United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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42,813 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Brant Joyce

    Dr Rossi,
    You said that coherence of electrons is fundamental for the generation of Zero Point Energy.
    Can you explain better ?
    Happy New Year,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Daniel G. Zavela,
    I think this should be very likely, but this is a decision that depends on the Partner.
    Warm Regards,

  • Daniel G. Zavela

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    How likely is it that your Partner will offer the E-Cat NGU on Amazon after production starts?

    Looking forward to my orders being filled.

    Best Regards,

    Daniel G. Zavela

  • Ambrogio

    Dr Rossi,
    How would you define the increase of pre-orders after the Latina test ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    The reference 17 is surely the primary source,
    Warm Regards,

  • Wendy

    Which is the most important reference among the ones cited in
    to understand the preconditions to obtain the Zero Point Energy ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Here is a link to the ‘rehearsal’ interview we did. The audio and video was so bad, I just decided to publish the text.


    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  • Klas

    Claudio Varotto:

    Thanks for sharing your experience.

    Here is an interesting report on the same subject:


  • Andrea Rossi

    Claudio Varotto:
    Thank you for the correction,
    Warm Regards,

  • Claudio Varotto

    Buonasera Dr. Rossi, devo fare una integrazione al mio precedente post in quanto come dicevo sarebbe necessario un disegno a chiarimento.
    L’integrazione a rettifica consiste in questo:
    L’uscita dal generatore NGU in tensione continua a 12 volt deve essere collegata ad un inverter ( ho utilizzato questo – https://www.amazon.it/GIANDEL-Inverter-sinusoidale-Convertitore-telecomandoler/dp/B07VDDQXF3/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=I0S6K634NLH0&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ODeuXwukWZqrZ88guq0DuT8W1YeLwpb5tQINoTAsbwvcCDMxSKV7QbxOZgTr6Dphv-NIVNZ_n4d_DMnq4PAIgZ4b8ibIUPN8lG7I1zzB9FpQMN3GdfjY7HtIyyirfk1IZXFG1qKzACMOG3_2vB7PkKQb_jk6EBMP2rMZ-UFVFVcc8ArCe276fKlmuZjYsUUn1mkn_q4xYB90aKqSsK0mBIliOXXdB5oQ3uBbg7TAb83797gpC82zZaDjr-hzXWBLmAgHp9UaZ3tCf0VpV-sBnTzBZQ1BgOWIZLaXlx4wA0Q.xsOiNBEQpZRKqCc92-SHNJ90_6qA3OppSGhPJjRRPFc&dib_tag=se&keywords=inverter%2Bgiandel%2B3000w&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1736016569&sprefix=inverter%2Bgiandel%2B3000%2Caps%2C104&sr=8-2-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.9d4f9b77-768c-4a4e-94ad-33674c20ab35&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1 ) la cui uscita a 220 volt in alternata alimenterà l’alimentatore già descritto nel precedente post.
    In pratica la rettifica al post precedente consiste nell’interporre tra il generatore NGU e l’alimentatore a tensione e corrente variabili l’inverter descritto.
    Mi scuso per l’errore e porgo cordiali saluti.

    Good evening Dr. Rossi, I have to add to my previous post because, as I said, a clarification drawing would be necessary.
    Rectification integration consists of this:
    The output from the 12 volt direct voltage NGU generator must be connected to an inverter (I used this – https://www.amazon.it/GIANDEL-Inverter-sinusoidale-Convertitore-telecomandoler/dp/B07VDDQX F3/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=I0S6K634NLH0&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ODeuXwukWZqrZ88guq0DuT8W1YeLwpb5tQINo TAsbwvcCDMxSKV7QbxOZgTr6Dphv-NIVNZ_n4d_DMnq4PAIgZ4b8ibIUPN8lG7I1zzB9FpQMN3GdfjY7HtIyyirfk1 IZXFG1qKzACMOG3_2vB7PkKQb_jk6EBMP2rMZ-UFVFVcc8ArCe276fKlmuZjYsUUn1mkn_q4xYB90aKqSsK0mBIliOX XdB5oQ3uBbg7TAb83797gpC82zZaDjr-hz pZRKqCc92-SHNJ90_6qA3OppSGhPJjRRPFc&dib_tag=se&keywords=inverter%2Bgiandel%2B3000w&nsdOptOu tParam=true&qid=1736016569&sprefix=inverter%2Bgiandel%2B3000%2Caps%2C104&sr=8-2-spons&ufe= app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.9d4f9b77-768c-4a4e-94ad-33674c20ab35&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1 ) whose 220 volt alternating output will power the power supply already described in the previous post.
    In practice, the correction to the previous post consists in placing the described inverter between the NGU generator and the variable voltage and current power supply.
    I apologize for the error and send my best regards.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Claudio Varotto:
    Thank you for your test, it is interesting.
    About the authorizations with the grid managed by national entities, this is an issue that must be resolved in collaboration with the grid management: certainly there will be authorization bumps to go through. I suggest to be assisted by local certified contractors expert of the field, with experience of dealing with the local grid management,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Drew Glista:
    Warm Regards,

  • Drew Glista

    Dr. Rossi:

    After the successful Latino EV test, were you contacted by any of the major auto manufacturers? An amazing test and I’m eagerly awaiting delivery of an E-cat NGU after a 13 year wait. Continued good health in the years ahead.

    Drew G

  • Claudio Varotto

    Buonasera Dr. Rossi, come forse ricorderà non è la prima volta che mi rivolgo a Lei per presentare i miei pensieri e valutazioni. Noto che in diverse circostanze frequentatori del JNP ipotizzano l’utilizzo dei suoi NGU in concomitanza di sistemi fotovoltaici per produrre energia elettrica 24/7 qualcuno immaginando schemi alquanto insoliti nella ricerca di evitare il blocco dei gruppi di generatori per sovraccarico. Diverso tempo fa ho cercato di studiare uno schema che risolvesse il problema e ho realizzato una configurazione che lo risolve egregiamente e che proverò a descrivere anche se, a parole, senza un disegno risulta abbastanza difficile.
    Desidero premettere che lo schema è già realizzato e funzionante , e attende solamente i moduli NGU dal momento che questi sono attualmente sostituiti da un generatore elettrico ordinario.
    Immaginiamo di sostituire l’attuale generatore con i moduli NGU; un numero X di NGU TUTTI COLLEGATI IN PARALLELO per produrre una tensione di 12 Volt ( il motivo della configurazione in parallelo sta nella necessità che se un modulo va in avaria, diversamente dalla configurazione in serie non modifichi la tensione in uscita e il tutto continui a funzionare anche se a potenza ridotta di misura ). All’uscita del generatore così configurato si applica ( e ripeto, ho già testato il tutto ) un alimentatore regolabile in tensione e corrente ( ho già acquistato questo alimentatore da 4 Kw. https://it.aliexpress.com/item/1005001652418721.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.57.66753696jzY4R0&gatewayAdapt=glo2ita ) con il quale, spaziando fino ad una tensione in uscita di 220 volt in continua si può, limitando la corrente erogata evitare il blocco da sovraccarico dei moduli NGU . Con l’uscita di questo alimentatore opportunamente quindi gestita, si può entrare in un regolatore di carica per caricare una batteria, oppure in un inverter ibrido in sostituzione dei pannelli fotovoltaici quando questi non producono energia ( attenzione: non contemporaneamente ma in sostituzione, per esempio dalla sera al mattino successivo ).
    Lo schema che ho esposto è semplice e funzionale e può essere realizzato da qualsiasi persona abbia un pò di dimestichezza con i dispositivi elettrici e, ripeto ancora una volta FUNZIONA!!! però a questo punto sorge un problema, un problema che, secondo me è molto cruciale: Se una persona che abbia realizzato un sistema fotovoltaico ON GRID, un sistema quindi che immette energia elettrica nella rete nazionale, come dovrà porsi nei confronti del gestore elettrico nazionale dal momento che potrà immettere energia elettrica anche nelle ore notturne e quindi H24 ?. Le chiedo questo caro Andrea perchè purtroppo sappiamo tutti che è fantastico immaginare di contribuire personalmente al benessere del proprio Paese e dell’ambiente ma dobbiamo fare i conti con una realtà in cui ciò che sembra ed è effettivamente utile a tutti si scontra con interessi che vanno quasi sempre nella direzione opposta.
    Le chiedo quindi se tra tutte le incombenze di cui si è fatto carico negli anni ma soprattutto nel futuro ha anche in previsione di affrontare la questione che le ho esposto che ritengo essere tutt’altro che semplice da realizzare.
    I miei più sinceri complimenti per il lavoro svolto e auguro a Lei al suo team ed alla sua famiglia un GRANDE 2025.
    Claudio Varotto

    Good evening Dr. Rossi, as you may remember, this is not the first time that I have turned to you to present my thoughts and assessments. I note that in various circumstances, frequenters of the JNP hypothesize the use of its NGUs in conjunction with photovoltaic systems to produce electricity 24/7, some imagining rather unusual schemes in the search to avoid blocking groups of generators due to overload. Some time ago I tried to study a scheme that would solve the problem and I created a configuration that solves it very well and which I will try to describe even if, in words, without a drawing it is quite difficult.
    I would like to point out that the scheme is already created and functioning, and is only waiting for the NGU modules since these are currently replaced by an ordinary electric generator.
    Let us imagine replacing the current generator with X number of NGU modules ALL CONNECTED IN PARALLEL to produce a voltage of 12 Volts (the reason for the parallel configuration lies in the need that if a module fails, unlike the series configuration, it does not have to modify the output voltage and everything continues to function even if at reduced power). At the output of the generator configured in this way is applied (and I repeat, I have already tested everything) a power supply that is adjustable in voltage and current (I have already purchased this 4 Kw power supply. ( https://it.aliexpress.com/item/1005001652418721.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.57.66753696jzY4R0&gatewayAdapt=glo2ita ) with which, ranging up to an output voltage of 220 volts continuously, it is possible, limiting the current supplied avoid overload blocking of the NGU modules. With the output of this power supply appropriately managed, it is possible to enter a charge regulator to charge a battery, or a hybrid inverter to replace the photovoltaic panels when these do not produce energy (attention: not at the same time but as a replacement, for example from evening to the next morning).
    The diagram I have shown is simple and functional and can be created by any person who is somewhat familiar with electrical devices and, I repeat once again, IT WORKS!!! However, at this point a problem arises, a problem which, in my opinion, is very crucial: If a person who has created an ON GRID photovoltaic system, therefore a system which feeds electricity into the national grid, how should he behave towards the national electricity operator since it will be able to input electricity even at night and therefore 24 hours a day?. I ask you this dear Andrea because unfortunately we all know that it is fantastic to imagine personally contributing to the well-being of your country and the environment but we have to deal with a reality in which what seems and is actually useful to everyone clashes with interests that almost always in the opposite direction.
    I therefore ask you if, among all the tasks you have taken on over the years but above all in the future, you also plan to address the issue I have exposed to you which I believe is anything but simple to achieve.
    My most sincere congratulations for the work done and I wish you, your team and your family a GREAT 2025.
    Claudio Varotto

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Yes, it is possible. It will depend on the numbers.
    Warm Regards,

  • Italo R.

    Dr. Rossi,
    The current selling price of the NGU is $250 per 100 watts.
    This is a cost that can certainly be managed by organizations and individuals with spending power.

    However, my opinion is that this price is too high for widespread global distribution, especially for all the poor third world nations that could represent a large market with a huge order pool.

    I realize that the determination of the selling price is related to many factors: fixed costs, variable costs, profit, sales volume etc.

    But I am confident and hope that the current initial selling price will decrease significantly in the future as production processes are optimized and orders increase exponentially.

    Kind regards,
    Italo R.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your information and suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Simon

    it makes more sense to keep the applications separate. the ecat can also be used for the washing machine and tumble dryer and not just for the hot water boiler. Or you can take the ecat into the garden to use electricity for wood cutting, sawing, shredding, etc.
    Best regards

  • David - UK

    Dear Andrea, Mr Musk recently outlined his five-year plan (?) for a new electrical age, recently
    being within the past year or two. This man is a visionary, who achieves practical results in the everyday world. Perhaps like yourself. It still seems unlikely that you fully appreciate the incredible historic magnitude of what you have achieved, which should, and hopefully will, benefit humanity for centuries to come. Nowadys people are not fond of statues but in your own case they are mertited, everywhere in tge world.

  • Gavino Mamia

    there will no longer be a need for a boiler and a system with pipes and radiators.
    the E-Cat produces electricity, an electric stove in each room will be enough and if you want to have greater efficiency (and also cold air in the summer) you can install heat pumps

  • axil

    I believe that any current estimate of the number of NGUs to meet the need for electrical power will be low. These figures do not take into account the number of NGUs required to supply the amount of electrical power that will be required in the near future to handle the huge increases in the numbers of supercomputers of various types that will be fielded when unlimited electrical power is available for them. Currently, the installation of these computers are highly constrained by a lack of renewable electrical power.
    To mitigate this requirement for data processing, some way to integrate the NGU into the backplanes of these supercomputers so that all the wiring that would be needed to connect the NGU to these new thinking machines could be avoided.
    So the companies that make the new supercomputer chips would also consider onboard power either on the chips themselves or on the backplanes that support the clustering of these chips. This approach could mitigate the requirement to double the number of NGU chips needed to meet all the power requirements of the upcoming data centric AI based civilization.
    Exclusive look inside Nvidia’s AI supercomputer

  • Andrea Rossi

    I do not understand exactly your question: can you rephrase it ?
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Massimo

    Dear Andrea,
    you wrote that the most important request for e-cat is the heat production.
    Will a boiler model be presented that can replace my old methane boiler before the orders start?
    My old order contained the request for lamps and 100 W e-cats. I will adjust the order based on the proposal for a boiler if this is presented in time.
    Thank you and happy new year.

  • Pietro

    … non dimeticarti dell’Italia quando si deciderà dove ubicare l’unità produttiva per l’Europa. Grazie.

    …don’t forget Italy when deciding where to locate the production unit for Europe. Thank you

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I hope so,
    Warm Regards,

  • Stefano

    Dear Andrea,
    Are you confident that the ecat will be delivered within 2025?

  • Jitse

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    LarryG asked if there is already a “Partner Entity”, you confirmed that.

    Have you started other production locations,
    for example in Europe, or in other parts of the world?

    Kind regards Jitse

  • axil

    Considering the Ecat from a system engineering perspective, it is literally perfect for just about any use that today’s civilization may require of it.

    Competitive systems will lose the overunity power battle because of the following:

    Most competitive systems produce heat that must be converted to electrical power, but the Ecat produces electricity directly without the production of any heat.

    These competitors produce kilowatt levels of power and is not scalable, whereas the Ecat is scalable from 10 watts to gigawatts.

    The competitors require water cooling to enable steam based production of electricity, whereas the Ecat does not require any water cooling.

    The COP of the competitors are no higher than 3, whereas the Ecat COP is self-sustaining (COP is infinite).

    The Ecat is a chip which is both compact and convenient enough to directly provide dedicated power for most appliances internally. The Ecat can provide onboard dedicated internal power to robots since the Ecat has a huge power density and it is small enough to be ported inside any robot configuration

    The Ecat has so many advantages in the overunity power selection battle, all other competitors should give up now and suspend their R&D and go out of business, ASAP. It is hard to imageng a power source that is more versitile than the Ecat.

    The Ecat may have taken a long time to come to fruition but that time was well spent since the Ecat would be hard to surpass in versatility and applicability.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes to all the points,
    Warm Regards,

  • LarryG

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    Can you confirm that:
    1. The “Partner Entity” already has a manufacturing site.
    2. This building will be used to produce the first wave of ECATS.
    3. The first production will be made in large scale.
    4. This building will be expanded to a full 3.5 million sq ft of manufacturing space.
    5. We do not have to wait for the expansion to be complete to see the first production units shipped.
    Best for the new year!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mats Heijkenskjold:
    Thank you for your kind support.
    Both alternatives can be pre- ordered,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Maybe in future,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dag Midling Larsen:
    I am not able to answer now; could be in future, in the Partner Entity.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Very interesting, thank you for sending the links. The Summary sounds correct.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dag Midling Larsen

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Congratulations with the fantastic achievements in 2024, and best wishes for 2025.

    Will it be possible to buy shares in Leonardo Corporation and/or the partner entity at some point?

    Best Regards,

  • Paul

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    will it be possible to buy shares of the new partner company ?
    Regards, Paul

  • Mats Heijkenskjold

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you so much for the impressive interview!

    I have a question about the preorder: I intend to have 30pc 100W ecat either in series which should result in 360V, or if it is better 2 paralell 15 pc 100W 180V.
    Which alternative is the preferred according to your recommendation? Are both alternatives possible to order? Both will be capable of 3 kW.
    Best regards,

    Mats Heijkenskjold

  • Andrea Rossi

    Giuseppe Censorio:
    1- Yes
    2- The same, if the inflation will not expand over normal limits
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    To produce heat by resistive loads,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Urs Z.:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels,
    I confirm what is published in the data sheet,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ron Stringer:
    We have a precise strategy that will proceed in order,
    Warm Regards,

  • Giuseppe Censorio

    Dear Andrea,
    regarding the price of the single E-Cat:
    1- is it something you have discussed with the new partner?
    2- Will it be the same as you have already set or could it be subject to adjustments following new considerations?
    Regards, Giuseppe

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