Yu.N. Bazhutov
A.I. Gerasimova
V.P. Koretskiy
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After Andrea Rossi’s Heat Generator (E-cat) presentation with demonstrations of excess heat up to 600 % [1, 2] we have repeated such experiments with similar cell in Russia. As a result by us it has been received the considerable exit of neutrons (~500000) in serial and x-ray radiation [3, 4, 5, 6]. We presented them at the Russian annual Conferences on Cold Nuclear Transmutation [3, 4] and at the International Conference in Korea [6]. However we didn’t find excess heat on these installations. Therefore we decided to return to a previous study of plasma electrolysis on the Fakel-1 installations [7] and the Fakel-2 [8,9], where we already had indications on existence of nuclear radiation and excess heat in this cell mode. On the modernized installation Fakel-3 with plasma electrolysis the convincing evidence of nuclear processes was obtained. It was provided by Erzion catalysis [10] with the large excess heat. The received results have provided the positive decision on our International patent [11]. Here we present the investigation results of plasma electrolysis with anode gas discharge in usual water. In our experiments there have been used different nuclear & calorimeter diagnostic methods. Numerous demonstrations of their nuclear nature have been obtained in full accordance with Cold Nuclear Transmutation Erzion Catalysis model predictions [12-17]. In much series there were regularly demonstrated large excess heat generations (< 700%). This can provide creating of ourself Russian E-Cat (Erzion Catalyzer) Heat Generator & new perspective nuclear energetics.
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No. It will be a technological demo.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi,
The demo you will make in October will be the presentation of the product?
Thank you for your very kind and appreciated proposal, I surely am honoured by it. I cannot move from the USA in this period, due to the overwhelming engagements on two fronts: the development of the QuarkX and the litigation. The two combined draw at least 14 hours per day of my time and the litigation demands my personal availability for the Attorneys every day. For example, in the last 2 days I had to go through 7 000 ( seven thousand) pages of documents, the whole during a 4 hours hearing in Court in Miami the day before yesterday and an 8 hours hearing in Raleigh, NC, between the counterparts yesterday, while this morning I am in Miami to work with the QuarkX: can you imagine the fun?
In a short term we can organize it by Skype, while to make possible for me to leave the “battlefield” is necessary to wait for the end of the litigation, that we expect to be within September: the justice in the USA is very efficient, albeit it demands a tremendous effort economical, intellectual and physical.
Warm Regards,
Gent.mo Andrea Rossi,
Sono un professore di chimica, da anni seguo lo sviluppo dell’ E-Cat e sono fortemente convinto dell’efficacia, dei fondamenti scientifici e delle enormi prospettive di sviluppo e utilizzo di questo dispositivo. Avrei piacere a poterLa invitare per tenere una conferenza/lectio magistralis nel mio istituto internazionale in Italia, più precisamente in Lombardia. Se fosse interessato La pregherei di segnalarmelo, anche tramite email. La ringrazio. Cordiali saluti.
English: I am a Professor of Chemistry and I follow your work since several years. I am convinced that the E-Cat technology and its scientific ground are valid and have an important future. For this reason I am inviting you to make a Lectio Magistralis in my international institute in Lombardia (Italy). Please let me know your availability.
Giannino Lodovico Ferro Casagrande:
Attention: I talked of the industrial 1 MW plant.
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi
9 Maggio 2016 alle 21:09
Dan: assolutamente sbagliato. L’E-Cat, dopo il test di successo di un anno nella fabbrica del cliente è stato di fondamentale importanza e rimane l’unico vero e proprio prodotto che abbiamo ora in vendita. Con Affetto, AR
Andrea Rossi
May 9, 2016 at 9:09 PM
Dan: Absolutely wrong. The E-Cat, after the successful test of one year in the factory of the Customer has been of paramount importance and it remains the sole real product we have now for sale. Warm Regards, A.R.
Queste sono le tue parole del 09 Maggio 2016 . Ora essendo io uno tra i primi in lista per l’acquisizione di almeno 6 E-Cat da molti anni , Ti prego di spedirmi oppure vengo io a prenderlo al : “ 1331 LINCOLN ROAD S,te 601 MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 USA “ Il nominativo dell’ acquirente , nel caso debba essere un americano è mia prima cugina , vera americana sposata con un americano e vivono a CHICAGO . Ed il Tuo E-CAT sarà portato a CHICAGO USA .
Tuo Giannino Lodovico Ferro Casagrande di Udin
Yury Bazhukov:
I thank you infinitely for your kind invitation, but, as you imagine, I cannot leave the battlefield for the time being. We are at the same time working very hard on the development of our R&D and production issues and on the well known other issues.
I wish a great success to your organization of this interesting conference
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I as Chairman of Organizing Committee of the Conference is pleased to invite you to attend the Conference (RCCNT&BL-23).
The 23d Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation and Ball-Lightning (RCCNT&BL-23) is to be held during June 19–25, 2016. The place of the Conference is Olympic (Dagomys) Hotel in the city of Sochi that is the best recreation and holiday place on the Black See shore of Russia.
The program of the Conference includes the following subjects:
• Experimental research in Cold Nuclear Transmutation and Ball-Lightning;
• Theoretical models with respect to Cold Nuclear Transmutation and
Ball-Lightning effects;
• Applied to these problems technologies and devices.
Best regards. See you in Sochi. (erzion@mail.ru)
Yury Bazhutov.
Domenico Canino:
Thank you for the interesting information and congratulations to Adrian Marin!.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi, I hope the same destiny for you!
Wow the Italian genius from the garage to Obama
Washington Summit on nuclear safety organized by the White House, a Paduan engineer, Adrian Marin, 52, presents its revolutionary patent, a machine that is capable of purifying radioactive waste in ‘water. His company, the Wow Technology of Padua has won a major tender to run in South Carolina an innovative process of decontamination of liquid radioactive waste from nuclear power plants. The Wow has indeed won the tender “2016 International Projects” launched by the US Department of Energy.
How did the idea come to Marin? He is working in his garage, with a “piñata” for water purification experiments. There the flash of genius: the process, unique in the world, it works like a magnet that attracts the separated waste water that eventually becomes drinking. In his process of purification there is no entrainment of particles, as in the other existing filters on the market, but attraction towards one pole! And then the water is separated almost “naturally” from the dross! The process has been tested for five years in Saluggia, Vercelli, where the deposit of nuclear waste and where Avogadro Wow was tested on a sample of water 76,000 times more radioactive than that of Fukushima. And now Obama and his Energy Ministry entrusted him with a job. (thanks to Andrea Rampado)
Clear regards
Thank you for your concern. The truth will prevail. We will win.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi
I feel bad that your dealings with IH are ending up in court. There are many interests that will work to prevent you from bringing your technology to the world. I didn’t think IH was one of those. Greed, corruption, and control will get to some of the best. I pray you have protected yourself enough to overcome your battles ahead. My hope for today is that you have chosen your attorney with the greatest care. Best wishes for all you do.
I never signed that patent with T. Barker as the coinventor.
It has been made without my knowledge ans without my authorization.
Warm Regards
When IH had you sign for patent(s) they were filing in your name, were you aware at that time that there were inventors other than yourself also listed on the patent(s)?
Donald Chandler:
Then they replicated, didn’t they?
Warm Regards
Dear Dr Rossi
I note an error in the IH patent application. On page 10 at 0030 they correctly calculate Ea using the difference between the final reading and initial reading on the genset. But on page 11 at 0031, in calculating the COP, they use the final reading only.
This would make the COP closer to 12.
Giannino Lodovico Ferro Casagrande:
Will do when we will present the product. F8.
Warm Regards,
Giannino Lodovico Ferro Casagrande:
Thank you!
Warm Regards,
Anch’io sono come Julian !!!
Forza Andrea indici una conferenza stampa con accanto a Tè un E-CAT in funzione !!!
Come a Pordenone io ci sarò in prima fila !!!
Alex Buffert:
Right now I am answering to you…while I am working with my QuarkX.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi:
What are you doing today, Saturday ?
You are right: when the product will be out, the issue will be definitely over.
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr. Rossi!
I believe now would be the right moment to show the world what you have. Make a press conference and show the Ecat-X. Once the cat is out of the bag the doubters and snakes will see that they are the ones lying! I rarely post on your blog, but I am following you now for more than 5 years nearly daily. Very sure you will get a lot of attention by doing so!
Best regards,
Julian Becker
John F.:
Electric energy.
Warm Regards,
What is the input energy source for the E-cat?
Alessandro Coppi:
Thank you for your suggestion, but do not worry: the cockoo is a good guy, but when he is forced to be bad, becomes very bad, although it happens rarely and only if necessary to defend his nest: in this case the nest is the meaning of an entire life.
Warm Regards,
Hi Andrea,
this is the time of the wrestle in the cuckoo’s nest.
In my opinion you should start to play the card of the brand: associating strictly your name to the E-cat in the main stream media, and make the Rossi effect well known to everybody.
If not will be so, the high availability of capitals of your competitors, step by step, will put your firm apart, and forgotten.
Best regards
Alessandro Coppi
Until I will be alive, the E-Cat will be made. Do not worry.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I am so sorry to hear about you legal action, but I have good confidence that you will overcome this hurdle.
Will this situation slow down the manufacture process of your E-CATS?
I wish you all the best.
Warm regards,
Toussaint françois
Iggy Dalrymple:
Leonardo Corporation can manufacture its products where wants. Obviously cannot sell or distribute such products in the Territories that have been licensed in exclusive to other Companies.
Warm Regards,
Dear Doctor Rossi,
Does Leonardo Corporation hold any American manufacturing &/or marketing rights for any of your technology………independent from Industrial Heat LLC?
If not, then why is Leonardo planning to build a robotic manufacturing plant in the U.S.?
Best regards,
Iggy Dalrymple
Domenico Canino:
This time the story goes that “Meucci” has the patent, the industry, the product and whomever will try to compete against us will discover what is there under the tip of the iceberg.
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea,
here we are, Meucci-Bell once again?
sad regards
You are totally right, and I want to add: feedback from happy Customers will be the SOLE real promotion for out technology.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
When do you think the industrial E-cat plant will be on sale on a larger scale?
Feedback from the happy customers will be the best promotion for your technology.
Warm regards,
Toussaint françois
Wade Reeves:
Thank you for your kind words from our great Team.
Warm Regards,
I am too focused on my work to listen these stupidities.
Warm Regards,
Also today she worked very well.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi:
How is going the Ecat Quarkx today?
Dear Andrea
Now you are really dangerous.
Dear Dr Rossi:
Congratulations for the positive report: you are the one in the world that brought LENR into the market.
Thank you
My wife was in Italy, I was dead tired and very worried both for the work and for my health, because I was afraid of something bad that luckily was not real.
But thank you for your sympathy.
Warm Regards
Dr Rossi,
Friend Peter Gluck reports on his blog in the name of ‘business intelligence’ that a gathering was held on the evening:
Wednesday February 17, (when the 353 days test has ended) in the evening, Andrea and Mme Rossi have organized a splendid celebration party for Rossi’s Team plus wives at the exquisite VERO ITALIANO Restaurant in Miami. This is not espionage but it can tell much more than a spy-drone. So happy faces on the photos, and, mamma mia, what fine sorts of wines!
* Can you vouch for this?
Toussaint Francois:
The publication of the Report needs the agreement of all the parties involved.
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea Rossi,
The release of the ERV report will it be a commun decision between you and Industrial Heat ?
Warm Regards,
Toussaint françois
Thank you, very kind to my great Team.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
Congratulations for the positive ERV report. Very well deserved by you and your team. This is so exciting it gives me goosebumps. Thank you for all your hard work and perseverance.
Bernie Morrissey
Thank you!
It is an achievement of our Team, indeed.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Congratulations! for the positive ERV report an another great acheivement!
Warm regards,
Toussaint françois
Definitely yes.
Warm Regards,