United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,104 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Jenny

    Dr Rossi,
    Can you tell us which is the more requested Ecat application you received by the pre-orders so far ?

  • Duke

    Dr Rossi,
    Are you in the process to allow your Partner to manufacture the Ecats independently from you ?
    Wish you a successful 2025,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Bobik:
    Please send this request to
    Warm Regards,

  • Urs Z.

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    When converting the pre-order to a firm order, will you be able to say what the final price will be, i.e. the amount with the customs duty and the VAT applicable in the destination country?
    Best regards
    Urs Z.

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    The datasheet for NGU devices states “Stationary use – Horizontal mounting (0 degrees) with max +/- 45 degrees.”

    Obviously refers to the On state as the unit must be in the Off state when it is shipped, which may result in any orientation.

    It likely refers to a lateral sensitivity of 0.7 gravities. Or, it means the primary axis requires a minimum of 0.7 gravities to function.

    Conceptually, the NGU should work on Venus.

    It might work on the Moon, Europa, Mercury, Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, and Mars. It might also work on orbiting satellites.


  • Robert Bobik

    Dear Dr.Rossi,
    my first order was 100 Lamps
    with my Email
    The Lamps were cancelled,
    so I ordered Ecats and changed the order some times.
    Now my mailadress is not avalalibel (erreichbar),
    so I use now
    I asked Your order-crew to send my old orders to my new mailadress, but got no answer for months.
    Please ask Your Order-Stuff to send the order-history to my new adress

  • Ron Stringer

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    Here we find ourselves in the year 2025. I watched a new year’s eve celebration, broadcast live on the internet, featuring thousand of brightly lit drones, each individually controlled by computer, creating animated 3-d scenes in the sky. And a man has announced that his company will soon produce electricity drawn from the quantum vacuum.
    At a time when the world as we have known it must change to survive, the change becomes not merely possible but inevitable. Miraculous times.
    When I was a child (and dinosaurs roamed the earth) I read a lot of science fiction, and wondered what the world would be like “in the future”. Here we are.
    I find myself thinking deeply about the deeply disruptive times to come. How will your marvellous invention be taken up in the world? It is possible to imagine a logical progression, where first the e-cat takes over electricity production at larger scales, neighborhoods or towns (1 MW is a handy size), and being coupled with existing renewable sources to increase and regularize their production, then moving to single dwellings, then to individual larger appliances (refigerators, ovens, cooktops), then smaller appliances, then lightbulbs, then so on and so on.
    I am pretty sure it will be anything but orderly, however. I wonder what the future will look like this time?
    All the best.
    Ron Stringer

  • Andrea Rossi

    What you write is reasonable too.
    I think the two strategies are not alernative,
    Warm Regards

  • Svein

    Dear Andrea
    Your interview with Frank Aukland was interesting.
    The development elements that Axil promotes are necessary in the long term.
    The most important thing now, that I see, is that the ingenious solution with a standard 10 Watt E-Cat unit is first produced in billions with excellent quality.
    Then millions of skilled engineers and business people will eventually exploit this for the good of humanity.

    The only thing that seems urgent is that many simple and reliable aggregates are produced that can be used by millions of war victims who today are without energy for the most essential.
    The fact that attackers primarily seek to destroy the most important infrastructures also shows the purely military significance of these.
    Here, all the E-Cat’s incredible and positive properties will be clearly highlighted.
    The necessary constructive and basic design seems to already exist.

    The rest of us will have to wait to replace our functioning energy systems with E-Cat until later.
    It should be easy to get many rich donor countries to donate the necessary aggregates to those who need them most. The need is actually overripe and willingness to pay can hardly be a problem.
    Are there ideas or thoughts about this among JNP’s readers?
    A disadvantage of such a measure is that this will create significant time pressure on product deliveries.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you !
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Thank you for reporting the sentence of Axil; his opinion counts.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Martin Aubrey:
    Thank you for your kind support.
    Happy New Year to you and your family,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Calle H:
    Yes, it is interesting, merits to be studied,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I agree,
    Warm Regards,

  • Gianluca

    kind AR
    I take this opportunity to publicly thank Frank Ackland for the work done in recent years. This has allowed us to always stay updated on your technical progress and also on your health. two very important aspects. I think that what you said in the interview you gave to EcatWorld is the best hope for 2025. In Altiora Semper

  • Calle H

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    In addition to the post by axil on December 31 and your reply to axil, may I point out the application for the numerous private homes that already have roof mounted PV arrays and inverters with grid connections. In this application the E-Cat with plug-in connectors (MC4 is standard) to the inverter has the merit of providing “24/7 sunshine” while the designing, engineering, paper work and investment at these homes is already taken. 24/7 sunshine power is about equivalent to 5 times PV power.

    Not to forget the advantage of fast deployment of the E-Cat technology as the home owner will plug-in the E-Cat by himself.

    Thank you if you will comment.

    Kind regards,

    Calle H

  • Martyn Aubrey

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    I wish you a very Happy New Year from myself and my wife.

    We hope that you will have a great success in your joint venture with your new manufacturing partner.

    Thank you for all of your hard work in inventing the Ecat and creating the beginning of a new technological era starting in 2025.

    Festive regards,
    Martyn Aubrey

  • Italo R.

    Dr. Rossi,
    AXIL has written the following sentence on e-catworld which I fully agree with:

    “The NGU is not just a playtoy for a few hobbyists, it is a civilization changing miracle that has been gifted to mankind by providence in our hour of greatest need. As an instrument of providence, I wanted Rossi to know that he must not relax but gird himself for the next great effort ahead and that his work is just at a new beginning.”

    Kind Regards,

    Italo R.

  • Rudolf

    Dr Rossi,
    The last interview made with Frank Acland has shown your sincerity and candor; very appreciated.
    Every minute of it has a strong intensity, while Frank Acland has been able to put a series of key questions. Probably the best interview you ever released.
    Thank you,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I am not able to answer,
    Happy New Year !

  • Andrea Rossi

    Giuseppe Censorio:
    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Giuseppe Censorio

    Dear Andrea,
    happy new year to you, your family and all the readers, in your last interview you said that you feel fulfilled and your satisfaction shines through. for us it is a clear sign that finally things have settled down and that there is no going back. simply: thank you, to you and to your team!
    Regards Giuseppe

  • Stefano

    Dear Andrea,
    Congratulations for the achievements (it is a good start, not the final goal) and happy new year.
    According to your feeling, more or less, when you will be able to disclose the name of the company ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Calle H:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight and I wish you too a
    Happy New Year !

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels,
    Thank you for the information, suggestions and insights you wrote in your last three comments,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ron Stringer:
    Thank you for your support; surely this blog will continue to host your comments: for me and for you all it is an important source of information, suggestions, opinions.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Prof. Neri Accornero:
    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your support,
    I wish you too
    Happy New Year !

  • Andrea Rossi

    You made an intelligent list of all the lines of development that we have to march through. With the help of God we think to do all, obviously not all together and at once and surely with the help of the collaborations that we will need along this march.
    We are making all the plans, acknowledging that normally all the plans turn out to be at least partially modified while the march goes on.
    Warm Regards,
    Your comment is the # 69000 of this blog

  • axil

    Now that there is a major player in the LENR marketplace, will that player be a one stop provider of LENR equipment?

    Will this company also sell qualified and compatible inverters and other grid compatible equipment that they build themselves, or will they OEM this equipment after qualification?

    Will this player seek to qualify their equipment against the various major grid providers that operate to supply power to major cities around the world: London, New York, Munic, Beijing, Chicago, and so on?


    Will this player seek to standardize energy delivery around the world to maximize the utility of the NGU reactor and the ease of installation of the NGU worldwide?

    Will this player retrofit existing power production to use gigawatt level LENR power such as at retiring nuclear reactors, and old coal fired power stations?

    Will this NGU provider seek to electrify transportation by installing self charging units into the various EV products?

    Will this provider develop village level standalone power systems to support heat and electrical production in places where such service does not now exist?

    Who will develop the plan to move the world into the new NGU age?

  • Brokeeper

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for your vision and dedication to humanity!
    Happy New World and Year!

    With much respect,

  • Excellent news Andrea, the confirmation of your agreement for the construction and distribution of the ECAT will make the year 2025 and your name the most important in human history !

  • Ron Stringer

    Dr. Rossi,
    I just watched your interview with Frank Acland – you look so relaxed and happy! It must have been a huge relief to make this new partnership. Now you get to work on improving and developing your invention and don’t have to worry about running the business.
    I’m very happy for you. And very happy to know that we have reached this point, where your marvellous creation can now get out into the world, that needs it so much.
    I hope you can maintain contact with us all through this blog, the story has reached an inflection point, but it is far from over!
    All the best.
    Ron Stringer

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    What happens when all electric power generation is done by eCat NGU technology?

    “According to available data, the annual global carbon footprint of all electrical power generation is approximately 34 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2), with the average electricity generation producing around 461 kg CO2e per Megawatt Hour (MWh). This figure can vary significantly depending on the mix of energy sources used in different regions, with countries relying heavily on fossil fuels like coal having a much higher carbon footprint per kWh compared to those with a larger share of renewable energy”

  • Buon Anno.
    Ho appena acoltato dalla tua viva voce le ultime notizie sulla evoluzione industriale
    della tua scoperta e delle tue ricerche.
    Abbiamo atteso a lungo questa svolta.
    Questo è il tuo momento del successo.
    Auguro a te tutto il bene possibile.
    Grazie per quanto hai fatto.
    I just listened today on X from your live voice the last news about the evolution of your activity in the interview you made yesterday with Frank Acland.
    This is a long waited for evolution and a great success.
    I wish you any possible good.
    Thank you and your team for what you have done.

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for taking the time for an interview today. You can see the result here: https://youtu.be/gz6hEvsrq3A?si=Xkd14TZBki7KjtFz

    Happy New Year, hope it is a great one for you, your family, and team!

    Best wishes,


  • Svein

    Dear Andrea and readers of the Journal of Nuclear Physics.
    An exciting year is now ahead of us.
    One of the major advantages that E-Cat offers is the ability to have electrical energy delivered when and where it is needed without fixed daily or annual maintenance costs.
    The units do not last forever, nor does any other similar equipment. The regular maintenance of other equipment that produces and transports electricity is expensive as it is exposed to mechanical, temperature-related and weather-related loads.
    In the long term, the saved costs by avoiding CO2 emissions will also be of enormous importance. Eventually, numerically, this will come into focus more than the acquisition costs. I wish you all a happy new year!

  • Calle H

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    From the new thread on the E-Cat World today about the E-Cat Preorder Target “Has been reached”, it is mentioned that the priority of orders that have been placed will be honored. Thank you very much. Does this mean that we who placed pre-orders years ago can soon expect to be contacted to transfer our pre-orders into a firm order? Thank you if you can answer.

    Kind regards,

    Calle H

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Revisiting the Tesla Parked Onboard Charging System Proposal

    The specs have been published for the E-Cat NHU Power generators.

    Consider the use of an onboard charging system to accommodate Tesla owners who do not have access to a Tesla Wall Connector. For example, they reside in an apartment and park their Tesla on the street or a parking garage that does not accommodate EV chargers.

    Proposed System

    Use one E-Cat NGU 1kW Power Generator (12VDC output).
    Use the Mobile Connector with the NEMA 15 Amp, 115VAC cable (designed for 120VAC and up to 12 Amps).
    Modify the Tesla to parallel the charging port connector with a charging port connector located in the sub floor trunk (not visible to a passersby). Specialty shops can do this.
    Adjust the charging current on the Tesla Viewscreen to demand less than 8 Amps.
    Include a 1Kw (or less) 12VDC to 110VAC inverter. Power the Tesla Mobile Connector with the output from the inverter.

    When parked,
    1. Open the sub floor trunk
    2. Turn on the Power Generator.
    3. Verify on the Tesla Viewscreen that the Tesla is charging.
    4. Close the sub floor trunk and secure the vehicle.

    Upon returning to your parked Tesla, reverse the above procedure.


    The charging rate will give your Tesla about 1 to 3 miles of additional range per hour of charging.

    Assuming an 8 – 10 hours working day, you would add between 8 and 30 miles of range.

    Charge when parked at work and again when parked at your residence.

    Assuming 10 – 12 hours at your residence, you would add 10 to 36 miles of range.

    Weekends would add more depending on the Tesla driving/parking times.


    Assume $1,000 USD to modify the Tesla vehicle
    Inverter is less than $500 USD.
    E-Cat NGU 1kW Power generate is assumed to cost $2,500 USD.
    Total cost: $4,000 USD

    Savings in supercharger cost;

    Assume 100,000 miles vehicle miles * 0.25 kW-hrs per miles * 0.40 USD per kW-hr (supercharging rate) = $10,000.

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    When operating the NGU device, is it possible to get net thrust in one direction?


    Two parallel surfaces. A plasma is formed near one conducting surface. Casimir force drives the plasma toward the other stationary conducting surface. Energy is extracted. Plasma dissipates. And the process repeats.

    Counter argument

    Ion Thruster in an enclosed box
    Ions are formed and accelerated by an electric field and crash into the enclosed box. No net thrust.


    The electric field of the Thruster “feels” the momentum change of accelerating the ions and is the same but opposite change in momentum when the accelerated ions crash into the enclosing box. No net thrust.

    In the case of an NGU thruster, the acceleration is caused by the Casimir effect so “space” feels the change in momentum. So, it is possible that a net thrust is produced.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers of the Journal of Nuclear Physics:
    The Great Team of the Ecat wishes you and your families a New Year that brings you the realization of your most important dreams !
    Andrea Rossi

  • Andrea Rossi

    Paul Dodgshun:
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • paul dodgshun

    The Times of London printed a front page article in the 28 December edition that was entitled ‘Grants and cheap loans to install solar panels’.
    I view this is a major mistake when compared to purchasing SKLeps. Rachel Reeves, the Chancellor has cut the budget from £28 Billion a year to £15 Billion amid fears it was unaffordable.

    ‘The government’s plan, published this month set a target to increase solar generation from its current capacity of about 16GW of installed power to between 45-47GW by the end of the decade.’. 30GW in six years gives 5GW per year.

    What the government really needs is a SKLep mass production factory producing 5GW per year. 5GW costs £9 Billion at the current discounted price and the total order costs £54 billion. £9 Billion is £6 Billion below Rachel’s budget figure.

    It has to worth a phone call to try and dig the government out of its hole.

  • Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    Today the paper
    reached the record of 153000 Total Readinds, more than all the millions of publications on Researchgate,
    and counting…

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the links to the paper I shared with Prof. Cook and to the important lesson of him.
    Warm Regards,

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