United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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42,810 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Klas

    @Michel Gonnord

    I suppose this report describes a system with functionality quite similar to the one you asked for:


  • Klas

    Dear Andrea,

    What is your comment about a careful preorder strategy (e.g., like the one described here by Martin)?
    “First, place a small order, wait for delivery, see if it works, and then order what you really need.”

    Could it perhaps be better to place two orders now (with some delay) to have both put in the expected quite long pre-order cue, thus minimizing delivery time on the second order from when you are asked to confirm it?


  • Dewey

    Dr Rossi,
    Are volume and weight per kW of the Ecat are minor, equal or more respect the existing normally diffused electricity sources ?

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    NGU technology is ideally suited to provide constant electrical power. But, unfortunately, the demand has highs and lows.

    Consider a Grid system where there are lakes at significant different elevations with hydroelectric dams. During periods of the day where demand is low, use excess NGU Grid power to pump the water to the higher elevation. During period of high demand, discontinue the water pumping and draw energy from the hydroelectric dam.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Michel Gonnord:
    I suppose it to be possible, but you must make the necessary control system with your certified contractor that made your solar system,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels,
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer:
    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    When we will be ready to deliver, you will be contacted to clear up these issues,
    Warm Regards,

  • Martin

    Dear Andrea ,

    I have placed a pre-order of 5 x 100 W = 500 W Ecat. ( 60 V. – 500 W. )

    1. Is the Ecat delivered as 1 whole? (60 V – 500 W) or do I have to connect them in parallel myself ?

    2. If they are delivered separately, can I then regulate all 5 ecats at the same time to 12 V. ?

    3. If I am satisfied with the operation and I order 3 x 100 W. more, can I then make 2 x 400 W. from those 500 W + 300 W or is it not possible to subtract 1 x 100 W from those 500 W and add it to those 300 W.

    PS. :
    If I am further satisfied with the good functioning (to be connected to a micro inverter and connected to the grid) I would consider ordering more ecats.
    Hopefully they will go into production soon, because I have been following you for more than 10 years and want to be able to put them into production effectively.

    Kind Regards

  • Jan Šrajer

    Like most great inventions, yours is still in the early stages of development and will be developed by many universities when the first round gets underway. I wish you the best conditions.

    All the best J.Š

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    While I have been suggesting relatively large power output applications, there is a need for small power applications.

    Specifically, in USB port powered applications. For example, in my home, a ceiling light was installed where there originally was none. Thus, no household wiring went to that location. I installed a battery-powered light that could be charged from the computer USB port. Obviously, a pain to remove from the closet ceiling to transport to the computer for periodic charging.

    A 10W (or less) NGU continuously charging the ceiling light would be wonderful. Not much power but a potential large market demand.


  • Will it be possible to connect the E-Cat to the input of a photovoltaic inverter with the E-Cat being triggered when the panels no longer provide enough electricity. In the event of a demand greater than what the panels and the E-Cat provide, the relay would be provided by the network while using the energy coming from the E-Cat (without it stopping working).
    Thank you very much.

  • Gian Luca

    @Maico and all Readers
    What you wrote just now only strengthens my convictions that I had already consolidated in 2010. The project has changed but the people who cultivated it were the same and the result could only be this. We have learned to know A.R. through this and other forums and, with the passing of time and the flow of events (positive and negative) the trust has strengthened, despite the constant presence of dark shadows (trolls). What you did before entering the circuit was exceptional and I envy you (positively) for the chance you had. First among all of us (early believers) to be able to touch and above all try the object. Your report, even more than the test on the circuit, is very important because it makes everyone understand, even those who understand little about electronics/physics/computer science that the E-cat can be carried around like once upon a time a radio was carried around to avoid having it stolen (in Italy). Moving it between one home and another in the most remote places in the world (it will revolutionize the real estate market). In the most remote villages where now water is drawn from wells with rope and bucket and the first light bulb is miles away. In short, a benefit for all human existence.
    Thanks also to A.R. who accepted your “pre-test” even if he was taken by surprise. It surprised me but maybe it was the right time and the right person, and he realized it.
    I fully agree with what @Camillo said. A.R. has been through all sorts of things in recent years, even on a health level, do you really think it’s an economic issue? It’s about changing our way of life, not selling a Tesla or a Patek. It’s something much deeper that goes beyond the simple economic reward.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the suggestion.
    I have passed it on to our CFO.
    Warm Regards

  • Gavino Mamia

    Dr. Marzocchi, thank you for the photos you posted.
    You must have also made videos of the private tests you performed.
    I would be infinitely grateful if you would also post some.

  • Larry

    Dear Dr Rossi

    Now that you are getting close to accepting paynent for orders I suggest setting up a means to accept payments using either Bitcoin or USDT (USD stable coins). The new administration is very Bitcoin friendly and this option would simplify payment for millions of people. US payment processors like Strike are already in place to assist with this. Payment platforms like Wise and PayPal can and do censor payments


  • Corinne

    Dr Rossi,
    I think that the record of total readings set by the paper
    has been determined by the fact that the voice is circling around that several researchers have replicated the experimental setup described in it.

  • Andrea Rossi

    To all our Readers in the USA:
    The Ecat Team wish you all a Wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving Day !!!

  • Andrea Rossi

    We are working on many issues, included the two you mentioned,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I agree,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    The Ecat must be switched off during the transportation.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We are working on it,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Massimo

    Caro Andrea,
    hai risposto che la ricerca dell’ ecat per il riscaldamento domestico attraverso il riscaldamento di resistenze sta procedendo.
    Immagino correttamente una caldaia a metano alla quale sia stato sostituito l’ingombrante bruciatore con resistenze alimentate da pochi ecat (500 W, 1000 W), in grado di mettere in circolo acqua calda fino a 70, 75 gradi Celsius?

    Vai avanti! grazie di cuore. Ringrazio anche l’ingegner Maico per gli ulteriori approfondimenti e te per averlo autorizzato.
    Will be the next step an ecat in a water-heater?

  • Wilfried

    Dear Andrea,

    I would like to build a mobile charging station for electric cars. This should consist of a 48 Vdc 3 kW E-Cat, a 48 Vdc -> 230 Vac inverter and a 3 kW charging cable with a Schuko plug connection. I would like to transport this unit in the trunk so that I can charge the electric car while parked at night or during longer breaks.
    My question: Is it unproblematic to transport the E-Cat in SSM mode, or does the E-Cat have to be completely switched off?
    If the E-Cat has to be switched off completely, is it possible to connect an external switch via a cable so that you don’t have to switch on the E-Cat itself?

    Best regards

  • David

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    The comments of Maico made clear to us why you do not need further demonstrations: all you need is an agreement with a global company that can diffuse the Ecat in the whole world. All the rest would be a loss of time. I am glad to read in your recent comment that you are closing such kind of agreement.

  • Tobias

    Don’t know if you can answer this, maybe vaguely, but what are you guys working on currently?
    I read certification of automobile industry, anything else? Or mostly waiting until orderbook is full?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Could be, but must be tested,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Neri Accornero:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Camillo

    In una discussione un socio ha scritto:
    Mi chiedo: test in vari occasioni ne sono spuntati tanti e in tutti il risultato è stato più che soddisfacente. Se tutto questo è vero perchè ancora non è ancora commercializzato?

    La mia risposta è stata questa:
    Dal 2009 è stato un susseguirsi di annunci andati poi a vuoto. In realtà Rossi ha un prodotto commerciabile SOLO ora, certo ha solo 10 Watt ma cumulabili!…………………….. L’entrata in commercio è una faccenda DELICATA!!! Da una parte c’è un bisogno impellente di fermare il progressivo deterioramento dell’atmosfera e quindi BEN VENGA, dall’altra parte le grosse MULTINAZIONALI delle automobili hanno investito miliardi nelle nuove batterie per auto… questa scoperta neutralizza i soldi investiti… NON è facile che le ditte di auto accettino senza CONTRASTARE. Faranno di tutto per rallentare, ma non potranno bloccare perchè anche loro hanno figli e capiscono che devono vivere in un mondo accettabile, quindi RALLENTERANNO!!! Per le auto ci vorranno tempi lunghi … diverso è , a mio parere, il fotovoltaico, sarà la prima applicazione ad essere generalizzata senza grosse opposizioni. Se ci pensate il pannello solare raddoppia il rendimento, il rendimento passa dal 25% al 50% INCREDIBILE! Osservazione personale: la maggior parte dei lettori forse penseranno che Rossi stia cercando solo il “grande guadagno..” . Mmmm… Rossi ha passato i 70 è poco più giovane di me e conosco quella mentalità, verso la fine della vita il GUADAGNO perde importanza….. A mio giudizio la meta VERA è “IL LASCIARE UN’IMPRONTA UTILITARISTICA ALLA SOCIETA’ ”

    I think that the reason of the cautious approach to the market of Andrea Rossi is generated by the worry of the resistance to changement his technology will have to sustain

  • Dear Andrea
    Maico’s letter on the blog is really important and I think you should absolutely include it as it is on your site on the home page where you describe the experiment in Latina. The informations and all image and video references are very important for anyone accessing the site. It will help you a lot in increasing bookings.

  • Maico

    @Tom Kaminski, @Italo R. and the others

    Thank you very much for the appreciation 😉

    on September 6, 2024, I think I did “only” what any of us, with a minimum of technical and practical skills, who have been following Dr. Rossi for years, would have wanted to do having a 3kW E-Cat at our disposal

    as anticipated, everything I did I did with the intention of verifying the “real” performance of the E-Cat. I had not warned Dr. Rossi of my intentions, the risk that I would not be authorized to perform these additional tests was high especially if some of the tests listed were considered by Dr. Rossi, who knows the characteristics of the E-Cat in detail, “not appropriate”.

    But it was not like that, after having meticulously verified the functioning of the E-Cat EV (Go to proceed the next day on the Bench to Rollers), I explained to Dr. Rossi, in detail the “test protocol” that I wanted to do and using what (I had already rented the BEV car and had left it parked near my house), he thought about it for a few minutes, asked me some other details and immediately gave me his consent 🙂

    I am sure that if he had only had the slightest doubt that something could go wrong, he would not have given me the authorization …. but he was clearly “convinced” of the capabilities of his E-Cat and therefore immediately gave his consent to the “test protocol” that I had in mind.

    We had little time and therefore necessarily the individual tests could not have lasted too long.

    I had prepared everything so that there was no downtime for setting up the bench.

    What I made had the same type of connection as the E-Cat, that is, a 120a Anderson connector, and therefore the transition from one test to another would have been very quick, and in fact it was, in less than 3 hours we were able to perform everything I described in my “post” yesterday.

    The Latina demonstration at the “il Sagittario” racetrack was an event that will remain in history for what it was able to demonstrate, but that 6-7 September, they were no less, indeed they “extracted from the E-Cat” much, much more energy than that used in Latina.

    After the tests on September 6-7, I was certain, following the tests done (Dr. Rossi never had the slightest doubt), that the Twizy could have “run” in the “il Sagitario” racetrack for more than 10 hours, covering no less than 340 km (Dr. Rossi knew that he could have covered 5,000 km without ever stopping), but there would not have been time to do a demonstration of this kind since the circuit did not have a lighting system for night driving.

    This experience catapulted me into a new world, 25kwh of energy absolutely cannot fit in the E-Cat EV BOX unless there is an E-CAT inside that is able to drive, after my tests, both resistive and inductive loads, such as recharging an electric vehicle.

    I’m sure, but until 1 year ago I wouldn’t have said it, that even if the Twizy had traveled 350 km on the Latina circuit without ever stopping there would have been someone who would have said that there was a trick….

    I understand Dr. Rossi when he says that the most effective demonstration of the fact that the E-Cat is real will come from Customers when they can directly verify its characteristics, capabilities and performance.


    Ciao Maico

  • Massimo

    Caro Andrea,
    chiarisco meglio la mia domanda. Un inverter come questo, del quale allego il sito, può essere collegato a pannelli solari, elettrodomestici e batterie d’accumulo.


    Posso collegare un tuo e-cat di pari potenza al posto del pannello solare a questo sistema?

    Can I connect to this inverter an ecat with the same power of a solar panel?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Silvio Scicluna:
    The kind of inverters depend on the specific situations, as well as the necessity or not of the inverters.
    Warm Regards,

  • Silvio Scicluna

    Dear Dr.Rossi.
    With the additional tests done by Maico, the e-cat can be used for multiple uses. It seems though that there is always an additional controller or inverter needed. Can you list the scenarios tested so far, and the name of the interface between the e-cat and the running device.
    Warm regards.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Michael S.:
    These issues will have to be confronted with Clients specifically interested to mobility applications; so far I am not able to answer; in the meantime we are confronting the certification issues, that are much different from those of stationary applications, that the Ecat already has been granted of.
    Warm Regards,

  • Michael S

    Dear Doctor Rossi,

    Congratulations for the Latina-test !

    What are the probable scenarios for you in terms of use of Ecat energy by cars ?

    a) Ecat powered car : necessitates 20kwh NGU (consumption +-20kwh/100 km); investment of 50.000 Usd

    – For City driving (60 km/day average ie consumption of 10kh): Standard battery Electric car charged by Mobile
    +-2Kwh NGU unit’s during nighttime. Charge time is +- 8 hours for 100 km (city driving). Investment 5000 Usd. Use
    NGU units during daytime for heating/sanitary water heating & general electric consumption in the house (appliances like washing machines, dryer, oven etc).
    – For Highway driving :
    Standard battery Electric car charged by +-2Kwh NGU unit during night time (10 hours & 100 km autonomy) +
    Rest of charge is taken up at fast charging stations which could be powered by Ecat NGU which will have a high level of use and could also switch to hydrogen production when not needed for fast charging.

    C) Your probable scenario short and long term ?

    All the best to you and your team.

    Michael S.

  • Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    Today the paper
    reached 151000 total readings, more than all the millions of publications on Researchgate,
    and counting…

  • Andrea Rossi

    Manuel Cilia:
    I agree,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Thank you for your insight and support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Daniel G.Zavela:
    The use of the safe anti-explosion is useless for non automotive applications; the Ecat has been certified es it is,
    Warm Regards,

  • Daniel G. Zavela

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    The use of an explosion-proof box for the E-Cat NGU unit can be useful for convincing condo HOAs to approve the E-Cat for home use.

    With enough orders for a 3kw E-Cat assemblies in a watertight, explosion-proof box, could the price become reasonable? Otherwise, please give the manufacturer of the box used in your Latina Test and price?

    Thank you for your attention to my product question.
    Best of luck with your pilot manufacturing plant.

    Best Regards,

    Daniel G. Zavela

  • Italo R.

    Dr. Rossi,
    From what has been written I have this idea which however can only be my conjecture:
    The output of the E-cat is a unidirectional voltage, therefore continuous.
    Not like that coming from a battery, but rather like a train of unidirectional energy pulses with its own waveform and frequency. As such it will have an average value given by the integral over time.
    This type of energy can obviously be exploited taking care to condition it and make it as similar as possible to that generated by a battery. For example, the classic L-C filter comes to mind.

    In the future we will be able to see how much I “got it right”!

    P.S. I really appreciated the last message from Eng. Marzocchi. He is a technician of exceptional value who, I believe, will have a very important future in this energy sector.

    Kind Regards,
    Italo R.

  • Tom Kaminski


    You are a truly talented Engineer! Thanks for providing the information on the additional tests you performed.

  • Mats Heijkenskjold


    Very interesting input, indeed very good!

    Just to be sure: You have “added” some kind of inverter to the Ecat to be able to get AC for the E-Cat WallBox?

    Best regards,
    Mats Heijkenskjold

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your trust.
    All our Team is strongly indebted with your intellectual honesty,
    Warm Regards,

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