United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,104 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • D

    Mr Rossi:
    How much probabilities we have that you present q QuarkX Cat in the market within 2016 ?

  • Latanya

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    You think the E-Cat will cost same, more or less than a traditional domestic or industrial device with the same production of energy ?

  • Bloomberg

    Dr Rossi:
    Is Leonardo Corporation thinking to make an IPO ?

  • Fred

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    I want you to know that a big crowd has taken your back. We are with you.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mike Henderson:
    My philosophy ir oriented to start from very small components ( QuarkX) and pile up them to any power limit.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    This information will be given in due time.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    On the contrary, our development will be faster.
    Warm Regards,

  • Mike Henderson

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    Currently there are two sizes for nuclear power plants, L (nuclear ships and submarines) or XXL (for grid power generation). What is your prediction for the mix of sizes of LENR power plants in ten years? Perhaps these categories make sense or perhaps you have your own categories.

    # of home / vehicle power sources (<25kw)
    # of small distributed power sources? (<100kw)
    # of light industrial power sources (<2MW)
    # of heavy industrial power sources (<20MW)
    # of light utility power sources (250 MW)

    Thank you,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I have been away from JONP for awhile, so forgive me if I ask questions already answered.

    Have the “fuel” contents of the 1MW reactor been isotopically and chemically analyzed? If so, results?

    Any indication of tritium generation? How about deuterium production? Isotopic shifts from natural distributions?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please find on
    the comments published today in other posts of this blog.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    You are talking of issues that are part of the litigation on course. I have order from my attorney not to talk about them until they have been discussed in Court.
    I can’t comment in positive or in negative what you say.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards,

  • Demetrius

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    Did your separation from IH slow down the expansion of your technology ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hank Mills:
    Thank you for your insight. I cannot comment in positive or in negative.
    Warm Regards,

  • Hank Mills

    Dear Andrea,

    Here is something that might make you laugh. It’s my attempt to sort out and place into a context various nuggets of information I’ve found regarding the conversion of the alpha phase of nickel hydride into the beta phase using temperature and pressure to trigger the generation of excess heat. I’m combining it with my thinking on how the lithium may function in the E-Cat (and how aluminum may get in the way) to share some thoughts that may or may not be useful to those seeking to replicate the E-Cat.

    I won’t ask for thoughts or suggestions, but any memorable remarks you want to make would be appreciated — positive or negative! For example, bah humbug, that’s balderdash, crikey, facepalm, or LOL would be just fine and appreciated.



    PS: The document is the result of a few more late nights of me scouring over several different papers, documents, and websites while having conversations with fellow researchers who have became friends during this saga. My brain felt like it was about to explode, so I had to put something on paper to “vent the hydrogen” so a meltdown wouldn’t happen in my head!

  • LookMoo

    Dear Mr Rossi,

    I will tell you a saga that you can learn from.

    Around 1975 in USA a group of school-drop-outs started a company.. their CEO was “Billy” something. Their business idea was to write operative system (OS) for PC. Their OS was junk (and still is). Their business was slow.

    But one the guys was smarter than the others…. He come up with the idea to make the software easy to pirate copy. By that a large numbers of private persons could install the OS on their home computers without paying anything.

    When companies started to computerize that OS was their natural choice,.. as their employees already had that OS on their home computers and therefore didn’t require any PC training.. This made the junk OS the “de facto” standard system for business.

    Within some few years the school-drop-outs company had knocked out the competition, the competition was bigger and have more money and most of all …better OS. Today their CEO is branching out to LENR.

  • Luther

    Dear Andrea:
    We all understood the dirt play of Industrial Heat, after reading the complaint made by your attorney John Annesser. They used you to collect 200 millions, then tried to get rid of you dwarfing your work, the same work that made them collect the 200 millions. Now they pretend to still have an IP, showing patents of your competitors that are worth nothing, to fool their investors. By the way, I saw in the internet that they paid these patents few hundred thousand dollars in cash, plus shares of a substantially empty box whose real worth without your license is zero, while the real money nobody has understood where is gone…I never saw a job more dirt than this, with Tom Darden playing the role of the gracious angel of the LENR who wants to help all the scientists , to hide the fact that he has made disappear all the money they collected from the investors and substituted it with worthless shares; by the way, I am curious to know who made the due diligence to estabilish the “fair value” of these shares… Please fight them, beat them and continue your hard, but fantastic work: I agree with the reader that wrote ” LENR without Andrea Rossi” are nothing “.
    You do not need their dirt money, you need your E-Cat in the market, that’s what you need.
    Godspeed, Andrea, we all will back you buying your fantastic E-Cat.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Valery Tarasov:
    Thank you for your support and sympathy !
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Andrea Rossi,
    I just would like to express my moral support to you, in your fight with injustice !
    Best wishes,
    Valeriy Tarasov

  • Andrea Rossi

    John C. Evans:
    I already have said all I can say at this point. There is nothing more I can add, pending the action in Court.
    Thank you for your kind wishes,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Fedir Mykhaylov:
    Thanks for your kind wishes: good luck also to you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Metz:
    Very, very kind. I will, thank you.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Nils Fryklund:
    The results are published in the report, that will be published as soon as my attorney will allow me to do that.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jan Farrugia:
    When we will have the product ( F8 ) you contact me.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jeff Smathers:
    Thank you for your sympathy,
    Warm Regards,

  • Jeff Smathers


    I’m so sorry this has happened to you too… I also lost a great sum of time and money by similar corporate ethics years ago…

  • Jan Farrugia

    Considering that the e-Cats will be on the market soon, targeted for this year (what an achievement) can you supply me with a contact name and email of the nearest authorised seller for the Maltese islands (EU and Eurozone country)?

    May God be with you and may you succeed and beat all your enemies, who are our enemies too.

    Thank you

  • Nils Fryklund

    Dear Andrea Rossi!
    What is your customers opinion about the 1MW-plant? The customer must have had access to 8.500.000 kwh during the test, and be satisfied just to have to pay 1/6 – 1/50 of the energybill?
    Something in Raleigh must have been very hot.
    Best regards
    Nils Fryklund

  • Peter Metz

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I sincerely hope you triumph in bringing your E-Cat technology to all of the world. While nobody can say what will happen here, I am most comforted that you will do and give everything that is possible to make it so. If there is anything anyone of us can do to help please just say the word.

    Peter Metz

  • fedir mykhaylov

    Hello, Mr. Rossi. Some numbers of test results 1 MW unit allow to hope for successful resolution of the problems with Industrial heat. Try to worry less .Watch out for his safety.Not repeat the fate of Rudolf Diesel.
    Wish you luck. Fedor.

  • John C Evans

    Dear Andrea

    Reviewing the contract online it seems pretty straight forward. Validate the product with a cop>4 and steam>=100c. Once validated they pay you and get the IP. Without payment you keep the IP.

    1.Do they not accept the ERV validation?
    2.Do they accept the validation but refuse to pay?
    3.Is the ecatx/quark included in the ip?
    4.If not, do they not want to accept validation and have to pay for a 1st generation tech when 2nd generation in near delivery?

    Once again I wish you successful and productive days.

    John C Evans

  • eernie1

    Dear Andrea,
    I think you now know why I have indicated to you my misgivings about dealing with a secondary distributer. There seems to be an unwritten rule among many of them to the effect of me first then the parent company,in my experiences.
    Careful regards.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Let’s put down at work, then!
    Thank you for your trust,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ioannis Xydous:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Greetings to everybody!
    This is my latest creative endeavour: http://www.ioannisxydous.net.gr/

    Ioannis Xydous

  • Giovanni

    I’ ll do my best to make you happy!
    Warm Regards,

    Not only me….! but also a few billions of humans ….!!!!

    Go ahead and win


  • Andrea Rossi

    I’ ll do my best to make you happy!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    Thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you, my fellow emigrant.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ian Walker:
    Thank you for your suggestions.
    Warm Regards,

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Dear Andrea,

    My personal experience is that if something bad happens, this may cause the beginning of something much better.

    You always stated that COP was 6. Not more.
    The “artificial COP” of INDUSTRIAL energy vs CONSUMER energy in Belgium is moreless 6.
    I Explain hereunder.
    I round the numbers to shorten the comment, and not to have to look it all up. Bookkeeping is not my cup of tea. But the spirit is correct.

    Industry pays a gross price of 30 € / MWh
    Consumers pay an all-in price of 200 € / MWh (moreless 6 times more)
    Solar panels and other renewables of the “2008-generation”, receive(d) 400 € / MWh subsidizing. That has ended now. That was necessary, E-Cat and LENR were not considered as viable by then.
    Our contry has a historical debt of moreless € because of this subsidizing mechanism.
    This debt has to be payd back by means of new taxes implied on Consumers, NOT on industry for reasons of competitiveness.
    Consumers can save on these taxes by isolating their homes, buy new heaters etc, etc.
    It is obvious that 200 – 30 is used for other things.
    This creates a whole new economic activity. GDP, if you like. Jobs.
    That is how was solved, for now, the energy problem.
    So there is no urgence now for your multi-MW, industrial E-Cat.

    So if I do some math:
    For the industry:
    30 €/MWh * 24h * 365d = 262800 € per MWyear.
    It will take 4 years to payback the investment if COP were +/- 50 and if one machine costs 1M€

    *That is why I asked you for the cost of the refurbishment, yesterday.

    For the consumer:
    200 €/MWh * 15MWh (my consumption) = 3000 € or 250 €/month.
    I can afford that. If it pays back, a loan will be an option for everyone. Mr. Draghi and Mrs Yellen, might not oppose, I believe.

    In the developed world, the average consumer is wealthy enough to pay for the energy, or the embedded energy in the imported products. All conventional and renewables are competing now, so no energy can be sold above market value.

    On the other hand: 100.000.000 for a license of your technology in the most energy consuming part of the world, was the price of 200 – 250 appartments nearby a modern city.

    You know, as a friend, that this is not my opinion of how the world should be provided with energy. A way out is to be found very fast.

    I am convinced that E-Cat should be implemented as soon and as much as possible, and that lots of fossil fuels and dangerous nuclear energies should be used only when strictly necessary and when they are technologically the better option.

    Therefore: please deliver me as soon as possible my E-Cat(s). Your margins may be better on the smaller units. And early adopters pay some extra if they can afford it.
    The rumours go that old Porches and Lamborghini’s from the 70’s and 80’s are selling now above their original price. So we don’t even take a risk for our grandchildren.

    Your first idea, with the pre-orders was the better one.

    Kind Regards,

    PS: if my numbers are wrong, I count on our friends to correct or improve the math. I don’t mention names because not everyone likes that.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Alessandro Toninelli:
    Thank you very much for your important sustain.
    Warm Regards,

  • Giovanni

    Dear Andrea

    please go ahead as quickly as you can with the E-cat QX, that will be the winning production, and the most wide-spread product!!!

    My best regards


  • Andrea Rossi

    John F.:
    This is a report datum: it will be released with the Report when I will be allowed to publish it.
    Yes, the COP is the ratio between energy produced and energy consumed.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Thank you!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your opinion, but I am afraid that patents law doesn’t work that way.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Alfonso Troisi:
    Thank you!
    Warm Regards,

  • Alfonso Troisi

    Hello Mr. Rossi,

    I am truly sorry for this new trouble. History repeats itself!
    I’m sure you will overcome it. We all are with you!
    Your invention is very important for the world. It will help populations of the world to reach peace, because it creates better conditions for all human beings. History repeats itself also in this: You are Italian, like many others in the past.
    Keep up the great work.

    My respect,

    Alfonso Troisi

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your kind words.
    Warm Regards,

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