United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,104 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Gavino Mamia

    Dr. Rossi
    I was thinking about the Twizy test and the difficulties of implementing a system that would recharge it while moving, difficulties then overcome by the brilliant Eng. Marzocchi.
    You said that, for now, it is not possible to implement the E-Cat in cars in production due to lack of certifications.
    I analyzed all the problems of my acquaintances, friends, relatives and colleagues, I saw that the car is mainly used to go to work and the maximum distance is about 1 hour (100 KM), those who live at distances greater than 100 KM from the workplace prefer to rent a house nearby and only travel on weekends, this for cost reasons and also because it is dangerous to travel so many Km after work, when you are tired.
    So, with the exception of those who work with the car, the use of this is limited to two hours a day.
    So why charge it while driving if it would be enough to charge it when the vehicle is stationary? It would be enough for the E-Cat module to be positioned inside the hood (we know that it takes up little space) and with a switch, inside the passenger compartment, charging could be activated when the car is parked at work or at home.
    The charging socket is almost always adjacent to the hood and it is not difficult to connect a cable from the E-Cat module.
    A 2 KW module, costing around 7,000 euros, would charge the car for 22 hours a day, that is, it would produce 44 KW, more than enough.
    22 hours a day for 365 days is 8,000 hours, so an E-Cat module would last over 12 years, much longer than the average life of a car with a combustion engine.
    It should also be said that a car with a combustion engine that travels 200 km per day is changed after 3-4 years, because it has exceeded 200-300,000 km (consuming at least 25,000 euros of fuel).
    According to this calculation, no one will buy a car with a combustion engine after the release of the E-Cat.
    Have a nice day to you and your wife, certainly a great woman

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I asked “Are there a set of voltages that may be specified when ordering an NGU unit?”
    And you responded to see the Data Sheet.

    For the Power Generators the Data Sheet says “per request”

    From a previous post you mentioned that unusual output voltages could be provided but at additional cost.

    So, if I asked for a 1kW NGU Power Generator (at no additional cost), would I receive:
    1. a 12 VDC output at approximately 83.33 Amps output?
    2. a 120 VDC output at approximately 8.33 Amps output?
    3. some other DC voltage(s)?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Redo your math using the Ohms equations.
    Actually the modules could be less that 104, but I considered a 10% in excess as it is proper, to prevent loss of power if any module fall .
    Your numbers are nonsense. Remember: W = A x V and if you sum up the voltage the W have to be summed up too, it is the amperage that remains constant !
    Normally I spam comments like this one of yours, not to expose Readers who write stupidities, but I decided to answer your comment because you insisted after I already answered you.
    Warm Regards,

  • diego

    egr mr Rossi
    if you have 10 x 10w ecat modules in series you have a total 120v 10w
    if you parallel 10 of those strings you have 10 x 10w 120v equal to a 100w 120v system
    this is what we have with 100 modules
    so how can have 150v 1kw with 104 modules as you stated ?

  • Clifford Robert Bradley

    Dr. Rossi,

    I was watching a YouTube video last night and they were talking about a 6 hour battery life or using an external power source via a USB port. It occurred to me that a 10 watt e-cat could power it and never worry about battery life or external power. Is it possible to build a 10 watt e-cat with a USB port?

  • Richard

    Prof. Rossi,

    As you may know, a large lithium battery facility in California overheated and caught fire, a fire that could not be extinguished by ordinary means and had to burn itself out, leaving heavy metal contamination of the surroundings. Is there any danger of such a fire with a large Ecat installation? Thanks.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your kind support,
    Warm Regards,

  • ner

    Dear Eng. Rossi, I recently saw The Count of Monte Cristo on Rai 1. Who knows why, but, despite all the due differences, I couldn’t help but think of your story taken from your biography http://www.ingandrearossi.com
    I wish you, as in the novel by Dumas, that all the injustices you have suffered may one day find justice on all your detractors. I sincerely hope that the countdown has begun. Best wishes.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jorn-Erik Ommang, Eng:
    Thank you for your suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Let God decide for that, and us do our job,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Please see the datasheet on http://www.ecat.com

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Ambrogio

    Dr Rossi,
    The paper
    has triggered a fluorishing of publications about the Zitterbewegung of electrons and replication of your experiment in paragraph 5 and 6 of the publication: how do you feel about that ?
    All the best,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    1. Are there a set of voltages that may be specified when ordering an NGU unit?
    2. If so, what are those voltages?

  • Anonymous

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    I am afraid that in this corrupted world your marvellous invention will be buried not to damage the corrupted energy market

  • Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I herby present a new design for the E-cat:

    «The Golden ZPE E-Cat – The New Art of Energy»

    I have designed some new E-Cat artwork You can evaluate:

    «The Golden E-Cat – The New Art of Energy»

    I feel that having the E-Cat design as a modern box, just like any modern electronic
    device or a plain Mac-Book Pro will not show the E-Cat as something really special, something quite different ….. something NEW and exciting ……

    The Golden E-Cat – The New Art of Energy !

    As I see it, the amazing E-Cat that You have created deserve a very special design, a design that everybody recognize as being different, something that tells You that this is an E-Cat no matter what size it comes in, always the same …

    The Golden E-Cat – The New Art of Energy !

    I enclose some of my design for

    «The Golden E-Cat – The New Art of Energy « and

    I hope You like them.

    All the Best,
    Jorn-Erik Ommang

    zpe ecat 21
    ECAT 4.jpg
    ECAT 5.jpg
    ECAT 7.jpg
    ECAT Art Nouveau.jpg
    ECAT Green Energy.jpg
    ECAT Zero Point Energy Art Nouveau .jpg
    ECAT ZPE 3
    ECAT ZPE 7
    ECAT ZPE 100-watt Device.jpg
    ECAT ZPE with solar cells.jpg
    ZPE ECAT 1.jpg
    ZPE ECAT 9
    ZPE ECAT 11
    ZPE ECAT 12
    ZPE ECAT 13
    ZPE ECAT 14
    ZPE ECAT 16
    ZPE ECAT 17
    ZPE ECAT 18
    ZPE ECAT 20

  • Andrea Rossi

    Larry G:
    1- not so far
    2- 12 V
    3- not so far
    3b- maybe
    Warm Regards,

  • LarryG

    Dear Dr. Rossi, wanted to see if some ECAT characteristics are still the same as earlier in the their development.

    1) can the 10W ECAT output voltage still be factory adjusted so that it can, for instance, give 2A at 5V DC or 1A at 10V DC?
    2) what is the maximum voltage the 10 W ECAT can be factory set at?
    3) can the current design of the 10W ECAT allow the consumer to change the voltage?
    3b) if not, is this on the table for possible future designs?
    Best Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Donald Chandler:
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mats Heijkenskjold:
    You are right, the Voltage will decrease and if the residual Voltage will not be sufficient to sustain the load the Ecat turns off. The sole solution I can see now is to have a spare module while the broken piece is repaired.
    Warm Regards,

  • Donald Chandler

    Maybe you would find this research interesting:

    Chasing sparks: Unraveling a 50-year-old X-ray mystery
    January 16, 2025
    A U.S. National Science Foundation-supported team recently solved an enduring physics enigma, revealing new information about how X-rays form during thunderstorms.

    Starting in the 1960s, scientists noticed a strange occurrence. When they performed laboratory experiments to replicate lightning and similar phenomena, they noticed that electrons accelerating between two electrodes were sometimes more energetic than expected. When researchers ran tests, they noted that the excess energy was released as sparks, which they recorded as bursts of X-rays.

    To solve this mystery, Victor Pasko, a professor at Penn State University, and his team used mathematical modeling to discover that during the lightning experiments, electrons interacted with the first electrode material, emitting X-rays made of photons. Some of these photons moved backward, releasing more electrons from the second electrode. This caused a repeating chain reaction; it became a feedback loop capable of producing more energetic electrons.

    “Our findings help explain the processes that can produce X-rays right before lighting strikes,” Pasko said. “These processes had mysteriously remained radio silent and optically dark.”

    New knowledge on X-rays also informs fields like pollution control and plasma-assisted combustion. “Our work could stimulate new research on the production of energetic electrons from solid materials, which would help researchers design innovative medical imaging devices that use X-rays,” Pasko said.

  • Mats Heijkenskjold

    Dear Andrea,
    Thanks for your answer!

    If the EMS shut down 1 eCat in one of the parallel units, then the voltages will be unbalanced.
    In my example one will have 150V and the other 150-12= 138V. Any comments? How will the eCats react?

    Thanks for your possible answer!

    Best regards,

    Mats Heijkenskjold

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    The Ecat is always the same,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    All is proceeding along schedule,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mats Heijkenskjold:
    We will have an EMS (Ecat Management System) that will exclude the broken one; the choice between series or parallel depends on which voltage vs which current you need,
    Warm Regards,

  • Mats Heijkenskjold

    Dear Andrea,

    If I have 2 parallel units existing of 15 x 100W ecats in series each. Both of them connected to the same inverter, to get AC voltage, and then one eCat fails, what will happen?
    Maybe it is not so good to have them in parallel, better all in series with doble voltage?

    Best regards,

    Mats Heijkenskjold

  • Italo R.

    Dr. Rossi,
    can you tell us in a very general way something about how the works on the new factory are proceeding?
    Best regards,
    Italo R.

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Are you also considering making a significantly cheaper version that can only be used to produce heat? The fact that a water or air heater needs to be connected to an external power source for a few watts doesn’t seem like a big problem to me.

    Or would a heat generator be almost as expensive to produce?

    Best regards,

  • Jane

    Dr Rossi
    I read your story in
    Quite inspiring for your resilience,
    Ad Majora,

  • Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    Here are the stats of your papers I found today on
    Total Readings 170000 (of which 155689 only for “Ecat SK and Long Range Particle Interactions”), more than all the millions of publications on Researchgate
    Research Interest Score Index 3222, more than all the publications on Researchgate
    Recommendations 12840, more than all the publications on Researchgate
    And counting…
    Best Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rodney Nicholson:
    1- yes
    2- about the EV applications, I already answered yesterday; the necessary advertising will be made when the deliveries will start,
    Warm Regards,

  • diego

    egr.mr. Rossi
    after your answer to Alexw’s question
    I ask you for some more information about 10w modules assembling.
    If I’m not wrong parallel assembling sums amperage and serial assembling sums voltage.
    So how many 10w modules you need to have a 150v 1kw system ?
    Thanks for replay

  • Dear Andrea:

    I have a question: Since the battery power required to start one, or a few, Ecats is quite modest (and they can be started in sequence if necessary: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 ….. – once you have started one you can use it to start the rest, as with aircraft) does it follow that the only battery an Ecat will need – at least for the purpose of motive power – will be orders of magnitude smaller than those currently required in EVs?

    We are all awaiting with unbridled enthusiasm the upcoming launch of the product. Yet, still, I have yet to see mention of the Ecat in the regular news media. Will we have to wait until some journalist notices that the people next door have a vehicle in the driveway that never seems to need fuel, before they will pay attention?


  • Andrea Rossi

    The applications to EV can be made only in collaboration with EV manufacturers, otherwise any application would severe automatically all the guarantees. The Ecat applied to the Renault Twizy in the racetrack of Latina was just a demonstration.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    Thank you for the suggestion: we hadn’t thought about the steals issue: thank you to portray it here,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    The Ecat assemblies can be customized to reach any voltage you need,
    Warm Regards,

  • Alexw

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    A question about the maximum voltage of an E-CAT unit. I have preordered a 1kW unit which according to the datasheet would have a 120V maximum output (12v 100W cells wired in series). I would like to integrate this with a home solar inverter which has a string startup voltage of 150V.
    Would it be possible to get a voltage in excess of 150V from a 1kW unit? Or would that require a booster circuit of some kind? I mention it because the 1OOW units seem to be just 10W cells combined, I assume in parallel connection. It seems that alternative wiring of the 10W cells could give a higher voltage?

  • Gavino Mamia

    Dr. Rossi
    Lately, many EVs have been stolen to steal the expensive batteries, an E-Cat hidden in the trunk, for charging during stops, would be very attractive to thieves.
    I thought that a Microchip for GPS localization, inserted in the integrated circuit of the E-Cat, would not have affected the final cost that much.
    Given the value of the E-Cat, it would certainly be very useful in all environments in which it will be used.
    Good work

  • Gavino Mamia

    Dr. Rossi
    Lately, many EVs have been stolen to steal the expensive batteries, an E-Cat hidden in the trunk, for charging during stops, would be very attractive to thieves.
    I thought that a Microchip for GPS localization, inserted in the integrated circuit of the E-Cat, would not have affected the final cost that much.
    Given the value of the E-Cat, it would certainly be very useful in all environments in which it will be used.

  • Paulo

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    when the deliveries of the Ecat will start, will also be delivered the Ecats to be applied to electric vehicles as we watched in the test at the racetrack of Latina ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Raffaele Bongo:
    1- yes, we are working on this issue
    2- same as in 1
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    1- The battery is rechargeable
    2- the battery can be substituted by another one while it is recharged; the consume is irrelevant; we are studying how to recharge it directly with the Ecat
    3- the Grid is not necessary
    Warm Regards,

  • Raffaele Bongo

    Hello Dr. Rossi
    For total energy autonomy and off-grid a house must be all-electric. In this scenario, my experience shows that the peak electricity consumption is ten times higher than the average consumption. To equip such a house you need an E-Cat 10 times more powerful which gives a cost price of 0.035 x 10 = $ 0.35 per Kwh excluding tax because the wear of the E-CAT depends on the operating time and not the energy required.
    A good misconception would be to install a buffer battery to reduce the necessary power of the generator, but battery storage is even more expensive ($0.40 per kWh).

    My questions
    1 – With your current knowledge, do you think it is possible to develop the E-Cat in the future so that its wear depends on its electrical production?

    2 – Do you think it is possible to create a generator that adapts to the power requested by only starting the number of units necessary in order to extend the life of the generator?

    All my support to you and your team
    Kind regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    The Partners agreed in harmony upon confirming to maintain the original payment system always applied by us for the pre-orders: no money down at the pre-order, payment in advance at the delivery. The money they cashed during these days have been refunded to the clients that sent them the pre-orders, the system to pay has been disactivated and within today the text of the website will be corrected, all this by spontaneous decision of our Partners,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    You responded Yes to the question
    “Will all E-Cats which are delivered have these options for the startup of the E-Cat

    a) A port where a rechargeable battery can be placed
    b) A grid connector”

    1. If the included battery is in a discharged state and the Grid power is applied for few seconds so that the NGU begins operation, must the Grid power then be removed?
    2. If the included battery is in a discharged state, will the included battery be recharged by:
    a. The energy generated by the NGU?
    b. The Grid power applied to the Grid connection?
    3. If the included battery is in a fully charged state, must Grid at the Grid connected be absent?

  • MarsForever

    Dear Andrea,
    I wanted to draw your attention to the fact that the pre-order conditions set in the QuantumEverSource web site differ from the conditions listed in the Ecatthenewfire website, primarily around prepayment, which is required at the pre-order time and not at delivery time. Also in that website, it is clearly indicated that pre-orders are not refundable within the initial 369 days set in the terms and conditions.
    Could you kindly clarify which terms should apply?
    Kind regards

  • Roberto

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Can we continue to send our pre-orders to http://www.ecatorders.com ?
    The websites of Quantumservice ask a pre-payment to secure the preorders, while Ecatorders.com does not request money before the deliveries are ready to be done.

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