to form his compound product such as the 100watt unit and the 3kW unit because these units are arranged in a way that allows any number of these 10 watt cores to fail without affecting the operation of the compound units.
In this situation, availability of the compound unit is greatly improved. But if a number of 10 watt cores fail which would affect this availability level, the power production of these units will decrease over time as more and more 10 watt cores fail. To cover this case, Dr. Rossi could specify a schedule of reduction of power output similar to the way solar cells are warrantied. The current warranty is predicated on the 10 watt core which is inadequate to handle the compound unit availability, since these units will seldom if ever completely fail.
As a solid state device, the behavior of the availability for solar cells is similar for the 3kW unit. For example, solar cells are typically protected against power reduction over time through a “performance warranty” which guarantees that the panel will maintain a certain percentage of its original power output over a specified period, usually spanning 25 years, with most manufacturers guaranteeing at least 80% power output after that timeframe; if the panel falls below this level, the manufacturer may provide compensation or replacement depending on the warranty terms.
Solar panels generally come with two warranties: The product warranty covers the equipment and typically guarantees at least 10-12 years without fail, and the power or performance warranty often guarantees at least 90% production at 10 years and 80% at 25 years.
Key points about solar panel warranties:
Two types of warranties:
Most solar panels come with two warranties: a product warranty covering manufacturing defects for a shorter period (usually 10-12 years) and a performance warranty guaranteeing power output over a longer period.
Degradation rate:
The performance warranty specifies a maximum degradation rate, which is the percentage of power reduction allowed per year.
Linear degradation:
Most performance warranties use a linear degradation rate, meaning the power output decreases steadily throughout the warranty period.
Important factors to consider:
When comparing warranties among compound NGU units, attention should be paid to the guaranteed power output percentage, warranty duration, and any conditions that might void the warranty ( improper installation, or environmental damage).
Dr Rossi,
I continue to update the stats of Researchgate, since the increase is really exponential !
Today the stats found on
Total Readings 158473, +1653 more than yesterday, of which 145233 (+1665 more than yesterday) only for “Ecat SK and Long Range Particle Interactions)
And counting !
Thank you for your support,
Warm Regards,
Herwig Lautner:
Too bad !
Warm Regards,
Gavino Mamia:
Good point !
Warm Regards,
Dott. Rossi
1) una macchina, con motore termico, col serbatoio pieno fa meno km/Litro di una col serbatoio quasi vuoto, perché alleggerendosi aumenta il rendimento.
2) in una EV succede il contrario perché le batterie scariche pesano uguale a quelle cariche ma sono diminuiti i Kw di potenza.
Facciamo finta che il punto 2 non sia vero e che una batteria carica abbia la stessa potenza di una quasi scarica.
Nel Test di Latina la Twizy Orginale ha percorso 73,54 Km con una carica del 98,6%, quindi ha percorso 740 metri ogni 1% di batteria.
la Twizy con E-Cat, partita con una carica del 62,18% (facendo riferimento 0,74 per 1%), si sarebbe fermata dopo 46,01 Km.
Invece (quando è stata fermata) ha percorso altri 154,61 Km (totale 200,62 km meno i 46,01 Km fatti dalla batteria in dotazione).
E siccome si è fermata col 82,42% di batteria (avrebbe fatto ulteriori 60,99 Km) in totale sarebbero stati 215,60 Km.
Quindi, caro Dott. Rossi, la sua batteria nascosta nella cassaforte di sicurezza ha avuto un rendimento triplo di quella standard pur avendo un peso ed un ingombro molto inferiore.
La smetta allora di accettare i preordini dell’E-Cat e di mostrare teorie fisiche incomprensibili alle persone normali.
Venda questa fantastica batteria e così la gente sarà contenta.
Scherzo ovviamente
Scrivo il commento in italiano e anche tradotto da Google Translator perché non ho idea che sia una traduzione fatta bene.
Buon lavoro
1) a car, with a combustion engine, with a full tank does less km/liter than one with an almost empty tank, because the lightening increases performance.
2) in an EV the opposite happens because the discharged batteries weigh as much as the charged ones but the kW of power decrease.
Let’s pretend that point 2 is not true and that a charged battery has the same power as an almost discharged one.
In the Latina Test, the Original Twizy traveled 73.54 km with a 98.6% charge, so it traveled 740 meters for every 1% of battery.
the Twizy with E-Cat, which started with a 62.18% charge (referred to 0.74 for 1%), would have stopped after 46.01 km.
Instead (when it stopped) it traveled another 154.61 km (total 200.62 km minus the 46.01 km done by the supplied battery). And since it stopped with 82.42% of the battery (it would have traveled another 60.99 km) in total it would have been 215.60 km.
So, dear Dr. Rossi, your battery hidden in the safety deposit box had three times the performance of the standard one despite having a much smaller weight and size.
So stop accepting pre-orders of the E-Cat and showing physics theories that are incomprehensible to normal people.
Sell this fantastic battery and then people will be happy.
I’m joking of course
Dear Andrea Rossi,
To get back to your answer to my last post, I hope that the ECAT heating demo does the same thing with Count Dracula as happens to him at his birthday party in “Minions”!
I am simply convinced that such a clearly visible separation of the entire unit would rule out a lot of speculation from the start.
There are still a lot of people who are very skeptical about something that, in their opinion, is too good to be true!
Good luck !
Caro Dottor Rossi,
mi ha colpito il resoconto del PROF. circa la crescita”esponenziale” delle letture del documento su cui si basa la Sua invenzione e, di conseguenza l’ottima DEMO del 27 settembre, il cui filamto pare inizi a circolare in alcuni ambiti diciamo … interessanti?
Così ho deciso di inviare il suddetto resoconto ai maggiore quotidiani italiani – a cui avevo già inviato il Doc, di CAMILLO, sperando che qualche giornalista nostrano desideri documentarsi!
Unbelievable, yes, I noticed,
Warm Regards,
Gian Luca:
Warm Regards,
Obviously it was not malitious; I just joked, ut you mus understand that we simply do not take in account conspirators, trolls, … you name them, we ignore them.
Warm Regards,
Italo R.:
Thank you for your suggestions,
Warm Regards,
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi,
Maico Marzocchi has mentioned that he did not see the contents of the explosion-proof box during the Latina demonstration, but can you tell us if you revealed the contents of that box to any of the potential business partners in attendance that day?
Warm regards,
Frank Acland:
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Here is a link to a video I took at the racetrack prior to the test, it might interest your readers:
Best wishes,
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea Rossi,
“The world’s largest all-electric ferry yet has gone into service in Norway on a route across the Oslo Fjord. Bastø Electric is the first of three battery-powered ferries operated by the shipping company Bastø Fosen to enter Norwegian waters with more in the making in Turkey.
The Bastø Electric is 139.2-metre-long and 21-metre-wide and was built by the Turkish Sefine Shipyard and has room for 600 passengers and 200 cars or 24 trucks. The battery and fast-charging systems for all three ferries are supplied by Siemens Energy from the battery factory in Trondheim. Bastø Electric uses batteries with a capacity of 4.3 MWh. The fast-charging system has a capacity of 9 MW, according to the shipping company. When docking, the ferry is always “charged at lightning speed”.
The approximately ten-kilometre-long ferry route between Moss and Horten is Norway’s busiest ferry connection, according to Bastø Fosen. Annually, 3.8 million passengers and 1.8 million vehicles are transported on this route. “During 2022, emissions on this ferry route will be reduced by 75 per cent,” the shipping company says. Two other ferries are also to be converted from diesel to electric operation shortly. According to the company, each ferry docks and departs 20 to 24 times a day. The crossing takes around 30 minutes.”
Consider 2 each 9MW land-based NGU systems, one at each port. About 24 ship transits per day. Charging takes about an hour (or less). Each system would have the equivalent of 90,000 100W NGU units. This would relieve the electrical grid of providing that power. And at a much lower cost (over time).
Dr. Rossi,
I anticipate that the upcoming demonstration of the E-Cat powering a stove will be equally groundbreaking, and I am eager to see it.
I understand you are already working on the setup, but I would like to propose the following:
E-Cat Specifications: Utilize an E-Cat similar to the one employed in the Renault Twizy (approximately 3 kW), but without the safety enclosure.
Inverter Configuration: The two wires emerging from the E-Cat will connect directly to a standard DC/AC inverter, which will be left exposed, without its external casing.
Power Distribution: The output from the inverter (either 110 VAC or 220 VAC) should be routed to a series of traditional electrical outlets.
Device Demonstrations: Various devices can be connected to these outlets, including:
Fan: To illustrate its ability to power an AC motor, with paper strips placed in front to visibly demonstrate airflow.
Lighting: Both incandescent and LED bulbs can be used.
Stove: A conventional stove featuring visible incandescent filaments.
There will be no requirement for measuring instruments.
My suggestions may seem redundant since you likely have everything covered; however, they could easily be integrated into your existing plans.
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
what belongs to the question of Mr. Lautner i reckon he meant it not malicous.
But it would be enough to use a simple 50 Euro electric heater which is available in every DIY market and maybe to show that under the ecat is no connection, so just move the ecat 20 cm so that conspiracists have nothing to complain.
Have you already a date for the test of the ecat with an electric heater? It will be the most important test for many people.
Warm regards
Caro A.R.
Suggerisco, a riguardo il prossimo collaudo, che gli osservatori presenti abbiano a disposizione anche speciali occhiali per poter veder ciò che gli altri non vedono. Inoltre suggerirei che l’ECAT fosse vesso all’interno di un super magnete (del tipo ITER) e fosse circondato da M1 Abrams.
A.R. il Sommo Poeta diceva……….”Non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa (Inf. III, 51)”. Così faremo tutti noi.
Dr Rossi,
Now the stats of your papers on
2200 total readings only in the last 24 hours: the increase is getting exponential, never seen anything like that on Researchgate !
Here are the stats:
Total readings: 156820, 2200 more than yesterday an more of any paper published on Researchgate ever, of which 143618 only for “Ecat SK and Long Range Particle Interactions”, 2200 more than yesterday
Research Interest Score: 3076, higher than all the papers of Researchgate ever
Recommendations: 11915, more that all the papers of Researchgate ever
And counting….
Herwig Lautner:
What about a chest of garlic and a system of crucifixes all around the Ecat, to be sure that the box under the Ecat is not the tomb of some descendent of Dracula the vampire, that hides very strong batteries in his tomb, connected with the Ecat ? When it turns to Andrea Rossi and the Ecat you can’t give nothing for sure. NOTHING !
Warm Regards
For the upcoming next demonstration of an ECAT-electric heating unit combination, I would suggest placing it in a “free-floating” manner, so to speak, using strong opposite-pole neodymium magnets in order to make it clear to every observer that there is no physical connection to the device combination.
Italo R.:
Thank you for this US publication,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for this Polish publication,
Warm Regards,
Jan Srajer:
As I already said, the theoretical ground of the Ecat, has been described rigorously in the paper
specifically in paragraphs 2,3,4,5. Our experiments have corroborated our theorization.
Warm Regards,
Raffaele Bongo:
The earth connection depends on the power and the system. For normal applications the earth can be a mass inside the Ecat’s body; for high power systems it is necessary a regular earth connection.
Anyway, in the houses the plugs are already earthed, so the plug of the Ecat will automatically get a regular earth connection.
Warm Regards,