Yu.N. Bazhutov
A.I. Gerasimova
V.P. Koretskiy
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After Andrea Rossi’s Heat Generator (E-cat) presentation with demonstrations of excess heat up to 600 % [1, 2] we have repeated such experiments with similar cell in Russia. As a result by us it has been received the considerable exit of neutrons (~500000) in serial and x-ray radiation [3, 4, 5, 6]. We presented them at the Russian annual Conferences on Cold Nuclear Transmutation [3, 4] and at the International Conference in Korea [6]. However we didn’t find excess heat on these installations. Therefore we decided to return to a previous study of plasma electrolysis on the Fakel-1 installations [7] and the Fakel-2 [8,9], where we already had indications on existence of nuclear radiation and excess heat in this cell mode. On the modernized installation Fakel-3 with plasma electrolysis the convincing evidence of nuclear processes was obtained. It was provided by Erzion catalysis [10] with the large excess heat. The received results have provided the positive decision on our International patent [11]. Here we present the investigation results of plasma electrolysis with anode gas discharge in usual water. In our experiments there have been used different nuclear & calorimeter diagnostic methods. Numerous demonstrations of their nuclear nature have been obtained in full accordance with Cold Nuclear Transmutation Erzion Catalysis model predictions [12-17]. In much series there were regularly demonstrated large excess heat generations (< 700%). This can provide creating of ourself Russian E-Cat (Erzion Catalyzer) Heat Generator & new perspective nuclear energetics.
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America, Europe, Asia.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi:
In which continents are you delivering your Ecats?
Baillai John:
The Ecat, so far, makes heat. Our Clients can make with heat whatever they need, electricity included,
Warm Regards,
Hello Andrea Rossi,
First of all, I want to apologize for my very weak English, we are French. Your research is truly amazing, as well as the culmination of your hard work. We are a young company, specified in the electrical production. We like to provide the least polluting energy possible. Coming to my question of your container ECAT 1MW, this product interests us a lot. But yet we do not know what energy is provided by it, it is electric energy or steam?
In the end we would like to produce electricity with this type of product.
Looking forward to your answer.
Another big thank you for this scientific advance.
Warm regards,
Baillai John